


12:16 Ticket #1658 (Disallow elementwise unary operations) created by sjoelund.se
.-3 and .+3 should parse, but not elaborate
10:55 Ticket #1657 (Remove operator DAE.UPLUS) created by sjoelund.se
This is a no-op operator that is handled in a lot of places; it should …


17:25 Ticket #1656 (Simplify some simple polynomials) created by sjoelund.se
See if the following pattern is used anywhere in MSL and if so, …


09:17 Ticket #1655 (Omedit display of PID MSL component) created by ceraolo
The component Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID seems to be working very …


18:37 Ticket #1654 (Size mismatch in equation) created by wbraun
is this wanted: […] Should this really work, because we test this …
09:56 Ticket #1653 (Simulation uses wrong results from singular liniear system for calculation.) created by Frenkel TUD
If a liniear system is detected as singular the simulation runtime …
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