


18:49 Ticket #1325 (When extending a class the overconstrained connection graph is built ...) created by adrpo
The overconstrained connection graph resulting from instantiating this …
14:51 Ticket #1324 (updateConnection API deletes the connection but doesn't update it.) created by adrpo
For this updateConnection.mos script: […] we get this wrong …


11:47 Ticket #1323 (Array indexing with another array) created by sjoelund.se
From Tom Short via openmodelicainterest: Here is an example that does …


12:33 Ticket #1322 (Wrong error: Tuple assignment only allowed when rhs is a function call) created by adrpo
If we have an external function that returns a tuple: […] we get …


23:27 Ticket #1321 (Misleading error messages) created by sjoelund.se
{{{package P constant Real x = {1,1::2}; function fn input …
11:59 Ticket #1319 (Bootstrapping name conflict) created by sjoelund.se
Using the same name in both record (inside a uniontype) and the …


14:37 Ticket #1318 (Bootstrap the compiler) created by sjoelund.se
The OpenModelica compiler should be bootstrapped.
14:32 Ticket #1317 (Handle quoted identifiers in the back-end) created by adrpo
We should escape all quoted identifier: […] This could be done in a …
11:44 Ticket #1316 (Generated code may contain names that are reserved in C++) created by sjoelund.se
For example: {{{function fn input Real default; output Real …
00:24 Ticket #1315 (Checking model Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Visualizers.Internal.Lines ...) created by adrpo
[…] We might need to relax the type checking a bit more while …
00:22 Ticket #1314 (Checking function Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readFile gives errors) created by adrpo
[…] We might need to do some additional things for this function …
00:20 Ticket #1313 (Checking function Modelica.Utilities.Files.list gives errors) created by adrpo
00:16 Ticket #1312 (Modelica.Utilities.Streams.readLine should use ...) created by adrpo
While checking Modelica.Utilities.Examples.readRealParameterModel we …


23:57 Ticket #1311 (Better error messages for packages that contain equations are needed!) created by adrpo
Instantiating this package (thanks to Eric Van Gelder for sending it): …
16:39 Ticket #1310 (Error messages when calling functions with too few arguments) created by sjoelund.se
{{{public function unparseStr "function: unparseStr Prettyprints the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.