Stuff that are nice to know if you want to hack on MDT. I. Making a release I.I. Motivational blurb The intention of this section is to serve as both a cheat sheet while making a release and to formalize the release building process. A more formal release procedure should help avoid making stupid misstakes and hopefully improve the quality of the releases. All in all, doesn't everyone love processes? I.II. The release procedure * start with a clean workspace, e.g. use File->Switch Workspace and switch to an empty folder * checkout (as Plugin-Projects) from whatever branch/revision you want to make a release: - org.modelica.mdt - org.modelica.mdt.tests * run the regression tests If some of the tests fail, go back to the drawing board. * remove all projects from the workspace * make a version tag in the repository * checkout from version tag location in the repository: - org.modelica.mdt - org.modelica.mdt.feature - * update version number in org.modelica.mdt/plugin.xml * run 'PDE tools'->'Build site' from the context menu of * export the update site to a public webserver, use 'Export'->'File System' wizard. Make sure that both features and plugin directories are exported. * test with a clean eclipse installation that the MDT-plugin installs correctly from the update site. Use the Help->'Software Updates'->'Find and Install...' Check that it runs as expected. * enjoy the release party!