Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#4272 Simulation Process Failed Modelica_Synchronous accepted lochel discussion high
#4328 OMEdit: bug when partial cutting folded annotations and UNDO partial cutting folded annotations undo new adeas31 defect high
#4374 Wrong analysis of linearity due to missing jacobian linear nonlinear analytic jacobian pre() new wbraun defect high
#5256 Non-linear system iterations non-linear solver, external function assigned casella defect high
#5351 HRSG Cloned Library Component / re-occuring pump error pump, flowCharacteristic, q_nom, head_nom, ThermoPower assigned casella defect high
#5370 Modelica compiler should issue warnings when clocked equations appear outside of the when equations synchronous new lochel discussion high
#5374 How do I solve Modelica errors of variables, where the variables are parameters of extensions that your model is using? Error, Structurally, Singular, Structurally Singular, Translation Error, Variable Not Found, new somebody discussion high
#6385 Overdetermined system Overdetermined, openmodelicabeginner, nanofiltration assigned Shravya Hebbur Murali <shravya2535@…> defect high
#6436 Segmentation fault with non-linear Newton solver non-linear loop, newton new AnHeuermann defect high
#2547 No math parsing for experiment annotation math parsing experiment annotation new probably noone enhancement normal
#3020 Custom annotation cannot be read and proposed code changes to component annotation assigned adrpo defect normal
#4351 OMEdit: Keep abbreviated library paths from import when moving components import not restored new adeas31 defect normal
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