1 | within Project1;
2 | model SpringDamperARB_4
3 | "Rocker arrangement w spring damper per side and anti roll bar4"
4 | extends
5 | VDLMotorsports.Chassis.Suspensions.Linkages.Templates.RockerArrangement;
6 |
7 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
8 | parameter SI.Position r0CS_1[3] = {0.3, 0.08, 0.13}
9 | "Position of the left spring end connected to the chassis resolved in vehicleFrame"
10 | annotation(Dialog(tab=Geometry));
11 | parameter SI.Position r0RS_1[3] = {0.06, 0.04, 0.13}
12 | "Position of the left spring end connected to the rocker resolved in vehicleFrame"
13 | annotation(Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
14 |
15 | parameter SI.Position r0CD_1[3] = {0.3, 0.08, 0.13}
16 | "Position of the left damper end connected to the chassis resolved in vehicleFrame"
17 | annotation(Dialog(tab=Geometry));
18 | parameter SI.Position r0RD_1[3] = {0.06, 0.04, 0.13}
19 | "Position of the left damper end connected to the rocker resolved in vehicleFrame"
20 | annotation(Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
21 |
22 | parameter SI.Position r0CS_2[3] = {0.3, 0.08, 0.13}
23 | "Position of the right spring end connected to the chassis resolved in vehicleFrame"
24 | annotation(Dialog(tab=Geometry));
25 | parameter SI.Position r0RS_2[3] = {0.06, 0.04, 0.13}
26 | "Position of the right spring end connected to the rocker resolved in vehicleFrame"
27 | annotation(Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
28 |
29 | parameter SI.Position r0CD_2[3] = {0.3, 0.08, 0.13}
30 | "Position of the right damper end connected to the chassis resolved in vehicleFrame"
31 | annotation(Dialog(tab=Geometry));
32 | parameter SI.Position r0RD_2[3] = {0.06, 0.04, 0.13}
33 | "Position of the right damper end connected to the rocker resolved in vehicleFrame"
34 | annotation(Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
35 |
36 | protected
37 | parameter SI.Position r0CS_1_scaled[3] = r0CS_1 .* scale_factor + offset;
38 | parameter SI.Position r0RS_1_scaled[3] = r0RS_1 .* scale_factor + offset;
39 |
40 | parameter SI.Position r0CD_1_scaled[3] = r0CD_1 .* scale_factor + offset;
41 | parameter SI.Position r0RD_1_scaled[3] = r0RD_1 .* scale_factor + offset;
42 |
43 | parameter SI.Position r0CS_2_scaled[3] = r0CS_2 .* scale_factor + offset;
44 | parameter SI.Position r0RS_2_scaled[3] = r0RS_2 .* scale_factor + offset;
45 |
46 | parameter SI.Position r0CD_2_scaled[3] = r0CD_2 .* scale_factor + offset;
47 | parameter SI.Position r0RD_2_scaled[3] = r0RD_2 .* scale_factor + offset;
48 | VehicleDynamics.Vehicles.Chassis.Suspensions.Linkages.Struts.UnconstrainedTranslational
49 | leftSpring(
50 | r0J1=r0CS_1_scaled,
51 | r0J2=r0RS_1_scaled,
52 | r0B=r0CR_1_scaled)
53 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
54 | extent={{-10,4},{10,-4}},
55 | rotation=-90,
56 | origin={-100,50})));
57 | VehicleDynamics.Vehicles.Chassis.Suspensions.Linkages.Struts.UnconstrainedTranslational
58 | leftDamper(
59 | r0J1=r0CD_1_scaled,
60 | r0J2=r0RD_1_scaled,
61 | r0B=r0CR_1_scaled)
62 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
63 | extent={{-10,-4},{10,4}},
64 | rotation=-90,
65 | origin={-80,50})));
66 | VehicleDynamics.Vehicles.Chassis.Suspensions.Linkages.Struts.UnconstrainedTranslational
67 | rightDamper(
68 | r0B=r0CR_2_scaled,
69 | r0J1=r0CD_2_scaled,
70 | r0J2=r0RD_2_scaled)
71 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
72 | extent={{10,-4},{-10,4}},
73 | rotation=90,
74 | origin={80,50})));
75 | VehicleDynamics.Vehicles.Chassis.Suspensions.Linkages.Struts.UnconstrainedTranslational
76 | rightSpring(
77 | r0B=r0CR_2_scaled,
78 | r0J1=r0CS_2_scaled,
79 | r0J2=r0RS_2_scaled,
80 | lineForce(m=1))
81 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
82 | extent={{-10,-4},{10,4}},
83 | rotation=-90,
84 | origin={100,50})));
85 | VDLMotorsports.Chassis.Suspensions.Linkages.Mechanisms.AntiRoll1 antiRoll(
86 | r0CR_1=r0CR_1_scaled,
87 | r0RP_1=r0RP_1 .* scale_factor + offset,
88 | r0LP_1=r0LP_1 .* scale_factor + offset,
89 | r0ARB_1=r0ARB_1 .* scale_factor + offset,
90 | r0CR_2=r0CR_2_scaled,
91 | r0RP_2=r0RP_2 .* scale_factor + offset,
92 | r0LP_2=r0LP_2 .* scale_factor + offset,
93 | r0ARB_2=r0ARB_2 .* scale_factor + offset,
94 | fAntiRoll_1=fAntiRoll_1,
95 | manualOverride=manualOverride,
96 | manualBranchSelection=manualBranchSelection)
97 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-48},{10,-68}})));
98 | public
99 | parameter SI.Position r0RP_1[3]={0,0.3,0.3}
100 | "Position of left pivot point on rocker resolved in vehicleFrame"
101 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
102 | parameter SI.Position r0LP_1[3]={0,0.3,0.3}
103 | "Position of left lever pivot point resolved in vehicleFrame"
104 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
105 | parameter SI.Position r0ARB_1[3]={0,0.3,0.3}
106 | "Position of left end of anti-roll bar resolved in vehicleFrame"
107 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
108 | parameter SI.Position r0RP_2[3]=antiRoll.r0RP_1 .* {1,-1,1}
109 | "Position of right pivot point on rocker resolved in vehicleFrame"
110 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
111 | parameter SI.Position r0LP_2[3]=antiRoll.r0LP_1 .* {1,-1,1}
112 | "Position of right lever pivot point resolved in vehicleFrame"
113 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
114 | parameter SI.Position r0ARB_2[3]=antiRoll.r0ARB_1 .* {1,-1,1}
115 | "Position of right end of anti-roll bar resolved in vehicleFrame"
116 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
117 | parameter SI.Force fAntiRoll_1=0
118 | "Initial estimate of the force in the left anti-roll bar arm"
119 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Initialization"));
120 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeU axis2
121 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-160,16},{-140,36}})));
122 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeC bearing2
123 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-160,54},{-140,74}})));
124 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeC bearing1
125 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-86,90},{-66,110}})));
126 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeU axis1
127 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-56,90},{-36,110}})));
128 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeU axis3
129 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,90},{60,110}})));
130 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeC bearing3
131 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{68,90},{88,110}})));
132 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeC bearing4
133 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{140,58},{160,78}})));
134 | Modelon.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.FlangeU axis4
135 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{140,20},{160,40}})));
136 | Modelon.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.FlangeU axis5
137 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,-110},{-14,-90}})));
138 | Modelon.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.FlangeC bearing5
139 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-82,-110},{-62,-90}})));
140 | parameter Boolean manualBranchSelection=false
141 | "Select positive (true) or negative (false) solution branch for inital angle of revolute in the anti-roll bar arms"
142 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Solution Selection"));
143 | parameter SI.Mass m=0
144 | "Mass of point mass on the connetion line between the origin of frame_a and the origin of frame_b"
145 | annotation (Dialog(tab="Geometry"));
146 | equation
147 | connect(leftSpring.frame_a, vehicleFrame) annotation (Line(
148 | points={{-100,60},{-100,80},{0,80},{0,100}},
149 | color={95,95,95},
150 | thickness=0.5,
151 | smooth=Smooth.None));
152 | connect(leftDamper.frame_a, vehicleFrame) annotation (Line(
153 | points={{-80,60},{-80,80},{0,80},{0,100}},
154 | color={95,95,95},
155 | thickness=0.5,
156 | smooth=Smooth.None));
157 | connect(rightDamper.frame_a, vehicleFrame) annotation (Line(
158 | points={{80,60},{80,80},{0,80},{0,100}},
159 | color={95,95,95},
160 | thickness=0.5,
161 | smooth=Smooth.None));
162 | connect(rightSpring.frame_a, vehicleFrame) annotation (Line(
163 | points={{100,60},{100,80},{0,80},{0,100}},
164 | color={95,95,95},
165 | thickness=0.5,
166 | smooth=Smooth.None));
167 | connect(leftRockerFrame, antiRoll.leftRockerFrame) annotation (Line(
168 | points={{-150,-60},{-80,-60},{-80,-64},{-10,-64}},
169 | color={95,95,95},
170 | thickness=0.5,
171 | smooth=Smooth.None));
172 | connect(leftSpring.frame_b, antiRoll.leftRockerFrame) annotation (Line(
173 | points={{-100,40},{-100,-60},{-80,-60},{-80,-64},{-10,-64}},
174 | color={95,95,95},
175 | thickness=0.5,
176 | smooth=Smooth.None));
177 | connect(leftDamper.frame_b, antiRoll.leftRockerFrame) annotation (Line(
178 | points={{-80,40},{-80,-64},{-10,-64}},
179 | color={95,95,95},
180 | thickness=0.5,
181 | smooth=Smooth.None));
182 | connect(antiRoll.rightRockerFrame, rightRockerFrame) annotation (Line(
183 | points={{10,-64},{80,-64},{80,-60},{150,-60}},
184 | color={95,95,95},
185 | thickness=0.5,
186 | smooth=Smooth.None));
187 | connect(antiRoll.vehicleFrame, vehicleFrame) annotation (Line(
188 | points={{0,-48},{0,100}},
189 | color={95,95,95},
190 | thickness=0.5,
191 | smooth=Smooth.None));
192 | connect(leftSpring.axis, axis2) annotation (Line(
193 | points={{-104,47},{-150,47},{-150,26}},
194 | color={0,127,0},
195 | smooth=Smooth.None));
196 | connect(leftSpring.bearing, bearing2) annotation (Line(
197 | points={{-104,53},{-128,53},{-128,56},{-150,56},{-150,64}},
198 | color={0,127,0},
199 | smooth=Smooth.None));
200 | connect(leftDamper.bearing, bearing1) annotation (Line(
201 | points={{-76,53},{-70,53},{-70,100},{-76,100}},
202 | color={0,127,0},
203 | smooth=Smooth.None));
204 | connect(leftDamper.axis, axis1) annotation (Line(
205 | points={{-76,47},{-52,47},{-52,100},{-46,100}},
206 | color={0,127,0},
207 | smooth=Smooth.None));
208 | connect(rightDamper.axis, axis3) annotation (Line(
209 | points={{76,47},{42,47},{42,100},{50,100}},
210 | color={0,127,0},
211 | smooth=Smooth.None));
212 | connect(rightDamper.bearing, bearing3) annotation (Line(
213 | points={{76,53},{74,53},{74,54},{72,54},{72,100},{78,100}},
214 | color={0,127,0},
215 | smooth=Smooth.None));
216 | connect(rightSpring.bearing, bearing4) annotation (Line(
217 | points={{104,53},{150,53},{150,68}},
218 | color={0,127,0},
219 | smooth=Smooth.None));
220 | connect(rightSpring.axis, axis4) annotation (Line(
221 | points={{104,47},{150,47},{150,30}},
222 | color={0,127,0},
223 | smooth=Smooth.None));
224 | connect(antiRoll.axis2, axis5) annotation (Line(
225 | points={{-10,-58},{-20,-58},{-20,-100},{-24,-100}},
226 | color={0,0,0},
227 | smooth=Smooth.None));
228 | connect(antiRoll.bearing2, bearing5) annotation (Line(
229 | points={{-10,-50},{-34,-50},{-34,-52},{-58,-52},{-58,-100},{-72,-100}},
230 | color={0,0,0},
231 | smooth=Smooth.None));
232 | annotation (Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-150,
233 | -100},{150,100}}), graphics));
234 | end SpringDamperARB_4;