1 | within ;
2 | package KeyWordIO "Read and write data files with key words"
3 | function writeRealVariable "Writing real variable to file"
4 | input String fileName "Name of file" annotation(Dialog(__Dymola_loadSelector(filter = "Text files (*.txt; *.dat)", caption = "Open file in which Real parameters are present")));
5 | input String name "Name of parameter";
6 | input Real data "Actual value of parameter";
7 | input Boolean append = false "Append data to file";
8 | algorithm
9 | if not append then
10 | Modelica.Utilities.Files.removeFile(fileName);
11 | end if;
12 | Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print(name + " = " + String(data), fileName);
13 | end writeRealVariable;
14 |
15 | function writeRealVariables "Write multiple real variables to file"
16 | input String fileName "Name of file" annotation(Dialog(__Dymola_loadSelector(filter = "Text files (*.txt; *.dat)", caption = "Open file in which Real parameters are present")));
17 | input String name[:] "Name of parameter";
18 | input Real data[:] "Actual value of parameter";
19 | input Boolean append = false "Append data to file";
20 | algorithm
21 | // Check sizes of name and data
22 | if size(name, 1) <> size(data, 1) then
23 | assert(false, "writeReadParameters: Lengths of name and data have to be equal");
24 | end if;
25 | // Write data to file
26 | if not append then
27 | Modelica.Utilities.Files.removeFile(fileName);
28 | end if;
29 | for k in 1:size(name, 1) loop
30 | Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print(name[k] + " = " + String(data[k]), fileName);
31 | end for;
32 | end writeRealVariables;
33 |
34 | function readRealParameter "Read the value of a Real parameter from file"
35 | import Modelica.Utilities.*;
36 | input String fileName "Name of file" annotation(Dialog(__Dymola_loadSelector(filter = "Text files (*.txt; *.dat)", caption = "Open file in which Real parameters are present")));
37 | input String name "Name of parameter";
38 | input Boolean cache = false "Read file with/without caching";
39 | output Real result "Actual value of parameter on file";
40 | protected
41 | String line;
42 | String identifier;
43 | String delimiter;
44 | Integer nextIndex;
45 | Integer iline = 1;
46 | Types.TokenValue token;
47 | String message = "in file \"" + fileName + "\" on line ";
48 | String message2;
49 | Boolean found = false;
50 | Boolean endOfFile = false;
51 | algorithm
52 | if not cache then
53 | (line, endOfFile) := readLineWithoutCache(fileName, iline);
54 | else
55 | (line, endOfFile) := Streams.readLine(fileName, iline);
56 | end if;
57 | while not found and not endOfFile loop
58 | (token, nextIndex) := Strings.scanToken(line);
59 | if token.tokenType == Types.TokenType.NoToken then
60 | iline := iline + 1;
61 | elseif token.tokenType == Types.TokenType.IdentifierToken then
62 | if token.string == name then
63 | message2 := message + String(iline);
64 | (delimiter, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(line, nextIndex, {"="}, message2);
65 | (result, nextIndex) := expression(line, nextIndex, message2);
66 | (delimiter, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(line, nextIndex, {";", ""}, message2);
67 | Strings.scanNoToken(line, nextIndex, message2);
68 | found := true;
69 | else
70 | iline := iline + 1;
71 | end if;
72 | else
73 | Strings.syntaxError(line, nextIndex, "Expected identifier " + message + String(iline));
74 | end if;
75 | if not cache then
76 | (line, endOfFile) := readLineWithoutCache(fileName, iline);
77 | else
78 | (line, endOfFile) := Streams.readLine(fileName, iline);
79 | end if;
80 | end while;
81 | // skip line
82 | // name found, get value of "name = value;"
83 | // wrong name, skip line
84 | // wrong token
85 | // read next line
86 | /*
87 | if not cache then
88 | Streams.close(fileName);
89 | end if;
90 | */
91 | if not found then
92 | Streams.error("Parameter \"" + name + "\" not found in file \"" + fileName + "\"");
93 | end if;
94 | annotation(Documentation(info = "<html>
95 | <h4>Syntax</h4>
96 | <blockquote><pre>
97 | result = <b>readRealParameter</b>(fileName, name);
98 | </pre></blockquote>
99 | <h4>Description</h4>
100 | <p>
101 | This function demonstrates how a function can be implemented
102 | that reads the value of a parameter from file. The function
103 | performs the following actions:
104 | </p>
105 | <ol>
106 | <li> It opens file \"fileName\" and reads the lines of the file.</li>
107 | <li> In every line, Modelica line comments (\"// ... end-of-line\")
108 | are skipped </li>
109 | <li> If a line consists of \"name = expression\" and the \"name\"
110 | in this line is identical to the second argument \"name\"
111 | of the function call, the expression calculator Examples.expression
112 | is used to evaluate the expression after the \"=\" character.
113 | The expression can optionally be terminated with a \";\".</li>
114 | <li> The result of the expression evaluation is returned as
115 | the value of the parameter \"name\". </li>
116 | </ol>
117 | <h4>Example</h4>
118 | <p>
119 | On file \"test.txt\" the following lines might be present:
120 | </p>
121 | <blockquote><pre>
122 | // Motor data
123 | J = 2.3 // inertia
124 | w_rel0 = 1.5*2; // relative angular velocity
125 | phi_rel0 = pi/3
126 | </pre></blockquote>
127 | <p>
128 | The function returns the value \"3.0\" when called as:
129 | </p>
130 | <blockquote><pre>
131 | readRealParameter(\"test.txt\", \"w_rel0\")
132 | </pre></blockquote>
133 | </html>"));
134 | end readRealParameter;
135 |
136 | function expression "Expression interpreter that returns with the position after the expression (expression may consist of +,-,*,/,^,(),sin(), cos(), tan(), sqrt(), asin(), acos(), atan(), exp(), log(), pi"
137 | import Modelica.Utilities.Types;
138 | import Modelica.Utilities.Strings;
139 | import Modelica.Math;
140 | import Modelica.Constants;
141 | input String string "Expression that is evaluated";
142 | input Integer startIndex = 1 "Start scanning of expression at character startIndex";
143 | input String message = "" "Message used in error message if scan is not successful";
144 | output Real result "Value of expression";
145 | output Integer nextIndex "Index after the scanned expression";
146 | protected
147 | function term "Evaluate term of an expression"
148 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
149 | input String string;
150 | input Integer startIndex;
151 | input String message = "";
152 | output Real result;
153 | output Integer nextIndex;
154 | protected
155 | Real result2;
156 | Boolean scanning = true;
157 | String opString;
158 | algorithm
159 | // scan for "primary * primary" or "primary / primary"
160 | (result, nextIndex) := primary(string, startIndex, message);
161 | while scanning loop
162 | (opString, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(string, nextIndex, {"*", "/", "^", ""}, message);
163 | if opString == "" then
164 | scanning := false;
165 | else
166 | (result2, nextIndex) := primary(string, nextIndex, message);
167 | result := if opString == "*" then result * result2 else if opString == "/" then result / result2 else result ^ result2;
168 | end if;
169 | end while;
170 | end term;
171 |
172 | function primary "Evaluate primary of an expression"
173 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
174 | input String string;
175 | input Integer startIndex;
176 | input String message = "";
177 | output Real result;
178 | output Integer nextIndex;
179 | protected
180 | Types.TokenValue token;
181 | Real result2;
182 | String delimiter;
183 | String functionName;
184 | Real pi = Constants.pi;
185 | algorithm
186 | (token, nextIndex) := Strings.scanToken(string, startIndex, unsigned= true);
187 | if token.tokenType == Types.TokenType.DelimiterToken and token.string == "(" then
188 | (result, nextIndex) := expression(string, nextIndex, message);
189 | (delimiter, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(string, nextIndex, {")"}, message);
190 | elseif token.tokenType == Types.TokenType.RealToken then
191 | result := token.real;
192 | elseif token.tokenType == Types.TokenType.IntegerToken then
193 | result := token.integer;
194 | elseif token.tokenType == Types.TokenType.IdentifierToken then
195 | if token.string == "pi" then
196 | result := pi;
197 | else
198 | functionName := token.string;
199 | (delimiter, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(string, nextIndex, {"("}, message);
200 | (result, nextIndex) := expression(string, nextIndex, message);
201 | (delimiter, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(string, nextIndex, {")"}, message);
202 | if functionName == "sin" then
203 | result := Math.sin(result);
204 | elseif functionName == "cos" then
205 | result := Math.cos(result);
206 | elseif functionName == "tan" then
207 | result := Math.tan(result);
208 | elseif functionName == "sqrt" then
209 | if result < 0.0 then
210 | Strings.syntaxError(string, startIndex, "Argument of call \"sqrt(" + String(result) + ")\" is negative.\n" + "Imaginary numbers are not supported by the calculator.\n" + message);
211 | end if;
212 | result := sqrt(result);
213 | elseif functionName == "asin" then
214 | result := Math.asin(result);
215 | elseif functionName == "acos" then
216 | result := Math.acos(result);
217 | elseif functionName == "atan" then
218 | result := Math.atan(result);
219 | elseif functionName == "exp" then
220 | result := Math.exp(result);
221 | elseif functionName == "log" then
222 | if result <= 0.0 then
223 | Strings.syntaxError(string, startIndex, "Argument of call \"log(" + String(result) + ")\" is negative.\n" + message);
224 | end if;
225 | result := log(result);
226 | else
227 | Strings.syntaxError(string, startIndex, "Function \"" + functionName + "\" is unknown (not supported)\n" + message);
228 | end if;
229 | end if;
230 | else
231 | Strings.syntaxError(string, startIndex, "Invalid primary of expression.\n" + message);
232 | end if;
233 | end primary;
234 |
235 | Real result2;
236 | String signOfNumber;
237 | Boolean scanning = true;
238 | String opString;
239 | algorithm
240 | // scan for optional leading "+" or "-" sign
241 | (signOfNumber, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(string, startIndex, {"+", "-", ""}, message);
242 | // scan for "term + term" or "term - term"
243 | (result, nextIndex) := term(string, nextIndex, message);
244 | if signOfNumber == "-" then
245 | result := -result;
246 | end if;
247 | while scanning loop
248 | (opString, nextIndex) := Strings.scanDelimiter(string, nextIndex, {"+", "-", ""}, message);
249 | if opString == "" then
250 | scanning := false;
251 | else
252 | (result2, nextIndex) := term(string, nextIndex, message);
253 | result := if opString == "+" then result + result2 else result - result2;
254 | end if;
255 | end while;
256 | annotation(Documentation(info = "<html>
257 | <h4>Syntax</h4>
258 | <blockquote><pre>
259 | result = <b>expression</b>(string);
260 | (result, nextIndex) = <b>expression</b>(string, startIndex=1, message=\"\");
261 | </pre></blockquote>
262 | <h4>Description</h4>
263 | <p>
264 | This function is nearly the same as Examples.<b>calculator</b>.
265 | The essential difference is that function \"expression\" might be
266 | used in other parsing operations: After the expression is
267 | parsed and evaluated, the function returns with the value
268 | of the expression as well as the position of the character
269 | directly after the expression.
270 | </p>
271 | <p>
272 | This function demonstrates how a simple expression calculator
273 | can be implemented in form of a recursive decent parser
274 | using basically the Strings.scanToken(..) and scanDelimiters(..)
275 | function. There are 2 local functions (term, primary) that
276 | implement the corresponding part of the grammar.
277 | </p>
278 | <p>
279 | The following operations are supported (pi=3.14.. is a predefined constant):
280 | </p>
281 | <pre>
282 | +, -
283 | *, /, ^
284 | (expression)
285 | sin(expression)
286 | cos(expression)
287 | tan(expression)
288 | sqrt(expression)
289 | asin(expression)
290 | acos(expression)
291 | atan(expression)
292 | exp(expression)
293 | log(expression)
294 | pi
295 | </pre>
296 | <p>
297 | The optional argument \"startIndex\" defines at which position
298 | scanning of the expression starts.
299 | </p>
300 | <p>
301 | In case of error,
302 | the optional argument \"message\" is appended to the error
303 | message, in order to give additional information where
304 | the error occured.
305 | </p>
306 | <p>
307 | This function parses the following grammaer
308 | </p>
309 | <pre>
310 | expression: [ add_op ] term { add_op term }
311 | add_op : \"+\" | \"-\"
312 | term : primary { mul_op primary }
313 | mul_op : \"*\" | \"/\" | \"^\"
314 | primary : UNSIGNED_NUMBER
315 | | pi
316 | | ( expression )
317 | | functionName( expression )
318 | function : sin
319 | | cos
320 | | tan
321 | | sqrt
322 | | asin
323 | | acos
324 | | atan
325 | | exp
326 | | log
327 | </pre>
328 | <p>
329 | Note, in Examples.readRealParameter it is shown, how the expression
330 | function can be used as part of another scan operation.
331 | </p>
332 | <h4>Example</h4>
333 | <blockquote><pre>
334 | expression(\"2+3*(4-1)\"); // returns 11
335 | expression(\"sin(pi/6)\"); // returns 0.5
336 | </pre></blockquote>
337 | </html>"));
338 | end expression;
339 |
340 | function readLineWithoutCache "Reads a line of text from a file without cahing and returns it in a string"
341 | input String fileName "Name of the file that shall be read" annotation(Dialog(__Dymola_loadSelector(filter = "Text files (*.txt; *.dat)", caption = "Open file in which Real parameters are present")));
342 | input Integer lineNumber(min = 1) "Number of line to read";
343 | output String string "Line of text";
344 | output Boolean endOfFile "If true, end-of-file was reached when trying to read line";
345 |
346 | external "C" string= ReadLine(fileName, lineNumber, endOfFile);
347 | annotation(Include = "
348 | #ifndef ReadLine_C
349 | #define ReadLine_C
350 | # include <stdio.h>
351 | # include <string.h>
352 | extern void ModelicaFormatError(const char* string,...);
353 | extern char* ModelicaAllocateString(size_t len);
354 | #ifndef MAXLEN
355 | #define MAXLEN 133
356 | #endif
357 | const char* ReadLine(const char *fileName, int lineNumber, int* endOfFile)
358 | {
359 | FILE* fp;
360 | char c, strline[MAXLEN];
361 | char* line;
362 | int iLine;
363 | size_t lineLen;
364 | if ((fp=fopen(fileName,\"r\")) == NULL)
365 | {
366 | ModelicaFormatError(\"ReadLine: File %s not found!\\n\",fileName);
367 | return \"\";
368 | }
369 | iLine=0;
370 | while (++iLine <= lineNumber)
371 | {
372 | c=fgetc(fp);
373 | lineLen=1;
374 | while (c != '\\n' && c != '\\r' && c != EOF)
375 | {
376 | if (lineLen < MAXLEN)
377 | {
378 | strline[lineLen-1]=c;
379 | c=fgetc(fp);
380 | lineLen++;
381 | }
382 | else
383 | {
384 | fclose(fp);
385 | ModelicaFormatError(\"ReadLine: Line %d of file %s truncated!\\n\",iLine,fileName);
386 | return \"\";
387 | }
388 | }
389 | if (c == EOF && iLine < lineNumber)
390 | {
391 | fclose(fp);
392 | line=ModelicaAllocateString(0);
393 | *endOfFile=1;
394 | return line;
395 | }
396 | }
397 | fclose(fp);
398 | strline[lineLen-1]='\0';
399 | line=ModelicaAllocateString(lineLen);
400 | strcpy(line, strline);
401 | *endOfFile=0;
402 | return line;
403 | }
404 | #endif
405 | ", Documentation(info = "<html>
406 | <h4>Syntax</h4>
407 | <blockquote><pre>
408 | (string, endOfFile) = <b>readLine</b>(fileName, lineNumber)
409 | </pre></blockquote>
410 | <h4>Description</h4>
411 | <p>
412 | Function <b>readLine</b>(..) opens the given file, reads enough of the
413 | content to get the requested line, and returns the line as a string.
414 | Lines are separated by LF or CR-LF; the returned string does not
415 | contain the line separator.
416 | </p>
417 | <p>
418 | If lineNumber > countLines(fileName), an empty string is returned
419 | and endOfFile=true. Otherwise endOfFile=false.
420 | </p>
421 | </html>"));
422 | end readLineWithoutCache;
423 |
424 | annotation(uses(Modelica(version="3.2.2")));
425 | end KeyWordIO;