


13:45 Ticket #3959 (Support calling functions directly from the OMEdit library browser) closed by adeas31
fixed: Done in a937586/OMEdit.


15:37 Ticket #5064 (Inline doesn't work properly) created by adrpo
The NF can flatten attached model: …
01:48 Ticket #5063 ([NF] Variability of integer() result) created by adrpo
The Modelica spec is not clear if integer() function returns a …


00:25 Ticket #5062 ([NF] Handling of parameters (fixed=false, start=value) with ...) closed by adrpo
fixed: Fixed with: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OMCompiler/pull/2600


21:44 Ticket #5062 ([NF] Handling of parameters (fixed=false, start=value) with ...) created by adrpo
It seems that in MSL we have final parameters with …
18:48 Ticket #5061 ([NF] Are public parameters allowed in functions by the Modelica spec?) created by adrpo
The NF is really strict on this: …


08:10 Ticket #2983 (Show simulation results while running the simulation) reopened by Alexander Täschner <A.Taeschner@…>
Replying to casella: > please show me the simulation …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.