


14:50 Ticket #1504 (Stack overflow for EngineV6) created by sjoelund.se
[…] Wait 15 minutes (64-bit machine might be required; it hit 4.4GB …
14:06 Ticket #1503 (Optimize backend control-flow after symbolic manipulations) created by sjoelund.se
[…] This will surely not be optimized by GCC... We know a constant …
01:59 Ticket #1502 (pre operator cannot be compiled) created by fh77
Here I'm not sure if its a bug. The pre operator cannot be compiled …
01:43 Ticket #1501 (sample call does not work correctly in version 1.7.0) created by fh77
I have a sample two sample calls with different intervals (0.1 and …
01:31 Ticket #1500 (in vesion 1.6.1 functions could not be parsed) created by fh77
in version 1.7.0 and 1.6.0 I had not this problem simple sample, …


15:44 Ticket #1499 (External objects constructor/deconstructor should use external functions) created by sjoelund.se
The following should work (and does if called as an external function: …


14:06 Ticket #1498 (OMEdit: Diagram/icon view could be exported as additional formats) created by sjoelund.se
For example, SVG and Printing could be useful :)


23:02 Ticket #1497 (OM Installer: Installer fails if drive "c:" does not exist / is not ...) created by ruhrfire
Hi, Adrian, I couldn't install the new OM version on my home PC since …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.