

09:25 Ticket #80 (Backend - 3 problems in one model - sym. differentiation, code gen. and simulation) updated by Peter Aronsson
Johan, could you please sent me the changes you made to Derive.mo and …
09:22 Ticket #81 (Problem evaluating numerical values for binding expressions) updated by jakesson
There seems to be an error in DAELow.updateVariables. In the following …
09:22 Ticket #81 (Problem evaluating numerical values for binding expressions) created by jakesson
09:12 Ticket #80 (Backend - 3 problems in one model - sym. differentiation, code gen. and simulation) updated by jakesson
Problem present in omc 1.4.1 The model below results in several …
09:12 Ticket #80 (Backend - 3 problems in one model - sym. differentiation, code gen. and simulation) created by jakesson


16:32 Ticket #79 (Backend - Bug in mixed system of a single if-equation.) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
Dear Mr. Peter Aronsson, after I tested the class BugDebCoefficient, …
16:32 Ticket #79 (Backend - Bug in mixed system of a single if-equation.) created by Robert.Wotzlaw
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