


20:21 Ticket #2839 (Jacobi matrix not calculated correctly when I give Linearization time ...) created by hage02@…
I have OpenModelica 1.9.0 for Windows, and I want to get the Jacobian …
17:41 Ticket #2838 (ExternalMedia library, OMEdit crash with ...) created by anonymous
Hi, I try to work with the ExternalMedia and CoolProp2Modelica-library …
16:51 Ticket #2834 (Don't print attributes in type mismatch errors) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r22431.
13:41 Ticket #2767 (fmi2GetDerivatives shifts value references by -1 when calling getReal ...) closed by adeas31
fixed: If it works fine then its ok :). If you have problems then open a new …
12:22 Ticket #2836 (NFSCodeDependency removes used class) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r22429.
11:20 Ticket #2837 (Wrong code generation for model) created by adrpo
This pattern is not properly supported in the back-end or code …
09:46 Ticket #2733 (test suite w/o cpp runtime test) closed by lochel
07:43 Ticket #2836 (NFSCodeDependency removes used class) created by adrpo
After running the dependency on the last class in this program …
06:03 Ticket #2835 (Overconstrained connector support for types extending basic types) closed by adrpo
fixed: Fixed in r22424. PowerSystems library is +10 build +10 simulate …
05:22 Ticket #2835 (Overconstrained connector support for types extending basic types) created by adrpo
Currently we only support overconstrained connectors which are records …


20:44 Ticket #2834 (Don't print attributes in type mismatch errors) created by perost
We currently print out builtin attributes in type mismatch errors. The …
15:51 Ticket #2833 (ExpressionSolve fails) closed by vitalij
fixed: fixed in r22415
15:44 Ticket #2833 (ExpressionSolve fails) created by vitalij
ExpressionSolve.solve is not able to solve […]
13:42 Ticket #2614 (import mat-files for initialization) closed by lochel
fixed: Thank you for this helpful comment. I improved this in r22413.
12:54 WritingCompliantLibraries edited by sjoelund.se


23:49 Ticket #2614 (import mat-files for initialization) reopened by anonymous
Sorry to reopen a closed report. The fix in r19557 only checks for …
21:57 Ticket #2764 (ModelStructure with wrong dependencies for states and without ...) reopened by rfranke
Now the Derivatives section looks good for the given example! The …
19:21 Ticket #2830 (Override of start attributes does not work in combination with fixed=true) reopened by lochel
unfixed in r22403 It is not a good idea to allow to override each …
15:57 Ticket #2832 (Annotation in external objects is lost when instantiating) created by carlj@…
When instantiating an external object, the annotation in the class is …
11:51 Ticket #2829 (Using nonexisting positional function arguments gives bad error) closed by perost
fixed: Fixed in r22389 and r22391.
11:31 Ticket #2831 (OMEdit fails to find local dlls on Windows) created by perost
If a model uses an external function which specifies a library by …
11:13 Ticket #2830 (Override of start attributes does not work in combination with fixed=true) closed by lochel
fixed: fixed in r22392
11:05 Ticket #2830 (Override of start attributes does not work in combination with fixed=true) created by lochel
The following model can be used to explore the issue. Using the …


17:02 Ticket #2829 (Using nonexisting positional function arguments gives bad error) created by perost
Instantiating the following model: […] gives an error message: …
16:41 Ticket #2828 (Function partial application sometimes results in type mismatch) created by perost
Defining map1Fold like this causes an error: […] The error is: …
14:51 Ticket #2823 (Quadratic complexity for lists in SimCodeUtil.replaceLiteralExp) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r22353.
13:48 Ticket #2827 (Function partial application doesn't work with polymorphic types) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r22352.
13:26 Ticket #2827 (Function partial application doesn't work with polymorphic types) created by perost
Function partial application gives template error when compiling: […]
13:12 Ticket #2824 (Issues with multi-iterator list comprehension) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Should be fixed in r22350.
11:44 Ticket #2798 (OMEdit crashes when saving a model) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r22347 (a function returning a bool did not return anyway, …
10:34 Ticket #2826 (Short version of match) created by perost
It would be nice to have a more compact version of match, similar to …
08:32 Ticket #2825 (Override of Q-Idents) created by lochel
The simulation command line flag -override is quite useful. …


16:45 Ticket #2824 (Issues with multi-iterator list comprehension) created by perost
Implementing List.productMap like this causes issues: […] The issue …
14:59 Ticket #2823 (Quadratic complexity for lists in SimCodeUtil.replaceLiteralExp) created by perost
The current implementation is SimCodeUtil.replaceLiteralExp is very …
08:17 Ticket #2822 (Code generation for function aliases) closed by sjoelund.se
fixed: Fixed in r22332.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.