

16:32 Ticket #79 (Backend - Bug in mixed system of a single if-equation.) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
Dear Mr. Peter Aronsson, after I tested the class BugDebCoefficient, …
16:32 Ticket #79 (Backend - Bug in mixed system of a single if-equation.) created by Robert.Wotzlaw


16:15 Ticket #78 (Called function behind caller function in cpp file) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
(In reply to comment #1) > This bug might be fixed, which version did …
15:49 Ticket #78 (Called function behind caller function in cpp file) updated by Peter Aronsson
This bug might be fixed, which version did you use? /Peter
15:05 Ticket #78 (Called function behind caller function in cpp file) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
Dear Mr. Peter Aronsson, something new. Bug in cpp source file, a …
15:05 Ticket #78 (Called function behind caller function in cpp file) created by Robert.Wotzlaw


20:29 Ticket #76 (TabIndex Simulation failed) updated by Robert.Wotzlaw
Dear Mr. Peter Aronsson, now something new. The first example I tried …
14:14 Ticket #77 (Built-in type attributes given as modifiers in type declarations not ...) updated by jakesson
Consider the class: model C1 Real x (unit="m", start=1); type Y = …
14:14 Ticket #77 (Built-in type attributes given as modifiers in type declarations not ...) created by jakesson
See comments.
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