


19:55 Ticket #1566 (Compilation of nonexisting mos-script gives parser error) created by perost
Running the compiler on a mos-script that doesn't exist produces the …


17:53 Ticket #1565 (OMOptim is not working under Linux) created by wbraun
When you load a model and compile it you get a message, that {{{Model …


08:03 Ticket #1564 (Do some sanity checks on the omc executable before copy to build/bin ...) created by adrpo
If omc for some reason (you made some mistakes) exits with error the …


23:18 Ticket #1563 (Connectors extending records are not handled) created by perost
When a connector extends from a record it's not handled correctly, …
03:02 Ticket #1562 (F77 functions sometimes overwrite input arguments) created by perost
The model Modelica.Media.Incompressible.Examples.Glycol47 gets …
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