
Version 3 (modified by casella, 3 years ago) (diff)


1.17.0 | Future?

Release Notes for OpenModelica 1.18.0

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

The development of the new front end continued further, after becoming the default in the previous version. The compiler can now successfully flatten 100% of the models of the Modelica Standard Library 3.2.3 and 4.0.0 that have an experiment annotation. It can also successfully flatten 100% of many other open-source Modelica libraries, such as Chemical, HelmholtzMedia, IBPSA, ModelicaTest, OpenIPSL, PNLib, PhotoVoltaics, PlanarMechanics, PowerGrids, PowerSysPro, PowerSystems, SystemDynamics, TAeZoSysPro, ThermofluidStream. The success ratio when flattening the models of the Buildings library is currently at 96%, on-going work aims at reaching 100% by the end of 2021. Overall, 20 front end issues were fixed since the last official release.

Regarding symbolic analysis and code generation, the handling of index reduction in non-trivial cases where the state constraints are spread among many equations has been improved by the introduction of the ASCC algorithm, coupled with the existing reshuffle loop algorithm; this had beneficial effects in particular on three-phase circuit models. Some bugs in the generation of symbolic jacobians for nonlinear systems were fixed. Overall, 11 issues were resolved.

As to the simulation runtime, full support of the spatialDistribution() operator was introduced. Several low-level issues were resolved, involving memory leaks and segmentation faults. The C++ runtime was also vastly improved and it now has a success rate equal or, in some cases, surpassing the default C runtime.

Graphical Editor OMEdit

Several new features were added to the plotting functionality of OMEdit:

  • a "Fit to Diagram" button was added close to the zoom buttons to automatically adjust the extent of a model diagram to its actual content;
  • the sign of plotted variables can be toggled to more easily compare variables that are opposite in sign, by means of the context menu on the variable legends;
  • appropriate multiples of SI units (e.g. mW, W, kW, MW, GW for power) are automatically selected for display based on the order of magnitude of the variable, to avoid very large or very small numbers on the plot axes;
  • the rendering of plots and parameter windows on large and/or high-resolution screens was further improved

Several bugs were also fixed; in total, 27 issues were addressed.

FMI Support and OMSimulator

FMI 2.0 export was further improved; OpenModelica is now included in the FMI Cross-Check testuite. OMSimulator development continues, over 30 issues were fixed.

Data reconciliation

An extension of Modelica to perform data reconciliation on Modelica models was developed with EDF and is now fully implemented and integrated with the OMEdit GUI. The basic ideas are explained in this presentation, and a section DataReconciliation was added to the User's Guide, explaing how to use it step-by-step.

List of tickets closed in 1.18.0

We are currently transitioning from the old trac issue tracker to the GitHub issue tracker, which is fully integrated with the GitHub revision control and continuous integration framework that we use for the development of OpenModelica. Eventually, the old trac tickets will be migrated onto the GitHub issue tracker. For the time being, old tickets are still managed on trac, while new ones are on GitHub. Overall, about 80 issues were addressed successfully.

Next releases

A 1.18.1 bugfix release is planned later this year with some critical bug fixes that have been identified and partially addressed, but need some more testing. The next release 1.19.0 is planned to be released in February 2022, close to the OpenModelica Workshop and Annual Meeting.

Version 1.19.0 is expected to contain a GUI integrated in OMEdit for library handling and conversions. It is also planned to successfully run 100% or close to 100% of the Buildings 7.0.1 library. This will be a major milestone, given the broad extent and complexity of that library.