


17:51 Ticket #1356 (Imports of top-level (builtin) classes do not work) created by sjoelund.se
{{{class A import x=floor; Real r = x(1.5); end A;}}} This …


12:51 Ticket #1355 (Check model gives incorrect error message about variable not being constant) created by dhedberg
Checking myUMLModel.Class_0 gives the following result where for some …
11:47 Ticket #1354 (Wrong number of equations reported) created by brugard
Consider the following model: […] The model reports that it has 3 …


15:34 Ticket #1353 (Magnetic examples gives lookup error) created by petar
Look at libraries/msl31/Modelica.Magnetic.Fluxtubes.mos. It contains …
15:12 Ticket #1352 (OMC does not generate error messages if an invalid complex type is used) created by sjoelund.se
For example, the following should generate an error: […]
14:57 Ticket #1351 (OMC does not detect local non-component elements) created by sjoelund.se
The following should generate an error instead of silently failing. …
09:30 Ticket #1350 (Invalid patterns are accepted by OMC) created by sjoelund.se
Non-existing fields are accepted: {{{uniontype Ut record UT end …


15:05 Ticket #1349 (Incompatilbe argument types (ExtractorTest)) created by petar
The attached model previously worked but stopped working around r 6316
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