


16:58 Ticket #1344 (Separate Front-end/Back-end) created by adrpo
The steps to separate front-end and back-end: * separate files into …
15:21 Ticket #1343 (Full support for assert()) created by sjoelund.se
We only support positional calling of assert(), but it has named …
15:02 Ticket #1342 (External functions should not be constant evaluated) created by perost
Modelica functions that call external code should not be constant …
12:39 Ticket #1341 (Event handling: Duplicate events) created by sjoelund.se
branches/sjoelund-functiontree/testsuite/mosfiles/Random.mos produces …


18:43 Ticket #1340 (Code generation issue with for-iterators in simulation context) created by sjoelund.se
{{{model mod2 constant Integer n=3; output Real Z[n, n]; Real …
16:31 Ticket #1339 (Susan uses RML local declarations) created by sjoelund.se
RML has now deprecated the use of case-local variables, which Susan …
14:07 Ticket #1338 (susan has no error output on typo after match) created by wbraun
for template function like this one: template foo(typeA abc) := match …


23:31 Ticket #1337 (Handle Susan problems when building without OMC) created by adrpo
When you have a clean directory (no OMC build) and you change types in …
15:57 Ticket #1336 (Implement a preprocessing phase from SCode to SCode that simplifies ...) created by adrpo
Implement an preprocessing phase that removes: * extends (copies the …
14:45 Ticket #1335 (omc cannot handle annotation 3.x for some components) created by mohsen
If we set the annotations version to 3, then the OMC API …


12:55 Ticket #1334 (Do dependency analysis in instElementList) created by sjoelund.se
In order to instantiate Modelica.Media models, we need to instantiate …
12:36 Ticket #1333 (Rewrite Cevalfunc to use the instantiated DAE instead of SCode.) created by adrpo
Today Cevalfunc uses SCode (why is doing that, nobody …
12:05 Ticket #1332 (Media: Redeclare record doesn't work correctly) created by sjoelund.se
{{{class C record myR end myR; end C; class B replaceable record …


13:12 Ticket #1331 (OMNotebook spins when opening some notebooks) created by sjoelund.se
Open for example Functions/Call.onb, and it starts using 100% CPU. The …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.