Featurelevel improvments. Stuff that would be nice to have. * add filtering support to Modelica Projects View * add 'Link With Editor' support to Modelica Projects View * add support for working sets to Modelica Projects View * add standart toolbar (Back, Forward, Up, Collapse All, Link With Editor, 'Filters/Working set menu) to Modelica Projects View * add source code navigation support, you know, beeing able to click on stuff in the source code while holding down Ctrl (try it in JDT, best feature evah!) to do this more information from OMC needed * implement quickfixes whenever possible, for this OMC needs to report error types * right now if multiple modelica compiler plugins (plugins that define org.modelica.mdt.compiler extension) are available an error message is displayed and nothing works until exactly one compile is available. This can be changed to allowing user to configure which compiler to use on per project basis. It's probably good to add a 'default compiler' setting also. * if identical classnames exists in two files, strange things begin to happen in MDT. The user should be warned when this happens. * package the source together with the binary plugins when doing distribution (see org.eclipse.pde.core.source) * in the Projects View, rename doesn't work, cut/paste not implemented * add icon for Modelica perspective * don't expose CompilerProxy outside of the core plugin (move CompilerProxy.java to the internal.core package) * check if imports, inputParams and outputParams are updated when a file is saved in the Modelica editor * if only one code completion is proposed, that completion should be done automatically * an indicator that shows that connection with omc has been established would be good * add support for overlay images, like 'error' and 'svn'/'cvs' overlays in the Modelica Project view * remove models that are contained in a sourcefile from omc when it is rebuilt