

16:50 Ticket #3867 (MetaModelica - Add alternative to array<T> for mutable variables) updated by Martin Sjölund
One question is also if we should implement it simply as external "C" …
16:32 Ticket #3867 (MetaModelica - Add alternative to array<T> for mutable variables) updated by Martin Sjölund
Some starts on the syntax for this: * Julia uses Lisp-style syntax …


16:37 Ticket #4384 (Run-time - Memory management of pre values) updated by Lennart Ochel
I would like to remove all redundant data (if possible) to simplify …
16:34 Ticket #4393 (Backend - Steam pipe model from the ScalableTestSuite library broken with -daeMode) updated by Lennart Ochel
What is the problem if daeMode and wrapFunctionCalls are used together?
12:47 Ticket #4393 (Backend - Steam pipe model from the ScalableTestSuite library broken with -daeMode) updated by Willi Braun
Status, Owner changed
Replying to ptaeuber: > The models only fail if …
09:22 Ticket #4384 (Run-time - Memory management of pre values) updated by Willi Braun
Well, the ringbuffer was originally introduced to avoid coping values …


15:20 Ticket #4394 (Backend - PNLib problems with when(initial) and counter function) updated by Patrick Täuber
Keywords, Summary changed
The issue in PNlib.Examples.DisTest.TFDoutputConflict is caused by a …
14:09 Ticket #4384 (Run-time - Memory management of pre values) updated by Lennart Ochel
@wbraun What do you think?
10:44 Ticket #4393 (Backend - Steam pipe model from the ScalableTestSuite library broken with -daeMode) updated by Patrick Täuber
Cc changed
10:43 Ticket #4393 (Backend - Steam pipe model from the ScalableTestSuite library broken with -daeMode) updated by Patrick Täuber
The models only fail if wrapFunctionCalls and daeMode is activated …


16:38 Ticket #4383 (MetaModelica - Array constructor { } fails) closed by Lennart Ochel
11:51 Ticket #4394 (Backend - PNLib problems with when(initial) and counter function) updated by Lennart Ochel
@ptaeuber You are right: * PNlib.Examples.ExtTest.TFDStest fails …


13:13 Ticket #3812 (Backend - Functions that depend on parameters should only get evaluated once) closed by Patrick Täuber
fixed: With …
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