Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#4545 Code generation for algorithms involving arrays broken in commit 453e1c7 wbraun defect blocker fixed
#4943 Wrong order of equations in info.json file wbraun defect blocker fixed
#2909 Intermediate compilation files should be removed at the end of code generation adeas31 enhancement high trunk fixed
#4269 Record constant in function is initialized wrongly lochel defect high v1.12.0 fixed
#4528 buildModelFMU doesn't respect the fileNamePrefix argument lochel defect high fixed
#4534 Stack overflow in SimCodeUtil.createAllDiffedSimVars hkiel defect high fixed
#4836 Red warnings show up in OMEdit when using --daeMode=new wbraun defect high fixed
#4879 clang optimizations for large models enhancement high fixed
#4936 Dimension 1 has bounds 1..10, got array subscript 0 lochel defect high fixed
#4939 mod(x,y) with x < 0 computed incorrectly in algorithms defect high fixed
#5134 Record as argument to external function is not passed by reference adrpo defect high fixed
#4705 Handle indexed assignment of string arrays defect normal fixed
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