{{{#!div style="float: right; margin: 0 1em" ← [../1.15.0] }}} {{{#!div style="margin-top: .5em; padding: 0 1em; background-color: #ffd; border:1px outset #ddc; text-align: center; clear: right" This is not the final release version }}} = Release Notes for OpenModelica [milestone:1.16.0] = [[PageOutline(2-3)]] == OpenModelica Compiler (OMC) == The new frontend has been further improved, with enhanced support of records and arrays. 26 tickets were fixed since the previous 1.14.0 release. The new front-end can now handle 100% of the Modelica Standard Library 3.2.3 models. Improvements to the back-end: - new minimal tearing option {{{--minimalTearing}}} to disable tearing except for discrete variables - improved symbolic Jacobian evaluation option {{{--simJacConstantSplit}}} reuses constant part of the Jacobian - improvements to dynamic state selection and common subexpression elimination - new ASCC algorithm replaces and improves resolveLoops algorithm, allowing to detect high-index problems with indirect structural state constraints, e.g. in three-phase AC circuits - homotopy operator now used on first try by default - linearized model export also available in Matlab, Python, and Julia with {{{--linearizationDumpLanguage}}} option Improvements to code generation and runtime: - Better support for models with records - CVODE solver from SUNDIALS added; – 2 methods available: BDF (stiff) and Adams-Moulton (non-stiff) It is now possible to build a version of OMC with parallel Jacobian evaluation using OpenMP - On Windows build OMC with {{{make -f Makefile.omdev.mingw omc -j4 USE_PARJAC=yes}}}. - On Unix configure with {{{--enable-parjac}}} and build OMC. - Only DASSL and IDA can use parallelized symbolic Jacobians. - Simulate with {{{-jacobianThreads=}}} or set environment variable {{{OMP_NUM_THREADS=}}} to use a specific number of threads. Otherwise all available threads will be used. == Graphic Editor OMEdit == Replaceable classes now have graphical support in OMEdit. This feature was planned to be included in release 1.15.0, but it eventually turned out to be more convenient to merge it in the 1.16.0 release. Many bug fixes to increase usability of the GUI. OMSimulator GUI improved: text editing of SSP models, undo/redo, delete components, etc. == FMI Support == Many FMI export bug fixes and improvements to increase usability of OMC-generated FMUs. FMI/CS 2.0 now includes CVODE solvers (previously only fixed-step forward Euler) and customization via simulation flags. == Other things == Successful integration of Modelon’s license manager for encrypted libraries. A special version of OMC available to Consortium members can now handle encrypted libraries, preventing source code browsing, and license management, via Modelon’s license manager, embedded in the encrypted library. [[TicketQuery(milestone=1.16.0,status=closed,severity!=trivial,resolution=fixed|-,col=changelog,group=component,format=table)]] {{{#!comment === Wiki === === Ticket System === ==== Roadmap and Milestone ==== ==== Custom Queries ==== ==== Reports ==== === Repository Browser === === User Preferences === === Timeline === === Admin === === Others === }}}