Known bugs and issues in the MDT plugin. OPEN BUGS AND ISSUES BUGID: 7 STATUS: open TESTCASE: absent If the exists tab characters (\t) in the modelica source code then the region reported by IModelicaElement.getLocation() will be wrong. This is due to the fact that OMC counts each tab as 8 characters and eclipse text framework as 1 character. There is no straighforward way to fix this bug. Best way it to discuss this with OMC hackers and agreen on some sort of standard or something. One way to fix this is to change OMC to count each tab as 1 character and instead of returning start/end line and start/end column for each element is to report only start and end character. However this probably will break other OMC clients. No, life aint easy. BUGID: 8 STATUS: open TESTCASE: absent Double clicking on the 'Standard Library' node in the modelia project view couses the NullPointerException. CLOSED BUGS AND ISSUES BUGID: 2 STATUS: fixed TESTCASE: absent, a bit tricky to write It is not possible to open/close project from the Modelica Project View. BUGID: 4 STATUS: closed TESTCASE: n/a ENVIRONMENT: windows XP, omc 1.3.1 Expand 'System Library'->'Modelica'->SIunits'. A bunch of InvocationError exceoptions are thrown. E.g.: org.modelica.mdt.internal.omcproxy.InvocationError: getPackages(Modelica.SIunit\ s.ModulusOfAdmittance) replys 'error' at org.modelica.mdt.internal.omcproxy.OMCProxy.getPackages( This can be some sort of omc bug, getErrorString() returns: #Error, lookup_classdef failed Length in Modelica [..snip..] This should probably be reported upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail sent to modelica-pelab list, waiting for reply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No reply recived, bug entered in omc's bug database, closing this issue. BUGID: 5 STATUS: fixed TESTCASE: absent 'Open project' and 'Close project' menu items are not updated after invocation. Try this. Select an open project and click on 'close project' menu (for example in contex menu). Look at the menu again, 'Open project' is still disabled and 'Close project' enabled. Same problem if you open a closed project. BUGID: 1 STATUS: fixed (obsolete) TESTCASE: n/a DESCRIPTION When there is a warning displayed New Modelica Class Wizard, the finish button is disabled, should be enabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The behavior desrived above is depricated sorta. New class wizard does not display warnings any more, just errors. BUGID: 6 STATUS: fixed TESTCASE: n/a While in modelica editor line and column number are not visible. In for example java editor line and column number are visible in the status bar at the bottom. BUGID: 3 STATUS: closed TESTCASE: n/a It is not possible to print from Modelica Editor. The print icon is grayed out on the toolbar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not possible at all to print from Eclipse/GTK+ right now (Eclipse 3.1.1), support is not implemented in SWT. See