1 | model ResetIntegrator
2 | annotation(Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}})));
3 | Real state;
4 | parameter Real zero=1e-05;
5 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u annotation(Placement(transformation(x=-90.27189, y=59.032257, scale=0.21000001), iconTransformation(x=-92.0, y=55.0, scale=0.21000001)));
6 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput c annotation(Placement(transformation(x=-90.64056, y=-0.69585264, scale=0.21000001), iconTransformation(x=-82.0, y=-3.0, scale=0.21000001)));
7 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput s annotation(Placement(transformation(x=-88.15208, y=-59.207375, scale=0.21000001), iconTransformation(x=-87.0, y=-69.0, scale=0.21000001)));
8 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y annotation(Placement(transformation(x=96.792625, y=0.1520737, scale=0.21000001), iconTransformation(x=87.0, y=-1.0, scale=0.21000001)));
9 |
10 | equation
11 | der(state)=u;
12 | algorithm
13 | if c < zero and c > -zero then
14 | y:=s;
15 |
16 | else y:=state;
17 |
18 | end if;
19 | when c < zero and c > -zero then
20 | reinit(y,s);
21 |
22 | end when;
23 | end ResetIntegrator;
24 |