Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #6017, comment 10

2020-06-19T00:49:47+02:00 (4 years ago)


  • Ticket #6017, comment 10

    initial v1  
    1 As soon as there is an implicit equation in the model (which happens quite often in OO modelling) these libraries will be needed. I don't really like b), because if you don't have the right library installed in the right place, it will fail with an obscure linker messages complaining about a missing library, without giving a hint about how to fix the problem. IMHO this makes the whole thing look crappy and unprofessional. A new user tries FMU generation out with a simple model with some algebraic loops, gets this, and gives up immediately. I would do that myself.
     1As soon as there is an implicit equation in the model (which happens quite often in OO modelling) these libraries will be needed. I don't really solutions whereby if you don't have the right library installed in the right place, the FMU will fail with an obscure linker messages complaining about a missing library, without giving a hint about how to fix the problem. IMHO this makes the whole thing look crappy and unprofessional. A new user tries FMU generation out with a simple model with some algebraic loops, gets this, and gives up immediately. I would do that myself.
    33I would suggest to put the libraries in each and every FMU, which is safe, foolproof, and only somewhat inefficient in terms of memory usage. No big deal, unless you want to have 100 FMUs in your model. Our FMU generation is still not top notch, so I wouldn't be too worried about that for 1.16.0. Then, fix the thing properly in 1.17.0