1 | model TranslationalTests "Tests Elastogap,Position,Move and RelativeStates"
2 | annotation (uses(Modelica(version="2.2.1")), Diagram(Text(
3 | extent=[-54,102; 90,62],
4 | string="Test of Translational Components",
5 | style(color=0, rgbcolor={0,0,0}))));
6 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.ElastoGap elastoGap(s_rel0=0.1)
7 | annotation (extent=[2,-38; 22,-18]);
8 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Rod rod(L=0.1)
9 | annotation (extent=[-32,-38; -12,-18]);
10 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Move move
11 | annotation (extent=[-58,-38; -38,-18]);
12 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Position position
13 | annotation (extent=[46,-100; 66,-80], rotation=0);
14 | Modelica.Blocks.Sources.SawTooth sawTooth(period=0.1)
15 | annotation (extent=[10,-100; 30,-80]);
16 | Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator integrator
17 | annotation (extent=[-94,58; -74,78]);
18 | Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative derivative
19 | annotation (extent=[-92,-12; -72,8]);
20 | Modelica.Blocks.Routing.Multiplex3 multiplex3_1
21 | annotation (extent=[-54,18; -34,38]);
22 | Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine(freqHz=15, amplitude=50)
23 | annotation (extent=[-92,20; -72,40]);
24 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Spring spring(s_rel0=0.1)
25 | annotation (extent=[-4,2; 16,22]);
26 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.SlidingMass slidingMass(L=0.1, m=0.01)
27 | annotation (extent=[24,2; 44,22]);
28 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Spring spring1(s_rel0=0.1)
29 | annotation (extent=[50,2; 70,22]);
30 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Fixed fixed(s0=0.4)
31 | annotation (extent=[76,2; 96,22]);
32 | Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.RelativeStates relativeStates
33 | annotation (extent=[24,42; 44,62]);
34 | equation
35 | connect(elastoGap.flange_a, rod.flange_b)
36 | annotation (points=[2,-28; -12,-28], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
37 | connect(sawTooth.y, position.s_ref)
38 | annotation (points=[31,-90; 44,-90], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
39 | connect(integrator.y, multiplex3_1.u1[1]) annotation (points=[-73,68; -66,68;
40 | -66,35; -56,35], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
41 | connect(derivative.y, multiplex3_1.u3[1]) annotation (points=[-71,-2; -64,-2;
42 | -64,21; -56,21], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
43 | connect(rod.flange_a, move.flange_b) annotation (points=[-32,-28; -38,-28],
44 | style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
45 | connect(move.u, multiplex3_1.y) annotation (points=[-60,-28; -64,-28; -64,-14;
46 | -26,-14; -26,28; -33,28], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
47 | connect(sine.y, integrator.u) annotation (points=[-71,30; -68,30; -68,46;
48 | -100,46; -100,68; -96,68], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
49 | connect(derivative.u, sine.y) annotation (points=[-94,-2; -98,-2; -98,12; -68,
50 | 12; -68,30; -71,30], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
51 | connect(multiplex3_1.u2[1], sine.y) annotation (points=[-56,28; -62,28; -62,
52 | 30; -71,30], style(color=74, rgbcolor={0,0,127}));
53 | connect(position.flange_b, elastoGap.flange_b) annotation (points=[66,-90; 68,
54 | -90; 68,-28; 22,-28], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
55 | connect(spring.flange_a, rod.flange_b) annotation (points=[-4,12; -12,12; -12,
56 | -28], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
57 | connect(slidingMass.flange_a, spring.flange_b)
58 | annotation (points=[24,12; 16,12], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
59 | connect(spring1.flange_a, slidingMass.flange_b)
60 | annotation (points=[50,12; 44,12], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
61 | connect(fixed.flange_b, spring1.flange_b)
62 | annotation (points=[86,12; 70,12], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
63 | connect(relativeStates.flange_a, slidingMass.flange_a)
64 | annotation (points=[24,52; 24,12], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
65 | connect(relativeStates.flange_b, slidingMass.flange_b)
66 | annotation (points=[44,52; 44,12], style(color=58, rgbcolor={0,127,0}));
67 | end TranslationalTests;