THE MDT HACKING MANUAL � THESIS REPORT The thesis report will hopefully contain some usefull information for developers of MDT. Here someone will add a list of section to read there. � REPOSITORY STRUCTURE �� BACKGROUND BLURB This section describes the folder structure of the repository, where the things are stored and where they should be stored. The discussion starts at the root of the MDT subversion repository. Refer to the MDT website for the URL to the root of the repository. �� THE ROOT (repository root) + tags release (and possiby other) tags + 0.2 source code for 0.2 release of MDT + trunk the mainline brunch + docs general documentation on the project �� PROJECS Inside the trunk directory or root directory of any branch there is following structure: (branch root) + org.modelica.mdt.core The core plugin project + org.modelica.mdt.ui the UI contributions of the MDT plugin + org.modelica.mdt.omc the OMC 'driver' + org.modelica.mdt.test the regression tests + org.modelica.mdt.feature the MDT feature that groups all plugins + the MDT update site + org.modelica.mdt.debug.core the MDT debug core plugin + org.modelica.mdt.debug.ui the MDT debug UI plugin All folders are Eclipse projects and can be checked out into the root of the eclipse workspace. � BUILDING SOFTWARE The only supported way to build mdt plugins, regression tests, feature and update site is through Eclipse. Normaly it is sufficient to import the projects into the workspace and let the eclipse autobuilders do the job. Building the feature and updatesite is a manul processdure and is documented in the 'Making a release' section in this manual. The only general requirment for all projects is Eclipse 3.* PDE environment. It should be noted that only Eclipse 3.1 and 3.1.1 have been tested and stuff may not work as prescribed in earlier versions. �� BUILDING REGRESSION TESTS To build (and run) the regression tests you need to download 'abbot for eclipse' version 1.0rc1 or later plugin. It is available from �� PROJECTS FOR REGRESSION TESTS Many test cases need to create a projects to setup the environment for testing. Becouse all the tests are run in the same workspace there is a risk of conflicts in the projects namespace between different test cases. To avoid this and to simplify maintainance of the tests, following scheme should be used apon creation of guinnia pig projects. For each created project a constant PROJECT_NAME_n must be created. The constant should be assigned value of TestCaseName.class.getName() + "1". For example test case TestFoo, which will create two project will contain following constant declaration: public class TestFoo extends TestCase { private static final String PROJECT_NAME_1 = TestFoo.class.getName() + "1"; private static final String PROJECT_NAME_2 = TestFoo.class.getName() + "2"; // ..... } � INSTRUMENTATION The org.modelica.mdt.omc plugin defines trace options. The options can be used to get an insite on what the plugin is up to. So far only tracing communication with OMC is implemented. The options can be enabled from the 'Run' dialog. Choose 'Run->Run...' from the top menu. In the 'Run' dialog make sure your Eclipse Application run configuration is selected, the tracing options are available in the 'Tracing' tab. �� org.modelica.mdt.omc/trace/omcCalls When enabled writes calls to and replys from OMC to the standard out. Calls are prefixed with ">>" and replyes are preseeded with "<<". Actually the calls which a logged are the arguments to function sendExpression() in the OMC which is called through the CORBA interface. �� org.modelica.mdt.omc/trace/omcStatus Loggs the status of the connection to an OMC instance. So far only the code that sets up the OMC connection is covered. � MAKING A RELEASE �� MOTIVATIONAL BLURB The intention of this section is to serve as both a cheat sheet while making a release and to formalize the release building process. A more formal release procedure should help avoid making stupid misstakes and hopefully improve the quality of the releases. All in all, doesn't everyone love processes? �� THE RELEASE PROCEDURE * start with a clean workspace, e.g. use File->Switch Workspace and switch to an empty folder * checkout (as Plugin-Projects) from whatever branch/revision you want to make a release: - org.modelica.mdt.core - org.modelica.mdt.omc - org.modelica.mdt.ui - org.modelica.mdt.feature - - org.modelica.mdt.test - org.modelica.mdt.debug.core - org.modelica.mdt.debug.ui * if you have trouble building do this: - update classpath on core, omc, ui and test plugins (PDE Tools -> Update classpath... from context menu on project node) - make sure Java Compiler is set to version 5 (1.5) on projects or globaly * run the regression tests If some of the tests fail, go back to the drawing board. * update version number in: org.modelica.mdt.core/plugin.xml org.modelica.mdt.omc/plugin.xml org.modelica.mdt.ui/plugin.xml org.modelica.mdt.feature/feature.xml org.modelica.mdt.debug.core/plugin.xml org.modelica.mdt.debug.ui/plugin.xml * add the new version feature to the update site * run 'PDE tools'->'Build site' from the context menu of * export the update site to a test location on a webserver, use 'Export'->'File System' wizard. Make sure that both features and plugin directories are exported. * test with a clean eclipse installation that the MDT-plugin installs correctly from the update site. Use the Help->'Software Updates'->'Find and Install...' Check that it runs as expected. * commit changes * upload the binaries to the offical update site * make a version tag in <..>/tags folder in repository after the relase is made public * enjoy the release party!