1 | package ModelicaServices
2 | "(version = 3.2.1, target = \"Dymola\") Models and functions used in the Modelica Standard Library requiring a tool specific implementation"
3 |
4 | package Machine
5 |
6 | final constant Real eps=1.e-15 "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
7 | annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
8 | <p>
9 | Package in which processor specific constants are defined that are needed
10 | by numerical algorithms. Typically these constants are not directly used,
11 | but indirectly via the alias definition in
12 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Constants\">Modelica.Constants</a>.
13 | </p>
14 | </html>"));
15 | end Machine;
16 | annotation (
17 | Protection(access=Access.hide),
18 | preferredView="info",
19 | version="3.2.1",
20 | versionDate="2013-01-17",
21 | versionBuild=1,
22 | uses(Modelica(version="3.2.1")),
23 | conversion(
24 | noneFromVersion="1.0",
25 | noneFromVersion="1.1",
26 | noneFromVersion="1.2"),
27 | Documentation(info="<html>
28 | <p>
29 | This package contains a set of functions and models to be used in the
30 | Modelica Standard Library that requires a tool specific implementation.
31 | These are:
32 | </p>
33 |
34 | <ul>
35 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://ModelicaServices.Animation.Shape\">Shape</a>
36 | provides a 3-dim. visualization of elementary
37 | mechanical objects. It is used in
38 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Shape\">Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Shape</a>
39 | via inheritance.</li>
40 |
41 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://ModelicaServices.Animation.Surface\">Surface</a>
42 | provides a 3-dim. visualization of
43 | moveable parameterized surface. It is used in
44 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Surface\">Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Advanced.Surface</a>
45 | via inheritance.</li>
46 |
47 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://ModelicaServices.ExternalReferences.loadResource\">loadResource</a>
48 | provides a function to return the absolute path name of an URI or a local file name. It is used in
49 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource\">Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource</a>
50 | via inheritance.</li>
51 |
52 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://ModelicaServices.Machine\">ModelicaServices.Machine</a>
53 | provides a package of machine constants. It is used in
54 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Constants\">Modelica.Constants</a>.</li>
55 |
56 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://ModelicaServices.Types.SolverMethod\">Types.SolverMethod</a>
57 | provides a string defining the integration method to solve differential equations in
58 | a clocked discretized continuous-time partition (see Modelica 3.3 language specification).
59 | It is not yet used in the Modelica Standard Library, but in the Modelica_Synchronous library
60 | that provides convenience blocks for the clock operators of Modelica version ≥ 3.3.</li>
61 | </ul>
62 |
63 | <p>
64 | This implementation is targeted for Dymola.
65 | </p>
66 |
67 | <p>
68 | <b>Licensed by DLR and Dassault Systèmes AB under the Modelica License 2</b><br>
69 | Copyright © 2009-2013, DLR and Dassault Systèmes AB.
70 | </p>
71 |
72 | <p>
73 | <i>This Modelica package is <u>free</u> software and the use is completely at <u>your own risk</u>; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"http://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> http://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i>
74 | </p>
75 |
76 | </html>"));
77 | end ModelicaServices;
78 |
79 | package Modelica "Modelica Standard Library - Version 3.2.1 (Build 2)"
80 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
81 |
82 | package Blocks
83 | "Library of basic input/output control blocks (continuous, discrete, logical, table blocks)"
84 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
85 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
86 |
87 | package Interfaces
88 | "Library of connectors and partial models for input/output blocks"
89 | import Modelica.SIunits;
90 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
91 |
92 | connector RealInput = input Real "'input Real' as connector" annotation (
93 | defaultComponentName="u",
94 | Icon(graphics={
95 | Polygon(
96 | lineColor={0,0,127},
97 | fillColor={0,0,127},
98 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
99 | points={{-100.0,100.0},{100.0,0.0},{-100.0,-100.0}})},
100 | coordinateSystem(extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}},
101 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
102 | initialScale=0.2)),
103 | Diagram(
104 | coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true,
105 | initialScale=0.2,
106 | extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}}),
107 | graphics={
108 | Polygon(
109 | lineColor={0,0,127},
110 | fillColor={0,0,127},
111 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
112 | points={{0.0,50.0},{100.0,0.0},{0.0,-50.0},{0.0,50.0}}),
113 | Text(
114 | lineColor={0,0,127},
115 | extent={{-10.0,60.0},{-10.0,85.0}},
116 | textString="%name")}),
117 | Documentation(info="<html>
118 | <p>
119 | Connector with one input signal of type Real.
120 | </p>
121 | </html>"));
122 |
123 | connector RealOutput = output Real "'output Real' as connector" annotation (
124 | defaultComponentName="y",
125 | Icon(
126 | coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true,
127 | extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}},
128 | initialScale=0.1),
129 | graphics={
130 | Polygon(
131 | lineColor={0,0,127},
132 | fillColor={255,255,255},
133 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
134 | points={{-100.0,100.0},{100.0,0.0},{-100.0,-100.0}})}),
135 | Diagram(
136 | coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true,
137 | extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}},
138 | initialScale=0.1),
139 | graphics={
140 | Polygon(
141 | lineColor={0,0,127},
142 | fillColor={255,255,255},
143 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
144 | points={{-100.0,50.0},{0.0,0.0},{-100.0,-50.0}}),
145 | Text(
146 | lineColor={0,0,127},
147 | extent={{30.0,60.0},{30.0,110.0}},
148 | textString="%name")}),
149 | Documentation(info="<html>
150 | <p>
151 | Connector with one output signal of type Real.
152 | </p>
153 | </html>"));
154 |
155 | connector IntegerInput = input Integer "'input Integer' as connector"
156 | annotation (
157 | defaultComponentName="u",
158 | Icon(graphics={Polygon(
159 | points={{-100,100},{100,0},{-100,-100},{-100,100}},
160 | lineColor={255,127,0},
161 | fillColor={255,127,0},
162 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}, coordinateSystem(
163 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
164 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
165 | initialScale=0.2)),
166 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
167 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
168 | initialScale=0.2,
169 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={Polygon(
170 | points={{0,50},{100,0},{0,-50},{0,50}},
171 | lineColor={255,127,0},
172 | fillColor={255,127,0},
173 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
174 | extent={{-10,85},{-10,60}},
175 | lineColor={255,127,0},
176 | textString="%name")}),
177 | Documentation(info="<html>
178 | <p>
179 | Connector with one input signal of type Integer.
180 | </p>
181 | </html>"));
182 |
183 | connector IntegerOutput = output Integer "'output Integer' as connector"
184 | annotation (
185 | defaultComponentName="y",
186 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
187 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
188 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={Polygon(
189 | points={{-100,100},{100,0},{-100,-100},{-100,100}},
190 | lineColor={255,127,0},
191 | fillColor={255,255,255},
192 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
193 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
194 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
195 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={Polygon(
196 | points={{-100,50},{0,0},{-100,-50},{-100,50}},
197 | lineColor={255,127,0},
198 | fillColor={255,255,255},
199 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
200 | extent={{30,110},{30,60}},
201 | lineColor={255,127,0},
202 | textString="%name")}),
203 | Documentation(info="<html>
204 | <p>
205 | Connector with one output signal of type Integer.
206 | </p>
207 | </html>"));
208 | annotation (Documentation(info="<HTML>
209 | <p>
210 | This package contains interface definitions for
211 | <b>continuous</b> input/output blocks with Real,
212 | Integer and Boolean signals. Furthermore, it contains
213 | partial models for continuous and discrete blocks.
214 | </p>
215 |
216 | </html>", revisions="<html>
217 | <ul>
218 | <li><i>Oct. 21, 2002</i>
219 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>
220 | and <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Christian.Schweiger/\">Christian Schweiger</a>:<br>
221 | Added several new interfaces.
222 | <li><i>Oct. 24, 1999</i>
223 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
224 | RealInputSignal renamed to RealInput. RealOutputSignal renamed to
225 | output RealOutput. GraphBlock renamed to BlockIcon. SISOreal renamed to
226 | SISO. SOreal renamed to SO. I2SOreal renamed to M2SO.
227 | SignalGenerator renamed to SignalSource. Introduced the following
228 | new models: MIMO, MIMOs, SVcontrol, MVcontrol, DiscreteBlockIcon,
229 | DiscreteBlock, DiscreteSISO, DiscreteMIMO, DiscreteMIMOs,
230 | BooleanBlockIcon, BooleanSISO, BooleanSignalSource, MI2BooleanMOs.</li>
231 | <li><i>June 30, 1999</i>
232 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
233 | Realized a first version, based on an existing Dymola library
234 | of Dieter Moormann and Hilding Elmqvist.</li>
235 | </ul>
236 | </html>"));
237 | end Interfaces;
238 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}}, initialScale=0.1), graphics={
239 | Rectangle(
240 | origin={0.0,35.1488},
241 | fillColor={255,255,255},
242 | extent={{-30.0,-20.1488},{30.0,20.1488}}),
243 | Rectangle(
244 | origin={0.0,-34.8512},
245 | fillColor={255,255,255},
246 | extent={{-30.0,-20.1488},{30.0,20.1488}}),
247 | Line(
248 | origin={-51.25,0.0},
249 | points={{21.25,-35.0},{-13.75,-35.0},{-13.75,35.0},{6.25,35.0}}),
250 | Polygon(
251 | origin={-40.0,35.0},
252 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
253 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
254 | points={{10.0,0.0},{-5.0,5.0},{-5.0,-5.0}}),
255 | Line(
256 | origin={51.25,0.0},
257 | points={{-21.25,35.0},{13.75,35.0},{13.75,-35.0},{-6.25,-35.0}}),
258 | Polygon(
259 | origin={40.0,-35.0},
260 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
261 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
262 | points={{-10.0,0.0},{5.0,5.0},{5.0,-5.0}})}), Documentation(info="<html>
263 | <p>
264 | This library contains input/output blocks to build up block diagrams.
265 | </p>
266 |
267 | <dl>
268 | <dt><b>Main Author:</b>
269 | <dd><a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a><br>
270 | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)<br>
271 | Oberpfaffenhofen<br>
272 | Postfach 1116<br>
273 | D-82230 Wessling<br>
274 | email: <A HREF=\"mailto:Martin.Otter@dlr.de\">Martin.Otter@dlr.de</A><br>
275 | </dl>
276 | <p>
277 | Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association and DLR.
278 | </p>
279 | <p>
280 | <i>This Modelica package is <u>free</u> software and the use is completely at <u>your own risk</u>; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i>
281 | </p>
282 | </html>", revisions="<html>
283 | <ul>
284 | <li><i>June 23, 2004</i>
285 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
286 | Introduced new block connectors and adapted all blocks to the new connectors.
287 | Included subpackages Continuous, Discrete, Logical, Nonlinear from
288 | package ModelicaAdditions.Blocks.
289 | Included subpackage ModelicaAdditions.Table in Modelica.Blocks.Sources
290 | and in the new package Modelica.Blocks.Tables.
291 | Added new blocks to Blocks.Sources and Blocks.Logical.
292 | </li>
293 | <li><i>October 21, 2002</i>
294 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>
295 | and <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Christian.Schweiger/\">Christian Schweiger</a>:<br>
296 | New subpackage Examples, additional components.
297 | </li>
298 | <li><i>June 20, 2000</i>
299 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a> and
300 | Michael Tiller:<br>
301 | Introduced a replaceable signal type into
302 | Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput/RealOutput:
303 | <pre>
304 | replaceable type SignalType = Real
305 | </pre>
306 | in order that the type of the signal of an input/output block
307 | can be changed to a physical type, for example:
308 | <pre>
309 | Sine sin1(outPort(redeclare type SignalType=Modelica.SIunits.Torque))
310 | </pre>
311 | </li>
312 | <li><i>Sept. 18, 1999</i>
313 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
314 | Renamed to Blocks. New subpackages Math, Nonlinear.
315 | Additional components in subpackages Interfaces, Continuous
316 | and Sources. </li>
317 | <li><i>June 30, 1999</i>
318 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
319 | Realized a first version, based on an existing Dymola library
320 | of Dieter Moormann and Hilding Elmqvist.</li>
321 | </ul>
322 | </html>"));
323 | end Blocks;
324 |
325 | package Electrical
326 | "Library of electrical models (analog, digital, machines, multi-phase)"
327 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
328 |
329 | package Analog "Library for analog electrical models"
330 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
331 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
332 |
333 | package Interfaces
334 | "Connectors and partial models for Analog electrical components"
335 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
336 |
337 | connector Pin "Pin of an electrical component"
338 | Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v "Potential at the pin" annotation (
339 | unassignedMessage="An electrical potential cannot be uniquely calculated.
340 | The reason could be that
341 | - a ground object is missing (Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground)
342 | to define the zero potential of the electrical circuit, or
343 | - a connector of an electrical component is not connected.");
344 | flow Modelica.SIunits.Current i "Current flowing into the pin" annotation (
345 | unassignedMessage="An electrical current cannot be uniquely calculated.
346 | The reason could be that
347 | - a ground object is missing (Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.Ground)
348 | to define the zero potential of the electrical circuit, or
349 | - a connector of an electrical component is not connected.");
350 | annotation (defaultComponentName="pin",
351 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,-100},{100,
352 | 100}}), graphics={Rectangle(
353 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
354 | lineColor={0,0,255},
355 | fillColor={0,0,255},
356 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
357 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,-100},{
358 | 100,100}}), graphics={Rectangle(
359 | extent={{-40,40},{40,-40}},
360 | lineColor={0,0,255},
361 | fillColor={0,0,255},
362 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
363 | extent={{-160,110},{40,50}},
364 | lineColor={0,0,255},
365 | textString="%name")}),
366 | Documentation(revisions="<html>
367 | <ul>
368 | <li><i> 1998 </i>
369 | by Christoph Clauss<br> initially implemented<br>
370 | </li>
371 | </ul>
372 | </html>", info="<html>
373 | <p>Pin is the basic electric connector. It includes the voltage which consists between the pin and the ground node. The ground node is the node of (any) ground device (Modelica.Electrical.Basic.Ground). Furthermore, the pin includes the current, which is considered to be <b>positive</b> if it is flowing at the pin<b> into the device</b>.</p>
374 | </html>"));
375 | end Pin;
376 | annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
377 | <p>This package contains connectors and interfaces (partial models) for analog electrical components. The partial models contain typical combinations of pins, and internal variables which are often used. Furthermore, the thermal heat port is in this package which can be included by inheritance.</p>
378 | </html>",revisions="<html>
379 | <dl>
380 | <dt>
381 | <b>Main Authors:</b>
382 | </dt>
383 | <dd>
384 | Christoph Clauß
385 | <<a href=\"mailto:Christoph.Clauss@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de\">Christoph.Clauss@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de</a>><br>
386 | André Schneider
387 | <<a href=\"mailto:Andre.Schneider@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de\">Andre.Schneider@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de</a>><br>
388 | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits<br>
389 | Design Automation Department<br>
390 | Zeunerstraße 38<br>
391 | D-01069 Dresden
392 | </dd>
393 | <dt>
394 | <b>Copyright:</b>
395 | </dt>
396 | <dd>
397 | Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.<br>
398 | <i>The Modelica package is <b>free</b> software; it can be redistributed and/or modified
399 | under the terms of the <b>Modelica license</b>, see the license conditions
400 | and the accompanying <b>disclaimer</b> in the documentation of package
401 | Modelica in file \"Modelica/package.mo\".</i>
402 | </dd>
403 | </dl>
404 |
405 | <ul>
406 | <li><i> 1998</i>
407 | by Christoph Clauss<br> initially implemented<br>
408 | </li>
409 | </ul>
410 | </html>"));
411 | end Interfaces;
412 | annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
413 | <p>
414 | This package contains packages for analog electrical components:</p>
415 | <ul>
416 | <li>Basic: basic components (resistor, capacitor, conductor, inductor, transformer, gyrator)</li>
417 | <li>Semiconductors: semiconductor devices (diode, bipolar and MOS transistors)</li>
418 | <li>Lines: transmission lines (lossy and lossless)</li>
419 | <li>Ideal: ideal elements (switches, diode, transformer, idle, short, ...)</li>
420 | <li>Sources: time-dependent and controlled voltage and current sources</li>
421 | <li>Sensors: sensors to measure potential, voltage, and current</li>
422 | </ul>
423 | <dl>
424 | <dt>
425 | <b>Main Authors:</b>
426 | </dt>
427 | <dd>
428 | Christoph Clauß
429 | <<a href=\"mailto:Christoph.Clauss@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de\">Christoph.Clauss@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de</a>><br>
430 | André Schneider
431 | <<a href=\"mailto:Andre.Schneider@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de\">Andre.Schneider@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de</a>><br>
432 | Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits<br>
433 | Design Automation Department<br>
434 | Zeunerstraße 38<br>
435 | D-01069 Dresden, Germany
436 | </dd>
437 | </dl>
438 | </html>"), Icon(graphics={
439 | Line(
440 | points={{12,60},{12,-60}},
441 | color={0,0,0}),
442 | Line(
443 | points={{-12,60},{-12,-60}},
444 | color={0,0,0}),
445 | Line(points={{-80,0},{-12,0}}, color={0,0,0}),
446 | Line(points={{12,0},{80,0}}, color={0,0,0})}));
447 | end Analog;
448 | annotation (
449 | Documentation(info="<html>
450 | <p>
451 | This library contains electrical components to build up analog and digital circuits,
452 | as well as machines to model electrical motors and generators,
453 | especially three phase induction machines such as an asynchronous motor.
454 | </p>
455 |
456 | </html>"),
457 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}}), graphics={
458 | Rectangle(
459 | origin={20.3125,82.8571},
460 | extent={{-45.3125,-57.8571},{4.6875,-27.8571}}),
461 | Line(
462 | origin={8.0,48.0},
463 | points={{32.0,-58.0},{72.0,-58.0}}),
464 | Line(
465 | origin={9.0,54.0},
466 | points={{31.0,-49.0},{71.0,-49.0}}),
467 | Line(
468 | origin={-2.0,55.0},
469 | points={{-83.0,-50.0},{-33.0,-50.0}}),
470 | Line(
471 | origin={-3.0,45.0},
472 | points={{-72.0,-55.0},{-42.0,-55.0}}),
473 | Line(
474 | origin={1.0,50.0},
475 | points={{-61.0,-45.0},{-61.0,-10.0},{-26.0,-10.0}}),
476 | Line(
477 | origin={7.0,50.0},
478 | points={{18.0,-10.0},{53.0,-10.0},{53.0,-45.0}}),
479 | Line(
480 | origin={6.2593,48.0},
481 | points={{53.7407,-58.0},{53.7407,-93.0},{-66.2593,-93.0},{-66.2593,-58.0}})}));
482 | end Electrical;
483 |
484 | package Math
485 | "Library of mathematical functions (e.g., sin, cos) and of functions operating on vectors and matrices"
486 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
487 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
488 |
489 | package Icons "Icons for Math"
490 | extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
491 |
492 | partial function AxisCenter
493 | "Basic icon for mathematical function with y-axis in the center"
494 |
495 | annotation (
496 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,-100},{100,
497 | 100}}), graphics={
498 | Rectangle(
499 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
500 | lineColor={0,0,0},
501 | fillColor={255,255,255},
502 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
503 | Line(points={{0,-80},{0,68}}, color={192,192,192}),
504 | Polygon(
505 | points={{0,90},{-8,68},{8,68},{0,90}},
506 | lineColor={192,192,192},
507 | fillColor={192,192,192},
508 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
509 | Text(
510 | extent={{-150,150},{150,110}},
511 | textString="%name",
512 | lineColor={0,0,255})}),
513 | Diagram(graphics={Line(points={{0,80},{-8,80}}, color={95,95,95}),Line(
514 | points={{0,-80},{-8,-80}}, color={95,95,95}),Line(points={{0,-90},{
515 | 0,84}}, color={95,95,95}),Text(
516 | extent={{5,104},{25,84}},
517 | lineColor={95,95,95},
518 | textString="y"),Polygon(
519 | points={{0,98},{-6,82},{6,82},{0,98}},
520 | lineColor={95,95,95},
521 | fillColor={95,95,95},
522 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
523 | Documentation(info="<html>
524 | <p>
525 | Icon for a mathematical function, consisting of an y-axis in the middle.
526 | It is expected, that an x-axis is added and a plot of the function.
527 | </p>
528 | </html>"));
529 | end AxisCenter;
530 | end Icons;
531 |
532 | function asin "Inverse sine (-1 <= u <= 1)"
533 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
534 | input Real u;
535 | output SI.Angle y;
536 |
537 | external "builtin" y= asin(u);
538 | annotation (
539 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
540 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
541 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
542 | Line(points={{-90,0},{68,0}}, color={192,192,192}),
543 | Polygon(
544 | points={{90,0},{68,8},{68,-8},{90,0}},
545 | lineColor={192,192,192},
546 | fillColor={192,192,192},
547 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
548 | Line(points={{-80,-80},{-79.2,-72.8},{-77.6,-67.5},{-73.6,-59.4},{-66.3,
549 | -49.8},{-53.5,-37.3},{-30.2,-19.7},{37.4,24.8},{57.5,40.8},{68.7,
550 | 52.7},{75.2,62.2},{77.6,67.5},{80,80}}, color={0,0,0}),
551 | Text(
552 | extent={{-88,78},{-16,30}},
553 | lineColor={192,192,192},
554 | textString="asin")}),
555 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
556 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
557 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={Text(
558 | extent={{-40,-72},{-15,-88}},
559 | textString="-pi/2",
560 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Text(
561 | extent={{-38,88},{-13,72}},
562 | textString=" pi/2",
563 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Text(
564 | extent={{68,-9},{88,-29}},
565 | textString="+1",
566 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Text(
567 | extent={{-90,21},{-70,1}},
568 | textString="-1",
569 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Line(points={{-100,0},{84,0}}, color={95,95,95}),
570 | Polygon(
571 | points={{98,0},{82,6},{82,-6},{98,0}},
572 | lineColor={95,95,95},
573 | fillColor={95,95,95},
574 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Line(
575 | points={{-80,-80},{-79.2,-72.8},{-77.6,-67.5},{-73.6,-59.4},{-66.3,
576 | -49.8},{-53.5,-37.3},{-30.2,-19.7},{37.4,24.8},{57.5,40.8},{68.7,
577 | 52.7},{75.2,62.2},{77.6,67.5},{80,80}},
578 | color={0,0,255},
579 | thickness=0.5),Text(
580 | extent={{82,24},{102,4}},
581 | lineColor={95,95,95},
582 | textString="u"),Line(
583 | points={{0,80},{86,80}},
584 | color={175,175,175},
585 | smooth=Smooth.None),Line(
586 | points={{80,86},{80,-10}},
587 | color={175,175,175},
588 | smooth=Smooth.None)}),
589 | Documentation(info="<html>
590 | <p>
591 | This function returns y = asin(u), with -1 ≤ u ≤ +1:
592 | </p>
593 |
594 | <p>
595 | <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Math/asin.png\">
596 | </p>
597 | </html>"));
598 | end asin;
599 |
600 | function atan2 "Four quadrant inverse tangent"
601 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
602 | input Real u1;
603 | input Real u2;
604 | output SI.Angle y;
605 |
606 | external "builtin" y= atan2(u1, u2);
607 | annotation (
608 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
609 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
610 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
611 | Line(points={{-90,0},{68,0}}, color={192,192,192}),
612 | Polygon(
613 | points={{90,0},{68,8},{68,-8},{90,0}},
614 | lineColor={192,192,192},
615 | fillColor={192,192,192},
616 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
617 | Line(points={{0,-80},{8.93,-67.2},{17.1,-59.3},{27.3,-53.6},{42.1,-49.4},
618 | {69.9,-45.8},{80,-45.1}}, color={0,0,0}),
619 | Line(points={{-80,-34.9},{-46.1,-31.4},{-29.4,-27.1},{-18.3,-21.5},{-10.3,
620 | -14.5},{-2.03,-3.17},{7.97,11.6},{15.5,19.4},{24.3,25},{39,30},{
621 | 62.1,33.5},{80,34.9}}, color={0,0,0}),
622 | Line(points={{-80,45.1},{-45.9,48.7},{-29.1,52.9},{-18.1,58.6},{-10.2,
623 | 65.8},{-1.82,77.2},{0,80}}, color={0,0,0}),
624 | Text(
625 | extent={{-90,-46},{-18,-94}},
626 | lineColor={192,192,192},
627 | textString="atan2")}),
628 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
629 | preserveAspectRatio=true,
630 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={Line(points={{-100,0},{84,0}}, color={95,95,95}),
631 | Polygon(
632 | points={{96,0},{80,6},{80,-6},{96,0}},
633 | lineColor={95,95,95},
634 | fillColor={95,95,95},
635 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),Line(
636 | points={{0,-80},{8.93,-67.2},{17.1,-59.3},{27.3,-53.6},{42.1,-49.4},
637 | {69.9,-45.8},{80,-45.1}},
638 | color={0,0,255},
639 | thickness=0.5),Line(
640 | points={{-80,-34.9},{-46.1,-31.4},{-29.4,-27.1},{-18.3,-21.5},{-10.3,
641 | -14.5},{-2.03,-3.17},{7.97,11.6},{15.5,19.4},{24.3,25},{39,30},{
642 | 62.1,33.5},{80,34.9}},
643 | color={0,0,255},
644 | thickness=0.5),Line(
645 | points={{-80,45.1},{-45.9,48.7},{-29.1,52.9},{-18.1,58.6},{-10.2,
646 | 65.8},{-1.82,77.2},{0,80}},
647 | color={0,0,255},
648 | thickness=0.5),Text(
649 | extent={{-32,89},{-10,74}},
650 | textString="pi",
651 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Text(
652 | extent={{-32,-72},{-4,-88}},
653 | textString="-pi",
654 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Text(
655 | extent={{0,55},{20,42}},
656 | textString="pi/2",
657 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Line(points={{0,40},{-8,40}}, color={192,192,
658 | 192}),Line(points={{0,-40},{-8,-40}}, color={192,192,192}),Text(
659 | extent={{0,-23},{20,-42}},
660 | textString="-pi/2",
661 | lineColor={0,0,255}),Text(
662 | extent={{62,-4},{94,-26}},
663 | lineColor={95,95,95},
664 | textString="u1, u2"),Line(
665 | points={{-88,40},{86,40}},
666 | color={175,175,175},
667 | smooth=Smooth.None),Line(
668 | points={{-86,-40},{86,-40}},
669 | color={175,175,175},
670 | smooth=Smooth.None)}),
671 | Documentation(info="<HTML>
672 | <p>
673 | This function returns y = atan2(u1,u2) such that tan(y) = u1/u2 and
674 | y is in the range -pi < y ≤ pi. u2 may be zero, provided
675 | u1 is not zero. Usually u1, u2 is provided in such a form that
676 | u1 = sin(y) and u2 = cos(y):
677 | </p>
678 |
679 | <p>
680 | <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/Math/atan2.png\">
681 | </p>
682 |
683 | </html>"));
684 | end atan2;
685 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,-100},
686 | {100,100}}), graphics={Line(points={{-80,0},{-68.7,34.2},{-61.5,53.1},
687 | {-55.1,66.4},{-49.4,74.6},{-43.8,79.1},{-38.2,79.8},{-32.6,76.6},{
688 | -26.9,69.7},{-21.3,59.4},{-14.9,44.1},{-6.83,21.2},{10.1,-30.8},{17.3,
689 | -50.2},{23.7,-64.2},{29.3,-73.1},{35,-78.4},{40.6,-80},{46.2,-77.6},
690 | {51.9,-71.5},{57.5,-61.9},{63.9,-47.2},{72,-24.8},{80,0}}, color={
691 | 0,0,0}, smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}), Documentation(info="<HTML>
692 | <p>
693 | This package contains <b>basic mathematical functions</b> (such as sin(..)),
694 | as well as functions operating on
695 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.Vectors\">vectors</a>,
696 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.Matrices\">matrices</a>,
697 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.Nonlinear\">nonlinear functions</a>, and
698 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors\">Boolean vectors</a>.
699 | </p>
700 |
701 | <dl>
702 | <dt><b>Main Authors:</b>
703 | <dd><a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a> and
704 | Marcus Baur<br>
705 | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)<br>
706 | Institut für Robotik und Mechatronik<br>
707 | Postfach 1116<br>
708 | D-82230 Wessling<br>
709 | Germany<br>
710 | email: <A HREF=\"mailto:Martin.Otter@dlr.de\">Martin.Otter@dlr.de</A><br>
711 | </dl>
712 |
713 | <p>
714 | Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association and DLR.
715 | </p>
716 | <p>
717 | <i>This Modelica package is <u>free</u> software and the use is completely at <u>your own risk</u>; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i>
718 | </p>
719 | </html>", revisions="<html>
720 | <ul>
721 | <li><i>October 21, 2002</i>
722 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>
723 | and <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Christian.Schweiger/\">Christian Schweiger</a>:<br>
724 | Function tempInterpol2 added.</li>
725 | <li><i>Oct. 24, 1999</i>
726 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
727 | Icons for icon and diagram level introduced.</li>
728 | <li><i>June 30, 1999</i>
729 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
730 | Realized.</li>
731 | </ul>
732 |
733 | </html>"));
734 | end Math;
735 |
736 | package Constants
737 | "Library of mathematical constants and constants of nature (e.g., pi, eps, R, sigma)"
738 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
739 | import NonSI = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits;
740 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
741 |
742 | final constant Real pi=2*Modelica.Math.asin(1.0);
743 |
744 | final constant Real eps=ModelicaServices.Machine.eps
745 | "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
746 | annotation (
747 | Documentation(info="<html>
748 | <p>
749 | This package provides often needed constants from mathematics, machine
750 | dependent constants and constants from nature. The latter constants
751 | (name, value, description) are from the following source:
752 | </p>
753 |
754 | <dl>
755 | <dt>Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor (1999):</dt>
756 | <dd><b>CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998</b>.
757 | Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, Vol. 28, No. 6, 1999 and
758 | Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 72, No. 2, 2000. See also <a href=
759 | \"http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/\">http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/</a></dd>
760 | </dl>
761 |
762 | <p>CODATA is the Committee on Data for Science and Technology.</p>
763 |
764 | <dl>
765 | <dt><b>Main Author:</b></dt>
766 | <dd><a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a><br>
767 | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)<br>
768 | Oberpfaffenhofen<br>
769 | Postfach 11 16<br>
770 | D-82230 Weßling<br>
771 | email: <a href=\"mailto:Martin.Otter@dlr.de\">Martin.Otter@dlr.de</a></dd>
772 | </dl>
773 |
774 | <p>
775 | Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association and DLR.
776 | </p>
777 | <p>
778 | <i>This Modelica package is <u>free</u> software and the use is completely at <u>your own risk</u>; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i>
779 | </p>
780 | </html>", revisions="<html>
781 | <ul>
782 | <li><i>Nov 8, 2004</i>
783 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Christian.Schweiger/\">Christian Schweiger</a>:<br>
784 | Constants updated according to 2002 CODATA values.</li>
785 | <li><i>Dec 9, 1999</i>
786 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
787 | Constants updated according to 1998 CODATA values. Using names, values
788 | and description text from this source. Included magnetic and
789 | electric constant.</li>
790 | <li><i>Sep 18, 1999</i>
791 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
792 | Constants eps, inf, small introduced.</li>
793 | <li><i>Nov 15, 1997</i>
794 | by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br>
795 | Realized.</li>
796 | </ul>
797 | </html>"),
798 | Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}}), graphics={
799 | Polygon(
800 | origin={-9.2597,25.6673},
801 | fillColor={102,102,102},
802 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
803 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
804 | points={{48.017,11.336},{48.017,11.336},{10.766,11.336},{-25.684,10.95},{-34.944,-15.111},{-34.944,-15.111},{-32.298,-15.244},{-32.298,-15.244},{-22.112,0.168},{11.292,0.234},{48.267,-0.097},{48.267,-0.097}},
805 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
806 | Polygon(
807 | origin={-19.9923,-8.3993},
808 | fillColor={102,102,102},
809 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
810 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
811 | points={{3.239,37.343},{3.305,37.343},{-0.399,2.683},{-16.936,-20.071},{-7.808,-28.604},{6.811,-22.519},{9.986,37.145},{9.986,37.145}},
812 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
813 | Polygon(
814 | origin={23.753,-11.5422},
815 | fillColor={102,102,102},
816 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
817 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
818 | points={{-10.873,41.478},{-10.873,41.478},{-14.048,-4.162},{-9.352,-24.8},{7.912,-24.469},{16.247,0.27},{16.247,0.27},{13.336,0.071},{13.336,0.071},{7.515,-9.983},{-3.134,-7.271},{-2.671,41.214},{-2.671,41.214}},
819 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}));
820 | end Constants;
821 |
822 | package Icons "Library of icons"
823 | extends Icons.Package;
824 |
825 | partial package ExamplesPackage
826 | "Icon for packages containing runnable examples"
827 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
828 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
829 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
830 | Polygon(
831 | origin={8.0,14.0},
832 | lineColor={78,138,73},
833 | fillColor={78,138,73},
834 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
835 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
836 | points={{-58.0,46.0},{42.0,-14.0},{-58.0,-74.0},{-58.0,46.0}})}), Documentation(info="<html>
837 | <p>This icon indicates a package that contains executable examples.</p>
838 | </html>"));
839 | end ExamplesPackage;
840 |
841 | partial package Package "Icon for standard packages"
842 |
843 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
844 | Rectangle(
845 | lineColor={200,200,200},
846 | fillColor={248,248,248},
847 | fillPattern=FillPattern.HorizontalCylinder,
848 | extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}},
849 | radius=25.0),
850 | Rectangle(
851 | lineColor={128,128,128},
852 | fillPattern=FillPattern.None,
853 | extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}},
854 | radius=25.0)}), Documentation(info="<html>
855 | <p>Standard package icon.</p>
856 | </html>"));
857 | end Package;
858 |
859 | partial package BasesPackage "Icon for packages containing base classes"
860 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
861 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
862 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
863 | Ellipse(
864 | extent={{-30.0,-30.0},{30.0,30.0}},
865 | lineColor={128,128,128},
866 | fillColor={255,255,255},
867 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
868 | Documentation(info="<html>
869 | <p>This icon shall be used for a package/library that contains base models and classes, respectively.</p>
870 | </html>"));
871 | end BasesPackage;
872 |
873 | partial package VariantsPackage "Icon for package containing variants"
874 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
875 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,-100},
876 | {100,100}}), graphics={
877 | Ellipse(
878 | origin={10.0,10.0},
879 | fillColor={76,76,76},
880 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
881 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
882 | extent={{-80.0,-80.0},{-20.0,-20.0}}),
883 | Ellipse(
884 | origin={10.0,10.0},
885 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
886 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
887 | extent={{0.0,-80.0},{60.0,-20.0}}),
888 | Ellipse(
889 | origin={10.0,10.0},
890 | fillColor={128,128,128},
891 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
892 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
893 | extent={{0.0,0.0},{60.0,60.0}}),
894 | Ellipse(
895 | origin={10.0,10.0},
896 | lineColor={128,128,128},
897 | fillColor={255,255,255},
898 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
899 | extent={{-80.0,0.0},{-20.0,60.0}})}),
900 | Documentation(info="<html>
901 | <p>This icon shall be used for a package/library that contains several variants of one components.</p>
902 | </html>"));
903 | end VariantsPackage;
904 |
905 | partial package InterfacesPackage "Icon for packages containing interfaces"
906 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
907 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
908 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
909 | Polygon(origin={20.0,0.0},
910 | lineColor={64,64,64},
911 | fillColor={255,255,255},
912 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
913 | points={{-10.0,70.0},{10.0,70.0},{40.0,20.0},{80.0,20.0},{80.0,-20.0},{40.0,-20.0},{10.0,-70.0},{-10.0,-70.0}}),
914 | Polygon(fillColor={102,102,102},
915 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
916 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
917 | points={{-100.0,20.0},{-60.0,20.0},{-30.0,70.0},{-10.0,70.0},{-10.0,-70.0},{-30.0,-70.0},{-60.0,-20.0},{-100.0,-20.0}})}),
918 | Documentation(info="<html>
919 | <p>This icon indicates packages containing interfaces.</p>
920 | </html>"));
921 | end InterfacesPackage;
922 |
923 | partial package SourcesPackage "Icon for packages containing sources"
924 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
925 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
926 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
927 | Polygon(origin={23.3333,0.0},
928 | fillColor={128,128,128},
929 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
930 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
931 | points={{-23.333,30.0},{46.667,0.0},{-23.333,-30.0}}),
932 | Rectangle(
933 | fillColor= {128,128,128},
934 | pattern= LinePattern.None,
935 | fillPattern= FillPattern.Solid,
936 | extent= {{-70,-4.5},{0,4.5}})}),
937 | Documentation(info="<html>
938 | <p>This icon indicates a package which contains sources.</p>
939 | </html>"));
940 | end SourcesPackage;
941 |
942 | partial package SensorsPackage "Icon for packages containing sensors"
943 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
944 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
945 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
946 | Ellipse(origin={0.0,-30.0},
947 | fillColor={255,255,255},
948 | extent={{-90.0,-90.0},{90.0,90.0}},
949 | startAngle=20.0,
950 | endAngle=160.0),
951 | Ellipse(origin={0.0,-30.0},
952 | fillColor={128,128,128},
953 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
954 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
955 | extent={{-20.0,-20.0},{20.0,20.0}}),
956 | Line(origin={0.0,-30.0},
957 | points={{0.0,60.0},{0.0,90.0}}),
958 | Ellipse(origin={-0.0,-30.0},
959 | fillColor={64,64,64},
960 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
961 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
962 | extent={{-10.0,-10.0},{10.0,10.0}}),
963 | Polygon(
964 | origin={-0.0,-30.0},
965 | rotation=-35.0,
966 | fillColor={64,64,64},
967 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
968 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
969 | points={{-7.0,0.0},{-3.0,85.0},{0.0,90.0},{3.0,85.0},{7.0,0.0}})}),
970 | Documentation(info="<html>
971 | <p>This icon indicates a package containing sensors.</p>
972 | </html>"));
973 | end SensorsPackage;
974 |
975 | partial package IconsPackage "Icon for packages containing icons"
976 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
977 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
978 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={Polygon(
979 | origin={-8.167,-17},
980 | fillColor={128,128,128},
981 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
982 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
983 | points={{-15.833,20.0},{-15.833,30.0},{14.167,40.0},{24.167,20.0},{
984 | 4.167,-30.0},{14.167,-30.0},{24.167,-30.0},{24.167,-40.0},{-5.833,
985 | -50.0},{-15.833,-30.0},{4.167,20.0},{-5.833,20.0}},
986 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier,
987 | lineColor={0,0,0}), Ellipse(
988 | origin={-0.5,56.5},
989 | fillColor={128,128,128},
990 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
991 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
992 | extent={{-12.5,-12.5},{12.5,12.5}},
993 | lineColor={0,0,0})}));
994 | end IconsPackage;
995 |
996 | partial package MaterialPropertiesPackage
997 | "Icon for package containing property classes"
998 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
999 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
1000 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
1001 | Ellipse(
1002 | lineColor={102,102,102},
1003 | fillColor={204,204,204},
1004 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
1005 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Sphere,
1006 | extent={{-60.0,-60.0},{60.0,60.0}})}),
1007 | Documentation(info="<html>
1008 | <p>This icon indicates a package that contains properties</p>
1009 | </html>"));
1010 | end MaterialPropertiesPackage;
1011 |
1012 | partial function Function "Icon for functions"
1013 |
1014 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
1015 | Text(
1016 | lineColor={0,0,255},
1017 | extent={{-150,105},{150,145}},
1018 | textString="%name"),
1019 | Ellipse(
1020 | lineColor= {108,88,49},
1021 | fillColor= {255,215,136},
1022 | fillPattern= FillPattern.Solid,
1023 | extent= {{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
1024 | Text(
1025 | lineColor={108,88,49},
1026 | extent={{-90.0,-90.0},{90.0,90.0}},
1027 | textString="f")}),
1028 | Documentation(info="<html>
1029 | <p>This icon indicates Modelica functions.</p>
1030 | </html>"));
1031 | end Function;
1032 |
1033 | partial record Record "Icon for records"
1034 |
1035 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=true, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
1036 | Text(
1037 | lineColor={0,0,255},
1038 | extent={{-150,60},{150,100}},
1039 | textString="%name"),
1040 | Rectangle(
1041 | origin={0.0,-25.0},
1042 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1043 | fillColor={255,215,136},
1044 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
1045 | extent={{-100.0,-75.0},{100.0,75.0}},
1046 | radius=25.0),
1047 | Line(
1048 | points={{-100.0,0.0},{100.0,0.0}},
1049 | color={64,64,64}),
1050 | Line(
1051 | origin={0.0,-50.0},
1052 | points={{-100.0,0.0},{100.0,0.0}},
1053 | color={64,64,64}),
1054 | Line(
1055 | origin={0.0,-25.0},
1056 | points={{0.0,75.0},{0.0,-75.0}},
1057 | color={64,64,64})}), Documentation(info="<html>
1058 | <p>
1059 | This icon is indicates a record.
1060 | </p>
1061 | </html>"));
1062 | end Record;
1063 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
1064 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={Polygon(
1065 | origin={-8.167,-17},
1066 | fillColor={128,128,128},
1067 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
1068 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
1069 | points={{-15.833,20.0},{-15.833,30.0},{14.167,40.0},{24.167,20.0},{
1070 | 4.167,-30.0},{14.167,-30.0},{24.167,-30.0},{24.167,-40.0},{-5.833,
1071 | -50.0},{-15.833,-30.0},{4.167,20.0},{-5.833,20.0}},
1072 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier,
1073 | lineColor={0,0,0}), Ellipse(
1074 | origin={-0.5,56.5},
1075 | fillColor={128,128,128},
1076 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
1077 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
1078 | extent={{-12.5,-12.5},{12.5,12.5}},
1079 | lineColor={0,0,0})}), Documentation(info="<html>
1080 | <p>This package contains definitions for the graphical layout of components which may be used in different libraries. The icons can be utilized by inheriting them in the desired class using "extends" or by directly copying the "icon" layer. </p>
1081 |
1082 | <h4>Main Authors:</h4>
1083 |
1084 | <dl>
1085 | <dt><a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a></dt>
1086 | <dd>Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)</dd>
1087 | <dd>Oberpfaffenhofen</dd>
1088 | <dd>Postfach 1116</dd>
1089 | <dd>D-82230 Wessling</dd>
1090 | <dd>email: <a href=\"mailto:Martin.Otter@dlr.de\">Martin.Otter@dlr.de</a></dd>
1091 | <dt>Christian Kral</dt>
1092 | <dd><a href=\"http://www.ait.ac.at/\">Austrian Institute of Technology, AIT</a></dd>
1093 | <dd>Mobility Department</dd><dd>Giefinggasse 2</dd>
1094 | <dd>1210 Vienna, Austria</dd>
1095 | <dd>email: <a href=\"mailto:dr.christian.kral@gmail.com\">dr.christian.kral@gmail.com</a></dd>
1096 | <dt>Johan Andreasson</dt>
1097 | <dd><a href=\"http://www.modelon.se/\">Modelon AB</a></dd>
1098 | <dd>Ideon Science Park</dd>
1099 | <dd>22370 Lund, Sweden</dd>
1100 | <dd>email: <a href=\"mailto:johan.andreasson@modelon.se\">johan.andreasson@modelon.se</a></dd>
1101 | </dl>
1102 |
1103 | <p>Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association, DLR, AIT, and Modelon AB. </p>
1104 | <p><i>This Modelica package is <b>free</b> software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the <b>Modelica license</b>, see the license conditions and the accompanying <b>disclaimer</b> in <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i> </p>
1105 | </html>"));
1106 | end Icons;
1107 |
1108 | package SIunits
1109 | "Library of type and unit definitions based on SI units according to ISO 31-1992"
1110 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1111 |
1112 | package Conversions
1113 | "Conversion functions to/from non SI units and type definitions of non SI units"
1114 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1115 |
1116 | package NonSIunits "Type definitions of non SI units"
1117 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1118 | annotation (Documentation(info="<HTML>
1119 | <p>
1120 | This package provides predefined types, such as <b>Angle_deg</b> (angle in
1121 | degree), <b>AngularVelocity_rpm</b> (angular velocity in revolutions per
1122 | minute) or <b>Temperature_degF</b> (temperature in degree Fahrenheit),
1123 | which are in common use but are not part of the international standard on
1124 | units according to ISO 31-1992 \"General principles concerning quantities,
1125 | units and symbols\" and ISO 1000-1992 \"SI units and recommendations for
1126 | the use of their multiples and of certain other units\".</p>
1127 | <p>If possible, the types in this package should not be used. Use instead
1128 | types of package Modelica.SIunits. For more information on units, see also
1129 | the book of Francois Cardarelli <b>Scientific Unit Conversion - A
1130 | Practical Guide to Metrication</b> (Springer 1997).</p>
1131 | <p>Some units, such as <b>Temperature_degC/Temp_C</b> are both defined in
1132 | Modelica.SIunits and in Modelica.Conversions.NonSIunits. The reason is that these
1133 | definitions have been placed erroneously in Modelica.SIunits although they
1134 | are not SIunits. For backward compatibility, these type definitions are
1135 | still kept in Modelica.SIunits.</p>
1136 | </html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}), graphics={
1137 | Text(
1138 | origin={15.0,51.8518},
1139 | extent={{-105.0,-86.8518},{75.0,-16.8518}},
1140 | lineColor={0,0,0},
1141 | textString="[km/h]")}));
1142 | end NonSIunits;
1143 | annotation ( Documentation(info="<HTML>
1144 | <p>This package provides conversion functions from the non SI Units
1145 | defined in package Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits to the
1146 | corresponding SI Units defined in package Modelica.SIunits and vice
1147 | versa. It is recommended to use these functions in the following
1148 | way (note, that all functions have one Real input and one Real output
1149 | argument):</p>
1150 | <pre>
1151 | <b>import</b> SI = Modelica.SIunits;
1152 | <b>import</b> Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.*;
1153 | ...
1154 | <b>parameter</b> SI.Temperature T = from_degC(25); // convert 25 degree Celsius to Kelvin
1155 | <b>parameter</b> SI.Angle phi = from_deg(180); // convert 180 degree to radian
1156 | <b>parameter</b> SI.AngularVelocity w = from_rpm(3600); // convert 3600 revolutions per minutes
1157 | // to radian per seconds
1158 | </pre>
1159 |
1160 | </html>"));
1161 | end Conversions;
1162 |
1163 | type Angle = Real (
1164 | final quantity="Angle",
1165 | final unit="rad",
1166 | displayUnit="deg");
1167 |
1168 | type Time = Real (final quantity="Time", final unit="s");
1169 |
1170 | type AngularVelocity = Real (
1171 | final quantity="AngularVelocity",
1172 | final unit="rad/s");
1173 |
1174 | type AngularAcceleration = Real (final quantity="AngularAcceleration", final unit=
1175 | "rad/s2");
1176 |
1177 | type Frequency = Real (final quantity="Frequency", final unit="Hz");
1178 |
1179 | type AngularFrequency = Real (final quantity="AngularFrequency", final unit=
1180 | "rad/s");
1181 |
1182 | type Power = Real (final quantity="Power", final unit="W");
1183 |
1184 | type ElectricCurrent = Real (final quantity="ElectricCurrent", final unit="A");
1185 |
1186 | type Current = ElectricCurrent;
1187 |
1188 | type ElectricPotential = Real (final quantity="ElectricPotential", final unit=
1189 | "V");
1190 |
1191 | type Voltage = ElectricPotential;
1192 |
1193 | type Inductance = Real (
1194 | final quantity="Inductance",
1195 | final unit="H");
1196 |
1197 | type Resistance = Real (
1198 | final quantity="Resistance",
1199 | final unit="Ohm");
1200 |
1201 | type ActivePower = Real (final quantity="Power", final unit="W");
1202 |
1203 | type ApparentPower = Real (final quantity="Power", final unit="VA");
1204 | annotation (Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
1205 | -100},{100,100}}), graphics={
1206 | Line(
1207 | points={{-66,78},{-66,-40}},
1208 | color={64,64,64},
1209 | smooth=Smooth.None),
1210 | Ellipse(
1211 | extent={{12,36},{68,-38}},
1212 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1213 | fillColor={175,175,175},
1214 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1215 | Rectangle(
1216 | extent={{-74,78},{-66,-40}},
1217 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1218 | fillColor={175,175,175},
1219 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1220 | Polygon(
1221 | points={{-66,-4},{-66,6},{-16,56},{-16,46},{-66,-4}},
1222 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1223 | smooth=Smooth.None,
1224 | fillColor={175,175,175},
1225 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1226 | Polygon(
1227 | points={{-46,16},{-40,22},{-2,-40},{-10,-40},{-46,16}},
1228 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1229 | smooth=Smooth.None,
1230 | fillColor={175,175,175},
1231 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1232 | Ellipse(
1233 | extent={{22,26},{58,-28}},
1234 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1235 | fillColor={255,255,255},
1236 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1237 | Polygon(
1238 | points={{68,2},{68,-46},{64,-60},{58,-68},{48,-72},{18,-72},{18,-64},
1239 | {46,-64},{54,-60},{58,-54},{60,-46},{60,-26},{64,-20},{68,-6},{68,
1240 | 2}},
1241 | lineColor={64,64,64},
1242 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier,
1243 | fillColor={175,175,175},
1244 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}), Documentation(info="<html>
1245 | <p>This package provides predefined types, such as <i>Mass</i>,
1246 | <i>Angle</i>, <i>Time</i>, based on the international standard
1247 | on units, e.g.,
1248 | </p>
1249 |
1250 | <pre> <b>type</b> Angle = Real(<b>final</b> quantity = \"Angle\",
1251 | <b>final</b> unit = \"rad\",
1252 | displayUnit = \"deg\");
1253 | </pre>
1254 |
1255 | <p>
1256 | as well as conversion functions from non SI-units to SI-units
1257 | and vice versa in subpackage
1258 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.SIunits.Conversions\">Conversions</a>.
1259 | </p>
1260 |
1261 | <p>
1262 | For an introduction how units are used in the Modelica standard library
1263 | with package SIunits, have a look at:
1264 | <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.SIunits.UsersGuide.HowToUseSIunits\">How to use SIunits</a>.
1265 | </p>
1266 |
1267 | <p>
1268 | Copyright © 1998-2013, Modelica Association and DLR.
1269 | </p>
1270 | <p>
1271 | <i>This Modelica package is <u>free</u> software and the use is completely at <u>your own risk</u>; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i>
1272 | </p>
1273 | </html>", revisions="<html>
1274 | <ul>
1275 | <li><i>May 25, 2011</i> by Stefan Wischhusen:<br/>Added molar units for energy and enthalpy.</li>
1276 | <li><i>Jan. 27, 2010</i> by Christian Kral:<br/>Added complex units.</li>
1277 | <li><i>Dec. 14, 2005</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br/>Add User';s Guide and removed "min" values for Resistance and Conductance.</li>
1278 | <li><i>October 21, 2002</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a> and <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Christian.Schweiger/\">Christian Schweiger</a>:<br/>Added new package <b>Conversions</b>. Corrected typo <i>Wavelenght</i>.</li>
1279 | <li><i>June 6, 2000</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br/>Introduced the following new types<br/>type Temperature = ThermodynamicTemperature;<br/>types DerDensityByEnthalpy, DerDensityByPressure, DerDensityByTemperature, DerEnthalpyByPressure, DerEnergyByDensity, DerEnergyByPressure<br/>Attribute "final" removed from min and max values in order that these values can still be changed to narrow the allowed range of values.<br/>Quantity="Stress" removed from type "Stress", in order that a type "Stress" can be connected to a type "Pressure".</li>
1280 | <li><i>Oct. 27, 1999</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br/>New types due to electrical library: Transconductance, InversePotential, Damping.</li>
1281 | <li><i>Sept. 18, 1999</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br/>Renamed from SIunit to SIunits. Subpackages expanded, i.e., the SIunits package, does no longer contain subpackages.</li>
1282 | <li><i>Aug 12, 1999</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br/>Type "Pressure" renamed to "AbsolutePressure" and introduced a new type "Pressure" which does not contain a minimum of zero in order to allow convenient handling of relative pressure. Redefined BulkModulus as an alias to AbsolutePressure instead of Stress, since needed in hydraulics.</li>
1283 | <li><i>June 29, 1999</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a>:<br/>Bug-fix: Double definition of "Compressibility" removed and appropriate "extends Heat" clause introduced in package SolidStatePhysics to incorporate ThermodynamicTemperature.</li>
1284 | <li><i>April 8, 1998</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a> and Astrid Jaschinski:<br/>Complete ISO 31 chapters realized.</li>
1285 | <li><i>Nov. 15, 1997</i> by <a href=\"http://www.robotic.dlr.de/Martin.Otter/\">Martin Otter</a> and <a href=\"http://www.control.lth.se/~hubertus/\">Hubertus Tummescheit</a>:<br/>Some chapters realized.</li>
1286 | </ul>
1287 | </html>"));
1288 | end SIunits;
1289 | annotation (
1290 | preferredView="info",
1291 | version="3.2.1",
1292 | versionBuild=2,
1293 | versionDate="2013-08-14",
1294 | dateModified = "2013-08-14 08:44:41Z",
1295 | revisionId="$Id:: package.mo 6947 2013-08-23 07:41:37Z #$",
1296 | uses(Complex(version="3.2.1"), ModelicaServices(version="3.2.1")),
1297 | conversion(
1298 | noneFromVersion="3.2",
1299 | noneFromVersion="3.1",
1300 | noneFromVersion="3.0.1",
1301 | noneFromVersion="3.0",
1302 | from(version="2.1", script="modelica://Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/ConvertModelica_from_2.2.2_to_3.0.mos"),
1303 | from(version="2.2", script="modelica://Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/ConvertModelica_from_2.2.2_to_3.0.mos"),
1304 | from(version="2.2.1", script="modelica://Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/ConvertModelica_from_2.2.2_to_3.0.mos"),
1305 | from(version="2.2.2", script="modelica://Modelica/Resources/Scripts/Dymola/ConvertModelica_from_2.2.2_to_3.0.mos")),
1306 | Icon(coordinateSystem(extent={{-100.0,-100.0},{100.0,100.0}}), graphics={
1307 | Polygon(
1308 | origin={-6.9888,20.048},
1309 | fillColor={0,0,0},
1310 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
1311 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
1312 | points={{-93.0112,10.3188},{-93.0112,10.3188},{-73.011,24.6},{-63.011,31.221},{-51.219,36.777},{-39.842,38.629},{-31.376,36.248},{-25.819,29.369},{-24.232,22.49},{-23.703,17.463},{-15.501,25.135},{-6.24,32.015},{3.02,36.777},{15.191,39.423},{27.097,37.306},{32.653,29.633},{35.035,20.108},{43.501,28.046},{54.085,35.19},{65.991,39.952},{77.897,39.688},{87.422,33.338},{91.126,21.696},{90.068,9.525},{86.099,-1.058},{79.749,-10.054},{71.283,-21.431},{62.816,-33.337},{60.964,-32.808},{70.489,-16.14},{77.368,-2.381},{81.072,10.054},{79.749,19.05},{72.605,24.342},{61.758,23.019},{49.587,14.817},{39.003,4.763},{29.214,-6.085},{21.012,-16.669},{13.339,-26.458},{5.401,-36.777},{-1.213,-46.037},{-6.24,-53.446},{-8.092,-52.387},{-0.684,-40.746},{5.401,-30.692},{12.81,-17.198},{19.424,-3.969},{23.658,7.938},{22.335,18.785},{16.514,23.283},{8.047,23.019},{-1.478,19.05},{-11.267,11.113},{-19.734,2.381},{-29.259,-8.202},{-38.519,-19.579},{-48.044,-31.221},{-56.511,-43.392},{-64.449,-55.298},{-72.386,-66.939},{-77.678,-74.612},{-79.53,-74.083},{-71.857,-61.383},{-62.861,-46.037},{-52.278,-28.046},{-44.869,-15.346},{-38.784,-2.117},{-35.344,8.731},{-36.403,19.844},{-42.488,23.813},{-52.013,22.49},{-60.744,16.933},{-68.947,10.054},{-76.884,2.646},{-93.0112,-12.1707},{-93.0112,-12.1707}},
1313 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
1314 | Ellipse(
1315 | origin={40.8208,-37.7602},
1316 | fillColor={161,0,4},
1317 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
1318 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
1319 | extent={{-17.8562,-17.8563},{17.8563,17.8562}})}),
1320 | Documentation(info="<HTML>
1321 | <p>
1322 | Package <b>Modelica®</b> is a <b>standardized</b> and <b>free</b> package
1323 | that is developed together with the Modelica® language from the
1324 | Modelica Association, see
1325 | <a href=\"https://www.Modelica.org\">https://www.Modelica.org</a>.
1326 | It is also called <b>Modelica Standard Library</b>.
1327 | It provides model components in many domains that are based on
1328 | standardized interface definitions. Some typical examples are shown
1329 | in the next figure:
1330 | </p>
1331 |
1332 | <p>
1333 | <img src=\"modelica://Modelica/Resources/Images/UsersGuide/ModelicaLibraries.png\">
1334 | </p>
1335 |
1336 | <p>
1337 | For an introduction, have especially a look at:
1338 | </p>
1339 | <ul>
1340 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.Overview\">Overview</a>
1341 | provides an overview of the Modelica Standard Library
1342 | inside the <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide\">User's Guide</a>.</li>
1343 | <li><a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ReleaseNotes\">Release Notes</a>
1344 | summarizes the changes of new versions of this package.</li>
1345 | <li> <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.Contact\">Contact</a>
1346 | lists the contributors of the Modelica Standard Library.</li>
1347 | <li> The <b>Examples</b> packages in the various libraries, demonstrate
1348 | how to use the components of the corresponding sublibrary.</li>
1349 | </ul>
1350 |
1351 | <p>
1352 | This version of the Modelica Standard Library consists of
1353 | </p>
1354 | <ul>
1355 | <li><b>1360</b> models and blocks, and</li>
1356 | <li><b>1280</b> functions</li>
1357 | </ul>
1358 | <p>
1359 | that are directly usable (= number of public, non-partial classes). It is fully compliant
1360 | to <a href=\"https://www.modelica.org/documents/ModelicaSpec32Revision2.pdf\">Modelica Specification Version 3.2 Revision 2</a>
1361 | and it has been tested with Modelica tools from different vendors.
1362 | </p>
1363 |
1364 | <p>
1365 | <b>Licensed by the Modelica Association under the Modelica License 2</b><br>
1366 | Copyright © 1998-2013, ABB, AIT, T. Bödrich, DLR, Dassault Systèmes AB, Fraunhofer, A.Haumer, ITI, Modelon,
1367 | TU Hamburg-Harburg, Politecnico di Milano, XRG Simulation.
1368 | </p>
1369 |
1370 | <p>
1371 | <i>This Modelica package is <u>free</u> software and the use is completely at <u>your own risk</u>; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> https://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i>
1372 | </p>
1373 |
1374 | <p>
1375 | <b>Modelica®</b> is a registered trademark of the Modelica Association.
1376 | </p>
1377 | </html>"));
1378 | end Modelica;
1379 |
1380 | package PowerSystems "Library for electrical power systems"
1381 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1382 | import Modelica.Constants.pi;
1383 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
1384 | import PowerSystems.Basic.Types.SIpu "Per-Unit types for user interface";
1385 | import PowerSystems.Basic.Types;
1386 |
1387 | model System "System reference"
1388 | parameter SI.Frequency f_nom=50 "nom frequency"
1389 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="System"), choices(choice=50 "50 Hz", choice=60 "60 Hz"));
1390 | parameter SI.Frequency f=f_nom
1391 | "frequency (initial if fType_par = false (average))"
1392 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="System"));
1393 | parameter Boolean fType_par = true
1394 | "= true, if system frequency defined by parameter f, else average frequency"
1395 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="System"));
1396 | parameter SI.Frequency f_lim[2]={0.5*f_nom, 2*f_nom}
1397 | "limit frequencies (for average definition)"
1398 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="System",enable=not fType_par));
1399 | parameter SI.Angle alpha0=0 "phase angle"
1400 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="System"));
1401 | parameter String ref = "synchron" "reference frame (3-phase)"
1402 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="System", enable=sim=="tr"), choices(
1403 | choice="synchron",
1404 | choice="inertial"));
1405 | parameter String ini = "st" "transient or steady-state initialisation"
1406 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Mode", enable=sim=="tr"), choices(
1407 | choice="tr" "transient",
1408 | choice="st" "steady"));
1409 | parameter String sim = "tr" "transient or steady-state simulation"
1410 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Mode"), choices(
1411 | choice="tr" "transient",
1412 | choice="st" "steady"));
1413 | final parameter SI.AngularFrequency omega_nom=2*pi*f_nom
1414 | "nom angular frequency" annotation(Evaluate=true);
1415 | final parameter Types.AngularVelocity w_nom=2*pi*f_nom "nom r.p.m."
1416 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal"));
1417 | final parameter Boolean synRef=if transientSim then ref=="synchron" else true
1418 | annotation(Evaluate=true);
1419 |
1420 | final parameter Boolean steadyIni = ini=="st"
1421 | "steady state initialisation of electric equations" annotation(Evaluate=true);
1422 | final parameter Boolean transientSim = sim=="tr"
1423 | "transient mode of electric equations" annotation(Evaluate=true);
1424 | final parameter Boolean steadyIni_t = steadyIni and transientSim
1425 | annotation(Evaluate=true);
1426 | discrete SI.Time initime;
1427 | SI.Angle theta(final start=0, final fixed=true, stateSelect=StateSelect.always);
1428 | SI.AngularFrequency omega(final start=2*pi*f);
1429 | /*
1430 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omega_inp(min=0)
1431 | "system ang frequency (optional, fType=sig)"
1432 | annotation (extent=[90,-10; 110,10], rotation=-180);
1433 |
1434 | Removed, since not input connector of inner/outer class not allowed in Modelica 3.
1435 | */
1436 | Interfaces.Frequency receiveFreq
1437 | "receives weighted frequencies from generators"
1438 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-96,64},{-64,96}}, rotation=0)));
1439 | equation
1440 | when initial() then
1441 | initime = time;
1442 | end when;
1443 | if fType_par then
1444 | omega = 2*pi*f;
1445 | /*
1446 | elseif fType == Types.FreqType.sig then
1447 | omega = omega_inp;
1448 | Removed, since input connector of inner/outer class not allowed in Modelica 3
1449 | */
1450 | else
1451 | omega = if initial() then 2*pi*f else receiveFreq.w_H/receiveFreq.H;
1452 | when (omega < 2*pi*f_lim[1]) or (omega > 2*pi*f_lim[2]) then
1453 | terminate("FREQUENCY EXCEEDS BOUNDS!");
1454 | end when;
1455 | end if;
1456 | der(theta) = omega;
1457 | // set dummy values (to achieve balanced model)
1458 | receiveFreq.h = 0.0;
1459 | receiveFreq.w_h = 0.0;
1460 | annotation (
1461 | preferedView="info",
1462 | defaultComponentName="system",
1463 | defaultComponentPrefixes="inner",
1464 | missingInnerMessage="No \"system\" component is defined.
1465 | Drag PowerSystems.System into the top level of your model.",
1466 | Window(
1467 | x=0.13,
1468 | y=0.1,
1469 | width=0.81,
1470 | height=0.83),
1471 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
1472 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1473 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1474 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
1475 | Rectangle(
1476 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
1477 | lineColor={0,120,120},
1478 | fillColor={255,255,255},
1479 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1480 | Rectangle(
1481 | extent={{-100,100},{100,60}},
1482 | lineColor={0,120,120},
1483 | fillColor={0,120,120},
1484 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1485 | Text(
1486 | extent={{-60,100},{100,60}},
1487 | lineColor={215,215,215},
1488 | textString = "%name"),
1489 | Text(
1490 | extent={{-100,50},{100,20}},
1491 | lineColor={0,0,0},
1492 | textString = "f_nom=%f_nom"),
1493 | Text(
1494 | extent={{-100,-20},{100,10}},
1495 | lineColor={0,0,0},
1496 | textString=
1497 | "f par:%fType_par"),
1498 | Text(
1499 | extent={{-100,-30},{100,-60}},
1500 | lineColor={0,120,120},
1501 | textString=
1502 | "%ref"),
1503 | Text(
1504 | extent={{-100,-70},{100,-100}},
1505 | lineColor={176,0,0},
1506 | textString = "ini:%ini sim:%sim")}),
1507 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
1508 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1509 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1510 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
1511 | Documentation(info="<html>
1512 | <p>The model <b>System</b> represents a global reference for the following purposes:</p>
1513 | <p>It allows the choice of </p>
1514 | <ul>
1515 | <li> nominal frequency (default 50 or 60 Hertz, but arbitrary positive choice allowed)
1516 | <li> system frequency or initial system frequency, depending on frequency type</li>
1517 | <li> frequency type: parameter, signal, or average (machine-dependent) system frequency</li>
1518 | <li> lower and upper limit-frequencies</li>
1519 | <li> common phase angle for AC-systems</li>
1520 | <li> synchronous or inertial reference frame for AC-3phase-systems</li>
1521 | <li> transient or steady-state initialisation and simulation modes<br>
1522 | For 'transient' initialisation no specific initial equations are defined.<br>
1523 | This case allows also to use Dymola's steady-state initialisation, that is DIFFERENT from ours.<br>
1524 | <b>Note:</b> the parameter 'sim' only affects AC three-phase components.</li>
1525 | </ul>
1526 | <p>It provides</p>
1527 | <ul>
1528 | <li> the system angular-frequency omega<br>
1529 | For frequency-type 'parameter' this is simply a parameter value.<br>
1530 | For frequency-type 'signal' it is a positive input signal.<br>
1531 | For frequency-type 'average' it is a weighted average over the relevant generator frequencies.
1532 | <li> the system angle theta by integration of
1533 | <pre> der(theta) = omega </pre><br>
1534 | This angle allows the definition of a rotating electrical <b>coordinate system</b><br>
1535 | for <b>AC three-phase models</b>.<br>
1536 | Root-nodes defining coordinate-orientation will choose a reference angle theta_ref (connector-variable theta[2]) according to the parameter <tt>ref</tt>:<br><br>
1537 | <tt>theta_ref = theta if ref = \"synchron\"</tt> (reference frame is synchronously rotating with theta).<br>
1538 | <tt>theta_ref = 0 if ref = \"inertial\"</tt> (inertial reference frame, not rotating).<br>
1539 |
1540 | where<br>
1541 | <tt>theta = 1 :</tt> reference frame is synchronously rotating.<br>
1542 | <tt>ref=0 :</tt> reference frame is at rest.<br>
1543 | Note: Steady-state simulation is only possible for <tt>ref = \"synchron\"</tt>.<br><br>
1544 | <tt>ref</tt> is determined by the parameter <tt>refFrame</tt> in the following way:
1545 |
1546 | </li>
1547 | </ul>
1548 | <p><b>Note</b>: Each model using <b>System</b> must use it with an <b>inner</b> declaration and instance name <b>system</b> in order that it can be accessed from all objects in the model.<br>When dragging the 'System' from the package browser into the diagram layer, declaration and instance name are automatically generated.</p>
1549 | <p><a href=\"Spot3.UsersGuide.Overview\">up users guide</a></p>
1550 | </html>
1551 | "));
1552 | end System;
1553 |
1554 | package Examples
1555 | extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
1556 |
1557 | package Spot "Examples from Modelica Power Systems Library Spot"
1558 | extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
1559 |
1560 | package AC3ph "AC 3-phase components dqo"
1561 | extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
1562 |
1563 | model Transformer "Transformer"
1564 |
1565 | inner PowerSystems.System system
1566 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,60},{-60,80}}, rotation=
1567 | 0)));
1568 | /*
1569 | PowerSystems.Blocks.Signals.TransientPhasor transPh
1570 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,10},{-80,
1571 | 30}}, rotation=0)));
1572 | PowerSystems.AC3ph.Sources.Voltage voltage(scType_par=false)
1573 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}},
1574 | rotation=0)));
1575 | PowerSystems.AC3ph.Sensors.PVImeter meter1
1576 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-50,-10},{-30,10}},
1577 | rotation=0)));*/
1578 | replaceable PowerSystems.AC3ph.Transformers.TrafoStray trafo(par(
1579 | v_tc1={1,1.1},
1580 | v_tc2={1,1.2},
1581 | V_nom={1,10}),
1582 | redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Y top_p "Y",
1583 | redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top_n "Delta")
1584 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},
1585 | {20,10}}, rotation=0)));
1586 | /*
1587 | PowerSystems.AC3ph.Sensors.PVImeter meter2(V_nom=10)
1588 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{50,-10},{70,10}}, rotation=
1589 | 0)));
1590 | PowerSystems.AC3ph.ImpedancesYD.Resistor res(V_nom=10, r=100)
1591 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
1592 | extent={{80,-10},{100,10}}, rotation=0)));
1593 | PowerSystems.Control.Relays.TapChangerRelay TapChanger(
1594 | preset_1={0,1,2},
1595 | preset_2={0,1,2},
1596 | t_switch_1={0.9,1.9},
1597 | t_switch_2={1.1,2.1})
1598 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
1599 | origin={10,60},
1600 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
1601 | rotation=270)));
1602 | PowerSystems.AC3ph.Nodes.GroundOne grd annotation (Placement(transformation(
1603 | extent={{-80,-10},{-100,10}}, rotation=0)));
1604 |
1605 | equation
1606 | connect(transPh.y, voltage.vPhasor)
1607 | annotation (Line(points={{-80,20},{-64,20},
1608 | {-64,10}}, color={0,0,127}));
1609 | connect(voltage.term, meter1.term_p) annotation (Line(points={{-60,0},{-50,
1610 | 0}}, color={0,110,110}));
1611 | connect(meter1.term_n, trafo.term_p)
1612 | annotation (Line(points={{-30,0},{0,0}}, color={0,110,110}));
1613 | connect(trafo.term_n, meter2.term_p)
1614 | annotation (Line(points={{20,0},{50,0}}, color={0,110,110}));
1615 | connect(meter2.term_n, res.term)
1616 | annotation (Line(points={{70,0},{80,0}}, color={0,110,110}));
1617 | connect(grd.term, voltage.neutral)
1618 | annotation (Line(points={{-80,0},{-80,0}}, color={0,0,255}));
1619 | connect(TapChanger.tap_p, trafo.tap_p)
1620 | annotation (Line(points={{6,50},{6,10}}, color={255,127,0}));
1621 | connect(TapChanger.tap_n, trafo.tap_n) annotation (Line(points={{14,50},{14,
1622 | 10}}, color={255,127,0}));
1623 | annotation (
1624 | Documentation(
1625 | info="<html>
1626 | </html>
1627 | "), Diagram(coordinateSystem(
1628 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1629 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1630 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
1631 | Window(
1632 | x=0.45,
1633 | y=0.01,
1634 | width=0.44,
1635 | height=0.65),
1636 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
1637 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1638 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1639 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
1640 | experiment(StopTime=3),
1641 | experimentSetupOutput); */
1642 | end Transformer;
1643 | annotation (preferedView="info",
1644 | Window(
1645 | x=0.05,
1646 | y=0.41,
1647 | width=0.4,
1648 | height=0.42,
1649 | library=1,
1650 | autolayout=1),
1651 | Documentation(info="<html>
1652 | <p>This package contains small models for testing single components from ACdqo.
1653 | The replaceable component can be replaced by a user defined component of similar type.</p>
1654 | <p><a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide.Examples\">up users guide</a></p>
1655 | </html>"),Icon(coordinateSystem(
1656 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1657 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1658 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
1659 | preferedView="info",
1660 | Coordsys(
1661 | extent=[-100, -100; 100, 100],
1662 | grid=[2, 2],
1663 | component=[20, 20]),
1664 | Window(
1665 | x=0.05,
1666 | y=0.41,
1667 | width=0.4,
1668 | height=0.42,
1669 | library=1,
1670 | autolayout=1),
1671 | Documentation(info="<html>
1672 | <pre>
1673 | Models for testing components from PowerSystems.AC3ph.
1674 | </pre>
1675 | </html>
1676 | "), Icon);
1677 | end AC3ph;
1678 | annotation (
1679 | classOrder={"Data","*"},
1680 | Documentation(info="<html>
1681 | <h3><font color=\"#000080\" size=5>Modelica Power Systems Library SPOT: Examples</font></h3>
1682 | <p><a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide\">up users guide</a></p>
1683 | <p>Copyright © 2004-2008, H.J. Wiesmann.</p>
1684 | <p><i>This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk. It can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica License 2.<br>
1685 | For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) see <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2</a> or visit <a href=\"http://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2\"> http://www.modelica.org/licenses/ModelicaLicense2</a>.</i><br></p>
1686 | <a href=\"Modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense\">here</a>.</i></p>
1687 | </html>"));
1688 | end Spot;
1689 | end Examples;
1690 |
1691 | package PhaseSystems "Phase systems used in power connectors"
1692 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1693 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
1694 | import Modelica.Constants.pi;
1695 |
1696 | partial package PartialPhaseSystem "Base package of all phase systems"
1697 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1698 | constant String phaseSystemName = "UnspecifiedPhaseSystem";
1699 | constant Integer n "Number of independent voltage and current components";
1700 | constant Integer m "Number of reference angles";
1701 |
1702 | type Voltage = Real(unit = "V", quantity = "Voltage." + phaseSystemName)
1703 | "voltage for connector";
1704 | type Current = Real(unit = "A", quantity = "Current." + phaseSystemName)
1705 | "current for connector";
1706 | type ReferenceAngle "Reference angle for connector"
1707 | extends SI.Angle;
1708 |
1709 | function equalityConstraint
1710 | input ReferenceAngle theta1[:];
1711 | input ReferenceAngle theta2[:];
1712 | output Real[0] residue "No constraints";
1713 | algorithm
1714 | for i in 1:size(theta1, 1) loop
1715 | assert(abs(theta1[i] - theta2[i]) < Modelica.Constants.eps, "angles theta1 and theta2 not equal over connection!");
1716 | end for;
1717 | end equalityConstraint;
1718 | end ReferenceAngle;
1719 |
1720 | replaceable partial function j "Return vector rotated by 90 degrees"
1721 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1722 | input Real x[n];
1723 | output Real y[n];
1724 | end j;
1725 |
1726 | replaceable function jj "Vectorized version of j"
1727 | input Real[:,:] xx "array of voltage or current vectors";
1728 | output Real[size(xx,1),size(xx,2)] yy "array of rotated vectors";
1729 | algorithm
1730 | //yy := {j(xx[:,k]) for k in 1:size(xx,2)};
1731 | // Note: Dymola 2013 fails to expand
1732 | for k in 1:size(xx,2) loop
1733 | yy[:,k] := j(xx[:,k]);
1734 | end for;
1735 | end jj;
1736 |
1737 | replaceable partial function thetaRel
1738 | "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
1739 | input SI.Angle theta[m];
1740 | output SI.Angle thetaRel;
1741 | end thetaRel;
1742 |
1743 | replaceable partial function thetaRef
1744 | "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
1745 | input SI.Angle theta[m];
1746 | output SI.Angle thetaRef;
1747 | end thetaRef;
1748 |
1749 | replaceable partial function phase "Return phase"
1750 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1751 | input Real x[n];
1752 | output SI.Angle phase;
1753 | end phase;
1754 |
1755 | replaceable partial function phaseVoltages
1756 | "Return phase to neutral voltages"
1757 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1758 | input SI.Voltage V "system voltage";
1759 | input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
1760 | output SI.Voltage v[n] "phase to neutral voltages";
1761 | end phaseVoltages;
1762 |
1763 | replaceable partial function phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
1764 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1765 | input SI.Current I "system current";
1766 | input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
1767 | output SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
1768 | end phaseCurrents;
1769 |
1770 | replaceable partial function phasePowers "Return phase powers"
1771 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1772 | input SI.ActivePower P "active system power";
1773 | input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
1774 | output SI.Power p[n] "phase powers";
1775 | end phasePowers;
1776 |
1777 | replaceable partial function phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
1778 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1779 | input SI.Voltage v[n] "phase voltages";
1780 | input SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
1781 | output SI.Power p[n] "phase powers";
1782 | end phasePowers_vi;
1783 |
1784 | replaceable partial function systemVoltage
1785 | "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
1786 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1787 | input SI.Voltage v[n];
1788 | output SI.Voltage V;
1789 | end systemVoltage;
1790 |
1791 | replaceable partial function systemCurrent
1792 | "Return system current as function of phase currents"
1793 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1794 | input SI.Current i[n];
1795 | output SI.Current I;
1796 | end systemCurrent;
1797 |
1798 | replaceable partial function activePower
1799 | "Return total power as function of phase powers"
1800 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1801 | input SI.Voltage v[n] "phase voltages";
1802 | input SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
1803 | output SI.ActivePower P "active system power";
1804 | end activePower;
1805 |
1806 | annotation (Icon(graphics));
1807 | end PartialPhaseSystem;
1808 |
1809 | package ThreePhase_dqo "AC system in dqo representation"
1810 | extends PartialPhaseSystem(phaseSystemName="ThreePhase_dqo", n=3, m=2);
1811 |
1812 | redeclare function j
1813 | "Rotation(pi/2) of vector around {0,0,1} and projection on orth plane"
1814 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1815 | input Real x[:];
1816 | output Real y[size(x,1)];
1817 | algorithm
1818 | y := cat(1, {-x[2], x[1]}, zeros(size(x,1)-2));
1819 | end j;
1820 |
1821 | redeclare function jj "Vectorized version of j"
1822 | input Real[:,:] xx "array of voltage or current vectors";
1823 | output Real[size(xx,1),size(xx,2)] yy "array of rotated vectors";
1824 | algorithm
1825 | yy := cat(1, {-xx[2,:], xx[1,:]}, zeros(size(xx,1)-2, size(xx,2)));
1826 | end jj;
1827 |
1828 | redeclare function thetaRel
1829 | "Return absolute angle of rotating system as offset to thetaRef"
1830 | input SI.Angle theta[m];
1831 | output SI.Angle thetaRel;
1832 | algorithm
1833 | thetaRel := theta[1];
1834 | end thetaRel;
1835 |
1836 | redeclare function thetaRef
1837 | "Return absolute angle of rotating reference system"
1838 | input SI.Angle theta[m];
1839 | output SI.Angle thetaRef;
1840 | algorithm
1841 | thetaRef := theta[2];
1842 | end thetaRef;
1843 |
1844 | redeclare function phase "Return phase"
1845 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1846 | input Real x[n];
1847 | output SI.Angle phase;
1848 | algorithm
1849 | phase := atan2(x[2], x[1]);
1850 | end phase;
1851 |
1852 | redeclare function phaseVoltages "Return phase to neutral voltages"
1853 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1854 | input SI.Voltage V "system voltage";
1855 | input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
1856 | output SI.Voltage v[n] "phase to neutral voltages";
1857 | protected
1858 | Voltage neutral_v = 0;
1859 | algorithm
1860 | v := {V*cos(phi), V*sin(phi), sqrt(3)*neutral_v}/sqrt(3);
1861 | end phaseVoltages;
1862 |
1863 | redeclare function phaseCurrents "Return phase currents"
1864 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1865 | input Current I "system current";
1866 | input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
1867 | output SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
1868 | algorithm
1869 | i := {I*cos(phi), I*sin(phi), 0};
1870 | end phaseCurrents;
1871 |
1872 | redeclare function phasePowers "Return phase powers"
1873 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1874 | input SI.ActivePower P "active system power";
1875 | input SI.Angle phi = 0 "phase angle";
1876 | output SI.Power p[n] "phase powers";
1877 | algorithm
1878 | p := {P, P*tan(phi), 0};
1879 | end phasePowers;
1880 |
1881 | redeclare function phasePowers_vi "Return phase powers"
1882 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1883 | input SI.Voltage v[n] "phase voltages";
1884 | input SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
1885 | output SI.Power p[n] "phase powers";
1886 | algorithm
1887 | p := {v[1:2]*i[1:2], -j(v[1:2])*i[1:2], v[3]*i[3]};
1888 | end phasePowers_vi;
1889 |
1890 | redeclare function systemVoltage
1891 | "Return system voltage as function of phase voltages"
1892 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1893 | input SI.Voltage v[n];
1894 | output SI.Voltage V;
1895 | algorithm
1896 | V := sqrt(v*v);
1897 | end systemVoltage;
1898 |
1899 | redeclare function systemCurrent
1900 | "Return system current as function of phase currents"
1901 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1902 | input SI.Current i[n];
1903 | output SI.Current I;
1904 | algorithm
1905 | I := sqrt(i*i);
1906 | end systemCurrent;
1907 |
1908 | redeclare function activePower
1909 | "Return total power as function of phase powers"
1910 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1911 | input SI.Voltage v[n] "phase voltages";
1912 | input SI.Current i[n] "phase currents";
1913 | output SI.ActivePower P "active system power";
1914 | algorithm
1915 | P := v[1]*i[1];
1916 | end activePower;
1917 |
1918 | annotation (Icon(graphics={
1919 | Line(
1920 | points={{-70,28},{-58,48},{-38,68},{-22,48},{-10,28},{2,8},{22,-12},
1921 | {40,8},{50,28}},
1922 | color={95,95,95},
1923 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier),
1924 | Line(
1925 | points={{-70,-54},{50,-54}},
1926 | color={95,95,95},
1927 | smooth=Smooth.None),
1928 | Line(
1929 | points={{-70,-78},{50,-78}},
1930 | color={95,95,95},
1931 | smooth=Smooth.None),
1932 | Line(
1933 | points={{-70,-28},{50,-28}},
1934 | color={95,95,95},
1935 | smooth=Smooth.None)}));
1936 | end ThreePhase_dqo;
1937 | annotation (Icon(graphics={Line(
1938 | points={{-70,-52},{50,-52}},
1939 | color={95,95,95},
1940 | smooth=Smooth.None), Line(
1941 | points={{-70,8},{-58,28},{-38,48},{-22,28},{-10,8},{2,-12},{22,-32},{
1942 | 40,-12},{50,8}},
1943 | color={95,95,95},
1944 | smooth=Smooth.Bezier)}));
1945 | end PhaseSystems;
1946 |
1947 | package AC3ph "AC three phase components from Spot ACdqo"
1948 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
1949 |
1950 | package ImpedancesYD
1951 | "Impedance and admittance one terminal, Y and Delta topology"
1952 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
1953 |
1954 | model Resistor "Resistor, 3-phase dqo"
1955 | extends Partials.ImpedYDBase(final f_nom=0, final stIni_en=false);
1956 |
1957 | parameter SIpu.Resistance r=1 "resistance";
1958 | protected
1959 | final parameter SI.Resistance R=r*Basic.Precalculation.baseR(puUnits, V_nom, S_nom, top.scale);
1960 |
1961 | equation
1962 | R*i = v;
1963 | annotation (
1964 | defaultComponentName="resYD1",
1965 | Window(
1966 | x=0.45,
1967 | y=0.01,
1968 | width=0.44,
1969 | height=0.65),
1970 | Documentation(
1971 | info="<html>
1972 | <p>Info see package ACdqo.ImpedancesYD.</p>
1973 | </html>
1974 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
1975 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1976 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1977 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
1978 | extent={{-80,30},{70,-30}},
1979 | lineColor={0,0,0},
1980 | lineThickness=0.5,
1981 | fillColor={255,255,255})}),
1982 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
1983 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
1984 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
1985 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
1986 | Rectangle(
1987 | extent={{-70,20},{30,13}},
1988 | lineColor={0,0,255},
1989 | lineThickness=0.5,
1990 | fillColor={255,255,255},
1991 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1992 | Rectangle(
1993 | extent={{-70,3},{30,-4}},
1994 | lineColor={0,0,255},
1995 | lineThickness=0.5,
1996 | fillColor={255,255,255},
1997 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
1998 | Rectangle(
1999 | extent={{-70,-13},{30,-20}},
2000 | lineColor={0,0,255},
2001 | lineThickness=0.5,
2002 | fillColor={255,255,255},
2003 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
2004 | end Resistor;
2005 |
2006 | package Partials "Partial models"
2007 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
2008 |
2009 | partial model ImpedYDBase "One terminal impedance base, 3-phase dqo"
2010 | extends Ports.YDport_p;
2011 | extends Basic.Nominal.NominalAC;
2012 |
2013 | parameter Boolean stIni_en=true
2014 | "enable steady-state initial equation" annotation(evaluate=true);
2015 | parameter SIpu.Resistance r_n=1 "resistance neutral to grd"
2016 | annotation(Dialog(enable));
2017 | protected
2018 | final parameter Boolean steadyIni_t=system.steadyIni_t and stIni_en;
2019 | final parameter SI.Resistance R_n=r_n*Basic.Precalculation.baseR(puUnits, V_nom, S_nom);
2020 | SI.AngularFrequency[2] omega;
2021 |
2022 | equation
2023 | omega = der(term.theta);
2024 | v_n = R_n*i_n "equation neutral to ground (if Y-topology)";
2025 | annotation (
2026 | Window(
2027 | x=0.45,
2028 | y=0.01,
2029 | width=0.44,
2030 | height=0.65),
2031 | Documentation(
2032 | info="<html>
2033 | <p>Y-topology: contains an equation for neutral to ground</p>
2034 | <p>Delta-topology: <tt>i[3] = 0</tt></p>
2035 | </html>"), Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2036 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2037 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2038 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
2039 | extent={{70,20},{76,-20}},
2040 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2041 | fillColor={128,128,128},
2042 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
2043 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2044 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2045 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2046 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
2047 | extent={{70,30},{80,-30}},
2048 | lineColor={135,135,135},
2049 | lineThickness=0.5,
2050 | fillColor={135,135,135},
2051 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
2052 | end ImpedYDBase;
2053 | annotation ( Window(
2054 | x=0.05,
2055 | y=0.44,
2056 | width=0.31,
2057 | height=0.23,
2058 | library=1,
2059 | autolayout=1));
2060 | end Partials;
2061 | annotation (preferedView="info",
2062 | Window(
2063 | x=0.05,
2064 | y=0.41,
2065 | width=0.4,
2066 | height=0.44,
2067 | library=1,
2068 | autolayout=1),
2069 | Documentation(info="<html>
2070 | <p>Contains lumped impedance models for Y and Delta topology.</p>
2071 | <p>General relations see 'Impedances'.</p>
2072 | <p>All elements allow the choice between Y- and Delta-topology.<br>
2073 | The impedance parameters are defined 'as seen from the terminals', directly relating terminal voltage and terminal current. With this definition same parameters lead to same network properties, independent of topology. The necessary scaling is performed automatically.</p>
2074 | <p>In Delta-topology the conductor voltage is sqrt(3) higher, the current sqrt(3) lower,
2075 | compared to the terminal voltage and current. Therefore the impedance relating conductor current and voltage is a factor 3 larger, the admittance a factor 1/3 smaller than the impedance and admittance as seen from the terminal.</p>
2076 | <p>If impedance parameters are known for the WINDINGS, choose:</p>
2077 | <pre> input values impedance parameters = (winding values of impedance parameters)/3</pre>
2078 | <p>In dqo-representation the following relations hold between<br>
2079 | terminal-voltage term.v and -current term.i on the one hand<br>
2080 | and conductor-voltage v and -current i on the other:</p>
2081 | <p><b>Y-topology</b>:</p>
2082 | <pre>
2083 | v = term.v - {0, 0, sqrt(3)*v_n}: voltage between terminal and neutral point
2084 | term.i = i
2085 | i_n = sqrt(3)*term.i[3]
2086 | </pre>
2087 | <p><b>Delta-topology</b>:</p>
2088 | <pre>
2089 | v[1:2] = sqrt(3)*R30*term.v[1:2]: voltage between phase-terminals
2090 | v[3] = 0
2091 | term.i[1:2] = sqrt(3)*transpose(R30)*i[1:2]
2092 | term.i[3] = 0
2093 | </pre>
2094 | <p>with <tt>R30 = rotation_30deg</tt><br>
2095 | (Alternative solutions corresponding to permuted phases are <tt>R-90</tt> and <tt>R150</tt> instead of <tt>R30</tt>).</p>
2096 | </html>"),
2097 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2098 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2099 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2100 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2101 | end ImpedancesYD;
2102 |
2103 | package Nodes "Nodes and adaptors"
2104 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
2105 |
2106 | model GroundOne "Ground, one conductor"
2107 |
2108 | Interfaces.Electric_p term "positive scalar terminal"
2109 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{
2110 | -110,-10},{-90,10}}, rotation=0)));
2111 |
2112 | equation
2113 | term.v = 0;
2114 | annotation (
2115 | defaultComponentName="grd1",
2116 | Window(
2117 | x=0.45,
2118 | y=0.01,
2119 | width=0.44,
2120 | height=0.65),
2121 | Documentation(
2122 | info="<html>
2123 | <p>Zero voltage on terminal.</p>
2124 | </html>
2125 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2126 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2127 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2128 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
2129 | Text(
2130 | extent={{-100,-90},{100,-130}},
2131 | lineColor={0,0,0},
2132 | textString=
2133 | "%name"),
2134 | Rectangle(
2135 | extent={{-4,50},{4,-50}},
2136 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2137 | fillColor={160,160,164},
2138 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2139 | Line(points={{-90,0},{-4,0}}, color={0,0,255})}),
2140 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2141 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2142 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2143 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Line(points={{-60,0},{-80,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
2144 | Rectangle(
2145 | extent={{-60,20},{-54,-20}},
2146 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2147 | fillColor={160,160,164},
2148 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
2149 | end GroundOne;
2150 | annotation (preferedView="info",
2151 | Window(
2152 | x=0.05,
2153 | y=0.41,
2154 | width=0.4,
2155 | height=0.32,
2156 | library=1,
2157 | autolayout=1),
2158 | Documentation(info="<html>
2159 | </html>
2160 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2161 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2162 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2163 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2164 | end Nodes;
2165 |
2166 | package Transformers "Transformers 3-phase"
2167 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
2168 |
2169 | model TrafoStray "Ideal magnetic coupling transformer, 3-phase dqo"
2170 | extends Partials.TrafoStrayBase;
2171 |
2172 | initial equation
2173 | if steadyIni_t then
2174 | der(i1) = omega[1]*j_dqo(i1);
2175 | end if;
2176 |
2177 | equation
2178 | i1 + i2 = zeros(3);
2179 | if system.transientSim then
2180 | diagonal({sum(L),sum(L),sum(L0)})*der(i1) + omega[2]*sum(L)*j_dqo(i1) + sum(R)
2181 | *i1 = v1 - v2;
2182 | else
2183 | omega[2]*sum(L)*j_dqo(i1) + sum(R)*i1 = v1 - v2;
2184 | end if;
2185 | annotation (
2186 | defaultComponentName="trafo",
2187 | Window(
2188 | x=0.45,
2189 | y=0.01,
2190 | width=0.44,
2191 | height=0.65),
2192 | Documentation(
2193 | info="<html>
2194 | <p>Stray-impedance, but ideal magnetic coupling, i.e. zero magnetisation current.<br>
2195 | Delta topology: impedance is defined as winding-impedance (see info package Transformers).</p>
2196 | <p>SI-input: values for stray and coupling impedances are winding dependent.</p>
2197 | <pre>
2198 | r[k] = R[k]
2199 | x[k] = omega_nom*L[k]
2200 | x0[k] = omega_nom*L0[k]
2201 | </pre>
2202 | <p>pu-input: values for stray and coupling impedances are <b>winding</b>-reduced to primary side.</p>
2203 | <pre>
2204 | r[k] = R[k]/R_nom[k]
2205 | x[k] = omega_nom*L[k]/R_nom[k]
2206 | x0[k] = omega_nom*L0[k]/R_nom[k]
2207 | </pre>
2208 | <p>with</p>
2209 | <pre> R_nom[k] = V_nom[k]^2/S_nom, k = 1(primary), 2(secondary)</pre>
2210 | </html>"),
2211 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2212 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2213 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2214 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
2215 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2216 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2217 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2218 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2219 | end TrafoStray;
2220 |
2221 | package Partials "Partial models"
2222 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
2223 |
2224 | partial model TrafoIdealBase
2225 | "Base for ideal transformer, 3-phase dqo"
2226 |
2227 | /*
2228 | extends Ports.YDportTrafo_p_n(
2229 | w1(start=w1_set), w2(start=w2_set),
2230 | final term_p(v(start={cos(system.alpha0),sin(system.alpha0),0}*par.V_nom[1])),
2231 | final term_n(v(start={cos(system.alpha0),sin(system.alpha0),0}*par.V_nom[2])));
2232 |
2233 | Start values not correct since no parameter expressions;
2234 | Can be removed without having an effect on the model since
2235 | if dynTC=true, w1,w2 are initialized in the initial equation section and
2236 | otherwise, there is an algebraic equation for w1 and w2.
2237 | */
2238 | extends Ports.YDportTrafo_p_n(
2239 | final term_p(v(start={cos(system.alpha0),sin(system.alpha0),0}*par.V_nom[1])),
2240 | final term_n(v(start={cos(system.alpha0),sin(system.alpha0),0}*par.V_nom[2])));
2241 |
2242 | parameter Boolean stIni_en=true
2243 | "enable steady-state initial equation" annotation(evaluate=true, choices(__Dymola_checkBox=true));
2244 | parameter Boolean dynTC=false "enable dynamic tap-changing" annotation(evaluate=true, choices(__Dymola_checkBox=true));
2245 |
2246 | parameter Boolean use_tap_p = false
2247 | "= true, if input tap_p is enabled"
2248 | annotation(evaluate=true, choices(__Dymola_checkBox=true));
2249 | parameter Boolean use_tap_n = false
2250 | "= true, if input tap_n is enabled"
2251 | annotation(evaluate=true, choices(__Dymola_checkBox=true));
2252 |
2253 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerInput tap_p if use_tap_p
2254 | "1: index of voltage level"
2255 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
2256 | origin={-40,100},
2257 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
2258 | rotation=270)));
2259 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerInput tap_n if use_tap_n
2260 | "2: index of voltage level"
2261 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
2262 | origin={40,100},
2263 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
2264 | rotation=270)));
2265 |
2266 | replaceable parameter Parameters.TrafoIdeal par
2267 | constrainedby Parameters.TrafoIdeal "trafo parameter"
2268 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={
2269 | {-80,60},{-60,80}}, rotation=0)));
2270 | protected
2271 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerInput tap_p_internal
2272 | "Needed to connect to conditional connector";
2273 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerInput tap_n_internal
2274 | "Needed to connect to conditional connector";
2275 |
2276 | outer System system;
2277 | constant Real tc=0.01 "time constant tap-chg switching";
2278 | final parameter Boolean steadyIni_t=system.steadyIni_t and stIni_en;
2279 | final parameter SI.Voltage[2] V_base=Basic.Precalculation.baseTrafoV(par.puUnits, par.V_nom);
2280 | final parameter SI.Resistance[2, 2] RL_base=Basic.Precalculation.baseTrafoRL(par.puUnits, par.V_nom, par.S_nom, 2*pi*par.f_nom);
2281 | final parameter Real W_nom=par.V_nom[2]/par.V_nom[1]
2282 | annotation(Evaluate=true);
2283 | final parameter Real[:] W1=cat(1, {1}, par.v_tc1*V_base[1]/par.V_nom[1])*sqrt(scale[1])
2284 | annotation(evaluate=true);
2285 | final parameter Real[:] W2=cat(1, {1}, par.v_tc2*V_base[2]/par.V_nom[2])*W_nom*sqrt(scale[2])
2286 | annotation(evaluate=true);
2287 | final parameter SI.Resistance R_n1=par.r_n1*RL_base[1,1];
2288 | final parameter SI.Resistance R_n2=par.r_n2*RL_base[2,1];
2289 | SI.AngularFrequency[2] omega;
2290 | Real w1_set=if not use_tap_p then W1[1] else W1[1 + tap_p_internal]
2291 | "1: set voltage ratio to nominal primary";
2292 | Real w2_set=if not use_tap_n then W2[1] else W2[1 + tap_n_internal]
2293 | "2: set voltage ratio to nominal secondary";
2294 |
2295 | initial equation
2296 | if dynTC then
2297 | w1 = w1_set;
2298 | w2 = w2_set;
2299 | end if;
2300 |
2301 | equation
2302 | connect(tap_p, tap_p_internal);
2303 | connect(tap_n, tap_n_internal);
2304 | if not use_tap_p then
2305 | tap_p_internal = 0;
2306 | end if;
2307 | if not use_tap_n then
2308 | tap_n_internal = 0;
2309 | end if;
2310 |
2311 | omega = der(term_p.theta);
2312 | if system.transientSim and dynTC then
2313 | der(w1) + (w1 - w1_set)/tc = 0;
2314 | der(w2) + (w2 - w2_set)/tc = 0;
2315 | else
2316 | w1 = w1_set;
2317 | w2 = w2_set;
2318 | end if;
2319 |
2320 | v_n1 = R_n1*i_n1
2321 | "1: equation neutral to ground (relevant if Y-topology)";
2322 | v_n2 = R_n2*i_n2
2323 | "2: equation neutral to ground (relevant if Y-topology)";
2324 | annotation (
2325 | Window(
2326 | x=0.45,
2327 | y=0.01,
2328 | width=0.44,
2329 | height=0.65),
2330 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2331 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2332 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2333 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
2334 | Ellipse(
2335 | extent={{-80,60},{40,-60}},
2336 | lineColor={44,0,255},
2337 | fillColor={255,255,255},
2338 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2339 | Ellipse(
2340 | extent={{-40,60},{80,-60}},
2341 | lineColor={0,120,120},
2342 | lineThickness=0.5,
2343 | fillColor={255,255,255},
2344 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2345 | Ellipse(
2346 | extent={{-80,60},{40,-60}},
2347 | lineColor={0,120,120},
2348 | lineThickness=0.5),
2349 | Text(
2350 | extent={{-120,80},{-80,40}},
2351 | lineColor={0,0,0},
2352 | textString="1"),
2353 | Text(
2354 | extent={{80,80},{120,40}},
2355 | lineColor={0,0,0},
2356 | textString="2"),
2357 | Line(
2358 | points={{-80,0},{-40,0}},
2359 | color={176,0,0},
2360 | thickness=0.5),
2361 | Line(
2362 | points={{40,0},{80,0}},
2363 | color={176,0,0},
2364 | thickness=0.5)}),
2365 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2366 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2367 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2368 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
2369 | Rectangle(
2370 | extent={{-20,60},{-14,-60}},
2371 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2372 | fillColor={128,128,128},
2373 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2374 | Rectangle(
2375 | extent={{14,60},{20,-60}},
2376 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2377 | fillColor={128,128,128},
2378 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2379 | Line(points={{-40,0},{-40,-80}}, color={0,0,255}),
2380 | Line(points={{40,0},{40,-80}}, color={0,0,255}),
2381 | Rectangle(
2382 | extent={{-50,-80},{-30,-84}},
2383 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2384 | fillColor={128,128,128},
2385 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2386 | Rectangle(
2387 | extent={{30,-80},{50,-84}},
2388 | lineColor={128,128,128},
2389 | fillColor={128,128,128},
2390 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
2391 | Documentation(
2392 | info="<html>
2393 | <p>Terminology (formal, the models are symmetric).<br>
2394 | - index 1 (term_p) \"primary\"<br>
2395 | - index 2 (term_n) \"secondary\"</p>
2396 | <p>Contains choice of topology (Delta or Y connection primary and secondary).<br>
2397 | Note that transformers with topology 'Delta-Y' and 'Y-Delta' exhibit a phase-shift
2398 | of the voltage signals Delta-side versus the signals Y-side of -30 deg.<br>
2399 | Delta (prim) - Y (sec): Y is 30 deg shifted versus Delta<br>
2400 | Y (prim) - Delta (sec): Delta is -30 deg shifted versus Y<br>
2401 | Setting the parameter <tt>sh = +-1</tt> shifts the secondary side by <tt>+-120 deg</tt>.</p>
2402 | <p>Transformer ratio.<br>
2403 | The winding ratio is determined indirectly by the choice of nominal voltages and the topology of both primary and secondary side.<br>
2404 | It may be > 1 or < 1.</p>
2405 | <p>Tap changers.<br>
2406 | For constant transformer ratio no tap changer input needed.<br>
2407 | For variable transformer ratio tap changer input needed.</p>
2408 | <p>The sequence of the parameters</p>
2409 | <pre> v_tc tc voltage levels v_tc[1], v_tc[2], v_tc[3], ...</pre>
2410 | <p>must be defined in accordance with the input-signals of </p>
2411 | <pre> tap index of tap voltage levels, v_tc[tap]</pre>
2412 | <p>Set <tt>dynTC = true</tt> if tap-index changes during simulation.</p>
2413 | </html>"));
2414 | end TrafoIdealBase;
2415 |
2416 | partial model TrafoStrayBase
2417 | "Base for ideal magnetic coupling transformer, 3-phase dqo"
2418 | extends TrafoIdealBase(redeclare replaceable parameter
2419 | PowerSystems.AC3ph.Transformers.Parameters.TrafoStray par)
2420 | annotation (extent=[-80,60; -60,80], Placement(transformation(extent={{
2421 | -80,60},{-60,80}}, rotation=0)));
2422 | protected
2423 | final parameter SI.Resistance[2] R=par.r.*RL_base[:, 1];
2424 | final parameter SI.Inductance[2] L=par.x.*RL_base[:, 2];
2425 | final parameter SI.Inductance[2] L0=par.x0.*RL_base[:, 2];
2426 | annotation (
2427 | Window(
2428 | x=0.45,
2429 | y=0.01,
2430 | width=0.44,
2431 | height=0.65),
2432 | Documentation(
2433 | info="<html>
2434 | <p>Precalculation of coefficients for ideal magnetic coupling transformer</p>
2435 | </html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2436 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2437 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2438 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
2439 | extent={{-10,62},{10,-62}},
2440 | lineColor={215,215,215},
2441 | fillColor={215,215,215},
2442 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
2443 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2444 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2445 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2446 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
2447 | extent={{-26,60},{-20,-60}},
2448 | lineColor={215,215,215},
2449 | fillColor={215,215,215},
2450 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Rectangle(
2451 | extent={{20,60},{26,-60}},
2452 | lineColor={215,215,215},
2453 | fillColor={215,215,215},
2454 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
2455 | end TrafoStrayBase;
2456 | annotation ( Window(
2457 | x=0.05,
2458 | y=0.44,
2459 | width=0.31,
2460 | height=0.32,
2461 | library=1,
2462 | autolayout=1));
2463 | end Partials;
2464 |
2465 | package Parameters "Parameter data for interactive use"
2466 | extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage;
2467 |
2468 | record TrafoIdeal "Parameters for ideal transformer, 3-phase"
2469 | parameter SIpu.Voltage[:] v_tc1=fill(1, 0) "1: v-levels tap-changer"
2470 | annotation(Dialog(group="Options"));
2471 | parameter SIpu.Voltage[:] v_tc2=fill(1, 0) "2: v-levels tap-changer"
2472 | annotation(Dialog(group="Options"));
2473 | extends Basic.Nominal.NominalDataTrafo;
2474 | parameter SIpu.Resistance r_n1=1 "1: resistance neutral to grd (if Y)";
2475 | parameter SIpu.Resistance r_n2=1 "2: resistance neutral to grd (if Y)";
2476 | annotation (defaultComponentName="data",
2477 | Window(
2478 | x=0.45,
2479 | y=0.01,
2480 | width=0.44,
2481 | height=0.65),
2482 | Documentation(
2483 | info="<html>
2484 | </html>"),
2485 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2486 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2487 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2488 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
2489 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2490 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2491 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2492 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2493 | end TrafoIdeal;
2494 |
2495 | record TrafoStray
2496 | "Parameters for ideal magnetic coupling transformer, 3-phase"
2497 | extends TrafoIdeal;
2498 | parameter SIpu.Resistance[2] r={0.05,0.05} "{1,2}: resistance";
2499 | parameter SIpu.Reactance[2] x={0.05,0.05} "{1,2}: stray reactance";
2500 | parameter SIpu.Reactance[2] x0={x[1],x[2]}
2501 | "{1,2}: stray reactance zero-comp";
2502 |
2503 | annotation (defaultComponentName="data",
2504 | Window(
2505 | x=0.45,
2506 | y=0.01,
2507 | width=0.44,
2508 | height=0.65),
2509 | Documentation(
2510 | info="<html>
2511 | </html>"),
2512 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2513 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2514 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2515 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
2516 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2517 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2518 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2519 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2520 | end TrafoStray;
2521 | annotation (preferedView="info",
2522 | Window(
2523 | x=0.05,
2524 | y=0.41,
2525 | width=0.4,
2526 | height=0.38,
2527 | library=1,
2528 | autolayout=1),
2529 | Documentation(info="<html>
2530 | <p>Records containing parameters of the corresponding components.</p>
2531 | </html>"),
2532 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2533 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2534 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2535 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2536 | end Parameters;
2537 | annotation (preferedView="info",
2538 | Window(
2539 | x=0.05,
2540 | y=0.41,
2541 | width=0.4,
2542 | height=0.32,
2543 | library=1,
2544 | autolayout=1),
2545 | Documentation(info="<html>
2546 | <p>Transformer models in different abstraction levels.</p>
2547 | <p>All transformers allow the choice between Y- and Delta-topology both at primary and secondary side.<br>
2548 | For Delta an additional phase-shift may be chosen in order to adapt to a given phase-numbering scheme.<br>
2549 | The impedance parameters are defined 'as seen from the terminals', directly relating terminal voltage and terminal current. With this definition same parameters lead to same network properties, independent of topology. The necessary scaling is performed automatically.</p>
2550 | <p>In Delta-topology the conductor voltage is sqrt(3) higher, the current sqrt(3) lower,
2551 | compared to the terminal voltage and current. Therefore the impedance relating conductor current and voltage is a factor 3 larger, the admittance a factor 1/3 smaller than the impedance and admittance as seen from the terminal.</p>
2552 | <p>If impedance parameters are given for the Deta-connected WINDINGS, choose:</p>
2553 | <pre> input values impedance parameters = 1/3 * (impedance parameters of windings)</pre>
2554 | <p>In the dqo-representation the following relations hold between terminal-voltage <tt>v_term</tt> and -current <tt>i_term</tt> on the one hand and conductor-voltage <tt>v_cond</tt> and -current <tt>i_cond</tt> on the other.</p>
2555 | <p>A) Y-topology.</p>
2556 | <pre>
2557 | v_cond = v_term - {0, 0, sqrt(3)*v_n};
2558 | i_term = i_cond;
2559 | i_n = sqrt(3)*i_term[3];
2560 | </pre>
2561 | <p>where <tt>v_n</tt> denotes the voltage at the neutral point and <tt>i_n</tt> the current neutral to ground.</p>
2562 | <p>B) Delta-topology.</p>
2563 | <pre>
2564 | v_cond[1:2] = sqrt(3)*R30*v_term[1:2];
2565 | i_term[1:2] = sqrt(3)*transpose(R30)*i_cond[1:2];
2566 | v_cond[3] = 0;
2567 | i_term[3] = 0;
2568 | </pre>
2569 | <p>where <tt>R30</tt> denotes a rotation by 30deg in positive sense.<br>
2570 | (Alternative solutions corresponding to permuted phases are <tt>R-90</tt> and <tt>R150</tt> instead of <tt>R30</tt>).</p>
2571 | <p>The winding scaled voltage- and current-variables <tt>v</tt> and <tt>i</tt> are related to the corresponding conductor quantities through the relation:
2572 | <pre>
2573 | v = v_cond/w
2574 | i = i_cond*w
2575 | </pre>
2576 | The equations are written in winding-scaled form.</p>
2577 | </html>
2578 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2579 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2580 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2581 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2582 | end Transformers;
2583 |
2584 | package Sensors "Sensors and meters 3-phase"
2585 | extends Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage;
2586 |
2587 | model PVImeter "Power-voltage-current meter, 3-phase dqo"
2588 | extends Partials.Meter2Base;
2589 |
2590 | parameter Boolean av=false "time average power" annotation(evaluate=true,Dialog(group="Options"));
2591 | parameter SI.Time tcst(min=1e-9)=1 "average time-constant"
2592 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Options",enable=av));
2593 |
2594 | output SIpu.Power[3] p(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never);
2595 | output SIpu.Power[3] p_av=pav if av;
2596 | output SIpu.Voltage[3] v(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never);
2597 | output SIpu.Voltage[2] vpp(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never);
2598 | output SIpu.Current[3] i(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never);
2599 |
2600 | output SIpu.Voltage[3] v_abc(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=transpose(Park)*v if abc;
2601 | output SIpu.Voltage[3] vpp_abc(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=
2602 | {v_abc[2],v_abc[3],v_abc[1]} - {v_abc[3],v_abc[1],v_abc[2]} if abc;
2603 | output SIpu.Current[3] i_abc(each stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=transpose(Park)*i if abc;
2604 |
2605 | output SIpu.Voltage v_norm(stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=sqrt(v*v) if phasor;
2606 | output SI.Angle alpha_v(stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=atan2(Rot_dq[:,2]*v[1:2], Rot_dq[:,1]*v[1:2]) if phasor;
2607 | output SIpu.Current i_norm(stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=sqrt(i*i) if phasor;
2608 | output SI.Angle alpha_i(stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=atan2(Rot_dq[:,2]*i[1:2], Rot_dq[:,1]*i[1:2]) if phasor;
2609 | output Real cos_phi(stateSelect=StateSelect.never)=cos(alpha_v - alpha_i) if phasor;
2610 | protected
2611 | outer System system;
2612 | final parameter SI.Voltage V_base=Basic.Precalculation.baseV(puUnits, V_nom);
2613 | final parameter SI.Current I_base=Basic.Precalculation.baseI(puUnits, V_nom, S_nom);
2614 | SIpu.Power[3] pav;
2615 |
2616 | initial equation
2617 | if av then
2618 | pav = p;
2619 | end if;
2620 |
2621 | equation
2622 | v = term_p.v/V_base;
2623 | vpp = sqrt(3)*{v[2],-v[1]};
2624 | i = term_p.i/I_base;
2625 | p = {v[1:2]*i[1:2], -j_dqo(v[1:2])*i[1:2], v[3]*i[3]};
2626 | if av then
2627 | der(pav) = (p - pav)/tcst;
2628 | else
2629 | pav = zeros(3);
2630 | end if;
2631 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "PVImeter1",
2632 | Window(
2633 | x=0.45,
2634 | y=0.01,
2635 | width=0.44,
2636 | height=0.65),
2637 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
2638 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2639 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2640 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
2641 | Rectangle(
2642 | extent={{-20,24},{20,20}},
2643 | lineColor={135,135,135},
2644 | fillColor={175,175,175},
2645 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2646 | Ellipse(
2647 | extent={{-8,8},{8,-8}},
2648 | lineColor={135,135,135},
2649 | fillColor={175,175,175},
2650 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2651 | Line(
2652 | points={{0,0},{20,0}},
2653 | color={0,100,100},
2654 | thickness=0.5),
2655 | Line(points={{-15,50},{15,64}}, color={135,135,135}),
2656 | Line(points={{-15,40},{15,54}}, color={135,135,135}),
2657 | Line(points={{-15,30},{15,44}}, color={135,135,135})}),
2658 | Documentation(
2659 | info="<html>
2660 | <p>'Meters' are intended as diagnostic instruments. They allow displaying signals in alternative representations, both in SI-units or in 'pu'.<br>
2661 | As they use time-dependent coordinate transforms, use them only when and where needed. Otherwise use 'Sensors'.</p>
2662 | <p>Output variables in the chosen reference system:</p>
2663 | <pre>
2664 | p {AC active, AC reactive, DC} power term_p to term_n
2665 | v voltage phase-to-ground dqo
2666 | vpp voltage phase-to-phase dq
2667 | i current dqo, term_p to term_n
2668 | </pre>
2669 | <p>Optional output variables:</p>
2670 | <pre>
2671 | p_av power term_p to term_n, time tau average of p
2672 | v_abc voltage phase-to-ground, abc-inertial system
2673 | vpp_abc voltage phase-to-phase, abc-inertial system
2674 | i_abc current term_p to term_n, abc-inertial system
2675 | v_norm norm(v)
2676 | i_norm norm(i)
2677 | alpha_v phase(v)
2678 | alpha_i phase(i)
2679 | cos_phi cos(alpha_v - alpha_i)
2680 | </pre>
2681 | <p><i>Comment on the sign-definition of reactive power see</i> ACdqo.Sensors.</p>
2682 | </html>
2683 | "), Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2684 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2685 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2686 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2687 | end PVImeter;
2688 |
2689 | package Partials "Partial models"
2690 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
2691 |
2692 | partial model Sensor2Base "Sensor 2 terminal base, 3-phase dqo"
2693 | extends Ports.Port_pn;
2694 |
2695 | parameter Integer signalTrsf=0 "signal in which reference frame?"
2696 | annotation(Evaluate=true,Dialog(group="Options"), choices(
2697 | choice=0 "0: actual ref frame",
2698 | choice=1 "1: dqo synchronous",
2699 | choice=2 "2: alpha_beta_o",
2700 | choice=3 "3: abc inertial"));
2701 | protected
2702 | function park = Basic.Transforms.park;
2703 | function rot_dq = Basic.Transforms.rotation_dq;
2704 |
2705 | equation
2706 | term_p.v = term_n.v;
2707 | annotation (
2708 | Window(
2709 | x=0.45,
2710 | y=0.01,
2711 | width=
2712 | 0.44,
2713 | height=
2714 | 0.65),
2715 | Documentation(
2716 | info="<html>
2717 | </html>"),Icon(coordinateSystem(
2718 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2719 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2720 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
2721 | Ellipse(
2722 | extent={{-70,70},{70,-70}},
2723 | lineColor={255,255,255},
2724 | fillColor={255,255,255},
2725 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2726 | Line(points={{0,20},{0,90}}, color={135,135,135}),
2727 | Line(
2728 | points={{-90,0},{-20,0}},
2729 | color={0,100,100},
2730 | thickness=0.5),
2731 | Line(
2732 | points={{0,0},{90,0}},
2733 | color={0,100,100},
2734 | thickness=0.5),
2735 | Line(
2736 | points={{30,20},{70,0},{30,-20}},
2737 | color={0,100,100},
2738 | thickness=0.5),
2739 | Ellipse(extent={{-20,20},{20,-20}}, lineColor={135,135,135})}),
2740 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2741 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2742 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2743 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2744 | end Sensor2Base;
2745 |
2746 | partial model Meter2Base "Meter 2 terminal base, 3-phase dqo"
2747 | extends Sensor2Base(final signalTrsf=0);
2748 |
2749 | parameter Boolean abc=false "abc inertial"
2750 | annotation(evaluate=true,Dialog(group="Options"));
2751 | parameter Boolean phasor=false "phasor" annotation(evaluate=true,Dialog(group="Options"));
2752 | extends Basic.Nominal.Nominal;
2753 | protected
2754 | Real[3,3] Park = park(term_p.theta[2]) if abc;
2755 | Real[2,2] Rot_dq = rot_dq(term_p.theta[1]) if phasor;
2756 | function atan2 = Modelica.Math.atan2;
2757 | annotation (
2758 | Window(
2759 | x=
2760 | 0.45, y=
2761 | 0.01, width=
2762 | 0.44,
2763 | height=
2764 | 0.65),
2765 | Documentation(
2766 | info="<html>
2767 | </html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2768 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2769 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2770 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Ellipse(extent={{-70,70},{70,-70}},
2771 | lineColor={135,135,135})}),
2772 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2773 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2774 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2775 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2776 | end Meter2Base;
2777 | annotation ( Window(
2778 | x=0.05,
2779 | y=0.44,
2780 | width=0.31,
2781 | height=0.23,
2782 | library=1,
2783 | autolayout=1));
2784 | end Partials;
2785 | annotation (preferedView="info",
2786 | Window(
2787 | x=0.05,
2788 | y=0.41,
2789 | width=0.4,
2790 | height=0.32,
2791 | library=1,
2792 | autolayout=1),
2793 | Documentation(info="<html>
2794 | <p>Sensors output terminal signals (voltage, current, power) in a defined reference system chosen by the user.</p>
2795 | <p>Meters allow choosing base-units for output variables.</p>
2796 | <p><i>Comment on the sign-definition of reactive power:</i></p>
2797 | <p>From a mathematical point of view, it would be desirable to define power in the following way:
2798 | <pre>
2799 | p_active = v*i
2800 | p_reactive = (J*v)*i
2801 | </pre>
2802 | <p>with</p>
2803 | <pre> J = [0,-1,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,0]</pre>
2804 | <p>the rotation of pi/2 in the positive sense.</p>
2805 | <p>This definition keeps all coordinate systems positively oriented.
2806 | The power-vector then can be interpreted as current-vector, normalised by voltage and transformed into a positively oriented coordinate system, whose first axis is given by the voltage vector <tt>v</tt>, and second axis by <tt>J*v</tt>.</p>
2807 | <p>From a practical point of view it is more convenient to use the inverse sign for reactive power, in order to obtain positive reactive power in the standard-situation of power-transfer
2808 | across an inductive line.
2809 | We adapt the sign-definition to this practical convention:</p>
2810 | <pre> p_reactive = -(J*v)*i</pre>
2811 | </html>
2812 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2813 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2814 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2815 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2816 | end Sensors;
2817 |
2818 | package Sources "Voltage and Power Sources"
2819 | extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
2820 |
2821 | model Voltage "Ideal voltage, 3-phase dqo"
2822 | extends Partials.VoltageBase;
2823 |
2824 | parameter SIpu.Voltage v0=1 "voltage" annotation(Dialog(enable=scType_par));
2825 | parameter SI.Angle alpha0=0 "phase angle" annotation(Dialog(enable=scType_par));
2826 | protected
2827 | SI.Voltage V;
2828 | SI.Angle alpha;
2829 | SI.Angle phi;
2830 |
2831 | equation
2832 | if scType_par then
2833 | V = v0*V_base;
2834 | alpha = alpha0;
2835 | else
2836 | V = vPhasor_internal[1]*V_base;
2837 | alpha = vPhasor_internal[2];
2838 | end if;
2839 | phi = term.theta[1] + alpha + system.alpha0;
2840 | term.v = {V*cos(phi), V*sin(phi), sqrt(3)*neutral.v};
2841 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "voltage1",
2842 | Window(
2843 | x=0.45,
2844 | y=0.01,
2845 | width=0.44,
2846 | height=0.65),
2847 | Documentation(
2848 | info="<html>
2849 | <p>Voltage with constant amplitude and phase when 'vType' is 'parameter',<br>
2850 | with variable amplitude and phase when 'vType' is 'signal'.</p>
2851 | <p>Optional input:
2852 | <pre>
2853 | omega angular frequency (choose fType == \"sig\")
2854 | vPhasor {norm(v), phase(v)}, amplitude(v_abc)=sqrt(2/3)*vPhasor[1]
2855 | vPhasor[1] in SI or pu, depending on choice of 'units'
2856 | vPhasor[2] in rad
2857 | </pre></p>
2858 | </html>
2859 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2860 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2861 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2862 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
2863 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2864 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2865 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2866 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2867 | end Voltage;
2868 |
2869 | package Partials "Partial models"
2870 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
2871 |
2872 | partial model SourceBase "Voltage base, 3-phase dqo"
2873 | extends Ports.Port_n;
2874 | extends Basic.Nominal.Nominal;
2875 |
2876 | Interfaces.Electric_p neutral "(use for grounding)"
2877 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}},
2878 | rotation=0)));
2879 | protected
2880 | outer System system;
2881 | final parameter Real V_base=Basic.Precalculation.baseV(puUnits, V_nom);
2882 | SI.Angle theta(stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer) "absolute angle";
2883 |
2884 | equation
2885 | Connections.potentialRoot(term.theta);
2886 | if Connections.isRoot(term.theta) then
2887 | term.theta = if system.synRef then {0, theta} else {theta, 0};
2888 | end if;
2889 |
2890 | sqrt(3)*term.i[3] + neutral.i = 0;
2891 | annotation (
2892 | Window(
2893 | x=
2894 | 0.45, y=
2895 | 0.01, width=
2896 | 0.44,
2897 | height=
2898 | 0.65),
2899 | Documentation(
2900 | info="<html>
2901 | <p>If the connector 'neutral' remains unconnected, then the source has an isolated neutral point. In all other cases connect 'neutral' to the desired circuit or ground.</p>
2902 | </html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2903 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2904 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2905 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
2906 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
2907 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2908 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2909 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
2910 | end SourceBase;
2911 |
2912 | partial model VoltageBase "Voltage base, 3-phase dqo"
2913 | extends SourceBase(final S_nom=1);
2914 |
2915 | parameter Boolean fType_sys = true
2916 | "= true, if source has system frequency" annotation(Evaluate=true, choices(__Dymola_checkBox=true));
2917 | parameter Boolean fType_par = true
2918 | "= true, if source has parameter frequency, otherwise defined by input omega"
2919 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(enable=not fType_sys));
2920 | parameter SI.Frequency f=system.f "frequency"
2921 | annotation(Dialog(enable=fType_par));
2922 |
2923 | parameter Boolean scType_par = true
2924 | "= true: voltage defined by parameter otherwise by input signal"
2925 | annotation(Evaluate=true, choices(__Dymola_checkBox=true));
2926 |
2927 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omega(final unit="rad/s") if not fType_par
2928 | "ang frequency"
2929 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
2930 | origin={-60,100},
2931 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
2932 | rotation=270)));
2933 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput[2] vPhasor if not scType_par
2934 | "({abs(voltage), phase})"
2935 | annotation (Placement(transformation(
2936 | origin={60,100},
2937 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
2938 | rotation=270)));
2939 | protected
2940 | parameter Types.FreqType fType = if fType_sys then Types.FreqType.sys else
2941 | if fType_par then Types.FreqType.par else Types.FreqType.sig
2942 | "frequency type";
2943 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omega_internal
2944 | "Needed to connect to conditional connector";
2945 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput[2] vPhasor_internal
2946 | "Needed to connect to conditional connector";
2947 |
2948 | initial equation
2949 | if fType == Types.FreqType.sig then
2950 | theta = 0;
2951 | end if;
2952 |
2953 | equation
2954 | connect(omega, omega_internal);
2955 | connect(vPhasor, vPhasor_internal);
2956 | if fType <> Types.FreqType.sig then
2957 | omega_internal = 0.0;
2958 | end if;
2959 | if scType_par then
2960 | vPhasor_internal = {0,0};
2961 | end if;
2962 |
2963 | if fType == Types.FreqType.sys then
2964 | theta = system.theta;
2965 | elseif fType == Types.FreqType.par then
2966 | theta = 2*pi*f*(time - system.initime);
2967 | elseif fType == Types.FreqType.sig then
2968 | der(theta) = omega_internal;
2969 | end if;
2970 | annotation (
2971 | Window(
2972 | x=
2973 | 0.45, y=
2974 | 0.01, width=
2975 | 0.44,
2976 | height=
2977 | 0.65),
2978 | Documentation(
2979 | info="<html>
2980 | </html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(
2981 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
2982 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
2983 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
2984 | Ellipse(
2985 | extent={{-70,-70},{70,70}},
2986 | lineColor={0,100,100},
2987 | lineThickness=0.5,
2988 | fillColor={255,255,255},
2989 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
2990 | Line(
2991 | points={{-70,0},{70,0}},
2992 | color={176,0,0},
2993 | thickness=0.5),
2994 | Text(
2995 | extent={{-50,30},{50,-70}},
2996 | lineColor={176,0,0},
2997 | lineThickness=0.5,
2998 | fillColor={127,0,255},
2999 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
3000 | textString="~")}),
3001 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3002 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3003 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3004 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3005 | end VoltageBase;
3006 | annotation ( Window(
3007 | x=0.05,
3008 | y=0.44,
3009 | width=0.31,
3010 | height=0.23,
3011 | library=1,
3012 | autolayout=1));
3013 | end Partials;
3014 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3015 | Window(
3016 | x=0.05,
3017 | y=0.41,
3018 | width=0.4,
3019 | height=0.32,
3020 | library=1,
3021 | autolayout=1),
3022 | Documentation(info="<html>
3023 | <p>The sources have optional inputs:</p>
3024 | <pre>
3025 | vPhasor: voltage {norm, phase}
3026 | omega: angular frequency
3027 | pv: {active power, abs(voltage)} (only PVsource)
3028 | p: {active power, rective power} (only PQsource)
3029 | </pre>
3030 | <p>To use signal inputs, choose parameters vType=signal and/or fType=signal.</p>
3031 | <p>General relations between voltage-norms, effective- and peak-values is shown in the table, both
3032 | relative to each other (pu, norm = 1) and as example (SI, 400 V).</p>
3033 | <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>
3034 | <tr> <th></th> <th></th> <th><b>pu</b></th> <th><b>V</b></th> </tr>
3035 | <tr><td>Three-phase norm</td><td>|v_abc|</td><td><b>1</b></td><td><b>400</b></td></tr>
3036 | <tr><td>Single-phase amplitude</td><td>ampl (v_a), ..</td><td>sqrt(2/3)</td> <td>326</td> </tr>
3037 | <tr><td>Single-phase effective</td><td>eff (v_a), ..</td><td><b>1/sqrt(3)</b></td><td><b>230</b></td></tr>
3038 | <tr><td>Phase to phase amplitude</td><td>ampl (v_b - v_c), ..</td><td>sqrt(2)</td><td>565</td></tr>
3039 | <tr><td>Phase to phase effective</td><td>eff (v_b - v_c), ..</td><td><b>1</b></td><td><b>400</b></td></tr>
3040 | <tr><td>Three-phase norm</td><td>|v_dqo|</td><td><b>1</b></td><td><b>400</b></td> </tr>
3041 | <tr><td>Phase to phase dq-norm</td><td>|vpp_dq|</td><td>sqrt(2)</td><td>565</td></tr>
3042 | </table>
3043 | </html>
3044 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3045 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3046 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3047 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3048 | end Sources;
3049 |
3050 | package Ports "AC three-phase ports dqo representation"
3051 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
3052 |
3053 | partial model PortBase "base model adapting Spot to PowerSystems"
3054 | function j_dqo = PhaseSystems.ThreePhase_dqo.j;
3055 | function jj_dqo = PhaseSystems.ThreePhase_dqo.jj;
3056 | end PortBase;
3057 |
3058 | connector ACdqo_p "AC terminal, 3-phase dqo ('positive')"
3059 | extends Interfaces.Terminal(redeclare package PhaseSystem =
3060 | PhaseSystems.ThreePhase_dqo);
3061 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_p",
3062 | Documentation(info="<html>
3063 | <p>AC connector with vector variables in dqo-representation, positive.</p>
3064 | </html>"),Window(
3065 | x=0.45,
3066 | y=0.01,
3067 | width=0.44,
3068 | height=0.65),
3069 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3070 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3071 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3072 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Ellipse(
3073 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
3074 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3075 | fillColor={0,120,120},
3076 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
3077 | extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
3078 | lineColor={255,255,255},
3079 | textString="dqo")}),
3080 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3081 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3082 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3083 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3084 | Ellipse(
3085 | extent={{0,50},{100,-50}},
3086 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3087 | fillColor={0,120,120},
3088 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
3089 | Text(
3090 | extent={{12,40},{90,-40}},
3091 | lineColor={255,255,255},
3092 | pattern=LinePattern.None,
3093 | textString="dqo"),
3094 | Text(
3095 | extent={{-120,120},{100,60}},
3096 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3097 | textString="%name")}));
3098 | end ACdqo_p;
3099 |
3100 | connector ACdqo_n "AC terminal, 3-phase dqo ('negative')"
3101 | extends Interfaces.Terminal(redeclare package PhaseSystem =
3102 | PhaseSystems.ThreePhase_dqo);
3103 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_n",
3104 | Documentation(info="<html>
3105 | <p>AC connector with vector variables in dqo-representation, negative.</p>
3106 | </html>"),Window(
3107 | x=0.45,
3108 | y=0.01,
3109 | width=0.44,
3110 | height=0.65),
3111 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3112 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3113 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3114 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Ellipse(
3115 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
3116 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3117 | fillColor={255,255,255},
3118 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
3119 | extent={{-60,60},{60,-60}},
3120 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3121 | textString="dqo")}),
3122 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3123 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3124 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3125 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3126 | Ellipse(
3127 | extent={{-100,50},{0,-50}},
3128 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3129 | fillColor={255,255,255},
3130 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
3131 | Text(
3132 | extent={{-90,40},{-10,-40}},
3133 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3134 | textString="dqo"),
3135 | Text(
3136 | extent={{-100,120},{120,60}},
3137 | lineColor={0,120,120},
3138 | fillColor={0,100,100},
3139 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
3140 | textString="%name")}));
3141 | end ACdqo_n;
3142 |
3143 | partial model Port_p "AC one port 'positive', 3-phase"
3144 | extends PortBase;
3145 |
3146 | Ports.ACdqo_p term "positive terminal"
3147 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,
3148 | -10},{-90,10}}, rotation=0)));
3149 | annotation (
3150 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
3151 | {100,100}}), graphics={Text(
3152 | extent={{-100,-90},{100,-130}},
3153 | lineColor={0,0,0},
3154 | textString="%name")}),
3155 | Documentation(info="<html></html>"),
3156 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
3157 | -100},{100,100}}),
3158 | graphics));
3159 | end Port_p;
3160 |
3161 | partial model Port_n "AC one port 'negative', 3-phase"
3162 | extends PortBase;
3163 |
3164 | Ports.ACdqo_n term "negative terminal"
3165 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}, rotation=0)));
3166 | annotation (
3167 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
3168 | {100,100}}), graphics={Text(
3169 | extent={{-100,-90},{100,-130}},
3170 | lineColor={0,0,0},
3171 | textString="%name")}),
3172 | Documentation(info="<html></html>"),
3173 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
3174 | -100},{100,100}}),
3175 | graphics));
3176 | end Port_n;
3177 |
3178 | partial model Port_p_n "AC two port, 3-phase"
3179 | extends PortBase;
3180 |
3181 | Ports.ACdqo_p term_p "positive terminal"
3182 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-10},{-90,10}}, rotation=0)));
3183 | Ports.ACdqo_n term_n "negative terminal"
3184 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}, rotation=0)));
3185 | equation
3186 | Connections.branch(term_p.theta, term_n.theta);
3187 | term_n.theta = term_p.theta;
3188 | annotation (
3189 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
3190 | graphics={Text(
3191 | extent={{-100,-90},{100,-130}},
3192 | lineColor={0,0,0},
3193 | textString="%name")}),
3194 | Documentation(info="<html>
3195 | </html>"),
3196 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,
3197 | 100}}),
3198 | graphics));
3199 | end Port_p_n;
3200 |
3201 | partial model Port_pn "AC two port 'current_in = current_out', 3-phase"
3202 | extends Port_p_n;
3203 |
3204 | equation
3205 | term_p.i + term_n.i = zeros(3);
3206 | annotation (
3207 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
3208 | graphics),
3209 | Documentation(info="<html>
3210 | </html>"),
3211 | Diagram(graphics));
3212 | end Port_pn;
3213 |
3214 | partial model YDport_p "AC one port Y or Delta topology 'positive'"
3215 | extends Port_p;
3216 |
3217 | /*
3218 | replaceable Topology.Y top "Y or Delta topology"
3219 | annotation ( choices(
3220 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Y top "Y"),
3221 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top "Delta")),
3222 | Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-20},{70,20}}, rotation=0)));
3223 | */
3224 |
3225 | replaceable Topology.Y top(v_cond=v, i_cond=i, v_n=v_n)
3226 | constrainedby Topology.TopologyBase(v_cond=v, i_cond=i, v_n=v_n)
3227 | annotation ( choices(
3228 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Y top "Y"),
3229 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top "Delta")),
3230 | Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-20},{70,20}}, rotation=0)));
3231 |
3232 | SI.Voltage[3] v "voltage conductor";
3233 | SI.Current[3] i "current conductor";
3234 | SI.Voltage[n_n] v_n "voltage neutral";
3235 | SI.Current[n_n] i_n=top.i_n "current neutral to ground";
3236 | protected
3237 | final parameter Integer n_n=top.n_n
3238 | annotation(evaluate=true);
3239 |
3240 | equation
3241 | term.v = top.v_term;
3242 | term.i = top.i_term;
3243 | annotation (
3244 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},
3245 | {100,100}}),
3246 | graphics),
3247 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,
3248 | -100},{100,100}}),
3249 | graphics),
3250 | Documentation(info="<html>
3251 | <p>Defines Y- and Delta-topology transform of voltage and current variables.</p>
3252 | <p>Definitions</p>
3253 | <pre>
3254 | v: voltage across conductor
3255 | i: current through conductor
3256 | v_n: voltage neutral point if Y-topology
3257 | i_n: current neutral to ground if Y-topology
3258 | </pre>
3259 | <p>Relations Y-topology, (<tt>v, i</tt>: terminal to neutral point)</p>
3260 | <pre>
3261 | v = term.v - {0, 0, sqrt(3)*v_n}
3262 | term.i = i
3263 | i_n = sqrt(3)*term.i[3]
3264 | </pre>
3265 | <p>Relations Delta-topology, (<tt>v, i</tt>: phase terminal to phase terminal)</p>
3266 | <pre>
3267 | v[1:2] = sqrt(3)*Rot*term.v[1:2]
3268 | v[3] = 0
3269 | term.i[1:2] = sqrt(3)*transpose(Rot)*i[1:2]
3270 | term.i[3] = 0
3271 | with Rot = rotation_30deg
3272 | </pre>
3273 | </html>
3274 | "));
3275 | end YDport_p;
3276 |
3277 | partial model YDportTrafo_p_n
3278 | "AC two port with Y or Delta topology for transformers"
3279 | extends Port_p_n;
3280 |
3281 | replaceable Topology.Y top_p(v_cond=v1*w1, i_cond=i1/w1, v_n=v_n1)
3282 | constrainedby Topology.TopologyBase(v_cond=v1*w1, i_cond=i1/w1, v_n=v_n1)
3283 | "p: Y or Delta topology"
3284 | annotation ( choices(
3285 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Y top_p "Y"),
3286 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top_p "Delta")),
3287 | Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-20},{-40,20}}, rotation=0)));
3288 |
3289 | replaceable Topology.Y top_n(v_cond=v2*w2, i_cond=i2/w2, v_n=v_n2)
3290 | constrainedby Topology.TopologyBase(v_cond=v2*w2, i_cond=i2/w2, v_n=v_n2)
3291 | "n: Y or Delta topology"
3292 | annotation ( choices(
3293 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Y top_n "Y"),
3294 | choice(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top_n "Delta")),
3295 | Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-20},{40,20}}, rotation=0)));
3296 |
3297 | SI.Voltage[3] v1 "voltage conductor";
3298 | SI.Current[3] i1 "current conductor";
3299 | SI.Voltage[n_n1] v_n1 "voltage neutral";
3300 | SI.Current[n_n1] i_n1=top_p.i_n "current neutral to ground";
3301 |
3302 | SI.Voltage[3] v2 "voltage conductor";
3303 | SI.Current[3] i2 "current conductor";
3304 | SI.Voltage[n_n2] v_n2 "voltage neutral";
3305 | SI.Current[n_n2] i_n2=top_n.i_n "current neutral to ground";
3306 |
3307 | protected
3308 | constant Integer[2] scale={top_p.scale, top_n.scale};
3309 | final parameter Integer n_n1=top_p.n_n
3310 | annotation(evaluate=true);
3311 | final parameter Integer n_n2=top_n.n_n
3312 | annotation(evaluate=true);
3313 | Real w1 "1: voltage ratio to nominal";
3314 | Real w2 "2: voltage ratio to nominal";
3315 |
3316 | equation
3317 | term_p.v = top_p.v_term;
3318 | term_p.i = top_p.i_term;
3319 | term_n.v = top_n.v_term;
3320 | term_n.i = top_n.i_term;
3321 | annotation (
3322 | Icon(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}}),
3323 | graphics),
3324 | Documentation(info="<html>
3325 | <p>Defines Y- and Delta-topology transform of voltage and current variables and contains additionally voltage and current scaling.</p>
3326 | <p>Below</p>
3327 | <pre> term, v, i, w</pre>
3328 | <p>denote either the 'primary' or 'secondary' side</p>
3329 | <pre>
3330 | term_p, v1, i1, w1
3331 | term_n, v2, i2, w2
3332 | </pre>
3333 | <p>Definitions</p>
3334 | <pre>
3335 | v: scaled voltage across conductor
3336 | i: scaled current through conductor
3337 | v_n: voltage neutral point if Y-topology
3338 | i_n: current neutral to ground if Y-topology
3339 | w: voltage ratio to nominal (any value, but common for primary and secondary)
3340 | </pre>
3341 | <p>Relations Y-topology, (<tt>v, i</tt>: terminal to neutral point)</p>
3342 | <pre>
3343 | v = (term.v - {0, 0, sqrt(3)*v_n})/w
3344 | term.i = i/w
3345 | i_n = sqrt(3)*term.i[3]
3346 | </pre>
3347 | <p>Relations Delta-topology, (<tt>v, i</tt>: phase terminal to phase terminal)</p>
3348 | <pre>
3349 | v[1:2] = sqrt(3)*Rot*term.v[1:2]/w
3350 | v[3] = 0
3351 | term.i[1:2] = sqrt(3)*transpose(Rot)*i[1:2]/w
3352 | term.i[3] = 0
3353 | with Rot = rotation_30deg
3354 | </pre>
3355 | </html>
3356 | "), Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio=false, extent={{-100,-100},{100,
3357 | 100}}),
3358 | graphics));
3359 | end YDportTrafo_p_n;
3360 |
3361 | package Topology "Topology transforms "
3362 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
3363 |
3364 | partial model TopologyBase "Topology transform base"
3365 |
3366 | parameter Integer n_n(min=0,max=1)=1 "1 for Y, 0 for Delta";
3367 | parameter Integer sh(min=-1,max=1)=0 "(-1,0,+1)*120deg phase shift"
3368 | annotation(Evaluate=true);
3369 | SI.Voltage[3] v_term "terminal voltage";
3370 | SI.Current[3] i_term "terminal current";
3371 | input SI.Voltage[3] v_cond "conductor voltage";
3372 | input SI.Current[3] i_cond "conductor current";
3373 | input SI.Voltage[n_n] v_n(start=fill(0,n_n)) "voltage neutral";
3374 | SI.Current[n_n] i_n(start=fill(0,n_n)) "current neutral to ground";
3375 | protected
3376 | constant Real s3=sqrt(3);
3377 | annotation (
3378 | defaultComponentName="Y",
3379 | Window(
3380 | x=0.45,
3381 | y=0.01,
3382 | width=0.44,
3383 | height=0.65),
3384 | Documentation(
3385 | info="<html>
3386 | </html>
3387 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3388 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3389 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3390 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
3391 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
3392 | lineColor={255,255,255},
3393 | fillColor={255,255,255},
3394 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
3395 | extent={{-100,-90},{100,-130}},
3396 | lineColor={0,0,0},
3397 | textString="%name")}),
3398 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3399 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3400 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3401 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3402 | end TopologyBase;
3403 |
3404 | model Y "Y transform"
3405 | extends TopologyBase(final n_n=1, final sh=0);
3406 |
3407 | constant Integer scale=1 "for scaling of impedance values";
3408 |
3409 | equation
3410 | v_cond = v_term - {0, 0, s3*v_n[1]};
3411 | i_term = i_cond;
3412 | i_n[1] = s3*i_term[3];
3413 | annotation (defaultComponentName="Y",
3414 | Window(
3415 | x=0.45,
3416 | y=0.01,
3417 | width=0.44,
3418 | height=0.65),
3419 | Documentation(
3420 | info="<html>
3421 | <p><b>Structurally incomplete model</b>. Use only as component within appropriate complete model.<br>
3422 | Defines Y-topology transform of voltage and current variables.</p>
3423 | <p>Definitions</p>
3424 | <pre>
3425 | v_term, i_term: terminal voltage and current
3426 | v_cond, i_cond: voltage and current across conductor, (terminal to neutral point)
3427 | </pre>
3428 | <p>Relations, zero-component and neutral point (grounding)</p>
3429 | <pre>
3430 | v_cond = v_term - {0, 0, sqrt(3)*v_n}
3431 | i_term = i_cond
3432 | i_n = sqrt(3)*i_term[3]
3433 | </pre>
3434 | <p>Note: parameter sh (phase shift) not used.</p>
3435 | </html>"),
3436 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3437 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3438 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3439 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3440 | Line(
3441 | points={{-60,0},{60,0}},
3442 | color={255,0,0},
3443 | thickness=0.5),
3444 | Line(points={{60,0},{100,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
3445 | Line(
3446 | points={{-60,80},{10,80},{60,0},{10,-80},{-60,-80}},
3447 | color={255,0,0},
3448 | thickness=0.5),
3449 | Line(points={{-100,80},{-60,80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3450 | Line(points={{-100,0},{-60,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
3451 | Line(points={{-100,-80},{-60,-80}}, color={0,0,255})}),
3452 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3453 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3454 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3455 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3456 | Line(points={{-88,80},{-60,80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3457 | Line(points={{-90,0},{-60,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
3458 | Line(points={{-90,-80},{-60,-80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3459 | Line(
3460 | points={{-60,80},{10,80},{60,0},{10,-80},{-60,-80}},
3461 | color={255,0,0},
3462 | thickness=0.5),
3463 | Line(
3464 | points={{-60,0},{60,0}},
3465 | color={255,0,0},
3466 | thickness=0.5),
3467 | Line(points={{60,0},{90,0}}, color={0,0,255})}));
3468 | end Y;
3469 |
3470 | model Delta "Delta transform"
3471 | extends TopologyBase(final n_n=0);
3472 |
3473 | constant Integer scale=3 "for scaling of impedance values";
3474 | protected
3475 | final parameter Real[2,2] Rot=Basic.Transforms.rotation_dq(
3476 | (1-4*sh)*pi/6);
3477 |
3478 | equation
3479 | v_cond[1:2] = s3*Rot*v_term[1:2];
3480 | v_cond[3] = 0;
3481 | i_term[1:2] = s3*transpose(Rot)*i_cond[1:2];
3482 | i_term[3] = 0;
3483 | annotation (structurallyIncomplete=true,defaultComponentName="Delta",
3484 | Window(
3485 | x=0.45,
3486 | y=0.01,
3487 | width=
3488 | 0.44,
3489 | height=
3490 | 0.65),
3491 | Documentation(
3492 | info="<html>
3493 | <p><b>Structurally incomplete model</b>. Use only as component within appropriate complete model.<br>
3494 | Defines Delta-topology transform of voltage and current variables.</p>
3495 | <p>Definitions</p>
3496 | <pre>
3497 | v_term, i_term: terminal voltage and current
3498 | v_cond, i_cond: voltage and current across conductor, (phase terminal to phase terminal)
3499 | </pre>
3500 | <p>Relations, zero-component<br>
3501 | <tt>v_n</tt> and <tt>i_n</tt> are not defined, as there is no neutral point.</p>
3502 | <pre>
3503 | v_cond[1:2] = sqrt(3)*Rot*v_term[1:2];
3504 | v_cond[3] = 0
3505 | i_term[1:2] = sqrt(3)*transpose(Rot)*i_cond[1:2];
3506 | i_term[3] = 0
3507 | </pre>
3508 | <p>with <tt>Rot = rotation_30deg</tt></p>
3509 | </html>
3510 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3511 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3512 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3513 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3514 | Line(points={{-100,80},{80,80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3515 | Line(points={{-100,0},{-60,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
3516 | Line(points={{-100,-80},{80,-80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3517 | Polygon(
3518 | points={{-60,0},{80,80},{80,-80},{-60,0}},
3519 | lineColor={255,0,0},
3520 | lineThickness=0.5)}),
3521 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3522 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3523 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3524 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3525 | Line(points={{-90,80},{80,80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3526 | Line(points={{-90,0},{-60,0}}, color={0,0,255}),
3527 | Line(points={{-90,-80},{80,-80}}, color={0,0,255}),
3528 | Polygon(
3529 | points={{-60,0},{80,80},{80,-80},{-60,0}},
3530 | lineColor={255,0,0},
3531 | lineThickness=0.5)}));
3532 | end Delta;
3533 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3534 | Window(
3535 | x=0.05,
3536 | y=0.41,
3537 | width=0.4,
3538 | height=0.32,
3539 | library=1,
3540 | autolayout=1),
3541 | Documentation(info="<HTML>
3542 | <p>
3543 | Contains transforms for Y and Delta topology dqo.
3544 | </p>
3545 | </HTML>"),
3546 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3547 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3548 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3549 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3550 | end Topology;
3551 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3552 | Window(
3553 | x=0.05,
3554 | y=0.03,
3555 | width=0.4,
3556 | height=0.38,
3557 | library=1,
3558 | autolayout=1),
3559 | Documentation(info="<html>
3560 | <p>Electrical ports with connectors ACdqo:</p>
3561 | <p>The index notation <tt>_p_n</tt> and <tt>_pn</tt> is used for</p>
3562 | <pre>
3563 | _p_n: no conservation of current
3564 | _pn: with conservation of current
3565 | </pre>
3566 | </html>
3567 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3568 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3569 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3570 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3571 | end Ports;
3572 | end AC3ph;
3573 |
3574 | package Blocks "Blocks"
3575 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
3576 |
3577 | package Signals "Special signals"
3578 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
3579 |
3580 | block TransientPhasor "Transient {norm, phase} of vector"
3581 | extends Partials.MO(final n=2);
3582 |
3583 | parameter SI.Time t_change=0.5 "time when change";
3584 | parameter SI.Time t_duration=1 "transition duration";
3585 | parameter Real a_ini=1 "initial norm |y|";
3586 | parameter Real a_fin=1 "final norm |y|";
3587 | parameter SI.Angle ph_ini=0 "initial phase (y)";
3588 | parameter SI.Angle ph_fin=0 "final phase (y)";
3589 | protected
3590 | final parameter SI.Frequency coef=2*exp(1)/t_duration;
3591 |
3592 | equation
3593 | y = 0.5*({a_fin+a_ini, ph_fin+ph_ini} + {a_fin-a_ini, ph_fin-ph_ini}*tanh(coef*(time - t_change)));
3594 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "transPh1",
3595 | Window(
3596 | x=0.45,
3597 | y=0.01,
3598 | width=0.44,
3599 | height=0.65),
3600 | Documentation(
3601 | info="<html>
3602 | <p>The signal is a two-dimensional vector in polar representation.<br>
3603 | Norm and phase change from <tt>{a_ini, ph_ini}</tt> to <tt>{a_fin, ph_fin}</tt><br>
3604 | at time <tt>t_change</tt> with a transition duration <tt>t_duration</tt>.<br><br>
3605 | The transition function is a hyperbolic tangent for both norm and phase.</p>
3606 | </html>
3607 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3608 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3609 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3610 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3611 | Text(
3612 | extent={{-100,100},{100,60}},
3613 | lineColor={175,175,175},
3614 | textString=
3615 | "phasor"),
3616 | Text(
3617 | extent={{-110,-10},{10,-50}},
3618 | lineColor={160,160,164},
3619 | textString=
3620 | "ini"),
3621 | Text(
3622 | extent={{-10,50},{110,10}},
3623 | lineColor={160,160,164},
3624 | textString=
3625 | "fin"),
3626 | Line(points={{-80,-60},{-64,-60},{-44,-58},{-34,-54},{-26,-48},{-20,
3627 | -40},{-14,-30},{-8,-18},{-2,-6},{2,4},{8,18},{14,30},{20,40},{
3628 | 26,48},{34,54},{44,58},{64,60},{80,60}}, color={95,0,191})}),
3629 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3630 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3631 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3632 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3633 | end TransientPhasor;
3634 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3635 | Window(
3636 | x=0.05,
3637 | y=0.41,
3638 | width=0.4,
3639 | height=0.38,
3640 | library=1,
3641 | autolayout=1),
3642 | Documentation(info="<html>
3643 | </html>"),
3644 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3645 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3646 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3647 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3648 | end Signals;
3649 |
3650 | package Partials "Partial models"
3651 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
3652 |
3653 | partial block MO
3654 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Block0;
3655 |
3656 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput[n] y "output signal-vector"
3657 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-10},{110,10}}, rotation=
3658 | 0)));
3659 | parameter Integer n=1 "dim of output signal-vector";
3660 | annotation (
3661 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3662 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3663 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3664 | grid={2,2}), graphics),
3665 | Window(
3666 | x=0.55,
3667 | y=0.01,
3668 | width=0.44,
3669 | height=0.65),
3670 | Documentation(
3671 | info="<html>
3672 | </html>"),Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3673 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3674 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3675 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3676 | end MO;
3677 | annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
3678 | </html>"));
3679 | end Partials;
3680 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3681 | Window(
3682 | x=0.05,
3683 | y=0.03,
3684 | width=0.4,
3685 | height=0.27,
3686 | library=1,
3687 | autolayout=1),
3688 | Documentation(info="<html>
3689 | <p><a href=\"Spot3.UsersGuide.Overview\">up users guide</a></p>
3690 | </html>"));
3691 | end Blocks;
3692 |
3693 | package Control "Control blocks"
3694 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
3695 |
3696 | package Relays "Relays"
3697 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
3698 |
3699 | block TapChangerRelay "Relay for setting tap-changer "
3700 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Block0;
3701 |
3702 | parameter Integer preset_1[:](min=0)={0}
3703 | "1: index v-levels tap-chg, 0 is nom";
3704 | parameter Integer preset_2[:](min=0)={0}
3705 | "2: index v-levels tap-chg, 0 is nom";
3706 | parameter SI.Time t_switch_1[:]={1} "1: switching times";
3707 | parameter SI.Time t_switch_2[:]={1} "2:switching times";
3708 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerOutput tap_p
3709 | "index of voltage level of tap changer 1"
3710 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,-50},{110,-30}},
3711 | rotation=0)));
3712 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.IntegerOutput tap_n
3713 | "index of voltage level of tap changer 2"
3714 | annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{90,30},{110,50}}, rotation=
3715 | 0)));
3716 | protected
3717 | Integer cnt_1(start=1,fixed=true);
3718 | Integer cnt_2(start=1,fixed=true);
3719 |
3720 | algorithm
3721 | when time > t_switch_1[min(cnt_1, size(t_switch_1, 1))] then
3722 | cnt_1 := cnt_1 + 1;
3723 | tap_p := preset_1[min(cnt_1, size(preset_1, 1))];
3724 | end when;
3725 | when time > t_switch_2[min(cnt_2, size(t_switch_2, 1))] then
3726 | cnt_2 := cnt_2 + 1;
3727 | tap_n := preset_2[min(cnt_2, size(preset_2, 1))];
3728 | end when;
3729 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "tapRelay1",
3730 | Window(
3731 | x=0.01,
3732 | y=0.01,
3733 | width=0.44,
3734 | height=0.65),
3735 | Documentation(
3736 | info="<html>
3737 | <p>The voltage level indices are pre-selected. They correspond to the index of the tap voltage levels
3738 | of the transformer model. Level 0 is nominal voltage.</p>
3739 | <p>The switching times can be chosen arbitrarily.</p>
3740 | </html>
3741 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3742 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3743 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3744 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
3745 | Text(
3746 | extent={{50,50},{70,30}},
3747 | lineColor={255,128,0},
3748 | textString=
3749 | "2"),
3750 | Text(
3751 | extent={{50,-30},{70,-50}},
3752 | lineColor={255,128,0},
3753 | textString=
3754 | "1"),
3755 | Text(
3756 | extent={{-80,20},{80,-20}},
3757 | lineColor={128,128,128},
3758 | textString=
3759 | "tap")}),
3760 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
3761 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3762 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3763 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3764 | end TapChangerRelay;
3765 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3766 | Window(
3767 | x=0.05,
3768 | y=0.41,
3769 | width=0.4,
3770 | height=0.38,
3771 | library=1,
3772 | autolayout=1),
3773 | Documentation(info="<html>
3774 | </html>"),
3775 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
3776 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3777 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3778 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3779 | end Relays;
3780 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3781 | Window(
3782 | x=0.05,
3783 | y=0.03,
3784 | width=0.4,
3785 | height=0.27,
3786 | library=1,
3787 | autolayout=1),
3788 | Documentation(info="<html>
3789 | <p><a href=\"Spot3.UsersGuide.Overview\">up users guide</a></p>
3790 | </html>
3791 | "));
3792 | end Control;
3793 |
3794 | package Basic "Basic utility classes"
3795 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
3796 |
3797 | package Nominal "Units and nominal values"
3798 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
3799 |
3800 | partial model Nominal "Units and nominal values"
3801 |
3802 | parameter Boolean puUnits = true
3803 | "= true, if scaled with nom. values (pu), else scaled with 1 (SI)"
3804 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Parameter Scaling"));
3805 |
3806 | parameter SI.Voltage V_nom(final min=0)=1
3807 | "nominal Voltage (= base for pu)"
3808 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(enable=puUnits, group="Nominal"));
3809 |
3810 | parameter SI.ApparentPower S_nom(final min=0)=1
3811 | "nominal Power (= base for pu)"
3812 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(enable=puUnits, group="Nominal"));
3813 | annotation (
3814 | Window(
3815 | x=0.45,
3816 | y=0.01,
3817 | width=0.44,
3818 | height=0.65),
3819 | Documentation(info="<html>
3820 | <p>'Nominal' values that are used to define 'base'-values in the case where input is in 'pu'-units</p>
3821 | <p>The parameter 'units' allows choosing between SI ('Amp Volt') and pu ('per unit') for input-parameters of components and output-variables of meters.<br>
3822 | The default setting is 'pu'.</p>
3823 | <p>pu ('per unit'):</p>
3824 | <pre>
3825 | V_base = V_nom
3826 | S_base = S_nom
3827 | R_base = V_nom*V_nom/S_nom
3828 | I_base = S_nom/V_nom
3829 | </pre>
3830 | <p>SI ('Amp Volt'):</p>
3831 | <pre>
3832 | V_base = 1
3833 | S_base = 1
3834 | R_base = 1
3835 | I_base = 1
3836 | </pre>
3837 | <p>Note that the choice between SI and pu does <b>not</b> affect state- and connector variables.
3838 | These remain <b>always</b> in SI-units. It only affects input of parameter values and output variables.</p>
3839 | </html>
3840 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3841 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3842 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3843 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3844 | end Nominal;
3845 |
3846 | partial model NominalAC "Units and nominal values AC"
3847 | extends Nominal;
3848 |
3849 | parameter SI.Frequency f_nom=system.f_nom "nominal frequency"
3850 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal"), choices(choice=50 "50 Hz", choice=60 "60 Hz"));
3851 | protected
3852 | outer PowerSystems.System system;
3853 | annotation (
3854 | Window(
3855 | x=0.45,
3856 | y=0.01,
3857 | width=0.44,
3858 | height=0.65),
3859 | Documentation(info="<html>
3860 | <p>Same as 'Nominal', but with additional parameter 'nominal frequency'.</p>
3861 | </html>
3862 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3863 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3864 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3865 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3866 | end NominalAC;
3867 |
3868 | record NominalDataTrafo "Units and nominal data transformer"
3869 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
3870 |
3871 | final parameter Boolean puUnits = true
3872 | "= true, if scaled with nom. values (pu), else scaled with 1 (SI)"
3873 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Parameter Scaling"));
3874 | parameter SI.Voltage[:] V_nom(final min={0,0})={1,1}
3875 | "{prim,sec} nom Voltage (= base of pu)"
3876 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal"));
3877 | parameter SI.ApparentPower S_nom(final min=0)=1
3878 | "nominal Power (= base of pu)"
3879 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal"));
3880 | parameter SI.Frequency f_nom=system.f_nom "nominal frequency"
3881 | annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Nominal"), choices(choice=50 "50 Hz", choice=60 "60 Hz"));
3882 | protected
3883 | outer PowerSystems.System system;
3884 | annotation (
3885 | Window(
3886 | x=0.45,
3887 | y=0.01,
3888 | width=0.44,
3889 | height=0.65),
3890 | Documentation(info="<html>
3891 | <p>'Nominal' values for transformers. Same as 'NominalAC, but with two components for voltage: {primary, secondary}. The winding ratio is indirectly defined through the voltage ratio.</p>
3892 | </html>"), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3893 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3894 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3895 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3896 | end NominalDataTrafo;
3897 | annotation (preferedView="info",
3898 | Window(
3899 | x=0.05,
3900 | y=0.41,
3901 | width=0.4,
3902 | height=0.38,
3903 | library=1,
3904 | autolayout=1),
3905 | Documentation(info="<html>
3906 | </html>
3907 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
3908 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
3909 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
3910 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
3911 | end Nominal;
3912 |
3913 | package Precalculation "Precalculation functions"
3914 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
3915 |
3916 | function baseV "Base voltage"
3917 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
3918 |
3919 | input Boolean puUnits "= true if pu else SI units";
3920 | input SI.Voltage V_nom "nom voltage";
3921 | output SI.Voltage V_base "base voltage";
3922 |
3923 | algorithm
3924 | if puUnits then
3925 | V_base := V_nom;
3926 | else
3927 | V_base := 1;
3928 | end if;
3929 | annotation(Documentation(info="<html>
3930 | <p>Calculates base-voltage depending on the choice of units.</p>
3931 | <p>\"pu\":
3932 | <pre>
3933 | V_base = V_nom
3934 | </pre>
3935 | \"SI\":
3936 | <pre>
3937 | V_base = 1
3938 | </pre></p>
3939 | </html>
3940 | "));
3941 | end baseV;
3942 |
3943 | function baseI "Base current"
3944 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
3945 |
3946 | input Boolean puUnits "= true if pu else SI units";
3947 | input SI.Voltage V_nom "nom voltage";
3948 | input SI.ApparentPower S_nom "apparent power";
3949 | output SI.Current I_base "base current";
3950 |
3951 | algorithm
3952 | if puUnits then
3953 | I_base := S_nom/V_nom;
3954 | else
3955 | I_base := 1;
3956 | end if;
3957 | annotation(Documentation(info="<html>
3958 | <p>Calculates base-current depending on the choice of units.</p>
3959 | <p>\"pu\":
3960 | <pre>
3961 | I_base = S_nom/V_nom;
3962 | </pre>
3963 | \"SI\":
3964 | <pre>
3965 | I_base = 1;
3966 | </pre></p>
3967 | </html>
3968 | "));
3969 | end baseI;
3970 |
3971 | function baseR "Base resistance"
3972 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
3973 |
3974 | input Boolean puUnits "= true if pu else SI units";
3975 | input SI.Voltage V_nom "nom voltage";
3976 | input SI.ApparentPower S_nom "apparent power";
3977 | input Integer scale=1 "scaling factor topology (Y:1, Delta:3)";
3978 | output SI.Resistance R_base "base resistance";
3979 |
3980 | algorithm
3981 | if puUnits then
3982 | R_base := scale*V_nom*V_nom/S_nom;
3983 | else
3984 | R_base := scale;
3985 | end if;
3986 | annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
3987 | <p>Calculates base-resistance depending on the choice of units.</p>
3988 | <p>\"pu\":
3989 | <pre>
3990 | R_base = V_nom*V_nom/S_nom
3991 | </pre>
3992 | \"SI\":
3993 | <pre>
3994 | R_base = 1
3995 | </pre></p>
3996 | </html>
3997 | "));
3998 | end baseR;
3999 |
4000 | function baseTrafoV "Base voltage transformers"
4001 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4002 |
4003 | input Boolean puUnits "= true if pu else SI units";
4004 | input SI.Voltage[:] V_nom
4005 | "nom voltage {prim, sec} or {prim, sec1, sec2}";
4006 | output SI.Voltage[size(V_nom,1)] V_base
4007 | "base voltage {prim,sec} or {prim, sec1, sec2}";
4008 |
4009 | algorithm
4010 | if puUnits then
4011 | V_base := V_nom;
4012 | else
4013 | V_base := ones(size(V_nom,1));
4014 | end if;
4015 | annotation(Documentation(info="<html>
4016 | <p>Calculates transformer base-voltage depending on the choice of units.</p>
4017 | <p>\"pu\":
4018 | <pre>
4019 | V_base[k] = V_nom[k], k=1,2
4020 | </pre>
4021 | \"SI\":
4022 | <pre>
4023 | V_base[k] = 1, k=1,2
4024 | </pre></p>
4025 | </html>
4026 | "));
4027 | end baseTrafoV;
4028 |
4029 | function baseTrafoRL "Base resistance and inductance transformers"
4030 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4031 |
4032 | input Boolean puUnits "= true if pu else SI units";
4033 | input SI.Voltage[:] V_nom
4034 | "nom voltage {prim, sec} or {prim, sec1, sec2}";
4035 | input SI.ApparentPower S_nom "apparent power";
4036 | input SI.AngularFrequency omega_nom "angular frequency";
4037 | output Real[size(V_nom,1), 2] RL_base "base [prim res, prim ind; sec res, sec ind] or
4038 | [prim res, prim ind; sec1 res, sec1 ind; sec2 res, sec2 ind]";
4039 |
4040 | algorithm
4041 | if puUnits then
4042 | RL_base := fill(V_nom[1]^2/S_nom, size(V_nom,1), 1)*[1, 1/omega_nom];
4043 | else
4044 | RL_base := [(fill(V_nom[1],size(V_nom,1))./ V_nom).^2]*[1, 1/omega_nom];
4045 | end if;
4046 | annotation (Documentation(info="<html>
4047 | <p>Calculates transformer base-resistance and -inductance depending on the choice of units (first index: primary, secondary, second index: R, L).<br>
4048 | The secondary side is winding-reduced to the primary, as the equations are written in reduced form.</p>
4049 | <p>\"pu\":
4050 | <pre>
4051 | RL_base = [V_nom[1]^2/S_nom ] * [1, 1/omega_nom]
4052 | [(V_nom[2]^2/S_nom)/W_nom^2]
4053 | </pre>
4054 | \"SI\":
4055 | <pre>
4056 | RL_base[k] = [1 ] * [1, 1/omega_nom]
4057 | [1/W_nom^2]
4058 | </pre></p>
4059 | <p>The winding ratio <tt>W_nom</tt> is given by the nominal voltages:
4060 | <pre> W_nom = V_nom[2]/V_nom[1]</pre></p>
4061 | </html>"));
4062 | end baseTrafoRL;
4063 | annotation (preferedView="info",
4064 | Window(
4065 | x=0.05,
4066 | y=0.44,
4067 | width=0.31,
4068 | height=0.23,
4069 | library=1,
4070 | autolayout=1),
4071 | Documentation(info="<html>
4072 | <p>Functions needed for the determination of coefficient-matrices from a set of phenomenological input parameters.</p>
4073 | <p><a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide.Introduction.Precalculation\">up users guide</a></p>
4074 | <p>The second part of this package has been written in honour of <b>I. M. Canay</b>, one of the important electrical engeneers of the 20th century. He understood, what he wrote, and his results were exact. The package is based on his ideas and formulated in full mathematical generality.</p>
4075 | <p>Literature:
4076 | <ul>
4077 | <li>Canay, I. M.: Modelling of Alternating-Current Machines Having Multiple Rotor Circuits.<br>
4078 | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 1993.</li>
4079 | <li>Canay, I. M.: Determination of the Model Parameters of Machines from the Reactance Operators x_d(p), x_q(p).<br>
4080 | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 1993.</li>
4081 | </ul></p>
4082 | </html>"));
4083 | end Precalculation;
4084 |
4085 | package Transforms "Transform functions"
4086 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
4087 |
4088 | function park "Park transform"
4089 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4090 |
4091 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle theta "transformation angle";
4092 | output Real[3,3] P "Park transformation matrix";
4093 | protected
4094 | constant Real s13=sqrt(1/3);
4095 | constant Real s23=sqrt(2/3);
4096 | constant Real dph_b=2*Modelica.Constants.pi
4097 | /3;
4098 | constant Real dph_c=4*Modelica.Constants.pi
4099 | /3;
4100 | Real[3] c;
4101 | Real[3] s;
4102 |
4103 | algorithm
4104 | c := cos({theta, theta - dph_b, theta - dph_c});
4105 | s := sin({theta, theta - dph_b, theta - dph_c});
4106 | P := transpose([s23*c, -s23*s, {s13, s13, s13}]);
4107 | annotation (derivative = PowerSystems.Basic.Transforms.der_park,
4108 | Documentation(info="<html>
4109 | <p>The function <tt>park</tt> calculates the matrix <tt>P</tt> that transforms abc variables into dqo variables with arbitrary angular orientation <tt>theta</tt>.<br>
4110 | <tt>P</tt> can be factorised into a constant, angle independent orthogonal matrix <tt>P0</tt> and an angle-dependent rotation <tt>R</tt></p>
4111 | <pre>
4112 | P(theta) = R'(theta)*P0
4113 | </pre>
4114 | <p>Using the definition</p>
4115 | <pre>
4116 | c_k = cos(theta - k*2*pi/3), k=0,1,2 (phases a, b, c)
4117 | s_k = sin(theta - k*2*pi/3), k=0,1,2 (phases a, b, c)
4118 | </pre>
4119 | <p>it takes the form
4120 | <pre>
4121 | [ c_0, c_1, c_2]
4122 | P(theta) = sqrt(2/3)*[-s_0, -s_1,-s_2]
4123 | [ w, w, w ]
4124 | </pre>
4125 | with
4126 | <pre>
4127 | [ 1, -1/2, -1/2]
4128 | P0 = P(0) = sqrt(2/3)*[ 0, sqrt(3)/2, -sqrt(3)/2]
4129 | [ w, w, w]
4130 | </pre>
4131 | and
4132 | <pre>
4133 | [c_0, -s_0, 0]
4134 | R(theta) = [s_0, c_0, 0]
4135 | [ 0, 0, 1]
4136 | </pre></p>
4137 | <p><a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide.Introduction.Transforms\">up users guide</a></p>
4138 | </html>"));
4139 | end park;
4140 |
4141 | function der_park "Derivative of Park transform"
4142 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4143 |
4144 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle theta "transformation angle";
4145 | input Modelica.SIunits.AngularFrequency omega "d/dt theta";
4146 | output Real[3, 3] der_P "d/dt park";
4147 | protected
4148 | constant Real s23=sqrt(2/3);
4149 | constant Real dph_b=2*Modelica.Constants.pi
4150 | /3;
4151 | constant Real dph_c=4*Modelica.Constants.pi
4152 | /3;
4153 | Real[3] c;
4154 | Real[3] s;
4155 | Real s23omega;
4156 |
4157 | algorithm
4158 | s23omega := s23*omega;
4159 | c := cos({theta, theta - dph_b, theta - dph_c});
4160 | s := sin({theta, theta - dph_b, theta - dph_c});
4161 | der_P := transpose([-s23omega*s, -s23omega*c, {0, 0, 0}]);
4162 | annotation(derivative(order=2) = PowerSystems.Basic.Transforms.der2_park,
4163 | Documentation(info="<html>
4164 | <p>First derivative of function park(theta) with respect to time.</p>
4165 | </html>"));
4166 | end der_park;
4167 |
4168 | function der2_park "2nd derivative of Park transform"
4169 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4170 |
4171 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle theta "transformation angle";
4172 | input Modelica.SIunits.AngularFrequency omega "d/dt theta";
4173 | input Modelica.SIunits.AngularAcceleration omega_dot "d/dt omega";
4174 | output Real[3, 3] der2_P "d2/dt2 park";
4175 | protected
4176 | constant Real s23=sqrt(2/3);
4177 | constant Real dph_b=2*Modelica.Constants.pi
4178 | /3;
4179 | constant Real dph_c=4*Modelica.Constants.pi
4180 | /3;
4181 | Real[3] c;
4182 | Real[3] s;
4183 | Real s23omega_dot;
4184 | Real s23omega2;
4185 |
4186 | algorithm
4187 | s23omega_dot := s23*omega_dot;
4188 | s23omega2 := s23*omega*omega;
4189 | c := cos({theta, theta - dph_b, theta - dph_c});
4190 | s := sin({theta, theta - dph_b, theta - dph_c});
4191 | der2_P := transpose([-s23omega_dot*s - s23omega2*c, -s23omega_dot*c + s23omega2*s, {0, 0, 0}]);
4192 | annotation(Documentation(info="<html>
4193 | <p>Second derivative of function park(theta) with respect to time.</p>
4194 | </html>"));
4195 | end der2_park;
4196 |
4197 | function rotation_dq "Rotation matrix dq"
4198 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4199 |
4200 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle theta "rotation angle";
4201 | output Real[2, 2] R_dq "rotation matrix";
4202 | protected
4203 | Real c;
4204 | Real s;
4205 |
4206 | algorithm
4207 | c := cos(theta);
4208 | s := sin(theta);
4209 | R_dq := [c, -s; s, c];
4210 | annotation (derivative = PowerSystems.Basic.Transforms.der_rotation_dq,
4211 | Documentation(info="<html>
4212 | <p>The function <tt>rotation_dq</tt> calculates the matrix <tt>R_dq</tt> that is the restriction of <tt>R_dqo</tt> from dqo to dq.</p>
4213 | <p>The matrix <tt>R_dqo</tt> rotates dqo variables around the o-axis in dqo-space with arbitrary angle <tt>theta</tt>.
4214 | <p>It takes the form
4215 | <pre>
4216 | [cos(theta), -sin(theta), 0]
4217 | R_dqo(theta) = [sin(theta), cos(theta), 0]
4218 | [ 0, 0, 1]
4219 | </pre>
4220 | and has the real eigenvector
4221 | <pre> {0, 0, 1}</pre>
4222 | in the dqo reference-frame.</p>
4223 | <p>Coefficient matrices of the form (symmetrical systems)
4224 | <pre>
4225 | [x, 0, 0 ]
4226 | X = [0, x, 0 ]
4227 | [0, 0, xo]
4228 | </pre>
4229 | are invariant under transformations R_dqo</p>
4230 | <p>The connection between R_dqo and R_abc is the following
4231 | <pre> R_dqo = P0*R_abc*P0'.</pre>
4232 | with P0 the orthogonal transform 'Transforms.P0'.</p>
4233 | <p><a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide.Introduction.Transforms\">up users guide</a></p>
4234 | </html>
4235 | "));
4236 | end rotation_dq;
4237 |
4238 | function der_rotation_dq "Derivative of rotation matrix dq"
4239 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4240 |
4241 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle theta;
4242 | input Modelica.SIunits.AngularFrequency omega "d/dt theta";
4243 | output Real[2, 2] der_R_dq "d/dt rotation_dq";
4244 | protected
4245 | Real dc;
4246 | Real ds;
4247 |
4248 | algorithm
4249 | dc := -omega*sin(theta);
4250 | ds := omega*cos(theta);
4251 | der_R_dq := [dc, -ds; ds, dc];
4252 | annotation(derivative(order=2) = PowerSystems.Basic.Transforms.der2_rotation_dq,
4253 | Documentation(info="<html>
4254 | <p>First derivative of function rotation_dq(theta) with respect to time.</p>
4255 | </html>"));
4256 | end der_rotation_dq;
4257 |
4258 | function der2_rotation_dq "2nd derivative of rotation matrix dq"
4259 | extends PowerSystems.Basic.Icons.Function;
4260 |
4261 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle theta;
4262 | input Modelica.SIunits.AngularFrequency omega "d/dt theta";
4263 | input Modelica.SIunits.AngularAcceleration omega_dot "d/dt omega";
4264 | output Real[2, 2] der2_R_dq "d/2dt2 rotation_dq";
4265 | protected
4266 | Real c;
4267 | Real s;
4268 | Real d2c;
4269 | Real d2s;
4270 | Real omega2=omega*omega;
4271 |
4272 | algorithm
4273 | c := cos(theta);
4274 | s := sin(theta);
4275 | d2c := -omega_dot*s - omega2*c;
4276 | d2s := omega_dot*c - omega2*s;
4277 | der2_R_dq := [d2c, -d2s; d2s, d2c];
4278 | annotation(Documentation(info="<html>
4279 | <p>Second derivative of function rotation_dq(theta) with respect to time.</p>
4280 | </html>"));
4281 | end der2_rotation_dq;
4282 | annotation (preferedView="info",
4283 | Window(
4284 | x=0.05,
4285 | y=0.41,
4286 | width=0.4,
4287 | height=0.38,
4288 | library=1,
4289 | autolayout=1),
4290 | Documentation(info="<html>
4291 | <p><a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide.Introduction.Transforms\">up users guide</a></p>
4292 | </html>
4293 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
4294 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4295 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4296 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
4297 | end Transforms;
4298 |
4299 | package Types
4300 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
4301 |
4302 | package SIpu "Additional types for power systems"
4303 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
4304 |
4305 | type Voltage = Real (final quantity="Voltage", unit="V/V");
4306 |
4307 | type Current = Real (final quantity="Current", unit="A/A");
4308 |
4309 | type Resistance = Real (
4310 | final quantity="Resistance",
4311 | unit="Ohm/(V.V/VA)",
4312 | final min=0);
4313 |
4314 | type Reactance = Real (final quantity="Reactance", unit="Ohm/(V.V/VA)");
4315 |
4316 | type Power = Real (final quantity="Power", unit="W/W");
4317 | annotation (
4318 | Window(
4319 | x=0.45,
4320 | y=0.01,
4321 | width=0.44,
4322 | height=0.65,
4323 | library=1,
4324 | autolayout=1),
4325 | Invisible=true,
4326 | Documentation(info="<html>
4327 | </html>
4328 | "));
4329 | end SIpu;
4330 |
4331 | type FreqType = enumeration(
4332 | par "parameter",
4333 | sig "signal",
4334 | sys "system") "Frequency type"
4335 | annotation(Documentation(info="<html>
4336 | <p><pre>
4337 | par: source has parameter frequency
4338 | sig: source has signal frequency
4339 | sys: source has system frequency
4340 | </pre></p>
4341 | </html>"));
4342 |
4343 | type AngularVelocity = SI.AngularVelocity(displayUnit = "rpm");
4344 | end Types;
4345 |
4346 | package Icons "Icons"
4347 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
4348 |
4349 | partial block Block "Block icon"
4350 |
4351 | annotation (
4352 | Window(
4353 | x=0.45,
4354 | y=0.01,
4355 | width=0.44,
4356 | height=0.65),
4357 | Documentation(info="
4358 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
4359 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4360 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4361 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
4362 | extent={{-80,60},{80,-60}},
4363 | lineColor={0,0,127},
4364 | fillColor={255,255,255},
4365 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}));
4366 | end Block;
4367 |
4368 | partial block Block0 "Block icon 0"
4369 | extends Block;
4370 | annotation (
4371 | Window(
4372 | x=0.45,
4373 | y=0.01,
4374 | width=0.44,
4375 | height=0.65),
4376 | Documentation(info="
4377 | "), Icon(coordinateSystem(
4378 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4379 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4380 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Text(
4381 | extent={{-100,-80},{100,-120}},
4382 | lineColor={0,0,0},
4383 | textString=
4384 | "%name")}));
4385 | end Block0;
4386 |
4387 | partial function Function "Function icon"
4388 |
4389 | annotation (
4390 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
4391 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4392 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4393 | grid={2,2}), graphics={
4394 | Ellipse(
4395 | extent={{-100,60},{100,-60}},
4396 | lineColor={255,85,85},
4397 | fillColor={255,255,255},
4398 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid),
4399 | Text(
4400 | extent={{-100,30},{100,-50}},
4401 | lineColor={255,85,85},
4402 | textString="f"),
4403 | Text(
4404 | extent={{-100,120},{100,80}},
4405 | lineColor={0,0,0},
4406 | textString="%name")}),
4407 | Documentation(
4408 | info="
4409 | "), Window(
4410 | x=0.45,
4411 | y=0.01,
4412 | width=0.44,
4413 | height=0.65),
4414 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
4415 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4416 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4417 | grid={2,2}), graphics));
4418 | end Function;
4419 | annotation (preferedView="info",
4420 | Window(
4421 | x=0.05,
4422 | y=0.41,
4423 | width=0.4,
4424 | height=0.32,
4425 | library=1,
4426 | autolayout=1),
4427 | Documentation(info="<html>
4428 | </html>
4429 | "));
4430 | end Icons;
4431 | end Basic;
4432 |
4433 | package Interfaces
4434 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
4435 |
4436 | connector Terminal "General power terminal"
4437 | replaceable package PhaseSystem = PhaseSystems.PartialPhaseSystem
4438 | "Phase system"
4439 | annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
4440 | PhaseSystem.Voltage v[PhaseSystem.n] "voltage vector";
4441 | flow PhaseSystem.Current i[PhaseSystem.n] "current vector";
4442 | PhaseSystem.ReferenceAngle theta[PhaseSystem.m] if PhaseSystem.m > 0
4443 | "optional vector of phase angles";
4444 | end Terminal;
4445 |
4446 | connector Electric_p "Electric terminal ('positive')"
4447 | extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin;
4448 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "term_p",
4449 | Documentation(info="<html>
4450 | </html>
4451 | "), Window(
4452 | x=0.45,
4453 | y=0.01,
4454 | width=0.44,
4455 | height=0.65),
4456 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
4457 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4458 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4459 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
4460 | extent={{-100,100},{100,-100}},
4461 | lineColor={0,0,255},
4462 | fillColor={0,0,255},
4463 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
4464 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
4465 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4466 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4467 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Rectangle(
4468 | extent={{0,50},{100,-50}},
4469 | lineColor={0,0,255},
4470 | fillColor={0,0,255},
4471 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
4472 | extent={{-120,120},{100,60}},
4473 | lineColor={0,0,255},
4474 | textString="%name")}));
4475 | end Electric_p;
4476 |
4477 | connector Frequency "Weighted frequency"
4478 | flow SI.Time H "inertia constant";
4479 | flow SI.Angle w_H "angular velocity, inertia-weighted";
4480 | Real h "Dummy potential-variable to balance flow-variable H";
4481 | Real w_h "Dummy potential-variable to balance flow-variable w_H";
4482 |
4483 | annotation (defaultComponentName = "frequency",
4484 | Icon(coordinateSystem(
4485 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4486 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4487 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Ellipse(
4488 | extent={{-80,80},{80,-80}},
4489 | lineColor={120,0,120},
4490 | fillColor={255,255,255},
4491 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid), Text(
4492 | extent={{-60,30},{60,-30}},
4493 | lineColor={120,0,120},
4494 | fillColor={255,255,255},
4495 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid,
4496 | textString="f")}),
4497 | Diagram(coordinateSystem(
4498 | preserveAspectRatio=false,
4499 | extent={{-100,-100},{100,100}},
4500 | grid={2,2}), graphics={Text(
4501 | extent={{-120,120},{120,60}},
4502 | lineColor={120,0,120},
4503 | textString=
4504 | "%name"), Ellipse(
4505 | extent={{-40,40},{40,-40}},
4506 | lineColor={120,0,120},
4507 | fillColor={255,255,255},
4508 | fillPattern=FillPattern.Solid)}),
4509 | Window(
4510 | x=0.45,
4511 | y=0.01,
4512 | width=0.44,
4513 | height=0.65),
4514 | Documentation(info="<html>
4515 | <p>System frequency reference.<br>
4516 | Used in 'System' for sending/receiving weighted frequency-data.</p>
4517 | <pre>
4518 | H: weight, i.e. inertia constant of machine (dimension time)
4519 | H_omega: weighted angular frequency H*omega
4520 | </pre>
4521 | </html>"));
4522 | end Frequency;
4523 | end Interfaces;
4524 | annotation (preferedView="info",
4525 | version="0.2.1",
4526 | versionDate="2014-08-15",
4527 | Documentation(info="<html>
4528 | <h3><font color=\"#000080\" size=5>Modelica PowerSystems library</font></h3>
4529 | <p>The library is intended to model electrical <b>power systems</b> at different <b>levels of detail</b> both in <b>transient</b> and <b>steady-state</b> mode.</p>
4530 | <p>The Users Guide to the library is <a href=\"PowerSystems.UsersGuide\"><b>here</b></a>.</p>
4531 | <p><br/>Copyright © 2007-2013, Modelica Association. </p>
4532 | <p><i>This Modelica package is <b>Open Source</b> software; it can be redistributed and/or modified
4533 | under the terms of the <b>Modelica license, version 2.0, see the license conditions and
4534 | the accompanying disclaimer <a href=\"modelica://Modelica.UsersGuide.ModelicaLicense2\">here</a>.</b></i> </p>
4535 | <p><i>This work was in parts supported by the ITEA2 MODRIO project by funding of BMBF under contract
4536 | number ITEA 2 - 11004. Work on the predecessor PowerFlow library was in parts supported by
4537 | the ITEA2 EUROSYSLIB project by funding of BMBF under contract number ITEA 2 - 06020.
4538 | Work on the predecessor Spot library was in parts supported by the RealSim project
4539 | by funding of the IST Programme, Contract No. IST-1999-11979. </i></p>
4540 | <p/>
4541 | </html>
4542 | "),
4543 | uses(Modelica(version="3.2.1")),
4544 | Icon(graphics={
4545 | Line(
4546 | points={{-60,-16},{38,-16}},
4547 | color={0,0,0},
4548 | smooth=Smooth.None),
4549 | Line(
4550 | points={{-60,-16},{-60,-42}},
4551 | color={0,0,0},
4552 | smooth=Smooth.None),
4553 | Line(
4554 | points={{38,-16},{38,-42}},
4555 | color={0,0,0},
4556 | smooth=Smooth.None),
4557 | Line(
4558 | points={{-10,10},{-10,-16}},
4559 | color={0,0,0},
4560 | smooth=Smooth.None),
4561 | Ellipse(extent={{-20,30},{0,10}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
4562 | Ellipse(extent={{-20,42},{0,22}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
4563 | Ellipse(extent={{-70,-42},{-50,-62}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
4564 | Ellipse(extent={{28,-42},{48,-62}}, lineColor={0,0,0}),
4565 | Line(
4566 | points={{-10,52},{-10,42}},
4567 | color={0,0,0},
4568 | smooth=Smooth.None)}));
4569 | end PowerSystems;
4570 | model PowerSystems_Examples_Spot_AC3ph_Transformer
4571 | extends PowerSystems.Examples.Spot.AC3ph.Transformer;
4572 | annotation(experiment(StopTime=3),uses(PowerSystems(version="0.2.1")));
4573 | end PowerSystems_Examples_Spot_AC3ph_Transformer;