
Version 1 (modified by, 9 years ago) (diff)


OpenModelica 1.4.0, May 2006

This release has a number of improvements described below. The most significant change is probably that OMC has now been translated to an extended subset of Modelica (MetaModelica), and that all development of the compiler is now done in this version..

OpenModelica Compiler (OMC)

This release includes further improvements of the OpenModelica Compiler (OMC):

  • Partial support for mixed system of equations.
  • New initialization routine, based on optimization (minimizing residuals of initial equations).
  • Symbolic simplification of builtin operators for vectors and matrices.
  • Improved code generation in simulation code to support e.g. Modelica functions.
  • Support for classes extending basic types, e.g. connectors (support for MSL 2.2 block connectors).
  • Support for parametric plotting via the plotParametric command.
  • Many bug fixes.

OpenModelica Shell (OMShell)

Essentially the same OMShell as in 1.3.1. One difference is that now all error messages are sent to the command window instead of to a separate log window.

OpenModelica Notebook (OMNotebook)

Many significant improvements and bug fixes. This version supports graphic plots within the cells in the notebook. Improved cell handling and Modelica code syntax highlighting. Command completion of the most common OMC commands is now supported. The notebook has been used in several courses.

OpenModelica Eclipse Plug-in (MDT)

This is the first really useful version of MDT. Full browsing of Modelica code, e.g. the MSL 2.2, is now supported. (MetaModelica browsing is not yet fully supported). Full support for automatic indentation of Modelica code, including the MetaModelica extensions. Many bug fixes. The Eclipse plug-in is now in use for OpenModelica development at PELAB and MathCore Engineering AB since approximately one month.

OpenModelica Development Environment (OMDev)

The following mechanisms have been put in place to support OpenModelica development.

  • A separate web page for OMDev (OpenModelica Development Environment).
  • A pre-packaged OMDev zip-file with precompiled binaries for development under Windows using the mingw Gnu compiler from the Eclipse MDT plug-in. (Development is also possible using Visual Studio).
  • All source code of the OpenModelica compiler has recently been translated to an extended subset of Modelica, currently called MetaModelica. The current size of OMC is approximately 100 000 lines All development is now done in this version.
  • A new tutorial and users guide for development in MetaModelica.
  • Successful builds and tests of OMC under Linux and Solaris.