1 | within ;
2 | package Example
3 | function conj "Conjugate of complex number"
4 | input Complex c1 "Complex number";
5 | output Complex c2 "= c1.re - j*c1.im";
6 | algorithm
7 | c2 := Complex(c1.re, -c1.im);
8 | annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(info = "<html>
9 | <p>This function returns the Complex conjugate of the Complex input.</p>
10 | </html>"));
11 | end conj;
12 |
13 | function real "Real part of complex number"
14 | input Complex c "Complex number";
15 | output Real r "= c.re ";
16 | algorithm
17 | r := c.re;
18 | annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(info = "<html>
19 | <p>This function returns the real part of the Complex input.</p>
20 | </html>"));
21 | end real;
22 |
23 | function imag "Imaginary part of complex number"
24 | input Complex c "Complex number";
25 | output Real r "= c.im ";
26 | algorithm
27 | r := c.im;
28 | annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(info = "<html>
29 | <p>This function returns the imaginary part of the Complex input.</p>
30 | </html>"));
31 | end imag;
32 |
33 | function arg "Phase angle of complex number"
34 | input Complex c "Complex number";
35 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle phi0 = 0
36 | "Phase angle phi shall be in the range: -pi < phi-phi0 < pi";
37 | output Modelica.SIunits.Angle phi "= phase angle of c";
38 | algorithm
39 | phi := Modelica.Math.atan3(
40 | c.im,
41 | c.re,
42 | phi0);
43 | annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(info = "<html>
44 | <p>This function returns the Real argument of the Complex input, i.e., it's angle.</p>
45 | </html>"));
46 | end arg;
47 |
48 | function 'abs' "Absolute value of complex number"
49 | input Complex c "Complex number";
50 | output Real result "= abs(c)";
51 | algorithm
52 | result := (c.re ^ 2 + c.im ^ 2) ^ 0.5;
53 | //changed from sqrt
54 | annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(info = "<html>
55 | <p>This function returns the Real absolute of the Complex input, i.e., it's length.</p>
56 | </html>"));
57 | end 'abs';
58 |
59 | function fromPolar "Complex from polar representation"
60 | input Real len "abs of complex";
61 | input Modelica.SIunits.Angle phi "arg of complex";
62 | output Complex c "= len*cos(phi) + j*len*sin(phi)";
63 | algorithm
64 | c := Complex(len*Modelica.Math.cos(phi), len*Modelica.Math.sin(phi));
65 | annotation(Inline = true, Documentation(info = "<html>
66 | <p>This function constructs a Complex number from it's length (absolute) and angle (argument).</p>
67 | </html>"));
68 | end fromPolar;
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 | model Test_complex
73 |
74 | Complex_bindinglost complex_bindinglost1 annotation (Placement(
75 | visible=true, transformation(
76 | origin={-40,0},
77 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
78 | rotation=0)));
79 | Complex_bindingOK complex_bindingok1 annotation (Placement(
80 | visible=true, transformation(
81 | origin={40,0},
82 | extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}},
83 | rotation=0)));
84 | annotation(Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {2, 2})), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {2, 2})));
85 | end Test_complex;
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 | model Complex_bindinglost
90 | constant Real pi = Modelica.Constants.pi;
91 | parameter Real eterm = 0.999999 "terminal voltage";
92 | //1.0
93 | parameter Real anglev0 = 4.0463 "Power flow, node angle in degree";
94 | parameter Real pelec = 0.399989 * 100 "active power MVA";
95 | //80.0
96 | parameter Real qelec = 5.41649 "reactive power MVA";
97 | //50.0
98 | parameter Real wbase = 2 * pi * 50 "system base speed";
99 | parameter Real mbase = 100 "system base power rating MVA";
100 | parameter Real Ra = 0 "amature resistance";
101 | parameter Real Xpp = 1;
102 | parameter Real anglev_rad = anglev0 * pi / 180
103 | "initial value of bus anglev in rad";
104 | parameter Real p0 = pelec / mbase
105 | "initial value of bus active power in p.u.";
106 | parameter Real q0 = qelec / mbase
107 | "initial value of bus reactive power in p.u.";
108 | parameter Complex Zs(re = Ra, im = Xpp) "Equivation impedance";
109 | parameter Complex VT(re = eterm * cos(anglev_rad), im = eterm * sin(anglev_rad));
110 | parameter Complex S(re = p0, im = q0);
111 | parameter Complex It = conj(S / VT);
112 | //Initialize current and voltage components of rotor reference fram (dq axes).
113 | end Complex_bindinglost;
114 |
115 | model Complex_bindingOK
116 | constant Real pi = Modelica.Constants.pi;
117 | parameter Complex Zs(re = 1, im = 1) "Equivation impedance";
118 | parameter Complex VT(re = cos(pi), im = sin(pi));
119 | parameter Complex S(re = 1, im = 1);
120 | parameter Complex It = conj(S / VT);
121 | annotation(Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {2, 2})), Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -100}, {100, 100}}, preserveAspectRatio = true, initialScale = 0.1, grid = {2, 2})));
122 | end Complex_bindingOK;
123 | annotation (uses(Complex(version="3.2.1"), Modelica(version="2.2.2")));
124 | end Example;