1 | package Test
2 | import Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp;
3 | import Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.*;
4 |
5 | model M1
6 | parameter Integer t1 [:]; // list of indices for t2
7 | parameter Real t2 [:]; // list of items to sum
8 |
9 | RealInput d;
10 | Integer n (start=1);
11 | Real s;
12 | algorithm
13 | s := sum(t2[i] for i in t1[1:n]);
14 | n := F1(n,d,s,t1,t2);
15 | end M1;
16 |
17 | function F1
18 | input Integer nb;
19 | input Real d;
20 | input Real s;
21 | input Integer t1 [:];
22 | input Real t2 [:];
23 |
24 | output Integer nbNew;
25 |
26 | algorithm
27 | nbNew := if d >= s and nb < size(t1,1) then
28 | nb + 1
29 | elseif d <= s/2 and nb > 1 then
30 | nb - 1
31 | else
32 | nb;
33 | end F1;
34 |
35 | model Test1
36 | Ramp rp(offset=5000,startTime=0,duration=10,height=95000);
37 | M1 m(t1={2,4,1,5,3,6,7},t2={11400,11400,11400,15200,15200,15200,15200});
38 | equation
39 | connect(rp.y,m.d);
40 | end Test1;
41 |
42 | end Test;