

12:05 Ticket #2752 (Code Generation - code generation errors for zero crossings) updated by Lennart Ochel
Cc changed


22:18 Ticket #2756 (Code Generation - OM reports an error in the C code it creates) updated by massimo ceraolo
Description changed
15:51 AutoCreateBug.mo attached to Ticket #2756 by massimo ceraolo
15:51 Ticket #2756 (Code Generation - OM reports an error in the C code it creates) created by massimo ceraolo
If I run (using OM r20199) "gridTest21" of the enclosed package …
09:30 Ticket #2755 (Backend - Pantelides fails in a small model) updated by Lennart Ochel
Component changed
The pre-optimization module removeSimpleEquations fails before the …
09:28 Ticket #2754 (Backend - Models that fail with doLinearTearing) updated by Willi Braun
The coverage test has only brings up one that belongs …
09:22 Ticket #2755 (Backend - Pantelides fails in a small model) created by massimo ceraolo
I have a class of models for which the following error is issued …


13:48 Ticket #2140 (Backend - Enable Tearing by default) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: Enabled linear tearing by default in r21558.
13:47 Ticket #1804 (Backend - nonlinear solver failed for torn system) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: Tearing for Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.CauerLowPassSC fixed …
13:45 Ticket #2040 (Backend - Simcode scales badly for large linear systems) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: Seems to be fixed in meantime, since for N=80: […]
13:30 Ticket #2754 (Backend - Models that fail with doLinearTearing) created by Willi Braun
Since r21558 the following models fails with doLinearTearing: […] …
13:21 Ticket #1967 (Run-time - Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.EngineV6) closed by Willi Braun
fixed: In r21588 I activated doLinearTearing by default and now I've …
12:01 Ticket #2688 (Backend - Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to vwaurich: > Sorry, I expressed myself in a …
11:49 Ticket #2688 (Backend - Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled) updated by Volker Waurich
Sorry, I expressed myself in a wrong way. The type is of course the …
08:32 Ticket #2688 (Backend - Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to vwaurich: > Would it be ok to move the …
07:20 Ticket #2688 (Backend - Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled) updated by Volker Waurich
The model is singular because the incidenceMatrix is calculated wrong. …


15:32 Ticket #2753 (*unknown* - Modelica.Utilities.Streams.close not working properly (blocked by omc.exe)) closed by Martin Sjölund
wontfix: Use m:newticket. It's a Windows-specific problem that is also related …
15:29 Ticket #2753 (*unknown* - Modelica.Utilities.Streams.close not working properly (blocked by omc.exe)) created by Jan Kokert
When I use the Modelica.Utilities.Streams.close(<file>) to close the …
11:16 Ticket #2685 (Code Generation - Connector with record fails with code generation issues) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to vwaurich: > Per, Could you please have a look …
11:11 Ticket #2685 (Code Generation - Connector with record fails with code generation issues) updated by Volker Waurich
Component changed
11:11 Ticket #2685 (Code Generation - Connector with record fails with code generation issues) updated by Volker Waurich
Hi, commit [21524] fixed the backend-issue with the wrong number of …
11:00 simulationTotal.mo attached to Ticket #2752 by Lennart Ochel
11:00 Ticket #2752 (Code Generation - code generation errors for zero crossings) created by Lennart Ochel
foo.simulation produces code generation errors for zero …
10:56 Ticket #2749 (Code Generation - code generation fails for PN model) updated by Lennart Ochel
Cc changed
Mahder, please can you have a look?
09:05 Ticket #2688 (Backend - Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled) updated by Per Östlund
Replying to vwaurich: > If y has the size of 2, it might …
06:58 Ticket #2688 (Backend - Matching fails if ASUB-conversion is disabled) updated by Volker Waurich
If y has the size of 2, it might not be possible to adress index 3 and …


18:36 Ticket #2751 (Backend - CombiTables do not work for MSL trunk) created by Martin Sjölund
MSL trunk ModelicaTest.Tables.CombiTimeTable.Test15 fails with the …


09:49 Ticket #2750 (Code Generation - Units of derivatives in the variables browser) updated by Lennart Ochel
This is a basic error. Currently, time is treated without any …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.