


12:47 Ticket #1721 (error division by zero) created by mohamed
Dear all, I have a problem with a model generating an error division …


15:01 Ticket #1720 (error FMU) created by mohamed
Dear all, I tried to generate the Fmu file of a model whitin …
14:11 Ticket #1719 (OMEdit does not display quoted classes) created by sjoelund.se
For example OpenModelica.UsersGuide.ReleaseNotes.'1.8.1'
10:38 Ticket #1718 (OMEdit: change package saving) created by a_severin
There are 2 ways to create package with some models. 1st is to create …


19:33 Ticket #1717 (Generate unique index for all equations in SimCode) created by sjoelund.se
Non-linear systems are given an index which is different from the one …
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