


11:20 Ticket #1301 (Redesign: Add extra phase on top of SCode) created by sjoelund.se
Add another phase to the compiler to speed up instantiation. Today, we …


21:16 Ticket #1300 (HashTable is semi-mutable) created by sjoelund.se
The HashTable contains some fields that are mutable and some that are …


14:58 Ticket #1299 (instantiateDaeFunction() and infinite loops) created by sjoelund.se
There is a problem with the way instantiateDaeFunction breaks loops - …
14:14 Ticket #1298 (Records (and functions) with complex default bindings fail) created by sjoelund.se
Default bindings that refer to other input variables are not handled …


15:41 Ticket #1297 (Flattening of functions without output does not work) created by brugard
If a function without output is used within an if clause in an …[…]
11:36 Ticket #1296 (MetaModelica implementation doesn't pattern-match in statements) created by sjoelund.se
Sample code below. The compiler also pattern-matches with constants …
10:45 Ticket #1295 (Distinct modifications that modify the same attribute are not ...) created by adrpo
These models should generate an error or at least a warning. […] …
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