(-b1.frame_a.f[1]) + (b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1] + b1.body.frame_a.f[1]) = 0.0; (-b1.frame_a.f[2]) + (b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2] + b1.body.frame_a.f[2]) = 0.0; (-b1.frame_a.f[3]) + (b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3] + b1.body.frame_a.f[3]) = 0.0; (-b1.frame_a.t[1]) + (b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1] + b1.body.frame_a.t[1]) = 0.0; (-b1.frame_a.t[2]) + (b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2] + b1.body.frame_a.t[2]) = 0.0; (-b1.frame_a.t[3]) + (b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3] + b1.body.frame_a.t[3]) = 0.0; (-b2.frame_a.f[1]) + (b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1] + b2.body.frame_a.f[1]) = 0.0; (-b2.frame_a.f[2]) + (b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2] + b2.body.frame_a.f[2]) = 0.0; (-b2.frame_a.f[3]) + (b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3] + b2.body.frame_a.f[3]) = 0.0; (-b2.frame_a.t[1]) + (b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1] + b2.body.frame_a.t[1]) = 0.0; (-b2.frame_a.t[2]) + (b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2] + b2.body.frame_a.t[2]) = 0.0; (-b2.frame_a.t[3]) + (b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3] + b2.body.frame_a.t[3]) = 0.0; (-b3.frame_a.f[1]) + (b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1] + b3.body.frame_a.f[1]) = 0.0; (-b3.frame_a.f[2]) + (b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2] + b3.body.frame_a.f[2]) = 0.0; (-b3.frame_a.f[3]) + (b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3] + b3.body.frame_a.f[3]) = 0.0; (-b3.frame_a.t[1]) + (b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1] + b3.body.frame_a.t[1]) = 0.0; (-b3.frame_a.t[2]) + (b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2] + b3.body.frame_a.t[2]) = 0.0; (-b3.frame_a.t[3]) + (b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3] + b3.body.frame_a.t[3]) = 0.0; Real b0.Sbox[1,1]; Real b0.Sbox[1,2]; Real b0.Sbox[1,3]; Real b0.Sbox[2,1]; Real b0.Sbox[2,2]; Real b0.Sbox[2,3]; Real b0.Sbox[3,1]; Real b0.Sbox[3,2]; Real b0.Sbox[3,3]; Real b0.body.I[1,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[1,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[1,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[2,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[2,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[2,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[3,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[3,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.I[3,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b0.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b0.body.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b0.body.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b0.body.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b0.body.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b0.body.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b0.body.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b0.body.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b0.body.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b0.body.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.body.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.body.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.body.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.body.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.body.fa[1]; Real b0.body.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.body.fa[2]; Real b0.body.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.body.fa[3]; Real b0.body.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.body.ta[1]; Real b0.body.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.body.ta[2]; Real b0.body.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.body.ta[3]; Real b0.body.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.body.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.body.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.body.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.body.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.body.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.body.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.body.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.body.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.body.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.body.m(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b0.body.rCM[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.body.rCM[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.body.rCM[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b0.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b0.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b0.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b0.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b0.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b0.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b0.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b0.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b0.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x = sqrt(b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] ^ 2.0 + (b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] ^ 2.0 + b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] ^ 2.0)); Real b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = if noEvent(b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 1.0 else b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] / b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = if noEvent(b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] / b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = if noEvent(b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] / b0.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[1]; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[2]; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[3]; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; Real b0.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; Real b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2]; Real b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]; Real b0.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1]; Real b0.box.nHeight[1]; Real b0.box.nHeight[2]; Real b0.box.nHeight[3]; Real b0.box.nLength[1]; Real b0.box.nLength[2]; Real b0.box.nLength[3]; Real b0.box.nWidth[1]; Real b0.box.nWidth[2]; Real b0.box.nWidth[3]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.frameTranslation.fa[1]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.frameTranslation.fa[2]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.frameTranslation.fa[3]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.frameTranslation.ta[1]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.frameTranslation.ta[2]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.frameTranslation.ta[3]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.frameTranslation.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.frameTranslation.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.frameTranslation.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.frameTranslation.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.frameTranslation.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.frameTranslation.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b0.frameTranslation.fb[1]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b0.frameTranslation.fb[2]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b0.frameTranslation.fb[3]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b0.frameTranslation.tb[1]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b0.frameTranslation.tb[2]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b0.frameTranslation.tb[3]; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.frameTranslation.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.frameTranslation.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.frameTranslation.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.frameTranslation.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.frameTranslation.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.frameTranslation.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.frameTranslation.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.S[1,1] = b0.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[1,2] = b0.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[1,3] = b0.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[2,1] = b0.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[2,2] = b0.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[2,3] = b0.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[3,1] = b0.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[3,2] = b0.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.S[3,3] = b0.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.fa[1]; Real b0.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.fa[2]; Real b0.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b0.fa[3]; Real b0.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.ta[1]; Real b0.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.ta[2]; Real b0.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b0.ta[3]; Real b0.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.S[1,1] = b0.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[1,2] = b0.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[1,3] = b0.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[2,1] = b0.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[2,2] = b0.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[2,3] = b0.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[3,1] = b0.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[3,2] = b0.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.S[3,3] = b0.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b0.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b0.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b0.fb[1]; Real b0.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b0.fb[2]; Real b0.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b0.fb[3]; Real b0.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b0.tb[1]; Real b0.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b0.tb[2]; Real b0.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b0.tb[3]; Real b0.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b0.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b0.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b0.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b0.h(quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.hi(quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.l(quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.mi(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b0.mo(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b0.w(quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b0.wi(quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b1.I22(quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.Scyl[1,1]; Real b1.Scyl[1,2]; Real b1.Scyl[1,3]; Real b1.Scyl[2,1]; Real b1.Scyl[2,2]; Real b1.Scyl[2,3]; Real b1.Scyl[3,1]; Real b1.Scyl[3,2]; Real b1.Scyl[3,3]; Real b1.body.I[1,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[1,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[1,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[2,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[2,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[2,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[3,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[3,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.I[3,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b1.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b1.body.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b1.body.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b1.body.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b1.body.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b1.body.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b1.body.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b1.body.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b1.body.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b1.body.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.body.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.body.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.body.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.body.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.body.fa[1]; Real b1.body.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.body.fa[2]; Real b1.body.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.body.fa[3]; Real b1.body.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.body.ta[1]; Real b1.body.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.body.ta[2]; Real b1.body.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.body.ta[3]; Real b1.body.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.body.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.body.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.body.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.body.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.body.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.body.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.body.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.body.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.body.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.body.m(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b1.body.rCM[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b1.body.rCM[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b1.body.rCM[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b1.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b1.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b1.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b1.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b1.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b1.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b1.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b1.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b1.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b1.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x = sqrt(b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] ^ 2.0 + (b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] ^ 2.0 + b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] ^ 2.0)); Real b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = if noEvent(b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 1.0 else b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] / b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = if noEvent(b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] / b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = if noEvent(b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] / b1.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[1]; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[2]; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[3]; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; Real b1.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; Real b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2]; Real b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]; Real b1.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1]; Real b1.box.nHeight[1]; Real b1.box.nHeight[2]; Real b1.box.nHeight[3]; Real b1.box.nLength[1]; Real b1.box.nLength[2]; Real b1.box.nLength[3]; Real b1.box.nWidth[1]; Real b1.box.nWidth[2]; Real b1.box.nWidth[3]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.frameTranslation.fa[1]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.frameTranslation.fa[2]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.frameTranslation.fa[3]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.frameTranslation.ta[1]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.frameTranslation.ta[2]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.frameTranslation.ta[3]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.frameTranslation.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.frameTranslation.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.frameTranslation.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.frameTranslation.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.frameTranslation.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.frameTranslation.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b1.frameTranslation.fb[1]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b1.frameTranslation.fb[2]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b1.frameTranslation.fb[3]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b1.frameTranslation.tb[1]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b1.frameTranslation.tb[2]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b1.frameTranslation.tb[3]; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.frameTranslation.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.frameTranslation.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.frameTranslation.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.frameTranslation.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.frameTranslation.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.frameTranslation.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.frameTranslation.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.S[1,1] = b1.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[1,2] = b1.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[1,3] = b1.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[2,1] = b1.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[2,2] = b1.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[2,3] = b1.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[3,1] = b1.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[3,2] = b1.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.S[3,3] = b1.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.fa[1]; Real b1.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.fa[2]; Real b1.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b1.fa[3]; Real b1.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.ta[1]; Real b1.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.ta[2]; Real b1.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b1.ta[3]; Real b1.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.S[1,1] = b1.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[1,2] = b1.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[1,3] = b1.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[2,1] = b1.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[2,2] = b1.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[2,3] = b1.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[3,1] = b1.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[3,2] = b1.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.S[3,3] = b1.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b1.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b1.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b1.fb[1]; Real b1.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b1.fb[2]; Real b1.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b1.fb[3]; Real b1.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b1.tb[1]; Real b1.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b1.tb[2]; Real b1.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b1.tb[3]; Real b1.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b1.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b1.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b1.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b1.mi(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b1.mo(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b2.I22(quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.Scyl[1,1]; Real b2.Scyl[1,2]; Real b2.Scyl[1,3]; Real b2.Scyl[2,1]; Real b2.Scyl[2,2]; Real b2.Scyl[2,3]; Real b2.Scyl[3,1]; Real b2.Scyl[3,2]; Real b2.Scyl[3,3]; Real b2.body.I[1,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[1,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[1,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[2,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[2,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[2,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[3,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[3,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.I[3,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b2.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b2.body.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b2.body.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b2.body.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b2.body.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b2.body.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b2.body.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b2.body.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b2.body.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b2.body.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.body.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.body.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.body.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.body.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.body.fa[1]; Real b2.body.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.body.fa[2]; Real b2.body.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.body.fa[3]; Real b2.body.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.body.ta[1]; Real b2.body.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.body.ta[2]; Real b2.body.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.body.ta[3]; Real b2.body.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.body.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.body.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.body.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.body.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.body.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.body.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.body.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.body.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.body.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.body.m(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b2.body.rCM[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b2.body.rCM[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b2.body.rCM[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b2.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b2.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b2.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b2.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b2.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b2.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b2.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b2.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b2.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b2.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x = sqrt(b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] ^ 2.0 + (b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] ^ 2.0 + b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] ^ 2.0)); Real b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = if noEvent(b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 1.0 else b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] / b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = if noEvent(b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] / b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = if noEvent(b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] / b2.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[1]; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[2]; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[3]; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; Real b2.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; Real b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2]; Real b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]; Real b2.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1]; Real b2.box.nHeight[1]; Real b2.box.nHeight[2]; Real b2.box.nHeight[3]; Real b2.box.nLength[1]; Real b2.box.nLength[2]; Real b2.box.nLength[3]; Real b2.box.nWidth[1]; Real b2.box.nWidth[2]; Real b2.box.nWidth[3]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.frameTranslation.fa[1]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.frameTranslation.fa[2]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.frameTranslation.fa[3]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.frameTranslation.ta[1]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.frameTranslation.ta[2]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.frameTranslation.ta[3]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.frameTranslation.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.frameTranslation.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.frameTranslation.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.frameTranslation.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.frameTranslation.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.frameTranslation.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b2.frameTranslation.fb[1]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b2.frameTranslation.fb[2]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b2.frameTranslation.fb[3]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b2.frameTranslation.tb[1]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b2.frameTranslation.tb[2]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b2.frameTranslation.tb[3]; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.frameTranslation.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.frameTranslation.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.frameTranslation.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.frameTranslation.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.frameTranslation.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.frameTranslation.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.frameTranslation.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.S[1,1] = b2.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[1,2] = b2.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[1,3] = b2.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[2,1] = b2.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[2,2] = b2.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[2,3] = b2.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[3,1] = b2.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[3,2] = b2.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.S[3,3] = b2.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.fa[1]; Real b2.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.fa[2]; Real b2.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b2.fa[3]; Real b2.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.ta[1]; Real b2.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.ta[2]; Real b2.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b2.ta[3]; Real b2.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.S[1,1] = b2.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[1,2] = b2.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[1,3] = b2.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[2,1] = b2.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[2,2] = b2.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[2,3] = b2.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[3,1] = b2.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[3,2] = b2.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.S[3,3] = b2.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b2.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b2.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b2.fb[1]; Real b2.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b2.fb[2]; Real b2.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b2.fb[3]; Real b2.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b2.tb[1]; Real b2.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b2.tb[2]; Real b2.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b2.tb[3]; Real b2.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b2.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b2.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b2.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b2.mi(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b2.mo(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b3.I22(quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.Scyl[1,1]; Real b3.Scyl[1,2]; Real b3.Scyl[1,3]; Real b3.Scyl[2,1]; Real b3.Scyl[2,2]; Real b3.Scyl[2,3]; Real b3.Scyl[3,1]; Real b3.Scyl[3,2]; Real b3.Scyl[3,3]; Real b3.body.I[1,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[1,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[1,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[2,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[2,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[2,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[3,1](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[3,2](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.I[3,3](quantity = "MomentOfInertia", unit = "kg.m2"); Real b3.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b3.body.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b3.body.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b3.body.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b3.body.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b3.body.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b3.body.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b3.body.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b3.body.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b3.body.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.body.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.body.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.body.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.body.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.body.fa[1]; Real b3.body.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.body.fa[2]; Real b3.body.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.body.fa[3]; Real b3.body.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.body.ta[1]; Real b3.body.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.body.ta[2]; Real b3.body.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.body.ta[3]; Real b3.body.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.body.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.body.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.body.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.body.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.body.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.body.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.body.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.body.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.body.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.body.m(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b3.body.rCM[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b3.body.rCM[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b3.body.rCM[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real b3.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b3.box.Sshape[1,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b3.box.Sshape[1,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b3.box.Sshape[1,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b3.box.Sshape[2,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b3.box.Sshape[2,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b3.box.Sshape[2,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b3.box.Sshape[3,1] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b3.box.Sshape[3,2] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b3.box.Sshape[3,3] "local 3 x 3 transformation matrix."; Real b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x = sqrt(b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] ^ 2.0 + (b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] ^ 2.0 + b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] ^ 2.0)); Real b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = if noEvent(b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 1.0 else b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] / b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = if noEvent(b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] / b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = if noEvent(b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x < 1e-10) then 0.0 else b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] / b3.box.mcShape.abs_n_x; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[1]; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[2]; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = cross(MCVisualShape.local_normalize(cross({b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]},if noEvent(b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] ^ 2.0 + (b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] ^ 2.0 + b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] ^ 2.0) > 1e-06) then {b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1],b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2],b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]} else if noEvent(abs(b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1]) > 1e-06) then {0.0,1.0,0.0} else {1.0,0.0,0.0})),{b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2],b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]})[3]; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; Real b3.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; Real b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[1] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2]; Real b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[2] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3]; Real b3.box.mcShape.n_z_aux[3] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1]; Real b3.box.nHeight[1]; Real b3.box.nHeight[2]; Real b3.box.nHeight[3]; Real b3.box.nLength[1]; Real b3.box.nLength[2]; Real b3.box.nLength[3]; Real b3.box.nWidth[1]; Real b3.box.nWidth[2]; Real b3.box.nWidth[3]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.frameTranslation.fa[1]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.frameTranslation.fa[2]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.frameTranslation.fa[3]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.frameTranslation.ta[1]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.frameTranslation.ta[2]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.frameTranslation.ta[3]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.frameTranslation.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.frameTranslation.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.frameTranslation.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.frameTranslation.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.frameTranslation.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.frameTranslation.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b3.frameTranslation.fb[1]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b3.frameTranslation.fb[2]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b3.frameTranslation.fb[3]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b3.frameTranslation.tb[1]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b3.frameTranslation.tb[2]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b3.frameTranslation.tb[3]; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.frameTranslation.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.frameTranslation.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.frameTranslation.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.frameTranslation.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.frameTranslation.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.frameTranslation.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.frameTranslation.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.S[1,1] = b3.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[1,2] = b3.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[1,3] = b3.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[2,1] = b3.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[2,2] = b3.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[2,3] = b3.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[3,1] = b3.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[3,2] = b3.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.S[3,3] = b3.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.fa[1]; Real b3.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.fa[2]; Real b3.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = b3.fa[3]; Real b3.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.ta[1]; Real b3.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.ta[2]; Real b3.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = b3.ta[3]; Real b3.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.S[1,1] = b3.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[1,2] = b3.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[1,3] = b3.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[2,1] = b3.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[2,2] = b3.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[2,3] = b3.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[3,1] = b3.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[3,2] = b3.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.S[3,3] = b3.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real b3.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = b3.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b3.fb[1]; Real b3.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b3.fb[2]; Real b3.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -b3.fb[3]; Real b3.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b3.tb[1]; Real b3.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b3.tb[2]; Real b3.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -b3.tb[3]; Real b3.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = b3.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = b3.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = b3.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real b3.mi(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real b3.mo(quantity = "Mass", unit = "kg", min = 0.0); Real barC.S_rel[1,1]; Real barC.S_rel[1,2]; Real barC.S_rel[1,3]; Real barC.S_rel[2,1]; Real barC.S_rel[2,2]; Real barC.S_rel[2,3]; Real barC.S_rel[3,1]; Real barC.S_rel[3,2]; Real barC.S_rel[3,3]; Real barC.a_rela[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real barC.a_rela[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real barC.a_rela[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real barC.fRod(quantity = "Force", unit = "N") "Constraint force in direction of the rod"; Real barC.frame_a.S[1,1] = barC.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[1,2] = barC.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[1,3] = barC.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[2,1] = barC.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[2,2] = barC.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[2,3] = barC.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[3,1] = barC.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[3,2] = barC.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.S[3,3] = barC.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = barC.fa[1]; Real barC.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = barC.fa[2]; Real barC.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = barC.fa[3]; Real barC.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = barC.ta[1]; Real barC.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = barC.ta[2]; Real barC.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = barC.ta[3]; Real barC.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.S[1,1] = barC.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[1,2] = barC.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[1,3] = barC.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[2,1] = barC.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[2,2] = barC.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[2,3] = barC.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[3,1] = barC.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[3,2] = barC.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.S[3,3] = barC.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -barC.fb[1]; Real barC.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -barC.fb[2]; Real barC.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -barC.fb[3]; Real barC.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -barC.tb[1]; Real barC.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -barC.tb[2]; Real barC.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -barC.tb[3]; Real barC.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.S[1,1] = barC.Sc[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[1,2] = barC.Sc[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[1,3] = barC.Sc[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[2,1] = barC.Sc[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[2,2] = barC.Sc[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[2,3] = barC.Sc[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[3,1] = barC.Sc[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[3,2] = barC.Sc[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.S[3,3] = barC.Sc[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real barC.frame_c.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.ac[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.ac[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = barC.ac[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -barC.fc[1]; Real barC.frame_c.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -barC.fc[2]; Real barC.frame_c.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -barC.fc[3]; Real barC.frame_c.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -barC.tc[1]; Real barC.frame_c.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -barC.tc[2]; Real barC.frame_c.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -barC.tc[3]; Real barC.frame_c.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.vc[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.vc[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = barC.vc[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wc[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wc[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = barC.wc[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.zc[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.zc[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.frame_c.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = barC.zc[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real barC.r_rela[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real barC.r_rela[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real barC.r_rela[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real barC.v_rela[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real barC.v_rela[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real barC.v_rela[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real barC.vaux[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real barC.vaux[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real barC.vaux[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real barC.w_rela[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real barC.w_rela[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real barC.w_rela[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real barC.z_rela[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real barC.z_rela[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real barC.z_rela[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real inertial.frame_b.S[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.S[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real inertial.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); Real inertial.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); Real inertial.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); Real inertial.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); Real inertial.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); Real inertial.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); Real inertial.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real inertial.gravity[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") "Gravity acceleration vector"; Real inertial.gravity[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") "Gravity acceleration vector"; Real inertial.gravity[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") "Gravity acceleration vector"; Real j1.S_rel[1,1]; Real j1.S_rel[1,2]; Real j1.S_rel[1,3]; Real j1.S_rel[2,1]; Real j1.S_rel[2,2]; Real j1.S_rel[2,3]; Real j1.S_rel[3,1]; Real j1.S_rel[3,2]; Real j1.S_rel[3,3]; Real j1.a_rela[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j1.a_rela[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j1.a_rela[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j1.axis.phi(quantity = "Angle", unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg") "Absolute rotation angle of flange"; Real j1.axis.tau(quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") "Cut torque in the flange"; Real j1.bearing.phi(quantity = "Angle", unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg") "Absolute rotation angle of flange"; Real j1.bearing.tau(quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") "Cut torque in the flange"; Real j1.cosq; Real j1.frame_a.S[1,1] = j1.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[1,2] = j1.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[1,3] = j1.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[2,1] = j1.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[2,2] = j1.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[2,3] = j1.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[3,1] = j1.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[3,2] = j1.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.S[3,3] = j1.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j1.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j1.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j1.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = j1.fa[1]; Real j1.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = j1.fa[2]; Real j1.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = j1.fa[3]; Real j1.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = j1.ta[1]; Real j1.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = j1.ta[2]; Real j1.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = j1.ta[3]; Real j1.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j1.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j1.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j1.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j1.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j1.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j1.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j1.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j1.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j1.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.S[1,1] = j1.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[1,2] = j1.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[1,3] = j1.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[2,1] = j1.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[2,2] = j1.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[2,3] = j1.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[3,1] = j1.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[3,2] = j1.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.S[3,3] = j1.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j1.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j1.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j1.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j1.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -j1.fb[1]; Real j1.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -j1.fb[2]; Real j1.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -j1.fb[3]; Real j1.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -j1.tb[1]; Real j1.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -j1.tb[2]; Real j1.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -j1.tb[3]; Real j1.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j1.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j1.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j1.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j1.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j1.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j1.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j1.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j1.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j1.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j1.nn[1]; Real j1.nn[2]; Real j1.nn[3]; Real j1.q(quantity = "Angle", unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg", fixed = j1.startValueFixed); Real j1.qd(quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min", start = 20.0, fixed = j1.startValueFixed); Real j1.qdd(quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real j1.qq(quantity = "Angle", unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg"); Real j1.r_rela[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j1.r_rela[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j1.r_rela[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j1.sinq; Real j1.v_rela[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j1.v_rela[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j1.v_rela[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j1.w_rela[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real j1.w_rela[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real j1.w_rela[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real j1.z_rela[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real j1.z_rela[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real j1.z_rela[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real j2.S_rel[1,1]; Real j2.S_rel[1,2]; Real j2.S_rel[1,3]; Real j2.S_rel[2,1]; Real j2.S_rel[2,2]; Real j2.S_rel[2,3]; Real j2.S_rel[3,1]; Real j2.S_rel[3,2]; Real j2.S_rel[3,3]; Real j2.a_rela[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j2.a_rela[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j2.a_rela[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j2.axis.f(quantity = "Force", unit = "N") "cut force directed into flange"; Real j2.axis.s(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "absolute position of flange"; Real j2.bearing.f(quantity = "Force", unit = "N") "cut force directed into flange"; Real j2.bearing.s(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "absolute position of flange"; Real j2.frame_a.S[1,1] = j2.Sa[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[1,2] = j2.Sa[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[1,3] = j2.Sa[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[2,1] = j2.Sa[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[2,2] = j2.Sa[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[2,3] = j2.Sa[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[3,1] = j2.Sa[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[3,2] = j2.Sa[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.S[3,3] = j2.Sa[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_a.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j2.aa[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j2.aa[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j2.aa[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = j2.fa[1]; Real j2.frame_a.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = j2.fa[2]; Real j2.frame_a.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = j2.fa[3]; Real j2.frame_a.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = j2.ta[1]; Real j2.frame_a.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = j2.ta[2]; Real j2.frame_a.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = j2.ta[3]; Real j2.frame_a.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j2.va[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j2.va[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j2.va[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j2.wa[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j2.wa[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j2.wa[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j2.za[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j2.za[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_a.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j2.za[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.S[1,1] = j2.Sb[1,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[1,2] = j2.Sb[1,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[1,3] = j2.Sb[1,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[2,1] = j2.Sb[2,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[2,2] = j2.Sb[2,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[2,3] = j2.Sb[2,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[3,1] = j2.Sb[3,1] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[3,2] = j2.Sb[3,2] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.S[3,3] = j2.Sb[3,3] "Transformation matrix from frame_a to inertial system"; Real j2.frame_b.a[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j2.ab[1] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.a[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j2.ab[2] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.a[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = j2.ab[3] "Absolute acceleration of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.f[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -j2.fb[1]; Real j2.frame_b.f[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -j2.fb[2]; Real j2.frame_b.f[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N") = -j2.fb[3]; Real j2.frame_b.t[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -j2.tb[1]; Real j2.frame_b.t[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -j2.tb[2]; Real j2.frame_b.t[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m") = -j2.tb[3]; Real j2.frame_b.v[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j2.vb[1] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.v[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j2.vb[2] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.v[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") = j2.vb[3] "Absolute velocity of frame origin, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.w[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j2.wb[1] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.w[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j2.wb[2] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.w[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") = j2.wb[3] "Absolute angular velocity of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.z[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j2.zb[1] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.z[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j2.zb[2] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.frame_b.z[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2") = j2.zb[3] "Absolute angular acceleration of frame_a, resolved in frame_a"; Real j2.nn[1]; Real j2.nn[2]; Real j2.nn[3]; Real j2.q(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", fixed = j2.startValueFixed); Real j2.qd(quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s", fixed = j2.startValueFixed); Real j2.qdd(quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); Real j2.qq(quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j2.r_rela[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j2.r_rela[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j2.r_rela[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); Real j2.v_rela[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j2.v_rela[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j2.v_rela[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j2.vaux[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j2.vaux[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j2.vaux[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); Real j2.w_rela[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real j2.w_rela[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real j2.w_rela[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); Real j2.z_rela[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real j2.z_rela[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); Real j2.z_rela[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); b0.body.I[1,1] = b0.Sbox[1,1] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) + (b0.Sbox[1,2] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) + b0.Sbox[1,3] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0))); b0.body.I[1,2] = b0.Sbox[1,1] * ((b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[2,1]) + (b0.Sbox[1,2] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[2,2]) + b0.Sbox[1,3] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[2,3])); b0.body.I[1,3] = b0.Sbox[1,1] * ((b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[3,1]) + (b0.Sbox[1,2] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[3,2]) + b0.Sbox[1,3] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[3,3])); b0.body.I[2,1] = b0.Sbox[2,1] * ((b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[1,1]) + (b0.Sbox[2,2] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[1,2]) + b0.Sbox[2,3] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[1,3])); b0.body.I[2,2] = b0.Sbox[2,1] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) + (b0.Sbox[2,2] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) + b0.Sbox[2,3] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0))); b0.body.I[2,3] = b0.Sbox[2,1] * ((b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[3,1]) + (b0.Sbox[2,2] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[3,2]) + b0.Sbox[2,3] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[3,3])); b0.body.I[3,1] = b0.Sbox[3,1] * ((b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[1,1]) + (b0.Sbox[3,2] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[1,2]) + b0.Sbox[3,3] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[1,3])); b0.body.I[3,2] = b0.Sbox[3,1] * ((b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[2,1]) + (b0.Sbox[3,2] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[2,2]) + b0.Sbox[3,3] * ((b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) * b0.Sbox[2,3])); b0.body.I[3,3] = b0.Sbox[3,1] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) + (b0.Sbox[3,2] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.h ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.hi ^ 2.0 / 12.0)) + b0.Sbox[3,3] ^ 2.0 * (b0.mo * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.w ^ 2.0 / 12.0) - b0.mi * (b0.l ^ 2.0 / 12.0 + b0.wi ^ 2.0 / 12.0))); b0.body.fa[1] = b0.body.m * (b0.body.aa[1] + (b0.body.za[2] * b0.body.rCM[3] + ((-b0.body.za[3] * b0.body.rCM[2]) + (b0.body.wa[2] * (b0.body.wa[1] * b0.body.rCM[2] - b0.body.wa[2] * b0.body.rCM[1]) + (-b0.body.wa[3] * (b0.body.wa[3] * b0.body.rCM[1] - b0.body.wa[1] * b0.body.rCM[3])))))); b0.body.fa[2] = b0.body.m * (b0.body.aa[2] + (b0.body.za[3] * b0.body.rCM[1] + ((-b0.body.za[1] * b0.body.rCM[3]) + (b0.body.wa[3] * (b0.body.wa[2] * b0.body.rCM[3] - b0.body.wa[3] * b0.body.rCM[2]) + (-b0.body.wa[1] * (b0.body.wa[1] * b0.body.rCM[2] - b0.body.wa[2] * b0.body.rCM[1])))))); b0.body.fa[3] = b0.body.m * (b0.body.aa[3] + (b0.body.za[1] * b0.body.rCM[2] + ((-b0.body.za[2] * b0.body.rCM[1]) + (b0.body.wa[1] * (b0.body.wa[3] * b0.body.rCM[1] - b0.body.wa[1] * b0.body.rCM[3]) + (-b0.body.wa[2] * (b0.body.wa[2] * b0.body.rCM[3] - b0.body.wa[3] * b0.body.rCM[2])))))); b0.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b0.frame_a.S[1,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = inertial.frame_b.S[1,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = j1.frame_a.S[1,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b0.frame_a.S[1,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = inertial.frame_b.S[1,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = j1.frame_a.S[1,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b0.frame_a.S[1,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = inertial.frame_b.S[1,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = j1.frame_a.S[1,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b0.frame_a.S[2,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = inertial.frame_b.S[2,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = j1.frame_a.S[2,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b0.frame_a.S[2,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = inertial.frame_b.S[2,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = j1.frame_a.S[2,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b0.frame_a.S[2,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = inertial.frame_b.S[2,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = j1.frame_a.S[2,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b0.frame_a.S[3,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = inertial.frame_b.S[3,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = j1.frame_a.S[3,1]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b0.frame_a.S[3,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = inertial.frame_b.S[3,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = j1.frame_a.S[3,2]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b0.frame_a.S[3,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = inertial.frame_b.S[3,3]; b0.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = j1.frame_a.S[3,3]; b0.body.frame_a.a[1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1]; b0.body.frame_a.a[1] = b0.frame_a.a[1]; b0.body.frame_a.a[1] = inertial.frame_b.a[1]; b0.body.frame_a.a[1] = j1.frame_a.a[1]; b0.body.frame_a.a[2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2]; b0.body.frame_a.a[2] = b0.frame_a.a[2]; b0.body.frame_a.a[2] = inertial.frame_b.a[2]; b0.body.frame_a.a[2] = j1.frame_a.a[2]; b0.body.frame_a.a[3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3]; b0.body.frame_a.a[3] = b0.frame_a.a[3]; b0.body.frame_a.a[3] = inertial.frame_b.a[3]; b0.body.frame_a.a[3] = j1.frame_a.a[3]; b0.body.frame_a.f[1] + ((-b0.frame_a.f[1]) + b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[1]) = 0.0; b0.body.frame_a.f[2] + ((-b0.frame_a.f[2]) + b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[2]) = 0.0; b0.body.frame_a.f[3] + ((-b0.frame_a.f[3]) + b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.f[3]) = 0.0; b0.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b0.frame_a.r0[1]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[1] = inertial.frame_b.r0[1]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[1] = j1.frame_a.r0[1]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b0.frame_a.r0[2]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[2] = inertial.frame_b.r0[2]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[2] = j1.frame_a.r0[2]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b0.frame_a.r0[3]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[3] = inertial.frame_b.r0[3]; b0.body.frame_a.r0[3] = j1.frame_a.r0[3]; b0.body.frame_a.t[1] + ((-b0.frame_a.t[1]) + b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[1]) = 0.0; b0.body.frame_a.t[2] + ((-b0.frame_a.t[2]) + b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[2]) = 0.0; b0.body.frame_a.t[3] + ((-b0.frame_a.t[3]) + b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.t[3]) = 0.0; b0.body.frame_a.v[1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1]; b0.body.frame_a.v[1] = b0.frame_a.v[1]; b0.body.frame_a.v[1] = inertial.frame_b.v[1]; b0.body.frame_a.v[1] = j1.frame_a.v[1]; b0.body.frame_a.v[2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2]; b0.body.frame_a.v[2] = b0.frame_a.v[2]; b0.body.frame_a.v[2] = inertial.frame_b.v[2]; b0.body.frame_a.v[2] = j1.frame_a.v[2]; b0.body.frame_a.v[3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3]; b0.body.frame_a.v[3] = b0.frame_a.v[3]; b0.body.frame_a.v[3] = inertial.frame_b.v[3]; b0.body.frame_a.v[3] = j1.frame_a.v[3]; b0.body.frame_a.w[1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1]; b0.body.frame_a.w[1] = b0.frame_a.w[1]; b0.body.frame_a.w[1] = inertial.frame_b.w[1]; b0.body.frame_a.w[1] = j1.frame_a.w[1]; b0.body.frame_a.w[2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2]; b0.body.frame_a.w[2] = b0.frame_a.w[2]; b0.body.frame_a.w[2] = inertial.frame_b.w[2]; b0.body.frame_a.w[2] = j1.frame_a.w[2]; b0.body.frame_a.w[3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3]; b0.body.frame_a.w[3] = b0.frame_a.w[3]; b0.body.frame_a.w[3] = inertial.frame_b.w[3]; b0.body.frame_a.w[3] = j1.frame_a.w[3]; b0.body.frame_a.z[1] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1]; b0.body.frame_a.z[1] = b0.frame_a.z[1]; b0.body.frame_a.z[1] = inertial.frame_b.z[1]; b0.body.frame_a.z[1] = j1.frame_a.z[1]; b0.body.frame_a.z[2] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2]; b0.body.frame_a.z[2] = b0.frame_a.z[2]; b0.body.frame_a.z[2] = inertial.frame_b.z[2]; b0.body.frame_a.z[2] = j1.frame_a.z[2]; b0.body.frame_a.z[3] = b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3]; b0.body.frame_a.z[3] = b0.frame_a.z[3]; b0.body.frame_a.z[3] = inertial.frame_b.z[3]; b0.body.frame_a.z[3] = j1.frame_a.z[3]; b0.body.m = b0.mo - b0.mi; b0.body.rCM[1] = b0.r0[1] + 0.5 * (b0.l * b0.box.nLength[1]); b0.body.rCM[2] = b0.r0[2] + 0.5 * (b0.l * b0.box.nLength[2]); b0.body.rCM[3] = b0.r0[3] + 0.5 * (b0.l * b0.box.nLength[3]); b0.body.ta[1] = b0.body.I[1,1] * b0.body.za[1] + (b0.body.I[1,2] * b0.body.za[2] + (b0.body.I[1,3] * b0.body.za[3] + (b0.body.wa[2] * (b0.body.I[3,1] * b0.body.wa[1] + (b0.body.I[3,2] * b0.body.wa[2] + b0.body.I[3,3] * b0.body.wa[3])) + ((-b0.body.wa[3] * (b0.body.I[2,1] * b0.body.wa[1] + (b0.body.I[2,2] * b0.body.wa[2] + b0.body.I[2,3] * b0.body.wa[3]))) + (b0.body.rCM[2] * b0.body.fa[3] + (-b0.body.rCM[3] * b0.body.fa[2])))))); b0.body.ta[2] = b0.body.I[2,1] * b0.body.za[1] + (b0.body.I[2,2] * b0.body.za[2] + (b0.body.I[2,3] * b0.body.za[3] + (b0.body.wa[3] * (b0.body.I[1,1] * b0.body.wa[1] + (b0.body.I[1,2] * b0.body.wa[2] + b0.body.I[1,3] * b0.body.wa[3])) + ((-b0.body.wa[1] * (b0.body.I[3,1] * b0.body.wa[1] + (b0.body.I[3,2] * b0.body.wa[2] + b0.body.I[3,3] * b0.body.wa[3]))) + (b0.body.rCM[3] * b0.body.fa[1] + (-b0.body.rCM[1] * b0.body.fa[3])))))); b0.body.ta[3] = b0.body.I[3,1] * b0.body.za[1] + (b0.body.I[3,2] * b0.body.za[2] + (b0.body.I[3,3] * b0.body.za[3] + (b0.body.wa[1] * (b0.body.I[2,1] * b0.body.wa[1] + (b0.body.I[2,2] * b0.body.wa[2] + b0.body.I[2,3] * b0.body.wa[3])) + ((-b0.body.wa[2] * (b0.body.I[1,1] * b0.body.wa[1] + (b0.body.I[1,2] * b0.body.wa[2] + b0.body.I[1,3] * b0.body.wa[3]))) + (b0.body.rCM[1] * b0.body.fa[2] + (-b0.body.rCM[2] * b0.body.fa[1])))))); b0.box.S[1,1] = b0.Sa[1,1]; b0.box.S[1,2] = b0.Sa[1,2]; b0.box.S[1,3] = b0.Sa[1,3]; b0.box.S[2,1] = b0.Sa[2,1]; b0.box.S[2,2] = b0.Sa[2,2]; b0.box.S[2,3] = b0.Sa[2,3]; b0.box.S[3,1] = b0.Sa[3,1]; b0.box.S[3,2] = b0.Sa[3,2]; b0.box.S[3,3] = b0.Sa[3,3]; b0.box.Sshape[1,1] = b0.Sbox[1,1]; b0.box.Sshape[1,2] = b0.Sbox[1,2]; b0.box.Sshape[1,3] = b0.Sbox[1,3]; b0.box.Sshape[2,1] = b0.Sbox[2,1]; b0.box.Sshape[2,2] = b0.Sbox[2,2]; b0.box.Sshape[2,3] = b0.Sbox[2,3]; b0.box.Sshape[3,1] = b0.Sbox[3,1]; b0.box.Sshape[3,2] = b0.Sbox[3,2]; b0.box.Sshape[3,3] = b0.Sbox[3,3]; b0.box.mcShape.Extra = b0.box.mcShape.extra; b0.box.mcShape.Form = 9.87e+25 + 1e+20 * PackShape(b0.box.mcShape.shapeType); b0.box.mcShape.Material = PackMaterial(b0.box.mcShape.color[1] / 255.0,b0.box.mcShape.color[2] / 255.0,b0.box.mcShape.color[3] / 255.0,b0.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient); b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b0.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = b0.box.nLength[1]; b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = b0.box.nLength[2]; b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = b0.box.nLength[3]; b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = b0.box.nWidth[1]; b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = b0.box.nWidth[2]; b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = b0.box.nWidth[3]; b0.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b0.box.nHeight[1]; b0.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b0.box.nHeight[2]; b0.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b0.box.nHeight[3]; b0.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1] = b0.box.mcShape.r[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b0.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2] = b0.box.mcShape.r[2] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b0.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3] = b0.box.mcShape.r[3] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b0.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] = b0.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b0.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] = b0.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b0.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] = b0.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b0.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] = b0.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b0.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] = b0.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b0.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] = b0.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b0.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b0.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b0.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b0.box.mcShape.size[1] = b0.box.mcShape.length; b0.box.mcShape.size[2] = b0.box.mcShape.width; b0.box.mcShape.size[3] = b0.box.mcShape.height; b0.box.r[1] = b0.r0a[1]; b0.box.r[2] = b0.r0a[2]; b0.box.r[3] = b0.r0a[3]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2]; b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] = b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3]; b0.frameTranslation.ab[1] = b0.frameTranslation.aa[1] + (b0.frameTranslation.za[2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3] + ((-b0.frameTranslation.za[3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2]) + (b0.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b0.frameTranslation.vaux[3] + (-b0.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b0.frameTranslation.vaux[2])))); b0.frameTranslation.ab[2] = b0.frameTranslation.aa[2] + (b0.frameTranslation.za[3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1] + ((-b0.frameTranslation.za[1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3]) + (b0.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b0.frameTranslation.vaux[1] + (-b0.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b0.frameTranslation.vaux[3])))); b0.frameTranslation.ab[3] = b0.frameTranslation.aa[3] + (b0.frameTranslation.za[1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2] + ((-b0.frameTranslation.za[2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1]) + (b0.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b0.frameTranslation.vaux[2] + (-b0.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b0.frameTranslation.vaux[1])))); b0.frameTranslation.fa[1] = b0.frameTranslation.fb[1]; b0.frameTranslation.fa[2] = b0.frameTranslation.fb[2]; b0.frameTranslation.fa[3] = b0.frameTranslation.fb[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b0.frame_b.S[1,1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = j2.frame_a.S[1,1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b0.frame_b.S[1,2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = j2.frame_a.S[1,2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b0.frame_b.S[1,3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = j2.frame_a.S[1,3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b0.frame_b.S[2,1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = j2.frame_a.S[2,1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b0.frame_b.S[2,2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = j2.frame_a.S[2,2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b0.frame_b.S[2,3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = j2.frame_a.S[2,3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b0.frame_b.S[3,1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = j2.frame_a.S[3,1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b0.frame_b.S[3,2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = j2.frame_a.S[3,2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b0.frame_b.S[3,3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = j2.frame_a.S[3,3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = b0.frame_b.a[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = j2.frame_a.a[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = b0.frame_b.a[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = j2.frame_a.a[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = b0.frame_b.a[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = j2.frame_a.a[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1] + (-b0.frame_b.f[1]) = 0.0; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2] + (-b0.frame_b.f[2]) = 0.0; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3] + (-b0.frame_b.f[3]) = 0.0; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = b0.frame_b.r0[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = j2.frame_a.r0[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = b0.frame_b.r0[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = j2.frame_a.r0[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = b0.frame_b.r0[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = j2.frame_a.r0[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1] + (-b0.frame_b.t[1]) = 0.0; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2] + (-b0.frame_b.t[2]) = 0.0; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3] + (-b0.frame_b.t[3]) = 0.0; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = b0.frame_b.v[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = j2.frame_a.v[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = b0.frame_b.v[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = j2.frame_a.v[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = b0.frame_b.v[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = j2.frame_a.v[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = b0.frame_b.w[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = j2.frame_a.w[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = b0.frame_b.w[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = j2.frame_a.w[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = b0.frame_b.w[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = j2.frame_a.w[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = b0.frame_b.z[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = j2.frame_a.z[1]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = b0.frame_b.z[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = j2.frame_a.z[2]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = b0.frame_b.z[3]; b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = j2.frame_a.z[3]; b0.frameTranslation.r0b[1] = b0.frameTranslation.r0a[1] + (b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2] + b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3])); b0.frameTranslation.r0b[2] = b0.frameTranslation.r0a[2] + (b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2] + b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3])); b0.frameTranslation.r0b[3] = b0.frameTranslation.r0a[3] + (b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2] + b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3])); b0.frameTranslation.ta[1] = b0.frameTranslation.tb[1] + (b0.frameTranslation.r[2] * b0.frameTranslation.fa[3] + (-b0.frameTranslation.r[3] * b0.frameTranslation.fa[2])); b0.frameTranslation.ta[2] = b0.frameTranslation.tb[2] + (b0.frameTranslation.r[3] * b0.frameTranslation.fa[1] + (-b0.frameTranslation.r[1] * b0.frameTranslation.fa[3])); b0.frameTranslation.ta[3] = b0.frameTranslation.tb[3] + (b0.frameTranslation.r[1] * b0.frameTranslation.fa[2] + (-b0.frameTranslation.r[2] * b0.frameTranslation.fa[1])); b0.frameTranslation.vaux[1] = b0.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3] - b0.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2]; b0.frameTranslation.vaux[2] = b0.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1] - b0.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[3]; b0.frameTranslation.vaux[3] = b0.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b0.frameTranslation.r[2] - b0.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b0.frameTranslation.r[1]; b0.frameTranslation.vb[1] = b0.frameTranslation.va[1] + b0.frameTranslation.vaux[1]; b0.frameTranslation.vb[2] = b0.frameTranslation.va[2] + b0.frameTranslation.vaux[2]; b0.frameTranslation.vb[3] = b0.frameTranslation.va[3] + b0.frameTranslation.vaux[3]; b0.frameTranslation.wb[1] = b0.frameTranslation.wa[1]; b0.frameTranslation.wb[2] = b0.frameTranslation.wa[2]; b0.frameTranslation.wb[3] = b0.frameTranslation.wa[3]; b0.frameTranslation.zb[1] = b0.frameTranslation.za[1]; b0.frameTranslation.zb[2] = b0.frameTranslation.za[2]; b0.frameTranslation.zb[3] = b0.frameTranslation.za[3]; b0.frame_b.f[1] + j2.frame_a.f[1] = 0.0; b0.frame_b.f[2] + j2.frame_a.f[2] = 0.0; b0.frame_b.f[3] + j2.frame_a.f[3] = 0.0; b0.frame_b.t[1] + j2.frame_a.t[1] = 0.0; b0.frame_b.t[2] + j2.frame_a.t[2] = 0.0; b0.frame_b.t[3] + j2.frame_a.t[3] = 0.0; b0.h = b0.Height; b0.hi = b0.InnerHeight; b0.l = b0.Length; b0.mi = 1000.0 * (b0.rho * (b0.l * (b0.wi * b0.hi))); b0.mo = 1000.0 * (b0.rho * (b0.l * (b0.w * b0.h))); b0.w = b0.Width; b0.wi = b0.InnerWidth; b1.I22 = b1.mo * (b1.Length ^ 2.0 + 3.0 * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) / 12.0 - b1.mi * (b1.Length ^ 2.0 + 3.0 * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0) / 12.0; b1.body.I[1,1] = b1.Scyl[1,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b1.Scyl[1,2] ^ 2.0 * b1.I22 + b1.Scyl[1,3] ^ 2.0 * b1.I22); b1.body.I[1,2] = b1.Scyl[1,1] * ((0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b1.Scyl[2,1]) + (b1.Scyl[1,2] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[2,2]) + b1.Scyl[1,3] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[2,3])); b1.body.I[1,3] = b1.Scyl[1,1] * ((0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b1.Scyl[3,1]) + (b1.Scyl[1,2] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[3,2]) + b1.Scyl[1,3] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[3,3])); b1.body.I[2,1] = b1.Scyl[2,1] * ((0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b1.Scyl[1,1]) + (b1.Scyl[2,2] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[1,2]) + b1.Scyl[2,3] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[1,3])); b1.body.I[2,2] = b1.Scyl[2,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b1.Scyl[2,2] ^ 2.0 * b1.I22 + b1.Scyl[2,3] ^ 2.0 * b1.I22); b1.body.I[2,3] = b1.Scyl[2,1] * ((0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b1.Scyl[3,1]) + (b1.Scyl[2,2] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[3,2]) + b1.Scyl[2,3] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[3,3])); b1.body.I[3,1] = b1.Scyl[3,1] * ((0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b1.Scyl[1,1]) + (b1.Scyl[3,2] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[1,2]) + b1.Scyl[3,3] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[1,3])); b1.body.I[3,2] = b1.Scyl[3,1] * ((0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b1.Scyl[2,1]) + (b1.Scyl[3,2] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[2,2]) + b1.Scyl[3,3] * (b1.I22 * b1.Scyl[2,3])); b1.body.I[3,3] = b1.Scyl[3,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b1.mo * b1.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b1.mi * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b1.Scyl[3,2] ^ 2.0 * b1.I22 + b1.Scyl[3,3] ^ 2.0 * b1.I22); b1.body.fa[1] = b1.body.m * (b1.body.aa[1] + (b1.body.za[2] * b1.body.rCM[3] + ((-b1.body.za[3] * b1.body.rCM[2]) + (b1.body.wa[2] * (b1.body.wa[1] * b1.body.rCM[2] - b1.body.wa[2] * b1.body.rCM[1]) + (-b1.body.wa[3] * (b1.body.wa[3] * b1.body.rCM[1] - b1.body.wa[1] * b1.body.rCM[3])))))); b1.body.fa[2] = b1.body.m * (b1.body.aa[2] + (b1.body.za[3] * b1.body.rCM[1] + ((-b1.body.za[1] * b1.body.rCM[3]) + (b1.body.wa[3] * (b1.body.wa[2] * b1.body.rCM[3] - b1.body.wa[3] * b1.body.rCM[2]) + (-b1.body.wa[1] * (b1.body.wa[1] * b1.body.rCM[2] - b1.body.wa[2] * b1.body.rCM[1])))))); b1.body.fa[3] = b1.body.m * (b1.body.aa[3] + (b1.body.za[1] * b1.body.rCM[2] + ((-b1.body.za[2] * b1.body.rCM[1]) + (b1.body.wa[1] * (b1.body.wa[3] * b1.body.rCM[1] - b1.body.wa[1] * b1.body.rCM[3]) + (-b1.body.wa[2] * (b1.body.wa[2] * b1.body.rCM[3] - b1.body.wa[3] * b1.body.rCM[2])))))); b1.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b1.frame_a.S[1,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = j1.frame_b.S[1,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b1.frame_a.S[1,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = j1.frame_b.S[1,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b1.frame_a.S[1,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = j1.frame_b.S[1,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b1.frame_a.S[2,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = j1.frame_b.S[2,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b1.frame_a.S[2,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = j1.frame_b.S[2,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b1.frame_a.S[2,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = j1.frame_b.S[2,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b1.frame_a.S[3,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = j1.frame_b.S[3,1]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b1.frame_a.S[3,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = j1.frame_b.S[3,2]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b1.frame_a.S[3,3]; b1.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = j1.frame_b.S[3,3]; b1.body.frame_a.a[1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1]; b1.body.frame_a.a[1] = b1.frame_a.a[1]; b1.body.frame_a.a[1] = j1.frame_b.a[1]; b1.body.frame_a.a[2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2]; b1.body.frame_a.a[2] = b1.frame_a.a[2]; b1.body.frame_a.a[2] = j1.frame_b.a[2]; b1.body.frame_a.a[3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3]; b1.body.frame_a.a[3] = b1.frame_a.a[3]; b1.body.frame_a.a[3] = j1.frame_b.a[3]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b1.frame_a.r0[1]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[1] = j1.frame_b.r0[1]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b1.frame_a.r0[2]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[2] = j1.frame_b.r0[2]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b1.frame_a.r0[3]; b1.body.frame_a.r0[3] = j1.frame_b.r0[3]; b1.body.frame_a.v[1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1]; b1.body.frame_a.v[1] = b1.frame_a.v[1]; b1.body.frame_a.v[1] = j1.frame_b.v[1]; b1.body.frame_a.v[2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2]; b1.body.frame_a.v[2] = b1.frame_a.v[2]; b1.body.frame_a.v[2] = j1.frame_b.v[2]; b1.body.frame_a.v[3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3]; b1.body.frame_a.v[3] = b1.frame_a.v[3]; b1.body.frame_a.v[3] = j1.frame_b.v[3]; b1.body.frame_a.w[1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1]; b1.body.frame_a.w[1] = b1.frame_a.w[1]; b1.body.frame_a.w[1] = j1.frame_b.w[1]; b1.body.frame_a.w[2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2]; b1.body.frame_a.w[2] = b1.frame_a.w[2]; b1.body.frame_a.w[2] = j1.frame_b.w[2]; b1.body.frame_a.w[3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3]; b1.body.frame_a.w[3] = b1.frame_a.w[3]; b1.body.frame_a.w[3] = j1.frame_b.w[3]; b1.body.frame_a.z[1] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1]; b1.body.frame_a.z[1] = b1.frame_a.z[1]; b1.body.frame_a.z[1] = j1.frame_b.z[1]; b1.body.frame_a.z[2] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2]; b1.body.frame_a.z[2] = b1.frame_a.z[2]; b1.body.frame_a.z[2] = j1.frame_b.z[2]; b1.body.frame_a.z[3] = b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3]; b1.body.frame_a.z[3] = b1.frame_a.z[3]; b1.body.frame_a.z[3] = j1.frame_b.z[3]; b1.body.m = b1.mo - b1.mi; b1.body.rCM[1] = b1.r0[1] + 0.5 * (b1.Length * b1.box.nLength[1]); b1.body.rCM[2] = b1.r0[2] + 0.5 * (b1.Length * b1.box.nLength[2]); b1.body.rCM[3] = b1.r0[3] + 0.5 * (b1.Length * b1.box.nLength[3]); b1.body.ta[1] = b1.body.I[1,1] * b1.body.za[1] + (b1.body.I[1,2] * b1.body.za[2] + (b1.body.I[1,3] * b1.body.za[3] + (b1.body.wa[2] * (b1.body.I[3,1] * b1.body.wa[1] + (b1.body.I[3,2] * b1.body.wa[2] + b1.body.I[3,3] * b1.body.wa[3])) + ((-b1.body.wa[3] * (b1.body.I[2,1] * b1.body.wa[1] + (b1.body.I[2,2] * b1.body.wa[2] + b1.body.I[2,3] * b1.body.wa[3]))) + (b1.body.rCM[2] * b1.body.fa[3] + (-b1.body.rCM[3] * b1.body.fa[2])))))); b1.body.ta[2] = b1.body.I[2,1] * b1.body.za[1] + (b1.body.I[2,2] * b1.body.za[2] + (b1.body.I[2,3] * b1.body.za[3] + (b1.body.wa[3] * (b1.body.I[1,1] * b1.body.wa[1] + (b1.body.I[1,2] * b1.body.wa[2] + b1.body.I[1,3] * b1.body.wa[3])) + ((-b1.body.wa[1] * (b1.body.I[3,1] * b1.body.wa[1] + (b1.body.I[3,2] * b1.body.wa[2] + b1.body.I[3,3] * b1.body.wa[3]))) + (b1.body.rCM[3] * b1.body.fa[1] + (-b1.body.rCM[1] * b1.body.fa[3])))))); b1.body.ta[3] = b1.body.I[3,1] * b1.body.za[1] + (b1.body.I[3,2] * b1.body.za[2] + (b1.body.I[3,3] * b1.body.za[3] + (b1.body.wa[1] * (b1.body.I[2,1] * b1.body.wa[1] + (b1.body.I[2,2] * b1.body.wa[2] + b1.body.I[2,3] * b1.body.wa[3])) + ((-b1.body.wa[2] * (b1.body.I[1,1] * b1.body.wa[1] + (b1.body.I[1,2] * b1.body.wa[2] + b1.body.I[1,3] * b1.body.wa[3]))) + (b1.body.rCM[1] * b1.body.fa[2] + (-b1.body.rCM[2] * b1.body.fa[1])))))); b1.box.S[1,1] = b1.Sa[1,1]; b1.box.S[1,2] = b1.Sa[1,2]; b1.box.S[1,3] = b1.Sa[1,3]; b1.box.S[2,1] = b1.Sa[2,1]; b1.box.S[2,2] = b1.Sa[2,2]; b1.box.S[2,3] = b1.Sa[2,3]; b1.box.S[3,1] = b1.Sa[3,1]; b1.box.S[3,2] = b1.Sa[3,2]; b1.box.S[3,3] = b1.Sa[3,3]; b1.box.Sshape[1,1] = b1.Scyl[1,1]; b1.box.Sshape[1,2] = b1.Scyl[1,2]; b1.box.Sshape[1,3] = b1.Scyl[1,3]; b1.box.Sshape[2,1] = b1.Scyl[2,1]; b1.box.Sshape[2,2] = b1.Scyl[2,2]; b1.box.Sshape[2,3] = b1.Scyl[2,3]; b1.box.Sshape[3,1] = b1.Scyl[3,1]; b1.box.Sshape[3,2] = b1.Scyl[3,2]; b1.box.Sshape[3,3] = b1.Scyl[3,3]; b1.box.mcShape.Extra = b1.box.mcShape.extra; b1.box.mcShape.Form = 9.87e+25 + 1e+20 * PackShape(b1.box.mcShape.shapeType); b1.box.mcShape.Material = PackMaterial(b1.box.mcShape.color[1] / 255.0,b1.box.mcShape.color[2] / 255.0,b1.box.mcShape.color[3] / 255.0,b1.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient); b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b1.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = b1.box.nLength[1]; b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = b1.box.nLength[2]; b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = b1.box.nLength[3]; b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = b1.box.nWidth[1]; b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = b1.box.nWidth[2]; b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = b1.box.nWidth[3]; b1.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b1.box.nHeight[1]; b1.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b1.box.nHeight[2]; b1.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b1.box.nHeight[3]; b1.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1] = b1.box.mcShape.r[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b1.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2] = b1.box.mcShape.r[2] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b1.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3] = b1.box.mcShape.r[3] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b1.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] = b1.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b1.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] = b1.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b1.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] = b1.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b1.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] = b1.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b1.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] = b1.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b1.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] = b1.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b1.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b1.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b1.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b1.box.mcShape.size[1] = b1.box.mcShape.length; b1.box.mcShape.size[2] = b1.box.mcShape.width; b1.box.mcShape.size[3] = b1.box.mcShape.height; b1.box.r[1] = b1.r0a[1]; b1.box.r[2] = b1.r0a[2]; b1.box.r[3] = b1.r0a[3]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2]; b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] = b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3]; b1.frameTranslation.ab[1] = b1.frameTranslation.aa[1] + (b1.frameTranslation.za[2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3] + ((-b1.frameTranslation.za[3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2]) + (b1.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b1.frameTranslation.vaux[3] + (-b1.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b1.frameTranslation.vaux[2])))); b1.frameTranslation.ab[2] = b1.frameTranslation.aa[2] + (b1.frameTranslation.za[3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1] + ((-b1.frameTranslation.za[1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3]) + (b1.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b1.frameTranslation.vaux[1] + (-b1.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b1.frameTranslation.vaux[3])))); b1.frameTranslation.ab[3] = b1.frameTranslation.aa[3] + (b1.frameTranslation.za[1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2] + ((-b1.frameTranslation.za[2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1]) + (b1.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b1.frameTranslation.vaux[2] + (-b1.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b1.frameTranslation.vaux[1])))); b1.frameTranslation.fa[1] = b1.frameTranslation.fb[1]; b1.frameTranslation.fa[2] = b1.frameTranslation.fb[2]; b1.frameTranslation.fa[3] = b1.frameTranslation.fb[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b1.frame_b.S[1,1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = barC.frame_b.S[1,1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b1.frame_b.S[1,2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = barC.frame_b.S[1,2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b1.frame_b.S[1,3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = barC.frame_b.S[1,3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b1.frame_b.S[2,1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = barC.frame_b.S[2,1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b1.frame_b.S[2,2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = barC.frame_b.S[2,2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b1.frame_b.S[2,3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = barC.frame_b.S[2,3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b1.frame_b.S[3,1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = barC.frame_b.S[3,1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b1.frame_b.S[3,2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = barC.frame_b.S[3,2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b1.frame_b.S[3,3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = barC.frame_b.S[3,3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = b1.frame_b.a[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = barC.frame_b.a[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = b1.frame_b.a[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = barC.frame_b.a[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = b1.frame_b.a[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = barC.frame_b.a[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1] + (-b1.frame_b.f[1]) = 0.0; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2] + (-b1.frame_b.f[2]) = 0.0; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3] + (-b1.frame_b.f[3]) = 0.0; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = b1.frame_b.r0[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = barC.frame_b.r0[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = b1.frame_b.r0[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = barC.frame_b.r0[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = b1.frame_b.r0[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = barC.frame_b.r0[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1] + (-b1.frame_b.t[1]) = 0.0; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2] + (-b1.frame_b.t[2]) = 0.0; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3] + (-b1.frame_b.t[3]) = 0.0; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = b1.frame_b.v[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = barC.frame_b.v[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = b1.frame_b.v[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = barC.frame_b.v[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = b1.frame_b.v[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = barC.frame_b.v[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = b1.frame_b.w[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = barC.frame_b.w[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = b1.frame_b.w[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = barC.frame_b.w[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = b1.frame_b.w[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = barC.frame_b.w[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = b1.frame_b.z[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = barC.frame_b.z[1]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = b1.frame_b.z[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = barC.frame_b.z[2]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = b1.frame_b.z[3]; b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = barC.frame_b.z[3]; b1.frameTranslation.r0b[1] = b1.frameTranslation.r0a[1] + (b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2] + b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3])); b1.frameTranslation.r0b[2] = b1.frameTranslation.r0a[2] + (b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2] + b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3])); b1.frameTranslation.r0b[3] = b1.frameTranslation.r0a[3] + (b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2] + b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3])); b1.frameTranslation.ta[1] = b1.frameTranslation.tb[1] + (b1.frameTranslation.r[2] * b1.frameTranslation.fa[3] + (-b1.frameTranslation.r[3] * b1.frameTranslation.fa[2])); b1.frameTranslation.ta[2] = b1.frameTranslation.tb[2] + (b1.frameTranslation.r[3] * b1.frameTranslation.fa[1] + (-b1.frameTranslation.r[1] * b1.frameTranslation.fa[3])); b1.frameTranslation.ta[3] = b1.frameTranslation.tb[3] + (b1.frameTranslation.r[1] * b1.frameTranslation.fa[2] + (-b1.frameTranslation.r[2] * b1.frameTranslation.fa[1])); b1.frameTranslation.vaux[1] = b1.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3] - b1.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2]; b1.frameTranslation.vaux[2] = b1.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1] - b1.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[3]; b1.frameTranslation.vaux[3] = b1.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b1.frameTranslation.r[2] - b1.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b1.frameTranslation.r[1]; b1.frameTranslation.vb[1] = b1.frameTranslation.va[1] + b1.frameTranslation.vaux[1]; b1.frameTranslation.vb[2] = b1.frameTranslation.va[2] + b1.frameTranslation.vaux[2]; b1.frameTranslation.vb[3] = b1.frameTranslation.va[3] + b1.frameTranslation.vaux[3]; b1.frameTranslation.wb[1] = b1.frameTranslation.wa[1]; b1.frameTranslation.wb[2] = b1.frameTranslation.wa[2]; b1.frameTranslation.wb[3] = b1.frameTranslation.wa[3]; b1.frameTranslation.zb[1] = b1.frameTranslation.za[1]; b1.frameTranslation.zb[2] = b1.frameTranslation.za[2]; b1.frameTranslation.zb[3] = b1.frameTranslation.za[3]; b1.frame_b.f[1] + barC.frame_b.f[1] = 0.0; b1.frame_b.f[2] + barC.frame_b.f[2] = 0.0; b1.frame_b.f[3] + barC.frame_b.f[3] = 0.0; b1.frame_b.t[1] + barC.frame_b.t[1] = 0.0; b1.frame_b.t[2] + barC.frame_b.t[2] = 0.0; b1.frame_b.t[3] + barC.frame_b.t[3] = 0.0; b1.mi = 3141.59265358979 * (b1.rho * (b1.Length * b1.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)); b1.mo = 3141.59265358979 * (b1.rho * (b1.Length * b1.Radius ^ 2.0)); b2.I22 = b2.mo * (b2.Length ^ 2.0 + 3.0 * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) / 12.0 - b2.mi * (b2.Length ^ 2.0 + 3.0 * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0) / 12.0; b2.body.I[1,1] = b2.Scyl[1,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b2.Scyl[1,2] ^ 2.0 * b2.I22 + b2.Scyl[1,3] ^ 2.0 * b2.I22); b2.body.I[1,2] = b2.Scyl[1,1] * ((0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b2.Scyl[2,1]) + (b2.Scyl[1,2] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[2,2]) + b2.Scyl[1,3] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[2,3])); b2.body.I[1,3] = b2.Scyl[1,1] * ((0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b2.Scyl[3,1]) + (b2.Scyl[1,2] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[3,2]) + b2.Scyl[1,3] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[3,3])); b2.body.I[2,1] = b2.Scyl[2,1] * ((0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b2.Scyl[1,1]) + (b2.Scyl[2,2] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[1,2]) + b2.Scyl[2,3] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[1,3])); b2.body.I[2,2] = b2.Scyl[2,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b2.Scyl[2,2] ^ 2.0 * b2.I22 + b2.Scyl[2,3] ^ 2.0 * b2.I22); b2.body.I[2,3] = b2.Scyl[2,1] * ((0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b2.Scyl[3,1]) + (b2.Scyl[2,2] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[3,2]) + b2.Scyl[2,3] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[3,3])); b2.body.I[3,1] = b2.Scyl[3,1] * ((0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b2.Scyl[1,1]) + (b2.Scyl[3,2] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[1,2]) + b2.Scyl[3,3] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[1,3])); b2.body.I[3,2] = b2.Scyl[3,1] * ((0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b2.Scyl[2,1]) + (b2.Scyl[3,2] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[2,2]) + b2.Scyl[3,3] * (b2.I22 * b2.Scyl[2,3])); b2.body.I[3,3] = b2.Scyl[3,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b2.mo * b2.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b2.mi * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b2.Scyl[3,2] ^ 2.0 * b2.I22 + b2.Scyl[3,3] ^ 2.0 * b2.I22); b2.body.fa[1] = b2.body.m * (b2.body.aa[1] + (b2.body.za[2] * b2.body.rCM[3] + ((-b2.body.za[3] * b2.body.rCM[2]) + (b2.body.wa[2] * (b2.body.wa[1] * b2.body.rCM[2] - b2.body.wa[2] * b2.body.rCM[1]) + (-b2.body.wa[3] * (b2.body.wa[3] * b2.body.rCM[1] - b2.body.wa[1] * b2.body.rCM[3])))))); b2.body.fa[2] = b2.body.m * (b2.body.aa[2] + (b2.body.za[3] * b2.body.rCM[1] + ((-b2.body.za[1] * b2.body.rCM[3]) + (b2.body.wa[3] * (b2.body.wa[2] * b2.body.rCM[3] - b2.body.wa[3] * b2.body.rCM[2]) + (-b2.body.wa[1] * (b2.body.wa[1] * b2.body.rCM[2] - b2.body.wa[2] * b2.body.rCM[1])))))); b2.body.fa[3] = b2.body.m * (b2.body.aa[3] + (b2.body.za[1] * b2.body.rCM[2] + ((-b2.body.za[2] * b2.body.rCM[1]) + (b2.body.wa[1] * (b2.body.wa[3] * b2.body.rCM[1] - b2.body.wa[1] * b2.body.rCM[3]) + (-b2.body.wa[2] * (b2.body.wa[2] * b2.body.rCM[3] - b2.body.wa[3] * b2.body.rCM[2])))))); b2.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b2.frame_a.S[1,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = j2.frame_b.S[1,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b2.frame_a.S[1,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = j2.frame_b.S[1,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b2.frame_a.S[1,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = j2.frame_b.S[1,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b2.frame_a.S[2,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = j2.frame_b.S[2,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b2.frame_a.S[2,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = j2.frame_b.S[2,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b2.frame_a.S[2,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = j2.frame_b.S[2,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b2.frame_a.S[3,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = j2.frame_b.S[3,1]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b2.frame_a.S[3,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = j2.frame_b.S[3,2]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b2.frame_a.S[3,3]; b2.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = j2.frame_b.S[3,3]; b2.body.frame_a.a[1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1]; b2.body.frame_a.a[1] = b2.frame_a.a[1]; b2.body.frame_a.a[1] = j2.frame_b.a[1]; b2.body.frame_a.a[2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2]; b2.body.frame_a.a[2] = b2.frame_a.a[2]; b2.body.frame_a.a[2] = j2.frame_b.a[2]; b2.body.frame_a.a[3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3]; b2.body.frame_a.a[3] = b2.frame_a.a[3]; b2.body.frame_a.a[3] = j2.frame_b.a[3]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b2.frame_a.r0[1]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[1] = j2.frame_b.r0[1]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b2.frame_a.r0[2]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[2] = j2.frame_b.r0[2]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b2.frame_a.r0[3]; b2.body.frame_a.r0[3] = j2.frame_b.r0[3]; b2.body.frame_a.v[1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1]; b2.body.frame_a.v[1] = b2.frame_a.v[1]; b2.body.frame_a.v[1] = j2.frame_b.v[1]; b2.body.frame_a.v[2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2]; b2.body.frame_a.v[2] = b2.frame_a.v[2]; b2.body.frame_a.v[2] = j2.frame_b.v[2]; b2.body.frame_a.v[3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3]; b2.body.frame_a.v[3] = b2.frame_a.v[3]; b2.body.frame_a.v[3] = j2.frame_b.v[3]; b2.body.frame_a.w[1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1]; b2.body.frame_a.w[1] = b2.frame_a.w[1]; b2.body.frame_a.w[1] = j2.frame_b.w[1]; b2.body.frame_a.w[2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2]; b2.body.frame_a.w[2] = b2.frame_a.w[2]; b2.body.frame_a.w[2] = j2.frame_b.w[2]; b2.body.frame_a.w[3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3]; b2.body.frame_a.w[3] = b2.frame_a.w[3]; b2.body.frame_a.w[3] = j2.frame_b.w[3]; b2.body.frame_a.z[1] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1]; b2.body.frame_a.z[1] = b2.frame_a.z[1]; b2.body.frame_a.z[1] = j2.frame_b.z[1]; b2.body.frame_a.z[2] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2]; b2.body.frame_a.z[2] = b2.frame_a.z[2]; b2.body.frame_a.z[2] = j2.frame_b.z[2]; b2.body.frame_a.z[3] = b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3]; b2.body.frame_a.z[3] = b2.frame_a.z[3]; b2.body.frame_a.z[3] = j2.frame_b.z[3]; b2.body.m = b2.mo - b2.mi; b2.body.rCM[1] = b2.r0[1] + 0.5 * (b2.Length * b2.box.nLength[1]); b2.body.rCM[2] = b2.r0[2] + 0.5 * (b2.Length * b2.box.nLength[2]); b2.body.rCM[3] = b2.r0[3] + 0.5 * (b2.Length * b2.box.nLength[3]); b2.body.ta[1] = b2.body.I[1,1] * b2.body.za[1] + (b2.body.I[1,2] * b2.body.za[2] + (b2.body.I[1,3] * b2.body.za[3] + (b2.body.wa[2] * (b2.body.I[3,1] * b2.body.wa[1] + (b2.body.I[3,2] * b2.body.wa[2] + b2.body.I[3,3] * b2.body.wa[3])) + ((-b2.body.wa[3] * (b2.body.I[2,1] * b2.body.wa[1] + (b2.body.I[2,2] * b2.body.wa[2] + b2.body.I[2,3] * b2.body.wa[3]))) + (b2.body.rCM[2] * b2.body.fa[3] + (-b2.body.rCM[3] * b2.body.fa[2])))))); b2.body.ta[2] = b2.body.I[2,1] * b2.body.za[1] + (b2.body.I[2,2] * b2.body.za[2] + (b2.body.I[2,3] * b2.body.za[3] + (b2.body.wa[3] * (b2.body.I[1,1] * b2.body.wa[1] + (b2.body.I[1,2] * b2.body.wa[2] + b2.body.I[1,3] * b2.body.wa[3])) + ((-b2.body.wa[1] * (b2.body.I[3,1] * b2.body.wa[1] + (b2.body.I[3,2] * b2.body.wa[2] + b2.body.I[3,3] * b2.body.wa[3]))) + (b2.body.rCM[3] * b2.body.fa[1] + (-b2.body.rCM[1] * b2.body.fa[3])))))); b2.body.ta[3] = b2.body.I[3,1] * b2.body.za[1] + (b2.body.I[3,2] * b2.body.za[2] + (b2.body.I[3,3] * b2.body.za[3] + (b2.body.wa[1] * (b2.body.I[2,1] * b2.body.wa[1] + (b2.body.I[2,2] * b2.body.wa[2] + b2.body.I[2,3] * b2.body.wa[3])) + ((-b2.body.wa[2] * (b2.body.I[1,1] * b2.body.wa[1] + (b2.body.I[1,2] * b2.body.wa[2] + b2.body.I[1,3] * b2.body.wa[3]))) + (b2.body.rCM[1] * b2.body.fa[2] + (-b2.body.rCM[2] * b2.body.fa[1])))))); b2.box.S[1,1] = b2.Sa[1,1]; b2.box.S[1,2] = b2.Sa[1,2]; b2.box.S[1,3] = b2.Sa[1,3]; b2.box.S[2,1] = b2.Sa[2,1]; b2.box.S[2,2] = b2.Sa[2,2]; b2.box.S[2,3] = b2.Sa[2,3]; b2.box.S[3,1] = b2.Sa[3,1]; b2.box.S[3,2] = b2.Sa[3,2]; b2.box.S[3,3] = b2.Sa[3,3]; b2.box.Sshape[1,1] = b2.Scyl[1,1]; b2.box.Sshape[1,2] = b2.Scyl[1,2]; b2.box.Sshape[1,3] = b2.Scyl[1,3]; b2.box.Sshape[2,1] = b2.Scyl[2,1]; b2.box.Sshape[2,2] = b2.Scyl[2,2]; b2.box.Sshape[2,3] = b2.Scyl[2,3]; b2.box.Sshape[3,1] = b2.Scyl[3,1]; b2.box.Sshape[3,2] = b2.Scyl[3,2]; b2.box.Sshape[3,3] = b2.Scyl[3,3]; b2.box.mcShape.Extra = b2.box.mcShape.extra; b2.box.mcShape.Form = 9.87e+25 + 1e+20 * PackShape(b2.box.mcShape.shapeType); b2.box.mcShape.Material = PackMaterial(b2.box.mcShape.color[1] / 255.0,b2.box.mcShape.color[2] / 255.0,b2.box.mcShape.color[3] / 255.0,b2.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient); b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b2.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = b2.box.nLength[1]; b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = b2.box.nLength[2]; b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = b2.box.nLength[3]; b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = b2.box.nWidth[1]; b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = b2.box.nWidth[2]; b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = b2.box.nWidth[3]; b2.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b2.box.nHeight[1]; b2.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b2.box.nHeight[2]; b2.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b2.box.nHeight[3]; b2.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1] = b2.box.mcShape.r[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b2.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2] = b2.box.mcShape.r[2] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b2.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3] = b2.box.mcShape.r[3] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b2.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] = b2.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b2.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] = b2.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b2.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] = b2.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b2.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] = b2.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b2.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] = b2.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b2.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] = b2.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b2.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b2.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b2.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b2.box.mcShape.size[1] = b2.box.mcShape.length; b2.box.mcShape.size[2] = b2.box.mcShape.width; b2.box.mcShape.size[3] = b2.box.mcShape.height; b2.box.r[1] = b2.r0a[1]; b2.box.r[2] = b2.r0a[2]; b2.box.r[3] = b2.r0a[3]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2]; b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] = b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3]; b2.frameTranslation.ab[1] = b2.frameTranslation.aa[1] + (b2.frameTranslation.za[2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3] + ((-b2.frameTranslation.za[3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2]) + (b2.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b2.frameTranslation.vaux[3] + (-b2.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b2.frameTranslation.vaux[2])))); b2.frameTranslation.ab[2] = b2.frameTranslation.aa[2] + (b2.frameTranslation.za[3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1] + ((-b2.frameTranslation.za[1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3]) + (b2.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b2.frameTranslation.vaux[1] + (-b2.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b2.frameTranslation.vaux[3])))); b2.frameTranslation.ab[3] = b2.frameTranslation.aa[3] + (b2.frameTranslation.za[1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2] + ((-b2.frameTranslation.za[2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1]) + (b2.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b2.frameTranslation.vaux[2] + (-b2.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b2.frameTranslation.vaux[1])))); b2.frameTranslation.fa[1] = b2.frameTranslation.fb[1]; b2.frameTranslation.fa[2] = b2.frameTranslation.fb[2]; b2.frameTranslation.fa[3] = b2.frameTranslation.fb[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b2.frame_b.S[1,1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = barC.frame_a.S[1,1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b2.frame_b.S[1,2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = barC.frame_a.S[1,2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b2.frame_b.S[1,3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = barC.frame_a.S[1,3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b2.frame_b.S[2,1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = barC.frame_a.S[2,1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b2.frame_b.S[2,2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = barC.frame_a.S[2,2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b2.frame_b.S[2,3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = barC.frame_a.S[2,3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b2.frame_b.S[3,1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = barC.frame_a.S[3,1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b2.frame_b.S[3,2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = barC.frame_a.S[3,2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b2.frame_b.S[3,3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = barC.frame_a.S[3,3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = b2.frame_b.a[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = barC.frame_a.a[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = b2.frame_b.a[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = barC.frame_a.a[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = b2.frame_b.a[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = barC.frame_a.a[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1] + (-b2.frame_b.f[1]) = 0.0; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2] + (-b2.frame_b.f[2]) = 0.0; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3] + (-b2.frame_b.f[3]) = 0.0; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = b2.frame_b.r0[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = barC.frame_a.r0[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = b2.frame_b.r0[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = barC.frame_a.r0[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = b2.frame_b.r0[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = barC.frame_a.r0[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1] + (-b2.frame_b.t[1]) = 0.0; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2] + (-b2.frame_b.t[2]) = 0.0; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3] + (-b2.frame_b.t[3]) = 0.0; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = b2.frame_b.v[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = barC.frame_a.v[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = b2.frame_b.v[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = barC.frame_a.v[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = b2.frame_b.v[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = barC.frame_a.v[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = b2.frame_b.w[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = barC.frame_a.w[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = b2.frame_b.w[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = barC.frame_a.w[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = b2.frame_b.w[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = barC.frame_a.w[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = b2.frame_b.z[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = barC.frame_a.z[1]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = b2.frame_b.z[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = barC.frame_a.z[2]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = b2.frame_b.z[3]; b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = barC.frame_a.z[3]; b2.frameTranslation.r0b[1] = b2.frameTranslation.r0a[1] + (b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2] + b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3])); b2.frameTranslation.r0b[2] = b2.frameTranslation.r0a[2] + (b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2] + b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3])); b2.frameTranslation.r0b[3] = b2.frameTranslation.r0a[3] + (b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2] + b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3])); b2.frameTranslation.ta[1] = b2.frameTranslation.tb[1] + (b2.frameTranslation.r[2] * b2.frameTranslation.fa[3] + (-b2.frameTranslation.r[3] * b2.frameTranslation.fa[2])); b2.frameTranslation.ta[2] = b2.frameTranslation.tb[2] + (b2.frameTranslation.r[3] * b2.frameTranslation.fa[1] + (-b2.frameTranslation.r[1] * b2.frameTranslation.fa[3])); b2.frameTranslation.ta[3] = b2.frameTranslation.tb[3] + (b2.frameTranslation.r[1] * b2.frameTranslation.fa[2] + (-b2.frameTranslation.r[2] * b2.frameTranslation.fa[1])); b2.frameTranslation.vaux[1] = b2.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3] - b2.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2]; b2.frameTranslation.vaux[2] = b2.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1] - b2.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[3]; b2.frameTranslation.vaux[3] = b2.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b2.frameTranslation.r[2] - b2.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b2.frameTranslation.r[1]; b2.frameTranslation.vb[1] = b2.frameTranslation.va[1] + b2.frameTranslation.vaux[1]; b2.frameTranslation.vb[2] = b2.frameTranslation.va[2] + b2.frameTranslation.vaux[2]; b2.frameTranslation.vb[3] = b2.frameTranslation.va[3] + b2.frameTranslation.vaux[3]; b2.frameTranslation.wb[1] = b2.frameTranslation.wa[1]; b2.frameTranslation.wb[2] = b2.frameTranslation.wa[2]; b2.frameTranslation.wb[3] = b2.frameTranslation.wa[3]; b2.frameTranslation.zb[1] = b2.frameTranslation.za[1]; b2.frameTranslation.zb[2] = b2.frameTranslation.za[2]; b2.frameTranslation.zb[3] = b2.frameTranslation.za[3]; b2.mi = 3141.59265358979 * (b2.rho * (b2.Length * b2.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)); b2.mo = 3141.59265358979 * (b2.rho * (b2.Length * b2.Radius ^ 2.0)); b3.I22 = b3.mo * (b3.Length ^ 2.0 + 3.0 * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) / 12.0 - b3.mi * (b3.Length ^ 2.0 + 3.0 * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0) / 12.0; b3.body.I[1,1] = b3.Scyl[1,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b3.Scyl[1,2] ^ 2.0 * b3.I22 + b3.Scyl[1,3] ^ 2.0 * b3.I22); b3.body.I[1,2] = b3.Scyl[1,1] * ((0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b3.Scyl[2,1]) + (b3.Scyl[1,2] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[2,2]) + b3.Scyl[1,3] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[2,3])); b3.body.I[1,3] = b3.Scyl[1,1] * ((0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b3.Scyl[3,1]) + (b3.Scyl[1,2] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[3,2]) + b3.Scyl[1,3] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[3,3])); b3.body.I[2,1] = b3.Scyl[2,1] * ((0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b3.Scyl[1,1]) + (b3.Scyl[2,2] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[1,2]) + b3.Scyl[2,3] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[1,3])); b3.body.I[2,2] = b3.Scyl[2,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b3.Scyl[2,2] ^ 2.0 * b3.I22 + b3.Scyl[2,3] ^ 2.0 * b3.I22); b3.body.I[2,3] = b3.Scyl[2,1] * ((0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b3.Scyl[3,1]) + (b3.Scyl[2,2] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[3,2]) + b3.Scyl[2,3] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[3,3])); b3.body.I[3,1] = b3.Scyl[3,1] * ((0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b3.Scyl[1,1]) + (b3.Scyl[3,2] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[1,2]) + b3.Scyl[3,3] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[1,3])); b3.body.I[3,2] = b3.Scyl[3,1] * ((0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) * b3.Scyl[2,1]) + (b3.Scyl[3,2] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[2,2]) + b3.Scyl[3,3] * (b3.I22 * b3.Scyl[2,3])); b3.body.I[3,3] = b3.Scyl[3,1] ^ 2.0 * (0.5 * (b3.mo * b3.Radius ^ 2.0) - 0.5 * (b3.mi * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)) + (b3.Scyl[3,2] ^ 2.0 * b3.I22 + b3.Scyl[3,3] ^ 2.0 * b3.I22); b3.body.fa[1] = b3.body.m * (b3.body.aa[1] + (b3.body.za[2] * b3.body.rCM[3] + ((-b3.body.za[3] * b3.body.rCM[2]) + (b3.body.wa[2] * (b3.body.wa[1] * b3.body.rCM[2] - b3.body.wa[2] * b3.body.rCM[1]) + (-b3.body.wa[3] * (b3.body.wa[3] * b3.body.rCM[1] - b3.body.wa[1] * b3.body.rCM[3])))))); b3.body.fa[2] = b3.body.m * (b3.body.aa[2] + (b3.body.za[3] * b3.body.rCM[1] + ((-b3.body.za[1] * b3.body.rCM[3]) + (b3.body.wa[3] * (b3.body.wa[2] * b3.body.rCM[3] - b3.body.wa[3] * b3.body.rCM[2]) + (-b3.body.wa[1] * (b3.body.wa[1] * b3.body.rCM[2] - b3.body.wa[2] * b3.body.rCM[1])))))); b3.body.fa[3] = b3.body.m * (b3.body.aa[3] + (b3.body.za[1] * b3.body.rCM[2] + ((-b3.body.za[2] * b3.body.rCM[1]) + (b3.body.wa[1] * (b3.body.wa[3] * b3.body.rCM[1] - b3.body.wa[1] * b3.body.rCM[3]) + (-b3.body.wa[2] * (b3.body.wa[2] * b3.body.rCM[3] - b3.body.wa[3] * b3.body.rCM[2])))))); b3.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = b3.frame_a.S[1,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,1] = barC.frame_c.S[1,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = b3.frame_a.S[1,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,2] = barC.frame_c.S[1,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[1,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = b3.frame_a.S[1,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[1,3] = barC.frame_c.S[1,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = b3.frame_a.S[2,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,1] = barC.frame_c.S[2,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = b3.frame_a.S[2,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,2] = barC.frame_c.S[2,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[2,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = b3.frame_a.S[2,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[2,3] = barC.frame_c.S[2,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = b3.frame_a.S[3,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,1] = barC.frame_c.S[3,1]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = b3.frame_a.S[3,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,2] = barC.frame_c.S[3,2]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.S[3,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = b3.frame_a.S[3,3]; b3.body.frame_a.S[3,3] = barC.frame_c.S[3,3]; b3.body.frame_a.a[1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[1]; b3.body.frame_a.a[1] = b3.frame_a.a[1]; b3.body.frame_a.a[1] = barC.frame_c.a[1]; b3.body.frame_a.a[2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[2]; b3.body.frame_a.a[2] = b3.frame_a.a[2]; b3.body.frame_a.a[2] = barC.frame_c.a[2]; b3.body.frame_a.a[3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.a[3]; b3.body.frame_a.a[3] = b3.frame_a.a[3]; b3.body.frame_a.a[3] = barC.frame_c.a[3]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[1] = b3.frame_a.r0[1]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[1] = barC.frame_c.r0[1]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[2] = b3.frame_a.r0[2]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[2] = barC.frame_c.r0[2]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[3] = b3.frame_a.r0[3]; b3.body.frame_a.r0[3] = barC.frame_c.r0[3]; b3.body.frame_a.v[1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[1]; b3.body.frame_a.v[1] = b3.frame_a.v[1]; b3.body.frame_a.v[1] = barC.frame_c.v[1]; b3.body.frame_a.v[2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[2]; b3.body.frame_a.v[2] = b3.frame_a.v[2]; b3.body.frame_a.v[2] = barC.frame_c.v[2]; b3.body.frame_a.v[3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.v[3]; b3.body.frame_a.v[3] = b3.frame_a.v[3]; b3.body.frame_a.v[3] = barC.frame_c.v[3]; b3.body.frame_a.w[1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[1]; b3.body.frame_a.w[1] = b3.frame_a.w[1]; b3.body.frame_a.w[1] = barC.frame_c.w[1]; b3.body.frame_a.w[2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[2]; b3.body.frame_a.w[2] = b3.frame_a.w[2]; b3.body.frame_a.w[2] = barC.frame_c.w[2]; b3.body.frame_a.w[3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.w[3]; b3.body.frame_a.w[3] = b3.frame_a.w[3]; b3.body.frame_a.w[3] = barC.frame_c.w[3]; b3.body.frame_a.z[1] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[1]; b3.body.frame_a.z[1] = b3.frame_a.z[1]; b3.body.frame_a.z[1] = barC.frame_c.z[1]; b3.body.frame_a.z[2] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[2]; b3.body.frame_a.z[2] = b3.frame_a.z[2]; b3.body.frame_a.z[2] = barC.frame_c.z[2]; b3.body.frame_a.z[3] = b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.z[3]; b3.body.frame_a.z[3] = b3.frame_a.z[3]; b3.body.frame_a.z[3] = barC.frame_c.z[3]; b3.body.m = b3.mo - b3.mi; b3.body.rCM[1] = b3.r0[1] + 0.5 * (b3.Length * b3.box.nLength[1]); b3.body.rCM[2] = b3.r0[2] + 0.5 * (b3.Length * b3.box.nLength[2]); b3.body.rCM[3] = b3.r0[3] + 0.5 * (b3.Length * b3.box.nLength[3]); b3.body.ta[1] = b3.body.I[1,1] * b3.body.za[1] + (b3.body.I[1,2] * b3.body.za[2] + (b3.body.I[1,3] * b3.body.za[3] + (b3.body.wa[2] * (b3.body.I[3,1] * b3.body.wa[1] + (b3.body.I[3,2] * b3.body.wa[2] + b3.body.I[3,3] * b3.body.wa[3])) + ((-b3.body.wa[3] * (b3.body.I[2,1] * b3.body.wa[1] + (b3.body.I[2,2] * b3.body.wa[2] + b3.body.I[2,3] * b3.body.wa[3]))) + (b3.body.rCM[2] * b3.body.fa[3] + (-b3.body.rCM[3] * b3.body.fa[2])))))); b3.body.ta[2] = b3.body.I[2,1] * b3.body.za[1] + (b3.body.I[2,2] * b3.body.za[2] + (b3.body.I[2,3] * b3.body.za[3] + (b3.body.wa[3] * (b3.body.I[1,1] * b3.body.wa[1] + (b3.body.I[1,2] * b3.body.wa[2] + b3.body.I[1,3] * b3.body.wa[3])) + ((-b3.body.wa[1] * (b3.body.I[3,1] * b3.body.wa[1] + (b3.body.I[3,2] * b3.body.wa[2] + b3.body.I[3,3] * b3.body.wa[3]))) + (b3.body.rCM[3] * b3.body.fa[1] + (-b3.body.rCM[1] * b3.body.fa[3])))))); b3.body.ta[3] = b3.body.I[3,1] * b3.body.za[1] + (b3.body.I[3,2] * b3.body.za[2] + (b3.body.I[3,3] * b3.body.za[3] + (b3.body.wa[1] * (b3.body.I[2,1] * b3.body.wa[1] + (b3.body.I[2,2] * b3.body.wa[2] + b3.body.I[2,3] * b3.body.wa[3])) + ((-b3.body.wa[2] * (b3.body.I[1,1] * b3.body.wa[1] + (b3.body.I[1,2] * b3.body.wa[2] + b3.body.I[1,3] * b3.body.wa[3]))) + (b3.body.rCM[1] * b3.body.fa[2] + (-b3.body.rCM[2] * b3.body.fa[1])))))); b3.box.S[1,1] = b3.Sa[1,1]; b3.box.S[1,2] = b3.Sa[1,2]; b3.box.S[1,3] = b3.Sa[1,3]; b3.box.S[2,1] = b3.Sa[2,1]; b3.box.S[2,2] = b3.Sa[2,2]; b3.box.S[2,3] = b3.Sa[2,3]; b3.box.S[3,1] = b3.Sa[3,1]; b3.box.S[3,2] = b3.Sa[3,2]; b3.box.S[3,3] = b3.Sa[3,3]; b3.box.Sshape[1,1] = b3.Scyl[1,1]; b3.box.Sshape[1,2] = b3.Scyl[1,2]; b3.box.Sshape[1,3] = b3.Scyl[1,3]; b3.box.Sshape[2,1] = b3.Scyl[2,1]; b3.box.Sshape[2,2] = b3.Scyl[2,2]; b3.box.Sshape[2,3] = b3.Scyl[2,3]; b3.box.Sshape[3,1] = b3.Scyl[3,1]; b3.box.Sshape[3,2] = b3.Scyl[3,2]; b3.box.Sshape[3,3] = b3.Scyl[3,3]; b3.box.mcShape.Extra = b3.box.mcShape.extra; b3.box.mcShape.Form = 9.87e+25 + 1e+20 * PackShape(b3.box.mcShape.shapeType); b3.box.mcShape.Material = PackMaterial(b3.box.mcShape.color[1] / 255.0,b3.box.mcShape.color[2] / 255.0,b3.box.mcShape.color[3] / 255.0,b3.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient); b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,1] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,2] = b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[1,3] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,1] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,2] = b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[2,3] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,1] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,2] = b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3]; b3.box.mcShape.Sshape[3,3] = b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] - b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1]; b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] = b3.box.nLength[1]; b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] = b3.box.nLength[2]; b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3] = b3.box.nLength[3]; b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] = b3.box.nWidth[1]; b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] = b3.box.nWidth[2]; b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3] = b3.box.nWidth[3]; b3.box.mcShape.e_z[1] = b3.box.nHeight[1]; b3.box.mcShape.e_z[2] = b3.box.nHeight[2]; b3.box.mcShape.e_z[3] = b3.box.nHeight[3]; b3.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1] = b3.box.mcShape.r[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b3.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2] = b3.box.mcShape.r[2] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b3.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3] = b3.box.mcShape.r[3] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[3])); b3.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] = b3.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b3.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] = b3.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b3.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] = b3.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_x[3]); b3.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] = b3.box.mcShape.S[1,1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[1,2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[1,3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b3.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] = b3.box.mcShape.S[2,1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[2,2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[2,3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b3.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] = b3.box.mcShape.S[3,1] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[1] + (b3.box.mcShape.S[3,2] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[2] + b3.box.mcShape.S[3,3] * b3.box.mcShape.e_y[3]); b3.box.mcShape.size[1] = b3.box.mcShape.length; b3.box.mcShape.size[2] = b3.box.mcShape.width; b3.box.mcShape.size[3] = b3.box.mcShape.height; b3.box.r[1] = b3.r0a[1]; b3.box.r[2] = b3.r0a[2]; b3.box.r[3] = b3.r0a[3]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2]; b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3] = b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3]; b3.frameTranslation.ab[1] = b3.frameTranslation.aa[1] + (b3.frameTranslation.za[2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3] + ((-b3.frameTranslation.za[3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2]) + (b3.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b3.frameTranslation.vaux[3] + (-b3.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b3.frameTranslation.vaux[2])))); b3.frameTranslation.ab[2] = b3.frameTranslation.aa[2] + (b3.frameTranslation.za[3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1] + ((-b3.frameTranslation.za[1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3]) + (b3.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b3.frameTranslation.vaux[1] + (-b3.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b3.frameTranslation.vaux[3])))); b3.frameTranslation.ab[3] = b3.frameTranslation.aa[3] + (b3.frameTranslation.za[1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2] + ((-b3.frameTranslation.za[2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1]) + (b3.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b3.frameTranslation.vaux[2] + (-b3.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b3.frameTranslation.vaux[1])))); b3.frameTranslation.fa[1] = b3.frameTranslation.fb[1]; b3.frameTranslation.fa[2] = b3.frameTranslation.fb[2]; b3.frameTranslation.fa[3] = b3.frameTranslation.fb[3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,1] = b3.frame_b.S[1,1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,2] = b3.frame_b.S[1,2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[1,3] = b3.frame_b.S[1,3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,1] = b3.frame_b.S[2,1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,2] = b3.frame_b.S[2,2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[2,3] = b3.frame_b.S[2,3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,1] = b3.frame_b.S[3,1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,2] = b3.frame_b.S[3,2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.S[3,3] = b3.frame_b.S[3,3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[1] = b3.frame_b.a[1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[2] = b3.frame_b.a[2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.a[3] = b3.frame_b.a[3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[1] + (-b3.frame_b.f[1]) = 0.0; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[2] + (-b3.frame_b.f[2]) = 0.0; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.f[3] + (-b3.frame_b.f[3]) = 0.0; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1] = b3.frame_b.r0[1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2] = b3.frame_b.r0[2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3] = b3.frame_b.r0[3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[1] + (-b3.frame_b.t[1]) = 0.0; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[2] + (-b3.frame_b.t[2]) = 0.0; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.t[3] + (-b3.frame_b.t[3]) = 0.0; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[1] = b3.frame_b.v[1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[2] = b3.frame_b.v[2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.v[3] = b3.frame_b.v[3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[1] = b3.frame_b.w[1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[2] = b3.frame_b.w[2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.w[3] = b3.frame_b.w[3]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[1] = b3.frame_b.z[1]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[2] = b3.frame_b.z[2]; b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.z[3] = b3.frame_b.z[3]; b3.frameTranslation.r0b[1] = b3.frameTranslation.r0a[1] + (b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2] + b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3])); b3.frameTranslation.r0b[2] = b3.frameTranslation.r0a[2] + (b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2] + b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3])); b3.frameTranslation.r0b[3] = b3.frameTranslation.r0a[3] + (b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1] + (b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2] + b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3])); b3.frameTranslation.ta[1] = b3.frameTranslation.tb[1] + (b3.frameTranslation.r[2] * b3.frameTranslation.fa[3] + (-b3.frameTranslation.r[3] * b3.frameTranslation.fa[2])); b3.frameTranslation.ta[2] = b3.frameTranslation.tb[2] + (b3.frameTranslation.r[3] * b3.frameTranslation.fa[1] + (-b3.frameTranslation.r[1] * b3.frameTranslation.fa[3])); b3.frameTranslation.ta[3] = b3.frameTranslation.tb[3] + (b3.frameTranslation.r[1] * b3.frameTranslation.fa[2] + (-b3.frameTranslation.r[2] * b3.frameTranslation.fa[1])); b3.frameTranslation.vaux[1] = b3.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3] - b3.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2]; b3.frameTranslation.vaux[2] = b3.frameTranslation.wa[3] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1] - b3.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[3]; b3.frameTranslation.vaux[3] = b3.frameTranslation.wa[1] * b3.frameTranslation.r[2] - b3.frameTranslation.wa[2] * b3.frameTranslation.r[1]; b3.frameTranslation.vb[1] = b3.frameTranslation.va[1] + b3.frameTranslation.vaux[1]; b3.frameTranslation.vb[2] = b3.frameTranslation.va[2] + b3.frameTranslation.vaux[2]; b3.frameTranslation.vb[3] = b3.frameTranslation.va[3] + b3.frameTranslation.vaux[3]; b3.frameTranslation.wb[1] = b3.frameTranslation.wa[1]; b3.frameTranslation.wb[2] = b3.frameTranslation.wa[2]; b3.frameTranslation.wb[3] = b3.frameTranslation.wa[3]; b3.frameTranslation.zb[1] = b3.frameTranslation.za[1]; b3.frameTranslation.zb[2] = b3.frameTranslation.za[2]; b3.frameTranslation.zb[3] = b3.frameTranslation.za[3]; b3.frame_a.f[1] + barC.frame_c.f[1] = 0.0; b3.frame_a.f[2] + barC.frame_c.f[2] = 0.0; b3.frame_a.f[3] + barC.frame_c.f[3] = 0.0; b3.frame_a.t[1] + barC.frame_c.t[1] = 0.0; b3.frame_a.t[2] + barC.frame_c.t[2] = 0.0; b3.frame_a.t[3] + barC.frame_c.t[3] = 0.0; b3.frame_b.f[1] = 0.0; b3.frame_b.f[2] = 0.0; b3.frame_b.f[3] = 0.0; b3.frame_b.t[1] = 0.0; b3.frame_b.t[2] = 0.0; b3.frame_b.t[3] = 0.0; b3.mi = 3141.59265358979 * (b3.rho * (b3.Length * b3.InnerRadius ^ 2.0)); b3.mo = 3141.59265358979 * (b3.rho * (b3.Length * b3.Radius ^ 2.0)); barC.S_rel[1,1] = barC.Sb[1,1] * barC.Sa[1,1] + (barC.Sb[2,1] * barC.Sa[2,1] + barC.Sb[3,1] * barC.Sa[3,1]); barC.S_rel[1,2] = barC.Sb[1,1] * barC.Sa[1,2] + (barC.Sb[2,1] * barC.Sa[2,2] + barC.Sb[3,1] * barC.Sa[3,2]); barC.S_rel[1,3] = barC.Sb[1,1] * barC.Sa[1,3] + (barC.Sb[2,1] * barC.Sa[2,3] + barC.Sb[3,1] * barC.Sa[3,3]); barC.S_rel[2,1] = barC.Sb[1,2] * barC.Sa[1,1] + (barC.Sb[2,2] * barC.Sa[2,1] + barC.Sb[3,2] * barC.Sa[3,1]); barC.S_rel[2,2] = barC.Sb[1,2] * barC.Sa[1,2] + (barC.Sb[2,2] * barC.Sa[2,2] + barC.Sb[3,2] * barC.Sa[3,2]); barC.S_rel[2,3] = barC.Sb[1,2] * barC.Sa[1,3] + (barC.Sb[2,2] * barC.Sa[2,3] + barC.Sb[3,2] * barC.Sa[3,3]); barC.S_rel[3,1] = barC.Sb[1,3] * barC.Sa[1,1] + (barC.Sb[2,3] * barC.Sa[2,1] + barC.Sb[3,3] * barC.Sa[3,1]); barC.S_rel[3,2] = barC.Sb[1,3] * barC.Sa[1,2] + (barC.Sb[2,3] * barC.Sa[2,2] + barC.Sb[3,3] * barC.Sa[3,2]); barC.S_rel[3,3] = barC.Sb[1,3] * barC.Sa[1,3] + (barC.Sb[2,3] * barC.Sa[2,3] + barC.Sb[3,3] * barC.Sa[3,3]); barC.S_relc[1,1] = barC.nx[1]; barC.S_relc[1,2] = barC.nx[2]; barC.S_relc[1,3] = barC.nx[3]; barC.S_relc[2,1] = barC.ny[1]; barC.S_relc[2,2] = barC.ny[2]; barC.S_relc[2,3] = barC.ny[3]; barC.S_relc[3,1] = barC.nz[1]; barC.S_relc[3,2] = barC.nz[2]; barC.S_relc[3,3] = barC.nz[3]; barC.Sc[1,1] = barC.Sa[1,1] * barC.S_relc[1,1] + (barC.Sa[1,2] * barC.S_relc[1,2] + barC.Sa[1,3] * barC.S_relc[1,3]); barC.Sc[1,2] = barC.Sa[1,1] * barC.S_relc[2,1] + (barC.Sa[1,2] * barC.S_relc[2,2] + barC.Sa[1,3] * barC.S_relc[2,3]); barC.Sc[1,3] = barC.Sa[1,1] * barC.S_relc[3,1] + (barC.Sa[1,2] * barC.S_relc[3,2] + barC.Sa[1,3] * barC.S_relc[3,3]); barC.Sc[2,1] = barC.Sa[2,1] * barC.S_relc[1,1] + (barC.Sa[2,2] * barC.S_relc[1,2] + barC.Sa[2,3] * barC.S_relc[1,3]); barC.Sc[2,2] = barC.Sa[2,1] * barC.S_relc[2,1] + (barC.Sa[2,2] * barC.S_relc[2,2] + barC.Sa[2,3] * barC.S_relc[2,3]); barC.Sc[2,3] = barC.Sa[2,1] * barC.S_relc[3,1] + (barC.Sa[2,2] * barC.S_relc[3,2] + barC.Sa[2,3] * barC.S_relc[3,3]); barC.Sc[3,1] = barC.Sa[3,1] * barC.S_relc[1,1] + (barC.Sa[3,2] * barC.S_relc[1,2] + barC.Sa[3,3] * barC.S_relc[1,3]); barC.Sc[3,2] = barC.Sa[3,1] * barC.S_relc[2,1] + (barC.Sa[3,2] * barC.S_relc[2,2] + barC.Sa[3,3] * barC.S_relc[2,3]); barC.Sc[3,3] = barC.Sa[3,1] * barC.S_relc[3,1] + (barC.Sa[3,2] * barC.S_relc[3,2] + barC.Sa[3,3] * barC.S_relc[3,3]); barC.a_rela[1] = barC.S_rel[1,1] * barC.ab[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,1] * barC.ab[2] + barC.S_rel[3,1] * barC.ab[3]) - barC.aa[1] - (barC.za[2] * barC.r_rela[3] - barC.za[3] * barC.r_rela[2]) - (barC.wa[2] * (barC.vaux[3] + 2.0 * barC.v_rela[3]) - barC.wa[3] * (barC.vaux[2] + 2.0 * barC.v_rela[2])); barC.a_rela[2] = barC.S_rel[1,2] * barC.ab[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,2] * barC.ab[2] + barC.S_rel[3,2] * barC.ab[3]) - barC.aa[2] - (barC.za[3] * barC.r_rela[1] - barC.za[1] * barC.r_rela[3]) - (barC.wa[3] * (barC.vaux[1] + 2.0 * barC.v_rela[1]) - barC.wa[1] * (barC.vaux[3] + 2.0 * barC.v_rela[3])); barC.a_rela[3] = barC.S_rel[1,3] * barC.ab[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,3] * barC.ab[2] + barC.S_rel[3,3] * barC.ab[3]) - barC.aa[3] - (barC.za[1] * barC.r_rela[2] - barC.za[2] * barC.r_rela[1]) - (barC.wa[1] * (barC.vaux[2] + 2.0 * barC.v_rela[2]) - barC.wa[2] * (barC.vaux[1] + 2.0 * barC.v_rela[1])); barC.ac[1] = barC.S_relc[1,1] * barC.aa[1] + (barC.S_relc[1,2] * barC.aa[2] + barC.S_relc[1,3] * barC.aa[3]); barC.ac[2] = barC.S_relc[2,1] * barC.aa[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,2] * barC.aa[2] + barC.S_relc[2,3] * barC.aa[3]); barC.ac[3] = barC.S_relc[3,1] * barC.aa[1] + (barC.S_relc[3,2] * barC.aa[2] + barC.S_relc[3,3] * barC.aa[3]); barC.b1[1] = barC.na[2] * barC.nx[3] - barC.na[3] * barC.nx[2]; barC.b1[2] = barC.na[3] * barC.nx[1] - barC.na[1] * barC.nx[3]; barC.b1[3] = barC.na[1] * barC.nx[2] - barC.na[2] * barC.nx[1]; barC.bb = barC.ny[1] * barC.bd[1] + (barC.ny[2] * barC.bd[2] + barC.ny[3] * barC.bd[3]); barC.bd[1] = (barC.na[2] * barC.nxd[3] - barC.na[3] * barC.nxd[2]) / barC.normb; barC.bd[2] = (barC.na[3] * barC.nxd[1] - barC.na[1] * barC.nxd[3]) / barC.normb; barC.bd[3] = (barC.na[1] * barC.nxd[2] - barC.na[2] * barC.nxd[1]) / barC.normb; barC.bdd[1] = (barC.na[2] * barC.nxdd[3] - barC.na[3] * barC.nxdd[2]) / barC.normb - barC.bb * barC.bd[1]; barC.bdd[2] = (barC.na[3] * barC.nxdd[1] - barC.na[1] * barC.nxdd[3]) / barC.normb - barC.bb * barC.bd[2]; barC.bdd[3] = (barC.na[1] * barC.nxdd[2] - barC.na[2] * barC.nxdd[1]) / barC.normb - barC.bb * barC.bd[3]; barC.constraintResidue = barC.r_rela[1] ^ 2.0 / 2.0 + (barC.r_rela[2] ^ 2.0 / 2.0 + barC.r_rela[3] ^ 2.0 / 2.0) - barC.L ^ 2.0 / 2.0; barC.constraintResidue_d = barC.r_rela[1] * barC.v_rela[1] + (barC.r_rela[2] * barC.v_rela[2] + barC.r_rela[3] * barC.v_rela[3]); barC.constraintResidue_dd = barC.r_rela[1] * barC.a_rela[1] + (barC.r_rela[2] * barC.a_rela[2] + (barC.r_rela[3] * barC.a_rela[3] + (barC.v_rela[1] ^ 2.0 + (barC.v_rela[2] ^ 2.0 + barC.v_rela[3] ^ 2.0)))); barC.fa[1] = barC.fb_a[1] + (barC.S_relc[1,1] * barC.fc[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,1] * barC.fc[2] + barC.S_relc[3,1] * barC.fc[3])); barC.fa[2] = barC.fb_a[2] + (barC.S_relc[1,2] * barC.fc[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,2] * barC.fc[2] + barC.S_relc[3,2] * barC.fc[3])); barC.fa[3] = barC.fb_a[3] + (barC.S_relc[1,3] * barC.fc[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,3] * barC.fc[2] + barC.S_relc[3,3] * barC.fc[3])); barC.fb[1] = barC.S_rel[1,1] * barC.fb_a[1] + (barC.S_rel[1,2] * barC.fb_a[2] + barC.S_rel[1,3] * barC.fb_a[3]); barC.fb[2] = barC.S_rel[2,1] * barC.fb_a[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,2] * barC.fb_a[2] + barC.S_rel[2,3] * barC.fb_a[3]); barC.fb[3] = barC.S_rel[3,1] * barC.fb_a[1] + (barC.S_rel[3,2] * barC.fb_a[2] + barC.S_rel[3,3] * barC.fb_a[3]); barC.fb_a[1] = barC.S_relc[1,1] * barC.fRod + ((-barC.S_relc[2,1]) * barC.tc[3] / barC.L + barC.S_relc[3,1] * barC.tc[2] / barC.L); barC.fb_a[2] = barC.S_relc[1,2] * barC.fRod + ((-barC.S_relc[2,2]) * barC.tc[3] / barC.L + barC.S_relc[3,2] * barC.tc[2] / barC.L); barC.fb_a[3] = barC.S_relc[1,3] * barC.fRod + ((-barC.S_relc[2,3]) * barC.tc[3] / barC.L + barC.S_relc[3,3] * barC.tc[2] / barC.L); barC.frame_a.f[1] + b2.frame_b.f[1] = 0.0; barC.frame_a.f[2] + b2.frame_b.f[2] = 0.0; barC.frame_a.f[3] + b2.frame_b.f[3] = 0.0; barC.frame_a.t[1] + b2.frame_b.t[1] = 0.0; barC.frame_a.t[2] + b2.frame_b.t[2] = 0.0; barC.frame_a.t[3] + b2.frame_b.t[3] = 0.0; barC.normb = sqrt(barC.b1[1] ^ 2.0 + (barC.b1[2] ^ 2.0 + barC.b1[3] ^ 2.0)); barC.nx[1] = barC.r_rela[1] / barC.L; barC.nx[2] = barC.r_rela[2] / barC.L; barC.nx[3] = barC.r_rela[3] / barC.L; barC.nxd[1] = barC.v_rela[1] / barC.L; barC.nxd[2] = barC.v_rela[2] / barC.L; barC.nxd[3] = barC.v_rela[3] / barC.L; barC.nxdd[1] = barC.a_rela[1] / barC.L; barC.nxdd[2] = barC.a_rela[2] / barC.L; barC.nxdd[3] = barC.a_rela[3] / barC.L; barC.ny[1] = barC.b1[1] / barC.normb; barC.ny[2] = barC.b1[2] / barC.normb; barC.ny[3] = barC.b1[3] / barC.normb; barC.nyd[1] = barC.bd[1] - barC.bb * barC.ny[1]; barC.nyd[2] = barC.bd[2] - barC.bb * barC.ny[2]; barC.nyd[3] = barC.bd[3] - barC.bb * barC.ny[3]; barC.nydd[1] = barC.bdd[1] - (barC.nyd[1] * barC.bd[1] + (barC.nyd[2] * barC.bd[2] + (barC.nyd[3] * barC.bd[3] + (barC.ny[1] * barC.bdd[1] + (barC.ny[2] * barC.bdd[2] + barC.ny[3] * barC.bdd[3]))))) * barC.ny[1] - barC.bb * barC.nyd[1]; barC.nydd[2] = barC.bdd[2] - (barC.nyd[1] * barC.bd[1] + (barC.nyd[2] * barC.bd[2] + (barC.nyd[3] * barC.bd[3] + (barC.ny[1] * barC.bdd[1] + (barC.ny[2] * barC.bdd[2] + barC.ny[3] * barC.bdd[3]))))) * barC.ny[2] - barC.bb * barC.nyd[2]; barC.nydd[3] = barC.bdd[3] - (barC.nyd[1] * barC.bd[1] + (barC.nyd[2] * barC.bd[2] + (barC.nyd[3] * barC.bd[3] + (barC.ny[1] * barC.bdd[1] + (barC.ny[2] * barC.bdd[2] + barC.ny[3] * barC.bdd[3]))))) * barC.ny[3] - barC.bb * barC.nyd[3]; barC.nz[1] = barC.nx[2] * barC.ny[3] - barC.nx[3] * barC.ny[2]; barC.nz[2] = barC.nx[3] * barC.ny[1] - barC.nx[1] * barC.ny[3]; barC.nz[3] = barC.nx[1] * barC.ny[2] - barC.nx[2] * barC.ny[1]; barC.nzd[1] = barC.nxd[2] * barC.ny[3] + ((-barC.nxd[3] * barC.ny[2]) + (barC.nx[2] * barC.nyd[3] + (-barC.nx[3] * barC.nyd[2]))); barC.nzd[2] = barC.nxd[3] * barC.ny[1] + ((-barC.nxd[1] * barC.ny[3]) + (barC.nx[3] * barC.nyd[1] + (-barC.nx[1] * barC.nyd[3]))); barC.nzd[3] = barC.nxd[1] * barC.ny[2] + ((-barC.nxd[2] * barC.ny[1]) + (barC.nx[1] * barC.nyd[2] + (-barC.nx[2] * barC.nyd[1]))); barC.nzdd[1] = barC.nxdd[2] * barC.ny[3] + ((-barC.nxdd[3] * barC.ny[2]) + (barC.nx[2] * barC.nydd[3] + ((-barC.nx[3] * barC.nydd[2]) + 2.0 * (barC.nxd[2] * barC.nyd[3] - barC.nxd[3] * barC.nyd[2])))); barC.nzdd[2] = barC.nxdd[3] * barC.ny[1] + ((-barC.nxdd[1] * barC.ny[3]) + (barC.nx[3] * barC.nydd[1] + ((-barC.nx[1] * barC.nydd[3]) + 2.0 * (barC.nxd[3] * barC.nyd[1] - barC.nxd[1] * barC.nyd[3])))); barC.nzdd[3] = barC.nxdd[1] * barC.ny[2] + ((-barC.nxdd[2] * barC.ny[1]) + (barC.nx[1] * barC.nydd[2] + ((-barC.nx[2] * barC.nydd[1]) + 2.0 * (barC.nxd[1] * barC.nyd[2] - barC.nxd[2] * barC.nyd[1])))); barC.r0c[1] = barC.r0a[1]; barC.r0c[2] = barC.r0a[2]; barC.r0c[3] = barC.r0a[3]; barC.r_rela[1] = barC.Sa[1,1] * (barC.r0b[1] - barC.r0a[1]) + (barC.Sa[2,1] * (barC.r0b[2] - barC.r0a[2]) + barC.Sa[3,1] * (barC.r0b[3] - barC.r0a[3])); barC.r_rela[2] = barC.Sa[1,2] * (barC.r0b[1] - barC.r0a[1]) + (barC.Sa[2,2] * (barC.r0b[2] - barC.r0a[2]) + barC.Sa[3,2] * (barC.r0b[3] - barC.r0a[3])); barC.r_rela[3] = barC.Sa[1,3] * (barC.r0b[1] - barC.r0a[1]) + (barC.Sa[2,3] * (barC.r0b[2] - barC.r0a[2]) + barC.Sa[3,3] * (barC.r0b[3] - barC.r0a[3])); barC.ta[1] = barC.tc[1] * barC.nx[1]; barC.ta[2] = barC.tc[1] * barC.nx[2]; barC.ta[3] = barC.tc[1] * barC.nx[3]; barC.tb[1] = 0.0; barC.tb[2] = 0.0; barC.tb[3] = 0.0; barC.v_rela[1] = barC.S_rel[1,1] * barC.vb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,1] * barC.vb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,1] * barC.vb[3]) - barC.va[1] - barC.vaux[1]; barC.v_rela[2] = barC.S_rel[1,2] * barC.vb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,2] * barC.vb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,2] * barC.vb[3]) - barC.va[2] - barC.vaux[2]; barC.v_rela[3] = barC.S_rel[1,3] * barC.vb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,3] * barC.vb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,3] * barC.vb[3]) - barC.va[3] - barC.vaux[3]; barC.vaux[1] = barC.wa[2] * barC.r_rela[3] - barC.wa[3] * barC.r_rela[2]; barC.vaux[2] = barC.wa[3] * barC.r_rela[1] - barC.wa[1] * barC.r_rela[3]; barC.vaux[3] = barC.wa[1] * barC.r_rela[2] - barC.wa[2] * barC.r_rela[1]; barC.vc[1] = barC.S_relc[1,1] * barC.va[1] + (barC.S_relc[1,2] * barC.va[2] + barC.S_relc[1,3] * barC.va[3]); barC.vc[2] = barC.S_relc[2,1] * barC.va[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,2] * barC.va[2] + barC.S_relc[2,3] * barC.va[3]); barC.vc[3] = barC.S_relc[3,1] * barC.va[1] + (barC.S_relc[3,2] * barC.va[2] + barC.S_relc[3,3] * barC.va[3]); barC.w_rela[1] = barC.S_rel[1,1] * barC.wb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,1] * barC.wb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,1] * barC.wb[3]) - barC.wa[1]; barC.w_rela[2] = barC.S_rel[1,2] * barC.wb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,2] * barC.wb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,2] * barC.wb[3]) - barC.wa[2]; barC.w_rela[3] = barC.S_rel[1,3] * barC.wb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,3] * barC.wb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,3] * barC.wb[3]) - barC.wa[3]; barC.w_relc[1] = barC.nz[1] * barC.nyd[1] + (barC.nz[2] * barC.nyd[2] + barC.nz[3] * barC.nyd[3]); barC.w_relc[2] = barC.nx[1] * barC.nzd[1] + (barC.nx[2] * barC.nzd[2] + barC.nx[3] * barC.nzd[3]); barC.w_relc[3] = barC.ny[1] * barC.nxd[1] + (barC.ny[2] * barC.nxd[2] + barC.ny[3] * barC.nxd[3]); barC.wc[1] = barC.S_relc[1,1] * barC.wa[1] + (barC.S_relc[1,2] * barC.wa[2] + (barC.S_relc[1,3] * barC.wa[3] + barC.w_relc[1])); barC.wc[2] = barC.S_relc[2,1] * barC.wa[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,2] * barC.wa[2] + (barC.S_relc[2,3] * barC.wa[3] + barC.w_relc[2])); barC.wc[3] = barC.S_relc[3,1] * barC.wa[1] + (barC.S_relc[3,2] * barC.wa[2] + (barC.S_relc[3,3] * barC.wa[3] + barC.w_relc[3])); barC.z_rela[1] = barC.S_rel[1,1] * barC.zb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,1] * barC.zb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,1] * barC.zb[3]) - barC.za[1] - (barC.wa[2] * barC.w_rela[3] - barC.wa[3] * barC.w_rela[2]); barC.z_rela[2] = barC.S_rel[1,2] * barC.zb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,2] * barC.zb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,2] * barC.zb[3]) - barC.za[2] - (barC.wa[3] * barC.w_rela[1] - barC.wa[1] * barC.w_rela[3]); barC.z_rela[3] = barC.S_rel[1,3] * barC.zb[1] + (barC.S_rel[2,3] * barC.zb[2] + barC.S_rel[3,3] * barC.zb[3]) - barC.za[3] - (barC.wa[1] * barC.w_rela[2] - barC.wa[2] * barC.w_rela[1]); barC.z_relc[1] = barC.nz[1] * barC.nydd[1] + (barC.nz[2] * barC.nydd[2] + (barC.nz[3] * barC.nydd[3] + (barC.nzd[1] * barC.nyd[1] + (barC.nzd[2] * barC.nyd[2] + barC.nzd[3] * barC.nyd[3])))); barC.z_relc[2] = barC.nx[1] * barC.nzdd[1] + (barC.nx[2] * barC.nzdd[2] + (barC.nx[3] * barC.nzdd[3] + (barC.nxd[1] * barC.nzd[1] + (barC.nxd[2] * barC.nzd[2] + barC.nxd[3] * barC.nzd[3])))); barC.z_relc[3] = barC.ny[1] * barC.nxdd[1] + (barC.ny[2] * barC.nxdd[2] + (barC.ny[3] * barC.nxdd[3] + (barC.nyd[1] * barC.nxd[1] + (barC.nyd[2] * barC.nxd[2] + barC.nyd[3] * barC.nxd[3])))); barC.zc[1] = barC.S_relc[1,1] * barC.za[1] + (barC.S_relc[1,2] * barC.za[2] + (barC.S_relc[1,3] * barC.za[3] + (barC.wc[2] * barC.w_relc[3] + ((-barC.wc[3] * barC.w_relc[2]) + barC.z_relc[1])))); barC.zc[2] = barC.S_relc[2,1] * barC.za[1] + (barC.S_relc[2,2] * barC.za[2] + (barC.S_relc[2,3] * barC.za[3] + (barC.wc[3] * barC.w_relc[1] + ((-barC.wc[1] * barC.w_relc[3]) + barC.z_relc[2])))); barC.zc[3] = barC.S_relc[3,1] * barC.za[1] + (barC.S_relc[3,2] * barC.za[2] + (barC.S_relc[3,3] * barC.za[3] + (barC.wc[1] * barC.w_relc[2] + ((-barC.wc[2] * barC.w_relc[1]) + barC.z_relc[3])))); constant Real b0.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b0.frameTranslation.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b0.frameTranslation.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b0.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b1.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b1.frameTranslation.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b1.frameTranslation.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b1.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b2.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b2.frameTranslation.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b2.frameTranslation.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b2.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b3.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b3.frameTranslation.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real b3.frameTranslation.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real b3.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real barC.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real barC.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real j1.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real j1.pi = 3.14159265358979; constant Real j2.PI = 3.14159265358979 "Only for compatibility reasons"; constant Real j2.pi = 3.14159265358979; constrain(barC.constraintResidue,barC.constraintResidue_d,barC.constraintResidue_dd); inertial.frame_b.S[1,1] = 1.0; inertial.frame_b.S[1,2] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.S[1,3] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.S[2,1] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.S[2,2] = 1.0; inertial.frame_b.S[2,3] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.S[3,1] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.S[3,2] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.S[3,3] = 1.0; inertial.frame_b.a[1] = -inertial.gravity[1]; inertial.frame_b.a[2] = -inertial.gravity[2]; inertial.frame_b.a[3] = -inertial.gravity[3]; inertial.frame_b.r0[1] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.r0[2] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.r0[3] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.v[1] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.v[2] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.v[3] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.w[1] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.w[2] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.w[3] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.z[1] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.z[2] = 0.0; inertial.frame_b.z[3] = 0.0; inertial.gravity[1] = inertial.g * inertial.ng[1]; inertial.gravity[2] = inertial.g * inertial.ng[2]; inertial.gravity[3] = inertial.g * inertial.ng[3]; input Real b0.body.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.body.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.body.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.body.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.body.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.body.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[1,1] = b0.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[1,2] = b0.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[1,3] = b0.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[2,1] = b0.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[2,2] = b0.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[2,3] = b0.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[3,1] = b0.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[3,2] = b0.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.S[3,3] = b0.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b0.box.mcShape.color[1] = 255.0 * b0.box.Material[1] "Color of shape"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.color[2] = 255.0 * b0.box.Material[2] "Color of shape"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.color[3] = 255.0 * b0.box.Material[3] "Color of shape"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.extra = b0.box.Extra "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.height(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.Height "Height of visual object"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.Length "Length of visual object"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] = b0.box.LengthDirection[1] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] = b0.box.LengthDirection[2] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] = b0.box.LengthDirection[3] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.r[1] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.r[2] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.r[3] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.r0[1] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.r0[2] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.r_shape[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.r0[3] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient = b0.box.Material[4]; input Real b0.box.mcShape.width(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.box.Width "Width of visual object"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] = b0.box.WidthDirection[1] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] = b0.box.WidthDirection[2] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] = b0.box.WidthDirection[3] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b0.box.r[1] "Position of visual object."; input Real b0.box.r[2] "Position of visual object."; input Real b0.box.r[3] "Position of visual object."; input Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.frameTranslation.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.frameTranslation.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.frameTranslation.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b0.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.body.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.body.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.body.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.body.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.body.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.body.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[1,1] = b1.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[1,2] = b1.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[1,3] = b1.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[2,1] = b1.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[2,2] = b1.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[2,3] = b1.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[3,1] = b1.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[3,2] = b1.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.S[3,3] = b1.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b1.box.mcShape.color[1] = 255.0 * b1.box.Material[1] "Color of shape"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.color[2] = 255.0 * b1.box.Material[2] "Color of shape"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.color[3] = 255.0 * b1.box.Material[3] "Color of shape"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.extra = b1.box.Extra "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.height(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.Height "Height of visual object"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.Length "Length of visual object"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] = b1.box.LengthDirection[1] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] = b1.box.LengthDirection[2] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] = b1.box.LengthDirection[3] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.r[1] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.r[2] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.r[3] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.r0[1] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.r0[2] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.r_shape[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.r0[3] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient = b1.box.Material[4]; input Real b1.box.mcShape.width(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.box.Width "Width of visual object"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] = b1.box.WidthDirection[1] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] = b1.box.WidthDirection[2] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] = b1.box.WidthDirection[3] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b1.box.r[1] "Position of visual object."; input Real b1.box.r[2] "Position of visual object."; input Real b1.box.r[3] "Position of visual object."; input Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.frameTranslation.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.frameTranslation.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.frameTranslation.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b1.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.body.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.body.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.body.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.body.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.body.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.body.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[1,1] = b2.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[1,2] = b2.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[1,3] = b2.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[2,1] = b2.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[2,2] = b2.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[2,3] = b2.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[3,1] = b2.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[3,2] = b2.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.S[3,3] = b2.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b2.box.mcShape.color[1] = 255.0 * b2.box.Material[1] "Color of shape"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.color[2] = 255.0 * b2.box.Material[2] "Color of shape"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.color[3] = 255.0 * b2.box.Material[3] "Color of shape"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.extra = b2.box.Extra "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.height(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.Height "Height of visual object"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.Length "Length of visual object"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] = b2.box.LengthDirection[1] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] = b2.box.LengthDirection[2] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] = b2.box.LengthDirection[3] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.r[1] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.r[2] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.r[3] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.r0[1] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.r0[2] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.r_shape[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.r0[3] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient = b2.box.Material[4]; input Real b2.box.mcShape.width(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.box.Width "Width of visual object"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] = b2.box.WidthDirection[1] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] = b2.box.WidthDirection[2] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] = b2.box.WidthDirection[3] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b2.box.r[1] "Position of visual object."; input Real b2.box.r[2] "Position of visual object."; input Real b2.box.r[3] "Position of visual object."; input Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.frameTranslation.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.frameTranslation.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.frameTranslation.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b2.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.body.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.body.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.body.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.body.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.body.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.body.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[1,1] = b3.box.S[1,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[1,2] = b3.box.S[1,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[1,3] = b3.box.S[1,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[2,1] = b3.box.S[2,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[2,2] = b3.box.S[2,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[2,3] = b3.box.S[2,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[3,1] = b3.box.S[3,1] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[3,2] = b3.box.S[3,2] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.S[3,3] = b3.box.S[3,3] "3 x 3 transformation matrix."; input Real b3.box.mcShape.color[1] = 255.0 * b3.box.Material[1] "Color of shape"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.color[2] = 255.0 * b3.box.Material[2] "Color of shape"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.color[3] = 255.0 * b3.box.Material[3] "Color of shape"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.extra = b3.box.Extra "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.height(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.Height "Height of visual object"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.Length "Length of visual object"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[1] = b3.box.LengthDirection[1] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[2] = b3.box.LengthDirection[2] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.lengthDirection[3] = b3.box.LengthDirection[3] "Vector in length direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.r[1] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.r[2] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.r[3] "Position vector from origin of world frame to origin of object frame, resolved in world frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.r0[1] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.r0[2] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.r_shape[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.r0[3] "Position vector from origin of object frame to shape origin, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.specularCoefficient = b3.box.Material[4]; input Real b3.box.mcShape.width(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.box.Width "Width of visual object"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[1] = b3.box.WidthDirection[1] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[2] = b3.box.WidthDirection[2] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.mcShape.widthDirection[3] = b3.box.WidthDirection[3] "Vector in width direction, resolved in object frame"; input Real b3.box.r[1] "Position of visual object."; input Real b3.box.r[2] "Position of visual object."; input Real b3.box.r[3] "Position of visual object."; input Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.frameTranslation.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.frameTranslation.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.frameTranslation.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real b3.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real barC.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real barC.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real barC.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real barC.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real barC.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real barC.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real j1.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j1.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real j1.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j1.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real j1.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j1.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real j2.frame_a.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j2.r0a[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real j2.frame_a.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j2.r0a[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; input Real j2.frame_a.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j2.r0a[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; j1.S_rel[1,1] = j1.nn[1] ^ 2.0 + j1.cosq * (1.0 - j1.nn[1] ^ 2.0); j1.S_rel[1,2] = j1.nn[1] * j1.nn[2] + j1.cosq * ((-j1.nn[1]) * j1.nn[2]) - (-j1.sinq) * j1.nn[3]; j1.S_rel[1,3] = j1.nn[1] * j1.nn[3] + j1.cosq * ((-j1.nn[1]) * j1.nn[3]) - j1.sinq * j1.nn[2]; j1.S_rel[2,1] = j1.nn[2] * j1.nn[1] + j1.cosq * ((-j1.nn[2]) * j1.nn[1]) - j1.sinq * j1.nn[3]; j1.S_rel[2,2] = j1.nn[2] ^ 2.0 + j1.cosq * (1.0 - j1.nn[2] ^ 2.0); j1.S_rel[2,3] = j1.nn[2] * j1.nn[3] + j1.cosq * ((-j1.nn[2]) * j1.nn[3]) - (-j1.sinq) * j1.nn[1]; j1.S_rel[3,1] = j1.nn[3] * j1.nn[1] + j1.cosq * ((-j1.nn[3]) * j1.nn[1]) - (-j1.sinq) * j1.nn[2]; j1.S_rel[3,2] = j1.nn[3] * j1.nn[2] + j1.cosq * ((-j1.nn[3]) * j1.nn[2]) - j1.sinq * j1.nn[1]; j1.S_rel[3,3] = j1.nn[3] ^ 2.0 + j1.cosq * (1.0 - j1.nn[3] ^ 2.0); j1.Sb[1,1] = j1.Sa[1,1] * j1.S_rel[1,1] + (j1.Sa[1,2] * j1.S_rel[1,2] + j1.Sa[1,3] * j1.S_rel[1,3]); j1.Sb[1,2] = j1.Sa[1,1] * j1.S_rel[2,1] + (j1.Sa[1,2] * j1.S_rel[2,2] + j1.Sa[1,3] * j1.S_rel[2,3]); j1.Sb[1,3] = j1.Sa[1,1] * j1.S_rel[3,1] + (j1.Sa[1,2] * j1.S_rel[3,2] + j1.Sa[1,3] * j1.S_rel[3,3]); j1.Sb[2,1] = j1.Sa[2,1] * j1.S_rel[1,1] + (j1.Sa[2,2] * j1.S_rel[1,2] + j1.Sa[2,3] * j1.S_rel[1,3]); j1.Sb[2,2] = j1.Sa[2,1] * j1.S_rel[2,1] + (j1.Sa[2,2] * j1.S_rel[2,2] + j1.Sa[2,3] * j1.S_rel[2,3]); j1.Sb[2,3] = j1.Sa[2,1] * j1.S_rel[3,1] + (j1.Sa[2,2] * j1.S_rel[3,2] + j1.Sa[2,3] * j1.S_rel[3,3]); j1.Sb[3,1] = j1.Sa[3,1] * j1.S_rel[1,1] + (j1.Sa[3,2] * j1.S_rel[1,2] + j1.Sa[3,3] * j1.S_rel[1,3]); j1.Sb[3,2] = j1.Sa[3,1] * j1.S_rel[2,1] + (j1.Sa[3,2] * j1.S_rel[2,2] + j1.Sa[3,3] * j1.S_rel[2,3]); j1.Sb[3,3] = j1.Sa[3,1] * j1.S_rel[3,1] + (j1.Sa[3,2] * j1.S_rel[3,2] + j1.Sa[3,3] * j1.S_rel[3,3]); j1.a_rela[1] = 0.0; j1.a_rela[2] = 0.0; j1.a_rela[3] = 0.0; j1.ab[1] = j1.S_rel[1,1] * j1.aa[1] + (j1.S_rel[1,2] * j1.aa[2] + j1.S_rel[1,3] * j1.aa[3]); j1.ab[2] = j1.S_rel[2,1] * j1.aa[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,2] * j1.aa[2] + j1.S_rel[2,3] * j1.aa[3]); j1.ab[3] = j1.S_rel[3,1] * j1.aa[1] + (j1.S_rel[3,2] * j1.aa[2] + j1.S_rel[3,3] * j1.aa[3]); j1.axis.phi = j1.q; j1.axis.tau = j1.nn[1] * j1.tb[1] + (j1.nn[2] * j1.tb[2] + j1.nn[3] * j1.tb[3]); j1.bearing.phi = 0.0; j1.bearing.tau = 0.0; j1.cosq = cos(j1.qq); j1.fa[1] = j1.S_rel[1,1] * j1.fb[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,1] * j1.fb[2] + j1.S_rel[3,1] * j1.fb[3]); j1.fa[2] = j1.S_rel[1,2] * j1.fb[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,2] * j1.fb[2] + j1.S_rel[3,2] * j1.fb[3]); j1.fa[3] = j1.S_rel[1,3] * j1.fb[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,3] * j1.fb[2] + j1.S_rel[3,3] * j1.fb[3]); j1.frame_a.f[1] + (inertial.frame_b.f[1] + b0.frame_a.f[1]) = 0.0; j1.frame_a.f[2] + (inertial.frame_b.f[2] + b0.frame_a.f[2]) = 0.0; j1.frame_a.f[3] + (inertial.frame_b.f[3] + b0.frame_a.f[3]) = 0.0; j1.frame_a.t[1] + (inertial.frame_b.t[1] + b0.frame_a.t[1]) = 0.0; j1.frame_a.t[2] + (inertial.frame_b.t[2] + b0.frame_a.t[2]) = 0.0; j1.frame_a.t[3] + (inertial.frame_b.t[3] + b0.frame_a.t[3]) = 0.0; j1.frame_b.f[1] + b1.frame_a.f[1] = 0.0; j1.frame_b.f[2] + b1.frame_a.f[2] = 0.0; j1.frame_b.f[3] + b1.frame_a.f[3] = 0.0; j1.frame_b.t[1] + b1.frame_a.t[1] = 0.0; j1.frame_b.t[2] + b1.frame_a.t[2] = 0.0; j1.frame_b.t[3] + b1.frame_a.t[3] = 0.0; j1.nn[1] = j1.n[1] / sqrt(j1.n[1] ^ 2.0 + (j1.n[2] ^ 2.0 + j1.n[3] ^ 2.0)); j1.nn[2] = j1.n[2] / sqrt(j1.n[1] ^ 2.0 + (j1.n[2] ^ 2.0 + j1.n[3] ^ 2.0)); j1.nn[3] = j1.n[3] / sqrt(j1.n[1] ^ 2.0 + (j1.n[2] ^ 2.0 + j1.n[3] ^ 2.0)); j1.qd = der(j1.q); j1.qdd = der(j1.qd); j1.qq = j1.q - 0.0174532925199433 * j1.q0; j1.r0b[1] = j1.r0a[1]; j1.r0b[2] = j1.r0a[2]; j1.r0b[3] = j1.r0a[3]; j1.r_rela[1] = 0.0; j1.r_rela[2] = 0.0; j1.r_rela[3] = 0.0; j1.sinq = sin(j1.qq); j1.ta[1] = j1.S_rel[1,1] * j1.tb[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,1] * j1.tb[2] + j1.S_rel[3,1] * j1.tb[3]); j1.ta[2] = j1.S_rel[1,2] * j1.tb[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,2] * j1.tb[2] + j1.S_rel[3,2] * j1.tb[3]); j1.ta[3] = j1.S_rel[1,3] * j1.tb[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,3] * j1.tb[2] + j1.S_rel[3,3] * j1.tb[3]); j1.v_rela[1] = 0.0; j1.v_rela[2] = 0.0; j1.v_rela[3] = 0.0; j1.vb[1] = j1.S_rel[1,1] * j1.va[1] + (j1.S_rel[1,2] * j1.va[2] + j1.S_rel[1,3] * j1.va[3]); j1.vb[2] = j1.S_rel[2,1] * j1.va[1] + (j1.S_rel[2,2] * j1.va[2] + j1.S_rel[2,3] * j1.va[3]); j1.vb[3] = j1.S_rel[3,1] * j1.va[1] + (j1.S_rel[3,2] * j1.va[2] + j1.S_rel[3,3] * j1.va[3]); j1.w_rela[1] = j1.qd * j1.nn[1]; j1.w_rela[2] = j1.qd * j1.nn[2]; j1.w_rela[3] = j1.qd * j1.nn[3]; j1.wb[1] = j1.S_rel[1,1] * (j1.wa[1] + j1.w_rela[1]) + (j1.S_rel[1,2] * (j1.wa[2] + j1.w_rela[2]) + j1.S_rel[1,3] * (j1.wa[3] + j1.w_rela[3])); j1.wb[2] = j1.S_rel[2,1] * (j1.wa[1] + j1.w_rela[1]) + (j1.S_rel[2,2] * (j1.wa[2] + j1.w_rela[2]) + j1.S_rel[2,3] * (j1.wa[3] + j1.w_rela[3])); j1.wb[3] = j1.S_rel[3,1] * (j1.wa[1] + j1.w_rela[1]) + (j1.S_rel[3,2] * (j1.wa[2] + j1.w_rela[2]) + j1.S_rel[3,3] * (j1.wa[3] + j1.w_rela[3])); j1.z_rela[1] = j1.qdd * j1.nn[1]; j1.z_rela[2] = j1.qdd * j1.nn[2]; j1.z_rela[3] = j1.qdd * j1.nn[3]; j1.zb[1] = j1.S_rel[1,1] * (j1.za[1] + (j1.z_rela[1] + (j1.wa[2] * j1.w_rela[3] + (-j1.wa[3] * j1.w_rela[2])))) + (j1.S_rel[1,2] * (j1.za[2] + (j1.z_rela[2] + (j1.wa[3] * j1.w_rela[1] + (-j1.wa[1] * j1.w_rela[3])))) + j1.S_rel[1,3] * (j1.za[3] + (j1.z_rela[3] + (j1.wa[1] * j1.w_rela[2] + (-j1.wa[2] * j1.w_rela[1]))))); j1.zb[2] = j1.S_rel[2,1] * (j1.za[1] + (j1.z_rela[1] + (j1.wa[2] * j1.w_rela[3] + (-j1.wa[3] * j1.w_rela[2])))) + (j1.S_rel[2,2] * (j1.za[2] + (j1.z_rela[2] + (j1.wa[3] * j1.w_rela[1] + (-j1.wa[1] * j1.w_rela[3])))) + j1.S_rel[2,3] * (j1.za[3] + (j1.z_rela[3] + (j1.wa[1] * j1.w_rela[2] + (-j1.wa[2] * j1.w_rela[1]))))); j1.zb[3] = j1.S_rel[3,1] * (j1.za[1] + (j1.z_rela[1] + (j1.wa[2] * j1.w_rela[3] + (-j1.wa[3] * j1.w_rela[2])))) + (j1.S_rel[3,2] * (j1.za[2] + (j1.z_rela[2] + (j1.wa[3] * j1.w_rela[1] + (-j1.wa[1] * j1.w_rela[3])))) + j1.S_rel[3,3] * (j1.za[3] + (j1.z_rela[3] + (j1.wa[1] * j1.w_rela[2] + (-j1.wa[2] * j1.w_rela[1]))))); j1q = j1.q; j1qd = j1.qd; j2.S_rel[1,1] = 1.0; j2.S_rel[1,2] = 0.0; j2.S_rel[1,3] = 0.0; j2.S_rel[2,1] = 0.0; j2.S_rel[2,2] = 1.0; j2.S_rel[2,3] = 0.0; j2.S_rel[3,1] = 0.0; j2.S_rel[3,2] = 0.0; j2.S_rel[3,3] = 1.0; j2.Sb[1,1] = j2.Sa[1,1]; j2.Sb[1,2] = j2.Sa[1,2]; j2.Sb[1,3] = j2.Sa[1,3]; j2.Sb[2,1] = j2.Sa[2,1]; j2.Sb[2,2] = j2.Sa[2,2]; j2.Sb[2,3] = j2.Sa[2,3]; j2.Sb[3,1] = j2.Sa[3,1]; j2.Sb[3,2] = j2.Sa[3,2]; j2.Sb[3,3] = j2.Sa[3,3]; j2.a_rela[1] = j2.qdd * j2.nn[1]; j2.a_rela[2] = j2.qdd * j2.nn[2]; j2.a_rela[3] = j2.qdd * j2.nn[3]; j2.ab[1] = j2.aa[1] + (j2.a_rela[1] + (j2.za[2] * j2.r_rela[3] + ((-j2.za[3] * j2.r_rela[2]) + (j2.wa[2] * (j2.vaux[3] + 2.0 * j2.v_rela[3]) + (-j2.wa[3] * (j2.vaux[2] + 2.0 * j2.v_rela[2])))))); j2.ab[2] = j2.aa[2] + (j2.a_rela[2] + (j2.za[3] * j2.r_rela[1] + ((-j2.za[1] * j2.r_rela[3]) + (j2.wa[3] * (j2.vaux[1] + 2.0 * j2.v_rela[1]) + (-j2.wa[1] * (j2.vaux[3] + 2.0 * j2.v_rela[3])))))); j2.ab[3] = j2.aa[3] + (j2.a_rela[3] + (j2.za[1] * j2.r_rela[2] + ((-j2.za[2] * j2.r_rela[1]) + (j2.wa[1] * (j2.vaux[2] + 2.0 * j2.v_rela[2]) + (-j2.wa[2] * (j2.vaux[1] + 2.0 * j2.v_rela[1])))))); j2.axis.f = j2.nn[1] * j2.fb[1] + (j2.nn[2] * j2.fb[2] + j2.nn[3] * j2.fb[3]); j2.axis.s = j2.q; j2.bearing.f = 0.0; j2.bearing.s = 0.0; j2.fa[1] = j2.fb[1]; j2.fa[2] = j2.fb[2]; j2.fa[3] = j2.fb[3]; j2.frame_b.f[1] + b2.frame_a.f[1] = 0.0; j2.frame_b.f[2] + b2.frame_a.f[2] = 0.0; j2.frame_b.f[3] + b2.frame_a.f[3] = 0.0; j2.frame_b.t[1] + b2.frame_a.t[1] = 0.0; j2.frame_b.t[2] + b2.frame_a.t[2] = 0.0; j2.frame_b.t[3] + b2.frame_a.t[3] = 0.0; j2.nn[1] = j2.n[1] / sqrt(j2.n[1] ^ 2.0 + (j2.n[2] ^ 2.0 + j2.n[3] ^ 2.0)); j2.nn[2] = j2.n[2] / sqrt(j2.n[1] ^ 2.0 + (j2.n[2] ^ 2.0 + j2.n[3] ^ 2.0)); j2.nn[3] = j2.n[3] / sqrt(j2.n[1] ^ 2.0 + (j2.n[2] ^ 2.0 + j2.n[3] ^ 2.0)); j2.qd = der(j2.q); j2.qdd = der(j2.qd); j2.qq = j2.q - j2.q0; j2.r0b[1] = j2.r0a[1] + (j2.Sa[1,1] * j2.r_rela[1] + (j2.Sa[1,2] * j2.r_rela[2] + j2.Sa[1,3] * j2.r_rela[3])); j2.r0b[2] = j2.r0a[2] + (j2.Sa[2,1] * j2.r_rela[1] + (j2.Sa[2,2] * j2.r_rela[2] + j2.Sa[2,3] * j2.r_rela[3])); j2.r0b[3] = j2.r0a[3] + (j2.Sa[3,1] * j2.r_rela[1] + (j2.Sa[3,2] * j2.r_rela[2] + j2.Sa[3,3] * j2.r_rela[3])); j2.r_rela[1] = j2.qq * j2.nn[1]; j2.r_rela[2] = j2.qq * j2.nn[2]; j2.r_rela[3] = j2.qq * j2.nn[3]; j2.ta[1] = j2.tb[1] + (j2.r_rela[2] * j2.fa[3] + (-j2.r_rela[3] * j2.fa[2])); j2.ta[2] = j2.tb[2] + (j2.r_rela[3] * j2.fa[1] + (-j2.r_rela[1] * j2.fa[3])); j2.ta[3] = j2.tb[3] + (j2.r_rela[1] * j2.fa[2] + (-j2.r_rela[2] * j2.fa[1])); j2.v_rela[1] = j2.qd * j2.nn[1]; j2.v_rela[2] = j2.qd * j2.nn[2]; j2.v_rela[3] = j2.qd * j2.nn[3]; j2.vaux[1] = j2.wa[2] * j2.r_rela[3] - j2.wa[3] * j2.r_rela[2]; j2.vaux[2] = j2.wa[3] * j2.r_rela[1] - j2.wa[1] * j2.r_rela[3]; j2.vaux[3] = j2.wa[1] * j2.r_rela[2] - j2.wa[2] * j2.r_rela[1]; j2.vb[1] = j2.va[1] + (j2.v_rela[1] + j2.vaux[1]); j2.vb[2] = j2.va[2] + (j2.v_rela[2] + j2.vaux[2]); j2.vb[3] = j2.va[3] + (j2.v_rela[3] + j2.vaux[3]); j2.w_rela[1] = 0.0; j2.w_rela[2] = 0.0; j2.w_rela[3] = 0.0; j2.wb[1] = j2.wa[1]; j2.wb[2] = j2.wa[2]; j2.wb[3] = j2.wa[3]; j2.z_rela[1] = 0.0; j2.z_rela[2] = 0.0; j2.z_rela[3] = 0.0; j2.zb[1] = j2.za[1]; j2.zb[2] = j2.za[2]; j2.zb[3] = j2.za[3]; j2q = j2.q; j2qd = j2.qd; output Real b0.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.frameTranslation.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.frameTranslation.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b0.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.frameTranslation.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b0.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b0.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b0.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.frameTranslation.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.frameTranslation.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b1.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.frameTranslation.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b1.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b1.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b1.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.frameTranslation.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.frameTranslation.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b2.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.frameTranslation.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b2.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b2.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b2.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.rvisobj[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.rvisobj[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.rvisobj[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "position vector from world frame to shape frame, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[1] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[2] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.rxvisobj[3] "x-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[1] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[2] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.box.mcShape.ryvisobj[3] "y-axis unit vector of shape, resolved in world frame"; output Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.frameTranslation.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.frameTranslation.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b3.frameTranslation.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.frameTranslation.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b3.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b3.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real b3.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real barC.frame_c.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0c[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real barC.frame_c.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0c[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real barC.frame_c.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = barC.r0c[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real inertial.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real inertial.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real inertial.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j1.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j1.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j1.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j1.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j1.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j1.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j1q(quantity = "Angle", unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg") "angle of revolute joint j1"; output Real j1qd(quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min") "axis speed of revolute joint j1"; output Real j2.frame_b.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j2.r0b[1] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j2.frame_b.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j2.r0b[2] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j2.frame_b.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = j2.r0b[3] "Position vector from inertial system to frame origin, resolved in inertial system"; output Real j2q(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "distance of prismatic joint j2"; output Real j2qd(quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s") "axis velocity of prismatic joint j2"; parameter Boolean j1.startValueFixed = true "true, if start values of q, qd are fixed"; parameter Boolean j2.startValueFixed = false "true, if start values of q, qd are fixed"; parameter Real L(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 1.04880884817015 "Length of connecting rod"; parameter Real b0.Height(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.01 "Height of box"; parameter Real b0.InnerHeight(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Height of inner box surface"; parameter Real b0.InnerWidth(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Width of inner box surface"; parameter Real b0.Length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = sqrt((b0.r[1] - b0.r0[1]) ^ 2.0 + ((b0.r[2] - b0.r0[2]) ^ 2.0 + (b0.r[3] - b0.r0[3]) ^ 2.0)) "Length of box"; parameter Real b0.LengthDirection[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r[1] - b0.r0[1] "Vector in length direction, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.LengthDirection[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r[2] - b0.r0[2] "Vector in length direction, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.LengthDirection[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r[3] - b0.r0[3] "Vector in length direction, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.Material[1] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b0.Material[2] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b0.Material[3] = 1.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b0.Material[4] = 0.5 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b0.Width(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.01 "Width of box"; parameter Real b0.WidthDirection[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector in width direction, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.WidthDirection[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 1.0 "Vector in width direction, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.WidthDirection[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector in width direction, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.box.Extra = 0.0 "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; parameter Real b0.box.Height = b0.Height "Height of visual object."; parameter Real b0.box.Length = b0.Length "Length of visual object."; parameter Real b0.box.LengthDirection[1] = b0.LengthDirection[1] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b0.box.LengthDirection[2] = b0.LengthDirection[2] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b0.box.LengthDirection[3] = b0.LengthDirection[3] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b0.box.Material[1] = b0.Material[1] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b0.box.Material[2] = b0.Material[2] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b0.box.Material[3] = b0.Material[3] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b0.box.Material[4] = b0.Material[4] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b0.box.Width = b0.Width "Width of visual object."; parameter Real b0.box.WidthDirection[1] = b0.WidthDirection[1] "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b0.box.WidthDirection[2] = b0.WidthDirection[2] "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b0.box.WidthDirection[3] = b0.WidthDirection[3] "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b0.box.r0[1] = b0.r0[1] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b0.box.r0[2] = b0.r0[2] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b0.box.r0[3] = b0.r0[3] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b0.frameTranslation.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r[1] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.frameTranslation.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r[2] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.frameTranslation.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b0.r[3] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left box plane, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left box plane, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left box plane, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 1.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b0.rho = 7.7 "Density of box material [g/cm^3]"; parameter Real b1.Axis[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r[1] - b1.r0[1] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.Axis[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r[2] - b1.r0[2] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.Axis[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r[3] - b1.r0[3] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.InnerRadius(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", min = 0.0, max = b1.Radius) = 0.0 "Inner radius of cylinder"; parameter Real b1.Length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = sqrt(b1.Axis[1] ^ 2.0 + (b1.Axis[2] ^ 2.0 + b1.Axis[3] ^ 2.0)) "Length of cylinder"; parameter Real b1.Material[1] = 1.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b1.Material[2] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b1.Material[3] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b1.Material[4] = 0.5 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b1.Radius(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", min = 0.0) = 0.05 "Radius of cylinder"; parameter Real b1.box.Extra = b1.InnerRadius / b1.Radius "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; parameter Real b1.box.Height = 2.0 * b1.Radius "Height of visual object."; parameter Real b1.box.Length = b1.Length "Length of visual object."; parameter Real b1.box.LengthDirection[1] = b1.Axis[1] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b1.box.LengthDirection[2] = b1.Axis[2] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b1.box.LengthDirection[3] = b1.Axis[3] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b1.box.Material[1] = b1.Material[1] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b1.box.Material[2] = b1.Material[2] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b1.box.Material[3] = b1.Material[3] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b1.box.Material[4] = b1.Material[4] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b1.box.Width = 2.0 * b1.Radius "Width of visual object."; parameter Real b1.box.WidthDirection[1] = 0.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b1.box.WidthDirection[2] = 1.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b1.box.WidthDirection[3] = 0.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b1.box.r0[1] = b1.r0[1] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b1.box.r0[2] = b1.r0[2] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b1.box.r0[3] = b1.r0[3] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b1.frameTranslation.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r[1] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.frameTranslation.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r[2] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.frameTranslation.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b1.r[3] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.5 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.1 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b1.rho(min = 0.0) = 7.7 "Density of material [g/cm^3]"; parameter Real b2.Axis[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r[1] - b2.r0[1] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.Axis[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r[2] - b2.r0[2] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.Axis[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r[3] - b2.r0[3] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.InnerRadius(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", min = 0.0, max = b2.Radius) = 0.0 "Inner radius of cylinder"; parameter Real b2.Length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = sqrt(b2.Axis[1] ^ 2.0 + (b2.Axis[2] ^ 2.0 + b2.Axis[3] ^ 2.0)) "Length of cylinder"; parameter Real b2.Material[1] = 1.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b2.Material[2] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b2.Material[3] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b2.Material[4] = 0.5 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b2.Radius(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", min = 0.0) = 0.05 "Radius of cylinder"; parameter Real b2.box.Extra = b2.InnerRadius / b2.Radius "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; parameter Real b2.box.Height = 2.0 * b2.Radius "Height of visual object."; parameter Real b2.box.Length = b2.Length "Length of visual object."; parameter Real b2.box.LengthDirection[1] = b2.Axis[1] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b2.box.LengthDirection[2] = b2.Axis[2] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b2.box.LengthDirection[3] = b2.Axis[3] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b2.box.Material[1] = b2.Material[1] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b2.box.Material[2] = b2.Material[2] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b2.box.Material[3] = b2.Material[3] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b2.box.Material[4] = b2.Material[4] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b2.box.Width = 2.0 * b2.Radius "Width of visual object."; parameter Real b2.box.WidthDirection[1] = 0.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b2.box.WidthDirection[2] = 1.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b2.box.WidthDirection[3] = 0.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b2.box.r0[1] = b2.r0[1] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b2.box.r0[2] = b2.r0[2] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b2.box.r0[3] = b2.r0[3] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b2.frameTranslation.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r[1] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.frameTranslation.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r[2] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.frameTranslation.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b2.r[3] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.2 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b2.rho(min = 0.0) = 7.7 "Density of material [g/cm^3]"; parameter Real b3.Axis[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r[1] - b3.r0[1] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.Axis[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r[2] - b3.r0[2] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.Axis[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r[3] - b3.r0[3] "Vector in direction of cylinder axis, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.InnerRadius(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", min = 0.0, max = b3.Radius) = 0.0 "Inner radius of cylinder"; parameter Real b3.Length(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = sqrt(b3.Axis[1] ^ 2.0 + (b3.Axis[2] ^ 2.0 + b3.Axis[3] ^ 2.0)) "Length of cylinder"; parameter Real b3.Material[1] = 1.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b3.Material[2] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b3.Material[3] = 0.0 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b3.Material[4] = 0.5 "Color and specular coefficient"; parameter Real b3.Radius(quantity = "Length", unit = "m", min = 0.0) = 0.05 "Radius of cylinder"; parameter Real b3.box.Extra = b3.InnerRadius / b3.Radius "Additional size data for some of the shape types"; parameter Real b3.box.Height = 2.0 * b3.Radius "Height of visual object."; parameter Real b3.box.Length = b3.Length "Length of visual object."; parameter Real b3.box.LengthDirection[1] = b3.Axis[1] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b3.box.LengthDirection[2] = b3.Axis[2] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b3.box.LengthDirection[3] = b3.Axis[3] "Vector in length direction."; parameter Real b3.box.Material[1] = b3.Material[1] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b3.box.Material[2] = b3.Material[2] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b3.box.Material[3] = b3.Material[3] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b3.box.Material[4] = b3.Material[4] "Color and specular coefficient."; parameter Real b3.box.Width = 2.0 * b3.Radius "Width of visual object."; parameter Real b3.box.WidthDirection[1] = 0.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b3.box.WidthDirection[2] = 1.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b3.box.WidthDirection[3] = 0.0 "Vector in width direction."; parameter Real b3.box.r0[1] = b3.r0[1] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b3.box.r0[2] = b3.r0[2] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b3.box.r0[3] = b3.r0[3] "Origin of visual object."; parameter Real b3.frameTranslation.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r[1] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.frameTranslation.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r[2] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.frameTranslation.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = b3.r[3] "Vector from frame_a to frame_b resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.r0[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.r0[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.r0[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to left circle center, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.r[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = L "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.r[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.r[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Vector from frame_a to frame_b, resolved in frame_a"; parameter Real b3.rho(min = 0.0) = 7.7 "Density of material [g/cm^3]"; parameter Real barC.L(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = L "Length of the rod"; parameter Real barC.na[1] = 0.0 "orthogonal to y-axis of cut-frame C"; parameter Real barC.na[2] = 1.0 "orthogonal to y-axis of cut-frame C"; parameter Real barC.na[3] = 0.0 "orthogonal to y-axis of cut-frame C"; parameter Real inertial.g(quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2") = 9.81 "Gravity constant"; parameter Real inertial.ng[1] = 0.0 "Direction of gravity (gravity = g*ng)"; parameter Real inertial.ng[2] = -1.0 "Direction of gravity (gravity = g*ng)"; parameter Real inertial.ng[3] = 0.0 "Direction of gravity (gravity = g*ng)"; parameter Real j1.n[1] = 1.0 "Axis of rotation resolved in frame_a (= same as in frame_b)"; parameter Real j1.n[2] = 0.0 "Axis of rotation resolved in frame_a (= same as in frame_b)"; parameter Real j1.n[3] = 0.0 "Axis of rotation resolved in frame_a (= same as in frame_b)"; parameter Real j1.q0 = 0.0 "Rotation angle offset (see info) [deg]"; parameter Real j2.n[1] = 1.0 "Axis of translation resolved in frame_a (= same as in frame_b)"; parameter Real j2.n[2] = 0.0 "Axis of translation resolved in frame_a (= same as in frame_b)"; parameter Real j2.n[3] = 0.0 "Axis of translation resolved in frame_a (= same as in frame_b)"; parameter Real j2.q0(quantity = "Length", unit = "m") = 0.0 "Relative distance offset(see info)"; parameter String b0.box.Shape = "box" "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b0.box.mcShape.shapeType = b0.box.Shape "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b1.box.Shape = "pipe" "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b1.box.mcShape.shapeType = b1.box.Shape "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b2.box.Shape = "pipe" "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b2.box.mcShape.shapeType = b2.box.Shape "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b3.box.Shape = "pipe" "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String b3.box.mcShape.shapeType = b3.box.Shape "Type of shape (box, sphere, cylinder, pipecylinder, cone, pipe, beam, gearwheel, spring)"; parameter String inertial.label1 = "x" "Label of horizontal axis in icon"; parameter String inertial.label2 = "y" "Label of vertical axis in icon"; protected Real b0.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.body.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.body.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.body.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.body.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.body.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.body.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.body.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.body.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.body.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.body.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.body.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.body.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.body.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.body.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.body.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.body.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.body.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.body.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.body.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.body.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.body.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.body.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.body.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.vaux[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.vaux[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.vaux[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.frameTranslation.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b0.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b0.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b0.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b0.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b0.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.body.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.body.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.body.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.body.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.body.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.body.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.body.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.body.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.body.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.body.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.body.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.body.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.body.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.body.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.body.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.body.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.body.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.body.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.body.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.body.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.body.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.body.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.body.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.vaux[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.vaux[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.vaux[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.frameTranslation.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b1.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b1.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b1.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b1.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b1.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.body.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.body.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.body.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.body.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.body.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.body.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.body.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.body.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.body.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.body.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.body.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.body.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.body.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.body.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.body.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.body.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.body.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.body.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.body.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.body.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.body.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.body.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.body.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.vaux[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.vaux[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.vaux[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.frameTranslation.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b2.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b2.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b2.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b2.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b2.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.body.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.body.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.body.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.body.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.body.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.body.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.body.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.body.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.body.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.body.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.body.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.body.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.body.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.body.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.body.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.body.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.body.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.body.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.body.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.body.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.body.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.body.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.body.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.vaux[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.vaux[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.vaux[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.frameTranslation.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real b3.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real b3.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real b3.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real b3.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real b3.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.S_relc[1,1]; protected Real barC.S_relc[1,2]; protected Real barC.S_relc[1,3]; protected Real barC.S_relc[2,1]; protected Real barC.S_relc[2,2]; protected Real barC.S_relc[2,3]; protected Real barC.S_relc[3,1]; protected Real barC.S_relc[3,2]; protected Real barC.S_relc[3,3]; protected Real barC.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real barC.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real barC.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real barC.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real barC.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real barC.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real barC.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real barC.Sc[1,1]; protected Real barC.Sc[1,2]; protected Real barC.Sc[1,3]; protected Real barC.Sc[2,1]; protected Real barC.Sc[2,2]; protected Real barC.Sc[2,3]; protected Real barC.Sc[3,1]; protected Real barC.Sc[3,2]; protected Real barC.Sc[3,3]; protected Real barC.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real barC.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real barC.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real barC.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real barC.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real barC.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real barC.ac[1]; protected Real barC.ac[2]; protected Real barC.ac[3]; protected Real barC.b1[1]; protected Real barC.b1[2]; protected Real barC.b1[3]; protected Real barC.bb; protected Real barC.bd[1]; protected Real barC.bd[2]; protected Real barC.bd[3]; protected Real barC.bdd[1]; protected Real barC.bdd[2]; protected Real barC.bdd[3]; protected Real barC.constraintResidue; protected Real barC.constraintResidue_d; protected Real barC.constraintResidue_dd; protected Real barC.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real barC.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real barC.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real barC.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real barC.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real barC.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real barC.fb_a[1] "cut-force fb resolved in cut a"; protected Real barC.fb_a[2] "cut-force fb resolved in cut a"; protected Real barC.fb_a[3] "cut-force fb resolved in cut a"; protected Real barC.fc[1]; protected Real barC.fc[2]; protected Real barC.fc[3]; protected Real barC.normb; protected Real barC.nx[1]; protected Real barC.nx[2]; protected Real barC.nx[3]; protected Real barC.nxd[1]; protected Real barC.nxd[2]; protected Real barC.nxd[3]; protected Real barC.nxdd[1]; protected Real barC.nxdd[2]; protected Real barC.nxdd[3]; protected Real barC.ny[1]; protected Real barC.ny[2]; protected Real barC.ny[3]; protected Real barC.nyd[1]; protected Real barC.nyd[2]; protected Real barC.nyd[3]; protected Real barC.nydd[1]; protected Real barC.nydd[2]; protected Real barC.nydd[3]; protected Real barC.nz[1]; protected Real barC.nz[2]; protected Real barC.nz[3]; protected Real barC.nzd[1]; protected Real barC.nzd[2]; protected Real barC.nzd[3]; protected Real barC.nzdd[1]; protected Real barC.nzdd[2]; protected Real barC.nzdd[3]; protected Real barC.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m", start = 1.0); protected Real barC.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m", start = 1.0); protected Real barC.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m", start = 1.0); protected Real barC.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real barC.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real barC.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real barC.r0c[1]; protected Real barC.r0c[2]; protected Real barC.r0c[3]; protected Real barC.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real barC.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real barC.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real barC.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real barC.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real barC.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real barC.tc[1]; protected Real barC.tc[2]; protected Real barC.tc[3]; protected Real barC.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real barC.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real barC.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real barC.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real barC.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real barC.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real barC.vc[1]; protected Real barC.vc[2]; protected Real barC.vc[3]; protected Real barC.w_relc[1]; protected Real barC.w_relc[2]; protected Real barC.w_relc[3]; protected Real barC.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real barC.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real barC.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real barC.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real barC.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real barC.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real barC.wc[1]; protected Real barC.wc[2]; protected Real barC.wc[3]; protected Real barC.z_relc[1]; protected Real barC.z_relc[2]; protected Real barC.z_relc[3]; protected Real barC.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real barC.zc[1]; protected Real barC.zc[2]; protected Real barC.zc[3]; protected Real j1.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real j1.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real j1.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real j1.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real j1.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real j1.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j1.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real j1.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j1.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j1.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j1.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j1.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j1.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j1.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j1.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j1.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j1.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j1.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j1.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j1.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j1.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j1.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j1.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j1.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j1.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j1.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j1.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j1.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j1.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j1.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j1.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j1.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j1.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j1.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j1.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j1.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j1.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j1.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j1.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j1.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j1.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j1.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j1.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j1.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j1.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j1.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j1.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j1.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j1.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j2.Sa[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real j2.Sa[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sa[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sa[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sa[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real j2.Sa[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sa[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sa[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sa[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real j2.Sb[1,1](start = 1.0); protected Real j2.Sb[1,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sb[1,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sb[2,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sb[2,2](start = 1.0); protected Real j2.Sb[2,3](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sb[3,1](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sb[3,2](start = 0.0); protected Real j2.Sb[3,3](start = 1.0); protected Real j2.aa[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j2.aa[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j2.aa[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j2.ab[1](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j2.ab[2](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j2.ab[3](quantity = "Acceleration", unit = "m/s2"); protected Real j2.fa[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j2.fa[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j2.fa[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j2.fb[1](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j2.fb[2](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j2.fb[3](quantity = "Force", unit = "N"); protected Real j2.r0a[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j2.r0a[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j2.r0a[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j2.r0b[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j2.r0b[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j2.r0b[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m"); protected Real j2.ta[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j2.ta[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j2.ta[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j2.tb[1](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j2.tb[2](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j2.tb[3](quantity = "Torque", unit = "N.m"); protected Real j2.va[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j2.va[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j2.va[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j2.vb[1](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j2.vb[2](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j2.vb[3](quantity = "Velocity", unit = "m/s"); protected Real j2.wa[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j2.wa[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j2.wa[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j2.wb[1](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j2.wb[2](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j2.wb[3](quantity = "AngularVelocity", unit = "rad/s", displayUnit = "rev/min"); protected Real j2.za[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j2.za[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j2.za[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j2.zb[1](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j2.zb[2](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected Real j2.zb[3](quantity = "AngularAcceleration", unit = "rad/s2"); protected output Real b0.box.mcShape.Extra; protected output Real b0.box.mcShape.Form; protected output Real b0.box.mcShape.Material; protected output Real b0.box.mcShape.size[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b0.box.mcShape.size[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b0.box.mcShape.size[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b1.box.mcShape.Extra; protected output Real b1.box.mcShape.Form; protected output Real b1.box.mcShape.Material; protected output Real b1.box.mcShape.size[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b1.box.mcShape.size[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b1.box.mcShape.size[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b2.box.mcShape.Extra; protected output Real b2.box.mcShape.Form; protected output Real b2.box.mcShape.Material; protected output Real b2.box.mcShape.size[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b2.box.mcShape.size[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b2.box.mcShape.size[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b3.box.mcShape.Extra; protected output Real b3.box.mcShape.Form; protected output Real b3.box.mcShape.Material; protected output Real b3.box.mcShape.size[1](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b3.box.mcShape.size[2](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; protected output Real b3.box.mcShape.size[3](quantity = "Length", unit = "m") "{length,width,height} of shape"; class MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar1 end MultiBody_Examples_Loops_Fourbar1; equation