

20:29 Ticket #3363 (Frontend - Evaluation of parameter args of external objects) created by Rüdiger Franke
External objects often require parameters, like a file name or a size. …
12:24 Ticket #3152 (Run-time - HTML profiling report is broken) updated by Martin Sjölund
The profiling in OMEdit sorts the blocks fine (doesn't output …
09:46 Ticket #3360 (Frontend - Model flattening fails with enumeration type arrays) closed by Per Östlund
fixed: Fixed in d084a77e39/OMCompiler. The nightly Linux builds …
08:40 Ticket #3360 (Frontend - Model flattening fails with enumeration type arrays) updated by Per Östlund
Status, Owner changed


08:25 Ticket #3359 (*unknown* - Ubuntu nightly builds not updated) updated by Martin Sjölund
Replying to palm86@…: > Thanks for making the nightlies …
07:30 Ticket #3362 (OMEdit - Context menu names in OMEdit) updated by anonymous
From the programmer point of view it is the same thing; from the user …


11:53 Ticket #3358 (Backend - Strange discrete behavior in algorithms) closed by Lennart Ochel
11:38 Ticket #3358 (Backend - Strange discrete behavior in algorithms) updated by Lennart Ochel
Fixed in 4d21eda/OMCompiler.
10:45 Ticket #3362 (OMEdit - Context menu names in OMEdit) updated by Adeel Asghar
In both cases the same thing is done. It just unloads the model from …
10:28 Ticket #3358 (Backend - Strange discrete behavior in algorithms) updated by Lennart Ochel
Status, Owner changed
10:01 Ticket #3358 (Backend - Strange discrete behavior in algorithms) updated by Lennart Ochel
Description changed
06:15 Ticket #3362 (OMEdit - Context menu names in OMEdit) created by anonymous
In OMEdit, there is a Libraries Browser context menu item for unload …
06:13 Ticket #3359 (*unknown* - Ubuntu nightly builds not updated) updated by palm86@…
Thanks for making the nightlies available again. Ubuntu users should …


16:59 Ticket #3361 (Build Environment - Build on OS X fails) updated by Adam Dershowitz
Cc changed
16:58 Ticket #3361 (Build Environment - Build on OS X fails) updated by Henning Kiel
I'm wondering why Ipopt is compiled, though I disabled it with …
16:53 Ticket #3361 (Build Environment - Build on OS X fails) updated by Henning Kiel
This is my build environment: […]
16:12 Ticket #3361 (Build Environment - Build on OS X fails) updated by Henning Kiel
OMCompiler/3rdParty/ModelicaExternalC is configured with …
15:57 Ticket #3361 (Build Environment - Build on OS X fails) created by Henning Kiel
Right out of the box compilation (as advertised) did never work for my …
14:13 Ticket #2905 (Frontend - Provide comment-preserving parsing and unparsing) updated by Martin Sjölund
I added a listFile API as a first step: 6293f8f/OMCompiler
12:22 Ticket #3360 (Frontend - Model flattening fails with enumeration type arrays) updated by palm86@…
Well, here is a more sensible example: […]
12:13 Ticket #3360 (Frontend - Model flattening fails with enumeration type arrays) created by palm86@…
The following model demonstrates the issue, but it is probably not …


18:43 Ticket #3359 (*unknown* - Ubuntu nightly builds not updated) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: There is a nightly build now, but it is marked 1.9.3~dev, so the old …
18:42 Ticket #3359 (*unknown* - Ubuntu nightly builds not updated) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed


14:30 Ticket #3359 (*unknown* - Ubuntu nightly builds not updated) created by palm86@…
The nightly builds for Ubuntu has been down for a while. Not sure what …
14:21 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by Martin Sjölund
Not that I know of.
14:13 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by palm86@…
Is there an issue on trac that I can follow to know when the nightly …
14:04 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by Martin Sjölund
No, the nightly builds are not up yet.
13:52 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by Per Östlund
Cc changed
Replying to palm86@…: > Thanks for the ultraquick fix. …
13:33 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by palm86@…
Thanks for the ultraquick fix. Will this be available in the Ubuntu …
13:12 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) closed by Per Östlund
13:12 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by Per Östlund
Fixed in 6f28e41/OMCompiler.
12:47 Ticket #3030 (Build Environment - Openmodelica fails to configure) updated by Adeel Asghar
Status, Owner changed
12:39 Ticket #2615 (Installation program - Mac binary release: Library not loaded.) closed by Martin Sjölund
worksforme: I couldn't find any difficulties installing the nightly build.
12:39 Ticket #2812 (Installation program - Remove obsolete sections from documentation) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Now we have a new sphinx based documentation.
12:37 Ticket #2775 (*unknown* - OMShell) closed by Adeel Asghar
12:33 Ticket #3018 (Run-time - Calling ModelicaError from external function) closed by Adeel Asghar
12:32 Ticket #3061 (Installation program - Mac port install openmodelica-devel fails: syntax error near ...) closed by Martin Sjölund
worksforme: I think we have the automake dependency now.
12:32 Ticket #3022 (Build Environment - Can't install openmodelica from MacPorts) closed by Adeel Asghar
12:31 Ticket #2600 (Build Environment - Reduce size of reference files) closed by Martin Sjölund
fixed: Fixed with the git migration
12:31 Ticket #2600 (Build Environment - Reduce size of reference files) updated by Martin Sjölund
Status, Owner changed
12:21 Ticket #2049 (OMPlot - OMPlot: limitation on zooming) closed by Adeel Asghar
12:02 Ticket #2913 (Build Environment - Online documentation of OMC flags) updated by Martin Sjölund
We have the API calls documented in the User's Guide now: …
11:16 Ticket #1630 (Backend - OMEdit: Interactive Simulation blocks the GUI.) closed by Adeel Asghar
11:08 Ticket #2302 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook: avoid "Close OMC" message) closed by Adeel Asghar
invalid: This is invalid now since I have removed this message a while back …
09:58 Ticket #3358 (Backend - Strange discrete behavior in algorithms) created by Lennart Ochel
The following two models produces different simulation results: …
09:29 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) updated by Per Östlund
Status, Owner, Component changed
08:37 Ticket #3357 (Frontend - inStream ignores min/max modifiers on stream connector flow variables) created by palm86@…
I might be mistaken, but simple tests so far seem to confirm that …
05:27 Ticket #3356 (Code Generation - Improve Susan buffers) created by Martin Sjölund
Susan has performance issues with large strings sometimes. I think …


15:06 Ticket #3354 (OMEdit - A minor OMEdit glitch regarding selection of a lower layer object) closed by Adeel Asghar
wontfix: This is not possible since the red boxes are children of rectangle or …
14:09 Ticket #3355 (OMEdit - OMEdit automated crash report) closed by Francesco Casella
worksforme: OK, thanks, maybe he hasn't tried him out for a while. I have …
12:28 Ticket #3355 (OMEdit - OMEdit automated crash report) updated by massimo ceraolo
Maybe the crash is associated with the "too many heap sections" …
12:19 Ticket #3355 (OMEdit - OMEdit automated crash report) updated by Adeel Asghar
We already have this feature. When the GUI crashes the user is …
12:15 Ticket #3355 (OMEdit - OMEdit automated crash report) created by Francesco Casella
A colleague of mine reports that he basically cannot use OMEdit to do …
11:42 Ticket #3351 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook no longer works on Windows nightly builds) closed by Adeel Asghar
fixed: Fixed in 7e6af05/OMNotebook.
08:45 Ticket #3353 (OMNotebook - OMNotebook crashes on startup (Windows)) closed by Per Östlund
duplicate: Duplicate of #3351.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.