


20:16 Ticket #2652 (OMPython missing on MacPorts installer) created by guitorri@…
The PythonInterface directory is missing in the: …
16:30 Ticket #2651 (Definitions in SimulationRuntime/c/openmodelica.h and ...) created by mkloeppel
In SimulationRuntime/c/openmodelica.h (line 91) the following …
10:57 Ticket #2650 (same instance name in several hierachical levels generate wrong crefs) closed by adrpo
fixed: Fixed in r19984.
08:53 Ticket #2650 (same instance name in several hierachical levels generate wrong crefs) created by petar
Consider this simple example: […] It fails to generate code …


10:48 Ticket #2649 (Incompartible type for copy_string_array) closed by sjoelund.se
worksforme: r19944
10:29 Ticket #2649 (Incompartible type for copy_string_array) created by wbraun
In the coverage test of the buildings library we get since yesterday a …


15:09 Ticket #2648 (wrong simulation results for pulsed voltage source) created by vwaurich
Hi, the model Modelica.Electrical.Spice3.Sources.V_pulse which occurs …
12:12 Ticket #2647 (Expression.simplify is way too slow) created by wbraun
For the following models the compile time increases heavy, if one …


17:27 Ticket #2646 (How to find where OMEdit searches files) closed by ceraolo
17:03 Ticket #2643 (Generation of Equations from Record Default values not avoided if ...) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r19914.
16:03 Ticket #2646 (How to find where OMEdit searches files) created by ceraolo
When we use Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTable with tableOnFile=true, …
11:12 Ticket #2645 (Make re-simulation easier to find in OMEdit) created by perost
The option to re-simulate a model in OMEdit is somewhat hidden at the …
10:45 Ticket #2644 (Scripted for loop string concatenation not working) created by perost
The following script: […] gives the result […] s becomes …


17:14 Ticket #2643 (Generation of Equations from Record Default values not avoided if ...) created by jfrenkel
For the following model […] omc generates the following flat …
16:03 Ticket #2642 (Multiple modifier) created by vitalij
Currently in OpenModelica it is possible to set multiple modifier for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.