


17:05 Ticket #1552 (Optimize algorithm sections whenever possible) created by sjoelund.se
This should generate an alias-equation x = y […] The only thing we …


17:37 Ticket #1551 (Index reduction fails for "simple" model) created by sjoelund.se
08:28 Ticket #1550 (Initialization of non-fixed parameters) created by sjoelund.se
[…] generates C-code […] Which is clearly wrong
05:58 Ticket #1549 (initial() is a constant?) created by wbraun
An equation with initial() treated as an constant simple equation, […]


16:42 Ticket #1548 (OMEdit Add setting for MSL version in OptionsWidget) created by sjoelund.se
Also, add a widget with a list of models to load :) I.e. a list: * …


18:11 Ticket #1547 (end outside subscript should be rejected) created by sjoelund.se
17:10 Ticket #1546 (Need more powerful API to get annotations) created by sjoelund.se
[…] The above code should return a single literal or OMEdit breaks
11:48 Ticket #1545 (The bootstrapped compiler should warn about overlapping patterns in match!) created by adrpo
If you have a match (not matchcontinue) and you add two cases with …
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