

13:37 Ticket #86 (OpenModelica simulate) updated by Y.Tian
>>simulate(AxisTypeXY) record resultFile = "Simulation failed. …
13:37 Ticket #86 (OpenModelica simulate) created by Y.Tian


21:04 Ticket #82 (Hardcoded paths in OMshell/Makefile which shouldn't be there) updated by Adrian Pop
The makefile is automatically generated when running "qmake …
21:00 Ticket #84 (_putenv invoked instead of putenv) updated by Adrian Pop
fixed in revision 2459


02:28 Ticket #85 (generates divide by zero code) updated by ms6ep
The following model generates C code with expressions of the form "1.0 …
02:28 Ticket #85 (generates divide by zero code) created by ms6ep
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