9 | | To me, the optimal solution might be either to write the numbers on the axes between -800 and 800 and adding somewhere in the vertical axis "*10^3" or -8 and 8 and label the axis with "*10^5" |
| 9 | To me, the optimal solution might be either to write the numbers on the axes between -800 and 800 and adding somewhere in the vertical axis "*10^3^" or -8 and 8 and label the axis with "*10^5^" |
| 10 | I mean, when numbers are very large or very small, they should be displayed in scientific or engineering format, but the corresponding power of ten is to be put once on the axis. |
| 11 | In case units of measure are used, engineering prefixes (e.g. m for *10^-3^, k for *10^3^, M for *10^6^, ...) should be used |