


20:12 Ticket #1288 (Codegen for blocks in models) created by wbraun
small model that fails: […] with following error message: […]
19:44 Ticket #1287 (Codegen for single array element) created by wbraun
small model that fails: {{{model smallArray parameter Boolean a[:] = …[…]
18:15 Ticket #1286 (Wrong error message from the compiler when trying to cast from real to ...) created by adrpo
Here is the execution trace: […] The compiler should not fail …


15:23 Ticket #1285 (Incorrect warning regarding missing 'inner' declaration.) created by dhedberg
Consider the following definitions: […] Checking the package the …
14:59 Ticket #1284 (The parser segfaults on incomplete models) created by perost
A model such as […] or […] causes the parser to segfault. It …


15:17 Ticket #1283 (Assigning matrices is terribly inefficient (unneeded expand)) created by asodja
The following model calles function EulerAngles with same arguments …
13:09 Ticket #1282 (Implement checkModel functionality that allows checking of partial models) created by adrpo
Right now the checking of partial models …


13:07 Ticket #1281 (Function Inlining: "MultiBody: SlidingJointTest.frame_b.r unbound?") created by asodja
The field {{r_0}} of connector …
02:40 Ticket #1280 (Redesign of the DAE structure as a tree instead of a list) created by adrpo
This should only be done when less risky, higher priority issues have …
02:37 Ticket #1279 (Do not instantiate at all the conditional components that have ...) created by adrpo
This task will investigate if we can gain speed by not instantiating …
02:31 Ticket #1278 (Speeding up the function Exp.crefPrefixOf) created by adrpo
Hard to set priority as the impact is very high, but the risk is also …
02:21 Ticket #1277 (Rewriting default flow connection according to the specification) created by adrpo
This task investigates if the way we are dealing with unconnected flow …


23:09 Ticket #1276 (Investigate speed string sharing in MetaModelica) created by adrpo
See if enabling string sharing for the OpenModelica compiler will …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.