Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of ReleaseNotes/1.17.0

2021-02-20T12:29:44+01:00 (4 years ago)



  • ReleaseNotes/1.17.0

    v7 v8  
    3232Unsaved code was sometimes lost when switching among different windows in OMEdit, this is no longer happening in this release. Several issues that caused occasional crashes of the GUI were also fixed.
    34 OMEdit now can use both currently maintained versions of the Modelica Standard Library, MSL 3.2.3 and MSL 4.0.0. Version 3.2.3 is loaded by default in the package browser, but it is possible to enable the automatic selection of MSL 3.2.3 and 4.0.0 by going to the Tools | Options | Libraries menu and removing the Modelica/default library. In this way OMEdit starts with no Modelica library loaded by default, and then loads the appropriate one automatically when a model or package is loaded, based on its {{{uses()}}} annotation.
     34OMEdit now can use both currently maintained versions of the Modelica Standard Library, MSL 3.2.3 and MSL 4.0.0. Version 3.2.3 is loaded by default in the package browser, but it is possible to enable the automatic selection of MSL 3.2.3 and 4.0.0 by going to the Tools | Options | Libraries menu and removing the Modelica 3.2.3 library. In this way OMEdit starts with no Modelica library loaded by default, and then loads the appropriate one automatically when a model or package is loaded, based on its {{{uses()}}} annotation.
    3636Proper support of the package manager from the GUI, including conversion scripts to upgrade existing libraries from MSL 3.2.3 to MSL 4.0.0, is planned for version 1.18.0.