

12:03 Ticket #72 (Function with for loop computes wrong value) updated by davbr
function avg input Real x[:]; output Real y; algorithm y := 0; …
12:03 Ticket #72 (Function with for loop computes wrong value) created by davbr


09:25 Ticket #71 (Stack overflow when Exp.simplify(e)) updated by Adrian Pop
Fixed in SVN revision 2373. I added simplifications for (constant1
09:23 Ticket #70 (The equation simplification applied when flattening has some problems.) updated by Adrian Pop
Fixed in SVN revision 2373. Actually the printing of expressions was wrong.
08:39 Ticket #70 (The equation simplification applied when flattening has some problems.) updated by Adrian Pop
Actually I think the result is OK and the print of expression is wrong!
00:33 Ticket #71 (Stack overflow when Exp.simplify(e)) updated by Adrian Pop
Starting from a model provided by Atya El-Shekh I devised the …
00:33 Ticket #71 (Stack overflow when Exp.simplify(e)) created by Adrian Pop
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