1 | package DynamicOverconstrainedConnectors2
2 | import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
3 | import CM = Modelica.ComplexMath;
4 | constant SI.Frequency f_n = 50 "Nominal grid frequency";
5 | constant SI.PerUnit pi = Modelica.Constants.pi;
6 | final constant SI.AngularVelocity omega_n = 2*pi*f_n;
7 |
8 | type ReferenceAngularSpeed "Overconstrained type for per-unit reference angular speed"
9 | extends SI.PerUnit;
10 | function equalityConstraint
11 | input ReferenceAngularSpeed omega1;
12 | input ReferenceAngularSpeed omega2;
13 | output SI.PerUnit residue[0] "No constraints";
14 | end equalityConstraint;
15 | function reconnectable
16 | input ReferenceFrequency f1;
17 | input ReferenceFrequency f2;
18 | output Boolean canReconnect;
19 | protected
20 | constant Real eps = 1e-6;
21 | algorithm
22 | canReconnect := abs(f1 - f2) < eps;
23 | end reconnectable;
24 | end ReferenceAngularSpeed;
25 |
26 | connector ACPort "Port for per unit 3-phase AC systems"
27 | SI.ComplexPerUnit v "Per unit voltage phasor referred to phase";
28 | flow SI.ComplexPerUnit i "Per unit current phasor referred to phase";
29 | ReferenceAngularSpeed omegaRef "Reference per-unit angular speed";
30 | end ACPort;
31 |
32 | model Load "AC load model"
33 | ACPort port;
34 | SI.PerUnit P = 0 "Active per unit power";
35 | Real Q = 0 "Reactive per unit power";
36 | equation
37 | port.v*CM.conj(port.i) = Complex(P,Q);
38 | end Load;
39 |
40 | model TransmissionLine "Purely inductive transmission line model"
41 | parameter SI.PerUnit B = -5.0 "Line series per unit susceptance";
42 | discrete SI.PerUnit B_act "Actual value of per unit susceptance including breaker status";
43 | Boolean closed "State of line breaker";
44 | Boolean open = false "Command to open the line breaker";
45 | Boolean close = false "Command to close the line breaker";
46 | ACPort port_a;
47 | ACPort port_b;
48 | initial equation
49 | closed = true;
50 | B_act = B;
51 | equation
52 | port_a.i + port_b.i = Complex(0);
53 | port_a.i = Complex(0,B_act)*(port_a.v - port_b.v);
54 | when open then
55 | closed = false;
56 | B_act = 0;
57 | elsewhen close then
58 | closed = true;
59 | B_act = B;
60 | end when;
61 | port_a.omegaRef = port_b.omegaRef;
62 | Connections.branch(port_a.omegaRef, port_b.omegaRef);
63 | end TransmissionLine;
64 |
65 | model TransmissionLineVariableBranch "Purely inductive transmission line model with time-varying connection branch"
66 | parameter SI.PerUnit B = -5.0 "Line series per unit susceptance";
67 | discrete SI.PerUnit B_act "Actual value of per unit susceptance including breaker status";
68 | Boolean closed "State of line breaker";
69 | Boolean open = false "Command to open the line breaker";
70 | Boolean close = false "Command to close the line breaker";
71 | ACPort port_a;
72 | ACPort port_b;
73 | initial equation
74 | closed = true;
75 | B_act = B;
76 | equation
77 | port_a.i + port_b.i = Complex(0);
78 | port_a.i = Complex(0,B_act)*(port_a.v - port_b.v);
79 | when open then
80 | closed = false;
81 | B_act = 0;
82 | elsewhen close then
83 | closed = true;
84 | B_act = B;
85 | end when;
86 | // This if-equation is not valid according to Modelica 3.5
87 | // Section 8.3.4 but it would according to this extension proposal
88 | if closed then
89 | port_a.omegaRef = port_b.omegaRef;
90 | Connections.branch(port_a.omegaRef, port_b.omegaRef);
91 | end if;
92 | end TransmissionLineVariableBranch;
93 |
94 | model Generator "Idealized synchronous generator with ideal voltage control and basic primary frequency control"
95 | parameter SI.PerUnit V = 1 "Fixed rotor per unit voltage magnitude";
96 | parameter SI.Time Ta = 10 "Acceleration time of turbogenerator Ta = J*omega^2/Pnom";
97 | parameter SI.PerUnit droop = 0.05 "Droop coefficient of primary frequency control";
98 | ACPort port;
99 | SI.PerUnit Ps = 1 "Active power output set point";
100 | SI.PerUnit Pc "Primary frequency control power in per unit";
101 | SI.PerUnit Pe "Electrical power output";
102 | SI.Angle theta(start = 0, fixed = true) "Machine angle relative to port.theta";
103 | SI.PerUnit omega(start = 1, fixed = true) "Per unit angular speed";
104 | equation
105 | der(theta) = (omega - port.omegaRef)*omega_n;
106 | Ta*omega*der(omega) = Ps + Pc - Pe;
107 | port.v = CM.fromPolar(V, theta);
108 | Pe = -CM.real(port.v*CM.conj(port.i));
109 | Pc = -(omega-1)/droop;
110 | Connections.potentialRoot(port.omegaRef);
111 | if Connections.isRoot(port.omegaRef) then
112 | port.omegaRef = omega;
113 | end if;
114 | end Generator;
115 |
116 | model System1 "Two generators, one line, fixed branches"
117 | Generator G1;
118 | Generator G2;
119 | Load L1(P = 1);
120 | Load L2(P = if time < 1 then 1 else 0.8);
121 | TransmissionLine T;
122 | equation
123 | connect(G1.port, L1.port);
124 | connect(G2.port, L2.port);
125 | connect(G1.port, T.port_a);
126 | connect(G2.port, T.port_b);
127 | annotation(experiment(StopTime = 50, Interval = 0.02));
128 | end System1;
129 |
130 | model System2 "Two generators, two-parallel and one series lines, fixed branches"
131 | Generator G1;
132 | Generator G2;
133 | Load L1(P = 1);
134 | Load L2(P = if time < 1 then 1 else 0.8);
135 | TransmissionLine T1a(B = -5.0);
136 | TransmissionLine T1b(B = -5.0);
137 | TransmissionLine T2(B = -10.0);
138 | equation
139 | connect(G1.port, L1.port);
140 | connect(G2.port, L2.port);
141 | connect(G1.port, T1a.port_a);
142 | connect(G1.port, T1b.port_a);
143 | connect(T1a.port_b, T2.port_a);
144 | connect(T1b.port_b, T2.port_a);
145 | connect(G2.port, T2.port_b);
146 | annotation(experiment(StopTime = 50, Interval = 0.02));
147 | end System2;
148 |
149 | model System3 "Two generators, two-parallel and one series line with breaker, fixed branches"
150 | Generator G1;
151 | Generator G2;
152 | Load L1(P = 1);
153 | Load L2(P = if time < 1 then 1 else 0.8);
154 | TransmissionLine T1a(B = -5.0);
155 | TransmissionLine T1b(B = -5.0);
156 | TransmissionLine T2(B = -10.0, open = if time < 10 then false else true);
157 | equation
158 | connect(G1.port, L1.port);
159 | connect(G2.port, L2.port);
160 | connect(G1.port, T1a.port_a);
161 | connect(G1.port, T1b.port_a);
162 | connect(T1a.port_b, T2.port_a);
163 | connect(T1b.port_b, T2.port_a);
164 | connect(G2.port, T2.port_b);
165 | annotation(experiment(StopTime = 50, Interval = 0.02));
166 | end System3;
167 |
168 | model System4 "Two generators, two-parallel and one series line with breaker, fixed branches"
169 | Generator G1;
170 | Generator G2;
171 | Load L1(P = 1);
172 | Load L2(P = if time < 1 then 1 else 0.8);
173 | TransmissionLine T1a(B = -5.0);
174 | TransmissionLine T1b(B = -5.0);
175 | TransmissionLineVariableBranch T2(B = -10.0, open = if time < 10 then false else true);
176 | equation
177 | connect(G1.port, L1.port);
178 | connect(G2.port, L2.port);
179 | connect(G1.port, T1a.port_a);
180 | connect(G1.port, T1b.port_a);
181 | connect(T1a.port_b, T2.port_a);
182 | connect(T1b.port_b, T2.port_a);
183 | connect(G2.port, T2.port_b);
184 | annotation(experiment(StopTime = 50, Interval = 0.02));
185 | end System4;
186 | annotation(uses(Modelica(version="3.2.3")));
187 | end DynamicOverconstrainedConnectors2;