

20:19 Ticket #76 (TabIndex Simulation failed) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
In my bug report I made two mistaks. 1. The row "Integer k;" should …


19:28 Ticket #76 (TabIndex Simulation failed) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
The platform and compiler ------------------------- Debian Sarge Linux …
19:28 Ticket #76 (TabIndex Simulation failed) created by Robert.Wotzlaw
See comments.


19:03 Ticket #75 (Error on using 'getConnectorCount' command) updated by k.wong
Hi, I have used the following command in WinMosh environment to get …
19:03 Ticket #75 (Error on using 'getConnectorCount' command) created by k.wong
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.