1 | model Test
2 | extends FlexiCaL.FeedWater.Tests.Tests_FWPHs_Accurate.Test_FWPH_11(fWPH_11_1(N_des = 3), system(allowFlowReversal = false));
3 | end Test;
4 |
5 | package FlexiCaL
6 | package Components
7 | model NusseltCondenser "Base model of feedwater heater condensing section based on Nusselt theory"
8 | replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_ph constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
9 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeA drained_in(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
10 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeB drained_out(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
11 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeA steam_in(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
12 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput zl_SP;
13 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput level;
14 | Medium.ThermodynamicState vapour_state "Thermodynamic state of the vapour";
15 | Medium.ThermodynamicState liquid_state "Thermodynamic state of the liquid";
16 | Medium.ThermodynamicState[Nw] condensate_state "Thermodynamic state of the condensate";
17 | Medium.ThermodynamicState steamIn_state "Thermodynamic state of the inlet vapour";
18 | Medium.ThermodynamicState drainedIn_state "Thermodynamic state of the inlet drain";
19 | Medium.SaturationProperties sat "Saturation properties of the vapour";
20 | parameter Integer Nw = 5 "Number of volumes, tube side";
21 | parameter Integer Ntubes "Number of tubes";
22 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length r_ext_tube "tube External Radius";
23 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L "Length of Condensated section";
24 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length r_int "Internal Shell Radius";
25 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma "Nusselt theory HTC";
26 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tauev = 0.5 "Time constant of bulk evaporation";
27 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height zl_set "Liquid level set point";
28 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height zl_start "Liquid level start";
29 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p_start "Medium start pressure";
30 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction";
31 | parameter ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options initOpt = system.initOpt "Initialisation option";
32 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
33 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
34 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area S = 2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * r_ext_tube * L * Ntubes "Heat transfer surface of Tubes";
35 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Volume Vtot = L * Modelica.Constants.pi * (r_int ^ 2 - r_ext_tube ^ 2 * Ntubes) "Total free Internal Volume of the shell (Volume not occupied by tubes)";
36 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Acceleration g = Modelica.Constants.g_n "Gravity Acceleration on Earth";
37 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hv_start = Medium.dewEnthalpy(Medium.setSat_p(p_start)) "Vapour Start Specific Enthalpy";
38 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hl_start = Medium.bubbleEnthalpy(Medium.setSat_p(p_start)) "Liquid Start Specific Enthalpy";
39 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature Tsat_start = Medium.saturationTemperature(p_start);
40 | Modelica.SIunits.DerEnthalpyByPressure dhdp_lsat "Derivative of Enthalpy by pressure";
41 | Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductance G_sub = 0 "Subcooling UA, its value depens on how much tubes are submerged";
42 | Medium.MassFlowRate ws_in "Steam mass flow rate";
43 | Medium.MassFlowRate wd_in "Drained inlet mass flow rate";
44 | Medium.MassFlowRate wd_out "Drained outet mass flow rate";
45 | Medium.MassFlowRate w_cond "Condensed vapour mass flow rate";
46 | Medium.MassFlowRate[Nw] ww "Condensed vapour mass flow rate in single volumes";
47 | Medium.MassFlowRate w_ev "Mass flowrate of bulk evaporation";
48 | Modelica.SIunits.Height zl(start = zl_start, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "Medium level (relative to reference)";
49 | Medium.AbsolutePressure p(start = p_start, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "Medium pressure";
50 | Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hv(start = hv_start, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "Specific vapor enthalpy";
51 | Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hl(start = hl_start, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "Specific liquid enthalpy";
52 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hs_in "Steam inlet specific enthalpy";
53 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hd_in "Drained inlet specific enthalpy";
54 | Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy[Nw] hc(start = ones(Nw) * Medium.bubbleEnthalpy(Medium.setSat_p(p_start))) "Specific condensate enthalpy";
55 | Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hv_sat "Specific saturated steam enthalpy";
56 | Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy hl_sat "Specific saturated liquid enthalpy on the free surface";
57 | Medium.Temperature Tv "Vapour temperature";
58 | Medium.Temperature Tl "Liquid temperature";
59 | Medium.Temperature[Nw] Tc(start = ones(Nw) * (Tsat_start - 2)) "Condensate temperature";
60 | Medium.Temperature T_sat(start = Tsat_start) "Medium saturation temperature";
61 | Modelica.SIunits.Temperature[Nw] Tw "Wall temperatures";
62 | Modelica.SIunits.Volume Vl "Volume occupied by liquid medium";
63 | Modelica.SIunits.Volume Vv "Volume occupied by vapour";
64 | Modelica.SIunits.Area Across_l "Cross Section Area of the condensate liquid";
65 | Modelica.SIunits.Mass Ml "Condensate liquid mass";
66 | Modelica.SIunits.Mass Mv "Vapour mass";
67 | Modelica.SIunits.Density rho_v "Steam density";
68 | Modelica.SIunits.Density rho_l "Liquid density";
69 | Modelica.SIunits.Density rho_ls "Satured Liquid density";
70 | Real x_s "Vapour quality at steam inlet";
71 | Real x_d "Vapour quality at drained inlet";
72 | Modelica.SIunits.MassFraction x_l "Mass fraction of vapour in the liquid volume";
73 | Modelica.SIunits.Power Q_cond "Condensation thermal load";
74 | Modelica.SIunits.Power Q_sub "Total Subcooling Power";
75 | Modelica.SIunits.Power[Nw] Q_s "Subcooling Power in a single volume";
76 | Modelica.SIunits.Power[Nw] Qw "Condensation thermal load on a single volume";
77 | Modelica.SIunits.Power Q_flux "Actual total condensing flux";
78 | Modelica.SIunits.Energy El "Condensate liquid energy";
79 | Modelica.SIunits.Energy Ev "Vapour energy";
80 | ThermoPower.Thermal.DHTVolumes Tube_wall(N = Nw);
81 | initial equation
82 | if initOpt == ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options.noInit then
83 | elseif initOpt == ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options.steadyState then
84 | if not noInitialPressure then
85 | der(p) = 0;
86 | end if;
87 | der(zl) = 0;
88 | der(hv) = 0;
89 | der(hl) = 0;
90 | elseif initOpt == ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options.fixedState then
91 | if not noInitialPressure then
92 | p = p_start;
93 | end if;
94 | hv = hv_sat;
95 | hl = hl_sat;
96 | zl = zl_start;
97 | else
98 | assert(false, "Unsupported initialisation option");
99 | end if;
100 | equation
101 | sat = Medium.setSat_p(p);
102 | vapour_state = Medium.setState_ph(p, hv);
103 | liquid_state = Medium.setState_ph(p, hl);
104 | steamIn_state = Medium.setState_ph(p, inStream(steam_in.h_outflow));
105 | drainedIn_state = Medium.setState_ph(p, inStream(drained_in.h_outflow));
106 | Tv = Medium.temperature(vapour_state);
107 | Tl = Medium.temperature(liquid_state);
108 | rho_v = Medium.density(vapour_state);
109 | hv_sat = Medium.dewEnthalpy(sat);
110 | hl_sat = Medium.bubbleEnthalpy(sat);
111 | T_sat = Medium.saturationTemperature(p);
112 | rho_l = Medium.density(liquid_state);
113 | rho_ls = Medium.bubbleDensity(sat);
114 | dhdp_lsat = Medium.dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure(sat);
115 | x_s = Medium.vapourQuality(steamIn_state);
116 | x_d = Medium.vapourQuality(drainedIn_state);
117 | x_l = homotopy(if hl <= hl_sat then 0 else (hl - hl_sat) / (hv_sat - hl_sat), 0);
118 | der(Ml) = ws_in * (1 - x_s) + wd_in * (1 - x_d) + w_cond - wd_out - w_ev;
119 | der(El) = ws_in * (1 - x_s) * min(hs_in, hl_sat) + wd_in * (1 - x_d) * min(hd_in, hl_sat) + Q_flux - wd_out * hl - w_ev * hv_sat - Q_sub;
120 | der(Mv) = ws_in * x_s + wd_in * x_d + w_ev - w_cond;
121 | der(Ev) = ws_in * x_s * max(hs_in, hv_sat) + wd_in * x_d * max(hd_in, hv_sat) - Q_flux + w_ev * hv_sat - Q_cond;
122 | Mv = Vv * rho_v "Vapour volume mass";
123 | Ml = Vl * rho_l "Liquid volume mass";
124 | Ev = Mv * Medium.specificInternalEnergy(vapour_state) "Vapour volume energy";
125 | El = Ml * Medium.specificInternalEnergy(liquid_state) "Liquid volume energy";
126 | Vv = Vtot - Vl "Vapour Volume";
127 | Vl = L * Across_l "Condensate liquid Volume on the bottom of the cylinder";
128 | Across_l = r_int ^ 2 * Modelica.Math.acos(1 - zl / r_int) - (r_int - zl) * sqrt(2 * r_int * zl - zl ^ 2) "Cross section of the Condensate liquid volume (Circular Segment)";
129 | for j in 1:Nw loop
130 | Q_s[j] = G_sub / Nw * (Tl - Tw[j]) "Subcooling power used to cool down the condensate liquid in the j-th volume";
131 | Qw[j] = max(0, gamma * S / Nw * (T_sat - Tw[j])) "Condensating Power in the j-th volume";
132 | ww[j] = Qw[j] / (hv - hc[j]) "Condensate Mass Flow rate raining from the tubes in the j-th volume";
133 | condensate_state[j] = Medium.setState_pT(p, Tc[j]);
134 | hc[j] = min(Medium.specificEnthalpy(condensate_state[j]), hl_sat);
135 | Tc[j] = (Tw[j] + T_sat) / 2;
136 | end for;
137 | Q_sub = sum(Q_s) "Total Subcooling Power";
138 | Q_flux = ww * hc;
139 | Q_cond = sum(Qw) "Total Condensate Power";
140 | w_cond = sum(ww) "Total Condensate Mass Flow Rate";
141 | w_ev = x_l * rho_l * Vl / tauev "Evaporating Mass Flow Rate from the condensate liquid volume";
142 | hs_in = homotopy(if not allowFlowReversal then inStream(steam_in.h_outflow) else if ws_in >= 0 then inStream(steam_in.h_outflow) else hv, inStream(steam_in.h_outflow));
143 | hd_in = homotopy(if not allowFlowReversal then inStream(drained_in.h_outflow) else if wd_in >= 0 then inStream(drained_in.h_outflow) else hv, inStream(drained_in.h_outflow));
144 | drained_out.h_outflow = hl;
145 | steam_in.h_outflow = inStream(drained_out.h_outflow);
146 | drained_in.h_outflow = inStream(drained_out.h_outflow);
147 | ws_in = steam_in.m_flow;
148 | wd_in = drained_in.m_flow;
149 | wd_out = -drained_out.m_flow;
150 | steam_in.p = p;
151 | drained_in.p = p;
152 | drained_out.p = p;
153 | Tw = Tube_wall.T;
154 | Tube_wall.Q = (-Qw) - Q_s;
155 | zl_SP = zl_set;
156 | level = zl;
157 | assert(Vv > 0.6 * Vtot, "Condensation section flooded!");
158 | assert(Vl > 0.02 * Vtot, "Condensation section almost emptied out!");
159 | end NusseltCondenser;
160 |
161 | model FWPH_Base
162 | Modelica.SIunits.Time Tr_FW = flowFW_sub.Tr + flowFW_cond.Tr + flowFW_des.Tr;
163 | Medium.Temperature[N_des + N_cond + N_sub] Tsteam;
164 | Medium.Temperature[N_des + N_cond + N_sub] Twater;
165 | replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_ph constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
166 | replaceable model HeatTransferFW_des = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatTransferFV.FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient(alpha = 0.8, gamma_nom = gamma_FW_des) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
167 | replaceable model HeatTransferFW_cond = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatTransferFV.FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient(gamma_nom = gamma_FW_cond, alpha = 0.8) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
168 | replaceable model HeatTransferFW_sub = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatTransferFV.FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient(gamma_nom = gamma_FW_sub, alpha = 0.8) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
169 | replaceable model HeatTransferSTEAM = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatTransferFV.FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient(gamma_nom = gamma_STEAM, alpha = 0.6) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
170 | replaceable model HeatTransferDRAIN = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatTransferFV.FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient(gamma_nom = gamma_DRAIN, alpha = 0.6) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
171 | replaceable model HeatExchangerTopology_des = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatExchangerTopologies.CounterCurrentFlow(Nw = N_des - 1) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.HeatExchangerTopologyData;
172 | replaceable model HeatExchangerTopology_cond = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatExchangerTopologies.CounterCurrentFlow(Nw = N_cond - 1) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.HeatExchangerTopologyData;
173 | replaceable model HeatExchangerTopology_sub = ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatExchangerTopologies.CounterCurrentFlow(Nw = N_sub - 1) constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.HeatExchangerTopologyData;
174 |
175 | function HeatTransferCoefficientsFWPH "Compute the Heat Transfer coefficients for a Des-Cond-Sub FWPH"
176 | replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_ph "Water/steam fluid medium model" annotation(choicesAllMatching = true);
177 | input Medium.Temperature Ti "Inlet Temperature of the FWPH section";
178 | input Medium.Temperature To "Outlet Temperature of the FWPH section";
179 | input Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure pi "Inlet Pressure of the FWPH section";
180 | input Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure po "Outlet Pressure of the FWPH section";
181 | input Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate w_FW "Water mass flow rate";
182 | input Modelica.SIunits.Length L "Section length";
183 | input Modelica.SIunits.Length ri "Internal Tube Diameter";
184 | input Modelica.SIunits.Length ro "External Tube Diameter";
185 | input Integer N_t "Number od tubes";
186 | input Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer U "Global Heat transfer coefficient of the section";
187 | input Real Rf "Fouling Factor";
188 | input Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_w "Metal Tube Thermal COnductivitiy";
189 | output Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer[2] h "FWPH average water and steam heat transfer coefficient";
190 | protected
191 | final parameter Medium.Temperature T = (Ti + To) / 2 "Mean Temperature in the FWPH section";
192 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure p = (pi + po) / 2 "Mean Pressure in the FWPH section";
193 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length di = 2 * ri "Internal Tube Diameter";
194 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length do = 2 * ro "External Tube Diameter";
195 | Medium.ThermodynamicState fluidState;
196 | Modelica.SIunits.Area Af "Fluid cross Areas";
197 | Modelica.SIunits.Area Ai "Internal Area in the section";
198 | Modelica.SIunits.Area Ao "External Area in the section";
199 | Modelica.SIunits.DynamicViscosity mu "Dynamic Viscosities";
200 | Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity k "Water Thermal COnductivities";
201 | Modelica.SIunits.ReynoldsNumber Re "Section Reynolds numbers";
202 | Modelica.SIunits.PrandtlNumber Pr "Section Prandtl numbers";
203 | Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure Cp "Mean Specific Heat Capacity";
204 | Modelica.SIunits.NusseltNumber Nu " Nusselt numbers computed with the Dittus-Boelter Correlation";
205 | Modelica.SIunits.Density rho "Inlet and Outlet local Water density";
206 | Modelica.SIunits.Velocity v "Water velocity";
207 | Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer hi "FWPH average water heat transfer coefficient";
208 | Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer ho "FWPH section steam heat transfer coefficient";
209 | algorithm
210 | Af := Modelica.Constants.pi * ri ^ 2;
211 | Ai := Modelica.Constants.pi * 2 * ri * L * N_t;
212 | Ao := Modelica.Constants.pi * 2 * ro * L * N_t;
213 | fluidState := Medium.setState_pT(p, T);
214 | rho := Medium.density(fluidState);
215 | v := w_FW / (Af * rho * N_t);
216 | Cp := Medium.specificHeatCapacityCp(fluidState);
217 | mu := Medium.dynamicViscosity(fluidState);
218 | k := Medium.thermalConductivity(fluidState);
219 | Re := rho * v * 2 * ri / mu;
220 | Pr := Cp * mu / k;
221 | Nu := 0.023 * Re ^ 0.8 * Pr ^ 0.4;
222 | hi := k * Nu / (2 * ri);
223 | ho := 1 / (1 / (U * Ao) - 1 / (hi * Ai) - Rf / Ai - Modelica.Math.log(do / di) / (2 * Modelica.Constants.pi * lambda_w * L * N_t)) / Ao;
224 | h[1] := hi;
225 | h[2] := ho;
226 | end HeatTransferCoefficientsFWPH;
227 |
228 | parameter Integer N_des = 6 "Number of nodes for thermal variables in the Desuperheating Section";
229 | parameter Integer N_cond = N_des "Number of nodes for thermal variables in the Condensing Section";
230 | parameter Integer N_sub = N_des "Number of nodes for thermal variables in the Subcooling Section";
231 | parameter Integer N_tubes = 582 "Number of tubes in parallel";
232 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L_tot "Total Tube length";
233 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L_des "Tube length in the Desuperheating Section";
234 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L_cond = L_tot - L_des - L_sub "Tube length in the Condensing Section";
235 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length L_sub "Tube length in the Subcooling Section";
236 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length r_tube_int "Internal radius (single tube)";
237 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length r_tube_ext "External radius (single tube)";
238 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Mass Mass_dry_tube "Total dry tubes mass";
239 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Density rho_metal = Mass_dry_tube / ((r_tube_ext ^ 2 - r_tube_int ^ 2) * pi * L_tot * N_tubes) "Metal density";
240 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity c_metal = 500 "Metal Specific Heat Capacity";
241 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity lambda_metal = 45 "Thermal conductivity";
242 | parameter ThermoPower.Units.SpecificThermalResistance Rf = 0.0000581 "Fouling Thermal Resistance";
243 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wnom_FW "Nominal mass flowrate (total)";
244 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer U_des "Global heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
245 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer U_cond "Global heat transfer coefficient in Condensing section";
246 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer U_sub "Global heat transfer coefficient in Subcooling section";
247 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy[N_des] hstart_des = linspace(flowFW_des.hstartin, flowFW_des.hstartout, N_des) "Specific Enthalpies Start Values";
248 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy[N_cond] hstart_cond = linspace(flowFW_cond.hstartin, flowFW_cond.hstartout, N_cond) "Specific Enthalpies Start Values";
249 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy[N_sub] hstart_sub = linspace(flowFW_sub.hstartin, flowFW_sub.hstartout, N_sub) "Specific Enthalpies Start Values";
250 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer[2] gamma_DES = HeatTransferCoefficientsFWPH(Tinlet_nom_FW_des, Toutlet_nom_FW_des, pnom_FW_des, pnom_out_FW_des, wnom_FW, L_des, r_tube_int, r_tube_ext, N_tubes, U_des, Rf, lambda_metal) "Nominal water and steam heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
251 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_FW_des = gamma_DES[1] "Nominal water heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
252 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer[2] gamma_COND = HeatTransferCoefficientsFWPH(Tinlet_nom_FW_cond, Toutlet_nom_FW_cond, pnom_FW_cond, pnom_out_FW_cond, wnom_FW, L_cond, r_tube_int, r_tube_ext, N_tubes, U_cond, Rf, lambda_metal) "Nominal water and steam heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
253 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_FW_cond = gamma_COND[1] "Nominal water heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
254 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer[2] gamma_SUB = HeatTransferCoefficientsFWPH(Tinlet_nom_FW_sub, Toutlet_nom_FW_sub, pnom_FW_sub, pnom_out_FW_sub, wnom_FW, L_sub, r_tube_int, r_tube_ext, N_tubes, U_sub, Rf, lambda_metal) "Nominal water and steam heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
255 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_FW_sub = gamma_SUB[1] "Nominal water heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
256 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure dpnom_FW = pnom_FW_sub - pnom_out_FW_des "Nominal pressure drop (friction term only!)";
257 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure dpnom_FW_des = dpnom_FW * L_des / (L_des + L_cond + L_sub) "Nominal pressure drop (friction term only!)";
258 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure dpnom_FW_cond = dpnom_FW * L_cond / (L_des + L_cond + L_sub) "Nominal pressure drop (friction term only!)";
259 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure dpnom_FW_sub = dpnom_FW * L_sub / (L_des + L_cond + L_sub) "Nominal pressure drop (friction term only!)";
260 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Density rhonom_FW_des = Medium.density_pT((pnom_out_FW_des + pnom_FW_des) / 2, (Tinlet_nom_FW_des + Toutlet_nom_FW_des) / 2) "Nominal inlet density";
261 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Density rhonom_FW_cond = Medium.density_pT((pnom_out_FW_cond + pnom_FW_cond) / 2, (Tinlet_nom_FW_cond + Toutlet_nom_FW_cond) / 2) "Nominal inlet density";
262 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Density rhonom_FW_sub = Medium.density_pT((pnom_out_FW_sub + pnom_FW_sub) / 2, (Tinlet_nom_FW_sub + Toutlet_nom_FW_sub) / 2) "Nominal inlet density";
263 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit wnf_FW = 0.1 "Fraction of nominal flow rate at which linear friction equals turbulent friction";
264 | final parameter Real pi = Modelica.Constants.pi;
265 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_STEAM = gamma_DES[2] "Nominal STEAM heat transfer coefficient in Desuperheating section";
266 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wnom_STEAM "Nominal mass flowrate (total)";
267 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit wnf_STEAM = 0.1 "Fraction of nominal flow rate at which linear friction equals turbulent friction";
268 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure dpnom_STEAM = 10000 "Nominal pressure drop in the Steam Tube Side";
269 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy[N_des] hstart_STEAM = linspace(flowSTEAM.hstartin, flowSTEAM.hstartout, N_des) "Specific Enthalpies Start Values";
270 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area Adp = r_tube_int ^ 2 * pi * N_tubes "Cross Section of the pressure drop in the Steam Tube Side";
271 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Density rhonom_STEAM = Medium.density_pT(pnom_STEAM, (Tinlet_nom_STEAM + Toutlet_nom_STEAM) / 2) "Nominal inlet density";
272 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_DRAIN = gamma_SUB[2] "Nominal DRAIN water heat transfer coefficient in Subcooling section";
273 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy[N_sub] hstart_DRAIN = linspace(flowDRAIN.hstartin, flowDRAIN.hstartout, N_des) "Specific Enthalpies Start Values";
274 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.PressureDifference dpnom_DRAIN = 10000 "Nominal Drop pressure on drain side";
275 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wnom_DRAIN_in = wnom_DRAIN - wnom_STEAM "Nominal Inlet Drain Mass Flow Rate";
276 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wnom_DRAIN = wnom_STEAM "Nominal outlet drain mass flowrate (total)";
277 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit wnf_DRAIN = 1 "Fraction of nominal flow rate at which linear friction equals turbulent friction";
278 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Density rhonom_DRAIN = Medium.density_pT(pnom_DRAIN, (Tinlet_nom_DRAIN + Toutlet_nom_DRAIN) / 2) "Nominal inlet density";
279 | parameter Medium.Temperature Tin_DRAIN_nom = Tinlet_nom_DRAIN "Nominal inlet drain temperature from previous FWPH";
280 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length r_shell_int "Internal radius of the Shell";
281 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_cond = gamma_COND[2] "Nusselt theory HTC";
282 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time tauev = 0.5 "Time constant of bulk evaporation";
283 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height zl_set = 0.3 "Liquid level set point";
284 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time T_level = 5 "Desired Time Response";
285 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length alpha = r_shell_int / sqrt(2 * zl_set / r_shell_int - (zl_set / r_shell_int) ^ 2) + sqrt(2 * r_shell_int * zl_set - zl_set ^ 2) + (r_shell_int - zl_set) ^ 2 / sqrt(2 * r_shell_int * zl_set - zl_set ^ 2) "Derivate of the Cross section area of the condensate liquid wrt zl";
286 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Area Av = 1 / thetanom_valve * wnom_valve / sqrt(2 * rhonom_DRAIN * dpnom_valve) "Vena Contracta Area";
287 | final parameter Real Kp_PID = -5 / T_level * rhonom_DRAIN * L_cond * alpha / (1 / thetanom_valve * wnom_valve) "Proportional gain (normalised units)";
288 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Ti_PID = 100 "Integral time";
289 | parameter Real PVmin_PID = 0.05 "Minimum value of process variable for scaling";
290 | parameter Real PVmax_PID = r_shell_int / 2 "Maximum value of process variable for scaling";
291 | parameter Real CSmin_PID = 0.05 "Minimum value of control signal for scaling";
292 | parameter Real CSmax_PID = 1 "Maximum value of control signal for scaling";
293 | parameter Real PVstart_PID = zl_set "Start value of PV (scaled)";
294 | parameter Real CSstart_PID = thetanom_valve "Start value of CS (scaled)";
295 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_in_valve = pnom_DRAIN "Nominal inlet pressure";
296 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_out_valve "Nominal inlet pressure";
297 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.PressureDifference dpnom_valve = pnom_in_valve - pnom_out_valve "Nominal Drain Valve Drop Pressure";
298 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wnom_valve = wnom_DRAIN "Nominal mass flowrate";
299 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit thetanom_valve = 0.8 "Nominal valve opening";
300 | parameter Real k_valvedyn = 1 "Gain of the Drain Valve Dynamic";
301 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time T_valvedyn = 0.2 "Time Constant of the Drain valve";
302 | parameter Real y_start_valvedyn = thetanom_valve "Initial or guess drain value of output (= state)";
303 | parameter Medium.Temperature[metalTubeFV_des.Nw] Tstart_wall_des = ThermoPower.Functions.linspaceExt(metalTubeFV_des.Tstart1, metalTubeFV_des.TstartN, metalTubeFV_des.Nw) "Wall Start values in Desuperheating section";
304 | parameter Medium.Temperature[metalTubeFV_cond.Nw] Tstart_wall_cond = ThermoPower.Functions.linspaceExt(metalTubeFV_cond.Tstart1, metalTubeFV_cond.TstartN, metalTubeFV_cond.Nw) "Wall Start values in Condensing section";
305 | parameter Medium.Temperature[metalTubeFV_sub.Nw] Tstart_wall_sub = ThermoPower.Functions.linspaceExt(metalTubeFV_sub.Tstart1, metalTubeFV_sub.TstartN, metalTubeFV_sub.Nw) "Wall Start values in Subcooling section";
306 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_FW_des = pnom_out_FW_cond "Pressure start value";
307 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_out_FW_des "Pressure outlet start value";
308 | final parameter Medium.Temperature Tinlet_nom_FW_des = Toutlet_nom_FW_cond "Inlet Temperature Feed Water side";
309 | parameter Medium.Temperature Toutlet_nom_FW_des "Outlet Temperature Feed Water side";
310 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_FW_cond = pnom_out_FW_sub "Pressure start value";
311 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_out_FW_cond = pnom_FW_cond - dpnom_FW_cond "Pressure outlet start value";
312 | final parameter Medium.Temperature Tinlet_nom_FW_cond = Toutlet_nom_FW_sub "Inlet Temperature Feed Water side";
313 | parameter Medium.Temperature Toutlet_nom_FW_cond "Outlet Temperature Feed Water side";
314 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_FW_sub "Pressure start value";
315 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_out_FW_sub = pnom_FW_sub - dpnom_FW_sub "Pressure outlet start value";
316 | parameter Medium.Temperature Tinlet_nom_FW_sub "Inlet Temperature Feed Water side";
317 | parameter Medium.Temperature Toutlet_nom_FW_sub "Outlet Temperature Feed Water side";
318 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_steam "Pressure start value";
319 | final parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_STEAM = pnom_steam + dpnom_STEAM "Pressure start value";
320 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_out_STEAM = pnom_steam - dpnom_STEAM "Pressure outlet start value";
321 | parameter Medium.Temperature Tinlet_nom_STEAM "Inlet Temperature Feed Water side";
322 | parameter Medium.Temperature Toutlet_nom_STEAM "Outlet Temperature Feed Water side";
323 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_DRAIN = pnom_out_STEAM "Pressure start value";
324 | parameter Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.AbsolutePressure pnom_out_DRAIN = pnom_DRAIN "Pressure outlet start value";
325 | parameter Medium.Temperature Tinlet_nom_DRAIN "Inlet Temperature Feed Water side";
326 | parameter Medium.Temperature Toutlet_nom_DRAIN "Outlet Temperature Feed Water side";
327 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Height zl_start = 0.1 "Liquid level start";
328 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Pressure p_start_cond = pnom_STEAM "Medium start pressure";
329 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure_FW_des = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
330 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure_FW_cond = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
331 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure_FW_sub = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
332 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure_STEAM = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
333 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure_DRAIN = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
334 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure_NusseltCondenser = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
335 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Density simpl_rho_FW = (rhonom_FW_des * L_des + rhonom_FW_cond * L_cond + rhonom_FW_sub * L_sub) / L_tot "Feed Water average density";
336 | final parameter Medium.ThermodynamicState simpl_state_FW = Medium.setState_pT((pnom_out_FW_des + pnom_FW_sub) / 2, (Toutlet_nom_FW_des + Tinlet_nom_FW_des) / 2) "Feed Water average state";
337 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity simpl_c_FW = Medium.specificHeatCapacityCp(simpl_state_FW) "Feed Water average Specific Heat Capacity";
338 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer simpl_hi = (gamma_FW_des * L_des + gamma_FW_cond * L_cond + gamma_FW_sub * L_sub) / L_tot "Internal Heat Transfer Coefficient";
339 | final parameter Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer simpl_ho = gamma_cond "External Heat Transfer Coefficient";
340 | Controllers.Blocks.FirstOrder_init ValveDynamic(k = k_valvedyn, T = T_valvedyn, y_start = y_start_valvedyn);
341 | Controllers.Blocks.PID_ThermoPower Level_PID(Kp = Kp_PID, Ti = Ti_PID, PVmin = PVmin_PID, PVmax = PVmax_PID, CSmin = CSmin_PID, CSmax = CSmax_PID, PVstart = PVstart_PID, CSstart = CSstart_PID);
342 | ThermoPower.Water.Flow1DFV flowFW_des(N = N_des, Nw = N_des - 1, Nt = N_tubes, L = L_des, dpnom = dpnom_FW * L_des / (L_des + L_cond + L_sub), A = pi * r_tube_int ^ 2, omega = 2 * pi * r_tube_int, wnom = wnom_FW, FFtype = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes.OpPoint, rhonom = rhonom_FW_des, wnf = wnf_FW, pstart = pnom_FW_des, hstartin = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_FW_des, Tinlet_nom_FW_des), hstartout = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_out_FW_des, Toutlet_nom_FW_des), redeclare package Medium = Medium, redeclare model HeatTransfer = HeatTransferFW_des, HydraulicCapacitance = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes.Middle, noInitialPressure = noInitialPressure_FW_des, hstart = hstart_des);
343 | ThermoPower.Water.Flow1DFV flowFW_cond(N = N_cond, Nw = N_cond - 1, Nt = N_tubes, L = L_cond, A = pi * r_tube_int ^ 2, omega = 2 * pi * r_tube_int, wnom = wnom_FW, FFtype = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes.OpPoint, rhonom = rhonom_FW_cond, wnf = wnf_FW, dpnom = dpnom_FW * L_cond / (L_des + L_cond + L_sub), hstartin = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_FW_cond, Tinlet_nom_FW_cond), hstartout = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_out_FW_cond, Toutlet_nom_FW_cond), pstart = pnom_FW_cond, redeclare package Medium = Medium, redeclare model HeatTransfer = HeatTransferFW_cond, HydraulicCapacitance = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes.Middle, noInitialPressure = noInitialPressure_FW_cond, hstart = hstart_cond);
344 | ThermoPower.Water.Flow1DFV flowFW_sub(A = pi * r_tube_int ^ 2, omega = 2 * pi * r_tube_int, wnom = wnom_FW, FFtype = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes.OpPoint, rhonom = rhonom_FW_sub, wnf = wnf_FW, N = N_sub, Nw = N_sub - 1, Nt = N_tubes, L = L_sub, dpnom = dpnom_FW * L_sub / (L_des + L_cond + L_sub), hstartin = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_FW_sub, Tinlet_nom_FW_sub), hstartout = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_out_FW_sub, Toutlet_nom_FW_sub), pstart = pnom_FW_sub, redeclare package Medium = Medium, redeclare model HeatTransfer = HeatTransferFW_sub, HydraulicCapacitance = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes.Middle, noInitialPressure = noInitialPressure_FW_sub, hstart = hstart_sub);
345 | ThermoPower.Water.Flow1DFV2ph flowDRAIN(N = N_sub, Nw = N_sub - 1, Nt = N_tubes, L = L_sub, A = pi * r_tube_int ^ 2, omega = 2 * pi * r_tube_int, wnom = wnom_DRAIN, FFtype = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes.OpPoint, dpnom = dpnom_DRAIN, rhonom = rhonom_DRAIN, HydraulicCapacitance = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes.Middle, FluidPhaseStart = ThermoPower.Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.TwoPhases, hstartin = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_DRAIN, Tinlet_nom_DRAIN), hstartout = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_out_DRAIN, Toutlet_nom_DRAIN), wnf = wnf_DRAIN, pstart = pnom_DRAIN, redeclare package Medium = Medium, noInitialPressure = noInitialPressure_DRAIN, redeclare model HeatTransfer = HeatTransferDRAIN, hstart = hstart_DRAIN);
346 | ThermoPower.Water.Flow1DFV2ph flowSTEAM(N = N_des, Nw = N_des - 1, Nt = N_tubes, L = L_des, A = pi * r_tube_int ^ 2, omega = 2 * pi * r_tube_int, wnom = wnom_STEAM, HydraulicCapacitance = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes.Middle, wnf = wnf_STEAM, hstartin = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_STEAM, Tinlet_nom_STEAM), hstartout = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(pnom_out_STEAM, Toutlet_nom_STEAM), pstart = p_start_cond, rhonom = rhonom_STEAM, redeclare package Medium = Medium, noInitialPressure = noInitialPressure_STEAM, redeclare model HeatTransfer = HeatTransferSTEAM, FFtype = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes.OpPoint, dpnom = dpnom_STEAM, FluidPhaseStart = ThermoPower.Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.Steam, hstart = hstart_STEAM);
347 | ThermoPower.Water.ValveLiq DrainValve(CvData = ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes.OpPoint, dpnom = dpnom_valve, wnom = wnom_valve, thetanom = thetanom_valve, pnom = pnom_in_valve, rhonom = rhonom_DRAIN, redeclare package Medium = Medium, pout_start = pnom_out_valve);
348 | ThermoPower.Thermal.MetalTubeFV metalTubeFV_des(Nw = N_des - 1, L = L_des, Nt = N_tubes, rint = r_tube_int, rext = r_tube_ext, rhomcm = rho_metal * c_metal, lambda = lambda_metal, Tstartbar = (Toutlet_nom_FW_des + Tinlet_nom_STEAM) / 2, Tstart1 = (Toutlet_nom_FW_des + Tinlet_nom_STEAM) / 2, TstartN = (Tinlet_nom_FW_des + Toutlet_nom_STEAM) / 2, Tvolstart = Tstart_wall_des);
349 | ThermoPower.Thermal.MetalTubeFV metalTubeFV_cond(Nt = N_tubes, rint = r_tube_int, rext = r_tube_ext, rhomcm = rho_metal * c_metal, lambda = lambda_metal, Nw = N_cond - 1, L = L_cond, Tstartbar = (Toutlet_nom_FW_cond + Medium.saturationTemperature(pnom_STEAM)) / 2, Tstart1 = (Toutlet_nom_FW_cond + Medium.saturationTemperature(pnom_STEAM)) / 2, TstartN = (Tinlet_nom_FW_cond + Medium.saturationTemperature(pnom_STEAM)) / 2, Tvolstart = Tstart_wall_cond);
350 | ThermoPower.Thermal.MetalTubeFV metalTubeFV_sub(Nt = N_tubes, rint = r_tube_int, rext = r_tube_ext, rhomcm = rho_metal * c_metal, lambda = lambda_metal, Nw = N_sub - 1, L = L_sub, Tstartbar = (Toutlet_nom_FW_sub + Tinlet_nom_DRAIN) / 2, Tstart1 = (Toutlet_nom_FW_sub + Tinlet_nom_DRAIN) / 2, TstartN = (Tinlet_nom_FW_sub + Toutlet_nom_DRAIN) / 2, Tvolstart = Tstart_wall_sub);
351 | ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatExchangerTopologyFV heatExchangerTopologyFV_des(Nw = N_des - 1, redeclare model HeatExchangerTopology = HeatExchangerTopology_des);
352 | ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatExchangerTopologyFV heatExchangerTopologyFV_cond(Nw = N_cond - 1, redeclare model HeatExchangerTopology = HeatExchangerTopology_cond);
353 | ThermoPower.Thermal.HeatExchangerTopologyFV heatExchangerTopologyFV_sub(Nw = N_sub - 1, redeclare model HeatExchangerTopology = HeatExchangerTopology_sub);
354 | FlexiCaL.Components.NusseltCondenser nusseltCondenser(Nw = N_cond - 1, r_ext_tube = r_tube_ext, Ntubes = N_tubes, L = L_cond, r_int = r_shell_int, gamma = gamma_cond, tauev = tauev, p_start = p_start_cond, zl_set = zl_set, zl_start = zl_set, redeclare package Medium = Medium, noInitialPressure = noInitialPressure_NusseltCondenser);
355 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeA FWin(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
356 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeA STEAMin(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
357 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeA DRAINin(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
358 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeB FWout(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
359 | ThermoPower.Water.FlangeB DRAINout(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
360 | ThermoPower.Thermal.FoulingFV foulingFV_sub(Nv = N_sub - 1, R = Rf, A = r_tube_int * pi * 2 * N_tubes * L_sub);
361 | ThermoPower.Thermal.FoulingFV foulingFV_cond(Nv = N_cond - 1, R = Rf, A = r_tube_int * pi * 2 * N_tubes * L_cond);
362 | ThermoPower.Thermal.FoulingFV foulingFV_des(Nv = N_des - 1, R = Rf, A = r_tube_int * pi * 2 * N_tubes * L_des);
363 | equation
364 | for i in 1:N_des + N_cond + N_sub loop
365 | if i <= N_sub then
366 | Tsteam[i] = flowDRAIN.T[N_sub + 1 - i];
367 | elseif i <= N_sub + N_cond then
368 | Tsteam[i] = nusseltCondenser.T_sat;
369 | else
370 | Tsteam[i] = flowSTEAM.T[N_sub + N_cond + N_des + 1 - i];
371 | end if;
372 | end for;
373 | for i in 1:N_des + N_cond + N_sub loop
374 | if i <= N_sub then
375 | Twater[i] = flowFW_sub.T[i];
376 | elseif i <= N_sub + N_cond then
377 | Twater[i] = flowFW_cond.T[i - N_sub];
378 | else
379 | Twater[i] = flowFW_des.T[i - N_sub - N_cond];
380 | end if;
381 | end for;
382 | connect(ValveDynamic.u, Level_PID.CS);
383 | connect(flowDRAIN.outfl, DrainValve.inlet);
384 | connect(DrainValve.theta, ValveDynamic.y);
385 | connect(flowFW_cond.outfl, flowFW_des.infl);
386 | connect(flowFW_sub.outfl, flowFW_cond.infl);
387 | connect(metalTubeFV_des.int, heatExchangerTopologyFV_des.side2);
388 | connect(metalTubeFV_cond.int, heatExchangerTopologyFV_cond.side2);
389 | connect(metalTubeFV_sub.int, heatExchangerTopologyFV_sub.side2);
390 | connect(flowSTEAM.wall, metalTubeFV_des.ext);
391 | connect(flowDRAIN.infl, nusseltCondenser.drained_out);
392 | connect(nusseltCondenser.steam_in, flowSTEAM.outfl);
393 | connect(flowFW_sub.infl, FWin);
394 | connect(flowFW_des.outfl, FWout);
395 | connect(DrainValve.outlet, DRAINout);
396 | connect(nusseltCondenser.drained_in, DRAINin);
397 | connect(nusseltCondenser.Tube_wall, metalTubeFV_cond.ext);
398 | connect(flowDRAIN.wall, metalTubeFV_sub.ext);
399 | connect(nusseltCondenser.level, Level_PID.PV);
400 | connect(nusseltCondenser.zl_SP, Level_PID.SP);
401 | connect(flowFW_sub.wall, foulingFV_sub.side1);
402 | connect(flowFW_cond.wall, foulingFV_cond.side1);
403 | connect(heatExchangerTopologyFV_cond.side1, foulingFV_cond.side2);
404 | connect(heatExchangerTopologyFV_des.side1, foulingFV_des.side2);
405 | connect(flowFW_des.wall, foulingFV_des.side1);
406 | connect(foulingFV_sub.side2, heatExchangerTopologyFV_sub.side1);
407 | connect(flowSTEAM.infl, STEAMin);
408 | end FWPH_Base;
409 | end Components;
410 |
411 | package Controllers
412 | package Blocks
413 | model FirstOrder_init
414 | import Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init;
415 | import ThermoPower.Choices;
416 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
417 | parameter Real k(unit = "1") = 1 "Gain";
418 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time T(start = 1) "Time Constant";
419 | parameter Choices.Init.Options initOpt = system.initOpt "Initialisation option";
420 | parameter Real y_start = 0 "Initial or guess value of output (= state)";
421 | extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;
422 | initial equation
423 | if initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.noInit then
424 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.fixedState then
425 | y = y_start;
426 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyState then
427 | der(y) = 0;
428 | else
429 | assert(false, "Unsupported initialisation option");
430 | end if;
431 | equation
432 | der(y) = (k * u - y) / T;
433 | end FirstOrder_init;
434 |
435 | model PID_ThermoPower "PID controller with anti-windup"
436 | import ThermoPower.Choices;
437 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
438 | parameter ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options initOpt = system.initOpt "Initialisation option";
439 | parameter Real Kp "Proportional gain (normalised units)";
440 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Ti "Integral time";
441 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Td = 0 "Derivative time";
442 | parameter Real Nd = 1 "Derivative action up to Nd / Td rad/s";
443 | parameter Real Ni = 1 "Ni*Ti is the time constant of anti-windup compensation";
444 | parameter Real b = 1 "Setpoint weight on proportional action";
445 | parameter Real c = 0 "Setpoint weight on derivative action";
446 | parameter Real PVmin "Minimum value of process variable for scaling";
447 | parameter Real PVmax "Maximum value of process variable for scaling";
448 | parameter Real CSmin "Minimum value of control signal for scaling";
449 | parameter Real CSmax "Maximum value of control signal for scaling";
450 | parameter Real PVstart = 0.5 "Start value of PV (scaled)";
451 | parameter Real CSstart = 0.5 "Start value of CS (scaled)";
452 | parameter Boolean holdWhenSimplified = false "Hold CSs at start value when homotopy=simplified";
453 | Real CSs_hom "Control signal scaled in per units, used when homotopy=simplified";
454 | Real P "Proportional action / Kp";
455 | Real I(start = CSstart / Kp) "Integral action / Kp";
456 | Real D "Derivative action / Kp";
457 | Real Dx(start = c * PVstart - PVstart) "State of approximated derivator";
458 | Real PVs "Process variable scaled in per unit";
459 | Real SPs "Setpoint variable scaled in per unit";
460 | Real CSs(start = CSstart) "Control signal scaled in per unit";
461 | Real CSbs(start = CSstart) "Control signal scaled in per unit before saturation";
462 | Real track "Tracking signal for anti-windup integral action";
463 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput PV "Process variable signal";
464 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput CS "Control signal";
465 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput SP "Set point signal";
466 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput HS;
467 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput LS;
468 | initial equation
469 | if initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.noInit then
470 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.fixedState then
471 | CS = CSstart;
472 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyState then
473 | der(I) = 0;
474 | else
475 | assert(false, "Unsupported initialisation option");
476 | end if;
477 | equation
478 | LS = CSbs;
479 | HS = CSs;
480 | SPs = (SP - PVmin) / (PVmax - PVmin);
481 | PVs = (PV - PVmin) / (PVmax - PVmin);
482 | CS = CSmin + CSs * (CSmax - CSmin);
483 | P = b * SPs - PVs;
484 | if Ti > 0 then
485 | Ti * der(I) = SPs - PVs + track;
486 | else
487 | I = 0;
488 | end if;
489 | if Td > 0 then
490 | Td / Nd * der(Dx) + Dx = c * SPs - PVs "State equation of approximated derivator";
491 | D = Nd * (c * SPs - PVs - Dx) "Output equation of approximated derivator";
492 | else
493 | Dx = 0;
494 | D = 0;
495 | end if;
496 | if holdWhenSimplified then
497 | CSs_hom = CSstart;
498 | else
499 | CSs_hom = CSbs;
500 | end if;
501 | CSbs = Kp * (P + I + D) "Control signal before saturation";
502 | CSs = homotopy(smooth(0, if CSbs > 1 then 1 else if CSbs < 0 then 0 else CSbs), CSs_hom) "Saturated control signal";
503 | track = (CSs - CSbs) / (Kp * Ni);
504 | end PID_ThermoPower;
505 | end Blocks;
506 | end Controllers;
507 |
508 | package FeedWater "Components for feed water train modelling"
509 | package FWPHs_Accurate "FWPH Sized Model (and tests) of the FWPH_11, FWPH_12, FWPH_13, FWPH_14, FWPH_15, Base FWPH Model"
510 | package Sized_FWPHs
511 | model FWPH_11
512 | extends FlexiCaL.Components.FWPH_Base(PVmax_PID = 1, wnf_FW = 0.1, wnf_STEAM = 0.02, wnf_DRAIN = 0.02, Rf = 0.0000581, r_tube_int = 0.00692, r_tube_ext = 0.01111, L_tot = 29.78, r_shell_int = 1.28, N_tubes = 1357, Mass_dry_tube = 78791, U_des = 471.6, U_cond = 2738.7, U_sub = 771.4, L_des = 8.4, L_sub = 7.4, wnom_FW = 348.4, wnom_STEAM = 31.2, pnom_out_valve = 5828000, pnom_out_FW_des = 32010000, Toutlet_nom_FW_des = 580.15, Toutlet_nom_FW_cond = 574.15, pnom_FW_sub = 32086000, Tinlet_nom_FW_sub = 546.45, Toutlet_nom_FW_sub = 548.65, pnom_steam = 9076000, Tinlet_nom_STEAM = 661.45, Toutlet_nom_STEAM = 577.65, Tinlet_nom_DRAIN = 576.65, Toutlet_nom_DRAIN = 551.45);
513 | end FWPH_11;
514 | end Sized_FWPHs;
515 | end FWPHs_Accurate;
516 |
517 | package Tests
518 | package Tests_FWPHs_Accurate
519 | model Test_FWPH_base "Base model to test a FWPH"
520 | replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.WaterIF97_ph constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
521 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure po_STEAM "Boundary condition for inlet STEAM";
522 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy ho_STEAM "Boundary condition for inlet STEAM";
523 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wo_FW_in "Boundary condition for inlet FeedWater";
524 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy ho_FW_in "Boundary condition for inlet FeedWater";
525 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure po_FW_out "Boundary condition for outlet FeedWater";
526 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy ho_FW_out "Boundary condition for outlet FeedWater";
527 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.MassFlowRate wo_DRAIN_in "Boundary condition for inlet DRAIN";
528 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy ho_DRAIN_in = ho_DRAIN_out "Boundary condition for inlet DRAIN";
529 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure po_DRAIN_out "Boundary condition for outlet DRAIN";
530 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnthalpy ho_DRAIN_out "Boundary condition for outlet DRAIN";
531 | inner ThermoPower.System system(initOpt = ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options.steadyState);
532 | ThermoPower.Water.SourcePressure STEAMin(redeclare package Medium = Medium, use_in_T = false, p0 = po_STEAM, h = ho_STEAM);
533 | ThermoPower.Water.SinkPressure FWout(redeclare package Medium = Medium, p0 = po_FW_out, h = ho_FW_out);
534 | ThermoPower.Water.SensT sensTo(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
535 | ThermoPower.Water.SourceMassFlow DRAINin(redeclare package Medium = Medium, w0 = wo_DRAIN_in, h = ho_DRAIN_in);
536 | ThermoPower.Water.SinkPressure DRAINout(redeclare package Medium = Medium, p0 = po_DRAIN_out, h = ho_DRAIN_out);
537 | ThermoPower.Water.SensW sensWDR(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
538 | ThermoPower.Water.SensT sensTi(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
539 | ThermoPower.Water.SensW senswFW(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
540 | ThermoPower.Water.SourceMassFlow FWin(redeclare package Medium = Medium, use_in_w0 = false, use_in_T = false, w0 = wo_FW_in, h = ho_FW_in);
541 | equation
542 | connect(FWout.flange, sensTo.outlet);
543 | connect(DRAINout.flange, sensWDR.outlet);
544 | connect(FWin.flange, senswFW.inlet);
545 | connect(senswFW.outlet, sensTi.inlet);
546 | end Test_FWPH_base;
547 |
548 | model Test_FWPH_11
549 | extends Test_FWPH_base(wo_DRAIN_in = 0, ho_STEAM = 3082e3, wo_FW_in = 348.4, ho_FW_in = 1197.3e3, ho_FW_out = 1363.5e3, ho_DRAIN_out = 1226.4e3, po_STEAM = 9090000, po_FW_out = 32010000, po_DRAIN_out = 5818000);
550 | FlexiCaL.FeedWater.FWPHs_Accurate.Sized_FWPHs.FWPH_11 fWPH_11_1;
551 | equation
552 | connect(sensTo.inlet, fWPH_11_1.FWout);
553 | connect(STEAMin.flange, fWPH_11_1.STEAMin);
554 | connect(fWPH_11_1.FWin, sensTi.outlet);
555 | connect(fWPH_11_1.DRAINout, sensWDR.inlet);
556 | connect(fWPH_11_1.DRAINin, DRAINin.flange);
557 | annotation(experiment(StopTime = 1000));
558 | end Test_FWPH_11;
559 | end Tests_FWPHs_Accurate;
560 | end Tests;
561 | end FeedWater;
562 | end FlexiCaL;
563 |
564 | package ThermoPower "Open library for thermal power plant simulation"
565 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
566 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
567 | import NonSI = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits;
568 |
569 | model System "System wide properties and defaults"
570 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = true "= false to restrict to design flow direction (flangeA -> flangeB)" annotation(Evaluate = true);
571 | parameter Choices.Init.Options initOpt = ThermoPower.Choices.Init.Options.fixedState;
572 | parameter SI.Pressure p_amb = 101325 "Ambient pressure";
573 | parameter SI.Temperature T_amb = 293.15 "Ambient Temperature (dry bulb)";
574 | parameter SI.Temperature T_wb = 288.15 "Ambient temperature (wet bulb)";
575 | parameter SI.Frequency fnom = 50 "Nominal grid frequency";
576 | annotation(defaultComponentPrefixes = "inner", missingInnerMessage = "The System object is missing, please drag it on the top layer of your model");
577 | end System;
578 |
579 | package Water "Models of components with water/steam as working fluid"
580 | connector Flange "Flange connector for water/steam flows"
581 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
582 | flow Medium.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate from the connection point into the component";
583 | Medium.AbsolutePressure p "Thermodynamic pressure in the connection point";
584 | stream Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h_outflow "Specific thermodynamic enthalpy close to the connection point if m_flow < 0";
585 | stream Medium.MassFraction[Medium.nXi] Xi_outflow "Independent mixture mass fractions m_i/m close to the connection point if m_flow < 0";
586 | stream Medium.ExtraProperty[Medium.nC] C_outflow "Properties c_i/m close to the connection point if m_flow < 0";
587 | end Flange;
588 |
589 | connector FlangeA "A-type flange connector for water/steam flows"
590 | extends ThermoPower.Water.Flange;
591 | end FlangeA;
592 |
593 | connector FlangeB "B-type flange connector for water/steam flows"
594 | extends ThermoPower.Water.Flange;
595 | end FlangeB;
596 |
597 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
598 | package StandardWater = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater;
599 |
600 | model SourcePressure "Pressure source for water/steam flows"
601 | extends Icons.Water.SourceP;
602 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
603 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p0 = 1.01325e5 "Nominal pressure";
604 | parameter Units.HydraulicResistance R = 0 "Hydraulic resistance";
605 | parameter Boolean use_T = false "Use the temperature if true, otherwise use specific enthalpy";
606 | parameter Medium.Temperature T = 298.15 "Nominal temperature";
607 | parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h = 1e5 "Nominal specific enthalpy";
608 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
609 | parameter Boolean use_in_p0 = false "Use connector input for the pressure";
610 | parameter Boolean use_in_T = false "Use connector input for the temperature";
611 | parameter Boolean use_in_h = false "Use connector input for the specific enthalpy";
612 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
613 | Medium.AbsolutePressure p "Actual pressure";
614 | FlangeB flange(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
615 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_p0 if use_in_p0;
616 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_T if use_in_T "Externally supplied temperature";
617 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_h if use_in_h;
618 | protected
619 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_p0_internal;
620 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_T_internal;
621 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_h_internal;
622 | equation
623 | if R > 0 then
624 | flange.p = p + flange.m_flow * R;
625 | else
626 | flange.p = p;
627 | end if;
628 | p = in_p0_internal;
629 | if not use_in_p0 then
630 | in_p0_internal = p0 "Pressure set by parameter";
631 | end if;
632 | if use_T then
633 | flange.h_outflow = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(p = flange.p, T = in_T_internal);
634 | else
635 | flange.h_outflow = in_h_internal "Enthalpy set by connector";
636 | end if;
637 | if not use_in_T then
638 | in_T_internal = T "Temperature set by parameter";
639 | end if;
640 | if not use_in_h then
641 | in_h_internal = h "Enthalpy set by parameter";
642 | end if;
643 | connect(in_p0, in_p0_internal);
644 | connect(in_T, in_T_internal);
645 | connect(in_h, in_h_internal);
646 | assert(not (use_in_T and use_in_h), "Either temperature or specific enthalpy input");
647 | assert(not (use_T and use_in_h), "use_in_h required use_T = false");
648 | assert(not (not use_T and use_in_T), "use_in_T required use_T = true");
649 | end SourcePressure;
650 |
651 | model SinkPressure "Pressure sink for water/steam flows"
652 | extends Icons.Water.SourceP;
653 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
654 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p0 = 1.01325e5 "Nominal pressure";
655 | parameter Units.HydraulicResistance R = 0 "Hydraulic resistance" annotation(Evaluate = true);
656 | parameter Boolean use_T = false "Use the temperature if true, otherwise use specific enthalpy";
657 | parameter Medium.Temperature T = 298.15 "Nominal temperature";
658 | parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h = 1e5 "Nominal specific enthalpy";
659 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
660 | parameter Boolean use_in_p0 = false "Use connector input for the pressure";
661 | parameter Boolean use_in_T = false "Use connector input for the temperature";
662 | parameter Boolean use_in_h = false "Use connector input for the specific enthalpy";
663 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
664 | Medium.AbsolutePressure p "Actual pressure";
665 | FlangeA flange(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(min = if allowFlowReversal then -Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
666 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_p0 if use_in_p0;
667 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_T if use_in_T "Externally supplied temperature";
668 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_h if use_in_h;
669 | protected
670 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_p0_internal;
671 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_T_internal;
672 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_h_internal;
673 | equation
674 | if R > 0 then
675 | flange.p = p + flange.m_flow * R;
676 | else
677 | flange.p = p;
678 | end if;
679 | p = in_p0_internal;
680 | if not use_in_p0 then
681 | in_p0_internal = p0 "Pressure set by parameter";
682 | end if;
683 | if use_T then
684 | flange.h_outflow = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(p = flange.p, T = in_T_internal);
685 | else
686 | flange.h_outflow = in_h_internal "Enthalpy set by connector";
687 | end if;
688 | if not use_in_T then
689 | in_T_internal = T "Temperature set by parameter";
690 | end if;
691 | if not use_in_h then
692 | in_h_internal = h "Enthalpy set by parameter";
693 | end if;
694 | connect(in_p0, in_p0_internal);
695 | connect(in_T, in_T_internal);
696 | connect(in_h, in_h_internal);
697 | assert(not (use_in_T and use_in_h), "Either temperature or specific enthalpy input");
698 | assert(not (use_T and use_in_h), "use_in_h required use_T = false");
699 | assert(not (not use_T and use_in_T), "use_in_T required use_T = true");
700 | end SinkPressure;
701 |
702 | model SourceMassFlow "Flowrate source for water/steam flows"
703 | extends Icons.Water.SourceW;
704 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialPureSubstance;
705 | parameter Medium.MassFlowRate w0 = 0 "Nominal mass flowrate";
706 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure p0 = 1e5 "Nominal pressure";
707 | parameter Units.HydraulicConductance G = 0 "Hydraulic conductance";
708 | parameter Boolean use_T = false "Use the temperature if true, otherwise use specific enthalpy";
709 | parameter Medium.Temperature T = 298.15 "Nominal temperature";
710 | parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h = 1e5 "Nominal specific enthalpy";
711 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
712 | parameter Boolean use_in_w0 = false "Use connector input for the mass flow";
713 | parameter Boolean use_in_T = false "Use connector input for the temperature";
714 | parameter Boolean use_in_h = false "Use connector input for the specific enthalpy";
715 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
716 | Medium.MassFlowRate w "Mass flow rate";
717 | FlangeB flange(redeclare package Medium = Medium);
718 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_w0 if use_in_w0 "Externally supplied mass flow rate";
719 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_T if use_in_T "Externally supplied temperature";
720 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_h if use_in_h "Externally supplied specific enthalpy";
721 | protected
722 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_w0_internal;
723 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_T_internal;
724 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput in_h_internal;
725 | equation
726 | if G > 0 then
727 | flange.m_flow = (-w) + (flange.p - p0) * G;
728 | else
729 | flange.m_flow = -w;
730 | end if;
731 | w = in_w0_internal;
732 | if not use_in_w0 then
733 | in_w0_internal = w0 "Flow rate set by parameter";
734 | end if;
735 | if use_T then
736 | flange.h_outflow = Medium.specificEnthalpy_pT(p = flange.p, T = in_T_internal);
737 | else
738 | flange.h_outflow = in_h_internal "Enthalpy set by connector";
739 | end if;
740 | if not use_in_T then
741 | in_T_internal = T "Temperature set by parameter";
742 | end if;
743 | if not use_in_h then
744 | in_h_internal = h "Enthalpy set by parameter";
745 | end if;
746 | connect(in_w0, in_w0_internal);
747 | connect(in_h, in_h_internal);
748 | connect(in_T, in_T_internal);
749 | assert(not (use_in_T and use_in_h), "Either temperature or specific enthalpy input");
750 | assert(not (use_T and use_in_h), "use_in_h required use_T = false");
751 | assert(not (not use_T and use_in_T), "use_in_T required use_T = true");
752 | end SourceMassFlow;
753 |
754 | model Flow1DFV "1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite volumes)"
755 | extends BaseClasses.Flow1DBase;
756 | import ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes;
757 | import ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes;
758 | parameter SI.PerUnit wnm = 1e-3 "Maximum fraction of the nominal flow rate allowed as reverse flow";
759 | parameter Boolean fixedMassFlowSimplified = false "Fix flow rate = wnom for simplified homotopy model";
760 | Medium.ThermodynamicState[N] fluidState "Thermodynamic state of the fluid at the nodes";
761 | SI.Length omega_hyd "Wet perimeter (single tube)";
762 | SI.Pressure Dpfric "Pressure drop due to friction (total)";
763 | SI.Pressure Dpfric1 "Pressure drop due to friction (from inlet to capacitance)";
764 | SI.Pressure Dpfric2 "Pressure drop due to friction (from capacitance to outlet)";
765 | SI.Pressure Dpstat "Pressure drop due to static head";
766 | Medium.MassFlowRate win "Flow rate at the inlet (single tube)";
767 | Medium.MassFlowRate wout "Flow rate at the outlet (single tube)";
768 | Real Kf "Hydraulic friction coefficient";
769 | Real dwdt "Dynamic momentum term";
770 | SI.PerUnit Cf "Fanning friction factor";
771 | Medium.AbsolutePressure p(start = pstart, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "Fluid pressure for property calculations";
772 | Medium.MassFlowRate w(start = wnom / Nt) "Mass flow rate (single tube)";
773 | Medium.MassFlowRate[N - 1] wbar(each start = wnom / Nt) "Average flow rate through volumes (single tube)";
774 | SI.Power[N - 1] Q_single = heatTransfer.Qvol / Nt "Heat flows entering the volumes from the lateral boundary (single tube)";
775 | SI.Velocity[N] u "Fluid velocity";
776 | Medium.Temperature[N] T "Fluid temperature";
777 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy[N] h(start = hstart) "Fluid specific enthalpy at the nodes";
778 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy[N - 1] htilde(start = hstart[2:N], each stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "Enthalpy state variables";
779 | Medium.Density[N] rho "Fluid nodal density";
780 | SI.Mass M "Fluid mass (single tube)";
781 | SI.Mass Mtot "Fluid mass (total)";
782 | SI.MassFlowRate[N - 1] dMdt "Time derivative of mass in each cell between two nodes";
783 | replaceable model HeatTransfer = Thermal.HeatTransferFV.IdealHeatTransfer constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
784 | HeatTransfer heatTransfer(redeclare package Medium = Medium, final Nf = N, final Nw = Nw, final Nt = Nt, final L = L, final A = A, final Dhyd = Dhyd, final omega = omega, final wnom = wnom / Nt, final w = w * ones(N), final fluidState = fluidState) "Instantiated heat transfer model";
785 | ThermoPower.Thermal.DHTVolumes wall(final N = Nw);
786 | protected
787 | Medium.Density[N - 1] rhobar "Fluid average density";
788 | SI.SpecificVolume[N - 1] vbar "Fluid average specific volume";
789 | SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy[N] drdh "Derivative of density by enthalpy";
790 | SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy[N - 1] drbdh "Derivative of average density by enthalpy";
791 | SI.DerDensityByPressure[N] drdp "Derivative of density by pressure";
792 | SI.DerDensityByPressure[N - 1] drbdp "Derivative of average density by pressure";
793 | initial equation
794 | if initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.noInit then
795 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.fixedState then
796 | if not noInitialPressure then
797 | p = pstart;
798 | end if;
799 | htilde = hstart[2:N];
800 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyState then
801 | der(htilde) = zeros(N - 1);
802 | if not Medium.singleState and not noInitialPressure then
803 | der(p) = 0;
804 | end if;
805 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyStateNoP then
806 | der(htilde) = zeros(N - 1);
807 | assert(false, "initOpt = steadyStateNoP deprecated, use steadyState and noInitialPressure", AssertionLevel.warning);
808 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyStateNoT and not Medium.singleState then
809 | der(p) = 0;
810 | else
811 | assert(false, "Unsupported initialisation option");
812 | end if;
813 | equation
814 | omega_hyd = 4 * A / Dhyd;
815 | if FFtype == FFtypes.Kfnom then
816 | Kf = Kfnom * Kfc;
817 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.OpPoint then
818 | Kf = dpnom * rhonom / (wnom / Nt) ^ 2 * Kfc;
819 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.Cfnom then
820 | Cf = Cfnom * Kfc;
821 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.Colebrook then
822 | Cf = f_colebrook(w, Dhyd / A, e, Medium.dynamicViscosity(fluidState[integer(N / 2)])) * Kfc;
823 | else
824 | Cf = 0;
825 | end if;
826 | Kf = Cf * omega_hyd * L / (2 * A ^ 3) "Relationship between friction coefficient and Fanning friction factor";
827 | assert(Kf >= 0, "Negative friction coefficient");
828 | if DynamicMomentum then
829 | dwdt = der(w);
830 | else
831 | dwdt = 0;
832 | end if;
833 | sum(dMdt) = (infl.m_flow + outfl.m_flow) / Nt "Mass balance";
834 | L / A * dwdt + outfl.p - infl.p + Dpstat + Dpfric = 0 "Momentum balance";
835 | Dpfric = Dpfric1 + Dpfric2 "Total pressure drop due to friction";
836 | if FFtype == FFtypes.NoFriction then
837 | Dpfric1 = 0;
838 | Dpfric2 = 0;
839 | elseif HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Middle then
840 | Dpfric1 = homotopy(Kf * squareReg(win, wnom / Nt * wnf) * sum(vbar[1:integer((N - 1) / 2)]) / (N - 1), dpnom / 2 / (wnom / Nt) * win) "Pressure drop from inlet to capacitance";
841 | Dpfric2 = homotopy(Kf * squareReg(wout, wnom / Nt * wnf) * sum(vbar[1 + integer((N - 1) / 2):N - 1]) / (N - 1), dpnom / 2 / (wnom / Nt) * wout) "Pressure drop from capacitance to outlet";
842 | elseif HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Upstream then
843 | Dpfric1 = 0 "Pressure drop from inlet to capacitance";
844 | Dpfric2 = homotopy(Kf * squareReg(wout, wnom / Nt * wnf) * sum(vbar) / (N - 1), dpnom / (wnom / Nt) * wout) "Pressure drop from capacitance to outlet";
845 | else
846 | Dpfric1 = homotopy(Kf * squareReg(win, wnom / Nt * wnf) * sum(vbar) / (N - 1), dpnom / (wnom / Nt) * win) "Pressure drop from inlet to capacitance";
847 | Dpfric2 = 0 "Pressure drop from capacitance to outlet";
848 | end if;
849 | Dpstat = if abs(dzdx) < 1e-6 then 0 else g * l * dzdx * sum(rhobar) "Pressure drop due to static head";
850 | for j in 1:N - 1 loop
851 | if Medium.singleState then
852 | A * l * rhobar[j] * der(htilde[j]) + wbar[j] * (h[j + 1] - h[j]) = Q_single[j] "Energy balance (pressure effects neglected)";
853 | else
854 | A * l * rhobar[j] * der(htilde[j]) + wbar[j] * (h[j + 1] - h[j]) - A * l * der(p) = Q_single[j] "Energy balance";
855 | end if;
856 | dMdt[j] = A * l * (drbdh[j] * der(htilde[j]) + drbdp[j] * der(p)) "Mass derivative for each volume";
857 | rhobar[j] = (rho[j] + rho[j + 1]) / 2;
858 | drbdp[j] = (drdp[j] + drdp[j + 1]) / 2;
859 | drbdh[j] = (drdh[j] + drdh[j + 1]) / 2;
860 | vbar[j] = 1 / rhobar[j];
861 | if fixedMassFlowSimplified then
862 | wbar[j] = homotopy(infl.m_flow / Nt - sum(dMdt[1:j - 1]) - dMdt[j] / 2, wnom / Nt);
863 | else
864 | wbar[j] = infl.m_flow / Nt - sum(dMdt[1:j - 1]) - dMdt[j] / 2;
865 | end if;
866 | end for;
867 | for j in 1:N loop
868 | fluidState[j] = Medium.setState_ph(p, h[j]);
869 | T[j] = Medium.temperature(fluidState[j]);
870 | rho[j] = Medium.density(fluidState[j]);
871 | drdp[j] = if Medium.singleState then 0 else Medium.density_derp_h(fluidState[j]);
872 | drdh[j] = Medium.density_derh_p(fluidState[j]);
873 | u[j] = w / (rho[j] * A);
874 | end for;
875 | win = infl.m_flow / Nt;
876 | wout = -outfl.m_flow / Nt;
877 | assert(HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Upstream or HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Middle or HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Downstream, "Unsupported HydraulicCapacitance option");
878 | if HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Middle then
879 | p = infl.p - Dpfric1 - Dpstat / 2;
880 | w = win;
881 | elseif HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Upstream then
882 | p = infl.p;
883 | w = -outfl.m_flow / Nt;
884 | else
885 | p = outfl.p;
886 | w = win;
887 | end if;
888 | infl.h_outflow = htilde[1];
889 | outfl.h_outflow = htilde[N - 1];
890 | h[1] = inStream(infl.h_outflow);
891 | h[2:N] = htilde;
892 | connect(wall, heatTransfer.wall);
893 | Q = heatTransfer.Q "Total heat flow through lateral boundary";
894 | M = sum(rhobar) * A * l "Fluid mass (single tube)";
895 | Mtot = M * Nt "Fluid mass (total)";
896 | Tr = noEvent(M / max(win, Modelica.Constants.eps)) "Residence time";
897 | assert(w > (-wnom * wnm), "Reverse flow not allowed, maybe you connected the component with wrong orientation");
898 | end Flow1DFV;
899 |
900 | model Flow1DFV2ph "1-dimensional fluid flow model for water/steam (finite volumes, 2-phase)"
901 | extends BaseClasses.Flow1DBase(redeclare replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium, FluidPhaseStart = Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.TwoPhases);
902 | replaceable model HeatTransfer = Thermal.HeatTransferFV.IdealHeatTransfer constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
903 | HeatTransfer heatTransfer(redeclare package Medium = Medium, final Nf = N, final Nw = Nw, final Nt = Nt, final L = L, final A = A, final Dhyd = Dhyd, final omega = omega, final wnom = wnom / Nt, final w = w * ones(N), final fluidState = fluidState) "Instantiated heat transfer model";
904 | ThermoPower.Thermal.DHTVolumes wall(final N = Nw);
905 | import ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes;
906 | import ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes;
907 | constant SI.Pressure pzero = 10 "Small deltap for calculations";
908 | constant Medium.AbsolutePressure pc = Medium.fluidConstants[1].criticalPressure;
909 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hzero = 1e-3 "Small value for deltah";
910 | parameter SI.PerUnit wnm = 1e-3 "Maximum fraction of the nominal flow rate allowed as reverse flow";
911 | parameter Boolean fixedMassFlowSimplified = false "Fix flow rate = wnom for simplified homotopy model";
912 | Medium.ThermodynamicState[N] fluidState "Thermodynamic state of the fluid at the nodes";
913 | Medium.SaturationProperties sat "Properties of saturated fluid";
914 | SI.Length omega_hyd "Wet perimeter (single tube)";
915 | SI.Pressure Dpfric "Pressure drop due to friction";
916 | SI.Pressure Dpstat "Pressure drop due to static head";
917 | Real[N - 1] Kf "Friction coefficient";
918 | Real[N - 1] Kfl "Linear friction coefficient";
919 | Real[N - 1] Cf "Fanning friction factor";
920 | Real dwdt "Dynamic momentum term";
921 | Medium.AbsolutePressure p(start = pstart) "Fluid pressure for property calculations";
922 | SI.Pressure[N - 1] dpf "Pressure drop due to friction between two nodes";
923 | Medium.MassFlowRate w(start = wnom / Nt) "Mass flowrate (single tube)";
924 | Medium.MassFlowRate[N - 1] wbar(each start = wnom / Nt) "Average mass flow rates (single tube)";
925 | SI.Power[N - 1] Q_single = heatTransfer.Qvol / Nt "Heat flows entering the volumes from the lateral boundary (single tube)";
926 | SI.Velocity[N] u "Fluid velocity";
927 | Medium.Temperature[N] T "Fluid temperature";
928 | Medium.Temperature Ts "Saturated water temperature";
929 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy[N] h(start = hstart) "Fluid specific enthalpy";
930 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy[N - 1] htilde(start = hstart[2:N]) "Enthalpy state variables";
931 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hl "Saturated liquid temperature";
932 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hv "Saturated vapour temperature";
933 | SI.PerUnit[N] x "Steam quality";
934 | Medium.Density[N] rho "Fluid density";
935 | Units.LiquidDensity rhol "Saturated liquid density";
936 | Units.GasDensity rhov "Saturated vapour density";
937 | SI.Mass M "Fluid mass";
938 | protected
939 | SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure dhldp "Derivative of saturated liquid enthalpy by pressure";
940 | SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure dhvdp "Derivative of saturated vapour enthalpy by pressure";
941 | Medium.Density[N - 1] rhobar "Fluid average density";
942 | SI.DerDensityByPressure[N] drdp "Derivative of density by pressure";
943 | SI.DerDensityByPressure[N - 1] drbdp "Derivative of average density by pressure";
944 | SI.DerDensityByPressure drldp "Derivative of saturated liquid density by pressure";
945 | SI.DerDensityByPressure drvdp "Derivative of saturated vapour density by pressure";
946 | SI.SpecificVolume[N - 1] vbar "Average specific volume";
947 | SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy[N] drdh "Derivative of density by enthalpy";
948 | SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy[N - 1] drbdh1 "Derivative of average density by left enthalpy";
949 | SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy[N - 1] drbdh2 "Derivative of average density by right enthalpy";
950 | Real AA;
951 | Real AA1;
952 | SI.MassFlowRate[N - 1] dMdt "Derivative of fluid mass in each volume";
953 | initial equation
954 | if initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.noInit then
955 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.fixedState then
956 | if not noInitialPressure then
957 | p = pstart;
958 | end if;
959 | htilde = hstart[2:N];
960 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyState then
961 | der(htilde) = zeros(N - 1);
962 | if not Medium.singleState and not noInitialPressure then
963 | der(p) = 0;
964 | end if;
965 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyStateNoP then
966 | der(htilde) = zeros(N - 1);
967 | assert(false, "initOpt = steadyStateNoP deprecated, use steadyState and noInitialPressure", AssertionLevel.warning);
968 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyStateNoT and not Medium.singleState then
969 | der(p) = 0;
970 | else
971 | assert(false, "Unsupported initialisation option");
972 | end if;
973 | equation
974 | omega_hyd = 4 * A / Dhyd;
975 | for j in 1:N - 1 loop
976 | if FFtype == FFtypes.Kfnom then
977 | Kf[j] = Kfnom * Kfc / (N - 1);
978 | Cf[j] = 2 * Kf[j] * A ^ 3 / (omega_hyd * l);
979 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.OpPoint then
980 | Kf[j] = dpnom * rhonom / (wnom / Nt) ^ 2 / (N - 1) * Kfc;
981 | Cf[j] = 2 * Kf[j] * A ^ 3 / (omega_hyd * l);
982 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.Cfnom then
983 | Kf[j] = Cfnom * omega_hyd * l / (2 * A ^ 3) * Kfc;
984 | Cf[j] = 2 * Kf[j] * A ^ 3 / (omega_hyd * l);
985 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.Colebrook then
986 | Cf[j] = if noEvent(htilde[j] < hl or htilde[j] > hv) then f_colebrook(w, Dhyd / A, e, Medium.dynamicViscosity(fluidState[j])) * Kfc else f_colebrook_2ph(w, Dhyd / A, e, Medium.dynamicViscosity(Medium.setBubbleState(sat, 1)), Medium.dynamicViscosity(Medium.setDewState(sat, 1)), x[j]) * Kfc;
987 | Kf[j] = Cf[j] * omega_hyd * l / (2 * A ^ 3);
988 | elseif FFtype == FFtypes.NoFriction then
989 | Cf[j] = 0;
990 | Kf[j] = 0;
991 | else
992 | assert(FFtype <> FFtypes.NoFriction, "Unsupported FFtype");
993 | Cf[j] = 0;
994 | Kf[j] = 0;
995 | end if;
996 | assert(Kf[j] >= 0, "Negative friction coefficient");
997 | Kfl[j] = wnom / Nt * wnf * Kf[j];
998 | end for;
999 | if DynamicMomentum then
1000 | dwdt = der(w);
1001 | else
1002 | dwdt = 0;
1003 | end if;
1004 | sum(dMdt) = infl.m_flow / Nt + outfl.m_flow / Nt "Mass balance";
1005 | sum(dpf) = Dpfric "Total pressure drop due to friction";
1006 | Dpstat = if abs(dzdx) < 1e-6 then 0 else g * l * dzdx * sum(rhobar) "Pressure drop due to static head";
1007 | L / A * dwdt + outfl.p - infl.p + Dpstat + Dpfric = 0 "Momentum balance";
1008 | for j in 1:N - 1 loop
1009 | A * l * rhobar[j] * der(htilde[j]) + wbar[j] * (h[j + 1] - h[j]) - A * l * der(p) = Q_single[j] "Energy balance";
1010 | dMdt[j] = A * l * (drbdh1[j] * der(h[j]) + drbdh2[j] * der(h[j + 1]) + drbdp[j] * der(p)) "Mass balance for each volume";
1011 | vbar[j] = 1 / rhobar[j] "Average specific volume";
1012 | if fixedMassFlowSimplified then
1013 | wbar[j] = homotopy(infl.m_flow / Nt - sum(dMdt[1:j - 1]) - dMdt[j] / 2, wnom / Nt);
1014 | else
1015 | wbar[j] = infl.m_flow / Nt - sum(dMdt[1:j - 1]) - dMdt[j] / 2;
1016 | end if;
1017 | dpf[j] = if FFtype == FFtypes.NoFriction then 0 else homotopy(smooth(1, Kf[j] * squareReg(w, wnom / Nt * wnf)) * vbar[j], dpnom / (N - 1) / (wnom / Nt) * w);
1018 | if avoidInletEnthalpyDerivative and j == 1 then
1019 | rhobar[j] = rho[j + 1];
1020 | drbdp[j] = drdp[j + 1];
1021 | drbdh1[j] = 0;
1022 | drbdh2[j] = drdh[j + 1];
1023 | elseif noEvent(h[j] < hl and h[j + 1] < hl or h[j] > hv and h[j + 1] > hv or p >= pc - pzero or abs(h[j + 1] - h[j]) < hzero) then
1024 | rhobar[j] = (rho[j] + rho[j + 1]) / 2;
1025 | drbdp[j] = (drdp[j] + drdp[j + 1]) / 2;
1026 | drbdh1[j] = drdh[j] / 2;
1027 | drbdh2[j] = drdh[j + 1] / 2;
1028 | elseif noEvent(h[j] >= hl and h[j] <= hv and h[j + 1] >= hl and h[j + 1] <= hv) then
1029 | rhobar[j] = AA * log(rho[j] / rho[j + 1]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1030 | drbdp[j] = (AA1 * log(rho[j] / rho[j + 1]) + AA * (1 / rho[j] * drdp[j] - 1 / rho[j + 1] * drdp[j + 1])) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1031 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - rho[j]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1032 | drbdh2[j] = (rho[j + 1] - rhobar[j]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1033 | elseif noEvent(h[j] < hl and h[j + 1] >= hl and h[j + 1] <= hv) then
1034 | rhobar[j] = ((rho[j] + rhol) * (hl - h[j]) / 2 + AA * log(rhol / rho[j + 1])) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1035 | drbdp[j] = ((drdp[j] + drldp) * (hl - h[j]) / 2 + (rho[j] + rhol) / 2 * dhldp + AA1 * log(rhol / rho[j + 1]) + AA * (1 / rhol * drldp - 1 / rho[j + 1] * drdp[j + 1])) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1036 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - (rho[j] + rhol) / 2 + drdh[j] * (hl - h[j]) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1037 | drbdh2[j] = (rho[j + 1] - rhobar[j]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1038 | elseif noEvent(h[j] >= hl and h[j] <= hv and h[j + 1] > hv) then
1039 | rhobar[j] = (AA * log(rho[j] / rhov) + (rhov + rho[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hv) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1040 | drbdp[j] = (AA1 * log(rho[j] / rhov) + AA * (1 / rho[j] * drdp[j] - 1 / rhov * drvdp) + (drvdp + drdp[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hv) / 2 - (rhov + rho[j + 1]) / 2 * dhvdp) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1041 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - rho[j]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1042 | drbdh2[j] = ((rhov + rho[j + 1]) / 2 - rhobar[j] + drdh[j + 1] * (h[j + 1] - hv) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1043 | elseif noEvent(h[j] < hl and h[j + 1] > hv) then
1044 | rhobar[j] = ((rho[j] + rhol) * (hl - h[j]) / 2 + AA * log(rhol / rhov) + (rhov + rho[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hv) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1045 | drbdp[j] = ((drdp[j] + drldp) * (hl - h[j]) / 2 + (rho[j] + rhol) / 2 * dhldp + AA1 * log(rhol / rhov) + AA * (1 / rhol * drldp - 1 / rhov * drvdp) + (drvdp + drdp[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hv) / 2 - (rhov + rho[j + 1]) / 2 * dhvdp) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1046 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - (rho[j] + rhol) / 2 + drdh[j] * (hl - h[j]) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1047 | drbdh2[j] = ((rhov + rho[j + 1]) / 2 - rhobar[j] + drdh[j + 1] * (h[j + 1] - hv) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1048 | elseif noEvent(h[j] >= hl and h[j] <= hv and h[j + 1] < hl) then
1049 | rhobar[j] = (AA * log(rho[j] / rhol) + (rhol + rho[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hl) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1050 | drbdp[j] = (AA1 * log(rho[j] / rhol) + AA * (1 / rho[j] * drdp[j] - 1 / rhol * drldp) + (drldp + drdp[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hl) / 2 - (rhol + rho[j + 1]) / 2 * dhldp) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1051 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - rho[j]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1052 | drbdh2[j] = ((rhol + rho[j + 1]) / 2 - rhobar[j] + drdh[j + 1] * (h[j + 1] - hl) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1053 | elseif noEvent(h[j] > hv and h[j + 1] < hl) then
1054 | rhobar[j] = ((rho[j] + rhov) * (hv - h[j]) / 2 + AA * log(rhov / rhol) + (rhol + rho[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hl) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1055 | drbdp[j] = ((drdp[j] + drvdp) * (hv - h[j]) / 2 + (rho[j] + rhov) / 2 * dhvdp + AA1 * log(rhov / rhol) + AA * (1 / rhov * drvdp - 1 / rhol * drldp) + (drldp + drdp[j + 1]) * (h[j + 1] - hl) / 2 - (rhol + rho[j + 1]) / 2 * dhldp) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1056 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - (rho[j] + rhov) / 2 + drdh[j] * (hv - h[j]) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1057 | drbdh2[j] = ((rhol + rho[j + 1]) / 2 - rhobar[j] + drdh[j + 1] * (h[j + 1] - hl) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1058 | else
1059 | rhobar[j] = ((rho[j] + rhov) * (hv - h[j]) / 2 + AA * log(rhov / rho[j + 1])) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1060 | drbdp[j] = ((drdp[j] + drvdp) * (hv - h[j]) / 2 + (rho[j] + rhov) / 2 * dhvdp + AA1 * log(rhov / rho[j + 1]) + AA * (1 / rhov * drvdp - 1 / rho[j + 1] * drdp[j + 1])) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1061 | drbdh1[j] = (rhobar[j] - (rho[j] + rhov) / 2 + drdh[j] * (hv - h[j]) / 2) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1062 | drbdh2[j] = (rho[j + 1] - rhobar[j]) / (h[j + 1] - h[j]);
1063 | end if;
1064 | end for;
1065 | sat = Medium.setSat_p(p);
1066 | Ts = sat.Tsat;
1067 | rhol = Medium.bubbleDensity(sat);
1068 | rhov = Medium.dewDensity(sat);
1069 | hl = Medium.bubbleEnthalpy(sat);
1070 | hv = Medium.dewEnthalpy(sat);
1071 | drldp = Medium.dBubbleDensity_dPressure(sat);
1072 | drvdp = Medium.dDewDensity_dPressure(sat);
1073 | dhldp = Medium.dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure(sat);
1074 | dhvdp = Medium.dDewEnthalpy_dPressure(sat);
1075 | AA = (hv - hl) / (1 / rhov - 1 / rhol);
1076 | AA1 = ((dhvdp - dhldp) * (rhol - rhov) * rhol * rhov - (hv - hl) * (rhov ^ 2 * drldp - rhol ^ 2 * drvdp)) / (rhol - rhov) ^ 2;
1077 | for j in 1:N loop
1078 | fluidState[j] = Medium.setState_ph(p, h[j]);
1079 | T[j] = Medium.temperature(fluidState[j]);
1080 | rho[j] = Medium.density(fluidState[j]);
1081 | drdp[j] = Medium.density_derp_h(fluidState[j]);
1082 | drdh[j] = Medium.density_derh_p(fluidState[j]);
1083 | u[j] = w / (rho[j] * A);
1084 | x[j] = noEvent(if h[j] <= hl then 0 else if h[j] >= hv then 1 else (h[j] - hl) / (hv - hl));
1085 | end for;
1086 | if HydraulicCapacitance == HCtypes.Upstream then
1087 | p = infl.p;
1088 | w = -outfl.m_flow / Nt;
1089 | else
1090 | p = outfl.p;
1091 | w = infl.m_flow / Nt;
1092 | end if;
1093 | infl.h_outflow = htilde[1];
1094 | outfl.h_outflow = htilde[N - 1];
1095 | h[1] = inStream(infl.h_outflow);
1096 | h[2:N] = htilde;
1097 | connect(wall, heatTransfer.wall);
1098 | Q = heatTransfer.Q "Total heat flow through lateral boundary";
1099 | M = sum(rhobar) * A * l "Fluid mass (single tube)";
1100 | Tr = noEvent(M / max(infl.m_flow / Nt, Modelica.Constants.eps)) "Residence time";
1101 | assert(infl.m_flow > (-wnom * wnm), "Reverse flow not allowed, maybe you connected the component with wrong orientation");
1102 | end Flow1DFV2ph;
1103 |
1104 | model SensT "Temperature sensor for water-steam"
1105 | extends Icons.Water.SensThrough;
1106 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
1107 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1108 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
1109 | Medium.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy of the fluid";
1110 | Medium.ThermodynamicState fluidState "Thermodynamic state of the fluid";
1111 | FlangeA inlet(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(min = if allowFlowReversal then -Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
1112 | FlangeB outlet(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(max = if allowFlowReversal then +Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
1113 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput T;
1114 | equation
1115 | inlet.m_flow + outlet.m_flow = 0 "Mass balance";
1116 | inlet.p = outlet.p "No pressure drop";
1117 | h = homotopy(if not allowFlowReversal then inStream(inlet.h_outflow) else actualStream(inlet.h_outflow), inStream(inlet.h_outflow));
1118 | fluidState = Medium.setState_ph(inlet.p, h);
1119 | T = Medium.temperature(fluidState);
1120 | inlet.h_outflow = inStream(outlet.h_outflow);
1121 | inStream(inlet.h_outflow) = outlet.h_outflow;
1122 | end SensT;
1123 |
1124 | model SensW "Mass Flowrate sensor for water/steam"
1125 | extends Icons.Water.SensThrough;
1126 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
1127 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1128 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
1129 | FlangeA inlet(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(min = if allowFlowReversal then -Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
1130 | FlangeB outlet(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(max = if allowFlowReversal then +Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
1131 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput w;
1132 | equation
1133 | inlet.m_flow + outlet.m_flow = 0 "Mass balance";
1134 | inlet.p = outlet.p;
1135 | inlet.h_outflow = inStream(outlet.h_outflow);
1136 | inStream(inlet.h_outflow) = outlet.h_outflow;
1137 | w = inlet.m_flow;
1138 | end SensW;
1139 |
1140 | model ValveLiq "Valve for liquid water flow"
1141 | extends BaseClasses.ValveBase;
1142 | import ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes;
1143 | initial equation
1144 | if CvData == CvTypes.OpPoint then
1145 | wnom = FlowChar(thetanom) * Av * sqrt(rhonom) * sqrtR(dpnom) "Determination of Av by the operating point";
1146 | end if;
1147 | equation
1148 | if CheckValve then
1149 | w = homotopy(FlowChar(theta_act) * Av * sqrt(rho) * smooth(0, if dp >= 0 then sqrtR(dp) else 0), theta_act / thetanom * wnom / dpnom * (inlet.p - outlet.p));
1150 | else
1151 | w = homotopy(FlowChar(theta_act) * Av * sqrt(rho) * sqrtR(dp), theta_act / thetanom * wnom / dpnom * (inlet.p - outlet.p));
1152 | end if;
1153 | end ValveLiq;
1154 |
1155 | function f_colebrook "Fanning friction factor for water/steam flows"
1156 | input SI.MassFlowRate w;
1157 | input Real D_A;
1158 | input Real e;
1159 | input SI.DynamicViscosity mu;
1160 | output SI.PerUnit f;
1161 | protected
1162 | SI.PerUnit Re;
1163 | algorithm
1164 | Re := abs(w) * D_A / mu;
1165 | Re := if Re > 2100 then Re else 2100;
1166 | f := 0.332 / log(e / 3.7 + 5.47 / Re ^ 0.9) ^ 2;
1167 | end f_colebrook;
1168 |
1169 | function f_colebrook_2ph "Fanning friction factor for a two phase water/steam flow"
1170 | input SI.MassFlowRate w;
1171 | input Real D_A;
1172 | input Real e;
1173 | input SI.DynamicViscosity mul;
1174 | input SI.DynamicViscosity muv;
1175 | input SI.PerUnit x;
1176 | output SI.PerUnit f;
1177 | protected
1178 | SI.PerUnit Re;
1179 | SI.DynamicViscosity mu;
1180 | algorithm
1181 | mu := 1 / (x / muv + (1 - x) / mul);
1182 | Re := w * D_A / mu;
1183 | Re := if Re > 2100 then Re else 2100;
1184 | f := 0.332 / log(e / 3.7 + 5.47 / Re ^ 0.9) ^ 2;
1185 | end f_colebrook_2ph;
1186 |
1187 | package BaseClasses "Contains partial models"
1188 | extends Modelica.Icons.BasesPackage;
1189 |
1190 | partial model Flow1DBase "Basic interface for 1-dimensional water/steam fluid flow models"
1191 | import ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes;
1192 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
1193 | extends Icons.Water.Tube;
1194 | constant Real pi = Modelica.Constants.pi;
1195 | parameter Integer N(min = 2) = 2 "Number of nodes for thermal variables";
1196 | parameter Integer Nw = N - 1 "Number of volumes on the wall interface";
1197 | parameter Integer Nt = 1 "Number of tubes in parallel";
1198 | parameter SI.Distance L "Tube length" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1199 | parameter SI.Position H = 0 "Elevation of outlet over inlet";
1200 | parameter SI.Area A "Cross-sectional area (single tube)";
1201 | parameter SI.Length omega "Perimeter of heat transfer surface (single tube)";
1202 | parameter SI.Length Dhyd = omega / pi "Hydraulic Diameter (single tube)";
1203 | parameter Medium.MassFlowRate wnom "Nominal mass flowrate (total)";
1204 | parameter ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes FFtype = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.FFtypes.NoFriction "Friction Factor Type" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1205 | parameter SI.PressureDifference dpnom = 0 "Nominal pressure drop (friction term only!)";
1206 | parameter Real Kfnom = 0 "Nominal hydraulic resistance coefficient (DP = Kfnom*w^2/rho)";
1207 | parameter Medium.Density rhonom = 0 "Nominal inlet density";
1208 | parameter SI.PerUnit Cfnom = 0 "Nominal Fanning friction factor";
1209 | parameter SI.PerUnit e = 0 "Relative roughness (ratio roughness/diameter)";
1210 | parameter SI.PerUnit Kfc = 1 "Friction factor correction coefficient";
1211 | parameter Boolean DynamicMomentum = false "Inertial phenomena accounted for" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1212 | parameter ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes HydraulicCapacitance = ThermoPower.Choices.Flow1D.HCtypes.Downstream "Location of the hydraulic capacitance";
1213 | parameter Boolean avoidInletEnthalpyDerivative = true "Avoid inlet enthalpy derivative";
1214 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1215 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
1216 | parameter Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases FluidPhaseStart = Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.Liquid "Fluid phase (only for initialization!)";
1217 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure pstart = 1e5 "Pressure start value";
1218 | parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hstartin = if FluidPhaseStart == Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.Liquid then 1e5 else if FluidPhaseStart == Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.Steam then 3e6 else 1e6 "Inlet enthalpy start value";
1219 | parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy hstartout = if FluidPhaseStart == Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.Liquid then 1e5 else if FluidPhaseStart == Choices.FluidPhase.FluidPhases.Steam then 3e6 else 1e6 "Outlet enthalpy start value";
1220 | parameter Medium.SpecificEnthalpy[N] hstart = linspace(hstartin, hstartout, N) "Start value of enthalpy vector (initialized by default)";
1221 | parameter SI.PerUnit wnf = 0.02 "Fraction of nominal flow rate at which linear friction equals turbulent friction";
1222 | parameter Choices.Init.Options initOpt = system.initOpt "Initialisation option";
1223 | parameter Boolean noInitialPressure = false "Remove initial equation on pressure";
1224 | constant SI.Acceleration g = Modelica.Constants.g_n;
1225 | function squareReg = ThermoPower.Functions.squareReg;
1226 | FlangeA infl(h_outflow(start = hstartin), redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(start = wnom, min = if allowFlowReversal then -Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
1227 | FlangeB outfl(h_outflow(start = hstartout), redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow(start = -wnom, max = if allowFlowReversal then +Modelica.Constants.inf else 0));
1228 | SI.Power Q "Total heat flow through the lateral boundary (all Nt tubes)";
1229 | SI.Time Tr "Residence time";
1230 | final parameter SI.PerUnit dzdx = H / L "Slope" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1231 | final parameter SI.Length l = L / (N - 1) "Length of a single volume";
1232 | final parameter SI.Volume V = Nt * A * L "Total volume (all Nt tubes)";
1233 | initial equation
1234 | assert(wnom > 0, "Please set a positive value for wnom");
1235 | assert(FFtype == FFtypes.NoFriction or dpnom > 0, "dpnom=0 not valid, it is also used in the homotopy trasformation during the inizialization");
1236 | assert(not (FFtype == FFtypes.Kfnom and not Kfnom > 0), "Kfnom = 0 not valid, please set a positive value");
1237 | assert(not (FFtype == FFtypes.OpPoint and not rhonom > 0), "rhonom = 0 not valid, please set a positive value");
1238 | assert(not (FFtype == FFtypes.Cfnom and not Cfnom > 0), "Cfnom = 0 not valid, please set a positive value");
1239 | assert(not (FFtype == FFtypes.Colebrook and not Dhyd > 0), "Dhyd = 0 not valid, please set a positive value");
1240 | assert(not (FFtype == FFtypes.Colebrook and not e > 0), "e = 0 not valid, please set a positive value");
1241 | annotation(Evaluate = true);
1242 | end Flow1DBase;
1243 |
1244 | partial model ValveBase "Base model for valves"
1245 | extends Icons.Water.Valve;
1246 | replaceable package Medium = StandardWater constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium;
1247 | Medium.ThermodynamicState fluidState;
1248 | parameter ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes CvData = ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes.Av "Selection of flow coefficient" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1249 | final parameter Boolean fixedAv = if CvData == ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes.Av then true else false annotation(Evaluate = true);
1250 | parameter SI.Area Av(fixed = fixedAv, start = wnom / (sqrt(rhonom * dpnom) * FlowChar(thetanom))) "Av (metric) flow coefficient";
1251 | parameter Real Kv(unit = "m3/h") = 0 "Kv (metric) flow coefficient";
1252 | parameter Real Cv = 0 "Cv (US) flow coefficient [USG/min]";
1253 | parameter Boolean useThetaInput = true "Use the input connector for the valve opening";
1254 | parameter SI.PerUnit theta_fix = 1 "Fixed opening value when the input connector not used";
1255 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure pnom "Nominal inlet pressure";
1256 | parameter SI.PressureDifference dpnom "Nominal pressure drop";
1257 | parameter Medium.MassFlowRate wnom "Nominal mass flowrate";
1258 | parameter Medium.Density rhonom = 1000 "Nominal density";
1259 | parameter SI.PerUnit thetanom = 1 "Nominal valve opening";
1260 | parameter SI.Power Qnom = 0 "Nominal heat loss to ambient" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1261 | parameter Boolean CheckValve = false "Reverse flow stopped";
1262 | parameter Real b = 0.01 "Regularisation factor";
1263 | replaceable function FlowChar = ThermoPower.Functions.ValveCharacteristics.linear constrainedby ThermoPower.Functions.ValveCharacteristics.baseFun;
1264 | parameter Boolean allowFlowReversal = system.allowFlowReversal "= true to allow flow reversal, false restricts to design direction" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1265 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
1266 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure pin_start = pnom "Inlet pressure start value";
1267 | parameter Medium.AbsolutePressure pout_start = pnom - dpnom "Inlet pressure start value";
1268 | Medium.MassFlowRate w "Mass flow rate";
1269 | Units.LiquidDensity rho "Inlet density";
1270 | Medium.Temperature Tin;
1271 | SI.PressureDifference dp "Pressure drop across the valve";
1272 | SI.PerUnit theta_act "Actual valve opening";
1273 | protected
1274 | function sqrtR = Functions.sqrtReg(delta = b * dpnom);
1275 | public
1276 | FlangeA inlet(m_flow(start = wnom, min = if allowFlowReversal then -Modelica.Constants.inf else 0), p(start = pin_start), redeclare package Medium = Medium);
1277 | FlangeB outlet(m_flow(start = -wnom, max = if allowFlowReversal then +Modelica.Constants.inf else 0), p(start = pout_start), redeclare package Medium = Medium);
1278 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput theta if useThetaInput "Valve opening in per unit";
1279 | protected
1280 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput theta_int "Protected connector for conditional input connector handling";
1281 | initial equation
1282 | if CvData == ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes.Kv then
1283 | Av = 2.7778e-5 * Kv;
1284 | elseif CvData == ThermoPower.Choices.Valve.CvTypes.Cv then
1285 | Av = 2.4027e-5 * Cv;
1286 | end if;
1287 | equation
1288 | inlet.m_flow + outlet.m_flow = 0 "Mass balance";
1289 | w = inlet.m_flow;
1290 | fluidState = Medium.setState_ph(inlet.p, inStream(inlet.h_outflow));
1291 | Tin = Medium.temperature(fluidState);
1292 | rho = Medium.density(fluidState);
1293 | outlet.h_outflow = inStream(inlet.h_outflow) - Qnom / wnom;
1294 | inlet.h_outflow = inStream(outlet.h_outflow) - Qnom / wnom;
1295 | dp = inlet.p - outlet.p "Definition of dp";
1296 | connect(theta, theta_int);
1297 | if not useThetaInput then
1298 | theta_int = theta_fix;
1299 | end if;
1300 | theta_act = theta_int;
1301 | end ValveBase;
1302 | end BaseClasses;
1303 | end Water;
1304 |
1305 | package Thermal "Thermal models of heat transfer"
1306 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1307 |
1308 | connector DHTVolumes "Distributed Heat Terminal"
1309 | parameter Integer N "Number of volumes";
1310 | SI.Temperature[N] T "Temperature at the volumes";
1311 | flow SI.Power[N] Q "Heat flow at the volumes";
1312 | end DHTVolumes;
1313 |
1314 | model MetalTubeFV "Cylindrical metal tube model with Nw finite volumes"
1315 | extends Icons.MetalWall;
1316 | parameter Integer Nw = 1 "Number of volumes on the wall ports";
1317 | parameter Integer Nt = 1 "Number of tubes in parallel";
1318 | parameter SI.Length L "Tube length";
1319 | parameter SI.Length rint "Internal radius (single tube)";
1320 | parameter SI.Length rext "External radius (single tube)";
1321 | parameter Real rhomcm "Metal heat capacity per unit volume [J/m^3.K]";
1322 | parameter SI.ThermalConductivity lambda "Thermal conductivity";
1323 | parameter Boolean WallRes = true "Wall thermal resistance accounted for";
1324 | parameter SI.Temperature Tstartbar = 300 "Avarage temperature";
1325 | parameter SI.Temperature Tstart1 = Tstartbar "Temperature start value - first volume";
1326 | parameter SI.Temperature TstartN = Tstartbar "Temperature start value - last volume";
1327 | parameter SI.Temperature[Nw] Tvolstart = Functions.linspaceExt(Tstart1, TstartN, Nw);
1328 | parameter Choices.Init.Options initOpt = system.initOpt "Initialisation option";
1329 | constant Real pi = Modelica.Constants.pi;
1330 | final parameter SI.Area Am = (rext ^ 2 - rint ^ 2) * pi "Area of the metal tube cross-section";
1331 | final parameter SI.HeatCapacity Cm = Nt * L * Am * rhomcm "Total heat capacity";
1332 | outer ThermoPower.System system "System wide properties";
1333 | SI.Temperature[Nw] Tvol(start = Tvolstart) "Volume temperatures";
1334 | ThermoPower.Thermal.DHTVolumes int(final N = Nw, T(start = Tvolstart)) "Internal surface";
1335 | ThermoPower.Thermal.DHTVolumes ext(final N = Nw, T(start = Tvolstart)) "External surface";
1336 | initial equation
1337 | if initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.noInit then
1338 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.fixedState then
1339 | Tvol = Tvolstart;
1340 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyState then
1341 | der(Tvol) = zeros(Nw);
1342 | elseif initOpt == Choices.Init.Options.steadyStateNoT then
1343 | else
1344 | assert(false, "Unsupported initialisation option");
1345 | end if;
1346 | equation
1347 | assert(rext > rint, "External radius must be greater than internal radius");
1348 | L / Nw * Nt * rhomcm * Am * der(Tvol) = int.Q + ext.Q "Energy balance";
1349 | if WallRes then
1350 | int.Q = lambda * (2 * pi * L / Nw) * (int.T - Tvol) / log((rint + rext) / (2 * rint)) * Nt "Heat conduction through the internal half-thickness";
1351 | ext.Q = lambda * (2 * pi * L / Nw) * (ext.T - Tvol) / log(2 * rext / (rint + rext)) * Nt "Heat conduction through the external half-thickness";
1352 | else
1353 | ext.T = Tvol;
1354 | int.T = Tvol;
1355 | end if;
1356 | end MetalTubeFV;
1357 |
1358 | model HeatExchangerTopologyFV "Connects two DHTVolumes ports according to a selected heat exchanger topology"
1359 | extends Icons.HeatFlow;
1360 | parameter Integer Nw "Number of volumes";
1361 | replaceable model HeatExchangerTopology = HeatExchangerTopologies.CoCurrentFlow constrainedby ThermoPower.Thermal.BaseClasses.HeatExchangerTopologyData;
1362 | HeatExchangerTopology HET(final Nw = Nw);
1363 | Thermal.DHTVolumes side1(final N = Nw);
1364 | Thermal.DHTVolumes side2(final N = Nw);
1365 | equation
1366 | for j in 1:Nw loop
1367 | side2.T[HET.correspondingVolumes[j]] = side1.T[j];
1368 | side2.Q[HET.correspondingVolumes[j]] + side1.Q[j] = 0;
1369 | end for;
1370 | end HeatExchangerTopologyFV;
1371 |
1372 | model ConvHTFV "1D Constant thermal conductance"
1373 | extends Icons.HeatFlow;
1374 | parameter Integer Nv = 2 "Number of finite volumes";
1375 | parameter SI.ThermalConductance G "Overall thermal conductance";
1376 | DHTVolumes side1(final N = Nv);
1377 | DHTVolumes side2(final N = Nv);
1378 | equation
1379 | side1.Q = G * (side1.T - side2.T) / Nv "Convective heat transfer";
1380 | side1.Q + side2.Q = zeros(Nv) "Static energy balance";
1381 | end ConvHTFV;
1382 |
1383 | model FoulingFV "1D FV thermal resistance due to fouling"
1384 | extends ConvHTFV(final G = A / R);
1385 | parameter Units.SpecificThermalResistance R "Fouling factor";
1386 | parameter SI.Area A "Total surface";
1387 | end FoulingFV;
1388 |
1389 | package HeatTransferFV "Heat transfer models for FV components"
1390 | model IdealHeatTransfer "Delta T across the boundary layer is zero (infinite h.t.c.)"
1391 | extends BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV(final useAverageTemperature = false);
1392 | equation
1393 | assert(Nw == Nf - 1, "Number of volumes Nw on wall side should be equal to number of volumes fluid side Nf - 1");
1394 | for j in 1:Nw loop
1395 | wall.T[j] = T[j + 1] "Ideal infinite heat transfer";
1396 | end for;
1397 | end IdealHeatTransfer;
1398 |
1399 | model FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient "Flow-dependent h.t.c. gamma = gamma_nom*(w/wnom)^alpha"
1400 | extends BaseClasses.DistributedHeatTransferFV;
1401 | parameter SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma_nom "Nominal heat transfer coefficient";
1402 | parameter SI.PerUnit alpha "Exponent in the flow-dependency law";
1403 | parameter SI.PerUnit beta = 0.1 "Fraction of nominal flow rate below which the heat transfer is not reduced";
1404 | parameter SI.MassFlowRate wnom_ht = wnom "Nominal flow rate for heat transfer correlation (single tube)";
1405 | parameter Boolean adaptiveAverageTemperature = true "Adapt the average temperature at low flow rates";
1406 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.PerUnit sigma = 0.1 "Fraction of nominal flow rate below which the heat transfer is computed on outlet volume temperatures";
1407 | Medium.Temperature[Nw] Tvol "Fluid temperature in the volumes";
1408 | SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer gamma(start = gamma_nom) "Actual heat transfer coefficient";
1409 | SI.PerUnit w_wnom(start = 1, final unit = "1") "Ratio between actual and nominal flow rate";
1410 | SI.PerUnit w_wnom_reg "Regularized ratio between actual and nominal flow rate";
1411 | equation
1412 | assert(Nw == Nf - 1, "Number of volumes Nw on wall side should be equal to number of volumes fluid side Nf - 1");
1413 | w_wnom = abs(w[1]) / wnom_ht;
1414 | w_wnom_reg = Functions.smoothSat(w_wnom, beta, 1e9, beta / 2);
1415 | gamma = homotopy(gamma_nom * w_wnom_reg ^ alpha, gamma_nom);
1416 | for j in 1:Nw loop
1417 | Tvol[j] = if not useAverageTemperature then T[j + 1] else if not adaptiveAverageTemperature then (T[j] + T[j + 1]) / 2 else (T[j] + T[j + 1]) / 2 + (T[j + 1] - T[j]) / 2 * exp(-w_wnom / sigma);
1418 | Qw[j] = (Tw[j] - Tvol[j]) * gamma * omega * l * Nt;
1419 | end for;
1420 | end FlowDependentHeatTransferCoefficient;
1421 | end HeatTransferFV;
1422 |
1423 | package HeatExchangerTopologies
1424 | model CoCurrentFlow "Co-current flow"
1425 | extends BaseClasses.HeatExchangerTopologyData(final correspondingVolumes = 1:Nw);
1426 | end CoCurrentFlow;
1427 |
1428 | model CounterCurrentFlow "Counter-current flow"
1429 | extends BaseClasses.HeatExchangerTopologyData(final correspondingVolumes = Nw:(-1):1);
1430 | end CounterCurrentFlow;
1431 | end HeatExchangerTopologies;
1432 |
1433 | package BaseClasses
1434 | partial model DistributedHeatTransferFV "Base class for distributed heat transfer models - finite volumes"
1435 | extends ThermoPower.Icons.HeatFlow;
1436 | input Medium.ThermodynamicState[Nf] fluidState;
1437 | input Medium.MassFlowRate[Nf] w;
1438 | parameter Boolean useAverageTemperature = true "= true to use average temperature for heat transfer";
1439 | ThermoPower.Thermal.DHTVolumes wall(final N = Nw);
1440 | replaceable package Medium = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium "Medium model";
1441 | parameter Integer Nf(min = 2) = 2 "Number of nodes on the fluid side";
1442 | parameter Integer Nw = Nf - 1 "Number of volumes on the wall side";
1443 | parameter Integer Nt(min = 1) "Number of tubes in parallel";
1444 | parameter SI.Distance L "Tube length";
1445 | parameter SI.Area A "Cross-sectional area (single tube)";
1446 | parameter SI.Length omega "Wet perimeter of heat transfer surface (single tube)";
1447 | parameter SI.Length Dhyd "Hydraulic Diameter (single tube)";
1448 | parameter SI.MassFlowRate wnom "Nominal mass flow rate (single tube)";
1449 | final parameter SI.Length l = L / Nw "Length of a single volume";
1450 | Medium.Temperature[Nf] T "Temperatures at the fluid side nodes";
1451 | Medium.Temperature[Nw] Tw "Temperatures of the wall volumes";
1452 | SI.Power[Nw] Qw "Heat flows entering from the wall volumes";
1453 | SI.Power[Nf - 1] Qvol = Qw "Heat flows going to the fluid volumes";
1454 | SI.Power Q "Total heat flow through lateral boundary";
1455 | equation
1456 | for j in 1:Nf loop
1457 | T[j] = Medium.temperature(fluidState[j]);
1458 | end for;
1459 | Tw = wall.T;
1460 | Qw = wall.Q;
1461 | Q = sum(wall.Q);
1462 | end DistributedHeatTransferFV;
1463 |
1464 | partial model HeatExchangerTopologyData "Base class for heat exchanger topology data"
1465 | parameter Integer Nw "Number of volumes on both sides";
1466 | parameter Integer[Nw] correspondingVolumes "Indeces of corresponding volumes";
1467 | end HeatExchangerTopologyData;
1468 | end BaseClasses;
1469 | end Thermal;
1470 |
1471 | package Icons "Icons for ThermoPower library"
1472 | extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
1473 |
1474 | package Water "Icons for component using water/steam as working fluid"
1475 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1476 |
1477 | partial model SourceP end SourceP;
1478 |
1479 | partial model SourceW end SourceW;
1480 |
1481 | partial model Tube end Tube;
1482 |
1483 | partial model Valve end Valve;
1484 |
1485 | model SensThrough end SensThrough;
1486 | end Water;
1487 |
1488 | partial model HeatFlow end HeatFlow;
1489 |
1490 | partial model MetalWall end MetalWall;
1491 | end Icons;
1492 |
1493 | package Choices "Choice enumerations for ThermoPower models"
1494 | extends Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage;
1495 |
1496 | package Flow1D
1497 | type FFtypes = enumeration(Kfnom "Kfnom friction factor", OpPoint "Friction factor defined by operating point", Cfnom "Cfnom friction factor", Colebrook "Colebrook's equation", NoFriction "No friction") "Type, constants and menu choices to select the friction factor";
1498 | type HCtypes = enumeration(Middle "Middle of the pipe", Upstream "At the inlet", Downstream "At the outlet") "Type, constants and menu choices to select the location of the hydraulic capacitance";
1499 | end Flow1D;
1500 |
1501 | package Valve
1502 | type CvTypes = enumeration(Av "Av (metric) flow coefficient", Kv "Kv (metric) flow coefficient", Cv "Cv (US) flow coefficient", OpPoint "Av defined by nominal operating point") "Type, constants and menu choices to select the type of Cv data";
1503 | end Valve;
1504 |
1505 | package Init "Options for initialisation"
1506 | type Options = enumeration(noInit "No initial equations", fixedState "Fixed initial state variables", steadyState "Steady-state initialization", steadyStateNoP "Steady-state initialization except pressures (deprecated)", steadyStateNoT "Steady-state initialization except temperatures (deprecated)", steadyStateNoPT "Steady-state initialization except pressures and temperatures (deprecated)") "Type, constants and menu choices to select the initialisation options";
1507 | end Init;
1508 |
1509 | package FluidPhase
1510 | type FluidPhases = enumeration(Liquid "Liquid", Steam "Steam", TwoPhases "Two Phases") "Type, constants and menu choices to select the fluid phase";
1511 | end FluidPhase;
1512 | end Choices;
1513 |
1514 | package Functions "Miscellaneous functions"
1515 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1516 |
1517 | function sqrtReg "Symmetric square root approximation with finite derivative in zero"
1518 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1519 | input Real x;
1520 | input Real delta = 0.01 "Range of significant deviation from sqrt(x)";
1521 | output Real y;
1522 | algorithm
1523 | y := x / sqrt(sqrt(x * x + delta * delta));
1524 | annotation(derivative(zeroDerivative = delta) = ThermoPower.Functions.sqrtReg_der);
1525 | end sqrtReg;
1526 |
1527 | function sqrtReg_der "Derivative of sqrtReg"
1528 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1529 | input Real x;
1530 | input Real delta = 0.01 "Range of significant deviation from sqrt(x)";
1531 | input Real dx "Derivative of x";
1532 | output Real dy;
1533 | algorithm
1534 | dy := dx * 0.5 * (x * x + 2 * delta * delta) / (x * x + delta * delta) ^ 1.25;
1535 | end sqrtReg_der;
1536 |
1537 | function squareReg "Anti-symmetric square approximation with non-zero derivative in the origin"
1538 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1539 | input Real x;
1540 | input Real delta = 0.01 "Range of significant deviation from x^2*sgn(x)";
1541 | output Real y;
1542 | algorithm
1543 | y := x * sqrt(x * x + delta * delta);
1544 | end squareReg;
1545 |
1546 | function smoothSat "Smooth saturation function"
1547 | input Real x;
1548 | input Real xmin "Lower bound of range where y = x";
1549 | input Real xmax "Upper bound of range where y = x";
1550 | input Real dxmin "Width of lower smoothing range";
1551 | input Real dxmax = dxmin "Width of upper smoothing range";
1552 | output Real y;
1553 | algorithm
1554 | y := if x < xmin + dxmin then xmin + dxmin - dxmin * (xmin + dxmin - x) / (dxmin ^ 4 + (xmin + dxmin - x) ^ 4) ^ 0.25 else if x > xmax - dxmax then xmax - dxmax + dxmax * (x - xmax + dxmax) / (dxmax ^ 4 + (x - xmax + dxmax) ^ 4) ^ 0.25 else x;
1555 | annotation(smoothOrder = 4, InLine = true, normallyConstant = xmin, normallyConstant = xmax, normallyConstant = dxmin, normallyConstant = dxmax);
1556 | end smoothSat;
1557 |
1558 | function linspaceExt "Extended linspace function handling also the N=1 case"
1559 | input Real x1;
1560 | input Real x2;
1561 | input Integer N;
1562 | output Real[N] vec;
1563 | algorithm
1564 | vec := if N == 1 then {x1} else linspace(x1, x2, N);
1565 | end linspaceExt;
1566 |
1567 | package ValveCharacteristics "Functions for valve characteristics"
1568 | partial function baseFun "Base class for valve characteristics"
1569 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1570 | input Real pos "Stem position (per unit)";
1571 | output Real rc "Relative coefficient (per unit)";
1572 | end baseFun;
1573 |
1574 | function linear "Linear characteristic"
1575 | extends baseFun;
1576 | algorithm
1577 | rc := pos;
1578 | end linear;
1579 | end ValveCharacteristics;
1580 | end Functions;
1581 |
1582 | package Units "Types with custom units"
1583 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1584 | type HydraulicConductance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicConductance", final unit = "(kg/s)/Pa");
1585 | type HydraulicResistance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicResistance", final unit = "Pa/(kg/s)");
1586 | type LiquidDensity = SI.Density(start = 1000, nominal = 1000) "start value for liquids";
1587 | type GasDensity = SI.Density(start = 5, nominal = 5) "start value for gases/vapours";
1588 | type SpecificThermalResistance = Real(unit = "m2.K/W") "Unit for fouling factors";
1589 | end Units;
1590 | annotation(version = "3.1");
1591 | end ThermoPower;
1592 |
1593 | package ModelicaServices "ModelicaServices (OpenModelica implementation) - Models and functions used in the Modelica Standard Library requiring a tool specific implementation"
1594 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1595 |
1596 | package Machine "Machine dependent constants"
1597 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1598 | final constant Real eps = 1e-15 "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
1599 | final constant Real small = 1e-60 "Smallest number such that small and -small are representable on the machine";
1600 | final constant Real inf = 1e60 "Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine";
1601 | final constant Integer Integer_inf = OpenModelica.Internal.Architecture.integerMax() "Biggest Integer number such that Integer_inf and -Integer_inf are representable on the machine";
1602 | end Machine;
1603 | annotation(version = "3.2.3", versionBuild = 3, versionDate = "2019-01-23", dateModified = "2019-09-21 12:00:00Z");
1604 | end ModelicaServices;
1605 |
1606 | package Modelica "Modelica Standard Library - Version 3.2.3"
1607 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1608 |
1609 | package Blocks "Library of basic input/output control blocks (continuous, discrete, logical, table blocks)"
1610 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
1611 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1612 |
1613 | package Interfaces "Library of connectors and partial models for input/output blocks"
1614 | import Modelica.SIunits;
1615 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
1616 | connector RealInput = input Real "'input Real' as connector";
1617 | connector RealOutput = output Real "'output Real' as connector";
1618 |
1619 | partial block SISO "Single Input Single Output continuous control block"
1620 | extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;
1621 | RealInput u "Connector of Real input signal";
1622 | RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal";
1623 | end SISO;
1624 | end Interfaces;
1625 |
1626 | package Icons "Icons for Blocks"
1627 | extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
1628 |
1629 | partial block Block "Basic graphical layout of input/output block" end Block;
1630 | end Icons;
1631 | end Blocks;
1632 |
1633 | package Media "Library of media property models"
1634 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
1635 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
1636 | import Cv = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions;
1637 |
1638 | package Interfaces "Interfaces for media models"
1639 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
1640 |
1641 | partial package PartialMedium "Partial medium properties (base package of all media packages)"
1642 | extends Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types;
1643 | extends Modelica.Icons.MaterialPropertiesPackage;
1644 | constant Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Choices.IndependentVariables ThermoStates "Enumeration type for independent variables";
1645 | constant String mediumName = "unusablePartialMedium" "Name of the medium";
1646 | constant String[:] substanceNames = {mediumName} "Names of the mixture substances. Set substanceNames={mediumName} if only one substance.";
1647 | constant String[:] extraPropertiesNames = fill("", 0) "Names of the additional (extra) transported properties. Set extraPropertiesNames=fill(\"\",0) if unused";
1648 | constant Boolean singleState "= true, if u and d are not a function of pressure";
1649 | constant Boolean reducedX = true "= true if medium contains the equation sum(X) = 1.0; set reducedX=true if only one substance (see docu for details)";
1650 | constant Boolean fixedX = false "= true if medium contains the equation X = reference_X";
1651 | constant MassFraction[nX] reference_X = fill(1 / nX, nX) "Default mass fractions of medium";
1652 | constant AbsolutePressure p_default = 101325 "Default value for pressure of medium (for initialization)";
1653 | constant Temperature T_default = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.from_degC(20) "Default value for temperature of medium (for initialization)";
1654 | constant MassFraction[nX] X_default = reference_X "Default value for mass fractions of medium (for initialization)";
1655 | final constant Integer nS = size(substanceNames, 1) "Number of substances";
1656 | constant Integer nX = nS "Number of mass fractions";
1657 | constant Integer nXi = if fixedX then 0 else if reducedX then nS - 1 else nS "Number of structurally independent mass fractions (see docu for details)";
1658 | final constant Integer nC = size(extraPropertiesNames, 1) "Number of extra (outside of standard mass-balance) transported properties";
1659 | replaceable record FluidConstants = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Basic.FluidConstants "Critical, triple, molecular and other standard data of fluid";
1660 |
1661 | replaceable record ThermodynamicState "Minimal variable set that is available as input argument to every medium function"
1662 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
1663 | end ThermodynamicState;
1664 |
1665 | replaceable partial model BaseProperties "Base properties (p, d, T, h, u, R, MM and, if applicable, X and Xi) of a medium"
1666 | InputAbsolutePressure p "Absolute pressure of medium";
1667 | InputMassFraction[nXi] Xi(start = reference_X[1:nXi]) "Structurally independent mass fractions";
1668 | InputSpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy of medium";
1669 | Density d "Density of medium";
1670 | Temperature T "Temperature of medium";
1671 | MassFraction[nX] X(start = reference_X) "Mass fractions (= (component mass)/total mass m_i/m)";
1672 | SpecificInternalEnergy u "Specific internal energy of medium";
1673 | SpecificHeatCapacity R "Gas constant (of mixture if applicable)";
1674 | MolarMass MM "Molar mass (of mixture or single fluid)";
1675 | ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record for optional functions";
1676 | parameter Boolean preferredMediumStates = false "= true if StateSelect.prefer shall be used for the independent property variables of the medium" annotation(Evaluate = true);
1677 | parameter Boolean standardOrderComponents = true "If true, and reducedX = true, the last element of X will be computed from the other ones";
1678 | SI.Conversions.NonSIunits.Temperature_degC T_degC = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.to_degC(T) "Temperature of medium in [degC]";
1679 | SI.Conversions.NonSIunits.Pressure_bar p_bar = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.to_bar(p) "Absolute pressure of medium in [bar]";
1680 | connector InputAbsolutePressure = input SI.AbsolutePressure "Pressure as input signal connector";
1681 | connector InputSpecificEnthalpy = input SI.SpecificEnthalpy "Specific enthalpy as input signal connector";
1682 | connector InputMassFraction = input SI.MassFraction "Mass fraction as input signal connector";
1683 | equation
1684 | if standardOrderComponents then
1685 | Xi = X[1:nXi];
1686 | if fixedX then
1687 | X = reference_X;
1688 | end if;
1689 | if reducedX and not fixedX then
1690 | X[nX] = 1 - sum(Xi);
1691 | end if;
1692 | for i in 1:nX loop
1693 | assert(X[i] >= (-1.e-5) and X[i] <= 1 + 1.e-5, "Mass fraction X[" + String(i) + "] = " + String(X[i]) + "of substance " + substanceNames[i] + "\nof medium " + mediumName + " is not in the range 0..1");
1694 | end for;
1695 | end if;
1696 | assert(p >= 0.0, "Pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) of medium \"" + mediumName + "\" is negative\n(Temperature = " + String(T) + " K)");
1697 | end BaseProperties;
1698 |
1699 | replaceable partial function setState_pTX "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X or Xi"
1700 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1701 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1702 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
1703 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1704 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1705 | end setState_pTX;
1706 |
1707 | replaceable partial function setState_phX "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X or Xi"
1708 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1709 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1710 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1711 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1712 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1713 | end setState_phX;
1714 |
1715 | replaceable partial function setState_psX "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, s and composition X or Xi"
1716 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1717 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1718 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1719 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1720 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1721 | end setState_psX;
1722 |
1723 | replaceable partial function setState_dTX "Return thermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X or Xi"
1724 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1725 | input Density d "Density";
1726 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
1727 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1728 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1729 | end setState_dTX;
1730 |
1731 | replaceable partial function setSmoothState "Return thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b"
1732 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1733 | input Real x "m_flow or dp";
1734 | input ThermodynamicState state_a "Thermodynamic state if x > 0";
1735 | input ThermodynamicState state_b "Thermodynamic state if x < 0";
1736 | input Real x_small(min = 0) "Smooth transition in the region -x_small < x < x_small";
1737 | output ThermodynamicState state "Smooth thermodynamic state for all x (continuous and differentiable)";
1738 | end setSmoothState;
1739 |
1740 | replaceable partial function dynamicViscosity "Return dynamic viscosity"
1741 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1742 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1743 | output DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
1744 | end dynamicViscosity;
1745 |
1746 | replaceable partial function thermalConductivity "Return thermal conductivity"
1747 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1748 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1749 | output ThermalConductivity lambda "Thermal conductivity";
1750 | end thermalConductivity;
1751 |
1752 | replaceable partial function pressure "Return pressure"
1753 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1754 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1755 | output AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1756 | end pressure;
1757 |
1758 | replaceable partial function temperature "Return temperature"
1759 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1760 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1761 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
1762 | end temperature;
1763 |
1764 | replaceable partial function density "Return density"
1765 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1766 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1767 | output Density d "Density";
1768 | end density;
1769 |
1770 | replaceable partial function specificEnthalpy "Return specific enthalpy"
1771 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1772 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1773 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1774 | end specificEnthalpy;
1775 |
1776 | replaceable partial function specificInternalEnergy "Return specific internal energy"
1777 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1778 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1779 | output SpecificEnergy u "Specific internal energy";
1780 | end specificInternalEnergy;
1781 |
1782 | replaceable partial function specificEntropy "Return specific entropy"
1783 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1784 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1785 | output SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1786 | end specificEntropy;
1787 |
1788 | replaceable partial function specificGibbsEnergy "Return specific Gibbs energy"
1789 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1790 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1791 | output SpecificEnergy g "Specific Gibbs energy";
1792 | end specificGibbsEnergy;
1793 |
1794 | replaceable partial function specificHelmholtzEnergy "Return specific Helmholtz energy"
1795 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1796 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1797 | output SpecificEnergy f "Specific Helmholtz energy";
1798 | end specificHelmholtzEnergy;
1799 |
1800 | replaceable partial function specificHeatCapacityCp "Return specific heat capacity at constant pressure"
1801 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1802 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1803 | output SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure";
1804 | end specificHeatCapacityCp;
1805 |
1806 | replaceable partial function specificHeatCapacityCv "Return specific heat capacity at constant volume"
1807 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1808 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1809 | output SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity at constant volume";
1810 | end specificHeatCapacityCv;
1811 |
1812 | replaceable partial function isentropicExponent "Return isentropic exponent"
1813 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1814 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1815 | output IsentropicExponent gamma "Isentropic exponent";
1816 | end isentropicExponent;
1817 |
1818 | replaceable partial function isentropicEnthalpy "Return isentropic enthalpy"
1819 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1820 | input AbsolutePressure p_downstream "Downstream pressure";
1821 | input ThermodynamicState refState "Reference state for entropy";
1822 | output SpecificEnthalpy h_is "Isentropic enthalpy";
1823 | end isentropicEnthalpy;
1824 |
1825 | replaceable partial function velocityOfSound "Return velocity of sound"
1826 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1827 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1828 | output VelocityOfSound a "Velocity of sound";
1829 | end velocityOfSound;
1830 |
1831 | replaceable partial function isobaricExpansionCoefficient "Return overall the isobaric expansion coefficient beta"
1832 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1833 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1834 | output IsobaricExpansionCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
1835 | end isobaricExpansionCoefficient;
1836 |
1837 | replaceable partial function isothermalCompressibility "Return overall the isothermal compressibility factor"
1838 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1839 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1840 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility";
1841 | end isothermalCompressibility;
1842 |
1843 | replaceable partial function density_derp_h "Return density derivative w.r.t. pressure at const specific enthalpy"
1844 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1845 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1846 | output DerDensityByPressure ddph "Density derivative w.r.t. pressure";
1847 | end density_derp_h;
1848 |
1849 | replaceable partial function density_derh_p "Return density derivative w.r.t. specific enthalpy at constant pressure"
1850 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1851 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1852 | output DerDensityByEnthalpy ddhp "Density derivative w.r.t. specific enthalpy";
1853 | end density_derh_p;
1854 |
1855 | replaceable partial function molarMass "Return the molar mass of the medium"
1856 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1857 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1858 | output MolarMass MM "Mixture molar mass";
1859 | end molarMass;
1860 |
1861 | replaceable function specificEnthalpy_pTX "Return specific enthalpy from p, T, and X or Xi"
1862 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1863 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1864 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
1865 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1866 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1867 | algorithm
1868 | h := specificEnthalpy(setState_pTX(p, T, X));
1869 | annotation(inverse(T = temperature_phX(p, h, X)));
1870 | end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
1871 |
1872 | replaceable function temperature_phX "Return temperature from p, h, and X or Xi"
1873 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1874 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1875 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1876 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1877 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
1878 | algorithm
1879 | T := temperature(setState_phX(p, h, X));
1880 | end temperature_phX;
1881 |
1882 | replaceable function density_phX "Return density from p, h, and X or Xi"
1883 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1884 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1885 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1886 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1887 | output Density d "Density";
1888 | algorithm
1889 | d := density(setState_phX(p, h, X));
1890 | end density_phX;
1891 |
1892 | replaceable function temperature_psX "Return temperature from p,s, and X or Xi"
1893 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1894 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1895 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1896 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1897 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
1898 | algorithm
1899 | T := temperature(setState_psX(p, s, X));
1900 | annotation(inverse(s = specificEntropy_pTX(p, T, X)));
1901 | end temperature_psX;
1902 |
1903 | replaceable function density_psX "Return density from p, s, and X or Xi"
1904 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1905 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1906 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1907 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1908 | output Density d "Density";
1909 | algorithm
1910 | d := density(setState_psX(p, s, X));
1911 | end density_psX;
1912 |
1913 | replaceable function specificEnthalpy_psX "Return specific enthalpy from p, s, and X or Xi"
1914 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1915 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1916 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1917 | input MassFraction[:] X = reference_X "Mass fractions";
1918 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1919 | algorithm
1920 | h := specificEnthalpy(setState_psX(p, s, X));
1921 | end specificEnthalpy_psX;
1922 |
1923 | type MassFlowRate = SI.MassFlowRate(quantity = "MassFlowRate." + mediumName, min = -1.0e5, max = 1.e5) "Type for mass flow rate with medium specific attributes";
1924 | end PartialMedium;
1925 |
1926 | partial package PartialPureSubstance "Base class for pure substances of one chemical substance"
1927 | extends PartialMedium(final reducedX = true, final fixedX = true);
1928 |
1929 | replaceable function setState_pT "Return thermodynamic state from p and T"
1930 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1931 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1932 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
1933 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1934 | algorithm
1935 | state := setState_pTX(p, T, fill(0, 0));
1936 | end setState_pT;
1937 |
1938 | replaceable function setState_ph "Return thermodynamic state from p and h"
1939 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1940 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1941 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1942 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
1943 | algorithm
1944 | state := setState_phX(p, h, fill(0, 0));
1945 | end setState_ph;
1946 |
1947 | replaceable function density_ph "Return density from p and h"
1948 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1949 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1950 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1951 | output Density d "Density";
1952 | algorithm
1953 | d := density_phX(p, h, fill(0, 0));
1954 | end density_ph;
1955 |
1956 | replaceable function temperature_ph "Return temperature from p and h"
1957 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1958 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1959 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1960 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
1961 | algorithm
1962 | T := temperature_phX(p, h, fill(0, 0));
1963 | end temperature_ph;
1964 |
1965 | replaceable function pressure_dT "Return pressure from d and T"
1966 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1967 | input Density d "Density";
1968 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
1969 | output AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1970 | algorithm
1971 | p := pressure(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0, 0)));
1972 | end pressure_dT;
1973 |
1974 | replaceable function specificEnthalpy_dT "Return specific enthalpy from d and T"
1975 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1976 | input Density d "Density";
1977 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
1978 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1979 | algorithm
1980 | h := specificEnthalpy(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0, 0)));
1981 | end specificEnthalpy_dT;
1982 |
1983 | replaceable function specificEnthalpy_ps "Return specific enthalpy from p and s"
1984 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1985 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1986 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1987 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
1988 | algorithm
1989 | h := specificEnthalpy_psX(p, s, fill(0, 0));
1990 | end specificEnthalpy_ps;
1991 |
1992 | replaceable function temperature_ps "Return temperature from p and s"
1993 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
1994 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
1995 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
1996 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
1997 | algorithm
1998 | T := temperature_psX(p, s, fill(0, 0));
1999 | end temperature_ps;
2000 |
2001 | replaceable function density_ps "Return density from p and s"
2002 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2003 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2004 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2005 | output Density d "Density";
2006 | algorithm
2007 | d := density_psX(p, s, fill(0, 0));
2008 | end density_ps;
2009 |
2010 | replaceable function specificEnthalpy_pT "Return specific enthalpy from p and T"
2011 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2012 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2013 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2014 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2015 | algorithm
2016 | h := specificEnthalpy_pTX(p, T, fill(0, 0));
2017 | end specificEnthalpy_pT;
2018 |
2019 | replaceable function density_pT "Return density from p and T"
2020 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2021 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2022 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2023 | output Density d "Density";
2024 | algorithm
2025 | d := density(setState_pTX(p, T, fill(0, 0)));
2026 | end density_pT;
2027 |
2028 | redeclare replaceable partial model extends BaseProperties(final standardOrderComponents = true) end BaseProperties;
2029 | end PartialPureSubstance;
2030 |
2031 | partial package PartialTwoPhaseMedium "Base class for two phase medium of one substance"
2032 | extends PartialPureSubstance(redeclare replaceable record FluidConstants = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.TwoPhase.FluidConstants);
2033 | constant Boolean smoothModel = false "True if the (derived) model should not generate state events";
2034 | constant Boolean onePhase = false "True if the (derived) model should never be called with two-phase inputs";
2035 | constant FluidConstants[nS] fluidConstants "Constant data for the fluid";
2036 |
2037 | redeclare replaceable record extends ThermodynamicState "Thermodynamic state of two phase medium"
2038 | FixedPhase phase(min = 0, max = 2) "Phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g., interactive use";
2039 | end ThermodynamicState;
2040 |
2041 | redeclare replaceable partial model extends BaseProperties "Base properties (p, d, T, h, u, R, MM, sat) of two phase medium"
2042 | SaturationProperties sat "Saturation properties at the medium pressure";
2043 | end BaseProperties;
2044 |
2045 | replaceable partial function setDewState "Return the thermodynamic state on the dew line"
2046 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2047 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation point";
2048 | input FixedPhase phase(min = 1, max = 2) = 1 "Phase: default is one phase";
2049 | output ThermodynamicState state "Complete thermodynamic state info";
2050 | end setDewState;
2051 |
2052 | replaceable partial function setBubbleState "Return the thermodynamic state on the bubble line"
2053 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2054 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation point";
2055 | input FixedPhase phase(min = 1, max = 2) = 1 "Phase: default is one phase";
2056 | output ThermodynamicState state "Complete thermodynamic state info";
2057 | end setBubbleState;
2058 |
2059 | redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_dTX "Return thermodynamic state as function of d, T and composition X or Xi"
2060 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2061 | end setState_dTX;
2062 |
2063 | redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_phX "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, h and composition X or Xi"
2064 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2065 | end setState_phX;
2066 |
2067 | redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_psX "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, s and composition X or Xi"
2068 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2069 | end setState_psX;
2070 |
2071 | redeclare replaceable partial function extends setState_pTX "Return thermodynamic state as function of p, T and composition X or Xi"
2072 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2073 | end setState_pTX;
2074 |
2075 | replaceable function setSat_p "Return saturation property record from pressure"
2076 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2077 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2078 | output SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2079 | algorithm
2080 | sat.psat := p;
2081 | sat.Tsat := saturationTemperature(p);
2082 | end setSat_p;
2083 |
2084 | replaceable partial function bubbleEnthalpy "Return bubble point specific enthalpy"
2085 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2086 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2087 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy hl "Boiling curve specific enthalpy";
2088 | end bubbleEnthalpy;
2089 |
2090 | replaceable partial function dewEnthalpy "Return dew point specific enthalpy"
2091 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2092 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2093 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy hv "Dew curve specific enthalpy";
2094 | end dewEnthalpy;
2095 |
2096 | replaceable partial function bubbleEntropy "Return bubble point specific entropy"
2097 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2098 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2099 | output SI.SpecificEntropy sl "Boiling curve specific entropy";
2100 | end bubbleEntropy;
2101 |
2102 | replaceable partial function dewEntropy "Return dew point specific entropy"
2103 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2104 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2105 | output SI.SpecificEntropy sv "Dew curve specific entropy";
2106 | end dewEntropy;
2107 |
2108 | replaceable partial function bubbleDensity "Return bubble point density"
2109 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2110 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2111 | output Density dl "Boiling curve density";
2112 | end bubbleDensity;
2113 |
2114 | replaceable partial function dewDensity "Return dew point density"
2115 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2116 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2117 | output Density dv "Dew curve density";
2118 | end dewDensity;
2119 |
2120 | replaceable partial function saturationPressure "Return saturation pressure"
2121 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2122 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2123 | output AbsolutePressure p "Saturation pressure";
2124 | end saturationPressure;
2125 |
2126 | replaceable partial function saturationTemperature "Return saturation temperature"
2127 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2128 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2129 | output Temperature T "Saturation temperature";
2130 | end saturationTemperature;
2131 |
2132 | replaceable partial function saturationTemperature_derp "Return derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure"
2133 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2134 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2135 | output DerTemperatureByPressure dTp "Derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure";
2136 | end saturationTemperature_derp;
2137 |
2138 | replaceable partial function surfaceTension "Return surface tension sigma in the two phase region"
2139 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2140 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2141 | output SurfaceTension sigma "Surface tension sigma in the two phase region";
2142 | end surfaceTension;
2143 |
2144 | redeclare replaceable function extends molarMass "Return the molar mass of the medium"
2145 | algorithm
2146 | MM := fluidConstants[1].molarMass;
2147 | end molarMass;
2148 |
2149 | replaceable partial function dBubbleDensity_dPressure "Return bubble point density derivative"
2150 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2151 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2152 | output DerDensityByPressure ddldp "Boiling curve density derivative";
2153 | end dBubbleDensity_dPressure;
2154 |
2155 | replaceable partial function dDewDensity_dPressure "Return dew point density derivative"
2156 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2157 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2158 | output DerDensityByPressure ddvdp "Saturated steam density derivative";
2159 | end dDewDensity_dPressure;
2160 |
2161 | replaceable partial function dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure "Return bubble point specific enthalpy derivative"
2162 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2163 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2164 | output DerEnthalpyByPressure dhldp "Boiling curve specific enthalpy derivative";
2165 | end dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure;
2166 |
2167 | replaceable partial function dDewEnthalpy_dPressure "Return dew point specific enthalpy derivative"
2168 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2169 | input SaturationProperties sat "Saturation property record";
2170 | output DerEnthalpyByPressure dhvdp "Saturated steam specific enthalpy derivative";
2171 | end dDewEnthalpy_dPressure;
2172 |
2173 | redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_pTX "Return specific enthalpy from pressure, temperature and mass fraction"
2174 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2175 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2176 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2177 | input MassFraction[:] X "Mass fractions";
2178 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2179 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy at p, T, X";
2180 | algorithm
2181 | h := specificEnthalpy(setState_pTX(p, T, X, phase));
2182 | end specificEnthalpy_pTX;
2183 |
2184 | redeclare replaceable function temperature_phX "Return temperature from p, h, and X or Xi"
2185 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2186 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2187 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2188 | input MassFraction[:] X "Mass fractions";
2189 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2190 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
2191 | algorithm
2192 | T := temperature(setState_phX(p, h, X, phase));
2193 | end temperature_phX;
2194 |
2195 | redeclare replaceable function density_phX "Return density from p, h, and X or Xi"
2196 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2197 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2198 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2199 | input MassFraction[:] X "Mass fractions";
2200 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2201 | output Density d "Density";
2202 | algorithm
2203 | d := density(setState_phX(p, h, X, phase));
2204 | end density_phX;
2205 |
2206 | redeclare replaceable function temperature_psX "Return temperature from p, s, and X or Xi"
2207 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2208 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2209 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2210 | input MassFraction[:] X "Mass fractions";
2211 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2212 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
2213 | algorithm
2214 | T := temperature(setState_psX(p, s, X, phase));
2215 | end temperature_psX;
2216 |
2217 | redeclare replaceable function density_psX "Return density from p, s, and X or Xi"
2218 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2219 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2220 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2221 | input MassFraction[:] X "Mass fractions";
2222 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2223 | output Density d "Density";
2224 | algorithm
2225 | d := density(setState_psX(p, s, X, phase));
2226 | end density_psX;
2227 |
2228 | redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_psX "Return specific enthalpy from p, s, and X or Xi"
2229 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2230 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2231 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2232 | input MassFraction[:] X "Mass fractions";
2233 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2234 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2235 | algorithm
2236 | h := specificEnthalpy(setState_psX(p, s, X, phase));
2237 | end specificEnthalpy_psX;
2238 |
2239 | redeclare replaceable function setState_pT "Return thermodynamic state from p and T"
2240 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2241 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2242 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2243 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2244 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
2245 | algorithm
2246 | state := setState_pTX(p, T, fill(0, 0), phase);
2247 | end setState_pT;
2248 |
2249 | redeclare replaceable function setState_ph "Return thermodynamic state from p and h"
2250 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2251 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2252 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2253 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2254 | output ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
2255 | algorithm
2256 | state := setState_phX(p, h, fill(0, 0), phase);
2257 | end setState_ph;
2258 |
2259 | replaceable function vapourQuality "Return vapour quality"
2260 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2261 | input ThermodynamicState state "Thermodynamic state record";
2262 | output MassFraction x "Vapour quality";
2263 | protected
2264 | constant SpecificEnthalpy eps = 1e-8;
2265 | algorithm
2266 | x := min(max((specificEnthalpy(state) - bubbleEnthalpy(setSat_p(pressure(state)))) / (dewEnthalpy(setSat_p(pressure(state))) - bubbleEnthalpy(setSat_p(pressure(state))) + eps), 0), 1);
2267 | end vapourQuality;
2268 |
2269 | redeclare replaceable function density_ph "Return density from p and h"
2270 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2271 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2272 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2273 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2274 | output Density d "Density";
2275 | algorithm
2276 | d := density_phX(p, h, fill(0, 0), phase);
2277 | end density_ph;
2278 |
2279 | redeclare replaceable function temperature_ph "Return temperature from p and h"
2280 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2281 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2282 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2283 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2284 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
2285 | algorithm
2286 | T := temperature_phX(p, h, fill(0, 0), phase);
2287 | end temperature_ph;
2288 |
2289 | redeclare replaceable function pressure_dT "Return pressure from d and T"
2290 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2291 | input Density d "Density";
2292 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2293 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2294 | output AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2295 | algorithm
2296 | p := pressure(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0, 0), phase));
2297 | end pressure_dT;
2298 |
2299 | redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_dT "Return specific enthalpy from d and T"
2300 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2301 | input Density d "Density";
2302 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2303 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2304 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2305 | algorithm
2306 | h := specificEnthalpy(setState_dTX(d, T, fill(0, 0), phase));
2307 | end specificEnthalpy_dT;
2308 |
2309 | redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_ps "Return specific enthalpy from p and s"
2310 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2311 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2312 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2313 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2314 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2315 | algorithm
2316 | h := specificEnthalpy_psX(p, s, fill(0, 0));
2317 | end specificEnthalpy_ps;
2318 |
2319 | redeclare replaceable function temperature_ps "Return temperature from p and s"
2320 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2321 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2322 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2323 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2324 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
2325 | algorithm
2326 | T := temperature_psX(p, s, fill(0, 0), phase);
2327 | end temperature_ps;
2328 |
2329 | redeclare replaceable function density_ps "Return density from p and s"
2330 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2331 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2332 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2333 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2334 | output Density d "Density";
2335 | algorithm
2336 | d := density_psX(p, s, fill(0, 0), phase);
2337 | end density_ps;
2338 |
2339 | redeclare replaceable function specificEnthalpy_pT "Return specific enthalpy from p and T"
2340 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2341 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2342 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2343 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2344 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2345 | algorithm
2346 | h := specificEnthalpy_pTX(p, T, fill(0, 0), phase);
2347 | end specificEnthalpy_pT;
2348 |
2349 | redeclare replaceable function density_pT "Return density from p and T"
2350 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2351 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2352 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2353 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2354 | output Density d "Density";
2355 | algorithm
2356 | d := density(setState_pTX(p, T, fill(0, 0), phase));
2357 | end density_pT;
2358 | end PartialTwoPhaseMedium;
2359 |
2360 | package Choices "Types, constants to define menu choices"
2361 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
2362 | type IndependentVariables = enumeration(T "Temperature", pT "Pressure, Temperature", ph "Pressure, Specific Enthalpy", phX "Pressure, Specific Enthalpy, Mass Fraction", pTX "Pressure, Temperature, Mass Fractions", dTX "Density, Temperature, Mass Fractions") "Enumeration defining the independent variables of a medium";
2363 | end Choices;
2364 |
2365 | package Types "Types to be used in fluid models"
2366 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
2367 | type AbsolutePressure = SI.AbsolutePressure(min = 0, max = 1.e8, nominal = 1.e5, start = 1.e5) "Type for absolute pressure with medium specific attributes";
2368 | type Density = SI.Density(min = 0, max = 1.e5, nominal = 1, start = 1) "Type for density with medium specific attributes";
2369 | type DynamicViscosity = SI.DynamicViscosity(min = 0, max = 1.e8, nominal = 1.e-3, start = 1.e-3) "Type for dynamic viscosity with medium specific attributes";
2370 | type MassFraction = Real(quantity = "MassFraction", final unit = "kg/kg", min = 0, max = 1, nominal = 0.1) "Type for mass fraction with medium specific attributes";
2371 | type MolarMass = SI.MolarMass(min = 0.001, max = 0.25, nominal = 0.032) "Type for molar mass with medium specific attributes";
2372 | type MolarVolume = SI.MolarVolume(min = 1e-6, max = 1.0e6, nominal = 1.0) "Type for molar volume with medium specific attributes";
2373 | type IsentropicExponent = SI.RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities(min = 1, max = 500000, nominal = 1.2, start = 1.2) "Type for isentropic exponent with medium specific attributes";
2374 | type SpecificEnergy = SI.SpecificEnergy(min = -1.0e8, max = 1.e8, nominal = 1.e6) "Type for specific energy with medium specific attributes";
2375 | type SpecificInternalEnergy = SpecificEnergy "Type for specific internal energy with medium specific attributes";
2376 | type SpecificEnthalpy = SI.SpecificEnthalpy(min = -1.0e10, max = 1.e10, nominal = 1.e6) "Type for specific enthalpy with medium specific attributes";
2377 | type SpecificEntropy = SI.SpecificEntropy(min = -1.e7, max = 1.e7, nominal = 1.e3) "Type for specific entropy with medium specific attributes";
2378 | type SpecificHeatCapacity = SI.SpecificHeatCapacity(min = 0, max = 1.e7, nominal = 1.e3, start = 1.e3) "Type for specific heat capacity with medium specific attributes";
2379 | type SurfaceTension = SI.SurfaceTension "Type for surface tension with medium specific attributes";
2380 | type Temperature = SI.Temperature(min = 1, max = 1.e4, nominal = 300, start = 288.15) "Type for temperature with medium specific attributes";
2381 | type ThermalConductivity = SI.ThermalConductivity(min = 0, max = 500, nominal = 1, start = 1) "Type for thermal conductivity with medium specific attributes";
2382 | type VelocityOfSound = SI.Velocity(min = 0, max = 1.e5, nominal = 1000, start = 1000) "Type for velocity of sound with medium specific attributes";
2383 | type ExtraProperty = Real(min = 0.0, start = 1.0) "Type for unspecified, mass-specific property transported by flow";
2384 | type IsobaricExpansionCoefficient = Real(min = 0, max = 1.0e8, unit = "1/K") "Type for isobaric expansion coefficient with medium specific attributes";
2385 | type DipoleMoment = Real(min = 0.0, max = 2.0, unit = "debye", quantity = "ElectricDipoleMoment") "Type for dipole moment with medium specific attributes";
2386 | type DerDensityByPressure = SI.DerDensityByPressure "Type for partial derivative of density with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes";
2387 | type DerDensityByEnthalpy = SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy "Type for partial derivative of density with respect to enthalpy with medium specific attributes";
2388 | type DerEnthalpyByPressure = SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure "Type for partial derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes";
2389 | type DerTemperatureByPressure = Real(final unit = "K/Pa") "Type for partial derivative of temperature with respect to pressure with medium specific attributes";
2390 |
2391 | replaceable record SaturationProperties "Saturation properties of two phase medium"
2392 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2393 | AbsolutePressure psat "Saturation pressure";
2394 | Temperature Tsat "Saturation temperature";
2395 | end SaturationProperties;
2396 |
2397 | type FixedPhase = Integer(min = 0, max = 2) "Phase of the fluid: 1 for 1-phase, 2 for two-phase, 0 for not known, e.g., interactive use";
2398 |
2399 | package Basic "The most basic version of a record used in several degrees of detail"
2400 | extends Icons.Package;
2401 |
2402 | record FluidConstants "Critical, triple, molecular and other standard data of fluid"
2403 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2404 | String iupacName "Complete IUPAC name (or common name, if non-existent)";
2405 | String casRegistryNumber "Chemical abstracts sequencing number (if it exists)";
2406 | String chemicalFormula "Chemical formula, (brutto, nomenclature according to Hill";
2407 | String structureFormula "Chemical structure formula";
2408 | MolarMass molarMass "Molar mass";
2409 | end FluidConstants;
2410 | end Basic;
2411 |
2412 | package TwoPhase "The two phase fluid version of a record used in several degrees of detail"
2413 | extends Icons.Package;
2414 |
2415 | record FluidConstants "Extended fluid constants"
2416 | extends Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.Basic.FluidConstants;
2417 | Temperature criticalTemperature "Critical temperature";
2418 | AbsolutePressure criticalPressure "Critical pressure";
2419 | MolarVolume criticalMolarVolume "Critical molar Volume";
2420 | Real acentricFactor "Pitzer acentric factor";
2421 | Temperature triplePointTemperature "Triple point temperature";
2422 | AbsolutePressure triplePointPressure "Triple point pressure";
2423 | Temperature meltingPoint "Melting point at 101325 Pa";
2424 | Temperature normalBoilingPoint "Normal boiling point (at 101325 Pa)";
2425 | DipoleMoment dipoleMoment "Dipole moment of molecule in Debye (1 debye = 3.33564e10-30 C.m)";
2426 | Boolean hasIdealGasHeatCapacity = false "True if ideal gas heat capacity is available";
2427 | Boolean hasCriticalData = false "True if critical data are known";
2428 | Boolean hasDipoleMoment = false "True if a dipole moment known";
2429 | Boolean hasFundamentalEquation = false "True if a fundamental equation";
2430 | Boolean hasLiquidHeatCapacity = false "True if liquid heat capacity is available";
2431 | Boolean hasSolidHeatCapacity = false "True if solid heat capacity is available";
2432 | Boolean hasAccurateViscosityData = false "True if accurate data for a viscosity function is available";
2433 | Boolean hasAccurateConductivityData = false "True if accurate data for thermal conductivity is available";
2434 | Boolean hasVapourPressureCurve = false "True if vapour pressure data, e.g., Antoine coefficients are known";
2435 | Boolean hasAcentricFactor = false "True if Pitzer acentric factor is known";
2436 | SpecificEnthalpy HCRIT0 = 0.0 "Critical specific enthalpy of the fundamental equation";
2437 | SpecificEntropy SCRIT0 = 0.0 "Critical specific entropy of the fundamental equation";
2438 | SpecificEnthalpy deltah = 0.0 "Difference between specific enthalpy model (h_m) and f.eq. (h_f) (h_m - h_f)";
2439 | SpecificEntropy deltas = 0.0 "Difference between specific enthalpy model (s_m) and f.eq. (s_f) (s_m - s_f)";
2440 | end FluidConstants;
2441 | end TwoPhase;
2442 | end Types;
2443 | end Interfaces;
2444 |
2445 | package Common "Data structures and fundamental functions for fluid properties"
2446 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
2447 | type DerPressureByDensity = Real(final quantity = "DerPressureByDensity", final unit = "Pa.m3/kg");
2448 | type DerPressureByTemperature = Real(final quantity = "DerPressureByTemperature", final unit = "Pa/K");
2449 | constant Real MINPOS = 1.0e-9 "Minimal value for physical variables which are always > 0.0";
2450 |
2451 | record IF97BaseTwoPhase "Intermediate property data record for IF 97"
2452 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2453 | Integer phase(start = 0) "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
2454 | Integer region(min = 1, max = 5) "IF 97 region";
2455 | SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
2456 | SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
2457 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2458 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity R "Gas constant";
2459 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
2460 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
2461 | SI.Density rho "Density";
2462 | SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2463 | DerPressureByTemperature pt "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature";
2464 | DerPressureByDensity pd "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. density";
2465 | Real vt "Derivative of specific volume w.r.t. temperature";
2466 | Real vp "Derivative of specific volume w.r.t. pressure";
2467 | Real x "Dryness fraction";
2468 | Real dpT "dp/dT derivative of saturation curve";
2469 | end IF97BaseTwoPhase;
2470 |
2471 | record IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties "Thermodynamic base properties on the phase boundary for IF97 steam tables"
2472 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2473 | Boolean region3boundary "True if boundary between 2-phase and region 3";
2474 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity R "Specific heat capacity";
2475 | SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
2476 | SI.Density d "Density";
2477 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2478 | SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2479 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Heat capacity at constant pressure";
2480 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Heat capacity at constant volume";
2481 | DerPressureByTemperature dpT "dp/dT derivative of saturation curve";
2482 | DerPressureByTemperature pt "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature";
2483 | DerPressureByDensity pd "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. density";
2484 | Real vt(unit = "m3/(kg.K)") "Derivative of specific volume w.r.t. temperature";
2485 | Real vp(unit = "m3/(kg.Pa)") "Derivative of specific volume w.r.t. pressure";
2486 | end IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties;
2487 |
2488 | record GibbsDerivs "Derivatives of dimensionless Gibbs-function w.r.t. dimensionless pressure and temperature"
2489 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2490 | SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
2491 | SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
2492 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity R "Specific heat capacity";
2493 | Real pi(unit = "1") "Dimensionless pressure";
2494 | Real tau(unit = "1") "Dimensionless temperature";
2495 | Real g(unit = "1") "Dimensionless Gibbs-function";
2496 | Real gpi(unit = "1") "Derivative of g w.r.t. pi";
2497 | Real gpipi(unit = "1") "2nd derivative of g w.r.t. pi";
2498 | Real gtau(unit = "1") "Derivative of g w.r.t. tau";
2499 | Real gtautau(unit = "1") "2nd derivative of g w.r.t. tau";
2500 | Real gtaupi(unit = "1") "Mixed derivative of g w.r.t. pi and tau";
2501 | end GibbsDerivs;
2502 |
2503 | record HelmholtzDerivs "Derivatives of dimensionless Helmholtz-function w.r.t. dimensionless pressure, density and temperature"
2504 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2505 | SI.Density d "Density";
2506 | SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
2507 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity R "Specific heat capacity";
2508 | Real delta(unit = "1") "Dimensionless density";
2509 | Real tau(unit = "1") "Dimensionless temperature";
2510 | Real f(unit = "1") "Dimensionless Helmholtz-function";
2511 | Real fdelta(unit = "1") "Derivative of f w.r.t. delta";
2512 | Real fdeltadelta(unit = "1") "2nd derivative of f w.r.t. delta";
2513 | Real ftau(unit = "1") "Derivative of f w.r.t. tau";
2514 | Real ftautau(unit = "1") "2nd derivative of f w.r.t. tau";
2515 | Real fdeltatau(unit = "1") "Mixed derivative of f w.r.t. delta and tau";
2516 | end HelmholtzDerivs;
2517 |
2518 | record PhaseBoundaryProperties "Thermodynamic base properties on the phase boundary"
2519 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2520 | SI.Density d "Density";
2521 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2522 | SI.SpecificEnergy u "Inner energy";
2523 | SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2524 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Heat capacity at constant pressure";
2525 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Heat capacity at constant volume";
2526 | DerPressureByTemperature pt "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature";
2527 | DerPressureByDensity pd "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. density";
2528 | end PhaseBoundaryProperties;
2529 |
2530 | record NewtonDerivatives_ph "Derivatives for fast inverse calculations of Helmholtz functions: p & h"
2531 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2532 | SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
2533 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2534 | DerPressureByDensity pd "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. density";
2535 | DerPressureByTemperature pt "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature";
2536 | Real hd "Derivative of specific enthalpy w.r.t. density";
2537 | Real ht "Derivative of specific enthalpy w.r.t. temperature";
2538 | end NewtonDerivatives_ph;
2539 |
2540 | record NewtonDerivatives_ps "Derivatives for fast inverse calculation of Helmholtz functions: p & s"
2541 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2542 | SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
2543 | SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2544 | DerPressureByDensity pd "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. density";
2545 | DerPressureByTemperature pt "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature";
2546 | Real sd "Derivative of specific entropy w.r.t. density";
2547 | Real st "Derivative of specific entropy w.r.t. temperature";
2548 | end NewtonDerivatives_ps;
2549 |
2550 | record NewtonDerivatives_pT "Derivatives for fast inverse calculations of Helmholtz functions:p & T"
2551 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
2552 | SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
2553 | DerPressureByDensity pd "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. density";
2554 | end NewtonDerivatives_pT;
2555 |
2556 | function gibbsToBoundaryProps "Calculate phase boundary property record from dimensionless Gibbs function"
2557 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2558 | input GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless derivatives of Gibbs function";
2559 | output PhaseBoundaryProperties sat "Phase boundary properties";
2560 | protected
2561 | Real vt "Derivative of specific volume w.r.t. temperature";
2562 | Real vp "Derivative of specific volume w.r.t. pressure";
2563 | algorithm
2564 | sat.d := g.p / (g.R * g.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
2565 | sat.h := g.R * g.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
2566 | sat.u := g.T * g.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.pi * g.gpi);
2567 | sat.s := g.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
2568 | sat.cp := -g.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
2569 | sat.cv := g.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
2570 | vt := g.R / g.p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
2571 | vp := g.R * g.T / (g.p * g.p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
2572 | sat.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
2573 | sat.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
2574 | end gibbsToBoundaryProps;
2575 |
2576 | function helmholtzToBoundaryProps "Calculate phase boundary property record from dimensionless Helmholtz function"
2577 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2578 | input HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless derivatives of Helmholtz function";
2579 | output PhaseBoundaryProperties sat "Phase boundary property record";
2580 | protected
2581 | SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
2582 | algorithm
2583 | p := f.R * f.d * f.T * f.delta * f.fdelta;
2584 | sat.d := f.d;
2585 | sat.h := f.R * f.T * (f.tau * f.ftau + f.delta * f.fdelta);
2586 | sat.s := f.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
2587 | sat.u := f.R * f.T * f.tau * f.ftau;
2588 | sat.cp := f.R * ((-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau) + (f.delta * f.fdelta - f.delta * f.tau * f.fdeltatau) ^ 2 / (2 * f.delta * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.delta * f.fdeltadelta));
2589 | sat.cv := f.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
2590 | sat.pt := f.R * f.d * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
2591 | sat.pd := f.R * f.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
2592 | end helmholtzToBoundaryProps;
2593 |
2594 | function cv2Phase "Compute isochoric specific heat capacity inside the two-phase region"
2595 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2596 | input PhaseBoundaryProperties liq "Properties on the boiling curve";
2597 | input PhaseBoundaryProperties vap "Properties on the condensation curve";
2598 | input SI.MassFraction x "Vapour mass fraction";
2599 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
2600 | input SI.Pressure p "Properties";
2601 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Isochoric specific heat capacity";
2602 | protected
2603 | Real dpT "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature";
2604 | Real dxv "Derivative of vapour mass fraction w.r.t. specific volume";
2605 | Real dvTl "Derivative of liquid specific volume w.r.t. temperature";
2606 | Real dvTv "Derivative of vapour specific volume w.r.t. temperature";
2607 | Real duTl "Derivative of liquid specific inner energy w.r.t. temperature";
2608 | Real duTv "Derivative of vapour specific inner energy w.r.t. temperature";
2609 | Real dxt "Derivative of vapour mass fraction w.r.t. temperature";
2610 | algorithm
2611 | dxv := if liq.d <> vap.d then liq.d * vap.d / (liq.d - vap.d) else 0.0;
2612 | dpT := (vap.s - liq.s) * dxv;
2613 | dvTl := (liq.pt - dpT) / liq.pd / liq.d / liq.d;
2614 | dvTv := (vap.pt - dpT) / vap.pd / vap.d / vap.d;
2615 | dxt := -dxv * (dvTl + x * (dvTv - dvTl));
2616 | duTl := liq.cv + (T * liq.pt - p) * dvTl;
2617 | duTv := vap.cv + (T * vap.pt - p) * dvTv;
2618 | cv := duTl + x * (duTv - duTl) + dxt * (vap.u - liq.u);
2619 | end cv2Phase;
2620 |
2621 | function Helmholtz_ph "Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and h"
2622 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2623 | input HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless derivatives of Helmholtz function";
2624 | output NewtonDerivatives_ph nderivs "Derivatives for Newton iteration to calculate d and t from p and h";
2625 | protected
2626 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Isochoric heat capacity";
2627 | algorithm
2628 | cv := -f.R * (f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
2629 | nderivs.p := f.d * f.R * f.T * f.delta * f.fdelta;
2630 | nderivs.h := f.R * f.T * (f.tau * f.ftau + f.delta * f.fdelta);
2631 | nderivs.pd := f.R * f.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
2632 | nderivs.pt := f.R * f.d * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
2633 | nderivs.ht := cv + nderivs.pt / f.d;
2634 | nderivs.hd := (nderivs.pd - f.T * nderivs.pt / f.d) / f.d;
2635 | end Helmholtz_ph;
2636 |
2637 | function Helmholtz_pT "Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and t"
2638 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2639 | input HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless derivatives of Helmholtz function";
2640 | output NewtonDerivatives_pT nderivs "Derivatives for Newton iteration to compute d and t from p and t";
2641 | algorithm
2642 | nderivs.p := f.d * f.R * f.T * f.delta * f.fdelta;
2643 | nderivs.pd := f.R * f.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
2644 | end Helmholtz_pT;
2645 |
2646 | function Helmholtz_ps "Function to calculate analytic derivatives for computing d and t given p and s"
2647 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2648 | input HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless derivatives of Helmholtz function";
2649 | output NewtonDerivatives_ps nderivs "Derivatives for Newton iteration to compute d and t from p and s";
2650 | protected
2651 | SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Isochoric heat capacity";
2652 | algorithm
2653 | cv := -f.R * (f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
2654 | nderivs.p := f.d * f.R * f.T * f.delta * f.fdelta;
2655 | nderivs.s := f.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
2656 | nderivs.pd := f.R * f.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
2657 | nderivs.pt := f.R * f.d * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
2658 | nderivs.st := cv / f.T;
2659 | nderivs.sd := -nderivs.pt / (f.d * f.d);
2660 | end Helmholtz_ps;
2661 |
2662 | function smoothStep "Approximation of a general step, such that the characteristic is continuous and differentiable"
2663 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2664 | input Real x "Abscissa value";
2665 | input Real y1 "Ordinate value for x > 0";
2666 | input Real y2 "Ordinate value for x < 0";
2667 | input Real x_small(min = 0) = 1e-5 "Approximation of step for -x_small <= x <= x_small; x_small > 0 required";
2668 | output Real y "Ordinate value to approximate y = if x > 0 then y1 else y2";
2669 | algorithm
2670 | y := smooth(1, if x > x_small then y1 else if x < (-x_small) then y2 else if abs(x_small) > 0 then x / x_small * ((x / x_small) ^ 2 - 3) * (y2 - y1) / 4 + (y1 + y2) / 2 else (y1 + y2) / 2);
2671 | annotation(Inline = true, smoothOrder = 1);
2672 | end smoothStep;
2673 | end Common;
2674 |
2675 | package Water "Medium models for water"
2676 | extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage;
2677 | import Modelica.Media.Water.ConstantPropertyLiquidWater.simpleWaterConstants;
2678 | constant Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Types.TwoPhase.FluidConstants[1] waterConstants(each chemicalFormula = "H2O", each structureFormula = "H2O", each casRegistryNumber = "7732-18-5", each iupacName = "oxidane", each molarMass = 0.018015268, each criticalTemperature = 647.096, each criticalPressure = 22064.0e3, each criticalMolarVolume = 1 / 322.0 * 0.018015268, each normalBoilingPoint = 373.124, each meltingPoint = 273.15, each triplePointTemperature = 273.16, each triplePointPressure = 611.657, each acentricFactor = 0.344, each dipoleMoment = 1.8, each hasCriticalData = true);
2679 | package StandardWater = WaterIF97_ph "Water using the IF97 standard, explicit in p and h. Recommended for most applications";
2680 |
2681 | package WaterIF97_ph "Water using the IF97 standard, explicit in p and h"
2682 | extends WaterIF97_base(ThermoStates = Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Choices.IndependentVariables.ph, final ph_explicit = true, final dT_explicit = false, final pT_explicit = false, smoothModel = false, onePhase = false);
2683 | end WaterIF97_ph;
2684 |
2685 | partial package WaterIF97_base "Water: Steam properties as defined by IAPWS/IF97 standard"
2686 | extends Interfaces.PartialTwoPhaseMedium(mediumName = "WaterIF97", substanceNames = {"water"}, singleState = false, SpecificEnthalpy(start = 1.0e5, nominal = 5.0e5), Density(start = 150, nominal = 500), AbsolutePressure(start = 50e5, nominal = 10e5, min = 611.657, max = 100e6), Temperature(start = 500, nominal = 500, min = 273.15, max = 2273.15), smoothModel = false, onePhase = false, fluidConstants = waterConstants);
2687 |
2688 | redeclare record extends ThermodynamicState "Thermodynamic state"
2689 | SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2690 | Density d "Density";
2691 | Temperature T "Temperature";
2692 | AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2693 | end ThermodynamicState;
2694 |
2695 | constant Integer Region = 0 "Region of IF97, if known, zero otherwise";
2696 | constant Boolean ph_explicit "True if explicit in pressure and specific enthalpy";
2697 | constant Boolean dT_explicit "True if explicit in density and temperature";
2698 | constant Boolean pT_explicit "True if explicit in pressure and temperature";
2699 |
2700 | redeclare replaceable model extends BaseProperties(h(stateSelect = if ph_explicit and preferredMediumStates then StateSelect.prefer else StateSelect.default), d(stateSelect = if dT_explicit and preferredMediumStates then StateSelect.prefer else StateSelect.default), T(stateSelect = if (pT_explicit or dT_explicit) and preferredMediumStates then StateSelect.prefer else StateSelect.default), p(stateSelect = if (pT_explicit or ph_explicit) and preferredMediumStates then StateSelect.prefer else StateSelect.default)) "Base properties of water"
2701 | Integer phase(min = 0, max = 2, start = 1, fixed = false) "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2702 | equation
2703 | MM = fluidConstants[1].molarMass;
2704 | if Region > 0 then
2705 | phase = if Region == 4 then 2 else 1;
2706 | elseif smoothModel then
2707 | if onePhase then
2708 | phase = 1;
2709 | if ph_explicit then
2710 | assert(h < bubbleEnthalpy(sat) or h > dewEnthalpy(sat) or p > fluidConstants[1].criticalPressure, "With onePhase=true this model may only be called with one-phase states h < hl or h > hv!" + "(p = " + String(p) + ", h = " + String(h) + ")");
2711 | else
2712 | if dT_explicit then
2713 | assert(not (d < bubbleDensity(sat) and d > dewDensity(sat) and T < fluidConstants[1].criticalTemperature), "With onePhase=true this model may only be called with one-phase states d > dl or d < dv!" + "(d = " + String(d) + ", T = " + String(T) + ")");
2714 | end if;
2715 | end if;
2716 | else
2717 | phase = 0;
2718 | end if;
2719 | else
2720 | if ph_explicit then
2721 | phase = if h < bubbleEnthalpy(sat) or h > dewEnthalpy(sat) or p > fluidConstants[1].criticalPressure then 1 else 2;
2722 | elseif dT_explicit then
2723 | phase = if not (d < bubbleDensity(sat) and d > dewDensity(sat) and T < fluidConstants[1].criticalTemperature) then 1 else 2;
2724 | else
2725 | phase = 1;
2726 | end if;
2727 | end if;
2728 | if dT_explicit then
2729 | p = pressure_dT(d, T, phase, Region);
2730 | h = specificEnthalpy_dT(d, T, phase, Region);
2731 | sat.Tsat = T;
2732 | sat.psat = saturationPressure(T);
2733 | elseif ph_explicit then
2734 | d = density_ph(p, h, phase, Region);
2735 | T = temperature_ph(p, h, phase, Region);
2736 | sat.Tsat = saturationTemperature(p);
2737 | sat.psat = p;
2738 | else
2739 | h = specificEnthalpy_pT(p, T, Region);
2740 | d = density_pT(p, T, Region);
2741 | sat.psat = p;
2742 | sat.Tsat = saturationTemperature(p);
2743 | end if;
2744 | u = h - p / d;
2745 | R = Modelica.Constants.R / fluidConstants[1].molarMass;
2746 | h = state.h;
2747 | p = state.p;
2748 | T = state.T;
2749 | d = state.d;
2750 | phase = state.phase;
2751 | end BaseProperties;
2752 |
2753 | redeclare function density_ph "Computes density as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
2754 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2755 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2756 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2757 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2758 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2759 | output Density d "Density";
2760 | algorithm
2761 | d := IF97_Utilities.rho_ph(p, h, phase, region);
2762 | annotation(Inline = true);
2763 | end density_ph;
2764 |
2765 | redeclare function temperature_ph "Computes temperature as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
2766 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2767 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2768 | input SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2769 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2770 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2771 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
2772 | algorithm
2773 | T := IF97_Utilities.T_ph(p, h, phase, region);
2774 | annotation(Inline = true);
2775 | end temperature_ph;
2776 |
2777 | redeclare function temperature_ps "Compute temperature from pressure and specific enthalpy"
2778 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2779 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2780 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2781 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2782 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2783 | output Temperature T "Temperature";
2784 | algorithm
2785 | T := IF97_Utilities.T_ps(p, s, phase, region);
2786 | annotation(Inline = true);
2787 | end temperature_ps;
2788 |
2789 | redeclare function density_ps "Computes density as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
2790 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2791 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2792 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2793 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2794 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2795 | output Density d "Density";
2796 | algorithm
2797 | d := IF97_Utilities.rho_ps(p, s, phase, region);
2798 | annotation(Inline = true);
2799 | end density_ps;
2800 |
2801 | redeclare function pressure_dT "Computes pressure as a function of density and temperature"
2802 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2803 | input Density d "Density";
2804 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2805 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2806 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2807 | output AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2808 | algorithm
2809 | p := IF97_Utilities.p_dT(d, T, phase, region);
2810 | annotation(Inline = true);
2811 | end pressure_dT;
2812 |
2813 | redeclare function specificEnthalpy_dT "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of density and temperature"
2814 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2815 | input Density d "Density";
2816 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2817 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2818 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2819 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2820 | algorithm
2821 | h := IF97_Utilities.h_dT(d, T, phase, region);
2822 | annotation(Inline = true);
2823 | end specificEnthalpy_dT;
2824 |
2825 | redeclare function specificEnthalpy_pT "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
2826 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2827 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2828 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2829 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2830 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2831 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2832 | algorithm
2833 | h := IF97_Utilities.h_pT(p, T, region);
2834 | annotation(Inline = true);
2835 | end specificEnthalpy_pT;
2836 |
2837 | redeclare function specificEnthalpy_ps "Computes specific enthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature"
2838 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2839 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2840 | input SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
2841 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2842 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2843 | output SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
2844 | algorithm
2845 | h := IF97_Utilities.h_ps(p, s, phase, region);
2846 | annotation(Inline = true);
2847 | end specificEnthalpy_ps;
2848 |
2849 | redeclare function density_pT "Computes density as a function of pressure and temperature"
2850 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2851 | input AbsolutePressure p "Pressure";
2852 | input Temperature T "Temperature";
2853 | input FixedPhase phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
2854 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
2855 | output Density d "Density";
2856 | algorithm
2857 | d := IF97_Utilities.rho_pT(p, T, region);
2858 | annotation(Inline = true);
2859 | end density_pT;
2860 |
2861 | redeclare function extends setDewState "Set the thermodynamic state on the dew line"
2862 | algorithm
2863 | state := ThermodynamicState(phase = phase, p = sat.psat, T = sat.Tsat, h = dewEnthalpy(sat), d = dewDensity(sat));
2864 | annotation(Inline = true);
2865 | end setDewState;
2866 |
2867 | redeclare function extends setBubbleState "Set the thermodynamic state on the bubble line"
2868 | algorithm
2869 | state := ThermodynamicState(phase = phase, p = sat.psat, T = sat.Tsat, h = bubbleEnthalpy(sat), d = bubbleDensity(sat));
2870 | annotation(Inline = true);
2871 | end setBubbleState;
2872 |
2873 | redeclare function extends dynamicViscosity "Dynamic viscosity of water"
2874 | algorithm
2875 | eta := IF97_Utilities.dynamicViscosity(state.d, state.T, state.p, state.phase);
2876 | annotation(Inline = true);
2877 | end dynamicViscosity;
2878 |
2879 | redeclare function extends thermalConductivity "Thermal conductivity of water"
2880 | algorithm
2881 | lambda := IF97_Utilities.thermalConductivity(state.d, state.T, state.p, state.phase);
2882 | annotation(Inline = true);
2883 | end thermalConductivity;
2884 |
2885 | redeclare function extends surfaceTension "Surface tension in two phase region of water"
2886 | algorithm
2887 | sigma := IF97_Utilities.surfaceTension(sat.Tsat);
2888 | annotation(Inline = true);
2889 | end surfaceTension;
2890 |
2891 | redeclare function extends pressure "Return pressure of ideal gas"
2892 | algorithm
2893 | p := state.p;
2894 | annotation(Inline = true);
2895 | end pressure;
2896 |
2897 | redeclare function extends temperature "Return temperature of ideal gas"
2898 | algorithm
2899 | T := state.T;
2900 | annotation(Inline = true);
2901 | end temperature;
2902 |
2903 | redeclare function extends density "Return density of ideal gas"
2904 | algorithm
2905 | d := state.d;
2906 | annotation(Inline = true);
2907 | end density;
2908 |
2909 | redeclare function extends specificEnthalpy "Return specific enthalpy"
2910 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2911 | algorithm
2912 | h := state.h;
2913 | annotation(Inline = true);
2914 | end specificEnthalpy;
2915 |
2916 | redeclare function extends specificInternalEnergy "Return specific internal energy"
2917 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2918 | algorithm
2919 | u := state.h - state.p / state.d;
2920 | annotation(Inline = true);
2921 | end specificInternalEnergy;
2922 |
2923 | redeclare function extends specificGibbsEnergy "Return specific Gibbs energy"
2924 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2925 | algorithm
2926 | g := state.h - state.T * specificEntropy(state);
2927 | annotation(Inline = true);
2928 | end specificGibbsEnergy;
2929 |
2930 | redeclare function extends specificHelmholtzEnergy "Return specific Helmholtz energy"
2931 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
2932 | algorithm
2933 | f := state.h - state.p / state.d - state.T * specificEntropy(state);
2934 | annotation(Inline = true);
2935 | end specificHelmholtzEnergy;
2936 |
2937 | redeclare function extends specificEntropy "Specific entropy of water"
2938 | algorithm
2939 | s := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.s_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.s_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.s_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2940 | annotation(Inline = true);
2941 | end specificEntropy;
2942 |
2943 | redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCp "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure of water"
2944 | algorithm
2945 | cp := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.cp_dT(state.d, state.T, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.cp_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.cp_ph(state.p, state.h, Region);
2946 | annotation(Inline = true);
2947 | end specificHeatCapacityCp;
2948 |
2949 | redeclare function extends specificHeatCapacityCv "Specific heat capacity at constant volume of water"
2950 | algorithm
2951 | cv := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.cv_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.cv_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.cv_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2952 | annotation(Inline = true);
2953 | end specificHeatCapacityCv;
2954 |
2955 | redeclare function extends isentropicExponent "Return isentropic exponent"
2956 | algorithm
2957 | gamma := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.isentropicExponent_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.isentropicExponent_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.isentropicExponent_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2958 | annotation(Inline = true);
2959 | end isentropicExponent;
2960 |
2961 | redeclare function extends isothermalCompressibility "Isothermal compressibility of water"
2962 | algorithm
2963 | kappa := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.kappa_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.kappa_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.kappa_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2964 | annotation(Inline = true);
2965 | end isothermalCompressibility;
2966 |
2967 | redeclare function extends isobaricExpansionCoefficient "Isobaric expansion coefficient of water"
2968 | algorithm
2969 | beta := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.beta_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.beta_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.beta_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2970 | annotation(Inline = true);
2971 | end isobaricExpansionCoefficient;
2972 |
2973 | redeclare function extends velocityOfSound "Return velocity of sound as a function of the thermodynamic state record"
2974 | algorithm
2975 | a := if dT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.velocityOfSound_dT(state.d, state.T, state.phase, Region) else if pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.velocityOfSound_pT(state.p, state.T, Region) else IF97_Utilities.velocityOfSound_ph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2976 | annotation(Inline = true);
2977 | end velocityOfSound;
2978 |
2979 | redeclare function extends isentropicEnthalpy "Compute h(s,p)"
2980 | algorithm
2981 | h_is := IF97_Utilities.isentropicEnthalpy(p_downstream, specificEntropy(refState), 0);
2982 | annotation(Inline = true);
2983 | end isentropicEnthalpy;
2984 |
2985 | redeclare function extends density_derh_p "Density derivative by specific enthalpy"
2986 | algorithm
2987 | ddhp := IF97_Utilities.ddhp(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2988 | annotation(Inline = true);
2989 | end density_derh_p;
2990 |
2991 | redeclare function extends density_derp_h "Density derivative by pressure"
2992 | algorithm
2993 | ddph := IF97_Utilities.ddph(state.p, state.h, state.phase, Region);
2994 | annotation(Inline = true);
2995 | end density_derp_h;
2996 |
2997 | redeclare function extends bubbleEnthalpy "Boiling curve specific enthalpy of water"
2998 | algorithm
2999 | hl := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hl_p(sat.psat);
3000 | annotation(Inline = true);
3001 | end bubbleEnthalpy;
3002 |
3003 | redeclare function extends dewEnthalpy "Dew curve specific enthalpy of water"
3004 | algorithm
3005 | hv := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.hv_p(sat.psat);
3006 | annotation(Inline = true);
3007 | end dewEnthalpy;
3008 |
3009 | redeclare function extends bubbleEntropy "Boiling curve specific entropy of water"
3010 | algorithm
3011 | sl := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.sl_p(sat.psat);
3012 | annotation(Inline = true);
3013 | end bubbleEntropy;
3014 |
3015 | redeclare function extends dewEntropy "Dew curve specific entropy of water"
3016 | algorithm
3017 | sv := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.sv_p(sat.psat);
3018 | annotation(Inline = true);
3019 | end dewEntropy;
3020 |
3021 | redeclare function extends bubbleDensity "Boiling curve specific density of water"
3022 | algorithm
3023 | dl := if ph_explicit or pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhol_p(sat.psat) else IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhol_T(sat.Tsat);
3024 | annotation(Inline = true);
3025 | end bubbleDensity;
3026 |
3027 | redeclare function extends dewDensity "Dew curve specific density of water"
3028 | algorithm
3029 | dv := if ph_explicit or pT_explicit then IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhov_p(sat.psat) else IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.rhov_T(sat.Tsat);
3030 | annotation(Inline = true);
3031 | end dewDensity;
3032 |
3033 | redeclare function extends saturationTemperature "Saturation temperature of water"
3034 | algorithm
3035 | T := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Basic.tsat(p);
3036 | annotation(Inline = true);
3037 | end saturationTemperature;
3038 |
3039 | redeclare function extends saturationTemperature_derp "Derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure"
3040 | algorithm
3041 | dTp := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Basic.dtsatofp(p);
3042 | annotation(Inline = true);
3043 | end saturationTemperature_derp;
3044 |
3045 | redeclare function extends saturationPressure "Saturation pressure of water"
3046 | algorithm
3047 | p := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Basic.psat(T);
3048 | annotation(Inline = true);
3049 | end saturationPressure;
3050 |
3051 | redeclare function extends dBubbleDensity_dPressure "Bubble point density derivative"
3052 | algorithm
3053 | ddldp := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.drhol_dp(sat.psat);
3054 | annotation(Inline = true);
3055 | end dBubbleDensity_dPressure;
3056 |
3057 | redeclare function extends dDewDensity_dPressure "Dew point density derivative"
3058 | algorithm
3059 | ddvdp := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.drhov_dp(sat.psat);
3060 | annotation(Inline = true);
3061 | end dDewDensity_dPressure;
3062 |
3063 | redeclare function extends dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure "Bubble point specific enthalpy derivative"
3064 | algorithm
3065 | dhldp := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.dhl_dp(sat.psat);
3066 | annotation(Inline = true);
3067 | end dBubbleEnthalpy_dPressure;
3068 |
3069 | redeclare function extends dDewEnthalpy_dPressure "Dew point specific enthalpy derivative"
3070 | algorithm
3071 | dhvdp := IF97_Utilities.BaseIF97.Regions.dhv_dp(sat.psat);
3072 | annotation(Inline = true);
3073 | end dDewEnthalpy_dPressure;
3074 |
3075 | redeclare function extends setState_dTX "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of d, T, and optional region"
3076 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
3077 | algorithm
3078 | state := ThermodynamicState(d = d, T = T, phase = if region == 0 then 0 else if region == 4 then 2 else 1, h = specificEnthalpy_dT(d, T, region = region), p = pressure_dT(d, T, region = region));
3079 | annotation(Inline = true);
3080 | end setState_dTX;
3081 |
3082 | redeclare function extends setState_phX "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p, h, and optional region"
3083 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
3084 | algorithm
3085 | state := ThermodynamicState(d = density_ph(p, h, region = region), T = temperature_ph(p, h, region = region), phase = if region == 0 then 0 else if region == 4 then 2 else 1, h = h, p = p);
3086 | annotation(Inline = true);
3087 | end setState_phX;
3088 |
3089 | redeclare function extends setState_psX "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p, s, and optional region"
3090 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
3091 | algorithm
3092 | state := ThermodynamicState(d = density_ps(p, s, region = region), T = temperature_ps(p, s, region = region), phase = if region == 0 then 0 else if region == 4 then 2 else 1, h = specificEnthalpy_ps(p, s, region = region), p = p);
3093 | annotation(Inline = true);
3094 | end setState_psX;
3095 |
3096 | redeclare function extends setState_pTX "Return thermodynamic state of water as function of p, T, and optional region"
3097 | input Integer region = Region "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
3098 | algorithm
3099 | state := ThermodynamicState(d = density_pT(p, T, region = region), T = T, phase = 1, h = specificEnthalpy_pT(p, T, region = region), p = p);
3100 | annotation(Inline = true);
3101 | end setState_pTX;
3102 |
3103 | redeclare function extends setSmoothState "Return thermodynamic state so that it smoothly approximates: if x > 0 then state_a else state_b"
3104 | import Modelica.Media.Common.smoothStep;
3105 | algorithm
3106 | state := ThermodynamicState(p = smoothStep(x, state_a.p, state_b.p, x_small), h = smoothStep(x, state_a.h, state_b.h, x_small), d = density_ph(smoothStep(x, state_a.p, state_b.p, x_small), smoothStep(x, state_a.h, state_b.h, x_small)), T = temperature_ph(smoothStep(x, state_a.p, state_b.p, x_small), smoothStep(x, state_a.h, state_b.h, x_small)), phase = 0);
3107 | annotation(Inline = true);
3108 | end setSmoothState;
3109 | end WaterIF97_base;
3110 |
3111 | package IF97_Utilities "Low level and utility computation for high accuracy water properties according to the IAPWS/IF97 standard"
3112 | extends Modelica.Icons.UtilitiesPackage;
3113 |
3114 | package BaseIF97 "Modelica Physical Property Model: the new industrial formulation IAPWS-IF97"
3115 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
3116 |
3117 | record IterationData "Constants for iterations internal to some functions"
3118 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
3119 | constant Integer IMAX = 50 "Maximum number of iterations for inverse functions";
3120 | constant Real DELP = 1.0e-6 "Maximum iteration error in pressure, Pa";
3121 | constant Real DELS = 1.0e-8 "Maximum iteration error in specific entropy, J/{kg.K}";
3122 | constant Real DELH = 1.0e-8 "Maximum iteration error in specific enthalpy, J/kg";
3123 | constant Real DELD = 1.0e-8 "Maximum iteration error in density, kg/m^3";
3124 | end IterationData;
3125 |
3126 | record data "Constant IF97 data and region limits"
3127 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
3128 | constant SI.SpecificHeatCapacity RH2O = 461.526 "Specific gas constant of water vapour";
3129 | constant SI.MolarMass MH2O = 0.01801528 "Molar weight of water";
3130 | constant SI.Temperature TSTAR1 = 1386.0 "Normalization temperature for region 1 IF97";
3131 | constant SI.Pressure PSTAR1 = 16.53e6 "Normalization pressure for region 1 IF97";
3132 | constant SI.Temperature TSTAR2 = 540.0 "Normalization temperature for region 2 IF97";
3133 | constant SI.Pressure PSTAR2 = 1.0e6 "Normalization pressure for region 2 IF97";
3134 | constant SI.Temperature TSTAR5 = 1000.0 "Normalization temperature for region 5 IF97";
3135 | constant SI.Pressure PSTAR5 = 1.0e6 "Normalization pressure for region 5 IF97";
3136 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy HSTAR1 = 2.5e6 "Normalization specific enthalpy for region 1 IF97";
3137 | constant Real IPSTAR = 1.0e-6 "Normalization pressure for inverse function in region 2 IF97";
3138 | constant Real IHSTAR = 5.0e-7 "Normalization specific enthalpy for inverse function in region 2 IF97";
3139 | constant SI.Temperature TLIMIT1 = 623.15 "Temperature limit between regions 1 and 3";
3140 | constant SI.Temperature TLIMIT2 = 1073.15 "Temperature limit between regions 2 and 5";
3141 | constant SI.Temperature TLIMIT5 = 2273.15 "Upper temperature limit of 5";
3142 | constant SI.Pressure PLIMIT1 = 100.0e6 "Upper pressure limit for regions 1, 2 and 3";
3143 | constant SI.Pressure PLIMIT4A = 16.5292e6 "Pressure limit between regions 1 and 2, important for two-phase (region 4)";
3144 | constant SI.Pressure PLIMIT5 = 10.0e6 "Upper limit of valid pressure in region 5";
3145 | constant SI.Pressure PCRIT = 22064000.0 "The critical pressure";
3146 | constant SI.Temperature TCRIT = 647.096 "The critical temperature";
3147 | constant SI.Density DCRIT = 322.0 "The critical density";
3148 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy SCRIT = 4412.02148223476 "The calculated specific entropy at the critical point";
3149 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy HCRIT = 2087546.84511715 "The calculated specific enthalpy at the critical point";
3150 | constant Real[5] n = array(0.34805185628969e3, -0.11671859879975e1, 0.10192970039326e-2, 0.57254459862746e3, 0.13918839778870e2) "Polynomial coefficients for boundary between regions 2 and 3";
3151 | end data;
3152 |
3153 | record triple "Triple point data"
3154 | extends Modelica.Icons.Record;
3155 | constant SI.Temperature Ttriple = 273.16 "The triple point temperature";
3156 | constant SI.Pressure ptriple = 611.657 "The triple point pressure";
3157 | constant SI.Density dltriple = 999.792520031617642 "The triple point liquid density";
3158 | constant SI.Density dvtriple = 0.485457572477861372e-2 "The triple point vapour density";
3159 | end triple;
3160 |
3161 | package Regions "Functions to find the current region for given pairs of input variables"
3162 | extends Modelica.Icons.FunctionsPackage;
3163 |
3164 | function boundary23ofT "Boundary function for region boundary between regions 2 and 3 (input temperature)"
3165 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3166 | input SI.Temperature t "Temperature (K)";
3167 | output SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3168 | protected
3169 | constant Real[5] n = data.n;
3170 | algorithm
3171 | p := 1.0e6 * (n[1] + t * (n[2] + t * n[3]));
3172 | end boundary23ofT;
3173 |
3174 | function boundary23ofp "Boundary function for region boundary between regions 2 and 3 (input pressure)"
3175 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3176 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3177 | output SI.Temperature t "Temperature (K)";
3178 | protected
3179 | constant Real[5] n = data.n;
3180 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3181 | algorithm
3182 | pi := p / 1.0e6;
3183 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function boundary23ofp called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3184 | t := n[4] + ((pi - n[5]) / n[3]) ^ 0.5;
3185 | end boundary23ofp;
3186 |
3187 | function hlowerofp5 "Explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 5 as function of pressure"
3188 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3189 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3190 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3191 | protected
3192 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3193 | algorithm
3194 | pi := p / data.PSTAR5;
3195 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hlowerofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3196 | h := 461526. * (9.01505286876203 + pi * ((-0.00979043490246092) + ((-0.0000203245575263501) + 3.36540214679088e-7 * pi) * pi));
3197 | end hlowerofp5;
3198 |
3199 | function hupperofp5 "Explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 5 as function of pressure"
3200 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3201 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3202 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3203 | protected
3204 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3205 | algorithm
3206 | pi := p / data.PSTAR5;
3207 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hupperofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3208 | h := 461526. * (15.9838891400332 + pi * ((-0.000489898813722568) + ((-5.01510211858761e-8) + 7.5006972718273e-8 * pi) * pi));
3209 | end hupperofp5;
3210 |
3211 | function slowerofp5 "Explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 5 as function of pressure"
3212 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3213 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3214 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3215 | protected
3216 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3217 | algorithm
3218 | pi := p / data.PSTAR5;
3219 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function slowerofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3220 | s := 461.526 * (18.4296209980112 + pi * ((-0.00730911805860036) + ((-0.0000168348072093888) + 2.09066899426354e-7 * pi) * pi) - Modelica.Math.log(pi));
3221 | end slowerofp5;
3222 |
3223 | function supperofp5 "Explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 5 as function of pressure"
3224 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3225 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3226 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3227 | protected
3228 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3229 | algorithm
3230 | pi := p / data.PSTAR5;
3231 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function supperofp5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3232 | s := 461.526 * (22.7281531474243 + pi * ((-0.000656650220627603) + ((-1.96109739782049e-8) + 2.19979537113031e-8 * pi) * pi) - Modelica.Math.log(pi));
3233 | end supperofp5;
3234 |
3235 | function hlowerofp1 "Explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 1 as function of pressure"
3236 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3237 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3238 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3239 | protected
3240 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
3241 | Real[3] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3242 | algorithm
3243 | pi1 := 7.1 - p / data.PSTAR1;
3244 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hlowerofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3245 | o[1] := pi1 * pi1;
3246 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
3247 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
3248 | h := 639675.036 * (0.173379420894777 + pi1 * ((-0.022914084306349) + pi1 * ((-0.00017146768241932) + pi1 * ((-4.18695814670391e-6) + pi1 * ((-2.41630417490008e-7) + pi1 * (1.73545618580828e-11 + o[1] * pi1 * (8.43755552264362e-14 + o[2] * o[3] * pi1 * (5.35429206228374e-35 + o[1] * ((-8.12140581014818e-38) + o[1] * o[2] * ((-1.43870236842915e-44) + pi1 * (1.73894459122923e-45 + ((-7.06381628462585e-47) + 9.64504638626269e-49 * pi1) * pi1)))))))))));
3249 | end hlowerofp1;
3250 |
3251 | function hupperofp1 "Explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 1 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)"
3252 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3253 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3254 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3255 | protected
3256 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
3257 | Real[3] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3258 | algorithm
3259 | pi1 := 7.1 - p / data.PSTAR1;
3260 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hupperofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3261 | o[1] := pi1 * pi1;
3262 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
3263 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
3264 | h := 639675.036 * (2.42896927729349 + pi1 * ((-0.00141131225285294) + pi1 * (0.00143759406818289 + pi1 * (0.000125338925082983 + pi1 * (0.0000123617764767172 + pi1 * (3.17834967400818e-6 + o[1] * pi1 * (1.46754947271665e-8 + o[2] * o[3] * pi1 * (1.86779322717506e-17 + o[1] * ((-4.18568363667416e-19) + o[1] * o[2] * ((-9.19148577641497e-22) + pi1 * (4.27026404402408e-22 + ((-6.66749357417962e-23) + 3.49930466305574e-24 * pi1) * pi1)))))))))));
3265 | end hupperofp1;
3266 |
3267 | function supperofp1 "Explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 1 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)"
3268 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3269 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3270 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3271 | protected
3272 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
3273 | Real[3] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3274 | algorithm
3275 | pi1 := 7.1 - p / data.PSTAR1;
3276 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function supperofp1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3277 | o[1] := pi1 * pi1;
3278 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
3279 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
3280 | s := 461.526 * (7.28316418503422 + pi1 * (0.070602197808399 + pi1 * (0.0039229343647356 + pi1 * (0.000313009170788845 + pi1 * (0.0000303619398631619 + pi1 * (7.46739440045781e-6 + o[1] * pi1 * (3.40562176858676e-8 + o[2] * o[3] * pi1 * (4.21886233340801e-17 + o[1] * ((-9.44504571473549e-19) + o[1] * o[2] * ((-2.06859611434475e-21) + pi1 * (9.60758422254987e-22 + ((-1.49967810652241e-22) + 7.86863124555783e-24 * pi1) * pi1)))))))))));
3281 | end supperofp1;
3282 |
3283 | function hlowerofp2 "Explicit lower specific enthalpy limit of region 2 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)"
3284 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3285 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3286 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3287 | protected
3288 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3289 | Real q1 "Auxiliary variable";
3290 | Real q2 "Auxiliary variable";
3291 | Real[18] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3292 | algorithm
3293 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
3294 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hlowerofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3295 | q1 := 572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784 * ((-13.91883977887) + pi) ^ 0.5;
3296 | q2 := (-0.5) + 540. / q1;
3297 | o[1] := q1 * q1;
3298 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
3299 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
3300 | o[4] := pi * pi;
3301 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
3302 | o[6] := q2 * q2;
3303 | o[7] := o[6] * o[6];
3304 | o[8] := o[6] * o[7];
3305 | o[9] := o[5] * o[5];
3306 | o[10] := o[7] * o[7];
3307 | o[11] := o[9] * o[9];
3308 | o[12] := o[10] * o[10];
3309 | o[13] := o[12] * o[12];
3310 | o[14] := o[7] * q2;
3311 | o[15] := o[6] * q2;
3312 | o[16] := o[10] * o[6];
3313 | o[17] := o[13] * o[6];
3314 | o[18] := o[13] * o[6] * q2;
3315 | h := (4.63697573303507e9 + 3.74686560065793 * o[2] + 3.57966647812489e-6 * o[1] * o[2] + 2.81881548488163e-13 * o[3] - 7.64652332452145e7 * q1 - 0.00450789338787835 * o[2] * q1 - 1.55131504410292e-9 * o[1] * o[2] * q1 + o[1] * (2.51383707870341e6 - 4.78198198764471e6 * o[10] * o[11] * o[12] * o[13] * o[4] + 49.9651389369988 * o[11] * o[12] * o[13] * o[4] * o[5] * o[7] + o[15] * o[4] * (1.03746636552761e-13 - 0.00349547959376899 * o[16] - 2.55074501962569e-7 * o[8]) * o[9] + ((-242662.235426958 * o[10] * o[12]) - 3.46022402653609 * o[16]) * o[4] * o[5] * pi + o[4] * (0.109336249381227 - 2248.08924686956 * o[14] - 354742.725841972 * o[17] - 24.1331193696374 * o[6]) * pi - 3.09081828396912e-19 * o[11] * o[12] * o[5] * o[7] * pi - 1.24107527851371e-8 * o[11] * o[13] * o[4] * o[5] * o[6] * o[7] * pi + 3.99891272904219 * o[5] * o[8] * pi + 0.0641817365250892 * o[10] * o[7] * o[9] * pi + pi * ((-4444.87643334512) - 75253.6156722047 * o[14] - 43051.9020511789 * o[6] - 22926.6247146068 * q2) + o[4] * ((-8.23252840892034) - 3927.0508365636 * o[15] - 239.325789467604 * o[18] - 76407.3727417716 * o[8] - 94.4508644545118 * q2) + 0.360567666582363 * o[5] * ((-0.0161221195808321) + q2) * (0.0338039844460968 + q2) + o[11] * ((-0.000584580992538624 * o[10] * o[12] * o[7]) + 1.33248030241755e6 * o[12] * o[13] * q2) + o[9] * ((-7.38502736990986e7 * o[18]) + 0.0000224425477627799 * o[6] * o[7] * q2) + o[4] * o[5] * ((-2.08438767026518e8 * o[17]) - 0.0000124971648677697 * o[6] - 8442.30378348203 * o[10] * o[6] * o[7] * q2) + o[11] * o[9] * (4.73594929247646e-22 * o[10] * o[12] * q2 - 13.6411358215175 * o[10] * o[12] * o[13] * q2 + 5.52427169406836e-10 * o[13] * o[6] * o[7] * q2) + o[11] * o[5] * (2.67174673301715e-6 * o[17] + 4.44545133805865e-18 * o[12] * o[6] * q2 - 50.2465185106411 * o[10] * o[13] * o[6] * o[7] * q2))) / o[1];
3316 | end hlowerofp2;
3317 |
3318 | function hupperofp2 "Explicit upper specific enthalpy limit of region 2 as function of pressure"
3319 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3320 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3321 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3322 | protected
3323 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3324 | Real[2] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3325 | algorithm
3326 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
3327 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hupperofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3328 | o[1] := pi * pi;
3329 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1] * o[1];
3330 | h := 4.16066337647071e6 + pi * ((-4518.48617188327) + pi * ((-8.53409968320258) + pi * (0.109090430596056 + pi * ((-0.000172486052272327) + pi * (4.2261295097284e-15 + pi * ((-1.27295130636232e-10) + pi * ((-3.79407294691742e-25) + pi * (7.56960433802525e-23 + pi * (7.16825117265975e-32 + pi * (3.37267475986401e-21 + ((-7.5656940729795e-74) + o[1] * ((-8.00969737237617e-134) + (1.6746290980312e-65 + pi * ((-3.71600586812966e-69) + pi * (8.06630589170884e-129 + ((-1.76117969553159e-103) + 1.88543121025106e-84 * pi) * pi))) * o[1])) * o[2]))))))))));
3331 | end hupperofp2;
3332 |
3333 | function slowerofp2 "Explicit lower specific entropy limit of region 2 as function of pressure (meets region 4 saturation pressure curve at 623.15 K)"
3334 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3335 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3336 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3337 | protected
3338 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3339 | Real q1 "Auxiliary variable";
3340 | Real q2 "Auxiliary variable";
3341 | Real[40] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3342 | algorithm
3343 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
3344 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function slowerofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3345 | q1 := 572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784 * ((-13.91883977887) + pi) ^ 0.5;
3346 | q2 := (-0.5) + 540.0 / q1;
3347 | o[1] := pi * pi;
3348 | o[2] := o[1] * pi;
3349 | o[3] := o[1] * o[1];
3350 | o[4] := o[1] * o[3] * pi;
3351 | o[5] := q1 * q1;
3352 | o[6] := o[5] * q1;
3353 | o[7] := 1 / o[5];
3354 | o[8] := 1 / q1;
3355 | o[9] := o[5] * o[5];
3356 | o[10] := o[9] * q1;
3357 | o[11] := q2 * q2;
3358 | o[12] := o[11] * q2;
3359 | o[13] := o[1] * o[3];
3360 | o[14] := o[11] * o[11];
3361 | o[15] := o[3] * o[3];
3362 | o[16] := o[1] * o[15];
3363 | o[17] := o[11] * o[14];
3364 | o[18] := o[11] * o[14] * q2;
3365 | o[19] := o[3] * pi;
3366 | o[20] := o[14] * o[14];
3367 | o[21] := o[11] * o[20];
3368 | o[22] := o[15] * pi;
3369 | o[23] := o[14] * o[20] * q2;
3370 | o[24] := o[20] * o[20];
3371 | o[25] := o[15] * o[15];
3372 | o[26] := o[25] * o[3];
3373 | o[27] := o[14] * o[24];
3374 | o[28] := o[25] * o[3] * pi;
3375 | o[29] := o[20] * o[24] * q2;
3376 | o[30] := o[15] * o[25];
3377 | o[31] := o[24] * o[24];
3378 | o[32] := o[11] * o[31] * q2;
3379 | o[33] := o[14] * o[31];
3380 | o[34] := o[1] * o[25] * o[3] * pi;
3381 | o[35] := o[11] * o[14] * o[31] * q2;
3382 | o[36] := o[1] * o[25] * o[3];
3383 | o[37] := o[1] * o[25];
3384 | o[38] := o[20] * o[24] * o[31] * q2;
3385 | o[39] := o[14] * q2;
3386 | o[40] := o[11] * o[31];
3387 | s := 461.526 * (9.692768600217 + 1.22151969114703e-16 * o[10] + 0.00018948987516315 * o[1] * o[11] + 1.6714766451061e-11 * o[12] * o[13] + 0.0039392777243355 * o[1] * o[14] - 1.0406965210174e-19 * o[14] * o[16] + 0.043797295650573 * o[1] * o[18] - 2.2922076337661e-6 * o[18] * o[19] - 2.0481737692309e-8 * o[2] + 0.00003227767723857 * o[12] * o[2] + 0.0015033924542148 * o[17] * o[2] - 1.1256211360459e-11 * o[15] * o[20] + 1.0018179379511e-9 * o[11] * o[14] * o[16] * o[20] + 1.0234747095929e-13 * o[16] * o[21] - 1.9809712802088e-8 * o[22] * o[23] + 0.0021171472321355 * o[13] * o[24] - 8.9185845355421e-25 * o[26] * o[27] - 1.2790717852285e-8 * o[11] * o[3] - 4.8225372718507e-7 * o[12] * o[3] - 7.3087610595061e-29 * o[11] * o[20] * o[24] * o[30] - 0.10693031879409 * o[11] * o[24] * o[25] * o[31] + 4.2002467698208e-6 * o[24] * o[26] * o[31] - 5.5414715350778e-17 * o[20] * o[30] * o[31] + 9.436970724121e-7 * o[11] * o[20] * o[24] * o[30] * o[31] + 23.895741934104 * o[13] * o[32] + 0.040668253562649 * o[2] * o[32] - 3.0629316876232e-13 * o[26] * o[32] + 0.000026674547914087 * o[1] * o[33] + 8.2311340897998 * o[15] * o[33] + 1.2768608934681e-15 * o[34] * o[35] + 0.33662250574171 * o[37] * o[38] + 5.905956432427e-18 * o[4] + 0.038946842435739 * o[29] * o[4] - 4.88368302964335e-6 * o[5] - 3.34901734177133e6 / o[6] + 2.58538448402683e-9 * o[6] + 82839.5726841115 * o[7] - 5446.7940672972 * o[8] - 8.40318337484194e-13 * o[9] + 0.0017731742473213 * pi + 0.045996013696365 * o[11] * pi + 0.057581259083432 * o[12] * pi + 0.05032527872793 * o[17] * pi + o[8] * pi * (9.63082563787332 - 0.008917431146179 * q1) + 0.00811842799898148 * q1 + 0.000033032641670203 * o[1] * q2 - 4.3870667284435e-7 * o[2] * q2 + 8.0882908646985e-11 * o[14] * o[20] * o[24] * o[25] * q2 + 5.9056029685639e-26 * o[14] * o[24] * o[28] * q2 + 7.8847309559367e-10 * o[3] * q2 - 3.7826947613457e-6 * o[14] * o[24] * o[31] * o[36] * q2 + 1.2621808899101e-6 * o[11] * o[20] * o[4] * q2 + 540. * o[8] * (10.08665568018 - 0.000033032641670203 * o[1] - 6.2245802776607e-15 * o[10] - 0.015757110897342 * o[1] * o[12] - 5.0144299353183e-11 * o[11] * o[13] + 4.1627860840696e-19 * o[12] * o[16] - 0.306581069554011 * o[1] * o[17] + 9.0049690883672e-11 * o[15] * o[18] + 0.0000160454534363627 * o[17] * o[19] + 4.3870667284435e-7 * o[2] - 0.00009683303171571 * o[11] * o[2] + 2.57526266427144e-7 * o[14] * o[20] * o[22] - 1.40254511313154e-8 * o[16] * o[23] - 2.34560435076256e-9 * o[14] * o[20] * o[24] * o[25] - 1.24017662339842e-24 * o[27] * o[28] - 7.8847309559367e-10 * o[3] + 1.44676118155521e-6 * o[11] * o[3] + 1.90027787547159e-27 * o[29] * o[30] - 0.000960283724907132 * o[1] * o[32] - 296.320827232793 * o[15] * o[32] - 4.97975748452559e-14 * o[11] * o[14] * o[31] * o[34] + 2.21658861403112e-15 * o[30] * o[35] + 0.000200482822351322 * o[14] * o[24] * o[31] * o[36] - 19.1874828272775 * o[20] * o[24] * o[31] * o[37] - 0.0000547344301999018 * o[30] * o[38] - 0.0090203547252888 * o[2] * o[39] - 0.0000138839897890111 * o[21] * o[4] - 0.973671060893475 * o[20] * o[24] * o[4] - 836.35096769364 * o[13] * o[40] - 1.42338887469272 * o[2] * o[40] + 1.07202609066812e-11 * o[26] * o[40] + 0.0000150341259240398 * o[5] - 1.8087714924605e-8 * o[6] + 18605.6518987296 * o[7] - 306.813232163376 * o[8] + 1.43632471334824e-11 * o[9] + 1.13103675106207e-18 * o[5] * o[9] - 0.017834862292358 * pi - 0.172743777250296 * o[11] * pi - 0.30195167236758 * o[39] * pi + o[8] * pi * ((-49.6756947920742) + 0.045996013696365 * q1) - 0.0003789797503263 * o[1] * q2 - 0.033874355714168 * o[11] * o[13] * o[14] * o[20] * q2 - 1.0234747095929e-12 * o[16] * o[20] * q2 + 1.78371690710842e-23 * o[11] * o[24] * o[26] * q2 + 2.558143570457e-8 * o[3] * q2 + 5.3465159397045 * o[24] * o[25] * o[31] * q2 - 0.000201611844951398 * o[11] * o[14] * o[20] * o[26] * o[31] * q2) - Modelica.Math.log(pi));
3388 | end slowerofp2;
3389 |
3390 | function supperofp2 "Explicit upper specific entropy limit of region 2 as function of pressure"
3391 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3392 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3393 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3394 | protected
3395 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3396 | Real[2] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
3397 | algorithm
3398 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
3399 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function supperofp2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
3400 | o[1] := pi * pi;
3401 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1] * o[1];
3402 | s := 8505.73409708683 - 461.526 * Modelica.Math.log(pi) + pi * ((-3.36563543302584) + pi * ((-0.00790283552165338) + pi * (0.0000915558349202221 + pi * ((-1.59634706513e-7) + pi * (3.93449217595397e-18 + pi * ((-1.18367426347994e-13) + pi * (2.72575244843195e-15 + pi * (7.04803892603536e-26 + pi * (6.67637687381772e-35 + pi * (3.1377970315132e-24 + ((-7.04844558482265e-77) + o[1] * ((-7.46289531275314e-137) + (1.55998511254305e-68 + pi * ((-3.46166288915497e-72) + pi * (7.51557618628583e-132 + ((-1.64086406733212e-106) + 1.75648443097063e-87 * pi) * pi))) * o[1])) * o[2] * o[2]))))))))));
3403 | end supperofp2;
3404 |
3405 | function d1n "Density in region 1 as function of p and T"
3406 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3407 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3408 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
3409 | output SI.Density d "Density";
3410 | protected
3411 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3412 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
3413 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
3414 | Real tau1 "Dimensionless temperature";
3415 | Real gpi "Dimensionless Gibbs-derivative w.r.t. pi";
3416 | Real[11] o "Auxiliary variables";
3417 | algorithm
3418 | pi := p / data.PSTAR1;
3419 | tau := data.TSTAR1 / T;
3420 | pi1 := 7.1 - pi;
3421 | tau1 := tau - 1.222;
3422 | o[1] := tau1 * tau1;
3423 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
3424 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
3425 | o[4] := o[1] * o[2];
3426 | o[5] := o[1] * tau1;
3427 | o[6] := o[2] * tau1;
3428 | o[7] := pi1 * pi1;
3429 | o[8] := o[7] * o[7];
3430 | o[9] := o[8] * o[8];
3431 | o[10] := o[3] * o[3];
3432 | o[11] := o[10] * o[10];
3433 | gpi := pi1 * (pi1 * ((0.000095038934535162 + o[2] * (8.4812393955936e-6 + 2.55615384360309e-9 * o[4])) / o[2] + pi1 * ((8.9701127632e-6 + (2.60684891582404e-6 + 5.7366919751696e-13 * o[2] * o[3]) * o[5]) / o[6] + pi1 * (2.02584984300585e-6 / o[3] + o[7] * pi1 * (o[8] * o[9] * pi1 * (o[7] * (o[7] * o[8] * ((-7.63737668221055e-22 / (o[1] * o[11] * o[2])) + pi1 * (pi1 * ((-5.65070932023524e-23 / (o[11] * o[3])) + 2.99318679335866e-24 * pi1 / (o[11] * o[3] * tau1)) + 3.5842867920213e-22 / (o[1] * o[11] * o[2] * tau1))) - 3.33001080055983e-19 / (o[1] * o[10] * o[2] * o[3] * tau1)) + 1.44400475720615e-17 / (o[10] * o[2] * o[3] * tau1)) + (1.01874413933128e-8 + 1.39398969845072e-9 * o[6]) / (o[1] * o[3] * tau1))))) + (0.00094368642146534 + o[5] * (0.00060003561586052 + ((-0.000095322787813974) + o[1] * (8.8283690661692e-6 + 1.45389992595188e-15 * o[1] * o[2] * o[3])) * tau1)) / o[5]) + ((-0.00028319080123804) + o[1] * (0.00060706301565874 + o[4] * (0.018990068218419 + tau1 * (0.032529748770505 + (0.021841717175414 + 0.00005283835796993 * o[1]) * tau1)))) / (o[3] * tau1);
3434 | d := p / (data.RH2O * T * pi * gpi);
3435 | end d1n;
3436 |
3437 | function d2n "Density in region 2 as function of p and T"
3438 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3439 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3440 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
3441 | output SI.Density d "Density";
3442 | protected
3443 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
3444 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
3445 | Real tau2 "Dimensionless temperature";
3446 | Real gpi "Dimensionless Gibbs-derivative w.r.t. pi";
3447 | Real[12] o "Auxiliary variables";
3448 | algorithm
3449 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
3450 | tau := data.TSTAR2 / T;
3451 | tau2 := tau - 0.5;
3452 | o[1] := tau2 * tau2;
3453 | o[2] := o[1] * tau2;
3454 | o[3] := o[1] * o[1];
3455 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
3456 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
3457 | o[6] := o[3] * o[4] * o[5] * tau2;
3458 | o[7] := o[3] * o[4] * tau2;
3459 | o[8] := o[1] * o[3] * o[4];
3460 | o[9] := pi * pi;
3461 | o[10] := o[9] * o[9];
3462 | o[11] := o[3] * o[5] * tau2;
3463 | o[12] := o[5] * o[5];
3464 | gpi := (1. + pi * ((-0.0017731742473213) + tau2 * ((-0.017834862292358) + tau2 * ((-0.045996013696365) + ((-0.057581259083432) - 0.05032527872793 * o[2]) * tau2)) + pi * (tau2 * ((-0.000066065283340406) + ((-0.0003789797503263) + o[1] * ((-0.007878555448671) + o[2] * ((-0.087594591301146) - 0.000053349095828174 * o[6]))) * tau2) + pi * (6.1445213076927e-8 + (1.31612001853305e-6 + o[1] * ((-0.00009683303171571) + o[2] * ((-0.0045101773626444) - 0.122004760687947 * o[6]))) * tau2 + pi * (tau2 * ((-3.15389238237468e-9) + (5.116287140914e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6 * tau2) * tau2) + pi * (0.0000114610381688305 * o[1] * o[3] * tau2 + pi * (o[2] * ((-1.00288598706366e-10) + o[7] * ((-0.012702883392813) - 143.374451604624 * o[1] * o[5] * tau2)) + pi * ((-4.1341695026989e-17) + o[1] * o[4] * ((-8.8352662293707e-6) - 0.272627897050173 * o[8]) * tau2 + pi * (o[4] * (9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.8490727183984 * o[3] * o[4] * o[5]) + pi * (1.78287415218792e-7 * o[7] + pi * (o[3] * (1.0406965210174e-18 + o[1] * ((-1.0234747095929e-12) - 1.0018179379511e-8 * o[3]) * o[3]) + o[10] * o[9] * (((-1.29412653835176e-9) + 1.71088510070544 * o[11]) * o[6] + o[9] * ((-6.05920510335078 * o[12] * o[4] * o[5] * tau2) + o[9] * (o[3] * o[5] * (1.78371690710842e-23 + o[1] * o[3] * o[4] * (6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416 * o[7]) * tau2) + pi * ((-1.24017662339842e-24 * o[11]) + pi * (0.0000832192847496054 * o[12] * o[3] * o[5] * tau2 + pi * (o[1] * o[4] * o[5] * (1.75410265428146e-27 + (1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904 * o[1] * o[5]) * o[8]) * pi - 2.93678005497663e-14 * o[1] * o[12] * o[3] * tau2))))))))))))))))) / pi;
3465 | d := p / (data.RH2O * T * pi * gpi);
3466 | end d2n;
3467 |
3468 | function hl_p_R4b "Explicit approximation of liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3"
3469 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3470 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3471 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3472 | protected
3473 | Real x "Auxiliary variable";
3474 | algorithm
3475 | x := Modelica.Math.acos(p / data.PCRIT);
3476 | h := (1 + x * ((-0.4945586958175176) + x * (1.346800016564904 + x * ((-3.889388153209752) + x * (6.679385472887931 + x * ((-6.75820241066552) + x * (3.558919744656498 + ((-0.7179818554978939) - 0.0001152032945617821 * x) * x))))))) * data.HCRIT;
3477 | end hl_p_R4b;
3478 |
3479 | function hv_p_R4b "Explicit approximation of vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3"
3480 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3481 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3482 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3483 | protected
3484 | Real x "Auxiliary variable";
3485 | algorithm
3486 | x := Modelica.Math.acos(p / data.PCRIT);
3487 | h := (1 + x * (0.4880153718655694 + x * (0.2079670746250689 + x * ((-6.084122698421623) + x * (25.08887602293532 + x * ((-48.38215180269516) + x * (45.66489164833212 + ((-16.98555442961553) + 0.0006616936460057691 * x) * x))))))) * data.HCRIT;
3488 | end hv_p_R4b;
3489 |
3490 | function sl_p_R4b "Explicit approximation of liquid specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3"
3491 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3492 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3493 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3494 | protected
3495 | Real x "Auxiliary variable";
3496 | algorithm
3497 | x := Modelica.Math.acos(p / data.PCRIT);
3498 | s := (1 + x * ((-0.36160692245648063) + x * (0.9962778630486647 + x * ((-2.8595548144171103) + x * (4.906301159555333 + x * ((-4.974092309614206) + x * (2.6249651699204457 + ((-0.5319954375299023) - 0.00008064497431880644 * x) * x))))))) * data.SCRIT;
3499 | end sl_p_R4b;
3500 |
3501 | function sv_p_R4b "Explicit approximation of vapour specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3"
3502 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3503 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3504 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s;
3505 | protected
3506 | Real x "Auxiliary variable";
3507 | algorithm
3508 | x := Modelica.Math.acos(p / data.PCRIT);
3509 | s := (1 + x * (0.35682641826674344 + x * (0.1642457027815487 + x * ((-4.425350377422446) + x * (18.324477859983133 + x * ((-35.338631625948665) + x * (33.36181025816282 + ((-12.408711490585757) + 0.0004810049834109226 * x) * x))))))) * data.SCRIT;
3510 | end sv_p_R4b;
3511 |
3512 | function rhol_p_R4b "Explicit approximation of liquid density on the boundary between regions 4 and 3"
3513 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3514 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3515 | output SI.Density dl "Liquid density";
3516 | protected
3517 | Real x "Auxiliary variable";
3518 | algorithm
3519 | if p < data.PCRIT then
3520 | x := Modelica.Math.acos(p / data.PCRIT);
3521 | dl := (1 + x * (1.903224079094824 + x * ((-2.5314861802401123) + x * ((-8.191449323843552) + x * (94.34196116778385 + x * ((-369.3676833623383) + x * (796.6627910598293 + x * ((-994.5385383600702) + x * (673.2581177021598 + ((-191.43077336405156) + 0.00052536560808895 * x) * x))))))))) * data.DCRIT;
3522 | else
3523 | dl := data.DCRIT;
3524 | end if;
3525 | end rhol_p_R4b;
3526 |
3527 | function rhov_p_R4b "Explicit approximation of vapour density on the boundary between regions 4 and 2"
3528 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3529 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3530 | output SI.Density dv "Vapour density";
3531 | protected
3532 | Real x "Auxiliary variable";
3533 | algorithm
3534 | if p < data.PCRIT then
3535 | x := Modelica.Math.acos(p / data.PCRIT);
3536 | dv := (1 + x * ((-1.8463850803362596) + x * ((-1.1447872718878493) + x * (59.18702203076563 + x * ((-403.5391431811611) + x * (1437.2007245332388 + x * ((-3015.853540307519) + x * (3740.5790348670057 + x * ((-2537.375817253895) + (725.8761975803782 - 0.0011151111658332337 * x) * x))))))))) * data.DCRIT;
3537 | else
3538 | dv := data.DCRIT;
3539 | end if;
3540 | end rhov_p_R4b;
3541 |
3542 | function boilingcurve_p "Properties on the boiling curve"
3543 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3544 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3545 | output Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
3546 | protected
3547 | Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives";
3548 | Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives";
3549 | SI.Pressure plim = min(p, data.PCRIT - 1e-7) "Pressure limited to critical pressure - epsilon";
3550 | algorithm
3551 | bpro.R := data.RH2O;
3552 | bpro.T := Basic.tsat(plim);
3553 | bpro.dpT := Basic.dptofT(bpro.T);
3554 | bpro.region3boundary := bpro.T > data.TLIMIT1;
3555 | if not bpro.region3boundary then
3556 | g := Basic.g1(p, bpro.T);
3557 | bpro.d := p / (bpro.R * bpro.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
3558 | bpro.h := if p > plim then data.HCRIT else bpro.R * bpro.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
3559 | bpro.s := g.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
3560 | bpro.cp := -bpro.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
3561 | bpro.vt := bpro.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
3562 | bpro.vp := bpro.R * bpro.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
3563 | bpro.pt := -p / bpro.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
3564 | bpro.pd := -bpro.R * bpro.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
3565 | else
3566 | bpro.d := rhol_p_R4b(plim);
3567 | f := Basic.f3(bpro.d, bpro.T);
3568 | bpro.h := hl_p_R4b(plim);
3569 | bpro.s := f.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
3570 | bpro.cv := bpro.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
3571 | bpro.pt := bpro.R * bpro.d * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
3572 | bpro.pd := bpro.R * bpro.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
3573 | end if;
3574 | end boilingcurve_p;
3575 |
3576 | function dewcurve_p "Properties on the dew curve"
3577 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3578 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3579 | output Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
3580 | protected
3581 | Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives";
3582 | Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives";
3583 | SI.Pressure plim = min(p, data.PCRIT - 1e-7) "Pressure limited to critical pressure - epsilon";
3584 | algorithm
3585 | bpro.R := data.RH2O;
3586 | bpro.T := Basic.tsat(plim);
3587 | bpro.dpT := Basic.dptofT(bpro.T);
3588 | bpro.region3boundary := bpro.T > data.TLIMIT1;
3589 | if not bpro.region3boundary then
3590 | g := Basic.g2(p, bpro.T);
3591 | bpro.d := p / (bpro.R * bpro.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
3592 | bpro.h := if p > plim then data.HCRIT else bpro.R * bpro.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
3593 | bpro.s := g.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
3594 | bpro.cp := -bpro.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
3595 | bpro.vt := bpro.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
3596 | bpro.vp := bpro.R * bpro.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
3597 | bpro.pt := -p / bpro.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
3598 | bpro.pd := -bpro.R * bpro.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
3599 | else
3600 | bpro.d := rhov_p_R4b(plim);
3601 | f := Basic.f3(bpro.d, bpro.T);
3602 | bpro.h := hv_p_R4b(plim);
3603 | bpro.s := f.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
3604 | bpro.cv := bpro.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
3605 | bpro.pt := bpro.R * bpro.d * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
3606 | bpro.pd := bpro.R * bpro.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
3607 | end if;
3608 | end dewcurve_p;
3609 |
3610 | function hvl_p
3611 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3612 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3613 | input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
3614 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3615 | algorithm
3616 | h := bpro.h;
3617 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = bpro) = hvl_p_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
3618 | end hvl_p;
3619 |
3620 | function hl_p "Liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1"
3621 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3622 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3623 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3624 | algorithm
3625 | h := hvl_p(p, boilingcurve_p(p));
3626 | annotation(Inline = true);
3627 | end hl_p;
3628 |
3629 | function hv_p "Vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 2"
3630 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3631 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3632 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3633 | algorithm
3634 | h := hvl_p(p, dewcurve_p(p));
3635 | annotation(Inline = true);
3636 | end hv_p;
3637 |
3638 | function hvl_p_der "Derivative function for the specific enthalpy along the phase boundary"
3639 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3640 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3641 | input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
3642 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
3643 | output Real h_der "Time derivative of specific enthalpy along the phase boundary";
3644 | algorithm
3645 | if bpro.region3boundary then
3646 | h_der := ((bpro.d * bpro.pd - bpro.T * bpro.pt) * p_der + (bpro.T * bpro.pt * bpro.pt + bpro.d * bpro.d * bpro.pd * bpro.cv) / bpro.dpT * p_der) / (bpro.pd * bpro.d * bpro.d);
3647 | else
3648 | h_der := (1 / bpro.d - bpro.T * bpro.vt) * p_der + bpro.cp / bpro.dpT * p_der;
3649 | end if;
3650 | annotation(Inline = true);
3651 | end hvl_p_der;
3652 |
3653 | function rhovl_p
3654 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3655 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3656 | input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
3657 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
3658 | algorithm
3659 | rho := bpro.d;
3660 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = bpro) = rhovl_p_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
3661 | end rhovl_p;
3662 |
3663 | function rhol_p "Density of saturated water"
3664 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3665 | input SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
3666 | output SI.Density rho "Density of steam at the condensation point";
3667 | algorithm
3668 | rho := rhovl_p(p, boilingcurve_p(p));
3669 | annotation(Inline = true);
3670 | end rhol_p;
3671 |
3672 | function rhov_p "Density of saturated vapour"
3673 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3674 | input SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
3675 | output SI.Density rho "Density of steam at the condensation point";
3676 | algorithm
3677 | rho := rhovl_p(p, dewcurve_p(p));
3678 | annotation(Inline = true);
3679 | end rhov_p;
3680 |
3681 | function rhovl_p_der
3682 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3683 | input SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
3684 | input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
3685 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
3686 | output Real d_der "Time derivative of density along the phase boundary";
3687 | algorithm
3688 | d_der := if bpro.region3boundary then (p_der - bpro.pt * p_der / bpro.dpT) / bpro.pd else -bpro.d * bpro.d * (bpro.vp + bpro.vt / bpro.dpT) * p_der;
3689 | annotation(Inline = true);
3690 | end rhovl_p_der;
3691 |
3692 | function sl_p "Liquid specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1"
3693 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3694 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3695 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3696 | protected
3697 | SI.Temperature Tsat "Saturation temperature";
3698 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3699 | algorithm
3700 | if p < data.PLIMIT4A then
3701 | Tsat := Basic.tsat(p);
3702 | (h, s) := Isentropic.handsofpT1(p, Tsat);
3703 | elseif p < data.PCRIT then
3704 | s := sl_p_R4b(p);
3705 | else
3706 | s := data.SCRIT;
3707 | end if;
3708 | end sl_p;
3709 |
3710 | function sv_p "Vapour specific entropy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 2"
3711 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3712 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3713 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3714 | protected
3715 | SI.Temperature Tsat "Saturation temperature";
3716 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3717 | algorithm
3718 | if p < data.PLIMIT4A then
3719 | Tsat := Basic.tsat(p);
3720 | (h, s) := Isentropic.handsofpT2(p, Tsat);
3721 | elseif p < data.PCRIT then
3722 | s := sv_p_R4b(p);
3723 | else
3724 | s := data.SCRIT;
3725 | end if;
3726 | end sv_p;
3727 |
3728 | function rhol_T "Density of saturated water"
3729 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3730 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
3731 | output SI.Density d "Density of water at the boiling point";
3732 | protected
3733 | SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
3734 | algorithm
3735 | p := Basic.psat(T);
3736 | if T < data.TLIMIT1 then
3737 | d := d1n(p, T);
3738 | elseif T < data.TCRIT then
3739 | d := rhol_p_R4b(p);
3740 | else
3741 | d := data.DCRIT;
3742 | end if;
3743 | end rhol_T;
3744 |
3745 | function rhov_T "Density of saturated vapour"
3746 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3747 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
3748 | output SI.Density d "Density of steam at the condensation point";
3749 | protected
3750 | SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
3751 | algorithm
3752 | p := Basic.psat(T);
3753 | if T < data.TLIMIT1 then
3754 | d := d2n(p, T);
3755 | elseif T < data.TCRIT then
3756 | d := rhov_p_R4b(p);
3757 | else
3758 | d := data.DCRIT;
3759 | end if;
3760 | end rhov_T;
3761 |
3762 | function region_ph "Return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 for given pressure and specific enthalpy"
3763 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3764 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3765 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
3766 | input Integer phase = 0 "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if not known";
3767 | input Integer mode = 0 "Mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode";
3768 | output Integer region "Region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97";
3769 | protected
3770 | Boolean hsubcrit;
3771 | SI.Temperature Ttest;
3772 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy hl "Bubble enthalpy";
3773 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy hv "Dew enthalpy";
3774 | algorithm
3775 | if mode <> 0 then
3776 | region := mode;
3777 | else
3778 | hl := hl_p(p);
3779 | hv := hv_p(p);
3780 | if phase == 2 then
3781 | region := 4;
3782 | else
3783 | if p < triple.ptriple or p > data.PLIMIT1 or h < hlowerofp1(p) or p < 10.0e6 and h > hupperofp5(p) or p >= 10.0e6 and h > hupperofp2(p) then
3784 | region := -1;
3785 | else
3786 | hsubcrit := h < data.HCRIT;
3787 | if p < data.PLIMIT4A then
3788 | if hsubcrit then
3789 | if phase == 1 then
3790 | region := 1;
3791 | else
3792 | if h < Isentropic.hofpT1(p, Basic.tsat(p)) then
3793 | region := 1;
3794 | else
3795 | region := 4;
3796 | end if;
3797 | end if;
3798 | else
3799 | if h > hlowerofp5(p) then
3800 | if p < data.PLIMIT5 and h < hupperofp5(p) then
3801 | region := 5;
3802 | else
3803 | region := -2;
3804 | end if;
3805 | else
3806 | if phase == 1 then
3807 | region := 2;
3808 | else
3809 | if h > Isentropic.hofpT2(p, Basic.tsat(p)) then
3810 | region := 2;
3811 | else
3812 | region := 4;
3813 | end if;
3814 | end if;
3815 | end if;
3816 | end if;
3817 | else
3818 | if hsubcrit then
3819 | if h < hupperofp1(p) then
3820 | region := 1;
3821 | else
3822 | if h < hl or p > data.PCRIT then
3823 | region := 3;
3824 | else
3825 | region := 4;
3826 | end if;
3827 | end if;
3828 | else
3829 | if h > hlowerofp2(p) then
3830 | region := 2;
3831 | else
3832 | if h > hv or p > data.PCRIT then
3833 | region := 3;
3834 | else
3835 | region := 4;
3836 | end if;
3837 | end if;
3838 | end if;
3839 | end if;
3840 | end if;
3841 | end if;
3842 | end if;
3843 | end region_ph;
3844 |
3845 | function region_ps "Return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97 for given pressure and specific entropy"
3846 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3847 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3848 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
3849 | input Integer phase = 0 "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
3850 | input Integer mode = 0 "Mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode";
3851 | output Integer region "Region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97";
3852 | protected
3853 | Boolean ssubcrit;
3854 | SI.Temperature Ttest;
3855 | SI.SpecificEntropy sl "Bubble entropy";
3856 | SI.SpecificEntropy sv "Dew entropy";
3857 | algorithm
3858 | if mode <> 0 then
3859 | region := mode;
3860 | else
3861 | sl := sl_p(p);
3862 | sv := sv_p(p);
3863 | if phase == 2 or phase == 0 and s > sl and s < sv and p < data.PCRIT then
3864 | region := 4;
3865 | else
3866 | region := 0;
3867 | if p < triple.ptriple then
3868 | region := -2;
3869 | else
3870 | end if;
3871 | if p > data.PLIMIT1 then
3872 | region := -3;
3873 | else
3874 | end if;
3875 | if p < 10.0e6 and s > supperofp5(p) then
3876 | region := -5;
3877 | else
3878 | end if;
3879 | if p >= 10.0e6 and s > supperofp2(p) then
3880 | region := -6;
3881 | else
3882 | end if;
3883 | if region < 0 then
3884 | assert(false, "Region computation from p and s failed: function called outside the legal region");
3885 | else
3886 | ssubcrit := s < data.SCRIT;
3887 | if p < data.PLIMIT4A then
3888 | if ssubcrit then
3889 | region := 1;
3890 | else
3891 | if s > slowerofp5(p) then
3892 | if p < data.PLIMIT5 and s < supperofp5(p) then
3893 | region := 5;
3894 | else
3895 | region := -1;
3896 | end if;
3897 | else
3898 | region := 2;
3899 | end if;
3900 | end if;
3901 | else
3902 | if ssubcrit then
3903 | if s < supperofp1(p) then
3904 | region := 1;
3905 | else
3906 | if s < sl or p > data.PCRIT then
3907 | region := 3;
3908 | else
3909 | region := 4;
3910 | end if;
3911 | end if;
3912 | else
3913 | if s > slowerofp2(p) then
3914 | region := 2;
3915 | else
3916 | if s > sv or p > data.PCRIT then
3917 | region := 3;
3918 | else
3919 | region := 4;
3920 | end if;
3921 | end if;
3922 | end if;
3923 | end if;
3924 | end if;
3925 | end if;
3926 | end if;
3927 | end region_ps;
3928 |
3929 | function region_pT "Return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,5) in IF97, given pressure and temperature"
3930 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3931 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
3932 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
3933 | input Integer mode = 0 "Mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode";
3934 | output Integer region "Region (valid values: 1,2,3,5) in IF97, region 4 is impossible!";
3935 | algorithm
3936 | if mode <> 0 then
3937 | region := mode;
3938 | else
3939 | if p < data.PLIMIT4A then
3940 | if T > data.TLIMIT2 then
3941 | region := 5;
3942 | elseif T > Basic.tsat(p) then
3943 | region := 2;
3944 | else
3945 | region := 1;
3946 | end if;
3947 | else
3948 | if T < data.TLIMIT1 then
3949 | region := 1;
3950 | elseif T < boundary23ofp(p) then
3951 | region := 3;
3952 | else
3953 | region := 2;
3954 | end if;
3955 | end if;
3956 | end if;
3957 | end region_pT;
3958 |
3959 | function region_dT "Return the current region (valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97, given density and temperature"
3960 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
3961 | input SI.Density d "Density";
3962 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
3963 | input Integer phase = 0 "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if not known";
3964 | input Integer mode = 0 "Mode: 0 means check, otherwise assume region=mode";
3965 | output Integer region "(valid values: 1,2,3,4,5) in IF97";
3966 | protected
3967 | Boolean Tovercrit "Flag if overcritical temperature";
3968 | SI.Pressure p23 "Pressure needed to know if region 2 or 3";
3969 | algorithm
3970 | Tovercrit := T > data.TCRIT;
3971 | if mode <> 0 then
3972 | region := mode;
3973 | else
3974 | p23 := boundary23ofT(T);
3975 | if T > data.TLIMIT2 then
3976 | if d < 20.5655874106483 then
3977 | region := 5;
3978 | else
3979 | assert(false, "Out of valid region for IF97, pressure above region 5!");
3980 | end if;
3981 | elseif Tovercrit then
3982 | if d > d2n(p23, T) and T > data.TLIMIT1 then
3983 | region := 3;
3984 | elseif T < data.TLIMIT1 then
3985 | region := 1;
3986 | else
3987 | region := 2;
3988 | end if;
3989 | elseif d > rhol_T(T) then
3990 | if T < data.TLIMIT1 then
3991 | region := 1;
3992 | else
3993 | region := 3;
3994 | end if;
3995 | elseif d < rhov_T(T) then
3996 | if d > d2n(p23, T) and T > data.TLIMIT1 then
3997 | region := 3;
3998 | else
3999 | region := 2;
4000 | end if;
4001 | else
4002 | region := 4;
4003 | end if;
4004 | end if;
4005 | end region_dT;
4006 |
4007 | function hvl_dp "Derivative function for the specific enthalpy along the phase boundary"
4008 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4009 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4010 | input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
4011 | output Real dh_dp "Derivative of specific enthalpy along the phase boundary";
4012 | algorithm
4013 | if bpro.region3boundary then
4014 | dh_dp := (bpro.d * bpro.pd - bpro.T * bpro.pt + (bpro.T * bpro.pt * bpro.pt + bpro.d * bpro.d * bpro.pd * bpro.cv) / bpro.dpT) / (bpro.pd * bpro.d * bpro.d);
4015 | else
4016 | dh_dp := 1 / bpro.d - bpro.T * bpro.vt + bpro.cp / bpro.dpT;
4017 | end if;
4018 | end hvl_dp;
4019 |
4020 | function dhl_dp "Derivative of liquid specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 w.r.t. pressure"
4021 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4022 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4023 | output SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure dh_dp "Specific enthalpy derivative w.r.t. pressure";
4024 | algorithm
4025 | dh_dp := hvl_dp(p, boilingcurve_p(p));
4026 | annotation(Inline = true);
4027 | end dhl_dp;
4028 |
4029 | function dhv_dp "Derivative of vapour specific enthalpy on the boundary between regions 4 and 3 or 1 w.r.t. pressure"
4030 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4031 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4032 | output SI.DerEnthalpyByPressure dh_dp "Specific enthalpy derivative w.r.t. pressure";
4033 | algorithm
4034 | dh_dp := hvl_dp(p, dewcurve_p(p));
4035 | annotation(Inline = true);
4036 | end dhv_dp;
4037 |
4038 | function drhovl_dp
4039 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4040 | input SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
4041 | input Common.IF97PhaseBoundaryProperties bpro "Property record";
4042 | output Real dd_dp(unit = "kg/(m3.Pa)") "Derivative of density along the phase boundary";
4043 | algorithm
4044 | dd_dp := if bpro.region3boundary then (1.0 - bpro.pt / bpro.dpT) / bpro.pd else -bpro.d * bpro.d * (bpro.vp + bpro.vt / bpro.dpT);
4045 | annotation(Inline = true);
4046 | end drhovl_dp;
4047 |
4048 | function drhol_dp "Derivative of density of saturated water w.r.t. pressure"
4049 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4050 | input SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
4051 | output SI.DerDensityByPressure dd_dp "Derivative of density of water at the boiling point";
4052 | algorithm
4053 | dd_dp := drhovl_dp(p, boilingcurve_p(p));
4054 | annotation(Inline = true);
4055 | end drhol_dp;
4056 |
4057 | function drhov_dp "Derivative of density of saturated steam w.r.t. pressure"
4058 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4059 | input SI.Pressure p "Saturation pressure";
4060 | output SI.DerDensityByPressure dd_dp "Derivative of density of water at the boiling point";
4061 | algorithm
4062 | dd_dp := drhovl_dp(p, dewcurve_p(p));
4063 | annotation(Inline = true);
4064 | end drhov_dp;
4065 | end Regions;
4066 |
4067 | package Basic "Base functions as described in IAWPS/IF97"
4068 | extends Modelica.Icons.FunctionsPackage;
4069 |
4070 | function g1 "Gibbs function for region 1: g(p,T)"
4071 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4072 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4073 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4074 | output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
4075 | protected
4076 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
4077 | Real tau1 "Dimensionless temperature";
4078 | Real[45] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4079 | Real pl "Auxiliary variable";
4080 | algorithm
4081 | pl := min(p, data.PCRIT - 1);
4082 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function g1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
4083 | assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g1: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa");
4084 | assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g1: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!");
4085 | g.p := p;
4086 | g.T := T;
4087 | g.R := data.RH2O;
4088 | g.pi := p / data.PSTAR1;
4089 | g.tau := data.TSTAR1 / T;
4090 | pi1 := 7.1000000000000 - g.pi;
4091 | tau1 := (-1.22200000000000) + g.tau;
4092 | o[1] := tau1 * tau1;
4093 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4094 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
4095 | o[4] := o[3] * tau1;
4096 | o[5] := 1 / o[4];
4097 | o[6] := o[1] * o[2];
4098 | o[7] := o[1] * tau1;
4099 | o[8] := 1 / o[7];
4100 | o[9] := o[1] * o[2] * o[3];
4101 | o[10] := 1 / o[2];
4102 | o[11] := o[2] * tau1;
4103 | o[12] := 1 / o[11];
4104 | o[13] := o[2] * o[3];
4105 | o[14] := 1 / o[3];
4106 | o[15] := pi1 * pi1;
4107 | o[16] := o[15] * pi1;
4108 | o[17] := o[15] * o[15];
4109 | o[18] := o[17] * o[17];
4110 | o[19] := o[17] * o[18] * pi1;
4111 | o[20] := o[15] * o[17];
4112 | o[21] := o[3] * o[3];
4113 | o[22] := o[21] * o[21];
4114 | o[23] := o[22] * o[3] * tau1;
4115 | o[24] := 1 / o[23];
4116 | o[25] := o[22] * o[3];
4117 | o[26] := 1 / o[25];
4118 | o[27] := o[1] * o[2] * o[22] * tau1;
4119 | o[28] := 1 / o[27];
4120 | o[29] := o[1] * o[2] * o[22];
4121 | o[30] := 1 / o[29];
4122 | o[31] := o[1] * o[2] * o[21] * o[3] * tau1;
4123 | o[32] := 1 / o[31];
4124 | o[33] := o[2] * o[21] * o[3] * tau1;
4125 | o[34] := 1 / o[33];
4126 | o[35] := o[1] * o[3] * tau1;
4127 | o[36] := 1 / o[35];
4128 | o[37] := o[1] * o[3];
4129 | o[38] := 1 / o[37];
4130 | o[39] := 1 / o[6];
4131 | o[40] := o[1] * o[22] * o[3];
4132 | o[41] := 1 / o[40];
4133 | o[42] := 1 / o[22];
4134 | o[43] := o[1] * o[2] * o[21] * o[3];
4135 | o[44] := 1 / o[43];
4136 | o[45] := 1 / o[13];
4137 | g.g := pi1 * (pi1 * (pi1 * (o[10] * ((-0.000031679644845054) + o[2] * ((-2.82707979853120e-6) - 8.5205128120103e-10 * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[12] * ((-2.24252819080000e-6) + ((-6.5171222895601e-7) - 1.43417299379240e-13 * o[13]) * o[7]) + pi1 * ((-4.0516996860117e-7 * o[14]) + o[16] * (((-1.27343017416410e-9) - 1.74248712306340e-10 * o[11]) * o[36] + o[19] * ((-6.8762131295531e-19 * o[34]) + o[15] * (1.44783078285210e-20 * o[32] + o[20] * (2.63357816627950e-23 * o[30] + pi1 * ((-1.19476226400710e-23 * o[28]) + pi1 * (1.82280945814040e-24 * o[26] - 9.3537087292458e-26 * o[24] * pi1))))))))) + o[8] * ((-0.00047184321073267) + o[7] * ((-0.000300017807930260) + (0.000047661393906987 + o[1] * ((-4.4141845330846e-6) - 7.2694996297594e-16 * o[9])) * tau1))) + o[5] * (0.000283190801238040 + o[1] * ((-0.00060706301565874) + o[6] * ((-0.0189900682184190) + tau1 * ((-0.032529748770505) + ((-0.0218417171754140) - 0.000052838357969930 * o[1]) * tau1))))) + (0.146329712131670 + tau1 * ((-0.84548187169114) + tau1 * ((-3.7563603672040) + tau1 * (3.3855169168385 + tau1 * ((-0.95791963387872) + tau1 * (0.157720385132280 + ((-0.0166164171995010) + 0.00081214629983568 * tau1) * tau1)))))) / o[1];
4138 | g.gpi := pi1 * (pi1 * (o[10] * (0.000095038934535162 + o[2] * (8.4812393955936e-6 + 2.55615384360309e-9 * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[12] * (8.9701127632000e-6 + (2.60684891582404e-6 + 5.7366919751696e-13 * o[13]) * o[7]) + pi1 * (2.02584984300585e-6 * o[14] + o[16] * ((1.01874413933128e-8 + 1.39398969845072e-9 * o[11]) * o[36] + o[19] * (1.44400475720615e-17 * o[34] + o[15] * ((-3.3300108005598e-19 * o[32]) + o[20] * ((-7.6373766822106e-22 * o[30]) + pi1 * (3.5842867920213e-22 * o[28] + pi1 * ((-5.6507093202352e-23 * o[26]) + 2.99318679335866e-24 * o[24] * pi1))))))))) + o[8] * (0.00094368642146534 + o[7] * (0.00060003561586052 + ((-0.000095322787813974) + o[1] * (8.8283690661692e-6 + 1.45389992595188e-15 * o[9])) * tau1))) + o[5] * ((-0.000283190801238040) + o[1] * (0.00060706301565874 + o[6] * (0.0189900682184190 + tau1 * (0.032529748770505 + (0.0218417171754140 + 0.000052838357969930 * o[1]) * tau1))));
4139 | g.gpipi := pi1 * (o[10] * ((-0.000190077869070324) + o[2] * ((-0.0000169624787911872) - 5.1123076872062e-9 * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[12] * ((-0.0000269103382896000) + ((-7.8205467474721e-6) - 1.72100759255088e-12 * o[13]) * o[7]) + pi1 * ((-8.1033993720234e-6 * o[14]) + o[16] * (((-7.1312089753190e-8) - 9.7579278891550e-9 * o[11]) * o[36] + o[19] * ((-2.88800951441230e-16 * o[34]) + o[15] * (7.3260237612316e-18 * o[32] + o[20] * (2.13846547101895e-20 * o[30] + pi1 * ((-1.03944316968618e-20 * o[28]) + pi1 * (1.69521279607057e-21 * o[26] - 9.2788790594118e-23 * o[24] * pi1))))))))) + o[8] * ((-0.00094368642146534) + o[7] * ((-0.00060003561586052) + (0.000095322787813974 + o[1] * ((-8.8283690661692e-6) - 1.45389992595188e-15 * o[9])) * tau1));
4140 | g.gtau := pi1 * (o[38] * ((-0.00254871721114236) + o[1] * (0.0042494411096112 + (0.0189900682184190 + ((-0.0218417171754140) - 0.000158515073909790 * o[1]) * o[1]) * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[10] * (0.00141552963219801 + o[2] * (0.000047661393906987 + o[1] * ((-0.0000132425535992538) - 1.23581493705910e-14 * o[9]))) + pi1 * (o[12] * (0.000126718579380216 - 5.1123076872062e-9 * o[37]) + pi1 * (o[39] * (0.0000112126409540000 + (1.30342445791202e-6 - 1.43417299379240e-12 * o[13]) * o[7]) + pi1 * (3.2413597488094e-6 * o[5] + o[16] * ((1.40077319158051e-8 + 1.04549227383804e-9 * o[11]) * o[45] + o[19] * (1.99410180757040e-17 * o[44] + o[15] * ((-4.4882754268415e-19 * o[42]) + o[20] * ((-1.00075970318621e-21 * o[28]) + pi1 * (4.6595728296277e-22 * o[26] + pi1 * ((-7.2912378325616e-23 * o[24]) + 3.8350205789908e-24 * o[41] * pi1))))))))))) + o[8] * ((-0.292659424263340) + tau1 * (0.84548187169114 + o[1] * (3.3855169168385 + tau1 * ((-1.91583926775744) + tau1 * (0.47316115539684 + ((-0.066465668798004) + 0.0040607314991784 * tau1) * tau1)))));
4141 | g.gtautau := pi1 * (o[36] * (0.0254871721114236 + o[1] * ((-0.033995528876889) + ((-0.037980136436838) - 0.00031703014781958 * o[2]) * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[12] * ((-0.0056621185287920) + o[6] * ((-0.0000264851071985076) - 1.97730389929456e-13 * o[9])) + pi1 * (((-0.00063359289690108) - 2.55615384360309e-8 * o[37]) * o[39] + pi1 * (pi1 * ((-0.0000291722377392842 * o[38]) + o[16] * (o[19] * ((-5.9823054227112e-16 * o[32]) + o[15] * (o[20] * (3.9029628424262e-20 * o[26] + pi1 * ((-1.86382913185108e-20 * o[24]) + pi1 * (2.98940751135026e-21 * o[41] - 1.61070864317613e-22 * pi1 / (o[1] * o[22] * o[3] * tau1)))) + 1.43624813658928e-17 / (o[22] * tau1))) + ((-1.68092782989661e-7) - 7.3184459168663e-9 * o[11]) / (o[2] * o[3] * tau1))) + ((-0.000067275845724000) + ((-3.9102733737361e-6) - 1.29075569441316e-11 * o[13]) * o[7]) / (o[1] * o[2] * tau1))))) + o[10] * (0.87797827279002 + tau1 * ((-1.69096374338228) + o[7] * ((-1.91583926775744) + tau1 * (0.94632231079368 + ((-0.199397006394012) + 0.0162429259967136 * tau1) * tau1))));
4142 | g.gtaupi := o[38] * (0.00254871721114236 + o[1] * ((-0.0042494411096112) + ((-0.0189900682184190) + (0.0218417171754140 + 0.000158515073909790 * o[1]) * o[1]) * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[10] * ((-0.00283105926439602) + o[2] * ((-0.000095322787813974) + o[1] * (0.0000264851071985076 + 2.47162987411820e-14 * o[9]))) + pi1 * (o[12] * ((-0.00038015573814065) + 1.53369230616185e-8 * o[37]) + pi1 * (o[39] * ((-0.000044850563816000) + ((-5.2136978316481e-6) + 5.7366919751696e-12 * o[13]) * o[7]) + pi1 * ((-0.0000162067987440468 * o[5]) + o[16] * (((-1.12061855326441e-7) - 8.3639381907043e-9 * o[11]) * o[45] + o[19] * ((-4.1876137958978e-16 * o[44]) + o[15] * (1.03230334817355e-17 * o[42] + o[20] * (2.90220313924001e-20 * o[28] + pi1 * ((-1.39787184888831e-20 * o[26]) + pi1 * (2.26028372809410e-21 * o[24] - 1.22720658527705e-22 * o[41] * pi1))))))))));
4143 | end g1;
4144 |
4145 | function g2 "Gibbs function for region 2: g(p,T)"
4146 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4147 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4148 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4149 | output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
4150 | protected
4151 | Real tau2 "Dimensionless temperature";
4152 | Real[55] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4153 | algorithm
4154 | g.p := p;
4155 | g.T := T;
4156 | g.R := data.RH2O;
4157 | assert(p > 0.0, "IF97 medium function g2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= 0.0 Pa");
4158 | assert(p <= 100.0e6, "IF97 medium function g2: the input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 100 Mpa");
4159 | assert(T >= 273.15, "IF97 medium function g2: the temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is lower than 273.15 K!");
4160 | assert(T <= 1073.15, "IF97 medium function g2: the input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than the limit of 1073.15 K");
4161 | g.pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
4162 | g.tau := data.TSTAR2 / T;
4163 | tau2 := (-0.5) + g.tau;
4164 | o[1] := tau2 * tau2;
4165 | o[2] := o[1] * tau2;
4166 | o[3] := -0.050325278727930 * o[2];
4167 | o[4] := (-0.057581259083432) + o[3];
4168 | o[5] := o[4] * tau2;
4169 | o[6] := (-0.045996013696365) + o[5];
4170 | o[7] := o[6] * tau2;
4171 | o[8] := (-0.0178348622923580) + o[7];
4172 | o[9] := o[8] * tau2;
4173 | o[10] := o[1] * o[1];
4174 | o[11] := o[10] * o[10];
4175 | o[12] := o[11] * o[11];
4176 | o[13] := o[10] * o[11] * o[12] * tau2;
4177 | o[14] := o[1] * o[10] * tau2;
4178 | o[15] := o[10] * o[11] * tau2;
4179 | o[16] := o[1] * o[12] * tau2;
4180 | o[17] := o[1] * o[11] * tau2;
4181 | o[18] := o[1] * o[10] * o[11];
4182 | o[19] := o[10] * o[11] * o[12];
4183 | o[20] := o[1] * o[10];
4184 | o[21] := g.pi * g.pi;
4185 | o[22] := o[21] * o[21];
4186 | o[23] := o[21] * o[22];
4187 | o[24] := o[10] * o[12] * tau2;
4188 | o[25] := o[12] * o[12];
4189 | o[26] := o[11] * o[12] * o[25] * tau2;
4190 | o[27] := o[10] * o[12];
4191 | o[28] := o[1] * o[10] * o[11] * tau2;
4192 | o[29] := o[10] * o[12] * o[25] * tau2;
4193 | o[30] := o[1] * o[10] * o[25] * tau2;
4194 | o[31] := o[1] * o[11] * o[12];
4195 | o[32] := o[1] * o[12];
4196 | o[33] := g.tau * g.tau;
4197 | o[34] := o[33] * o[33];
4198 | o[35] := -0.000053349095828174 * o[13];
4199 | o[36] := (-0.087594591301146) + o[35];
4200 | o[37] := o[2] * o[36];
4201 | o[38] := (-0.0078785554486710) + o[37];
4202 | o[39] := o[1] * o[38];
4203 | o[40] := (-0.00037897975032630) + o[39];
4204 | o[41] := o[40] * tau2;
4205 | o[42] := (-0.000066065283340406) + o[41];
4206 | o[43] := o[42] * tau2;
4207 | o[44] := 5.7870447262208e-6 * tau2;
4208 | o[45] := -0.301951672367580 * o[2];
4209 | o[46] := (-0.172743777250296) + o[45];
4210 | o[47] := o[46] * tau2;
4211 | o[48] := (-0.091992027392730) + o[47];
4212 | o[49] := o[48] * tau2;
4213 | o[50] := o[1] * o[11];
4214 | o[51] := o[10] * o[11];
4215 | o[52] := o[11] * o[12] * o[25];
4216 | o[53] := o[10] * o[12] * o[25];
4217 | o[54] := o[1] * o[10] * o[25];
4218 | o[55] := o[11] * o[12] * tau2;
4219 | g.g := g.pi * ((-0.00177317424732130) + o[9] + g.pi * (tau2 * ((-0.000033032641670203) + ((-0.000189489875163150) + o[1] * ((-0.0039392777243355) + ((-0.043797295650573) - 0.0000266745479140870 * o[13]) * o[2])) * tau2) + g.pi * (2.04817376923090e-8 + (4.3870667284435e-7 + o[1] * ((-0.000032277677238570) + ((-0.00150339245421480) - 0.040668253562649 * o[13]) * o[2])) * tau2 + g.pi * (g.pi * (2.29220763376610e-6 * o[14] + g.pi * (((-1.67147664510610e-11) + o[15] * ((-0.00211714723213550) - 23.8957419341040 * o[16])) * o[2] + g.pi * ((-5.9059564324270e-18) + o[17] * ((-1.26218088991010e-6) - 0.038946842435739 * o[18]) + g.pi * (o[11] * (1.12562113604590e-11 - 8.2311340897998 * o[19]) + g.pi * (1.98097128020880e-8 * o[15] + g.pi * (o[10] * (1.04069652101740e-19 + ((-1.02347470959290e-13) - 1.00181793795110e-9 * o[10]) * o[20]) + o[23] * (o[13] * ((-8.0882908646985e-11) + 0.106930318794090 * o[24]) + o[21] * ((-0.33662250574171 * o[26]) + o[21] * (o[27] * (8.9185845355421e-25 + (3.06293168762320e-13 - 4.2002467698208e-6 * o[15]) * o[28]) + g.pi * ((-5.9056029685639e-26 * o[24]) + g.pi * (3.7826947613457e-6 * o[29] + g.pi * ((-1.27686089346810e-15 * o[30]) + o[31] * (7.3087610595061e-29 + o[18] * (5.5414715350778e-17 - 9.4369707241210e-7 * o[32])) * g.pi)))))))))))) + tau2 * ((-7.8847309559367e-10) + (1.27907178522850e-8 + 4.8225372718507e-7 * tau2) * tau2))))) + ((-0.0056087911830200) + g.tau * (0.071452738814550 + g.tau * ((-0.40710498239280) + g.tau * (1.42408197144400 + g.tau * ((-4.3839511194500) + g.tau * ((-9.6927686002170) + g.tau * (10.0866556801800 + ((-0.284086326077200) + 0.0212684635330700 * g.tau) * g.tau) + Modelica.Math.log(g.pi))))))) / (o[34] * g.tau);
4220 | g.gpi := (1.00000000000000 + g.pi * ((-0.00177317424732130) + o[9] + g.pi * (o[43] + g.pi * (6.1445213076927e-8 + (1.31612001853305e-6 + o[1] * ((-0.000096833031715710) + ((-0.0045101773626444) - 0.122004760687947 * o[13]) * o[2])) * tau2 + g.pi * (g.pi * (0.0000114610381688305 * o[14] + g.pi * (((-1.00288598706366e-10) + o[15] * ((-0.0127028833928130) - 143.374451604624 * o[16])) * o[2] + g.pi * ((-4.1341695026989e-17) + o[17] * ((-8.8352662293707e-6) - 0.272627897050173 * o[18]) + g.pi * (o[11] * (9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.849072718398 * o[19]) + g.pi * (1.78287415218792e-7 * o[15] + g.pi * (o[10] * (1.04069652101740e-18 + ((-1.02347470959290e-12) - 1.00181793795110e-8 * o[10]) * o[20]) + o[23] * (o[13] * ((-1.29412653835176e-9) + 1.71088510070544 * o[24]) + o[21] * ((-6.0592051033508 * o[26]) + o[21] * (o[27] * (1.78371690710842e-23 + (6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416 * o[15]) * o[28]) + g.pi * ((-1.24017662339842e-24 * o[24]) + g.pi * (0.000083219284749605 * o[29] + g.pi * ((-2.93678005497663e-14 * o[30]) + o[31] * (1.75410265428146e-27 + o[18] * (1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904 * o[32])) * g.pi)))))))))))) + tau2 * ((-3.15389238237468e-9) + (5.1162871409140e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6 * tau2) * tau2)))))) / g.pi;
4221 | g.gpipi := ((-1.00000000000000) + o[21] * (o[43] + g.pi * (1.22890426153854e-7 + (2.63224003706610e-6 + o[1] * ((-0.000193666063431420) + ((-0.0090203547252888) - 0.244009521375894 * o[13]) * o[2])) * tau2 + g.pi * (g.pi * (0.000045844152675322 * o[14] + g.pi * (((-5.0144299353183e-10) + o[15] * ((-0.063514416964065) - 716.87225802312 * o[16])) * o[2] + g.pi * ((-2.48050170161934e-16) + o[17] * ((-0.000053011597376224) - 1.63576738230104 * o[18]) + g.pi * (o[11] * (6.3034783618570e-10 - 460.94350902879 * o[19]) + g.pi * (1.42629932175034e-6 * o[15] + g.pi * (o[10] * (9.3662686891566e-18 + ((-9.2112723863361e-12) - 9.0163614415599e-8 * o[10]) * o[20]) + o[23] * (o[13] * ((-1.94118980752764e-8) + 25.6632765105816 * o[24]) + o[21] * ((-103.006486756963 * o[26]) + o[21] * (o[27] * (3.3890621235060e-22 + (1.16391404129682e-10 - 0.00159609377253190 * o[15]) * o[28]) + g.pi * ((-2.48035324679684e-23 * o[24]) + g.pi * (0.00174760497974171 * o[29] + g.pi * ((-6.4609161209486e-13 * o[30]) + o[31] * (4.0344361048474e-26 + o[18] * (3.05889228736295e-14 - 0.00052092078397148 * o[32])) * g.pi)))))))))))) + tau2 * ((-9.4616771471240e-9) + (1.53488614227420e-7 + o[44]) * tau2))))) / o[21];
4222 | g.gtau := (0.0280439559151000 + g.tau * ((-0.285810955258200) + g.tau * (1.22131494717840 + g.tau * ((-2.84816394288800) + g.tau * (4.3839511194500 + o[33] * (10.0866556801800 + ((-0.56817265215440) + 0.063805390599210 * g.tau) * g.tau)))))) / (o[33] * o[34]) + g.pi * ((-0.0178348622923580) + o[49] + g.pi * ((-0.000033032641670203) + ((-0.00037897975032630) + o[1] * ((-0.0157571108973420) + ((-0.306581069554011) - 0.00096028372490713 * o[13]) * o[2])) * tau2 + g.pi * (4.3870667284435e-7 + o[1] * ((-0.000096833031715710) + ((-0.0090203547252888) - 1.42338887469272 * o[13]) * o[2]) + g.pi * ((-7.8847309559367e-10) + g.pi * (0.0000160454534363627 * o[20] + g.pi * (o[1] * ((-5.0144299353183e-11) + o[15] * ((-0.033874355714168) - 836.35096769364 * o[16])) + g.pi * (((-0.0000138839897890111) - 0.97367106089347 * o[18]) * o[50] + g.pi * (o[14] * (9.0049690883672e-11 - 296.320827232793 * o[19]) + g.pi * (2.57526266427144e-7 * o[51] + g.pi * (o[2] * (4.1627860840696e-19 + ((-1.02347470959290e-12) - 1.40254511313154e-8 * o[10]) * o[20]) + o[23] * (o[19] * ((-2.34560435076256e-9) + 5.3465159397045 * o[24]) + o[21] * ((-19.1874828272775 * o[52]) + o[21] * (o[16] * (1.78371690710842e-23 + (1.07202609066812e-11 - 0.000201611844951398 * o[15]) * o[28]) + g.pi * ((-1.24017662339842e-24 * o[27]) + g.pi * (0.000200482822351322 * o[53] + g.pi * ((-4.9797574845256e-14 * o[54]) + (1.90027787547159e-27 + o[18] * (2.21658861403112e-15 - 0.000054734430199902 * o[32])) * o[55] * g.pi)))))))))))) + (2.55814357045700e-8 + 1.44676118155521e-6 * tau2) * tau2))));
4223 | g.gtautau := ((-0.168263735490600) + g.tau * (1.42905477629100 + g.tau * ((-4.8852597887136) + g.tau * (8.5444918286640 + g.tau * ((-8.7679022389000) + o[33] * ((-0.56817265215440) + 0.127610781198420 * g.tau) * g.tau))))) / (o[33] * o[34] * g.tau) + g.pi * ((-0.091992027392730) + ((-0.34548755450059) - 1.50975836183790 * o[2]) * tau2 + g.pi * ((-0.00037897975032630) + o[1] * ((-0.047271332692026) + ((-1.83948641732407) - 0.033609930371750 * o[13]) * o[2]) + g.pi * (((-0.000193666063431420) + ((-0.045101773626444) - 48.395221739552 * o[13]) * o[2]) * tau2 + g.pi * (2.55814357045700e-8 + 2.89352236311042e-6 * tau2 + g.pi * (0.000096272720618176 * o[10] * tau2 + g.pi * (((-1.00288598706366e-10) + o[15] * ((-0.50811533571252) - 28435.9329015838 * o[16])) * tau2 + g.pi * (o[11] * ((-0.000138839897890111) - 23.3681054614434 * o[18]) * tau2 + g.pi * ((6.3034783618570e-10 - 10371.2289531477 * o[19]) * o[20] + g.pi * (3.09031519712573e-6 * o[17] + g.pi * (o[1] * (1.24883582522088e-18 + ((-9.2112723863361e-12) - 1.82330864707100e-7 * o[10]) * o[20]) + o[23] * (o[1] * o[11] * o[12] * ((-6.5676921821352e-8) + 261.979281045521 * o[24]) * tau2 + o[21] * ((-1074.49903832754 * o[1] * o[10] * o[12] * o[25] * tau2) + o[21] * ((3.3890621235060e-22 + (3.6448887082716e-10 - 0.0094757567127157 * o[15]) * o[28]) * o[32] + g.pi * ((-2.48035324679684e-23 * o[16]) + g.pi * (0.0104251067622687 * o[1] * o[12] * o[25] * tau2 + g.pi * (o[11] * o[12] * (4.7506946886790e-26 + o[18] * (8.6446955947214e-14 - 0.00311986252139440 * o[32])) * g.pi - 1.89230784411972e-12 * o[10] * o[25] * tau2))))))))))))))));
4224 | g.gtaupi := (-0.0178348622923580) + o[49] + g.pi * ((-0.000066065283340406) + ((-0.00075795950065260) + o[1] * ((-0.0315142217946840) + ((-0.61316213910802) - 0.00192056744981426 * o[13]) * o[2])) * tau2 + g.pi * (1.31612001853305e-6 + o[1] * ((-0.000290499095147130) + ((-0.0270610641758664) - 4.2701666240781 * o[13]) * o[2]) + g.pi * ((-3.15389238237468e-9) + g.pi * (0.000080227267181813 * o[20] + g.pi * (o[1] * ((-3.00865796119098e-10) + o[15] * ((-0.203246134285008) - 5018.1058061618 * o[16])) + g.pi * (((-0.000097187928523078) - 6.8156974262543 * o[18]) * o[50] + g.pi * (o[14] * (7.2039752706938e-10 - 2370.56661786234 * o[19]) + g.pi * (2.31773639784430e-6 * o[51] + g.pi * (o[2] * (4.1627860840696e-18 + ((-1.02347470959290e-11) - 1.40254511313154e-7 * o[10]) * o[20]) + o[23] * (o[19] * ((-3.7529669612201e-8) + 85.544255035272 * o[24]) + o[21] * ((-345.37469089099 * o[52]) + o[21] * (o[16] * (3.5674338142168e-22 + (2.14405218133624e-10 - 0.0040322368990280 * o[15]) * o[28]) + g.pi * ((-2.60437090913668e-23 * o[27]) + g.pi * (0.0044106220917291 * o[53] + g.pi * ((-1.14534422144089e-12 * o[54]) + (4.5606669011318e-26 + o[18] * (5.3198126736747e-14 - 0.00131362632479764 * o[32])) * o[55] * g.pi)))))))))))) + (1.02325742818280e-7 + o[44]) * tau2)));
4225 | end g2;
4226 |
4227 | function f3 "Helmholtz function for region 3: f(d,T)"
4228 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4229 | input SI.Density d "Density";
4230 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4231 | output Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
4232 | protected
4233 | Real[40] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4234 | algorithm
4235 | f.T := T;
4236 | f.d := d;
4237 | f.R := data.RH2O;
4238 | f.tau := data.TCRIT / T;
4239 | f.delta := if d == data.DCRIT and T == data.TCRIT then 1 - Modelica.Constants.eps else abs(d / data.DCRIT);
4240 | o[1] := f.tau * f.tau;
4241 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4242 | o[3] := o[2] * f.tau;
4243 | o[4] := o[1] * f.tau;
4244 | o[5] := o[2] * o[2];
4245 | o[6] := o[1] * o[5] * f.tau;
4246 | o[7] := o[5] * f.tau;
4247 | o[8] := -0.64207765181607 * o[1];
4248 | o[9] := 0.88521043984318 + o[8];
4249 | o[10] := o[7] * o[9];
4250 | o[11] := (-1.15244078066810) + o[10];
4251 | o[12] := o[11] * o[2];
4252 | o[13] := (-1.26543154777140) + o[12];
4253 | o[14] := o[1] * o[13];
4254 | o[15] := o[1] * o[2] * o[5] * f.tau;
4255 | o[16] := o[2] * o[5];
4256 | o[17] := o[1] * o[5];
4257 | o[18] := o[5] * o[5];
4258 | o[19] := o[1] * o[18] * o[2];
4259 | o[20] := o[1] * o[18] * o[2] * f.tau;
4260 | o[21] := o[18] * o[5];
4261 | o[22] := o[1] * o[18] * o[5];
4262 | o[23] := 0.251168168486160 * o[2];
4263 | o[24] := 0.078841073758308 + o[23];
4264 | o[25] := o[15] * o[24];
4265 | o[26] := (-6.1005234513930) + o[25];
4266 | o[27] := o[26] * f.tau;
4267 | o[28] := 9.7944563083754 + o[27];
4268 | o[29] := o[2] * o[28];
4269 | o[30] := (-1.70429417648412) + o[29];
4270 | o[31] := o[1] * o[30];
4271 | o[32] := f.delta * f.delta;
4272 | o[33] := -10.9153200808732 * o[1];
4273 | o[34] := 13.2781565976477 + o[33];
4274 | o[35] := o[34] * o[7];
4275 | o[36] := (-6.9146446840086) + o[35];
4276 | o[37] := o[2] * o[36];
4277 | o[38] := (-2.53086309554280) + o[37];
4278 | o[39] := o[38] * f.tau;
4279 | o[40] := o[18] * o[5] * f.tau;
4280 | f.f := (-15.7328452902390) + f.tau * (20.9443969743070 + ((-7.6867707878716) + o[3] * (2.61859477879540 + o[4] * ((-2.80807811486200) + o[1] * (1.20533696965170 - 0.0084566812812502 * o[6])))) * f.tau) + f.delta * (o[14] + f.delta * (0.38493460186671 + o[1] * ((-0.85214708824206) + o[2] * (4.8972281541877 + ((-3.05026172569650) + o[15] * (0.039420536879154 + 0.125584084243080 * o[2])) * f.tau)) + f.delta * ((-0.279993296987100) + o[1] * (1.38997995694600 + o[1] * ((-2.01899150235700) + o[16] * ((-0.0082147637173963) - 0.47596035734923 * o[17]))) + f.delta * (0.043984074473500 + o[1] * ((-0.44476435428739) + o[1] * (0.90572070719733 + 0.70522450087967 * o[19])) + f.delta * (f.delta * ((-0.0221754008730960) + o[1] * (0.094260751665092 + 0.164362784479610 * o[21]) + f.delta * ((-0.0135033722413480 * o[1]) + f.delta * ((-0.0148343453524720 * o[22]) + f.delta * (o[1] * (0.00057922953628084 + 0.0032308904703711 * o[21]) + f.delta * (0.000080964802996215 - 0.000044923899061815 * f.delta * o[22] - 0.000165576797950370 * f.tau))))) + (0.107705126263320 + o[1] * ((-0.32913623258954) - 0.50871062041158 * o[20])) * f.tau))))) + 1.06580700285130 * Modelica.Math.log(f.delta);
4281 | f.fdelta := (1.06580700285130 + f.delta * (o[14] + f.delta * (0.76986920373342 + o[31] + f.delta * ((-0.83997989096130) + o[1] * (4.1699398708380 + o[1] * ((-6.0569745070710) + o[16] * ((-0.0246442911521889) - 1.42788107204769 * o[17]))) + f.delta * (0.175936297894000 + o[1] * ((-1.77905741714956) + o[1] * (3.6228828287893 + 2.82089800351868 * o[19])) + f.delta * (f.delta * ((-0.133052405238576) + o[1] * (0.56556450999055 + 0.98617670687766 * o[21]) + f.delta * ((-0.094523605689436 * o[1]) + f.delta * ((-0.118674762819776 * o[22]) + f.delta * (o[1] * (0.0052130658265276 + 0.0290780142333399 * o[21]) + f.delta * (0.00080964802996215 - 0.00049416288967996 * f.delta * o[22] - 0.00165576797950370 * f.tau))))) + (0.53852563131660 + o[1] * ((-1.64568116294770) - 2.54355310205790 * o[20])) * f.tau)))))) / f.delta;
4282 | f.fdeltadelta := ((-1.06580700285130) + o[32] * (0.76986920373342 + o[31] + f.delta * ((-1.67995978192260) + o[1] * (8.3398797416760 + o[1] * ((-12.1139490141420) + o[16] * ((-0.049288582304378) - 2.85576214409538 * o[17]))) + f.delta * (0.52780889368200 + o[1] * ((-5.3371722514487) + o[1] * (10.8686484863680 + 8.4626940105560 * o[19])) + f.delta * (f.delta * ((-0.66526202619288) + o[1] * (2.82782254995276 + 4.9308835343883 * o[21]) + f.delta * ((-0.56714163413662 * o[1]) + f.delta * ((-0.83072333973843 * o[22]) + f.delta * (o[1] * (0.041704526612220 + 0.232624113866719 * o[21]) + f.delta * (0.0072868322696594 - 0.0049416288967996 * f.delta * o[22] - 0.0149019118155333 * f.tau))))) + (2.15410252526640 + o[1] * ((-6.5827246517908) - 10.1742124082316 * o[20])) * f.tau))))) / o[32];
4283 | f.ftau := 20.9443969743070 + ((-15.3735415757432) + o[3] * (18.3301634515678 + o[4] * ((-28.0807811486200) + o[1] * (14.4640436358204 - 0.194503669468755 * o[6])))) * f.tau + f.delta * (o[39] + f.delta * (f.tau * ((-1.70429417648412) + o[2] * (29.3833689251262 + ((-21.3518320798755) + o[15] * (0.86725181134139 + 3.2651861903201 * o[2])) * f.tau)) + f.delta * ((2.77995991389200 + o[1] * ((-8.0759660094280) + o[16] * ((-0.131436219478341) - 12.3749692910800 * o[17]))) * f.tau + f.delta * (((-0.88952870857478) + o[1] * (3.6228828287893 + 18.3358370228714 * o[19])) * f.tau + f.delta * (0.107705126263320 + o[1] * ((-0.98740869776862) - 13.2264761307011 * o[20]) + f.delta * ((0.188521503330184 + 4.2734323964699 * o[21]) * f.tau + f.delta * ((-0.0270067444826960 * f.tau) + f.delta * ((-0.38569297916427 * o[40]) + f.delta * (f.delta * ((-0.000165576797950370) - 0.00116802137560719 * f.delta * o[40]) + (0.00115845907256168 + 0.084003152229649 * o[21]) * f.tau)))))))));
4284 | f.ftautau := (-15.3735415757432) + o[3] * (109.980980709407 + o[4] * ((-252.727030337580) + o[1] * (159.104479994024 - 4.2790807283126 * o[6]))) + f.delta * ((-2.53086309554280) + o[2] * ((-34.573223420043) + (185.894192367068 - 174.645121293971 * o[1]) * o[7]) + f.delta * ((-1.70429417648412) + o[2] * (146.916844625631 + ((-128.110992479253) + o[15] * (18.2122880381691 + 81.629654758002 * o[2])) * f.tau) + f.delta * (2.77995991389200 + o[1] * ((-24.2278980282840) + o[16] * ((-1.97154329217511) - 309.374232277000 * o[17])) + f.delta * ((-0.88952870857478) + o[1] * (10.8686484863680 + 458.39592557179 * o[19]) + f.delta * (f.delta * (0.188521503330184 + 106.835809911747 * o[21] + f.delta * ((-0.0270067444826960) + f.delta * ((-9.6423244791068 * o[21]) + f.delta * (0.00115845907256168 + 2.10007880574121 * o[21] - 0.0292005343901797 * o[21] * o[32])))) + ((-1.97481739553724) - 330.66190326753 * o[20]) * f.tau)))));
4285 | f.fdeltatau := o[39] + f.delta * (f.tau * ((-3.4085883529682) + o[2] * (58.766737850252 + ((-42.703664159751) + o[15] * (1.73450362268278 + 6.5303723806402 * o[2])) * f.tau)) + f.delta * ((8.3398797416760 + o[1] * ((-24.2278980282840) + o[16] * ((-0.39430865843502) - 37.124907873240 * o[17]))) * f.tau + f.delta * (((-3.5581148342991) + o[1] * (14.4915313151573 + 73.343348091486 * o[19])) * f.tau + f.delta * (0.53852563131660 + o[1] * ((-4.9370434888431) - 66.132380653505 * o[20]) + f.delta * ((1.13112901998110 + 25.6405943788192 * o[21]) * f.tau + f.delta * ((-0.189047211378872 * f.tau) + f.delta * ((-3.08554383331418 * o[40]) + f.delta * (f.delta * ((-0.00165576797950370) - 0.0128482351316791 * f.delta * o[40]) + (0.0104261316530551 + 0.75602837006684 * o[21]) * f.tau))))))));
4286 | end f3;
4287 |
4288 | function g5 "Base function for region 5: g(p,T)"
4289 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4290 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4291 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4292 | output Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
4293 | protected
4294 | Real[11] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4295 | algorithm
4296 | assert(p > 0.0, "IF97 medium function g5 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= 0.0 Pa");
4297 | assert(p <= data.PLIMIT5, "IF97 medium function g5: input pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) is higher than 10 Mpa in region 5");
4298 | assert(T <= 2273.15, "IF97 medium function g5: input temperature (= " + String(T) + " K) is higher than limit of 2273.15K in region 5");
4299 | g.p := p;
4300 | g.T := T;
4301 | g.R := data.RH2O;
4302 | g.pi := p / data.PSTAR5;
4303 | g.tau := data.TSTAR5 / T;
4304 | o[1] := g.tau * g.tau;
4305 | o[2] := -0.0045942820899910 * o[1];
4306 | o[3] := 0.00217746787145710 + o[2];
4307 | o[4] := o[3] * g.tau;
4308 | o[5] := o[1] * g.tau;
4309 | o[6] := o[1] * o[1];
4310 | o[7] := o[6] * o[6];
4311 | o[8] := o[7] * g.tau;
4312 | o[9] := -7.9449656719138e-6 * o[8];
4313 | o[10] := g.pi * g.pi;
4314 | o[11] := -0.0137828462699730 * o[1];
4315 | g.g := g.pi * ((-0.000125631835895920) + o[4] + g.pi * ((-3.9724828359569e-6 * o[8]) + 1.29192282897840e-7 * o[5] * g.pi)) + ((-0.0248051489334660) + g.tau * (0.36901534980333 + g.tau * ((-3.11613182139250) + g.tau * ((-13.1799836742010) + (6.8540841634434 - 0.32961626538917 * g.tau) * g.tau + Modelica.Math.log(g.pi))))) / o[5];
4316 | g.gpi := (1.0 + g.pi * ((-0.000125631835895920) + o[4] + g.pi * (o[9] + 3.8757684869352e-7 * o[5] * g.pi))) / g.pi;
4317 | g.gpipi := ((-1.00000000000000) + o[10] * (o[9] + 7.7515369738704e-7 * o[5] * g.pi)) / o[10];
4318 | g.gtau := g.pi * (0.00217746787145710 + o[11] + g.pi * ((-0.000035752345523612 * o[7]) + 3.8757684869352e-7 * o[1] * g.pi)) + (0.074415446800398 + g.tau * ((-0.73803069960666) + (3.11613182139250 + o[1] * (6.8540841634434 - 0.65923253077834 * g.tau)) * g.tau)) / o[6];
4319 | g.gtautau := ((-0.297661787201592) + g.tau * (2.21409209881998 + ((-6.2322636427850) - 0.65923253077834 * o[5]) * g.tau)) / (o[6] * g.tau) + g.pi * ((-0.0275656925399460 * g.tau) + g.pi * ((-0.000286018764188897 * o[1] * o[6] * g.tau) + 7.7515369738704e-7 * g.pi * g.tau));
4320 | g.gtaupi := 0.00217746787145710 + o[11] + g.pi * ((-0.000071504691047224 * o[7]) + 1.16273054608056e-6 * o[1] * g.pi);
4321 | end g5;
4322 |
4323 | function tph1 "Inverse function for region 1: T(p,h)"
4324 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4325 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4326 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
4327 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4328 | protected
4329 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4330 | Real eta1 "Dimensionless specific enthalpy";
4331 | Real[3] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4332 | algorithm
4333 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function tph1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
4334 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
4335 | eta1 := h / data.HSTAR1 + 1.0;
4336 | o[1] := eta1 * eta1;
4337 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4338 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
4339 | T := (-238.724899245210) - 13.3917448726020 * pi + eta1 * (404.21188637945 + 43.211039183559 * pi + eta1 * (113.497468817180 - 54.010067170506 * pi + eta1 * (30.5358922039160 * pi + eta1 * ((-6.5964749423638 * pi) + o[1] * ((-5.8457616048039) + o[2] * (pi * (0.0093965400878363 + ((-0.0000258586412820730) + 6.6456186191635e-8 * pi) * pi) + o[2] * o[3] * ((-0.000152854824131400) + o[1] * o[3] * ((-1.08667076953770e-6) + pi * (1.15736475053400e-7 + pi * ((-4.0644363084799e-9) + pi * (8.0670734103027e-11 + pi * ((-9.3477771213947e-13) + (5.8265442020601e-15 - 1.50201859535030e-17 * pi) * pi))))))))))));
4340 | end tph1;
4341 |
4342 | function tps1 "Inverse function for region 1: T(p,s)"
4343 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4344 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4345 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4346 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4347 | protected
4348 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 1.0e6;
4349 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 1.0e3;
4350 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4351 | Real sigma1 "Dimensionless specific entropy";
4352 | Real[6] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4353 | algorithm
4354 | pi := p / pstar;
4355 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function tps1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
4356 | sigma1 := s / sstar + 2.0;
4357 | o[1] := sigma1 * sigma1;
4358 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4359 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
4360 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
4361 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
4362 | o[6] := o[1] * o[2] * o[4];
4363 | T := 174.782680583070 + sigma1 * (34.806930892873 + sigma1 * (6.5292584978455 + (0.33039981775489 + o[3] * ((-1.92813829231960e-7) - 2.49091972445730e-23 * o[2] * o[4])) * sigma1)) + pi * ((-0.261076364893320) + pi * (0.00056608900654837 + pi * (o[1] * o[3] * (2.64004413606890e-13 + 7.8124600459723e-29 * o[6]) - 3.07321999036680e-31 * o[5] * pi) + sigma1 * ((-0.00032635483139717) + sigma1 * (0.000044778286690632 + o[1] * o[2] * ((-5.1322156908507e-10) - 4.2522657042207e-26 * o[6]) * sigma1))) + sigma1 * (0.225929659815860 + sigma1 * ((-0.064256463395226) + sigma1 * (0.0078876289270526 + o[3] * sigma1 * (3.5672110607366e-10 + 1.73324969948950e-24 * o[1] * o[4] * sigma1)))));
4364 | end tps1;
4365 |
4366 | function tph2 "Reverse function for region 2: T(p,h)"
4367 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4368 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4369 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
4370 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4371 | protected
4372 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4373 | Real pi2b "Dimensionless pressure";
4374 | Real pi2c "Dimensionless pressure";
4375 | Real eta "Dimensionless specific enthalpy";
4376 | Real etabc "Dimensionless specific enthalpy";
4377 | Real eta2a "Dimensionless specific enthalpy";
4378 | Real eta2b "Dimensionless specific enthalpy";
4379 | Real eta2c "Dimensionless specific enthalpy";
4380 | Real[8] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4381 | algorithm
4382 | pi := p * data.IPSTAR;
4383 | eta := h * data.IHSTAR;
4384 | etabc := h * 1.0e-3;
4385 | if pi < 4.0 then
4386 | eta2a := eta - 2.1;
4387 | o[1] := eta2a * eta2a;
4388 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4389 | o[3] := pi * pi;
4390 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
4391 | o[5] := o[3] * pi;
4392 | T := 1089.89523182880 + (1.84457493557900 - 0.0061707422868339 * pi) * pi + eta2a * (849.51654495535 - 4.1792700549624 * pi + eta2a * ((-107.817480918260) + (6.2478196935812 - 0.310780466295830 * pi) * pi + eta2a * (33.153654801263 - 17.3445631081140 * pi + o[2] * ((-7.4232016790248) + pi * ((-200.581768620960) + 11.6708730771070 * pi) + o[1] * (271.960654737960 * pi + o[1] * ((-455.11318285818 * pi) + eta2a * (1.38657242832260 * o[4] + o[1] * o[2] * (3091.96886047550 * pi + o[1] * (11.7650487243560 + o[2] * ((-13551.3342407750 * o[5]) + o[2] * ((-62.459855192507 * o[3] * o[4] * pi) + o[2] * (o[4] * (235988.325565140 + 7399.9835474766 * pi) + o[1] * (19127.7292396600 * o[3] * o[4] + o[1] * (o[3] * (1.28127984040460e8 - 551966.97030060 * o[5]) + o[1] * ((-9.8554909623276e8 * o[3]) + o[1] * (2.82245469730020e9 * o[3] + o[1] * (o[3] * ((-3.5948971410703e9) + 3.7154085996233e6 * o[5]) + o[1] * pi * (252266.403578720 + pi * (1.72273499131970e9 + pi * (1.28487346646500e7 + ((-1.31052365450540e7) - 415351.64835634 * o[3]) * pi))))))))))))))))))));
4393 | elseif pi < (0.12809002730136e-03 * etabc - 0.67955786399241) * etabc + 0.90584278514723e3 then
4394 | eta2b := eta - 2.6;
4395 | pi2b := pi - 2.0;
4396 | o[1] := pi2b * pi2b;
4397 | o[2] := o[1] * pi2b;
4398 | o[3] := o[1] * o[1];
4399 | o[4] := eta2b * eta2b;
4400 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
4401 | o[6] := o[4] * o[5];
4402 | o[7] := o[5] * o[5];
4403 | T := 1489.50410795160 + 0.93747147377932 * pi2b + eta2b * (743.07798314034 + o[2] * (0.000110328317899990 - 1.75652339694070e-18 * o[1] * o[3]) + eta2b * ((-97.708318797837) + pi2b * (3.3593118604916 + pi2b * ((-0.0218107553247610) + pi2b * (0.000189552483879020 + (2.86402374774560e-7 - 8.1456365207833e-14 * o[2]) * pi2b))) + o[5] * (3.3809355601454 * pi2b + o[4] * ((-0.108297844036770 * o[1]) + o[5] * (2.47424647056740 + (0.168445396719040 + o[1] * (0.00308915411605370 - 0.0000107798573575120 * pi2b)) * pi2b + o[6] * ((-0.63281320016026) + pi2b * (0.73875745236695 + ((-0.046333324635812) + o[1] * ((-0.000076462712454814) + 2.82172816350400e-7 * pi2b)) * pi2b) + o[6] * (1.13859521296580 + pi2b * ((-0.47128737436186) + o[1] * (0.00135555045549490 + (0.0000140523928183160 + 1.27049022719450e-6 * pi2b) * pi2b)) + o[5] * ((-0.47811863648625) + (0.150202731397070 + o[2] * ((-0.0000310838143314340) + o[1] * ((-1.10301392389090e-8) - 2.51805456829620e-11 * pi2b))) * pi2b + o[5] * o[7] * (0.0085208123431544 + pi2b * ((-0.00217641142197500) + pi2b * (0.000071280351959551 + o[1] * ((-1.03027382121030e-6) + (7.3803353468292e-8 + 8.6934156344163e-15 * o[3]) * pi2b))))))))))));
4404 | else
4405 | eta2c := eta - 1.8;
4406 | pi2c := pi + 25.0;
4407 | o[1] := pi2c * pi2c;
4408 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4409 | o[3] := o[1] * o[2] * pi2c;
4410 | o[4] := 1 / o[3];
4411 | o[5] := o[1] * o[2];
4412 | o[6] := eta2c * eta2c;
4413 | o[7] := o[2] * o[2];
4414 | o[8] := o[6] * o[6];
4415 | T := eta2c * ((859777.22535580 + o[1] * (482.19755109255 + 1.12615974072300e-12 * o[5])) / o[1] + eta2c * (((-5.8340131851590e11) + (2.08255445631710e10 + 31081.0884227140 * o[2]) * pi2c) / o[5] + o[6] * (o[8] * (o[6] * (1.23245796908320e-7 * o[5] + o[6] * ((-1.16069211309840e-6 * o[5]) + o[8] * (0.0000278463670885540 * o[5] + ((-0.00059270038474176 * o[5]) + 0.00129185829918780 * o[5] * o[6]) * o[8]))) - 10.8429848800770 * pi2c) + o[4] * (7.3263350902181e12 + o[7] * (3.7966001272486 + ((-0.045364172676660) - 1.78049822406860e-11 * o[2]) * pi2c))))) + o[4] * ((-3.2368398555242e12) + pi2c * (3.5825089945447e11 + pi2c * ((-1.07830682174700e10) + o[1] * pi2c * (610747.83564516 + pi2c * ((-25745.7236041700) + (1208.23158659360 + 1.45591156586980e-13 * o[5]) * pi2c)))));
4416 | end if;
4417 | end tph2;
4418 |
4419 | function tps2a "Reverse function for region 2a: T(p,s)"
4420 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4421 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4422 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4423 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4424 | protected
4425 | Real[12] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4426 | constant Real IPSTAR = 1.0e-6 "Scaling variable";
4427 | constant Real ISSTAR2A = 1 / 2000.0 "Scaling variable";
4428 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4429 | Real sigma2a "Dimensionless specific entropy";
4430 | algorithm
4431 | pi := p * IPSTAR;
4432 | sigma2a := s * ISSTAR2A - 2.0;
4433 | o[1] := pi ^ 0.5;
4434 | o[2] := sigma2a * sigma2a;
4435 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
4436 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
4437 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
4438 | o[6] := pi ^ 0.25;
4439 | o[7] := o[2] * o[4] * o[5];
4440 | o[8] := 1 / o[7];
4441 | o[9] := o[3] * sigma2a;
4442 | o[10] := o[2] * o[3] * sigma2a;
4443 | o[11] := o[3] * o[4] * sigma2a;
4444 | o[12] := o[2] * sigma2a;
4445 | T := (((-392359.83861984) + (515265.73827270 + o[3] * (40482.443161048 + o[2] * o[3] * ((-321.93790923902) + o[2] * (96.961424218694 - 22.8678463717730 * sigma2a)))) * sigma2a) / (o[4] * o[5]) + o[6] * (((-449429.14124357) + o[3] * ((-5011.8336020166) + 0.35684463560015 * o[4] * sigma2a)) / (o[2] * o[5] * sigma2a) + o[6] * (o[8] * (44235.335848190 + o[9] * ((-13673.3888117080) + o[3] * (421632.60207864 + (22516.9258374750 + o[10] * (474.42144865646 - 149.311307976470 * sigma2a)) * sigma2a))) + o[6] * (((-197811.263204520) - 23554.3994707600 * sigma2a) / (o[2] * o[3] * o[4] * sigma2a) + o[6] * (((-19070.6163020760) + o[11] * (55375.669883164 + (3829.3691437363 - 603.91860580567 * o[2]) * o[3])) * o[8] + o[6] * ((1936.31026203310 + o[2] * (4266.0643698610 + o[2] * o[3] * o[4] * ((-5978.0638872718) - 704.01463926862 * o[9]))) / (o[2] * o[4] * o[5] * sigma2a) + o[1] * ((338.36784107553 + o[12] * (20.8627866351870 + (0.033834172656196 - 0.000043124428414893 * o[12]) * o[3])) * sigma2a + o[6] * (166.537913564120 + sigma2a * ((-139.862920558980) + o[3] * ((-0.78849547999872) + (0.072132411753872 + o[3] * ((-0.0059754839398283) + ((-0.0000121413589539040) + 2.32270967338710e-7 * o[2]) * o[3])) * sigma2a)) + o[6] * ((-10.5384635661940) + o[3] * (2.07189254965020 + ((-0.072193155260427) + 2.07498870811200e-7 * o[4]) * o[9]) + o[6] * (o[6] * (o[12] * (0.210375278936190 + 0.000256812397299990 * o[3] * o[4]) + ((-0.0127990029337810) - 8.2198102652018e-6 * o[11]) * o[6] * o[9]) + o[10] * ((-0.0183406579113790) + 2.90362723486960e-7 * o[2] * o[4] * sigma2a))))))))))) / (o[1] * pi);
4446 | end tps2a;
4447 |
4448 | function tps2b "Reverse function for region 2b: T(p,s)"
4449 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4450 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4451 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4452 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4453 | protected
4454 | Real[8] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4455 | constant Real IPSTAR = 1.0e-6 "Scaling variable";
4456 | constant Real ISSTAR2B = 1 / 785.3 "Scaling variable";
4457 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4458 | Real sigma2b "Dimensionless specific entropy";
4459 | algorithm
4460 | pi := p * IPSTAR;
4461 | sigma2b := 10.0 - s * ISSTAR2B;
4462 | o[1] := pi * pi;
4463 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
4464 | o[3] := sigma2b * sigma2b;
4465 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
4466 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
4467 | o[6] := o[3] * o[5] * sigma2b;
4468 | o[7] := o[3] * o[5];
4469 | o[8] := o[3] * sigma2b;
4470 | T := (316876.65083497 + 20.8641758818580 * o[6] + pi * ((-398593.99803599) - 21.8160585188770 * o[6] + pi * (223697.851942420 + ((-2784.17034458170) + 9.9207436071480 * o[7]) * sigma2b + pi * ((-75197.512299157) + (2970.86059511580 + o[7] * ((-3.4406878548526) + 0.38815564249115 * sigma2b)) * sigma2b + pi * (17511.2950857500 + sigma2b * ((-1423.71128544490) + (1.09438033641670 + 0.89971619308495 * o[4]) * o[4] * sigma2b) + pi * ((-3375.9740098958) + (471.62885818355 + o[4] * ((-1.91882419936790) + o[8] * (0.41078580492196 - 0.33465378172097 * sigma2b))) * sigma2b + pi * (1387.00347775050 + sigma2b * ((-406.63326195838) + sigma2b * (41.727347159610 + o[3] * (2.19325494345320 + sigma2b * ((-1.03200500090770) + (0.35882943516703 + 0.0052511453726066 * o[8]) * sigma2b)))) + pi * (12.8389164507050 + sigma2b * ((-2.86424372193810) + sigma2b * (0.56912683664855 + ((-0.099962954584931) + o[4] * ((-0.0032632037778459) + 0.000233209225767230 * sigma2b)) * sigma2b)) + pi * ((-0.153348098574500) + (0.0290722882399020 + 0.00037534702741167 * o[4]) * sigma2b + pi * (0.00172966917024110 + ((-0.00038556050844504) - 0.000035017712292608 * o[3]) * sigma2b + pi * ((-0.0000145663936314920) + 5.6420857267269e-6 * sigma2b + pi * (4.1286150074605e-8 + ((-2.06846711188240e-8) + 1.64093936747250e-9 * sigma2b) * sigma2b)))))))))))) / (o[1] * o[2]);
4471 | end tps2b;
4472 |
4473 | function tps2c "Reverse function for region 2c: T(p,s)"
4474 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4475 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4476 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4477 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4478 | protected
4479 | constant Real IPSTAR = 1.0e-6 "Scaling variable";
4480 | constant Real ISSTAR2C = 1 / 2925.1 "Scaling variable";
4481 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4482 | Real sigma2c "Dimensionless specific entropy";
4483 | Real[3] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4484 | algorithm
4485 | pi := p * IPSTAR;
4486 | sigma2c := 2.0 - s * ISSTAR2C;
4487 | o[1] := pi * pi;
4488 | o[2] := sigma2c * sigma2c;
4489 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
4490 | T := (909.68501005365 + 2404.56670884200 * sigma2c + pi * ((-591.62326387130) + pi * (541.45404128074 + sigma2c * ((-270.983084111920) + (979.76525097926 - 469.66772959435 * sigma2c) * sigma2c) + pi * (14.3992746047230 + ((-19.1042042304290) + o[2] * (5.3299167111971 - 21.2529753759340 * sigma2c)) * sigma2c + pi * ((-0.311473344137600) + (0.60334840894623 - 0.042764839702509 * sigma2c) * sigma2c + pi * (0.0058185597255259 + ((-0.0145970082847530) + 0.0056631175631027 * o[3]) * sigma2c + pi * ((-0.000076155864584577) + sigma2c * (0.000224403429193320 - 0.0000125610950134130 * o[2] * sigma2c) + pi * (6.3323132660934e-7 + ((-2.05419896753750e-6) + 3.6405370390082e-8 * sigma2c) * sigma2c + pi * ((-2.97598977892150e-9) + 1.01366185297630e-8 * sigma2c + pi * (5.9925719692351e-12 + sigma2c * ((-2.06778701051640e-11) + o[2] * ((-2.08742781818860e-11) + (1.01621668250890e-10 - 1.64298282813470e-10 * sigma2c) * sigma2c)))))))))))) / o[1];
4491 | end tps2c;
4492 |
4493 | function tps2 "Reverse function for region 2: T(p,s)"
4494 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4495 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4496 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4497 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4498 | protected
4499 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4500 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy SLIMIT = 5.85e3 "Subregion boundary specific entropy between regions 2a and 2b";
4501 | algorithm
4502 | if p < 4.0e6 then
4503 | T := tps2a(p, s);
4504 | elseif s > SLIMIT then
4505 | T := tps2b(p, s);
4506 | else
4507 | T := tps2c(p, s);
4508 | end if;
4509 | end tps2;
4510 |
4511 | function tsat "Region 4 saturation temperature as a function of pressure"
4512 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4513 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4514 | output SI.Temperature t_sat "Temperature";
4515 | protected
4516 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4517 | Real[20] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4518 | algorithm
4519 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function tsat called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
4520 | pi := min(p, data.PCRIT) * data.IPSTAR;
4521 | o[1] := pi ^ 0.25;
4522 | o[2] := -3.2325550322333e6 * o[1];
4523 | o[3] := pi ^ 0.5;
4524 | o[4] := -724213.16703206 * o[3];
4525 | o[5] := 405113.40542057 + o[2] + o[4];
4526 | o[6] := -17.0738469400920 * o[1];
4527 | o[7] := 14.9151086135300 + o[3] + o[6];
4528 | o[8] := -4.0 * o[5] * o[7];
4529 | o[9] := 12020.8247024700 * o[1];
4530 | o[10] := 1167.05214527670 * o[3];
4531 | o[11] := (-4823.2657361591) + o[10] + o[9];
4532 | o[12] := o[11] * o[11];
4533 | o[13] := o[12] + o[8];
4534 | o[14] := o[13] ^ 0.5;
4535 | o[15] := -o[14];
4536 | o[16] := -12020.8247024700 * o[1];
4537 | o[17] := -1167.05214527670 * o[3];
4538 | o[18] := 4823.2657361591 + o[15] + o[16] + o[17];
4539 | o[19] := 1 / o[18];
4540 | o[20] := 2.0 * o[19] * o[5];
4541 | t_sat := 0.5 * (650.17534844798 + o[20] - ((-4.0 * ((-0.238555575678490) + 1300.35069689596 * o[19] * o[5])) + (650.17534844798 + o[20]) ^ 2.0) ^ 0.5);
4542 | annotation(derivative = tsat_der);
4543 | end tsat;
4544 |
4545 | function dtsatofp "Derivative of saturation temperature w.r.t. pressure"
4546 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4547 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4548 | output Real dtsat(unit = "K/Pa") "Derivative of T w.r.t. p";
4549 | protected
4550 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
4551 | Real[49] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4552 | algorithm
4553 | pi := max(Modelica.Constants.small, p * data.IPSTAR);
4554 | o[1] := pi ^ 0.75;
4555 | o[2] := 1 / o[1];
4556 | o[3] := -4.268461735023 * o[2];
4557 | o[4] := sqrt(pi);
4558 | o[5] := 1 / o[4];
4559 | o[6] := 0.5 * o[5];
4560 | o[7] := o[3] + o[6];
4561 | o[8] := pi ^ 0.25;
4562 | o[9] := -3.2325550322333e6 * o[8];
4563 | o[10] := -724213.16703206 * o[4];
4564 | o[11] := 405113.40542057 + o[10] + o[9];
4565 | o[12] := -4 * o[11] * o[7];
4566 | o[13] := -808138.758058325 * o[2];
4567 | o[14] := -362106.58351603 * o[5];
4568 | o[15] := o[13] + o[14];
4569 | o[16] := -17.073846940092 * o[8];
4570 | o[17] := 14.91510861353 + o[16] + o[4];
4571 | o[18] := -4 * o[15] * o[17];
4572 | o[19] := 3005.2061756175 * o[2];
4573 | o[20] := 583.52607263835 * o[5];
4574 | o[21] := o[19] + o[20];
4575 | o[22] := 12020.82470247 * o[8];
4576 | o[23] := 1167.0521452767 * o[4];
4577 | o[24] := (-4823.2657361591) + o[22] + o[23];
4578 | o[25] := 2.0 * o[21] * o[24];
4579 | o[26] := o[12] + o[18] + o[25];
4580 | o[27] := -4.0 * o[11] * o[17];
4581 | o[28] := o[24] * o[24];
4582 | o[29] := o[27] + o[28];
4583 | o[30] := sqrt(o[29]);
4584 | o[31] := 1 / o[30];
4585 | o[32] := -o[30];
4586 | o[33] := -12020.82470247 * o[8];
4587 | o[34] := -1167.0521452767 * o[4];
4588 | o[35] := 4823.2657361591 + o[32] + o[33] + o[34];
4589 | o[36] := o[30];
4590 | o[37] := (-4823.2657361591) + o[22] + o[23] + o[36];
4591 | o[38] := o[37] * o[37];
4592 | o[39] := 1 / o[38];
4593 | o[40] := -1.72207339365771 * o[30];
4594 | o[41] := 21592.2055343628 * o[8];
4595 | o[42] := o[30] * o[8];
4596 | o[43] := -8192.87114842946 * o[4];
4597 | o[44] := -0.510632954559659 * o[30] * o[4];
4598 | o[45] := -3100.02526152368 * o[1];
4599 | o[46] := pi;
4600 | o[47] := 1295.95640782102 * o[46];
4601 | o[48] := 2862.09212505088 + o[40] + o[41] + o[42] + o[43] + o[44] + o[45] + o[47];
4602 | o[49] := 1 / (o[35] * o[35]);
4603 | dtsat := data.IPSTAR * 0.5 * (2.0 * o[15] / o[35] - 2. * o[11] * ((-3005.2061756175 * o[2]) - 0.5 * o[26] * o[31] - 583.52607263835 * o[5]) * o[49] - 20953.46356643991 * (o[39] * (1295.95640782102 + 5398.05138359071 * o[2] + 0.25 * o[2] * o[30] - 0.861036696828853 * o[26] * o[31] - 0.255316477279829 * o[26] * o[31] * o[4] - 4096.43557421473 * o[5] - 0.255316477279829 * o[30] * o[5] - 2325.01894614276 / o[8] + 0.5 * o[26] * o[31] * o[8]) - 2.0 * (o[19] + o[20] + 0.5 * o[26] * o[31]) * o[48] * o[37] ^ (-3)) / sqrt(o[39] * o[48]));
4604 | end dtsatofp;
4605 |
4606 | function tsat_der "Derivative function for tsat"
4607 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4608 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4609 | input Real der_p(unit = "Pa/s") "Pressure derivative";
4610 | output Real der_tsat(unit = "K/s") "Temperature derivative";
4611 | protected
4612 | Real dtp;
4613 | algorithm
4614 | dtp := dtsatofp(p);
4615 | der_tsat := dtp * der_p;
4616 | end tsat_der;
4617 |
4618 | function psat "Region 4 saturation pressure as a function of temperature"
4619 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4620 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4621 | output SI.Pressure p_sat "Pressure";
4622 | protected
4623 | Real[8] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4624 | Real Tlim = min(T, data.TCRIT);
4625 | algorithm
4626 | assert(T >= 273.16, "IF97 medium function psat: input temperature (= " + String(triple.Ttriple) + " K).\n" + "lower than the triple point temperature 273.16 K");
4627 | o[1] := (-650.17534844798) + Tlim;
4628 | o[2] := 1 / o[1];
4629 | o[3] := -0.238555575678490 * o[2];
4630 | o[4] := o[3] + Tlim;
4631 | o[5] := -4823.2657361591 * o[4];
4632 | o[6] := o[4] * o[4];
4633 | o[7] := 14.9151086135300 * o[6];
4634 | o[8] := 405113.40542057 + o[5] + o[7];
4635 | p_sat := 16.0e6 * o[8] * o[8] * o[8] * o[8] * 1 / (3.2325550322333e6 - 12020.8247024700 * o[4] + 17.0738469400920 * o[6] + ((-4.0 * ((-724213.16703206) + 1167.05214527670 * o[4] + o[6]) * o[8]) + ((-3.2325550322333e6) + 12020.8247024700 * o[4] - 17.0738469400920 * o[6]) ^ 2.0) ^ 0.5) ^ 4.0;
4636 | annotation(derivative = psat_der);
4637 | end psat;
4638 |
4639 | function dptofT "Derivative of pressure w.r.t. temperature along the saturation pressure curve"
4640 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4641 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4642 | output Real dpt(unit = "Pa/K") "Temperature derivative of pressure";
4643 | protected
4644 | Real[31] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
4645 | Real Tlim "Temperature limited to TCRIT";
4646 | algorithm
4647 | Tlim := min(T, data.TCRIT);
4648 | o[1] := (-650.17534844798) + Tlim;
4649 | o[2] := 1 / o[1];
4650 | o[3] := -0.238555575678490 * o[2];
4651 | o[4] := o[3] + Tlim;
4652 | o[5] := -4823.2657361591 * o[4];
4653 | o[6] := o[4] * o[4];
4654 | o[7] := 14.9151086135300 * o[6];
4655 | o[8] := 405113.40542057 + o[5] + o[7];
4656 | o[9] := o[8] * o[8];
4657 | o[10] := o[9] * o[9];
4658 | o[11] := o[1] * o[1];
4659 | o[12] := 1 / o[11];
4660 | o[13] := 0.238555575678490 * o[12];
4661 | o[14] := 1.00000000000000 + o[13];
4662 | o[15] := 12020.8247024700 * o[4];
4663 | o[16] := -17.0738469400920 * o[6];
4664 | o[17] := (-3.2325550322333e6) + o[15] + o[16];
4665 | o[18] := -4823.2657361591 * o[14];
4666 | o[19] := 29.8302172270600 * o[14] * o[4];
4667 | o[20] := o[18] + o[19];
4668 | o[21] := 1167.05214527670 * o[4];
4669 | o[22] := (-724213.16703206) + o[21] + o[6];
4670 | o[23] := o[17] * o[17];
4671 | o[24] := -4.0000000000000 * o[22] * o[8];
4672 | o[25] := o[23] + o[24];
4673 | o[26] := sqrt(o[25]);
4674 | o[27] := -12020.8247024700 * o[4];
4675 | o[28] := 17.0738469400920 * o[6];
4676 | o[29] := 3.2325550322333e6 + o[26] + o[27] + o[28];
4677 | o[30] := o[29] * o[29];
4678 | o[31] := o[30] * o[30];
4679 | dpt := 1e6 * ((-64.0 * o[10] * ((-12020.8247024700 * o[14]) + 34.147693880184 * o[14] * o[4] + 0.5 * ((-4.0 * o[20] * o[22]) + 2.00000000000000 * o[17] * (12020.8247024700 * o[14] - 34.147693880184 * o[14] * o[4]) - 4.0 * (1167.05214527670 * o[14] + 2.0 * o[14] * o[4]) * o[8]) / o[26])) / (o[29] * o[31]) + 64. * o[20] * o[8] * o[9] / o[31]);
4680 | end dptofT;
4681 |
4682 | function psat_der "Derivative function for psat"
4683 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4684 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4685 | input Real der_T(unit = "K/s") "Temperature derivative";
4686 | output Real der_psat(unit = "Pa/s") "Pressure";
4687 | protected
4688 | Real dpt;
4689 | algorithm
4690 | dpt := dptofT(T);
4691 | der_psat := dpt * der_T;
4692 | end psat_der;
4693 |
4694 | function h3ab_p "Region 3 a b boundary for pressure/enthalpy"
4695 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4696 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Enthalpy";
4697 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4698 | protected
4699 | constant Real[:] n = {0.201464004206875e4, 0.374696550136983e1, -0.219921901054187e-1, 0.875131686009950e-4};
4700 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 1000 "Normalization enthalpy";
4701 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 1e6 "Normalization pressure";
4702 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4703 | algorithm
4704 | h := (n[1] + n[2] * pi + n[3] * pi ^ 2 + n[4] * pi ^ 3) * hstar;
4705 | end h3ab_p;
4706 |
4707 | function T3a_ph "Region 3 a: inverse function T(p,h)"
4708 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4709 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4710 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
4711 | output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature";
4712 | protected
4713 | constant Real[:] n = {-0.133645667811215e-6, 0.455912656802978e-5, -0.146294640700979e-4, 0.639341312970080e-2, 0.372783927268847e3, -0.718654377460447e4, 0.573494752103400e6, -0.267569329111439e7, -0.334066283302614e-4, -0.245479214069597e-1, 0.478087847764996e2, 0.764664131818904e-5, 0.128350627676972e-2, 0.171219081377331e-1, -0.851007304583213e1, -0.136513461629781e-1, -0.384460997596657e-5, 0.337423807911655e-2, -0.551624873066791, 0.729202277107470, -0.992522757376041e-2, -0.119308831407288, 0.793929190615421, 0.454270731799386, 0.209998591259910, -0.642109823904738e-2, -0.235155868604540e-1, 0.252233108341612e-2, -0.764885133368119e-2, 0.136176427574291e-1, -0.133027883575669e-1};
4714 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -12, -12, -12, -12, -12, -12, -10, -10, -10, -8, -8, -8, -8, -5, -3, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 10, 12};
4715 | constant Real[:] J = {0, 1, 2, 6, 14, 16, 20, 22, 1, 5, 12, 0, 2, 4, 10, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5};
4716 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2300e3 "Normalization enthalpy";
4717 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4718 | constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 760 "Normalization temperature";
4719 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4720 | Real eta = h / hstar "Normalized specific enthalpy";
4721 | algorithm
4722 | T := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.240) ^ I[i] * (eta - 0.615) ^ J[i] for i in 1:31) * Tstar;
4723 | end T3a_ph;
4724 |
4725 | function T3b_ph "Region 3 b: inverse function T(p,h)"
4726 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4727 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4728 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
4729 | output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature";
4730 | protected
4731 | constant Real[:] n = {0.323254573644920e-4, -0.127575556587181e-3, -0.475851877356068e-3, 0.156183014181602e-2, 0.105724860113781, -0.858514221132534e2, 0.724140095480911e3, 0.296475810273257e-2, -0.592721983365988e-2, -0.126305422818666e-1, -0.115716196364853, 0.849000969739595e2, -0.108602260086615e-1, 0.154304475328851e-1, 0.750455441524466e-1, 0.252520973612982e-1, -0.602507901232996e-1, -0.307622221350501e1, -0.574011959864879e-1, 0.503471360939849e1, -0.925081888584834, 0.391733882917546e1, -0.773146007130190e2, 0.949308762098587e4, -0.141043719679409e7, 0.849166230819026e7, 0.861095729446704, 0.323346442811720, 0.873281936020439, -0.436653048526683, 0.286596714529479, -0.131778331276228, 0.676682064330275e-2};
4732 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -6, -6, -6, -4, -4, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8};
4733 | constant Real[:] J = {0, 1, 0, 1, 5, 10, 12, 0, 1, 2, 4, 10, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 5, 0, 4, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 16, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
4734 | constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 860 "Normalization temperature";
4735 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4736 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2800e3 "Normalization enthalpy";
4737 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4738 | Real eta = h / hstar "Normalized specific enthalpy";
4739 | algorithm
4740 | T := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.298) ^ I[i] * (eta - 0.720) ^ J[i] for i in 1:33) * Tstar;
4741 | end T3b_ph;
4742 |
4743 | function v3a_ph "Region 3 a: inverse function v(p,h)"
4744 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4745 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4746 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
4747 | output SI.SpecificVolume v "Specific volume";
4748 | protected
4749 | constant Real[:] n = {0.529944062966028e-2, -0.170099690234461, 0.111323814312927e2, -0.217898123145125e4, -0.506061827980875e-3, 0.556495239685324, -0.943672726094016e1, -0.297856807561527, 0.939353943717186e2, 0.192944939465981e-1, 0.421740664704763, -0.368914126282330e7, -0.737566847600639e-2, -0.354753242424366, -0.199768169338727e1, 0.115456297059049e1, 0.568366875815960e4, 0.808169540124668e-2, 0.172416341519307, 0.104270175292927e1, -0.297691372792847, 0.560394465163593, 0.275234661176914, -0.148347894866012, -0.651142513478515e-1, -0.292468715386302e1, 0.664876096952665e-1, 0.352335014263844e1, -0.146340792313332e-1, -0.224503486668184e1, 0.110533464706142e1, -0.408757344495612e-1};
4750 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -12, -12, -10, -10, -10, -8, -8, -6, -6, -6, -4, -4, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8};
4751 | constant Real[:] J = {6, 8, 12, 18, 4, 7, 10, 5, 12, 3, 4, 22, 2, 3, 7, 3, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2};
4752 | constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0028 "Normalization temperature";
4753 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4754 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2100e3 "Normalization enthalpy";
4755 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4756 | Real eta = h / hstar "Normalized specific enthalpy";
4757 | algorithm
4758 | v := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.128) ^ I[i] * (eta - 0.727) ^ J[i] for i in 1:32) * vstar;
4759 | end v3a_ph;
4760 |
4761 | function v3b_ph "Region 3 b: inverse function v(p,h)"
4762 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4763 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4764 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
4765 | output SI.SpecificVolume v "Specific volume";
4766 | protected
4767 | constant Real[:] n = {-0.225196934336318e-8, 0.140674363313486e-7, 0.233784085280560e-5, -0.331833715229001e-4, 0.107956778514318e-2, -0.271382067378863, 0.107202262490333e1, -0.853821329075382, -0.215214194340526e-4, 0.769656088222730e-3, -0.431136580433864e-2, 0.453342167309331, -0.507749535873652, -0.100475154528389e3, -0.219201924648793, -0.321087965668917e1, 0.607567815637771e3, 0.557686450685932e-3, 0.187499040029550, 0.905368030448107e-2, 0.285417173048685, 0.329924030996098e-1, 0.239897419685483, 0.482754995951394e1, -0.118035753702231e2, 0.169490044091791, -0.179967222507787e-1, 0.371810116332674e-1, -0.536288335065096e-1, 0.160697101092520e1};
4768 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -6, -6, -6, -6, -6, -6, -4, -4, -4, -3, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2};
4769 | constant Real[:] J = {0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 3, 6, 10, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 4, 5, 0, 0, 1, 2, 6};
4770 | constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0088 "Normalization temperature";
4771 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4772 | constant SI.SpecificEnthalpy hstar = 2800e3 "Normalization enthalpy";
4773 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4774 | Real eta = h / hstar "Normalized specific enthalpy";
4775 | algorithm
4776 | v := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.0661) ^ I[i] * (eta - 0.720) ^ J[i] for i in 1:30) * vstar;
4777 | end v3b_ph;
4778 |
4779 | function T3a_ps "Region 3 a: inverse function T(p,s)"
4780 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4781 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4782 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4783 | output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature";
4784 | protected
4785 | constant Real[:] n = {0.150042008263875e10, -0.159397258480424e12, 0.502181140217975e-3, -0.672057767855466e2, 0.145058545404456e4, -0.823889534888890e4, -0.154852214233853, 0.112305046746695e2, -0.297000213482822e2, 0.438565132635495e11, 0.137837838635464e-2, -0.297478527157462e1, 0.971777947349413e13, -0.571527767052398e-4, 0.288307949778420e5, -0.744428289262703e14, 0.128017324848921e2, -0.368275545889071e3, 0.664768904779177e16, 0.449359251958880e-1, -0.422897836099655e1, -0.240614376434179, -0.474341365254924e1, 0.724093999126110, 0.923874349695897, 0.399043655281015e1, 0.384066651868009e-1, -0.359344365571848e-2, -0.735196448821653, 0.188367048396131, 0.141064266818704e-3, -0.257418501496337e-2, 0.123220024851555e-2};
4786 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -10, -10, -10, -10, -8, -8, -8, -8, -6, -6, -6, -5, -5, -5, -4, -4, -4, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 8, 8, 10};
4787 | constant Real[:] J = {28, 32, 4, 10, 12, 14, 5, 7, 8, 28, 2, 6, 32, 0, 14, 32, 6, 10, 36, 1, 4, 1, 6, 0, 1, 4, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 2};
4788 | constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 760 "Normalization temperature";
4789 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4790 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 4.4e3 "Normalization entropy";
4791 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4792 | Real sigma = s / sstar "Normalized specific entropy";
4793 | algorithm
4794 | T := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.240) ^ I[i] * (sigma - 0.703) ^ J[i] for i in 1:33) * Tstar;
4795 | end T3a_ps;
4796 |
4797 | function T3b_ps "Region 3 b: inverse function T(p,s)"
4798 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4799 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4800 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4801 | output SI.Temp_K T "Temperature";
4802 | protected
4803 | constant Real[:] n = {0.527111701601660, -0.401317830052742e2, 0.153020073134484e3, -0.224799398218827e4, -0.193993484669048, -0.140467557893768e1, 0.426799878114024e2, 0.752810643416743, 0.226657238616417e2, -0.622873556909932e3, -0.660823667935396, 0.841267087271658, -0.253717501764397e2, 0.485708963532948e3, 0.880531517490555e3, 0.265015592794626e7, -0.359287150025783, -0.656991567673753e3, 0.241768149185367e1, 0.856873461222588, 0.655143675313458, -0.213535213206406, 0.562974957606348e-2, -0.316955725450471e15, -0.699997000152457e-3, 0.119845803210767e-1, 0.193848122022095e-4, -0.215095749182309e-4};
4804 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -12, -12, -8, -8, -8, -6, -6, -6, -5, -5, -5, -5, -5, -4, -3, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14};
4805 | constant Real[:] J = {1, 3, 4, 7, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 1, 6, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 24, 0, 3, 1, 2};
4806 | constant SI.Temp_K Tstar = 860 "Normalization temperature";
4807 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4808 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 5.3e3 "Normalization entropy";
4809 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4810 | Real sigma = s / sstar "Normalized specific entropy";
4811 | algorithm
4812 | T := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.760) ^ I[i] * (sigma - 0.818) ^ J[i] for i in 1:28) * Tstar;
4813 | end T3b_ps;
4814 |
4815 | function v3a_ps "Region 3 a: inverse function v(p,s)"
4816 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4817 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4818 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4819 | output SI.SpecificVolume v "Specific volume";
4820 | protected
4821 | constant Real[:] n = {0.795544074093975e2, -0.238261242984590e4, 0.176813100617787e5, -0.110524727080379e-2, -0.153213833655326e2, 0.297544599376982e3, -0.350315206871242e8, 0.277513761062119, -0.523964271036888, -0.148011182995403e6, 0.160014899374266e7, 0.170802322663427e13, 0.246866996006494e-3, 0.165326084797980e1, -0.118008384666987, 0.253798642355900e1, 0.965127704669424, -0.282172420532826e2, 0.203224612353823, 0.110648186063513e1, 0.526127948451280, 0.277000018736321, 0.108153340501132e1, -0.744127885357893e-1, 0.164094443541384e-1, -0.680468275301065e-1, 0.257988576101640e-1, -0.145749861944416e-3};
4822 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -12, -10, -10, -10, -10, -8, -8, -8, -8, -6, -5, -4, -3, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6};
4823 | constant Real[:] J = {10, 12, 14, 4, 8, 10, 20, 5, 6, 14, 16, 28, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 8, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0};
4824 | constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0028 "Normalization temperature";
4825 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4826 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 4.4e3 "Normalization entropy";
4827 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4828 | Real sigma = s / sstar "Normalized specific entropy";
4829 | algorithm
4830 | v := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.187) ^ I[i] * (sigma - 0.755) ^ J[i] for i in 1:28) * vstar;
4831 | end v3a_ps;
4832 |
4833 | function v3b_ps "Region 3 b: inverse function v(p,s)"
4834 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4835 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4836 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
4837 | output SI.SpecificVolume v "Specific volume";
4838 | protected
4839 | constant Real[:] n = {0.591599780322238e-4, -0.185465997137856e-2, 0.104190510480013e-1, 0.598647302038590e-2, -0.771391189901699, 0.172549765557036e1, -0.467076079846526e-3, 0.134533823384439e-1, -0.808094336805495e-1, 0.508139374365767, 0.128584643361683e-2, -0.163899353915435e1, 0.586938199318063e1, -0.292466667918613e1, -0.614076301499537e-2, 0.576199014049172e1, -0.121613320606788e2, 0.167637540957944e1, -0.744135838773463e1, 0.378168091437659e-1, 0.401432203027688e1, 0.160279837479185e2, 0.317848779347728e1, -0.358362310304853e1, -0.115995260446827e7, 0.199256573577909, -0.122270624794624, -0.191449143716586e2, -0.150448002905284e-1, 0.146407900162154e2, -0.327477787188230e1};
4840 | constant Real[:] I = {-12, -12, -12, -12, -12, -12, -10, -10, -10, -10, -8, -5, -5, -5, -4, -4, -4, -4, -3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2};
4841 | constant Real[:] J = {0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2};
4842 | constant SI.Volume vstar = 0.0088 "Normalization temperature";
4843 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 100e6 "Normalization pressure";
4844 | constant SI.SpecificEntropy sstar = 5.3e3 "Normalization entropy";
4845 | Real pi = p / pstar "Normalized specific pressure";
4846 | Real sigma = s / sstar "Normalized specific entropy";
4847 | algorithm
4848 | v := sum(n[i] * (pi + 0.298) ^ I[i] * (sigma - 0.816) ^ J[i] for i in 1:31) * vstar;
4849 | end v3b_ps;
4850 | end Basic;
4851 |
4852 | package Transport "Transport properties for water according to IAPWS/IF97"
4853 | extends Modelica.Icons.FunctionsPackage;
4854 |
4855 | function visc_dTp "Dynamic viscosity eta(d,T,p), industrial formulation"
4856 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4857 | input SI.Density d "Density";
4858 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4859 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure (only needed for region of validity)";
4860 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
4861 | output SI.DynamicViscosity eta "Dynamic viscosity";
4862 | protected
4863 | constant Real n0 = 1.0 "Viscosity coefficient";
4864 | constant Real n1 = 0.978197 "Viscosity coefficient";
4865 | constant Real n2 = 0.579829 "Viscosity coefficient";
4866 | constant Real n3 = -0.202354 "Viscosity coefficient";
4867 | constant Real[42] nn = array(0.5132047, 0.3205656, 0.0, 0.0, -0.7782567, 0.1885447, 0.2151778, 0.7317883, 1.241044, 1.476783, 0.0, 0.0, -0.2818107, -1.070786, -1.263184, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1778064, 0.460504, 0.2340379, -0.4924179, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0417661, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1600435, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.01578386, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.003629481, 0.0, 0.0) "Viscosity coefficients";
4868 | constant SI.Density rhostar = 317.763 "Scaling density";
4869 | constant SI.DynamicViscosity etastar = 55.071e-6 "Scaling viscosity";
4870 | constant SI.Temperature tstar = 647.226 "Scaling temperature";
4871 | Integer i "Auxiliary variable";
4872 | Integer j "Auxiliary variable";
4873 | Real delta "Dimensionless density";
4874 | Real deltam1 "Dimensionless density";
4875 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
4876 | Real taum1 "Dimensionless temperature";
4877 | Real Psi0 "Auxiliary variable";
4878 | Real Psi1 "Auxiliary variable";
4879 | Real tfun "Auxiliary variable";
4880 | Real rhofun "Auxiliary variable";
4881 | Real Tc = T - 273.15 "Celsius temperature for region check";
4882 | algorithm
4883 | delta := d / rhostar;
4884 | assert(d > triple.dvtriple, "IF97 medium function visc_dTp for viscosity called with too low density\n" + "d = " + String(d) + " <= " + String(triple.dvtriple) + " (triple point density)");
4885 | assert(p <= 500e6 and Tc >= 0.0 and Tc <= 150 or p <= 350e6 and Tc > 150.0 and Tc <= 600 or p <= 300e6 and Tc > 600.0 and Tc <= 900, "IF97 medium function visc_dTp: viscosity computed outside the range\n" + "of validity of the IF97 formulation: p = " + String(p) + " Pa, Tc = " + String(Tc) + " K");
4886 | deltam1 := delta - 1.0;
4887 | tau := tstar / T;
4888 | taum1 := tau - 1.0;
4889 | Psi0 := 1 / (n0 + (n1 + (n2 + n3 * tau) * tau) * tau) / tau ^ 0.5;
4890 | Psi1 := 0.0;
4891 | tfun := 1.0;
4892 | for i in 1:6 loop
4893 | if i <> 1 then
4894 | tfun := tfun * taum1;
4895 | else
4896 | end if;
4897 | rhofun := 1.;
4898 | for j in 0:6 loop
4899 | if j <> 0 then
4900 | rhofun := rhofun * deltam1;
4901 | else
4902 | end if;
4903 | Psi1 := Psi1 + nn[i + j * 6] * tfun * rhofun;
4904 | end for;
4905 | end for;
4906 | eta := etastar * Psi0 * Modelica.Math.exp(delta * Psi1);
4907 | end visc_dTp;
4908 |
4909 | function cond_dTp "Thermal conductivity lam(d,T,p) (industrial use version) only in one-phase region"
4910 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
4911 | input SI.Density d "Density";
4912 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
4913 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
4914 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
4915 | input Boolean industrialMethod = true "If true, the industrial method is used, otherwise the scientific one";
4916 | output SI.ThermalConductivity lambda "Thermal conductivity";
4917 | protected
4918 | Integer region(min = 1, max = 5) "IF97 region, valid values:1,2,3, and 5";
4919 | constant Real n0 = 1.0 "Conductivity coefficient";
4920 | constant Real n1 = 6.978267 "Conductivity coefficient";
4921 | constant Real n2 = 2.599096 "Conductivity coefficient";
4922 | constant Real n3 = -0.998254 "Conductivity coefficient";
4923 | constant Real[30] nn = array(1.3293046, 1.7018363, 5.2246158, 8.7127675, -1.8525999, -0.40452437, -2.2156845, -10.124111, -9.5000611, 0.9340469, 0.2440949, 1.6511057, 4.9874687, 4.3786606, 0.0, 0.018660751, -0.76736002, -0.27297694, -0.91783782, 0.0, -0.12961068, 0.37283344, -0.43083393, 0.0, 0.0, 0.044809953, -0.1120316, 0.13333849, 0.0, 0.0) "Conductivity coefficient";
4924 | constant SI.ThermalConductivity lamstar = 0.4945 "Scaling conductivity";
4925 | constant SI.Density rhostar = 317.763 "Scaling density";
4926 | constant SI.Temperature tstar = 647.226 "Scaling temperature";
4927 | constant SI.Pressure pstar = 22.115e6 "Scaling pressure";
4928 | constant SI.DynamicViscosity etastar = 55.071e-6 "Scaling viscosity";
4929 | Integer i "Auxiliary variable";
4930 | Integer j "Auxiliary variable";
4931 | Real delta "Dimensionless density";
4932 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
4933 | Real deltam1 "Dimensionless density";
4934 | Real taum1 "Dimensionless temperature";
4935 | Real Lam0 "Part of thermal conductivity";
4936 | Real Lam1 "Part of thermal conductivity";
4937 | Real Lam2 "Part of thermal conductivity";
4938 | Real tfun "Auxiliary variable";
4939 | Real rhofun "Auxiliary variable";
4940 | Real dpitau "Auxiliary variable";
4941 | Real ddelpi "Auxiliary variable";
4942 | Real d2 "Auxiliary variable";
4943 | Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
4944 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
4945 | Real Tc = T - 273.15 "Celsius temperature for region check";
4946 | Real Chi "Symmetrized compressibility";
4947 | constant SI.Density rhostar2 = 317.7 "Reference density";
4948 | constant SI.Temperature Tstar2 = 647.25 "Reference temperature";
4949 | constant SI.ThermalConductivity lambdastar = 1 "Reference thermal conductivity";
4950 | Real TREL = T / Tstar2 "Relative temperature";
4951 | Real rhoREL = d / rhostar2 "Relative density";
4952 | Real lambdaREL "Relative thermal conductivity";
4953 | Real deltaTREL "Relative temperature increment";
4954 | constant Real[:] C = {0.642857, -4.11717, -6.17937, 0.00308976, 0.0822994, 10.0932};
4955 | constant Real[:] dpar = {0.0701309, 0.0118520, 0.00169937, -1.0200};
4956 | constant Real[:] b = {-0.397070, 0.400302, 1.060000};
4957 | constant Real[:] B = {-0.171587, 2.392190};
4958 | constant Real[:] a = {0.0102811, 0.0299621, 0.0156146, -0.00422464};
4959 | Real Q;
4960 | Real S;
4961 | Real lambdaREL2 "Function, part of the interpolating equation of the thermal conductivity";
4962 | Real lambdaREL1 "Function, part of the interpolating equation of the thermal conductivity";
4963 | Real lambdaREL0 "Function, part of the interpolating equation of the thermal conductivity";
4964 | algorithm
4965 | assert(d > triple.dvtriple, "IF97 medium function cond_dTp called with too low density\n" + "d = " + String(d) + " <= " + String(triple.dvtriple) + " (triple point density)");
4966 | assert(p <= 100e6 and Tc >= 0.0 and Tc <= 500 or p <= 70e6 and Tc > 500.0 and Tc <= 650 or p <= 40e6 and Tc > 650.0 and Tc <= 800, "IF97 medium function cond_dTp: thermal conductivity computed outside the range\n" + "of validity of the IF97 formulation: p = " + String(p) + " Pa, Tc = " + String(Tc) + " K");
4967 | if industrialMethod == true then
4968 | deltaTREL := abs(TREL - 1) + C[4];
4969 | Q := 2 + C[5] / deltaTREL ^ (3 / 5);
4970 | if TREL >= 1 then
4971 | S := 1 / deltaTREL;
4972 | else
4973 | S := C[6] / deltaTREL ^ (3 / 5);
4974 | end if;
4975 | lambdaREL2 := (dpar[1] / TREL ^ 10 + dpar[2]) * rhoREL ^ (9 / 5) * Modelica.Math.exp(C[1] * (1 - rhoREL ^ (14 / 5))) + dpar[3] * S * rhoREL ^ Q * Modelica.Math.exp(Q / (1 + Q) * (1 - rhoREL ^ (1 + Q))) + dpar[4] * Modelica.Math.exp(C[2] * TREL ^ (3 / 2) + C[3] / rhoREL ^ 5);
4976 | lambdaREL1 := b[1] + b[2] * rhoREL + b[3] * Modelica.Math.exp(B[1] * (rhoREL + B[2]) ^ 2);
4977 | lambdaREL0 := TREL ^ (1 / 2) * sum(a[i] * TREL ^ (i - 1) for i in 1:4);
4978 | lambdaREL := lambdaREL0 + lambdaREL1 + lambdaREL2;
4979 | lambda := lambdaREL * lambdastar;
4980 | else
4981 | if p < data.PLIMIT4A then
4982 | if d > data.DCRIT then
4983 | region := 1;
4984 | else
4985 | region := 2;
4986 | end if;
4987 | else
4988 | assert(false, "The scientific method works only for temperature up to 623.15 K");
4989 | end if;
4990 | tau := tstar / T;
4991 | delta := d / rhostar;
4992 | deltam1 := delta - 1.0;
4993 | taum1 := tau - 1.0;
4994 | Lam0 := 1 / (n0 + (n1 + (n2 + n3 * tau) * tau) * tau) / tau ^ 0.5;
4995 | Lam1 := 0.0;
4996 | tfun := 1.0;
4997 | for i in 1:5 loop
4998 | if i <> 1 then
4999 | tfun := tfun * taum1;
5000 | else
5001 | end if;
5002 | rhofun := 1.0;
5003 | for j in 0:5 loop
5004 | if j <> 0 then
5005 | rhofun := rhofun * deltam1;
5006 | else
5007 | end if;
5008 | Lam1 := Lam1 + nn[i + j * 5] * tfun * rhofun;
5009 | end for;
5010 | end for;
5011 | if region == 1 then
5012 | g := Basic.g1(p, T);
5013 | dpitau := -tstar / pstar * (data.PSTAR1 * (g.gpi - data.TSTAR1 / T * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi / T);
5014 | ddelpi := -pstar / rhostar * data.RH2O / data.PSTAR1 / data.PSTAR1 * T * d * d * g.gpipi;
5015 | Chi := delta * ddelpi;
5016 | elseif region == 2 then
5017 | g := Basic.g2(p, T);
5018 | dpitau := -tstar / pstar * (data.PSTAR2 * (g.gpi - data.TSTAR2 / T * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi / T);
5019 | ddelpi := -pstar / rhostar * data.RH2O / data.PSTAR2 / data.PSTAR2 * T * d * d * g.gpipi;
5020 | Chi := delta * ddelpi;
5021 | else
5022 | assert(false, "Thermal conductivity can only be called in the one-phase regions below 623.15 K\n" + "(p = " + String(p) + " Pa, T = " + String(T) + " K, region = " + String(region) + ")");
5023 | end if;
5024 | taum1 := 1 / tau - 1;
5025 | d2 := deltam1 * deltam1;
5026 | Lam2 := 0.0013848 * etastar / visc_dTp(d, T, p) / (tau * tau * delta * delta) * dpitau * dpitau * max(Chi, Modelica.Constants.small) ^ 0.4678 * delta ^ 0.5 * Modelica.Math.exp((-18.66 * taum1 * taum1) - d2 * d2);
5027 | lambda := lamstar * (Lam0 * Modelica.Math.exp(delta * Lam1) + Lam2);
5028 | end if;
5029 | end cond_dTp;
5030 |
5031 | function surfaceTension "Surface tension in region 4 between steam and water"
5032 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5033 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5034 | output SI.SurfaceTension sigma "Surface tension in SI units";
5035 | protected
5036 | Real Theta "Dimensionless temperature";
5037 | algorithm
5038 | Theta := min(1.0, T / data.TCRIT);
5039 | sigma := 235.8e-3 * (1 - Theta) ^ 1.256 * (1 - 0.625 * (1 - Theta));
5040 | end surfaceTension;
5041 | end Transport;
5042 |
5043 | package Isentropic "Functions for calculating the isentropic enthalpy from pressure p and specific entropy s"
5044 | extends Modelica.Icons.FunctionsPackage;
5045 |
5046 | function hofpT1 "Intermediate function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 1"
5047 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5048 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5049 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5050 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5051 | protected
5052 | Real[13] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
5053 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
5054 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
5055 | Real tau1 "Dimensionless temperature";
5056 | algorithm
5057 | tau := data.TSTAR1 / T;
5058 | pi1 := 7.1 - p / data.PSTAR1;
5059 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hofpT1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
5060 | tau1 := (-1.222) + tau;
5061 | o[1] := tau1 * tau1;
5062 | o[2] := o[1] * tau1;
5063 | o[3] := o[1] * o[1];
5064 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
5065 | o[5] := o[1] * o[4];
5066 | o[6] := o[1] * o[3];
5067 | o[7] := o[3] * tau1;
5068 | o[8] := o[3] * o[4];
5069 | o[9] := pi1 * pi1;
5070 | o[10] := o[9] * o[9];
5071 | o[11] := o[10] * o[10];
5072 | o[12] := o[4] * o[4];
5073 | o[13] := o[12] * o[12];
5074 | h := data.RH2O * T * tau * (pi1 * (((-0.00254871721114236) + o[1] * (0.00424944110961118 + (0.018990068218419 + ((-0.021841717175414) - 0.00015851507390979 * o[1]) * o[1]) * o[6])) / o[5] + pi1 * ((0.00141552963219801 + o[3] * (0.000047661393906987 + o[1] * ((-0.0000132425535992538) - 1.2358149370591e-14 * o[1] * o[3] * o[4]))) / o[3] + pi1 * ((0.000126718579380216 - 5.11230768720618e-9 * o[5]) / o[7] + pi1 * ((0.000011212640954 + o[2] * (1.30342445791202e-6 - 1.4341729937924e-12 * o[8])) / o[6] + pi1 * (o[9] * pi1 * ((1.40077319158051e-8 + 1.04549227383804e-9 * o[7]) / o[8] + o[10] * o[11] * pi1 * (1.9941018075704e-17 / (o[1] * o[12] * o[3] * o[4]) + o[9] * ((-4.48827542684151e-19 / o[13]) + o[10] * o[9] * (pi1 * (4.65957282962769e-22 / (o[13] * o[4]) + pi1 * (3.83502057899078e-24 * pi1 / (o[1] * o[13] * o[4]) - 7.2912378325616e-23 / (o[13] * o[4] * tau1))) - 1.00075970318621e-21 / (o[1] * o[13] * o[3] * tau1))))) + 3.24135974880936e-6 / (o[4] * tau1)))))) + ((-0.29265942426334) + tau1 * (0.84548187169114 + o[1] * (3.3855169168385 + tau1 * ((-1.91583926775744) + tau1 * (0.47316115539684 + ((-0.066465668798004) + 0.0040607314991784 * tau1) * tau1))))) / o[2]);
5075 | end hofpT1;
5076 |
5077 | function handsofpT1 "Special function for specific enthalpy and specific entropy in region 1"
5078 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5079 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5080 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5081 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5082 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5083 | protected
5084 | Real[28] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
5085 | Real pi1 "Dimensionless pressure";
5086 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
5087 | Real tau1 "Dimensionless temperature";
5088 | Real g "Dimensionless Gibbs energy";
5089 | Real gtau "Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy w.r.t. tau";
5090 | algorithm
5091 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function handsofpT1 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
5092 | tau := data.TSTAR1 / T;
5093 | pi1 := 7.1 - p / data.PSTAR1;
5094 | tau1 := (-1.222) + tau;
5095 | o[1] := tau1 * tau1;
5096 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
5097 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
5098 | o[4] := o[3] * tau1;
5099 | o[5] := 1 / o[4];
5100 | o[6] := o[1] * o[2];
5101 | o[7] := o[1] * tau1;
5102 | o[8] := 1 / o[7];
5103 | o[9] := o[1] * o[2] * o[3];
5104 | o[10] := 1 / o[2];
5105 | o[11] := o[2] * tau1;
5106 | o[12] := 1 / o[11];
5107 | o[13] := o[2] * o[3];
5108 | o[14] := pi1 * pi1;
5109 | o[15] := o[14] * pi1;
5110 | o[16] := o[14] * o[14];
5111 | o[17] := o[16] * o[16];
5112 | o[18] := o[16] * o[17] * pi1;
5113 | o[19] := o[14] * o[16];
5114 | o[20] := o[3] * o[3];
5115 | o[21] := o[20] * o[20];
5116 | o[22] := o[21] * o[3] * tau1;
5117 | o[23] := 1 / o[22];
5118 | o[24] := o[21] * o[3];
5119 | o[25] := 1 / o[24];
5120 | o[26] := o[1] * o[2] * o[21] * tau1;
5121 | o[27] := 1 / o[26];
5122 | o[28] := o[1] * o[3];
5123 | g := pi1 * (pi1 * (pi1 * (o[10] * ((-0.000031679644845054) + o[2] * ((-2.8270797985312e-6) - 8.5205128120103e-10 * o[6])) + pi1 * (o[12] * ((-2.2425281908e-6) + ((-6.5171222895601e-7) - 1.4341729937924e-13 * o[13]) * o[7]) + pi1 * ((-4.0516996860117e-7 / o[3]) + o[15] * (o[18] * (o[14] * (o[19] * (2.6335781662795e-23 / (o[1] * o[2] * o[21]) + pi1 * ((-1.1947622640071e-23 * o[27]) + pi1 * (1.8228094581404e-24 * o[25] - 9.3537087292458e-26 * o[23] * pi1))) + 1.4478307828521e-20 / (o[1] * o[2] * o[20] * o[3] * tau1)) - 6.8762131295531e-19 / (o[2] * o[20] * o[3] * tau1)) + ((-1.2734301741641e-9) - 1.7424871230634e-10 * o[11]) / (o[1] * o[3] * tau1))))) + o[8] * ((-0.00047184321073267) + o[7] * ((-0.00030001780793026) + (0.000047661393906987 + o[1] * ((-4.4141845330846e-6) - 7.2694996297594e-16 * o[9])) * tau1))) + o[5] * (0.00028319080123804 + o[1] * ((-0.00060706301565874) + o[6] * ((-0.018990068218419) + tau1 * ((-0.032529748770505) + ((-0.021841717175414) - 0.00005283835796993 * o[1]) * tau1))))) + (0.14632971213167 + tau1 * ((-0.84548187169114) + tau1 * ((-3.756360367204) + tau1 * (3.3855169168385 + tau1 * ((-0.95791963387872) + tau1 * (0.15772038513228 + ((-0.016616417199501) + 0.00081214629983568 * tau1) * tau1)))))) / o[1];
5124 | gtau := pi1 * (((-0.00254871721114236) + o[1] * (0.00424944110961118 + (0.018990068218419 + ((-0.021841717175414) - 0.00015851507390979 * o[1]) * o[1]) * o[6])) / o[28] + pi1 * (o[10] * (0.00141552963219801 + o[2] * (0.000047661393906987 + o[1] * ((-0.0000132425535992538) - 1.2358149370591e-14 * o[9]))) + pi1 * (o[12] * (0.000126718579380216 - 5.11230768720618e-9 * o[28]) + pi1 * ((0.000011212640954 + (1.30342445791202e-6 - 1.4341729937924e-12 * o[13]) * o[7]) / o[6] + pi1 * (3.24135974880936e-6 * o[5] + o[15] * ((1.40077319158051e-8 + 1.04549227383804e-9 * o[11]) / o[13] + o[18] * (1.9941018075704e-17 / (o[1] * o[2] * o[20] * o[3]) + o[14] * ((-4.48827542684151e-19 / o[21]) + o[19] * ((-1.00075970318621e-21 * o[27]) + pi1 * (4.65957282962769e-22 * o[25] + pi1 * ((-7.2912378325616e-23 * o[23]) + 3.83502057899078e-24 * pi1 / (o[1] * o[21] * o[3])))))))))))) + o[8] * ((-0.29265942426334) + tau1 * (0.84548187169114 + o[1] * (3.3855169168385 + tau1 * ((-1.91583926775744) + tau1 * (0.47316115539684 + ((-0.066465668798004) + 0.0040607314991784 * tau1) * tau1)))));
5125 | h := data.RH2O * T * tau * gtau;
5126 | s := data.RH2O * (tau * gtau - g);
5127 | end handsofpT1;
5128 |
5129 | function hofpT2 "Intermediate function for isentropic specific enthalpy in region 2"
5130 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5131 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5132 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5133 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5134 | protected
5135 | Real[16] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
5136 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
5137 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
5138 | Real tau2 "Dimensionless temperature";
5139 | algorithm
5140 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function hofpT2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
5141 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
5142 | tau := data.TSTAR2 / T;
5143 | tau2 := (-0.5) + tau;
5144 | o[1] := tau * tau;
5145 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
5146 | o[3] := tau2 * tau2;
5147 | o[4] := o[3] * tau2;
5148 | o[5] := o[3] * o[3];
5149 | o[6] := o[5] * o[5];
5150 | o[7] := o[6] * o[6];
5151 | o[8] := o[5] * o[6] * o[7] * tau2;
5152 | o[9] := o[3] * o[5];
5153 | o[10] := o[5] * o[6] * tau2;
5154 | o[11] := o[3] * o[7] * tau2;
5155 | o[12] := o[3] * o[5] * o[6];
5156 | o[13] := o[5] * o[6] * o[7];
5157 | o[14] := pi * pi;
5158 | o[15] := o[14] * o[14];
5159 | o[16] := o[7] * o[7];
5160 | h := data.RH2O * T * tau * ((0.0280439559151 + tau * ((-0.2858109552582) + tau * (1.2213149471784 + tau * ((-2.848163942888) + tau * (4.38395111945 + o[1] * (10.08665568018 + ((-0.5681726521544) + 0.06380539059921 * tau) * tau)))))) / (o[1] * o[2]) + pi * ((-0.017834862292358) + tau2 * ((-0.09199202739273) + ((-0.172743777250296) - 0.30195167236758 * o[4]) * tau2) + pi * ((-0.000033032641670203) + ((-0.0003789797503263) + o[3] * ((-0.015757110897342) + o[4] * ((-0.306581069554011) - 0.000960283724907132 * o[8]))) * tau2 + pi * (4.3870667284435e-7 + o[3] * ((-0.00009683303171571) + o[4] * ((-0.0090203547252888) - 1.42338887469272 * o[8])) + pi * ((-7.8847309559367e-10) + (2.558143570457e-8 + 1.44676118155521e-6 * tau2) * tau2 + pi * (0.0000160454534363627 * o[9] + pi * (((-5.0144299353183e-11) + o[10] * ((-0.033874355714168) - 836.35096769364 * o[11])) * o[3] + pi * (((-0.0000138839897890111) - 0.973671060893475 * o[12]) * o[3] * o[6] + pi * ((9.0049690883672e-11 - 296.320827232793 * o[13]) * o[3] * o[5] * tau2 + pi * (2.57526266427144e-7 * o[5] * o[6] + pi * (o[4] * (4.1627860840696e-19 + ((-1.0234747095929e-12) - 1.40254511313154e-8 * o[5]) * o[9]) + o[14] * o[15] * (o[13] * ((-2.34560435076256e-9) + 5.3465159397045 * o[5] * o[7] * tau2) + o[14] * ((-19.1874828272775 * o[16] * o[6] * o[7]) + o[14] * (o[11] * (1.78371690710842e-23 + (1.07202609066812e-11 - 0.000201611844951398 * o[10]) * o[3] * o[5] * o[6] * tau2) + pi * ((-1.24017662339842e-24 * o[5] * o[7]) + pi * (0.000200482822351322 * o[16] * o[5] * o[7] + pi * ((-4.97975748452559e-14 * o[16] * o[3] * o[5]) + o[6] * o[7] * (1.90027787547159e-27 + o[12] * (2.21658861403112e-15 - 0.0000547344301999018 * o[3] * o[7])) * pi * tau2)))))))))))))))));
5161 | end hofpT2;
5162 |
5163 | function handsofpT2 "Function for isentropic specific enthalpy and specific entropy in region 2"
5164 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5165 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5166 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5167 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5168 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5169 | protected
5170 | Real[22] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
5171 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
5172 | Real tau "Dimensionless temperature";
5173 | Real tau2 "Dimensionless temperature";
5174 | Real g "Dimensionless Gibbs energy";
5175 | Real gtau "Derivative of dimensionless Gibbs energy w.r.t. tau";
5176 | algorithm
5177 | assert(p > triple.ptriple, "IF97 medium function handsofpT2 called with too low pressure\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa <= " + String(triple.ptriple) + " Pa (triple point pressure)");
5178 | tau := data.TSTAR2 / T;
5179 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
5180 | tau2 := tau - 0.5;
5181 | o[1] := tau2 * tau2;
5182 | o[2] := o[1] * tau2;
5183 | o[3] := o[1] * o[1];
5184 | o[4] := o[3] * o[3];
5185 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
5186 | o[6] := o[3] * o[4] * o[5] * tau2;
5187 | o[7] := o[1] * o[3] * tau2;
5188 | o[8] := o[3] * o[4] * tau2;
5189 | o[9] := o[1] * o[5] * tau2;
5190 | o[10] := o[1] * o[3] * o[4];
5191 | o[11] := o[3] * o[4] * o[5];
5192 | o[12] := o[1] * o[3];
5193 | o[13] := pi * pi;
5194 | o[14] := o[13] * o[13];
5195 | o[15] := o[13] * o[14];
5196 | o[16] := o[3] * o[5] * tau2;
5197 | o[17] := o[5] * o[5];
5198 | o[18] := o[3] * o[5];
5199 | o[19] := o[1] * o[3] * o[4] * tau2;
5200 | o[20] := o[1] * o[5];
5201 | o[21] := tau * tau;
5202 | o[22] := o[21] * o[21];
5203 | g := pi * ((-0.0017731742473213) + tau2 * ((-0.017834862292358) + tau2 * ((-0.045996013696365) + ((-0.057581259083432) - 0.05032527872793 * o[2]) * tau2)) + pi * (tau2 * ((-0.000033032641670203) + ((-0.00018948987516315) + o[1] * ((-0.0039392777243355) + o[2] * ((-0.043797295650573) - 0.000026674547914087 * o[6]))) * tau2) + pi * (2.0481737692309e-8 + (4.3870667284435e-7 + o[1] * ((-0.00003227767723857) + o[2] * ((-0.0015033924542148) - 0.040668253562649 * o[6]))) * tau2 + pi * (tau2 * ((-7.8847309559367e-10) + (1.2790717852285e-8 + 4.8225372718507e-7 * tau2) * tau2) + pi * (2.2922076337661e-6 * o[7] + pi * (o[2] * ((-1.6714766451061e-11) + o[8] * ((-0.0021171472321355) - 23.895741934104 * o[9])) + pi * ((-5.905956432427e-18) + o[1] * ((-1.2621808899101e-6) - 0.038946842435739 * o[10]) * o[4] * tau2 + pi * ((1.1256211360459e-11 - 8.2311340897998 * o[11]) * o[4] + pi * (1.9809712802088e-8 * o[8] + pi * ((1.0406965210174e-19 + o[12] * ((-1.0234747095929e-13) - 1.0018179379511e-9 * o[3])) * o[3] + o[15] * (((-8.0882908646985e-11) + 0.10693031879409 * o[16]) * o[6] + o[13] * ((-0.33662250574171 * o[17] * o[4] * o[5] * tau2) + o[13] * (o[18] * (8.9185845355421e-25 + o[19] * (3.0629316876232e-13 - 4.2002467698208e-6 * o[8])) + pi * ((-5.9056029685639e-26 * o[16]) + pi * (3.7826947613457e-6 * o[17] * o[3] * o[5] * tau2 + pi * (o[1] * (7.3087610595061e-29 + o[10] * (5.5414715350778e-17 - 9.436970724121e-7 * o[20])) * o[4] * o[5] * pi - 1.2768608934681e-15 * o[1] * o[17] * o[3] * tau2)))))))))))))))) + ((-0.00560879118302) + tau * (0.07145273881455 + tau * ((-0.4071049823928) + tau * (1.424081971444 + tau * ((-4.38395111945) + tau * ((-9.692768600217) + tau * (10.08665568018 + ((-0.2840863260772) + 0.02126846353307 * tau) * tau) + Modelica.Math.log(pi))))))) / (o[22] * tau);
5204 | gtau := (0.0280439559151 + tau * ((-0.2858109552582) + tau * (1.2213149471784 + tau * ((-2.848163942888) + tau * (4.38395111945 + o[21] * (10.08665568018 + ((-0.5681726521544) + 0.06380539059921 * tau) * tau)))))) / (o[21] * o[22]) + pi * ((-0.017834862292358) + tau2 * ((-0.09199202739273) + ((-0.172743777250296) - 0.30195167236758 * o[2]) * tau2) + pi * ((-0.000033032641670203) + ((-0.0003789797503263) + o[1] * ((-0.015757110897342) + o[2] * ((-0.306581069554011) - 0.000960283724907132 * o[6]))) * tau2 + pi * (4.3870667284435e-7 + o[1] * ((-0.00009683303171571) + o[2] * ((-0.0090203547252888) - 1.42338887469272 * o[6])) + pi * ((-7.8847309559367e-10) + (2.558143570457e-8 + 1.44676118155521e-6 * tau2) * tau2 + pi * (0.0000160454534363627 * o[12] + pi * (o[1] * ((-5.0144299353183e-11) + o[8] * ((-0.033874355714168) - 836.35096769364 * o[9])) + pi * (o[1] * ((-0.0000138839897890111) - 0.973671060893475 * o[10]) * o[4] + pi * ((9.0049690883672e-11 - 296.320827232793 * o[11]) * o[7] + pi * (2.57526266427144e-7 * o[3] * o[4] + pi * (o[2] * (4.1627860840696e-19 + o[12] * ((-1.0234747095929e-12) - 1.40254511313154e-8 * o[3])) + o[15] * (o[11] * ((-2.34560435076256e-9) + 5.3465159397045 * o[16]) + o[13] * ((-19.1874828272775 * o[17] * o[4] * o[5]) + o[13] * ((1.78371690710842e-23 + o[19] * (1.07202609066812e-11 - 0.000201611844951398 * o[8])) * o[9] + pi * ((-1.24017662339842e-24 * o[18]) + pi * (0.000200482822351322 * o[17] * o[3] * o[5] + pi * ((-4.97975748452559e-14 * o[1] * o[17] * o[3]) + (1.90027787547159e-27 + o[10] * (2.21658861403112e-15 - 0.0000547344301999018 * o[20])) * o[4] * o[5] * pi * tau2))))))))))))))));
5205 | h := data.RH2O * T * tau * gtau;
5206 | s := data.RH2O * (tau * gtau - g);
5207 | end handsofpT2;
5208 | end Isentropic;
5209 |
5210 | package Inverses "Efficient inverses for selected pairs of variables"
5211 | extends Modelica.Icons.FunctionsPackage;
5212 |
5213 | function fixdT "Region limits for inverse iteration in region 3"
5214 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5215 | input SI.Density din "Density";
5216 | input SI.Temperature Tin "Temperature";
5217 | output SI.Density dout "Density";
5218 | output SI.Temperature Tout "Temperature";
5219 | protected
5220 | SI.Temperature Tmin "Approximation of minimum temperature";
5221 | SI.Temperature Tmax "Approximation of maximum temperature";
5222 | algorithm
5223 | if din > 765.0 then
5224 | dout := 765.0;
5225 | elseif din < 110.0 then
5226 | dout := 110.0;
5227 | else
5228 | dout := din;
5229 | end if;
5230 | if dout < 390.0 then
5231 | Tmax := 554.3557377 + dout * 0.809344262;
5232 | else
5233 | Tmax := 1116.85 - dout * 0.632948717;
5234 | end if;
5235 | if dout < data.DCRIT then
5236 | Tmin := data.TCRIT * (1.0 - (dout - data.DCRIT) * (dout - data.DCRIT) / 1.0e6);
5237 | else
5238 | Tmin := data.TCRIT * (1.0 - (dout - data.DCRIT) * (dout - data.DCRIT) / 1.44e6);
5239 | end if;
5240 | if Tin < Tmin then
5241 | Tout := Tmin;
5242 | elseif Tin > Tmax then
5243 | Tout := Tmax;
5244 | else
5245 | Tout := Tin;
5246 | end if;
5247 | end fixdT;
5248 |
5249 | function dofp13 "Density at the boundary between regions 1 and 3"
5250 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5251 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5252 | output SI.Density d "Density";
5253 | protected
5254 | Real p2 "Auxiliary variable";
5255 | Real[3] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
5256 | algorithm
5257 | p2 := 7.1 - 6.04960677555959e-8 * p;
5258 | o[1] := p2 * p2;
5259 | o[2] := o[1] * o[1];
5260 | o[3] := o[2] * o[2];
5261 | d := 57.4756752485113 / (0.0737412153522555 + p2 * (0.00145092247736023 + p2 * (0.000102697173772229 + p2 * (0.0000114683182476084 + p2 * (1.99080616601101e-6 + o[1] * p2 * (1.13217858826367e-8 + o[2] * o[3] * p2 * (1.35549330686006e-17 + o[1] * ((-3.11228834832975e-19) + o[1] * o[2] * ((-7.02987180039442e-22) + p2 * (3.29199117056433e-22 + ((-5.17859076694812e-23) + 2.73712834080283e-24 * p2) * p2))))))))));
5262 | end dofp13;
5263 |
5264 | function dofp23 "Density at the boundary between regions 2 and 3"
5265 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5266 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5267 | output SI.Density d "Density";
5268 | protected
5269 | SI.Temperature T;
5270 | Real[13] o "Vector of auxiliary variables";
5271 | Real taug "Auxiliary variable";
5272 | Real pi "Dimensionless pressure";
5273 | Real gpi23 "Derivative of g w.r.t. pi on the boundary between regions 2 and 3";
5274 | algorithm
5275 | pi := p / data.PSTAR2;
5276 | T := 572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784 * ((-13.91883977887) + pi) ^ 0.5;
5277 | o[1] := ((-13.91883977887) + pi) ^ 0.5;
5278 | taug := (-0.5) + 540.0 / (572.54459862746 + 31.3220101646784 * o[1]);
5279 | o[2] := taug * taug;
5280 | o[3] := o[2] * taug;
5281 | o[4] := o[2] * o[2];
5282 | o[5] := o[4] * o[4];
5283 | o[6] := o[5] * o[5];
5284 | o[7] := o[4] * o[5] * o[6] * taug;
5285 | o[8] := o[4] * o[5] * taug;
5286 | o[9] := o[2] * o[4] * o[5];
5287 | o[10] := pi * pi;
5288 | o[11] := o[10] * o[10];
5289 | o[12] := o[4] * o[6] * taug;
5290 | o[13] := o[6] * o[6];
5291 | gpi23 := (1.0 + pi * ((-0.0017731742473213) + taug * ((-0.017834862292358) + taug * ((-0.045996013696365) + ((-0.057581259083432) - 0.05032527872793 * o[3]) * taug)) + pi * (taug * ((-0.000066065283340406) + ((-0.0003789797503263) + o[2] * ((-0.007878555448671) + o[3] * ((-0.087594591301146) - 0.000053349095828174 * o[7]))) * taug) + pi * (6.1445213076927e-8 + (1.31612001853305e-6 + o[2] * ((-0.00009683303171571) + o[3] * ((-0.0045101773626444) - 0.122004760687947 * o[7]))) * taug + pi * (taug * ((-3.15389238237468e-9) + (5.116287140914e-8 + 1.92901490874028e-6 * taug) * taug) + pi * (0.0000114610381688305 * o[2] * o[4] * taug + pi * (o[3] * ((-1.00288598706366e-10) + o[8] * ((-0.012702883392813) - 143.374451604624 * o[2] * o[6] * taug)) + pi * ((-4.1341695026989e-17) + o[2] * o[5] * ((-8.8352662293707e-6) - 0.272627897050173 * o[9]) * taug + pi * (o[5] * (9.0049690883672e-11 - 65.8490727183984 * o[4] * o[5] * o[6]) + pi * (1.78287415218792e-7 * o[8] + pi * (o[4] * (1.0406965210174e-18 + o[2] * ((-1.0234747095929e-12) - 1.0018179379511e-8 * o[4]) * o[4]) + o[10] * o[11] * (((-1.29412653835176e-9) + 1.71088510070544 * o[12]) * o[7] + o[10] * ((-6.05920510335078 * o[13] * o[5] * o[6] * taug) + o[10] * (o[4] * o[6] * (1.78371690710842e-23 + o[2] * o[4] * o[5] * (6.1258633752464e-12 - 0.000084004935396416 * o[8]) * taug) + pi * ((-1.24017662339842e-24 * o[12]) + pi * (0.0000832192847496054 * o[13] * o[4] * o[6] * taug + pi * (o[2] * o[5] * o[6] * (1.75410265428146e-27 + (1.32995316841867e-15 - 0.0000226487297378904 * o[2] * o[6]) * o[9]) * pi - 2.93678005497663e-14 * o[13] * o[2] * o[4] * taug))))))))))))))))) / pi;
5292 | d := p / (data.RH2O * T * pi * gpi23);
5293 | end dofp23;
5294 |
5295 | function dofpt3 "Inverse iteration in region 3: (d) = f(p,T)"
5296 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5297 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5298 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5299 | input SI.Pressure delp "Iteration converged if (p-pre(p) < delp)";
5300 | output SI.Density d "Density";
5301 | output Integer error = 0 "Error flag: iteration failed if different from 0";
5302 | protected
5303 | SI.Density dguess "Guess density";
5304 | Integer i = 0 "Loop counter";
5305 | Real dp "Pressure difference";
5306 | SI.Density deld "Density step";
5307 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5308 | Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_pT nDerivs "Derivatives needed in Newton iteration";
5309 | Boolean found = false "Flag for iteration success";
5310 | Boolean supercritical "Flag, true for supercritical states";
5311 | Boolean liquid "Flag, true for liquid states";
5312 | SI.Density dmin "Lower density limit";
5313 | SI.Density dmax "Upper density limit";
5314 | SI.Temperature Tmax "Maximum temperature";
5315 | Real damping "Damping factor";
5316 | algorithm
5317 | found := false;
5318 | assert(p >= data.PLIMIT4A, "BaseIF97.dofpt3: function called outside of region 3! p too low\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa < " + String(data.PLIMIT4A) + " Pa");
5319 | assert(T >= data.TLIMIT1, "BaseIF97.dofpt3: function called outside of region 3! T too low\n" + "T = " + String(T) + " K < " + String(data.TLIMIT1) + " K");
5320 | assert(p >= Regions.boundary23ofT(T), "BaseIF97.dofpt3: function called outside of region 3! T too high\n" + "p = " + String(p) + " Pa, T = " + String(T) + " K");
5321 | supercritical := p > data.PCRIT;
5322 | damping := if supercritical then 1.0 else 1.0;
5323 | Tmax := Regions.boundary23ofp(p);
5324 | if supercritical then
5325 | dmax := dofp13(p);
5326 | dmin := dofp23(p);
5327 | dguess := dmax - (T - data.TLIMIT1) / (data.TLIMIT1 - Tmax) * (dmax - dmin);
5328 | else
5329 | liquid := T < Basic.tsat(p);
5330 | if liquid then
5331 | dmax := dofp13(p);
5332 | dmin := Regions.rhol_p_R4b(p);
5333 | dguess := 1.1 * Regions.rhol_T(T) "Guess: 10 percent more than on the phase boundary for same T";
5334 | else
5335 | dmax := Regions.rhov_p_R4b(p);
5336 | dmin := dofp23(p);
5337 | dguess := 0.9 * Regions.rhov_T(T) "Guess: 10% less than on the phase boundary for same T";
5338 | end if;
5339 | end if;
5340 | while i < IterationData.IMAX and not found loop
5341 | d := dguess;
5342 | f := Basic.f3(d, T);
5343 | nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_pT(f);
5344 | dp := nDerivs.p - p;
5345 | if abs(dp / p) <= delp then
5346 | found := true;
5347 | else
5348 | end if;
5349 | deld := dp / nDerivs.pd * damping;
5350 | d := d - deld;
5351 | if d > dmin and d < dmax then
5352 | dguess := d;
5353 | else
5354 | if d > dmax then
5355 | dguess := dmax - sqrt(Modelica.Constants.eps);
5356 | else
5357 | dguess := dmin + sqrt(Modelica.Constants.eps);
5358 | end if;
5359 | end if;
5360 | i := i + 1;
5361 | end while;
5362 | if not found then
5363 | error := 1;
5364 | else
5365 | end if;
5366 | assert(error <> 1, "Error in inverse function dofpt3: iteration failed");
5367 | end dofpt3;
5368 |
5369 | function dtofph3 "Inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,h)"
5370 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5371 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5372 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5373 | input SI.Pressure delp "Iteration accuracy";
5374 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy delh "Iteration accuracy";
5375 | output SI.Density d "Density";
5376 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5377 | output Integer error "Error flag: iteration failed if different from 0";
5378 | protected
5379 | SI.Temperature Tguess "Initial temperature";
5380 | SI.Density dguess "Initial density";
5381 | Integer i "Iteration counter";
5382 | Real dh "Newton-error in h-direction";
5383 | Real dp "Newton-error in p-direction";
5384 | Real det "Determinant of directional derivatives";
5385 | Real deld "Newton-step in d-direction";
5386 | Real delt "Newton-step in T-direction";
5387 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5388 | Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_ph nDerivs "Derivatives needed in Newton iteration";
5389 | Boolean found = false "Flag for iteration success";
5390 | Integer subregion "1 for subregion 3a, 2 for subregion 3b";
5391 | algorithm
5392 | if p < data.PCRIT then
5393 | subregion := if h < Regions.hl_p(p) + 10.0 then 1 else if h > Regions.hv_p(p) - 10.0 then 2 else 0;
5394 | assert(subregion <> 0, "Inverse iteration of dt from ph called in 2 phase region: this can not work");
5395 | else
5396 | subregion := if h < Basic.h3ab_p(p) then 1 else 2;
5397 | end if;
5398 | T := if subregion == 1 then Basic.T3a_ph(p, h) else Basic.T3b_ph(p, h);
5399 | d := if subregion == 1 then 1 / Basic.v3a_ph(p, h) else 1 / Basic.v3b_ph(p, h);
5400 | i := 0;
5401 | error := 0;
5402 | while i < IterationData.IMAX and not found loop
5403 | f := Basic.f3(d, T);
5404 | nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_ph(f);
5405 | dh := nDerivs.h - h;
5406 | dp := nDerivs.p - p;
5407 | if abs(dh / h) <= delh and abs(dp / p) <= delp then
5408 | found := true;
5409 | else
5410 | end if;
5411 | det := nDerivs.ht * nDerivs.pd - nDerivs.pt * nDerivs.hd;
5412 | delt := (nDerivs.pd * dh - nDerivs.hd * dp) / det;
5413 | deld := (nDerivs.ht * dp - nDerivs.pt * dh) / det;
5414 | T := T - delt;
5415 | d := d - deld;
5416 | dguess := d;
5417 | Tguess := T;
5418 | i := i + 1;
5419 | (d, T) := fixdT(dguess, Tguess);
5420 | end while;
5421 | if not found then
5422 | error := 1;
5423 | else
5424 | end if;
5425 | assert(error <> 1, "Error in inverse function dtofph3: iteration failed");
5426 | end dtofph3;
5427 |
5428 | function dtofps3 "Inverse iteration in region 3: (d,T) = f(p,s)"
5429 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5430 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5431 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5432 | input SI.Pressure delp "Iteration accuracy";
5433 | input SI.SpecificEntropy dels "Iteration accuracy";
5434 | output SI.Density d "Density";
5435 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5436 | output Integer error "Error flag: iteration failed if different from 0";
5437 | protected
5438 | SI.Temperature Tguess "Initial temperature";
5439 | SI.Density dguess "Initial density";
5440 | Integer i "Iteration counter";
5441 | Real ds "Newton-error in s-direction";
5442 | Real dp "Newton-error in p-direction";
5443 | Real det "Determinant of directional derivatives";
5444 | Real deld "Newton-step in d-direction";
5445 | Real delt "Newton-step in T-direction";
5446 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5447 | Modelica.Media.Common.NewtonDerivatives_ps nDerivs "Derivatives needed in Newton iteration";
5448 | Boolean found "Flag for iteration success";
5449 | Integer subregion "1 for subregion 3a, 2 for subregion 3b";
5450 | algorithm
5451 | i := 0;
5452 | error := 0;
5453 | found := false;
5454 | if p < data.PCRIT then
5455 | subregion := if s < Regions.sl_p(p) + 10.0 then 1 else if s > Regions.sv_p(p) - 10.0 then 2 else 0;
5456 | assert(subregion <> 0, "Inverse iteration of dt from ps called in 2 phase region: this is illegal!");
5457 | else
5458 | subregion := if s < data.SCRIT then 1 else 2;
5459 | end if;
5460 | T := if subregion == 1 then Basic.T3a_ps(p, s) else Basic.T3b_ps(p, s);
5461 | d := if subregion == 1 then 1 / Basic.v3a_ps(p, s) else 1 / Basic.v3b_ps(p, s);
5462 | while i < IterationData.IMAX and not found loop
5463 | f := Basic.f3(d, T);
5464 | nDerivs := Modelica.Media.Common.Helmholtz_ps(f);
5465 | ds := nDerivs.s - s;
5466 | dp := nDerivs.p - p;
5467 | if abs(ds / s) <= dels and abs(dp / p) <= delp then
5468 | found := true;
5469 | else
5470 | end if;
5471 | det := nDerivs.st * nDerivs.pd - nDerivs.pt * nDerivs.sd;
5472 | delt := (nDerivs.pd * ds - nDerivs.sd * dp) / det;
5473 | deld := (nDerivs.st * dp - nDerivs.pt * ds) / det;
5474 | T := T - delt;
5475 | d := d - deld;
5476 | dguess := d;
5477 | Tguess := T;
5478 | i := i + 1;
5479 | (d, T) := fixdT(dguess, Tguess);
5480 | end while;
5481 | if not found then
5482 | error := 1;
5483 | else
5484 | end if;
5485 | assert(error <> 1, "Error in inverse function dtofps3: iteration failed");
5486 | end dtofps3;
5487 |
5488 | function pofdt125 "Inverse iteration in region 1,2 and 5: p = g(d,T)"
5489 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5490 | input SI.Density d "Density";
5491 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5492 | input SI.Pressure reldd "Relative iteration accuracy of density";
5493 | input Integer region "Region in IAPWS/IF97 in which inverse should be calculated";
5494 | output SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5495 | output Integer error "Error flag: iteration failed if different from 0";
5496 | protected
5497 | Integer i "Counter for while-loop";
5498 | Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5499 | Boolean found "Flag if iteration has been successful";
5500 | Real dd "Difference between density for guessed p and the current density";
5501 | Real delp "Step in p in Newton-iteration";
5502 | Real relerr "Relative error in d";
5503 | SI.Pressure pguess1 = 1.0e6 "Initial pressure guess in region 1";
5504 | SI.Pressure pguess2 "Initial pressure guess in region 2";
5505 | constant SI.Pressure pguess5 = 0.5e6 "Initial pressure guess in region 5";
5506 | algorithm
5507 | i := 0;
5508 | error := 0;
5509 | pguess2 := 42800 * d;
5510 | found := false;
5511 | if region == 1 then
5512 | p := pguess1;
5513 | elseif region == 2 then
5514 | p := pguess2;
5515 | else
5516 | p := pguess5;
5517 | end if;
5518 | while i < IterationData.IMAX and not found loop
5519 | if region == 1 then
5520 | g := Basic.g1(p, T);
5521 | elseif region == 2 then
5522 | g := Basic.g2(p, T);
5523 | else
5524 | g := Basic.g5(p, T);
5525 | end if;
5526 | dd := p / (data.RH2O * T * g.pi * g.gpi) - d;
5527 | relerr := dd / d;
5528 | if abs(relerr) < reldd then
5529 | found := true;
5530 | else
5531 | end if;
5532 | delp := dd * (-p * p / (d * d * data.RH2O * T * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi));
5533 | p := p - delp;
5534 | i := i + 1;
5535 | if not found then
5536 | if p < triple.ptriple then
5537 | p := 2.0 * triple.ptriple;
5538 | else
5539 | end if;
5540 | if p > data.PLIMIT1 then
5541 | p := 0.95 * data.PLIMIT1;
5542 | else
5543 | end if;
5544 | else
5545 | end if;
5546 | end while;
5547 | if not found then
5548 | error := 1;
5549 | else
5550 | end if;
5551 | assert(error <> 1, "Error in inverse function pofdt125: iteration failed");
5552 | end pofdt125;
5553 |
5554 | function tofph5 "Inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,h)"
5555 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5556 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5557 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5558 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy reldh "Iteration accuracy";
5559 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5560 | output Integer error "Error flag: iteration failed if different from 0";
5561 | protected
5562 | Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5563 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy proh "H for current guess in T";
5564 | constant SI.Temperature Tguess = 1500 "Initial temperature";
5565 | Integer i "Iteration counter";
5566 | Real relerr "Relative error in h";
5567 | Real dh "Newton-error in h-direction";
5568 | Real dT "Newton-step in T-direction";
5569 | Boolean found "Flag for iteration success";
5570 | algorithm
5571 | i := 0;
5572 | error := 0;
5573 | T := Tguess;
5574 | found := false;
5575 | while i < IterationData.IMAX and not found loop
5576 | g := Basic.g5(p, T);
5577 | proh := data.RH2O * T * g.tau * g.gtau;
5578 | dh := proh - h;
5579 | relerr := dh / h;
5580 | if abs(relerr) < reldh then
5581 | found := true;
5582 | else
5583 | end if;
5584 | dT := dh / (-data.RH2O * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau);
5585 | T := T - dT;
5586 | i := i + 1;
5587 | end while;
5588 | if not found then
5589 | error := 1;
5590 | else
5591 | end if;
5592 | assert(error <> 1, "Error in inverse function tofph5: iteration failed");
5593 | end tofph5;
5594 |
5595 | function tofps5 "Inverse iteration in region 5: (p,T) = f(p,s)"
5596 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5597 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5598 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5599 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy relds "Iteration accuracy";
5600 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature (K)";
5601 | output Integer error "Error flag: iteration failed if different from 0";
5602 | protected
5603 | Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5604 | SI.SpecificEntropy pros "S for current guess in T";
5605 | parameter SI.Temperature Tguess = 1500 "Initial temperature";
5606 | Integer i "Iteration counter";
5607 | Real relerr "Relative error in s";
5608 | Real ds "Newton-error in s-direction";
5609 | Real dT "Newton-step in T-direction";
5610 | Boolean found "Flag for iteration success";
5611 | algorithm
5612 | i := 0;
5613 | error := 0;
5614 | T := Tguess;
5615 | found := false;
5616 | while i < IterationData.IMAX and not found loop
5617 | g := Basic.g5(p, T);
5618 | pros := data.RH2O * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
5619 | ds := pros - s;
5620 | relerr := ds / s;
5621 | if abs(relerr) < relds then
5622 | found := true;
5623 | else
5624 | end if;
5625 | dT := ds * T / (-data.RH2O * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau);
5626 | T := T - dT;
5627 | i := i + 1;
5628 | end while;
5629 | if not found then
5630 | error := 1;
5631 | else
5632 | end if;
5633 | assert(error <> 1, "Error in inverse function tofps5: iteration failed");
5634 | end tofps5;
5635 | end Inverses;
5636 | end BaseIF97;
5637 |
5638 | function waterBaseProp_ph "Intermediate property record for water"
5639 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5640 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5641 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5642 | input Integer phase = 0 "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
5643 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, do region computation, otherwise assume the region is this input";
5644 | output Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
5645 | protected
5646 | Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5647 | Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5648 | Integer error "Error flag for inverse iterations";
5649 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h_liq "Liquid specific enthalpy";
5650 | SI.Density d_liq "Liquid density";
5651 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h_vap "Vapour specific enthalpy";
5652 | SI.Density d_vap "Vapour density";
5653 | Common.PhaseBoundaryProperties liq "Phase boundary property record";
5654 | Common.PhaseBoundaryProperties vap "Phase boundary property record";
5655 | Common.GibbsDerivs gl "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5656 | Common.GibbsDerivs gv "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5657 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs fl "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5658 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs fv "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5659 | SI.Temperature t1 "Temperature at phase boundary, using inverse from region 1";
5660 | SI.Temperature t2 "Temperature at phase boundary, using inverse from region 2";
5661 | algorithm
5662 | aux.region := if region == 0 then if phase == 2 then 4 else BaseIF97.Regions.region_ph(p = p, h = h, phase = phase) else region;
5663 | aux.phase := if phase <> 0 then phase else if aux.region == 4 then 2 else 1;
5664 | aux.p := max(p, 611.657);
5665 | aux.h := max(h, 1e3);
5666 | aux.R := BaseIF97.data.RH2O;
5667 | aux.vt := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
5668 | aux.vp := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
5669 | if aux.region == 1 then
5670 | aux.T := BaseIF97.Basic.tph1(aux.p, aux.h);
5671 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, aux.T);
5672 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
5673 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * aux.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
5674 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
5675 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
5676 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
5677 | aux.vp := aux.R * aux.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
5678 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
5679 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
5680 | aux.x := 0.0;
5681 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
5682 | elseif aux.region == 2 then
5683 | aux.T := BaseIF97.Basic.tph2(aux.p, aux.h);
5684 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, aux.T);
5685 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
5686 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * aux.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
5687 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
5688 | aux.vp := aux.R * aux.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
5689 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
5690 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
5691 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
5692 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
5693 | aux.x := 1.0;
5694 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
5695 | elseif aux.region == 3 then
5696 | (aux.rho, aux.T, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.dtofph3(p = aux.p, h = aux.h, delp = 1.0e-7, delh = 1.0e-6);
5697 | f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(aux.rho, aux.T);
5698 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * (f.tau * f.ftau + f.delta * f.fdelta);
5699 | aux.s := aux.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
5700 | aux.pd := aux.R * aux.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
5701 | aux.pt := aux.R * aux.rho * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
5702 | aux.cv := abs(aux.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau)) "Can be close to neg. infinity near critical point";
5703 | aux.cp := (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd);
5704 | aux.x := 0.0;
5705 | aux.dpT := aux.pt;
5706 | elseif aux.region == 4 then
5707 | h_liq := hl_p(p);
5708 | h_vap := hv_p(p);
5709 | aux.x := if h_vap <> h_liq then (h - h_liq) / (h_vap - h_liq) else 1.0;
5710 | if p < BaseIF97.data.PLIMIT4A then
5711 | t1 := BaseIF97.Basic.tph1(aux.p, h_liq);
5712 | t2 := BaseIF97.Basic.tph2(aux.p, h_vap);
5713 | gl := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(aux.p, t1);
5714 | gv := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(aux.p, t2);
5715 | liq := Common.gibbsToBoundaryProps(gl);
5716 | vap := Common.gibbsToBoundaryProps(gv);
5717 | aux.T := t1 + aux.x * (t2 - t1);
5718 | else
5719 | aux.T := BaseIF97.Basic.tsat(aux.p);
5720 | d_liq := rhol_T(aux.T);
5721 | d_vap := rhov_T(aux.T);
5722 | fl := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d_liq, aux.T);
5723 | fv := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d_vap, aux.T);
5724 | liq := Common.helmholtzToBoundaryProps(fl);
5725 | vap := Common.helmholtzToBoundaryProps(fv);
5726 | end if;
5727 | aux.dpT := if liq.d <> vap.d then (vap.s - liq.s) * liq.d * vap.d / (liq.d - vap.d) else BaseIF97.Basic.dptofT(aux.T);
5728 | aux.s := liq.s + aux.x * (vap.s - liq.s);
5729 | aux.rho := liq.d * vap.d / (vap.d + aux.x * (liq.d - vap.d));
5730 | aux.cv := Common.cv2Phase(liq, vap, aux.x, aux.T, p);
5731 | aux.cp := liq.cp + aux.x * (vap.cp - liq.cp);
5732 | aux.pt := liq.pt + aux.x * (vap.pt - liq.pt);
5733 | aux.pd := liq.pd + aux.x * (vap.pd - liq.pd);
5734 | elseif aux.region == 5 then
5735 | (aux.T, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.tofph5(p = aux.p, h = aux.h, reldh = 1.0e-7);
5736 | assert(error == 0, "Error in inverse iteration of steam tables");
5737 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g5(aux.p, aux.T);
5738 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
5739 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * aux.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
5740 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
5741 | aux.vp := aux.R * aux.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
5742 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
5743 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
5744 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
5745 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
5746 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
5747 | else
5748 | assert(false, "Error in region computation of IF97 steam tables" + "(p = " + String(p) + ", h = " + String(h) + ")");
5749 | end if;
5750 | end waterBaseProp_ph;
5751 |
5752 | function waterBaseProp_ps "Intermediate property record for water"
5753 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5754 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5755 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5756 | input Integer phase = 0 "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
5757 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, do region computation, otherwise assume the region is this input";
5758 | output Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
5759 | protected
5760 | Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5761 | Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5762 | Integer error "Error flag for inverse iterations";
5763 | SI.SpecificEntropy s_liq "Liquid specific entropy";
5764 | SI.Density d_liq "Liquid density";
5765 | SI.SpecificEntropy s_vap "Vapour specific entropy";
5766 | SI.Density d_vap "Vapour density";
5767 | Common.PhaseBoundaryProperties liq "Phase boundary property record";
5768 | Common.PhaseBoundaryProperties vap "Phase boundary property record";
5769 | Common.GibbsDerivs gl "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5770 | Common.GibbsDerivs gv "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
5771 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs fl "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5772 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs fv "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
5773 | SI.Temperature t1 "Temperature at phase boundary, using inverse from region 1";
5774 | SI.Temperature t2 "Temperature at phase boundary, using inverse from region 2";
5775 | algorithm
5776 | aux.region := if region == 0 then if phase == 2 then 4 else BaseIF97.Regions.region_ps(p = p, s = s, phase = phase) else region;
5777 | aux.phase := if phase <> 0 then phase else if aux.region == 4 then 2 else 1;
5778 | aux.p := p;
5779 | aux.s := s;
5780 | aux.R := BaseIF97.data.RH2O;
5781 | aux.vt := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
5782 | aux.vp := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
5783 | if aux.region == 1 then
5784 | aux.T := BaseIF97.Basic.tps1(p, s);
5785 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, aux.T);
5786 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
5787 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * aux.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
5788 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
5789 | aux.vp := aux.R * aux.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
5790 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
5791 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
5792 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
5793 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
5794 | aux.x := 0.0;
5795 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
5796 | elseif aux.region == 2 then
5797 | aux.T := BaseIF97.Basic.tps2(p, s);
5798 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, aux.T);
5799 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
5800 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * aux.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
5801 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
5802 | aux.vp := aux.R * aux.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
5803 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
5804 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
5805 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
5806 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
5807 | aux.x := 1.0;
5808 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
5809 | elseif aux.region == 3 then
5810 | (aux.rho, aux.T, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.dtofps3(p = p, s = s, delp = 1.0e-7, dels = 1.0e-6);
5811 | f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(aux.rho, aux.T);
5812 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * (f.tau * f.ftau + f.delta * f.fdelta);
5813 | aux.s := aux.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
5814 | aux.pd := aux.R * aux.T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
5815 | aux.pt := aux.R * aux.rho * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
5816 | aux.cv := aux.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
5817 | aux.cp := (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd);
5818 | aux.x := 0.0;
5819 | aux.dpT := aux.pt;
5820 | elseif aux.region == 4 then
5821 | s_liq := BaseIF97.Regions.sl_p(p);
5822 | s_vap := BaseIF97.Regions.sv_p(p);
5823 | aux.x := if s_vap <> s_liq then (s - s_liq) / (s_vap - s_liq) else 1.0;
5824 | if p < BaseIF97.data.PLIMIT4A then
5825 | t1 := BaseIF97.Basic.tps1(p, s_liq);
5826 | t2 := BaseIF97.Basic.tps2(p, s_vap);
5827 | gl := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, t1);
5828 | gv := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, t2);
5829 | liq := Common.gibbsToBoundaryProps(gl);
5830 | vap := Common.gibbsToBoundaryProps(gv);
5831 | aux.T := t1 + aux.x * (t2 - t1);
5832 | else
5833 | aux.T := BaseIF97.Basic.tsat(p);
5834 | d_liq := rhol_T(aux.T);
5835 | d_vap := rhov_T(aux.T);
5836 | fl := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d_liq, aux.T);
5837 | fv := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d_vap, aux.T);
5838 | liq := Common.helmholtzToBoundaryProps(fl);
5839 | vap := Common.helmholtzToBoundaryProps(fv);
5840 | end if;
5841 | aux.dpT := if liq.d <> vap.d then (vap.s - liq.s) * liq.d * vap.d / (liq.d - vap.d) else BaseIF97.Basic.dptofT(aux.T);
5842 | aux.h := liq.h + aux.x * (vap.h - liq.h);
5843 | aux.rho := liq.d * vap.d / (vap.d + aux.x * (liq.d - vap.d));
5844 | aux.cv := Common.cv2Phase(liq, vap, aux.x, aux.T, p);
5845 | aux.cp := liq.cp + aux.x * (vap.cp - liq.cp);
5846 | aux.pt := liq.pt + aux.x * (vap.pt - liq.pt);
5847 | aux.pd := liq.pd + aux.x * (vap.pd - liq.pd);
5848 | elseif aux.region == 5 then
5849 | (aux.T, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.tofps5(p = p, s = s, relds = 1.0e-7);
5850 | assert(error == 0, "Error in inverse iteration of steam tables");
5851 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g5(p, aux.T);
5852 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
5853 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * aux.T * g.pi * g.gpi);
5854 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
5855 | aux.vp := aux.R * aux.T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
5856 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
5857 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
5858 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
5859 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
5860 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
5861 | aux.x := 1.0;
5862 | else
5863 | assert(false, "Error in region computation of IF97 steam tables" + "(p = " + String(p) + ", s = " + String(s) + ")");
5864 | end if;
5865 | end waterBaseProp_ps;
5866 |
5867 | function rho_props_ps "Density as function of pressure and specific entropy"
5868 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5869 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5870 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5871 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
5872 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
5873 | algorithm
5874 | rho := properties.rho;
5875 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
5876 | end rho_props_ps;
5877 |
5878 | function rho_ps "Density as function of pressure and specific entropy"
5879 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5880 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5881 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5882 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
5883 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
5884 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
5885 | algorithm
5886 | rho := rho_props_ps(p, s, waterBaseProp_ps(p, s, phase, region));
5887 | annotation(Inline = true);
5888 | end rho_ps;
5889 |
5890 | function T_props_ps "Temperature as function of pressure and specific entropy"
5891 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5892 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5893 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5894 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
5895 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
5896 | algorithm
5897 | T := properties.T;
5898 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
5899 | end T_props_ps;
5900 |
5901 | function T_ps "Temperature as function of pressure and specific entropy"
5902 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5903 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5904 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5905 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
5906 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
5907 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
5908 | algorithm
5909 | T := T_props_ps(p, s, waterBaseProp_ps(p, s, phase, region));
5910 | annotation(Inline = true);
5911 | end T_ps;
5912 |
5913 | function h_props_ps "Specific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature"
5914 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5915 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5916 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5917 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
5918 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5919 | algorithm
5920 | h := aux.h;
5921 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
5922 | end h_props_ps;
5923 |
5924 | function h_ps "Specific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature"
5925 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5926 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5927 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
5928 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
5929 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
5930 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5931 | algorithm
5932 | h := h_props_ps(p, s, waterBaseProp_ps(p, s, phase, region));
5933 | annotation(Inline = true);
5934 | end h_ps;
5935 |
5936 | function rho_props_ph "Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
5937 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5938 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5939 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5940 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
5941 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
5942 | algorithm
5943 | rho := properties.rho;
5944 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = properties) = rho_ph_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
5945 | end rho_props_ph;
5946 |
5947 | function rho_ph "Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
5948 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5949 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5950 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5951 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
5952 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
5953 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
5954 | algorithm
5955 | rho := rho_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
5956 | annotation(Inline = true);
5957 | end rho_ph;
5958 |
5959 | function rho_ph_der "Derivative function of rho_ph"
5960 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5961 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5962 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5963 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
5964 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
5965 | input Real h_der "Derivative of specific enthalpy";
5966 | output Real rho_der "Derivative of density";
5967 | algorithm
5968 | if properties.region == 4 then
5969 | rho_der := properties.rho * (properties.rho * properties.cv / properties.dpT + 1.0) / (properties.dpT * properties.T) * p_der + (-properties.rho * properties.rho / (properties.dpT * properties.T)) * h_der;
5970 | elseif properties.region == 3 then
5971 | rho_der := properties.rho * (properties.cv * properties.rho + properties.pt) / (properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.pd * properties.cv + properties.T * properties.pt * properties.pt) * p_der + (-properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.pt / (properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.pd * properties.cv + properties.T * properties.pt * properties.pt)) * h_der;
5972 | else
5973 | rho_der := (-properties.rho * properties.rho * (properties.vp * properties.cp - properties.vt / properties.rho + properties.T * properties.vt * properties.vt) / properties.cp) * p_der + (-properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.vt / properties.cp) * h_der;
5974 | end if;
5975 | end rho_ph_der;
5976 |
5977 | function T_props_ph "Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
5978 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5979 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5980 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5981 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
5982 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
5983 | algorithm
5984 | T := properties.T;
5985 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = properties) = T_ph_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
5986 | end T_props_ph;
5987 |
5988 | function T_ph "Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
5989 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
5990 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
5991 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
5992 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
5993 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
5994 | output SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
5995 | algorithm
5996 | T := T_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
5997 | annotation(Inline = true);
5998 | end T_ph;
5999 |
6000 | function T_ph_der "Derivative function of T_ph"
6001 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6002 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6003 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6004 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
6005 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
6006 | input Real h_der "Derivative of specific enthalpy";
6007 | output Real T_der "Derivative of temperature";
6008 | algorithm
6009 | if properties.region == 4 then
6010 | T_der := 1 / properties.dpT * p_der;
6011 | elseif properties.region == 3 then
6012 | T_der := ((-properties.rho * properties.pd) + properties.T * properties.pt) / (properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.pd * properties.cv + properties.T * properties.pt * properties.pt) * p_der + properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.pd / (properties.rho * properties.rho * properties.pd * properties.cv + properties.T * properties.pt * properties.pt) * h_der;
6013 | else
6014 | T_der := ((-1 / properties.rho) + properties.T * properties.vt) / properties.cp * p_der + 1 / properties.cp * h_der;
6015 | end if;
6016 | end T_ph_der;
6017 |
6018 | function s_props_ph "Specific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6019 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6020 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6021 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6022 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
6023 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6024 | algorithm
6025 | s := properties.s;
6026 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = properties) = s_ph_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6027 | end s_props_ph;
6028 |
6029 | function s_ph "Specific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6030 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6031 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6032 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6033 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6034 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6035 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6036 | algorithm
6037 | s := s_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6038 | annotation(Inline = true);
6039 | end s_ph;
6040 |
6041 | function s_ph_der "Specific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6042 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6043 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6044 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6045 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase properties "Auxiliary record";
6046 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
6047 | input Real h_der "Derivative of specific enthalpy";
6048 | output Real s_der "Derivative of entropy";
6049 | algorithm
6050 | s_der := (-1 / (properties.rho * properties.T) * p_der) + 1 / properties.T * h_der;
6051 | annotation(Inline = true);
6052 | end s_ph_der;
6053 |
6054 | function cv_props_ph "Specific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6055 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6056 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6057 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6058 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6059 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
6060 | algorithm
6061 | cv := aux.cv;
6062 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6063 | end cv_props_ph;
6064 |
6065 | function cv_ph "Specific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6066 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6067 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6068 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6069 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6070 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6071 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
6072 | algorithm
6073 | cv := cv_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6074 | annotation(Inline = true);
6075 | end cv_ph;
6076 |
6077 | function cp_props_ph "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6078 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6079 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6080 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6081 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6082 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
6083 | algorithm
6084 | cp := aux.cp;
6085 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6086 | end cp_props_ph;
6087 |
6088 | function cp_ph "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6089 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6090 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6091 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6092 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6093 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6094 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
6095 | algorithm
6096 | cp := cp_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6097 | annotation(Inline = true);
6098 | end cp_ph;
6099 |
6100 | function beta_props_ph "Isobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6101 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6102 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6103 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6104 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6105 | output SI.RelativePressureCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
6106 | algorithm
6107 | beta := if aux.region == 3 or aux.region == 4 then aux.pt / (aux.rho * aux.pd) else aux.vt * aux.rho;
6108 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6109 | end beta_props_ph;
6110 |
6111 | function beta_ph "Isobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6112 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6113 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6114 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6115 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6116 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6117 | output SI.RelativePressureCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
6118 | algorithm
6119 | beta := beta_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6120 | annotation(Inline = true);
6121 | end beta_ph;
6122 |
6123 | function kappa_props_ph "Isothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6124 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6125 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6126 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6127 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6128 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility factor";
6129 | algorithm
6130 | kappa := if aux.region == 3 or aux.region == 4 then 1 / (aux.rho * aux.pd) else -aux.vp * aux.rho;
6131 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6132 | end kappa_props_ph;
6133 |
6134 | function kappa_ph "Isothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6135 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6136 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6137 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6138 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6139 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6140 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility factor";
6141 | algorithm
6142 | kappa := kappa_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6143 | annotation(Inline = true);
6144 | end kappa_ph;
6145 |
6146 | function velocityOfSound_props_ph "Speed of sound as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6147 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6148 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6149 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6150 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6151 | output SI.Velocity v_sound "Speed of sound";
6152 | algorithm
6153 | v_sound := if aux.region == 3 then sqrt(max(0, (aux.pd * aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.cv + aux.pt * aux.pt * aux.T) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.cv))) else if aux.region == 4 then sqrt(max(0, 1 / (aux.rho * (aux.rho * aux.cv / aux.dpT + 1.0) / (aux.dpT * aux.T) - 1 / aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.rho / (aux.dpT * aux.T)))) else sqrt(max(0, -aux.cp / (aux.rho * aux.rho * (aux.vp * aux.cp + aux.vt * aux.vt * aux.T))));
6154 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6155 | end velocityOfSound_props_ph;
6156 |
6157 | function velocityOfSound_ph
6158 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6159 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6160 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6161 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6162 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6163 | output SI.Velocity v_sound "Speed of sound";
6164 | algorithm
6165 | v_sound := velocityOfSound_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6166 | annotation(Inline = true);
6167 | end velocityOfSound_ph;
6168 |
6169 | function isentropicExponent_props_ph "Isentropic exponent as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6170 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6171 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6172 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6173 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6174 | output Real gamma "Isentropic exponent";
6175 | algorithm
6176 | gamma := if aux.region == 3 then 1 / (aux.rho * p) * ((aux.pd * aux.cv * aux.rho * aux.rho + aux.pt * aux.pt * aux.T) / aux.cv) else if aux.region == 4 then 1 / (aux.rho * p) * aux.dpT * aux.dpT * aux.T / aux.cv else -1 / (aux.rho * aux.p) * aux.cp / (aux.vp * aux.cp + aux.vt * aux.vt * aux.T);
6177 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6178 | end isentropicExponent_props_ph;
6179 |
6180 | function isentropicExponent_ph "Isentropic exponent as function of pressure and specific enthalpy"
6181 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6182 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6183 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6184 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6185 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6186 | output Real gamma "Isentropic exponent";
6187 | algorithm
6188 | gamma := isentropicExponent_props_ph(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6189 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6190 | end isentropicExponent_ph;
6191 |
6192 | function ddph_props "Density derivative by pressure"
6193 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6194 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6195 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6196 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6197 | output SI.DerDensityByPressure ddph "Density derivative by pressure";
6198 | algorithm
6199 | ddph := if aux.region == 3 then aux.rho * (aux.cv * aux.rho + aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) else if aux.region == 4 then aux.rho * (aux.rho * aux.cv / aux.dpT + 1.0) / (aux.dpT * aux.T) else -aux.rho * aux.rho * (aux.vp * aux.cp - aux.vt / aux.rho + aux.T * aux.vt * aux.vt) / aux.cp;
6200 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6201 | end ddph_props;
6202 |
6203 | function ddph "Density derivative by pressure"
6204 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6205 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6206 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6207 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6208 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6209 | output SI.DerDensityByPressure ddph "Density derivative by pressure";
6210 | algorithm
6211 | ddph := ddph_props(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6212 | annotation(Inline = true);
6213 | end ddph;
6214 |
6215 | function ddhp_props "Density derivative by specific enthalpy"
6216 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6217 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6218 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6219 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6220 | output SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy ddhp "Density derivative by specific enthalpy";
6221 | algorithm
6222 | ddhp := if aux.region == 3 then -aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pt / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) else if aux.region == 4 then -aux.rho * aux.rho / (aux.dpT * aux.T) else -aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.vt / aux.cp;
6223 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6224 | end ddhp_props;
6225 |
6226 | function ddhp "Density derivative by specific enthalpy"
6227 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6228 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6229 | input SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6230 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6231 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6232 | output SI.DerDensityByEnthalpy ddhp "Density derivative by specific enthalpy";
6233 | algorithm
6234 | ddhp := ddhp_props(p, h, waterBaseProp_ph(p, h, phase, region));
6235 | annotation(Inline = true);
6236 | end ddhp;
6237 |
6238 | function waterBaseProp_pT "Intermediate property record for water (p and T preferred states)"
6239 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6240 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6241 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6242 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, do region computation, otherwise assume the region is this input";
6243 | output Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6244 | protected
6245 | Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
6246 | Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
6247 | Integer error "Error flag for inverse iterations";
6248 | algorithm
6249 | aux.phase := 1;
6250 | aux.region := if region == 0 then BaseIF97.Regions.region_pT(p = p, T = T) else region;
6251 | aux.R := BaseIF97.data.RH2O;
6252 | aux.p := p;
6253 | aux.T := T;
6254 | aux.vt := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
6255 | aux.vp := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
6256 | if aux.region == 1 then
6257 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(p, T);
6258 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
6259 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
6260 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * T * g.pi * g.gpi);
6261 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
6262 | aux.vp := aux.R * T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
6263 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
6264 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
6265 | aux.x := 0.0;
6266 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
6267 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
6268 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
6269 | elseif aux.region == 2 then
6270 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(p, T);
6271 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
6272 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
6273 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * T * g.pi * g.gpi);
6274 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
6275 | aux.vp := aux.R * T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
6276 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
6277 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
6278 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
6279 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
6280 | aux.x := 1.0;
6281 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
6282 | elseif aux.region == 3 then
6283 | (aux.rho, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.dofpt3(p = p, T = T, delp = 1.0e-7);
6284 | f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(aux.rho, T);
6285 | aux.h := aux.R * T * (f.tau * f.ftau + f.delta * f.fdelta);
6286 | aux.s := aux.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
6287 | aux.pd := aux.R * T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
6288 | aux.pt := aux.R * aux.rho * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
6289 | aux.cv := aux.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
6290 | aux.x := 0.0;
6291 | aux.dpT := aux.pt;
6292 | elseif aux.region == 5 then
6293 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g5(p, T);
6294 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
6295 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
6296 | aux.rho := p / (aux.R * T * g.pi * g.gpi);
6297 | aux.vt := aux.R / p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
6298 | aux.vp := aux.R * T / (p * p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
6299 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
6300 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
6301 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
6302 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
6303 | aux.x := 1.0;
6304 | aux.dpT := -aux.vt / aux.vp;
6305 | else
6306 | assert(false, "Error in region computation of IF97 steam tables" + "(p = " + String(p) + ", T = " + String(T) + ")");
6307 | end if;
6308 | end waterBaseProp_pT;
6309 |
6310 | function rho_props_pT "Density as function or pressure and temperature"
6311 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6312 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6313 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6314 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6315 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
6316 | algorithm
6317 | rho := aux.rho;
6318 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = aux) = rho_pT_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6319 | end rho_props_pT;
6320 |
6321 | function rho_pT "Density as function or pressure and temperature"
6322 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6323 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6324 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6325 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6326 | output SI.Density rho "Density";
6327 | algorithm
6328 | rho := rho_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6329 | annotation(Inline = true);
6330 | end rho_pT;
6331 |
6332 | function h_props_pT "Specific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature"
6333 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6334 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6335 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6336 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6337 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6338 | algorithm
6339 | h := aux.h;
6340 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = aux) = h_pT_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6341 | end h_props_pT;
6342 |
6343 | function h_pT "Specific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature"
6344 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6345 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6346 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6347 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6348 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6349 | algorithm
6350 | h := h_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6351 | annotation(Inline = true);
6352 | end h_pT;
6353 |
6354 | function h_pT_der "Derivative function of h_pT"
6355 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6356 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6357 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6358 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6359 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
6360 | input Real T_der "Derivative of temperature";
6361 | output Real h_der "Derivative of specific enthalpy";
6362 | algorithm
6363 | if aux.region == 3 then
6364 | h_der := ((-aux.rho * aux.pd) + T * aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd) * p_der + (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd) * T_der;
6365 | else
6366 | h_der := (1 / aux.rho - aux.T * aux.vt) * p_der + aux.cp * T_der;
6367 | end if;
6368 | end h_pT_der;
6369 |
6370 | function rho_pT_der "Derivative function of rho_pT"
6371 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6372 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6373 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6374 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6375 | input Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
6376 | input Real T_der "Derivative of temperature";
6377 | output Real rho_der "Derivative of density";
6378 | algorithm
6379 | if aux.region == 3 then
6380 | rho_der := 1 / aux.pd * p_der - aux.pt / aux.pd * T_der;
6381 | else
6382 | rho_der := (-aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.vp) * p_der + (-aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.vt) * T_der;
6383 | end if;
6384 | end rho_pT_der;
6385 |
6386 | function s_props_pT "Specific entropy as function of pressure and temperature"
6387 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6388 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6389 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6390 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6391 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6392 | algorithm
6393 | s := aux.s;
6394 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6395 | end s_props_pT;
6396 |
6397 | function s_pT "Temperature as function of pressure and temperature"
6398 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6399 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6400 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6401 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6402 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6403 | algorithm
6404 | s := s_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6405 | annotation(Inline = true);
6406 | end s_pT;
6407 |
6408 | function cv_props_pT "Specific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and temperature"
6409 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6410 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6411 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6412 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6413 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
6414 | algorithm
6415 | cv := aux.cv;
6416 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6417 | end cv_props_pT;
6418 |
6419 | function cv_pT "Specific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and temperature"
6420 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6421 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6422 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6423 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6424 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
6425 | algorithm
6426 | cv := cv_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6427 | annotation(Inline = true);
6428 | end cv_pT;
6429 |
6430 | function cp_props_pT "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and temperature"
6431 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6432 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6433 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6434 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6435 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
6436 | algorithm
6437 | cp := if aux.region == 3 then (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd) else aux.cp;
6438 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6439 | end cp_props_pT;
6440 |
6441 | function cp_pT "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and temperature"
6442 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6443 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6444 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6445 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6446 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
6447 | algorithm
6448 | cp := cp_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6449 | annotation(Inline = true);
6450 | end cp_pT;
6451 |
6452 | function beta_props_pT "Isobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and temperature"
6453 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6454 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6455 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6456 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6457 | output SI.RelativePressureCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
6458 | algorithm
6459 | beta := if aux.region == 3 then aux.pt / (aux.rho * aux.pd) else aux.vt * aux.rho;
6460 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6461 | end beta_props_pT;
6462 |
6463 | function beta_pT "Isobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and temperature"
6464 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6465 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6466 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6467 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6468 | output SI.RelativePressureCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
6469 | algorithm
6470 | beta := beta_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6471 | annotation(Inline = true);
6472 | end beta_pT;
6473 |
6474 | function kappa_props_pT "Isothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and temperature"
6475 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6476 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6477 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6478 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6479 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility factor";
6480 | algorithm
6481 | kappa := if aux.region == 3 then 1 / (aux.rho * aux.pd) else -aux.vp * aux.rho;
6482 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6483 | end kappa_props_pT;
6484 |
6485 | function kappa_pT "Isothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and temperature"
6486 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6487 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6488 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6489 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6490 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility factor";
6491 | algorithm
6492 | kappa := kappa_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6493 | annotation(Inline = true);
6494 | end kappa_pT;
6495 |
6496 | function velocityOfSound_props_pT "Speed of sound as function of pressure and temperature"
6497 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6498 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6499 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6500 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6501 | output SI.Velocity v_sound "Speed of sound";
6502 | algorithm
6503 | v_sound := if aux.region == 3 then sqrt(max(0, (aux.pd * aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.cv + aux.pt * aux.pt * aux.T) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.cv))) else sqrt(max(0, -aux.cp / (aux.rho * aux.rho * (aux.vp * aux.cp + aux.vt * aux.vt * aux.T))));
6504 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6505 | end velocityOfSound_props_pT;
6506 |
6507 | function velocityOfSound_pT "Speed of sound as function of pressure and temperature"
6508 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6509 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6510 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6511 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6512 | output SI.Velocity v_sound "Speed of sound";
6513 | algorithm
6514 | v_sound := velocityOfSound_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6515 | annotation(Inline = true);
6516 | end velocityOfSound_pT;
6517 |
6518 | function isentropicExponent_props_pT "Isentropic exponent as function of pressure and temperature"
6519 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6520 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6521 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6522 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6523 | output Real gamma "Isentropic exponent";
6524 | algorithm
6525 | gamma := if aux.region == 3 then 1 / (aux.rho * p) * ((aux.pd * aux.cv * aux.rho * aux.rho + aux.pt * aux.pt * aux.T) / aux.cv) else -1 / (aux.rho * aux.p) * aux.cp / (aux.vp * aux.cp + aux.vt * aux.vt * aux.T);
6526 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6527 | end isentropicExponent_props_pT;
6528 |
6529 | function isentropicExponent_pT "Isentropic exponent as function of pressure and temperature"
6530 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6531 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6532 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6533 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6534 | output Real gamma "Isentropic exponent";
6535 | algorithm
6536 | gamma := isentropicExponent_props_pT(p, T, waterBaseProp_pT(p, T, region));
6537 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6538 | end isentropicExponent_pT;
6539 |
6540 | function waterBaseProp_dT "Intermediate property record for water (d and T preferred states)"
6541 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6542 | input SI.Density rho "Density";
6543 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6544 | input Integer phase = 0 "Phase: 2 for two-phase, 1 for one phase, 0 if unknown";
6545 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, do region computation, otherwise assume the region is this input";
6546 | output Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6547 | protected
6548 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h_liq "Liquid specific enthalpy";
6549 | SI.Density d_liq "Liquid density";
6550 | SI.SpecificEnthalpy h_vap "Vapour specific enthalpy";
6551 | SI.Density d_vap "Vapour density";
6552 | Common.GibbsDerivs g "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
6553 | Common.HelmholtzDerivs f "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
6554 | Modelica.Media.Common.PhaseBoundaryProperties liq "Phase boundary property record";
6555 | Modelica.Media.Common.PhaseBoundaryProperties vap "Phase boundary property record";
6556 | Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs gl "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
6557 | Modelica.Media.Common.GibbsDerivs gv "Dimensionless Gibbs function and derivatives w.r.t. pi and tau";
6558 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs fl "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
6559 | Modelica.Media.Common.HelmholtzDerivs fv "Dimensionless Helmholtz function and derivatives w.r.t. delta and tau";
6560 | Integer error "Error flag for inverse iterations";
6561 | algorithm
6562 | aux.region := if region == 0 then if phase == 2 then 4 else BaseIF97.Regions.region_dT(d = rho, T = T, phase = phase) else region;
6563 | aux.phase := if aux.region == 4 then 2 else 1;
6564 | aux.R := BaseIF97.data.RH2O;
6565 | aux.rho := rho;
6566 | aux.T := T;
6567 | aux.vt := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
6568 | aux.vp := 0.0 "initialized in case it is not needed";
6569 | if aux.region == 1 then
6570 | (aux.p, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.pofdt125(d = rho, T = T, reldd = 1.0e-8, region = 1);
6571 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(aux.p, T);
6572 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
6573 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
6574 | aux.rho := aux.p / (aux.R * T * g.pi * g.gpi);
6575 | aux.vt := aux.R / aux.p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
6576 | aux.vp := aux.R * T / (aux.p * aux.p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
6577 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
6578 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
6579 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
6580 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
6581 | aux.x := 0.0;
6582 | elseif aux.region == 2 then
6583 | (aux.p, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.pofdt125(d = rho, T = T, reldd = 1.0e-8, region = 2);
6584 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(aux.p, T);
6585 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
6586 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
6587 | aux.rho := aux.p / (aux.R * T * g.pi * g.gpi);
6588 | aux.vt := aux.R / aux.p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
6589 | aux.vp := aux.R * T / (aux.p * aux.p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
6590 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
6591 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
6592 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
6593 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
6594 | aux.x := 1.0;
6595 | elseif aux.region == 3 then
6596 | f := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(rho, T);
6597 | aux.p := aux.R * rho * T * f.delta * f.fdelta;
6598 | aux.h := aux.R * T * (f.tau * f.ftau + f.delta * f.fdelta);
6599 | aux.s := aux.R * (f.tau * f.ftau - f.f);
6600 | aux.pd := aux.R * T * f.delta * (2.0 * f.fdelta + f.delta * f.fdeltadelta);
6601 | aux.pt := aux.R * rho * f.delta * (f.fdelta - f.tau * f.fdeltatau);
6602 | aux.cv := aux.R * (-f.tau * f.tau * f.ftautau);
6603 | aux.cp := (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd * aux.cv + aux.T * aux.pt * aux.pt) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.pd);
6604 | aux.x := 0.0;
6605 | elseif aux.region == 4 then
6606 | aux.p := BaseIF97.Basic.psat(T);
6607 | d_liq := rhol_T(T);
6608 | d_vap := rhov_T(T);
6609 | h_liq := hl_p(aux.p);
6610 | h_vap := hv_p(aux.p);
6611 | aux.x := if d_vap <> d_liq then (1 / rho - 1 / d_liq) / (1 / d_vap - 1 / d_liq) else 1.0;
6612 | aux.h := h_liq + aux.x * (h_vap - h_liq);
6613 | if T < BaseIF97.data.TLIMIT1 then
6614 | gl := BaseIF97.Basic.g1(aux.p, T);
6615 | gv := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(aux.p, T);
6616 | liq := Common.gibbsToBoundaryProps(gl);
6617 | vap := Common.gibbsToBoundaryProps(gv);
6618 | else
6619 | fl := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d_liq, T);
6620 | fv := BaseIF97.Basic.f3(d_vap, T);
6621 | liq := Common.helmholtzToBoundaryProps(fl);
6622 | vap := Common.helmholtzToBoundaryProps(fv);
6623 | end if;
6624 | aux.dpT := if liq.d <> vap.d then (vap.s - liq.s) * liq.d * vap.d / (liq.d - vap.d) else BaseIF97.Basic.dptofT(aux.T);
6625 | aux.s := liq.s + aux.x * (vap.s - liq.s);
6626 | aux.cv := Common.cv2Phase(liq, vap, aux.x, aux.T, aux.p);
6627 | aux.cp := liq.cp + aux.x * (vap.cp - liq.cp);
6628 | aux.pt := liq.pt + aux.x * (vap.pt - liq.pt);
6629 | aux.pd := liq.pd + aux.x * (vap.pd - liq.pd);
6630 | elseif aux.region == 5 then
6631 | (aux.p, error) := BaseIF97.Inverses.pofdt125(d = rho, T = T, reldd = 1.0e-8, region = 5);
6632 | g := BaseIF97.Basic.g2(aux.p, T);
6633 | aux.h := aux.R * aux.T * g.tau * g.gtau;
6634 | aux.s := aux.R * (g.tau * g.gtau - g.g);
6635 | aux.rho := aux.p / (aux.R * T * g.pi * g.gpi);
6636 | aux.vt := aux.R / aux.p * (g.pi * g.gpi - g.tau * g.pi * g.gtaupi);
6637 | aux.vp := aux.R * T / (aux.p * aux.p) * g.pi * g.pi * g.gpipi;
6638 | aux.pt := -g.p / g.T * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / (g.gpipi * g.pi);
6639 | aux.pd := -g.R * g.T * g.gpi * g.gpi / g.gpipi;
6640 | aux.cp := -aux.R * g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau;
6641 | aux.cv := aux.R * ((-g.tau * g.tau * g.gtautau) + (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) * (g.gpi - g.tau * g.gtaupi) / g.gpipi);
6642 | else
6643 | assert(false, "Error in region computation of IF97 steam tables" + "(rho = " + String(rho) + ", T = " + String(T) + ")");
6644 | end if;
6645 | end waterBaseProp_dT;
6646 |
6647 | function h_props_dT "Specific enthalpy as function of density and temperature"
6648 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6649 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6650 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6651 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6652 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6653 | algorithm
6654 | h := aux.h;
6655 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = aux) = h_dT_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6656 | end h_props_dT;
6657 |
6658 | function h_dT "Specific enthalpy as function of density and temperature"
6659 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6660 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6661 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6662 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6663 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6664 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6665 | algorithm
6666 | h := h_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6667 | annotation(Inline = true);
6668 | end h_dT;
6669 |
6670 | function h_dT_der "Derivative function of h_dT"
6671 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6672 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6673 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6674 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6675 | input Real d_der "Derivative of density";
6676 | input Real T_der "Derivative of temperature";
6677 | output Real h_der "Derivative of specific enthalpy";
6678 | algorithm
6679 | if aux.region == 3 then
6680 | h_der := ((-d * aux.pd) + T * aux.pt) / (d * d) * d_der + (aux.cv * d + aux.pt) / d * T_der;
6681 | elseif aux.region == 4 then
6682 | h_der := T * aux.dpT / (d * d) * d_der + (aux.cv * d + aux.dpT) / d * T_der;
6683 | else
6684 | h_der := (-((-1 / d) + T * aux.vt) / (d * d * aux.vp)) * d_der + (aux.vp * aux.cp - aux.vt / d + T * aux.vt * aux.vt) / aux.vp * T_der;
6685 | end if;
6686 | end h_dT_der;
6687 |
6688 | function p_props_dT "Pressure as function of density and temperature"
6689 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6690 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6691 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6692 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6693 | output SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6694 | algorithm
6695 | p := aux.p;
6696 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = aux) = p_dT_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6697 | end p_props_dT;
6698 |
6699 | function p_dT "Pressure as function of density and temperature"
6700 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6701 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6702 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6703 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6704 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6705 | output SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6706 | algorithm
6707 | p := p_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6708 | annotation(Inline = true);
6709 | end p_dT;
6710 |
6711 | function p_dT_der "Derivative function of p_dT"
6712 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6713 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6714 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6715 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6716 | input Real d_der "Derivative of density";
6717 | input Real T_der "Derivative of temperature";
6718 | output Real p_der "Derivative of pressure";
6719 | algorithm
6720 | if aux.region == 3 then
6721 | p_der := aux.pd * d_der + aux.pt * T_der;
6722 | elseif aux.region == 4 then
6723 | p_der := aux.dpT * T_der;
6724 | else
6725 | p_der := (-1 / (d * d * aux.vp)) * d_der + (-aux.vt / aux.vp) * T_der;
6726 | end if;
6727 | end p_dT_der;
6728 |
6729 | function s_props_dT "Specific entropy as function of density and temperature"
6730 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6731 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6732 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6733 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6734 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6735 | algorithm
6736 | s := aux.s;
6737 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6738 | end s_props_dT;
6739 |
6740 | function s_dT "Temperature as function of density and temperature"
6741 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6742 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6743 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6744 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6745 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6746 | output SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6747 | algorithm
6748 | s := s_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6749 | annotation(Inline = true);
6750 | end s_dT;
6751 |
6752 | function cv_props_dT "Specific heat capacity at constant volume as function of density and temperature"
6753 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6754 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6755 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6756 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6757 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
6758 | algorithm
6759 | cv := aux.cv;
6760 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6761 | end cv_props_dT;
6762 |
6763 | function cv_dT "Specific heat capacity at constant volume as function of density and temperature"
6764 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6765 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6766 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6767 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6768 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6769 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cv "Specific heat capacity";
6770 | algorithm
6771 | cv := cv_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6772 | annotation(Inline = true);
6773 | end cv_dT;
6774 |
6775 | function cp_props_dT "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of density and temperature"
6776 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6777 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6778 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6779 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6780 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
6781 | algorithm
6782 | cp := aux.cp;
6783 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6784 | end cp_props_dT;
6785 |
6786 | function cp_dT "Specific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of density and temperature"
6787 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6788 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6789 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6790 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6791 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6792 | output SI.SpecificHeatCapacity cp "Specific heat capacity";
6793 | algorithm
6794 | cp := cp_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6795 | annotation(Inline = true);
6796 | end cp_dT;
6797 |
6798 | function beta_props_dT "Isobaric expansion coefficient as function of density and temperature"
6799 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6800 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6801 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6802 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6803 | output SI.RelativePressureCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
6804 | algorithm
6805 | beta := if aux.region == 3 or aux.region == 4 then aux.pt / (aux.rho * aux.pd) else aux.vt * aux.rho;
6806 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6807 | end beta_props_dT;
6808 |
6809 | function beta_dT "Isobaric expansion coefficient as function of density and temperature"
6810 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6811 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6812 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6813 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6814 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6815 | output SI.RelativePressureCoefficient beta "Isobaric expansion coefficient";
6816 | algorithm
6817 | beta := beta_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6818 | annotation(Inline = true);
6819 | end beta_dT;
6820 |
6821 | function kappa_props_dT "Isothermal compressibility factor as function of density and temperature"
6822 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6823 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6824 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6825 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6826 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility factor";
6827 | algorithm
6828 | kappa := if aux.region == 3 or aux.region == 4 then 1 / (aux.rho * aux.pd) else -aux.vp * aux.rho;
6829 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6830 | end kappa_props_dT;
6831 |
6832 | function kappa_dT "Isothermal compressibility factor as function of density and temperature"
6833 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6834 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6835 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6836 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6837 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6838 | output SI.IsothermalCompressibility kappa "Isothermal compressibility factor";
6839 | algorithm
6840 | kappa := kappa_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6841 | annotation(Inline = true);
6842 | end kappa_dT;
6843 |
6844 | function velocityOfSound_props_dT "Speed of sound as function of density and temperature"
6845 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6846 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6847 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6848 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6849 | output SI.Velocity v_sound "Speed of sound";
6850 | algorithm
6851 | v_sound := if aux.region == 3 then sqrt(max(0, (aux.pd * aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.cv + aux.pt * aux.pt * aux.T) / (aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.cv))) else if aux.region == 4 then sqrt(max(0, 1 / (aux.rho * (aux.rho * aux.cv / aux.dpT + 1.0) / (aux.dpT * aux.T) - 1 / aux.rho * aux.rho * aux.rho / (aux.dpT * aux.T)))) else sqrt(max(0, -aux.cp / (aux.rho * aux.rho * (aux.vp * aux.cp + aux.vt * aux.vt * aux.T))));
6852 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6853 | end velocityOfSound_props_dT;
6854 |
6855 | function velocityOfSound_dT "Speed of sound as function of density and temperature"
6856 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6857 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6858 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6859 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6860 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6861 | output SI.Velocity v_sound "Speed of sound";
6862 | algorithm
6863 | v_sound := velocityOfSound_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6864 | annotation(Inline = true);
6865 | end velocityOfSound_dT;
6866 |
6867 | function isentropicExponent_props_dT "Isentropic exponent as function of density and temperature"
6868 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6869 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6870 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6871 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6872 | output Real gamma "Isentropic exponent";
6873 | algorithm
6874 | gamma := if aux.region == 3 then 1 / (aux.rho * aux.p) * ((aux.pd * aux.cv * aux.rho * aux.rho + aux.pt * aux.pt * aux.T) / aux.cv) else if aux.region == 4 then 1 / (aux.rho * aux.p) * aux.dpT * aux.dpT * aux.T / aux.cv else -1 / (aux.rho * aux.p) * aux.cp / (aux.vp * aux.cp + aux.vt * aux.vt * aux.T);
6875 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6876 | end isentropicExponent_props_dT;
6877 |
6878 | function isentropicExponent_dT "Isentropic exponent as function of density and temperature"
6879 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6880 | input SI.Density d "Density";
6881 | input SI.Temperature T "Temperature";
6882 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6883 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6884 | output Real gamma "Isentropic exponent";
6885 | algorithm
6886 | gamma := isentropicExponent_props_dT(d, T, waterBaseProp_dT(d, T, phase, region));
6887 | annotation(Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6888 | end isentropicExponent_dT;
6889 |
6890 | function hl_p = BaseIF97.Regions.hl_p "Compute the saturated liquid specific h(p)";
6891 | function hv_p = BaseIF97.Regions.hv_p "Compute the saturated vapour specific h(p)";
6892 | function rhol_T = BaseIF97.Regions.rhol_T "Compute the saturated liquid d(T)";
6893 | function rhov_T = BaseIF97.Regions.rhov_T "Compute the saturated vapour d(T)";
6894 | function dynamicViscosity = BaseIF97.Transport.visc_dTp "Compute eta(d,T) in the one-phase region";
6895 | function thermalConductivity = BaseIF97.Transport.cond_dTp "Compute lambda(d,T,p) in the one-phase region";
6896 | function surfaceTension = BaseIF97.Transport.surfaceTension "Compute sigma(T) at saturation T";
6897 |
6898 | function isentropicEnthalpy "Isentropic specific enthalpy from p,s (preferably use dynamicIsentropicEnthalpy in dynamic simulation!)"
6899 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6900 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6901 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6902 | input Integer phase = 0 "2 for two-phase, 1 for one-phase, 0 if not known";
6903 | input Integer region = 0 "If 0, region is unknown, otherwise known and this input";
6904 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Specific enthalpy";
6905 | algorithm
6906 | h := isentropicEnthalpy_props(p, s, waterBaseProp_ps(p, s, phase, region));
6907 | annotation(Inline = true);
6908 | end isentropicEnthalpy;
6909 |
6910 | function isentropicEnthalpy_props
6911 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6912 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6913 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6914 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6915 | output SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "Isentropic enthalpy";
6916 | algorithm
6917 | h := aux.h;
6918 | annotation(derivative(noDerivative = aux) = isentropicEnthalpy_der, Inline = false, LateInline = true);
6919 | end isentropicEnthalpy_props;
6920 |
6921 | function isentropicEnthalpy_der "Derivative of isentropic specific enthalpy from p,s"
6922 | extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
6923 | input SI.Pressure p "Pressure";
6924 | input SI.SpecificEntropy s "Specific entropy";
6925 | input Common.IF97BaseTwoPhase aux "Auxiliary record";
6926 | input Real p_der "Pressure derivative";
6927 | input Real s_der "Entropy derivative";
6928 | output Real h_der "Specific enthalpy derivative";
6929 | algorithm
6930 | h_der := 1 / aux.rho * p_der + aux.T * s_der;
6931 | annotation(Inline = true);
6932 | end isentropicEnthalpy_der;
6933 | end IF97_Utilities;
6934 | end Water;
6935 | end Media;
6936 |
6937 | package Math "Library of mathematical functions (e.g., sin, cos) and of functions operating on vectors and matrices"
6938 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
6939 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
6940 |
6941 | package Icons "Icons for Math"
6942 | extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
6943 |
6944 | partial function AxisLeft "Basic icon for mathematical function with y-axis on left side" end AxisLeft;
6945 |
6946 | partial function AxisCenter "Basic icon for mathematical function with y-axis in the center" end AxisCenter;
6947 | end Icons;
6948 |
6949 | function asin "Inverse sine (-1 <= u <= 1)"
6950 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
6951 | input Real u;
6952 | output SI.Angle y;
6953 | external "builtin" y = asin(u);
6954 | end asin;
6955 |
6956 | function acos "Inverse cosine (-1 <= u <= 1)"
6957 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
6958 | input Real u;
6959 | output SI.Angle y;
6960 | external "builtin" y = acos(u);
6961 | end acos;
6962 |
6963 | function exp "Exponential, base e"
6964 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
6965 | input Real u;
6966 | output Real y;
6967 | external "builtin" y = exp(u);
6968 | end exp;
6969 |
6970 | function log "Natural (base e) logarithm (u shall be > 0)"
6971 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisLeft;
6972 | input Real u;
6973 | output Real y;
6974 | external "builtin" y = log(u);
6975 | end log;
6976 | end Math;
6977 |
6978 | package Constants "Library of mathematical constants and constants of nature (e.g., pi, eps, R, sigma)"
6979 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
6980 | import NonSI = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits;
6981 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
6982 | final constant Real pi = 2 * Modelica.Math.asin(1.0);
6983 | final constant Real eps = ModelicaServices.Machine.eps "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
6984 | final constant Real small = ModelicaServices.Machine.small "Smallest number such that small and -small are representable on the machine";
6985 | final constant Real inf = ModelicaServices.Machine.inf "Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine";
6986 | final constant SI.Velocity c = 299792458 "Speed of light in vacuum";
6987 | final constant SI.Acceleration g_n = 9.80665 "Standard acceleration of gravity on earth";
6988 | final constant SI.FaradayConstant F = 9.648533289e4 "Faraday constant, C/mol (previous value: 9.64853399e4)";
6989 | final constant Real R(final unit = "J/(mol.K)") = 8.3144598 "Molar gas constant (previous value: 8.314472)";
6990 | final constant Real N_A(final unit = "1/mol") = 6.022140857e23 "Avogadro constant (previous value: 6.0221415e23)";
6991 | final constant Real mue_0(final unit = "N/A2") = 4 * pi * 1.e-7 "Magnetic constant";
6992 | final constant NonSI.Temperature_degC T_zero = -273.15 "Absolute zero temperature";
6993 | end Constants;
6994 |
6995 | package Icons "Library of icons"
6996 | extends Icons.Package;
6997 |
6998 | partial package Package "Icon for standard packages" end Package;
6999 |
7000 | partial package BasesPackage "Icon for packages containing base classes"
7001 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7002 | end BasesPackage;
7003 |
7004 | partial package VariantsPackage "Icon for package containing variants"
7005 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7006 | end VariantsPackage;
7007 |
7008 | partial package InterfacesPackage "Icon for packages containing interfaces"
7009 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7010 | end InterfacesPackage;
7011 |
7012 | partial package UtilitiesPackage "Icon for utility packages"
7013 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7014 | end UtilitiesPackage;
7015 |
7016 | partial package TypesPackage "Icon for packages containing type definitions"
7017 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7018 | end TypesPackage;
7019 |
7020 | partial package FunctionsPackage "Icon for packages containing functions"
7021 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7022 | end FunctionsPackage;
7023 |
7024 | partial package IconsPackage "Icon for packages containing icons"
7025 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7026 | end IconsPackage;
7027 |
7028 | partial package MaterialPropertiesPackage "Icon for package containing property classes"
7029 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7030 | end MaterialPropertiesPackage;
7031 |
7032 | partial function Function "Icon for functions" end Function;
7033 |
7034 | partial record Record "Icon for records" end Record;
7035 | end Icons;
7036 |
7037 | package SIunits "Library of type and unit definitions based on SI units according to ISO 31-1992"
7038 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7039 |
7040 | package Icons "Icons for SIunits"
7041 | extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
7042 |
7043 | partial function Conversion "Base icon for conversion functions" end Conversion;
7044 | end Icons;
7045 |
7046 | package Conversions "Conversion functions to/from non SI units and type definitions of non SI units"
7047 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7048 |
7049 | package NonSIunits "Type definitions of non SI units"
7050 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
7051 | type Temperature_degC = Real(final quantity = "ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit = "degC") "Absolute temperature in degree Celsius (for relative temperature use SIunits.TemperatureDifference)" annotation(absoluteValue = true);
7052 | type Pressure_bar = Real(final quantity = "Pressure", final unit = "bar") "Absolute pressure in bar";
7053 | end NonSIunits;
7054 |
7055 | function to_degC "Convert from Kelvin to degCelsius"
7056 | extends Modelica.SIunits.Icons.Conversion;
7057 | input Temperature Kelvin "Kelvin value";
7058 | output NonSIunits.Temperature_degC Celsius "Celsius value";
7059 | algorithm
7060 | Celsius := Kelvin + Modelica.Constants.T_zero;
7061 | annotation(Inline = true);
7062 | end to_degC;
7063 |
7064 | function from_degC "Convert from degCelsius to Kelvin"
7065 | extends Modelica.SIunits.Icons.Conversion;
7066 | input NonSIunits.Temperature_degC Celsius "Celsius value";
7067 | output Temperature Kelvin "Kelvin value";
7068 | algorithm
7069 | Kelvin := Celsius - Modelica.Constants.T_zero;
7070 | annotation(Inline = true);
7071 | end from_degC;
7072 |
7073 | function to_bar "Convert from Pascal to bar"
7074 | extends Modelica.SIunits.Icons.Conversion;
7075 | input Pressure Pa "Pascal value";
7076 | output NonSIunits.Pressure_bar bar "bar value";
7077 | algorithm
7078 | bar := Pa / 1e5;
7079 | annotation(Inline = true);
7080 | end to_bar;
7081 | end Conversions;
7082 |
7083 | type Angle = Real(final quantity = "Angle", final unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg");
7084 | type Length = Real(final quantity = "Length", final unit = "m");
7085 | type Position = Length;
7086 | type Distance = Length(min = 0);
7087 | type Height = Length(min = 0);
7088 | type Area = Real(final quantity = "Area", final unit = "m2");
7089 | type Volume = Real(final quantity = "Volume", final unit = "m3");
7090 | type Time = Real(final quantity = "Time", final unit = "s");
7091 | type Velocity = Real(final quantity = "Velocity", final unit = "m/s");
7092 | type Acceleration = Real(final quantity = "Acceleration", final unit = "m/s2");
7093 | type Frequency = Real(final quantity = "Frequency", final unit = "Hz");
7094 | type Mass = Real(quantity = "Mass", final unit = "kg", min = 0);
7095 | type Density = Real(final quantity = "Density", final unit = "kg/m3", displayUnit = "g/cm3", min = 0.0);
7096 | type SpecificVolume = Real(final quantity = "SpecificVolume", final unit = "m3/kg", min = 0.0);
7097 | type Pressure = Real(final quantity = "Pressure", final unit = "Pa", displayUnit = "bar");
7098 | type AbsolutePressure = Pressure(min = 0.0, nominal = 1e5);
7099 | type PressureDifference = Pressure;
7100 | type DynamicViscosity = Real(final quantity = "DynamicViscosity", final unit = "Pa.s", min = 0);
7101 | type SurfaceTension = Real(final quantity = "SurfaceTension", final unit = "N/m");
7102 | type Energy = Real(final quantity = "Energy", final unit = "J");
7103 | type Power = Real(final quantity = "Power", final unit = "W");
7104 | type MassFlowRate = Real(quantity = "MassFlowRate", final unit = "kg/s");
7105 | type MomentumFlux = Real(final quantity = "MomentumFlux", final unit = "N");
7106 | type ThermodynamicTemperature = Real(final quantity = "ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit = "K", min = 0.0, start = 288.15, nominal = 300, displayUnit = "degC") "Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)" annotation(absoluteValue = true);
7107 | type Temp_K = ThermodynamicTemperature;
7108 | type Temperature = ThermodynamicTemperature;
7109 | type RelativePressureCoefficient = Real(final quantity = "RelativePressureCoefficient", final unit = "1/K");
7110 | type Compressibility = Real(final quantity = "Compressibility", final unit = "1/Pa");
7111 | type IsothermalCompressibility = Compressibility;
7112 | type ThermalConductivity = Real(final quantity = "ThermalConductivity", final unit = "W/(m.K)");
7113 | type CoefficientOfHeatTransfer = Real(final quantity = "CoefficientOfHeatTransfer", final unit = "W/(m2.K)");
7114 | type ThermalConductance = Real(final quantity = "ThermalConductance", final unit = "W/K");
7115 | type HeatCapacity = Real(final quantity = "HeatCapacity", final unit = "J/K");
7116 | type SpecificHeatCapacity = Real(final quantity = "SpecificHeatCapacity", final unit = "J/(kg.K)");
7117 | type SpecificHeatCapacityAtConstantPressure = SpecificHeatCapacity;
7118 | type RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities = Real(final quantity = "RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities", final unit = "1");
7119 | type Entropy = Real(final quantity = "Entropy", final unit = "J/K");
7120 | type SpecificEntropy = Real(final quantity = "SpecificEntropy", final unit = "J/(kg.K)");
7121 | type SpecificEnergy = Real(final quantity = "SpecificEnergy", final unit = "J/kg");
7122 | type SpecificEnthalpy = SpecificEnergy;
7123 | type DerDensityByEnthalpy = Real(final unit = "kg.s2/m5");
7124 | type DerDensityByPressure = Real(final unit = "s2/m2");
7125 | type DerEnthalpyByPressure = Real(final unit = "J.m.s2/kg2");
7126 | type ElectricCharge = Real(final quantity = "ElectricCharge", final unit = "C");
7127 | type AmountOfSubstance = Real(final quantity = "AmountOfSubstance", final unit = "mol", min = 0);
7128 | type MolarMass = Real(final quantity = "MolarMass", final unit = "kg/mol", min = 0);
7129 | type MolarVolume = Real(final quantity = "MolarVolume", final unit = "m3/mol", min = 0);
7130 | type MassFraction = Real(final quantity = "MassFraction", final unit = "1", min = 0, max = 1);
7131 | type MoleFraction = Real(final quantity = "MoleFraction", final unit = "1", min = 0, max = 1);
7132 | type FaradayConstant = Real(final quantity = "FaradayConstant", final unit = "C/mol");
7133 | type ReynoldsNumber = Real(final quantity = "ReynoldsNumber", final unit = "1");
7134 | type NusseltNumber = Real(final quantity = "NusseltNumber", final unit = "1");
7135 | type PrandtlNumber = Real(final quantity = "PrandtlNumber", final unit = "1");
7136 | type PerUnit = Real(unit = "1");
7137 | end SIunits;
7138 | annotation(version = "3.2.3", versionBuild = 3, versionDate = "2019-01-23", dateModified = "2019-09-21 12:00:00Z");
7139 | end Modelica;
7140 |
7141 | model Test_total
7142 | extends Test;
7143 | end Test_total;