

22:27 Ticket #5817 (Backend - Usage of three-phase Aron sensor got problematic last December 2019) updated by Francesco Casella
Replying to Karim.Abdelhak: > I guess i will have to also …
22:20 Ticket #5669 (NF API - OMEdit crashes expanding Modelica.Media.Air) updated by Francesco Casella
@nruchti, if you find any specific issue that is not already covered …
18:56 Ticket #5817 (Backend - Usage of three-phase Aron sensor got problematic last December 2019) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
I am really confused by this case. In general i think i get what is …
17:27 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Maurizio Palmieri
thank you for the help
16:47 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Yes, that is the place: […]
16:25 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
I think it is in /usr/include/omc/c/fmi-export/ but I'm not near a …
15:54 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by anonymous
Replying to adrpo: > > As a workaround for previous …
13:59 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
PR: https://github.com/OpenModelica/OpenModelica/pull/6679
13:52 Ticket #5669 (NF API - OMEdit crashes expanding Modelica.Media.Air) updated by Kossong <nruchti@…>
I get the same/similar crash on 1.16.0. I Run Windows 7 64 bit. While …
13:35 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
Hm, I looked more a the existing code and it seems we could use the …
13:29 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
From my side I vote for just ignoring the defined stopTime, I'll ask …
13:26 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
The question is what should we do if the simulator asks to go beyond …
13:23 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Claudio Gomes
Thank you for the quick reply Adrian. From looking at the code you …
13:02 Ticket #6037 (FMI - FMI2.0 Co-simulation: Defining stop time in setupExperiment causes ...) updated by Adrian Pop
The problem seems to be here: …


17:22 Ticket #3689 (Backend - Missing warning for StateSelect.always) updated by Francesco Casella
Honestly I don't see much of a difference. In both cases you must do …
17:18 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) updated by Francesco Casella
Milestone changed
If this is confirmed it is quite serious, we should fix it in 1.16.0 …
14:28 Ticket #3689 (Backend - Missing warning for StateSelect.always) updated by Karim Adbdelhak
I re-visited my commit and noticed that it does not hard quit on some …
14:14 bug.png attached to Ticket #6058 by federico.terraneo@…
14:13 Ticket #6058 (FMI - CVODE FMI variables stuck) created by federico.terraneo@…
I've been trying the CVODE with FMI and I think I found a bug. The …
13:48 Ticket #3689 (Backend - Missing warning for StateSelect.always) updated by Francesco Casella
After consulting Hans Olsson, it is probably better to make this a …
13:47 Ticket #3689 (Backend - Missing warning for StateSelect.always) reopened by Francesco Casella


15:20 Ticket #6057 (Run-time - impeuler poor performance and Restart Kinsol: change linear solver to ...) updated by Francesco Casella
Cc, Priority, Component, Owner, Milestone changed
@Karim, @AhHeuermann, would you mind having a look at that when you …
12:18 testcase.mo attached to Ticket #6057 by federico.terraneo@…
test case
12:17 Ticket #6057 (Run-time - impeuler poor performance and Restart Kinsol: change linear solver to ...) created by federico.terraneo@…
Selecting impeuler as solve produces the following message at every …


11:14 Ticket #6056 (OMEdit - Support plot annotations (MCP-0033)) created by Francesco Casella


17:17 Ticket #3977 (New Instantiation - Better diagnostics for non-balanced models) updated by Francesco Casella
Component changed
I guess this should be handled by the new frontend. BTW, if properly …
15:59 Ticket #2152 (Run-time - Handle time events efficiently) updated by Francesco Casella
Cc, Owner changed
@Karim, @AnHeuermann, please decide among yourselves who wants to take …
14:50 Ticket #3977 (New Instantiation - Better diagnostics for non-balanced models) updated by Francesco Casella
Priority changed
I think this feature is a must for 2.0.0.
09:13 Ticket #6052 (Initialization - Issue with analyzeInitialSystem in HanserModelica) updated by Christian Kral <dr.christian.kral@…>
One more note to not miss any important detail: I suppose that the …
09:10 TestSingleLayer12over12.png attached to Ticket #6052 by Christian Kral <dr.christian.kral@…>
Screen shot of error message
09:05 Ticket #6052 (Initialization - Issue with analyzeInitialSystem in HanserModelica) updated by Christian Kral <dr.christian.kral@…>
I am using the exact same version v1.1.0 (2019-03-24).
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.