05/31/12 17:24:02 (12 years ago)

MOD: spelling, wording

1 edited


  • trunk/modelicaml/org.openmodelica.modelicaml.simulation/src/org/openmodelica/modelicaml/simulation/testexecution/dialogs/SelectTestSimulationModelsToExecuteDialog.java

    r1376 r1522  
    3131import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Element;
    3232import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.NamedElement;
    33 import org.openmodelica.modelicaml.common.dialogs.DialogMessage;
    3433import org.openmodelica.modelicaml.common.services.ModelicaMLServices;
    3534import org.openmodelica.modelicaml.common.utls.ResourceManager;
    5150    private List<TreeItem> treeItems = new ArrayList<TreeItem>();
    53     private static final int DECORATION_WARNING = 0 ;
    54     private static final int DECORATION_ERROR = 1 ;
     52//  private static final int DECORATION_WARNING = 0 ;
     53//  private static final int DECORATION_ERROR = 1 ;
    5655    private final ImageDescriptor warningImageDescriptor = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages().getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_DEC_FIELD_WARNING);
    7473        super.configureShell(newShell);
    7574        newShell.setImage(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.openmodelica.modelicaml.profile","resources/icons/icons16/execute.png"));
    76         newShell.setText("Test Simulation Models Selection for Execution");
     75        newShell.setText("Simulation Models Selection");
    7776    }
    8483    @Override
    8584    protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
    86         setTitleImage(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.openmodelica.modelicaml.profile","resources/icons/icons16/generateSimMopdels.png"));
     85        setTitleImage(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.openmodelica.modelicaml.profile","resources/icons/icons16/tscriptrun.gif"));
    8786        setMessage("Note: you can select all models that are in a package by selecting the package.");
    8887//      setTitle("Test Scenarios and Requirements Selection");
    89         setTitle("Select test simulation models that should be executed.");
     88        setTitle("Select simulation models that should be executed.");
    9190        Composite area = (Composite) super.createDialogArea(parent);
    10099//      tbtmTestScenarios.setImage(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.eclipse.ui", "/icons/full/elcl16/close_view.gif"));
    101100        String metricPreSelected = "("+selectedTestSimulationModels.size() + ")";
    102         tbtmPreSelectedTestSimulationModels.setText("Preselected Test Scenarios " + metricPreSelected);
     101        tbtmPreSelectedTestSimulationModels.setText("Preselected Scenarios " + metricPreSelected);
    104103        final Tree treePreSelectedTestSimulationModels = new Tree(tabFolder, SWT.CHECK);
    298297    }
    300 //  private void createRequirementTreeItem(TreeItem parentItem, Element req, Element testScenario, boolean isDiscarded){
    301 //      String prefix = requirementNamePrefix;
    302 //      TreeItem reqItem = new TreeItem(parentItem, 0);
    303 //      treeItems.add(reqItem);
    304 //      TreeItemData reqData = new TreeItemData();
    305 //      reqData.setIsRequirement(true);
    306 //      reqData.setRequirementElement(req);
    307 //      reqData.setTestSimulationModelElement(testScenario);
    308 //     
    309 //      // if this is a requirement for which not all required clients are satisfied:
    310 //      if (this.discardedRequirements.contains(req)) {
    311 //          // DO NOT preselect
    312 //          reqItem.setChecked(false);
    313 //          reqData.setIsDiscarded(true);
    314 //          reqItem.setImage(decorateError(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.openmodelica.modelicaml.profile", "resources/icons/icons16/requirement.gif")));
    315 //          // propagate error to all parents
    316 //          propagateDecoration(reqItem, DECORATION_ERROR);
    317 //      }
    318 //      else {
    319 //          reqData.setIsDiscarded(false);
    320 //          reqItem.setImage(ResourceManager.getPluginImage("org.openmodelica.modelicaml.profile", "resources/icons/icons16/requirement.gif"));
    321 //         
    322 //          // if the discarded tree is being built then do not preselect requirements and add them to the initial map.
    323 //          if (!isDiscarded) {
    324 //              // initially add to map
    325 //              addToTestScenarioToRequirementsMap(testScenario, req);
    326 //              // preselect
    327 //              reqItem.setChecked(true);
     300    // Utls ************************************************************************
     302    private void clearAllLists(){
     303        userSelectedTestSimulationModels.clear();
     304        treeItems.clear();
     305    }
     308    // Image handling ************************************************************************
     310//  private void propagateDecoration(TreeItem item, int decoration){
     311//      Image image = item.getImage();
     312//      if (image != null) {
     313//          if (decoration == DECORATION_ERROR) {
     314//              item.setImage(decorateError(image));
     315//          }
     316//          else if (decoration == DECORATION_WARNING) {
     317//              item.setImage(decorateError(image));
    328318//          }
    329319//      }
    331 //      prefix = prefix + ModelicaMLServices.getRequirementID(req) + " - ";
    332 //
    333 //      reqItem.setText(prefix + ((NamedElement)req).getName()  + "  ("+((NamedElement)req.getOwner()).getQualifiedName()+")");
    334 //      reqItem.setData(reqData);
    335 //  }
    337     // Tree Item Description Handling ************************************************************************
    339 //  private void openDescription(TreeItem item){
    340 //      Object data = item.getData();
    341 //      if (data instanceof TreeItemData) {
    342 //          Element testSceanrio = null;
    343 //          if ( ((TreeItemData)data).isTestSimulationModel) {
    344 //              // get the test scenario and create a description of the combination
    345 //              testSceanrio = ((TreeItemData)data).getTestSimulationModelElement();
    346 //          }
    347 //         
    348 //          if (testSceanrio != null) {
    349 //              String description = createDescription(testSceanrio);
    350 //              DialogMessage dialog = new DialogMessage(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(), "Test Simulation Model: Details",
    351 //                      "Details of the selected combination of system model and test scenario:",
    352 //                      description);
    353 //              dialog.open();
    354 //          }
     321//      if (item.getParentItem() != null) {
     322//          propagateDecoration(item.getParentItem(), decoration);
    355323//      }
    356324//  }
    357 // 
    358 //  private String createDescription(Element testScenario){
    359 //      String description = "";
    360 //      TestSimulationModelCombination tsmc = tsToTestSimulationModelCombination.get(testScenario);
    361 //      if (tsmc != null) {
    362 //          Element systemModel = tsmc.getSystemModel();
    363 //          description = description +
    364 //                  lineDelimiterString +
    365 //                  "\nSystem Model: '"+((NamedElement)systemModel).getName()+"' ("+((NamedElement)systemModel).getQualifiedName()+")" +
    366 //                  getAdditionalModelsString(tsmc.getRequiredModels_systemModel(), tsmc, systemModel) +
    367 //                 
    368 //                  lineDelimiterString +
    369 //                  "\nTest Scenario: '"+((NamedElement)testScenario).getName()+"'("+((NamedElement)testScenario).getQualifiedName()+")" +
    370 //                  getAdditionalModelsString(tsmc.getRequiredModels_testScenario(), tsmc, testScenario)
    371 //                  ;
    372 //         
    373 //              description = description + getRequirementsString("", tsmc.getRequirements(), tsmc);
    374 //      }
    375 //      return description.trim();
    376 //  }
    377 // 
    378 //  private static final String lineDelimiterString = "\n";
    379 ////        "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n";
    380 //
    381 // 
    382 //  private String getAdditionalModelsString(HashSet<Element> set, TestSimulationModelCombination tsmc, Element model){
    383 //      String string = "";
    384 //      if (set != null && set.size() > 0) {
    385 //          string = "\n    - models required in addition: \n";
    386 //          string = string + getAdditionalModelsStringParts(set, "         ", tsmc)
    387 //           + getUnsatisfiedClients("    ", model, tsmc);
    388 //      }
    389 //     
    390 //      return string;
    391 //  }
    392 // 
    393 //  private String getRequirementsString(String prefix, HashSet<Class> set, TestSimulationModelCombination tsmc){
    394 //      String string  = "";
    395 //      HashSet<Element> tempSet = new HashSet<Element>();
    396 //      for (Element element : set) {
    397 //          tempSet.add(element);
    398 //      }
    399 //     
    400 //      List<Element> sortedList = ModelicaMLServices.getSortedByName(tempSet);
    401 //      for (Element requirement : sortedList) {
    402 //          if (requirement instanceof NamedElement) {
    403 //              string = string + lineDelimiterString;
    404 //              string = string + prefix +"Requirement: '" + ((NamedElement)requirement).getName()
    405 //                      + "' ("+((NamedElement)requirement).getQualifiedName()+")";
    406 //              string = string + getAdditionalModelsString(tsmc.getRequiredModels_requirements().get(requirement), tsmc, requirement) + "\n";
    407 //              string = string + getUnsatisfiedClients("    ", requirement, tsmc);
    408 //          }
    409 //      }
    410 //      return string;
    411 //  }
    412 // 
    413 //  private String getAdditionalModelsStringParts(HashSet<Element> set, String prefix, TestSimulationModelCombination tsmc){
    414 //      String string  = "";
    415 //      List<Element> sortedList = ModelicaMLServices.getSortedByName(set);
    416 //      for (Element element : sortedList) {
    417 //          if (element instanceof NamedElement) {
    418 //              string = string + prefix + "- " + getAlwaysIncludeString(element, tsmc) + ((NamedElement)element).getName()
    419 //              + " ("+((NamedElement)element).getQualifiedName()+")\n";
    420 //          }
    421 //      }
    422 //      return string;
    423 //  }
    424 // 
    425 //  private String getAlwaysIncludeString(Element model, TestSimulationModelCombination tsmc){
    426 //      String string = "";
    427 //      if (tsmc.getAlwaysInclude().contains(model)) {
    428 //          return "(always) ";
    429 //      }
    430 //     
    431 //      return string;
    432 //  }
    433 // 
    434 //  private String getUnsatisfiedClients(String prefix, Element element, TestSimulationModelCombination tsmc){
    435 //      String string = "";
    436 //      String unsatisfiedClientsString = tsmc.getClientsDotPathAsString(tsmc.getUnsatisfiedRequiredClients(element));
    437 //      if (!unsatisfiedClientsString.trim().equals("")) {
    438 //          string = prefix + "- unsatisfied required clients: " + "\n";
    439 //          string = string + prefix + "         " + unsatisfiedClientsString;
    440 //      }
    441 //      return string;
    442 //  }
    444     // Utls ************************************************************************
    446     private void clearAllLists(){
    447         userSelectedTestSimulationModels.clear();
    448         treeItems.clear();
    449     }
    452     // Image handling ************************************************************************
    454     private void propagateDecoration(TreeItem item, int decoration){
    455         Image image = item.getImage();
    456         if (image != null) {
    457             if (decoration == DECORATION_ERROR) {
    458                 item.setImage(decorateError(image));
    459             }
    460             else if (decoration == DECORATION_WARNING) {
    461                 item.setImage(decorateError(image));
    462             }
    463         }
    465         if (item.getParentItem() != null) {
    466             propagateDecoration(item.getParentItem(), decoration);
    467         }
    468     }
    470326    public Image decorateWarning(Image image) {
    475331        return new DecorationOverlayIcon(image, errorImageDescriptor, IDecoration.BOTTOM_RIGHT).createImage();
    476332    }
    478 //  public Image decorateDiscarded(Image image) {
    479 //      return new DecorationOverlayIcon(image, warningImageDescriptor, IDecoration.BOTTOM_RIGHT).createImage();
    480 //  }
    483335    // Listener ************************************************************************
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