Ticket #2549: rc.gnuplot
File rc.gnuplot, 501 bytes (added by , 11 years ago) |
Line | |
1 | set term pdf |
2 | set datafile separator "," |
3 | set xlabel "time [s]" |
4 | set ylabel "Voltage [V]" |
5 | set output "RC-res.pdf" |
6 | set style line 1 linecolor rgb "red" lt 1 lw 2 pi 20 ps 1 |
7 | set style line 2 linecolor rgb "green" lt 2 lw 2 pi 20 ps 1 |
8 | set style line 3 linecolor rgb "blue" lt 4 lw 2 pi 20 ps 1 |
9 | plot "RC_res.csv" using 1:"c.v" title "c.v" with linespoints ls 1, \ |
10 | "RC_res.csv" using 1:"pv.v" title "pv.v" with linespoints ls 2, \ |
11 | "RC_res.csv" using 1:"r.v" title "r.v" with linespoints ls 3 |