1 | within ;
2 | model GameofLife
3 | parameter Integer n=10; //dimension of the cellular space
4 | parameter Integer initState[:,2]= [1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 1; 3, 2; 3, 3]; //glider
5 | Integer state[n,n]; // current state of cells
6 | Integer newstate[n,n]( start = zeros(n,n)); // new state of cells
7 | Integer neighbors( start = 0); // number of neighbors alive
8 |
9 | initial algorithm
10 | //when initial() then // set initial configuration for the cells
11 | for i in 1:n loop
12 | for j in 1:n loop
13 | state[i,j] := 0;
14 | end for;
15 | end for;
16 |
17 | for i in 1:size(initState,1) loop
18 | state[initState[i,1],initState[i,2]] := 1;
19 | end for;
20 | //end when;
21 |
22 | algorithm
23 | when sample(1,1) then // periodic iterations or steps
24 | for i in 0:n-1 loop // two for loops to evaluate all cells in the space
25 | for j in 0:n-1 loop
26 | neighbors := 1;
27 | /*neighbors := state[mod(i-1,n)+1,mod(j-1,n)+1]+
28 | state[i+1,mod(j-1,n)+1]+
29 | state[mod(i+1,n)+1,mod(j-1,n)+1]+
30 | state[mod(i-1,n)+1,j+1]+
31 | state[mod(i+1,n)+1,j+1]+
32 | state[mod(i-1,n)+1,mod(j+1,n)+1]+
33 | state[i+1,mod(j+1,n)+1]+
34 | state[mod(i+1,n)+1,mod(j+1,n)+1];*/
35 | if state[i+1,j+1] == 1 then // if alive
36 | if neighbors < 2 or neighbors > 3 then
37 | newstate[i+1,j+1] := 0; // dies because of isolation or overpopulation (less than 2 or more than 3 neighbors alive)
38 | else
39 | newstate[i+1,j+1] := 1; // otherwise still alive
40 | end if;
41 | elseif neighbors == 3 then // if not alive
42 | newstate[i+1,j+1] := 1; // becomes alive because of reproduction (3 neighbors alive)
43 | end if;
44 | end for;
45 | end for;
46 | state := newstate; // update state
47 | end when;
48 |
49 | end GameofLife;