Ticket #4270: iPSL_BTotal.mo

File iPSL_BTotal.mo, 36.7 KB (added by Willi Braun, 8 years ago)

model B

1package iPSL "iTesla Power System Library"
2 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
4 package Electrical
5 package Buses
6 model InfiniteBus2
7 iPSL.Connectors.PwPin p;
8 parameter Real angle "Bus voltage angle (deg)";
9 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput V "Bus voltage magnitude (pu)";
10 equation
11 p.vr = V * cos(angle * Modelica.Constants.pi / 180);
12 p.vi = V * sin(angle * Modelica.Constants.pi / 180);
13 end InfiniteBus2;
14 end Buses;
16 package Branches
17 model PwLine "Model for a transmission Line based on the pi-equivalent circuit"
18 outer iPSL.Electrical.SystemBase SysData;
19 iPSL.Connectors.PwPin p;
20 iPSL.Connectors.PwPin n;
21 parameter Real R "Resistance (pu)";
22 parameter Real X "Reactance (pu)";
23 parameter Real G "Shunt half conductance (pu)";
24 parameter Real B "Shunt half susceptance (pu)";
25 parameter Real S_b = SysData.S_b "System base power (MVA)";
26 parameter Real t1 = Modelica.Constants.inf;
27 parameter Real t2 = Modelica.Constants.inf;
28 parameter Integer opening = 1;
29 parameter Boolean displayPF = false "Enable/Disable";
30 Real P12;
31 Real P21;
32 Real Q12;
33 Real Q21;
34 Complex vs(re = p.vr, im = p.vi);
35 Complex is(re = p.ir, im = p.ii);
36 Complex vr(re = n.vr, im = n.vi);
37 Complex ir(re = n.ir, im = n.ii);
38 protected
39 parameter Complex Y(re = G, im = B);
40 parameter Complex Z(re = R, im = X);
41 equation
42 P12 = .Modelica.ComplexMath.real(vs * .Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(is)) * S_b;
43 P21 = -.Modelica.ComplexMath.real(vr * .Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(ir)) * S_b;
44 Q12 = .Modelica.ComplexMath.imag(vs * .Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(is)) * S_b;
45 Q21 = -.Modelica.ComplexMath.imag(vr * .Modelica.ComplexMath.conj(ir)) * S_b;
46 if time >= t1 and time < t2 then
47 if opening == 1 then
48 is = 0 + .Modelica.ComplexMath.j * 0;
49 ir = 0 + .Modelica.ComplexMath.j * 0;
50 elseif opening == 2 then
51 is = 0 + .Modelica.ComplexMath.j * 0;
52 ir = (vr - ir * Z) * Y;
53 else
54 ir = 0 + .Modelica.ComplexMath.j * 0;
55 is = (vs - is * Z) * Y;
56 end if;
57 else
58 vs - vr = Z * (is - vs * Y);
59 vr - vs = Z * (ir - vr * Y);
60 end if;
61 end PwLine;
62 end Branches;
64 package Machines
65 package Eurostag
66 model PwGeneratorM1S "Synchronous machine model according to Park's classical theory (Full model description).
67 The model corresponds to Eurostag's full model for M1S machine
68 (defined by internal parameters). Developed by RTE and adapted by AIA.
69 2014/03/10. Update and validate by AIA (Change pin_OMEGA to RealOutput). 2016 "
70 iPSL.Connectors.PwPin sortie;
71 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pin_EFD;
72 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_OMEGA;
73 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pin_CM;
74 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omegaRef;
75 Real cm(start = init_cm);
76 Real efd(start = init_efd);
77 Real ur;
78 Real ui;
79 Real lambdaf(start = init_lambdaf);
80 Real lambdad(start = init_lambdad);
81 Real lambdaad(start = init_lambdaad);
82 Real lambdaaq(start = init_lambdaaq);
83 Real lambdaq1(start = init_lambdaq1);
84 Real lambdaq2(start = init_lambdaq2);
85 Real id(start = init_id);
86 Real iq(start = init_iq);
87 Real theta(start = init_theta);
88 Real omega(start = init_omega);
89 Real E;
90 Real Mds;
91 Real Mqs;
92 Real Md;
93 Real Mq;
94 Real Mi;
95 Real LMD;
96 Real LMQ;
97 parameter Real init_lambdaf = 0;
98 parameter Real init_lambdad = 0;
99 parameter Real init_lambdaad = 0;
100 parameter Real init_lambdaaq = 0;
101 parameter Real init_lambdaq1 = 0;
102 parameter Real init_lambdaq2 = 0;
103 parameter Real init_id = 0;
104 parameter Real init_iq = 0;
105 parameter Real init_theta = 0;
106 parameter Real init_omega = 1;
107 parameter Real init_cm = 0;
108 parameter Real init_efd = 0;
109 parameter Real omega0 = 2 * 3.14159265 * 50 "Nominal network angular frequency";
110 parameter Real SNREF = 100 "MVA system base";
111 parameter Real SN = 1150 "Nominal apparent power (MVA)";
112 parameter Real PN = 1000 "Nominal turbine (active) power (MW)";
113 parameter Real PNALT = 1100;
114 parameter Real rStatIn = 0.004 "Stator resistance p.u. in the machine SN base";
115 parameter Real lStatIn = 0.219 "Stator leakage p.u. in the machine SN base";
116 parameter Real mD0Pu = 2.351 "d axis mutual inductance p.u. in the machine SN base";
117 parameter Real WLMDVPu = 0.7459 "d axis mutual inductance corresponding to magnetic condition taken for setting the voltage regulator";
118 parameter Real mCanPu = 0.0 "CANAY's inductance p.u. in the machine SN base";
119 parameter Real rDPu = 0.01723 "d axis damper winding resistance p.u. in the machine SN base";
120 parameter Real lDPu = 0.12825 "d axis damper winding leakage p.u. in the machine SN base";
121 parameter Real rRotIn = 0.00113 "Rotor resistance p.u. in the machine SN base";
122 parameter Real lRotIn = 0.24253 "Rotor leakage p.u. in the machine SN base";
123 parameter Real mQ0Pu = 2.351 "q axis mutual inductance p.u. in the machine SN base";
124 parameter Real rQ1Pu = 0.0193 "q axis damper 1 winding resistance p.u. in the machine SN base";
125 parameter Real lQ1Pu = 0.08921 "q axis damper 1 winding leakeage p.u. in the machine SN base";
126 parameter Real rQ2Pu = 0.03923 "q axis damper 2 winding resistance p.u. in the machine SN base";
127 parameter Real lQ2Pu = 1.78484 "q axis damper 2 winding leakeage p.u. in the machine SN base";
128 parameter Real md = 0.1 "Coefficient md of the saturation curve";
129 parameter Real mq = 0.1 "Coefficient mq of the saturation curve";
130 parameter Real snd = 6 "Coefficient nd of the saturation curve";
131 parameter Real snq = 6 "Coefficient nq of the saturation curve";
132 parameter Real DIn = 0.0 "mechanical damping coefficient";
133 parameter Real HIn = 6.3 "Constant of inertia";
134 parameter Real U1N = 24 "nominal voltage machine side";
135 parameter Real V1 = 24 "base voltage machine side";
136 parameter Real U2N = 400 "nominal voltage machine side";
137 parameter Real V2 = 380 "base voltage machine side";
138 parameter Boolean transformerIncluded = false;
139 parameter Real RTfoPu = if transformerIncluded then 0.000185 else 0 "Machine transoformer resistance p.u. in the SNTfo base";
140 parameter Real XTfoPu = if transformerIncluded then 0.00769 else 0 "Machine transoformer resistance p.u. in the SNTfo base";
141 parameter Integer IWLMDV = 3;
142 parameter Boolean Saturated = true;
143 parameter Real yscale = if RT > 0.0 or XT > 0.0 then SNREF / SN * rtfo * rtfo else SNREF / SN;
144 parameter Real SNtfo = 1300 "Machine transformer rating";
145 parameter Real r = rStatIn * yscale "Stator Resistance";
146 parameter Real rf = rRotIn * yscale "Rotor Resistance";
147 parameter Real lld = lStatIn * yscale "Stator leakage";
148 parameter Real lf = lRotIn * yscale "Rotor leakage";
149 parameter Real mrc = mCanPu * yscale "CANAY's inductance";
150 parameter Real lD = lDPu * yscale "d axis damper winding leakage";
151 parameter Real rD = rDPu * yscale "d axis damper winding resistance";
152 parameter Real rQ1 = rQ1Pu * yscale "q axis damper 1 winding resistance";
153 parameter Real rQ2 = rQ2Pu * yscale "q axis damper 2 winding resistance";
154 parameter Real lQ1 = lQ1Pu * yscale "q axis damper 1 winding leakeage";
155 parameter Real lQ2 = lQ2Pu * yscale "q axis damper 2 winding leakeage";
156 parameter Real RT = RTfoPu * SNREF / SNtfo * rtfo * rtfo "Machine transformer resistance (p.u.), enter value*SNREF/SNtfo";
157 parameter Real XT = XTfoPu * SNREF / SNtfo * rtfo * rtfo "Machine transformer reactance (p.u.), enter value*SNREF/SNtfo";
158 parameter Real Md0 = mD0Pu * yscale "d axis mutual inductance";
159 parameter Real Mq0 = mQ0Pu * yscale "q axis mutual inductance";
160 parameter Real Mdv = WLMDVPu * yscale;
161 parameter Real D = DIn * SN / SNREF "Mechanical damping coefficient";
162 parameter Real H = HIn * SN / SNREF "Constant of inertia";
163 parameter Real rtfo = if transformerIncluded then U2N / V2 / (U1N / V1) else 1 "Transformer ratio";
164 parameter Real DET = lf * lD + mrc * lf + mrc * lD;
165 parameter Real Mdif = Md0 - Mq0;
166 parameter Real Sdet = lf / DET + lD / DET;
167 parameter Real Slq = 1.0 / lQ1 + 1.0 / lQ2;
168 parameter Real Lddet = lD / DET;
169 parameter Real Lfdet = lf / DET;
170 parameter Real Lq1inv = 1.0 / lQ1;
171 parameter Real Lq2inv = 1.0 / lQ2;
172 parameter Real Sr = r + RT;
173 parameter Real Sx = lld + XT;
174 parameter Real Coef11 = rtfo * omega0 * rf / Mdv;
175 parameter Real Coef12 = rf * omega0 * (lD + mrc) / DET;
176 parameter Real Coef13 = rf * omega0 * mrc / DET;
177 parameter Real Coef14 = omega0 * rf * lD / DET;
178 parameter Real Coef21 = omega0 * rD * mrc / DET;
179 parameter Real Coef22 = omega0 * rD * (lf + mrc) / DET;
180 parameter Real Coef23 = omega0 * rD * lf / DET;
181 parameter Real Coef31 = omega0 * rQ1 / lQ1;
182 parameter Real Coef32 = omega0 * rQ1 / lQ1;
183 parameter Real Coef41 = omega0 * rQ2 / lQ2;
184 parameter Real Coef42 = omega0 * rQ2 / lQ2;
185 parameter Real Coef51 = PN / (SNREF * 2 * H);
186 parameter Real Coef52 = D / (2 * H);
187 parameter Real Coef53 = 1.0 / (2 * H);
188 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_TETA;
189 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_UR;
190 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_UI;
191 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_FieldCurrent;
192 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_TerminalVoltage;
193 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ActivePowerPNALT;
194 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ActivePowerPN;
195 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ActivePowerSNREF;
196 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ReactivePowerPNALT;
197 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ReactivePowerPN;
198 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ReactivePowerSNREF;
199 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ActivePowerSN;
200 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_ReactivePowerSN;
201 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_Current;
202 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_FRZPU;
203 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_FRZHZ;
204 equation
205 der(lambdaf) = (-efd * Coef11) - lambdaf * Coef12 + lambdad * Coef13 + lambdaad * Coef14;
206 der(lambdad) = lambdaf * Coef21 - lambdad * Coef22 + lambdaad * Coef23;
207 der(lambdaq1) = (-lambdaq1 * Coef31) + lambdaaq * Coef32;
208 der(lambdaq2) = (-lambdaq2 * Coef41) + lambdaaq * Coef42;
209 der(omega) = cm * Coef51 + (omegaRef - omega) * Coef52 + lambdaad * iq * Coef53 - lambdaaq * id * Coef53;
210 der(theta) = (omega - omegaRef) * omega0;
211 E = sqrt(lambdaad * lambdaad + lambdaaq * lambdaaq);
212 if Saturated then
213 Mds = Md0 / (1 + md / rtfo ^ snd * E ^ snd);
214 Mqs = Mq0 / (1 + mq / rtfo ^ snq * E ^ snq);
215 else
216 Mds = Md0;
217 Mqs = Mq0;
218 end if;
219 Mi = Mds * lambdaad * lambdaad / (E * E) + Mqs * lambdaaq * lambdaaq / (E * E);
220 Md = Mi + Mdif * lambdaaq * lambdaaq / (E * E);
221 Mq = Mi - Mdif * lambdaad * lambdaad / (E * E);
222 LMD = 1.0 / (1.0 / Md + Sdet);
223 LMQ = 1.0 / (1.0 / Mq + Slq);
224 0 = (-lambdaad) + LMD * (id + lambdaf * Lddet + lambdad * Lfdet);
225 0 = (-lambdaaq) + LMQ * (iq + lambdaq1 * Lq1inv + lambdaq2 * Lq2inv);
226 0 = sin(theta) * ur - cos(theta) * ui + id * Sr - iq * Sx - omega * lambdaaq;
227 0 = cos(theta) * ur + sin(theta) * ui + iq * Sr + id * Sx + omega * lambdaad;
228 sortie.ir = -(sin(theta) * id + cos(theta) * iq);
229 sortie.ii = -((-cos(theta) * id) + sin(theta) * iq);
230 pin_TETA = theta;
231 pin_OMEGA = omega;
232 pin_CM = cm;
233 pin_EFD = efd;
234 pin_UR = ur;
235 pin_UI = ui;
236 sortie.vr = ur;
237 sortie.vi = ui;
238 pin_TerminalVoltage = sqrt((sortie.vr - RT * sortie.ir + XT * sortie.ii) * (sortie.vr - RT * sortie.ir + XT * sortie.ii) + (sortie.vi - RT * sortie.ii - XT * sortie.ir) * (sortie.vi - RT * sortie.ii - XT * sortie.ir)) * 1 / rtfo;
239 pin_ActivePowerPN = (sortie.vr * (-sortie.ir) + sortie.vi * (-sortie.ii)) * SNREF / PN;
240 if PNALT == 0 then
241 pin_ActivePowerPNALT = 0;
242 else
243 pin_ActivePowerPNALT = (sortie.vr * (-sortie.ir) + sortie.vi * (-sortie.ii)) * SNREF / PNALT;
244 end if;
245 pin_ActivePowerSNREF = sortie.vr * (-sortie.ir) + sortie.vi * (-sortie.ii);
246 pin_ReactivePowerPN = (sortie.vi * (-sortie.ir) - sortie.vr * (-sortie.ii)) * SNREF / PN;
247 if PNALT == 0 then
248 pin_ReactivePowerPNALT = 0;
249 else
250 pin_ReactivePowerPNALT = (sortie.vi * (-sortie.ir) - sortie.vr * (-sortie.ii)) * SNREF / PNALT;
251 end if;
252 pin_ReactivePowerSNREF = sortie.vi * (-sortie.ir) - sortie.vr * (-sortie.ii);
253 pin_ActivePowerSN = (sortie.vr * (-sortie.ir) + sortie.vi * (-sortie.ii)) * SNREF / SN;
254 pin_ReactivePowerSN = (sortie.vi * (-sortie.ir) - sortie.vr * (-sortie.ii)) * SNREF / SN;
255 if md == 0 and mq == 0 and snd == 0 and snq == 0 then
256 pin_FieldCurrent = -Mdv / rtfo * ((Md0 + lD + mrc) * lambdaf - (Md0 + mrc) * lambdad - Md0 * lD * id) / ((Md0 + mrc) * (lf + lD) + lf * lD);
257 else
258 pin_FieldCurrent = -Mdv / rtfo * ((lD + mrc) * lambdaf - mrc * lambdad - lD * lambdaad) / (mrc * (lf + lD) + lf * lD);
259 end if;
260 pin_Current = sqrt(sortie.ir * sortie.ir + sortie.ii * sortie.ii);
261 pin_FRZPU = omegaRef;
262 pin_FRZHZ = omegaRef * omega0;
263 end PwGeneratorM1S;
264 end Eurostag;
265 end Machines;
267 package Controls
268 package Eurostag
269 model GOVER1 "Steam turbine governor. Developed by AIA. 2013"
270 parameter Real init_Integrator;
271 parameter Real init_LeadLag;
272 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant imSetPoint(k = 0);
273 Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.LimIntegrator imLimitedIntegrator(outMin = 0, k = 1, outMax = 1.1, y_start = init_Integrator);
274 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant imSetPoint1(k = 25);
275 iPSL.NonElectrical.Continuous.LeadLag imLeadLag(K = 1, T2 = 10, T1 = 3, y_start = init_LeadLag, x_start = init_LeadLag);
276 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput pin_OMEGA;
277 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pin_CM;
278 Modelica.Blocks.Math.Add3 add3_1(k1 = -25, k2 = 1, k3 = 1);
279 equation
280 connect(imSetPoint.y, imLimitedIntegrator.u);
281 connect(imLimitedIntegrator.y, add3_1.u2);
282 connect(add3_1.u1, pin_OMEGA);
283 connect(add3_1.u3, imSetPoint1.y);
284 connect(add3_1.y, imLeadLag.u);
285 connect(imLeadLag.y, pin_CM);
286 end GOVER1;
287 end Eurostag;
288 end Controls;
290 package Events
291 model PwFault "Transitory short-circuit on a node. Shunt impedance connected only during a specified interval of time.
292 Developed by AIA. 2014/12/16"
293 iPSL.Connectors.PwPin p;
294 parameter Real R "Resistance (pu)";
295 parameter Real X "Conductance (pu)";
296 parameter Real t1 "Start time of the fault (s)";
297 parameter Real t2 "End time of the fault (s)";
298 protected
299 parameter Real ground = if R == 0 and X == 0 then 0 else 1;
300 equation
301 if time < t1 then
302 p.ii = 0;
303 p.ir = 0;
304 elseif time < t2 and ground == 0 then
305 p.vr = 1E-10;
306 p.vi = 0;
307 elseif time < t2 then
308 p.ii = (R * p.vi - X * p.vr) / (X * X + R * R);
309 p.ir = (R * p.vr + X * p.vi) / (R * R + X * X);
310 else
311 p.ii = 0;
312 p.ir = 0;
313 end if;
314 end PwFault;
315 end Events;
317 model SystemBase "System Base Definition"
318 parameter Real S_b = 100 "System base in MVA";
319 parameter Real fn = 50 "System Frequency in Hz";
320 annotation(defaultAttributes = "inner", missingInnerMessage = "
321 No 'System Data' component is defined. A default component will be used, and generate a system base of 100 MVA, and a frequency of 50 Hz");
322 end SystemBase;
323 end Electrical;
325 package NonElectrical
326 package Continuous
327 block LeadLag "Lead-Lag filter"
328 extends Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;
329 parameter Real K "Gain";
330 parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time T1 "Lead time constant";
331 parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time T2 "Lag time constant";
332 parameter Real y_start "Output start value";
333 parameter Real x_start = y_start / K "Start value of state variable";
334 protected
335 parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time T2_dummy = if abs(T1 - T2) < Modelica.Constants.eps then 1000 else T2 "Lead time constant";
336 public
337 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression par1(y = T1);
338 Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression par2(y = T2);
339 Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.TransferFunction TF(b = {K * T1, K}, a = {T2_dummy, 1}, y_start = y_start, initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState, x_start = {x_start});
340 equation
341 if abs(par1.y - par2.y) < Modelica.Constants.eps then
342 y = K * u;
343 else
344 y = TF.y;
345 end if;
346 connect(TF.u, u);
347 end LeadLag;
348 end Continuous;
349 end NonElectrical;
351 package Connectors
352 connector PwPin "connector for electrical blocks treating voltage and current as complex variables"
353 Real vr;
354 Real vi;
355 flow Real ir;
356 flow Real ii;
357 end PwPin;
358 end Connectors;
359 annotation(version = "0.8.1");
360end iPSL;
362package sortEqns
363 model iPSL_B
364 .iPSL.Electrical.Controls.Eurostag.GOVER1 gover(init_Integrator = 0.10003, init_LeadLag = 0.10003);
365 .iPSL.Electrical.Machines.Eurostag.PwGeneratorM1S MS(V2 = 24, U2N = 24, init_theta = 0.21995, init_omega = 1.0, init_efd = 1.0251, init_lambdaad = -0.98054, init_cm = 0.10003, init_lambdaq1 = 0.19950, init_lambdaq2 = 0.19950, init_iq = 0.97585, init_id = 0.21796, init_lambdaaq = 0.19950, init_lambdad = -0.98054, init_lambdaf = -1.0863, WLMDVPu = 2.351, Saturated = false);
366 .iPSL.Electrical.Buses.InfiniteBus2 inf(V = 1, angle = 0, p(vr(start = 1)), p(vi(start = 0)));
367 .iPSL.Electrical.Events.PwFault fault(R = 0.001, X = 0, t1 = 5, t2 = 5.5);
368 .iPSL.Electrical.Branches.PwLine lineinf(R = 0.0001, X = 0, B = 0, G = 0);
369 .iPSL.Electrical.Branches.PwLine line(R = 0.0001, X = 0, B = 0, G = 0);
370 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput omegaRef(start = 1);
371 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput efd(start = 1);
372 equation
373 connect(omegaRef, MS.omegaRef);
374 connect(efd, MS.pin_EFD);
375 connect(gover.pin_CM, MS.pin_CM);
376 connect(gover.pin_OMEGA, MS.pin_OMEGA);
377 connect(inf.p, lineinf.p);
378 connect(lineinf.n, line.p);
379 connect(line.n, MS.sortie);
380 connect(fault.p, line.n);
381 annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 10, Tolerance = 1e-06, Interval = 0.0002));
382 end iPSL_B;
383end sortEqns;
385package Modelica "Modelica Standard Library - Version 3.2.2"
386 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
388 package Blocks "Library of basic input/output control blocks (continuous, discrete, logical, table blocks)"
389 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
391 package Continuous "Library of continuous control blocks with internal states"
392 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
394 block LimIntegrator "Integrator with limited value of the output"
395 parameter Real k(unit = "1") = 1 "Integrator gain";
396 parameter Real outMax(start = 1) "Upper limit of output";
397 parameter Real outMin = -outMax "Lower limit of output";
398 parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3/4: initial output)" annotation(Evaluate = true);
399 parameter Boolean limitsAtInit = true "= false, if limits are ignored during initialization (i.e., der(y)=k*u)" annotation(Evaluate = true);
400 parameter Real y_start = 0 "Initial or guess value of output (must be in the limits outMin .. outMax)";
401 parameter Boolean strict = false "= true, if strict limits with noEvent(..)" annotation(Evaluate = true);
402 extends .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO(y(start = y_start));
403 initial equation
404 if initType == .Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState then
405 der(y) = 0;
406 elseif initType == .Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState or initType == .Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput then
407 y = y_start;
408 end if;
409 equation
410 if initial() and not limitsAtInit then
411 der(y) = k * u;
412 assert(y >= outMin - 0.001 * abs(outMax - outMin) and y <= outMax + 0.001 * abs(outMax - outMin), "LimIntegrator: During initialization the limits have been ignored.\n" + "However, the result is that the output y is not within the required limits:\n" + " y = " + String(y) + ", outMin = " + String(outMin) + ", outMax = " + String(outMax));
413 elseif strict then
414 der(y) = noEvent(if y < outMin and k * u < 0 or y > outMax and k * u > 0 then 0 else k * u);
415 else
416 der(y) = if y < outMin and k * u < 0 or y > outMax and k * u > 0 then 0 else k * u;
417 end if;
418 end LimIntegrator;
420 block TransferFunction "Linear transfer function"
421 extends .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SISO;
422 parameter Real[:] b = {1} "Numerator coefficients of transfer function (e.g., 2*s+3 is specified as {2,3})";
423 parameter Real[:] a = {1} "Denominator coefficients of transfer function (e.g., 5*s+6 is specified as {5,6})";
424 parameter Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init initType = Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.NoInit "Type of initialization (1: no init, 2: steady state, 3: initial state, 4: initial output)" annotation(Evaluate = true);
425 parameter Real[size(a, 1) - 1] x_start = zeros(nx) "Initial or guess values of states";
426 parameter Real y_start = 0 "Initial value of output (derivatives of y are zero up to nx-1-th derivative)";
427 output Real[size(a, 1) - 1] x(start = x_start) "State of transfer function from controller canonical form";
428 protected
429 parameter Integer na = size(a, 1) "Size of Denominator of transfer function.";
430 parameter Integer nb = size(b, 1) "Size of Numerator of transfer function.";
431 parameter Integer nx = size(a, 1) - 1;
432 parameter Real[:] bb = vector([zeros(max(0, na - nb), 1); b]);
433 parameter Real d = bb[1] / a[1];
434 parameter Real a_end = if a[end] > 100 * Modelica.Constants.eps * sqrt(a * a) then a[end] else 1.0;
435 Real[size(x, 1)] x_scaled "Scaled vector x";
436 initial equation
437 if initType == .Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState then
438 der(x_scaled) = zeros(nx);
439 elseif initType == .Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialState then
440 x_scaled = x_start * a_end;
441 elseif initType == .Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput then
442 y = y_start;
443 der(x_scaled[2:nx]) = zeros(nx - 1);
444 end if;
445 equation
446 assert(size(b, 1) <= size(a, 1), "Transfer function is not proper");
447 if nx == 0 then
448 y = d * u;
449 else
450 der(x_scaled[1]) = ((-a[2:na] * x_scaled) + a_end * u) / a[1];
451 der(x_scaled[2:nx]) = x_scaled[1:nx - 1];
452 y = (bb[2:na] - d * a[2:na]) * x_scaled / a_end + d * u;
453 x = x_scaled / a_end;
454 end if;
455 end TransferFunction;
456 end Continuous;
458 package Interfaces "Library of connectors and partial models for input/output blocks"
459 extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
460 connector RealInput = input Real "'input Real' as connector";
461 connector RealOutput = output Real "'output Real' as connector";
463 partial block SO "Single Output continuous control block"
464 extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;
465 RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal";
466 end SO;
468 partial block SISO "Single Input Single Output continuous control block"
469 extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;
470 RealInput u "Connector of Real input signal";
471 RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signal";
472 end SISO;
473 end Interfaces;
475 package Math "Library of Real mathematical functions as input/output blocks"
476 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
478 block Add3 "Output the sum of the three inputs"
479 extends Modelica.Blocks.Icons.Block;
480 parameter Real k1 = +1 "Gain of upper input";
481 parameter Real k2 = +1 "Gain of middle input";
482 parameter Real k3 = +1 "Gain of lower input";
483 .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u1 "Connector 1 of Real input signals";
484 .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u2 "Connector 2 of Real input signals";
485 .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u3 "Connector 3 of Real input signals";
486 .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y "Connector of Real output signals";
487 equation
488 y = k1 * u1 + k2 * u2 + k3 * u3;
489 end Add3;
490 end Math;
492 package Sources "Library of signal source blocks generating Real and Boolean signals"
493 extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
495 block RealExpression "Set output signal to a time varying Real expression"
496 Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput y = 0.0 "Value of Real output";
497 end RealExpression;
499 block Constant "Generate constant signal of type Real"
500 parameter Real k(start = 1) "Constant output value";
501 extends .Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.SO;
502 equation
503 y = k;
504 end Constant;
505 end Sources;
507 package Types "Library of constants and types with choices, especially to build menus"
508 extends Modelica.Icons.TypesPackage;
509 type Init = enumeration(NoInit "No initialization (start values are used as guess values with fixed=false)", SteadyState "Steady state initialization (derivatives of states are zero)", InitialState "Initialization with initial states", InitialOutput "Initialization with initial outputs (and steady state of the states if possible)") "Enumeration defining initialization of a block" annotation(Evaluate = true);
510 end Types;
512 package Icons "Icons for Blocks"
513 extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
515 partial block Block "Basic graphical layout of input/output block" end Block;
516 end Icons;
517 end Blocks;
519 package Math "Library of mathematical functions (e.g., sin, cos) and of functions operating on vectors and matrices"
520 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
522 package Icons "Icons for Math"
523 extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
525 partial function AxisCenter "Basic icon for mathematical function with y-axis in the center" end AxisCenter;
526 end Icons;
528 function asin "Inverse sine (-1 <= u <= 1)"
529 extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
530 input Real u;
531 output .Modelica.SIunits.Angle y;
532 external "builtin" y = asin(u);
533 end asin;
535 function exp "Exponential, base e"
536 extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
537 input Real u;
538 output Real y;
539 external "builtin" y = exp(u);
540 end exp;
541 end Math;
543 package ComplexMath "Library of complex mathematical functions (e.g., sin, cos) and of functions operating on complex vectors and matrices"
544 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
545 final constant Complex j = Complex(0, 1) "Imaginary unit";
547 function conj "Conjugate of complex number"
548 extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
549 input Complex c1 "Complex number";
550 output Complex c2 "= c1.re - j*c1.im";
551 algorithm
552 c2 := Complex(c1.re, -c1.im);
553 annotation(Inline = true);
554 end conj;
556 function real "Real part of complex number"
557 extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
558 input Complex c "Complex number";
559 output Real r "= c.re";
560 algorithm
561 r := c.re;
562 annotation(Inline = true);
563 end real;
565 function imag "Imaginary part of complex number"
566 extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
567 input Complex c "Complex number";
568 output Real r "= c.im";
569 algorithm
570 r := c.im;
571 annotation(Inline = true);
572 end imag;
573 end ComplexMath;
575 package Constants "Library of mathematical constants and constants of nature (e.g., pi, eps, R, sigma)"
576 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
577 final constant Real pi = 2 * Math.asin(1.0);
578 final constant Real eps = ModelicaServices.Machine.eps "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
579 final constant Real inf = ModelicaServices.Machine.inf "Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine";
580 final constant .Modelica.SIunits.Velocity c = 299792458 "Speed of light in vacuum";
581 final constant Real mue_0(final unit = "N/A2") = 4 * pi * 1.e-7 "Magnetic constant";
582 end Constants;
584 package Icons "Library of icons"
585 extends Icons.Package;
587 partial package Package "Icon for standard packages" end Package;
589 partial package InterfacesPackage "Icon for packages containing interfaces"
590 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
591 end InterfacesPackage;
593 partial package SourcesPackage "Icon for packages containing sources"
594 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
595 end SourcesPackage;
597 partial package TypesPackage "Icon for packages containing type definitions"
598 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
599 end TypesPackage;
601 partial package IconsPackage "Icon for packages containing icons"
602 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
603 end IconsPackage;
605 partial function Function "Icon for functions" end Function;
606 end Icons;
608 package SIunits "Library of type and unit definitions based on SI units according to ISO 31-1992"
609 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
611 package Conversions "Conversion functions to/from non SI units and type definitions of non SI units"
612 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
614 package NonSIunits "Type definitions of non SI units"
615 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
616 type Temperature_degC = Real(final quantity = "ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit = "degC") "Absolute temperature in degree Celsius (for relative temperature use SIunits.TemperatureDifference)" annotation(absoluteValue = true);
617 end NonSIunits;
618 end Conversions;
620 type Angle = Real(final quantity = "Angle", final unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg");
621 type Time = Real(final quantity = "Time", final unit = "s");
622 type Velocity = Real(final quantity = "Velocity", final unit = "m/s");
623 type Acceleration = Real(final quantity = "Acceleration", final unit = "m/s2");
624 type FaradayConstant = Real(final quantity = "FaradayConstant", final unit = "C/mol");
625 end SIunits;
626 annotation(version = "3.2.2", versionBuild = 3, versionDate = "2016-04-03", dateModified = "2016-04-03 08:44:41Z");
627end Modelica;
629package ModelicaServices "ModelicaServices (OpenModelica implementation) - Models and functions used in the Modelica Standard Library requiring a tool specific implementation"
630 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
632 package Machine
633 extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
634 final constant Real eps = 1.e-15 "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
635 final constant Real small = 1.e-60 "Smallest number such that small and -small are representable on the machine";
636 final constant Real inf = 1.e+60 "Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine";
637 final constant Integer Integer_inf = OpenModelica.Internal.Architecture.integerMax() "Biggest Integer number such that Integer_inf and -Integer_inf are representable on the machine";
638 end Machine;
639 annotation(Protection(access = Access.hide), version = "3.2.1", versionBuild = 2, versionDate = "2013-08-14", dateModified = "2013-08-14 08:44:41Z");
640end ModelicaServices;
642operator record Complex "Complex number with overloaded operators"
643 replaceable Real re "Real part of complex number";
644 replaceable Real im "Imaginary part of complex number";
646 encapsulated operator 'constructor' "Constructor"
647 function fromReal "Construct Complex from Real"
648 input Real re "Real part of complex number";
649 input Real im = 0 "Imaginary part of complex number";
650 output .Complex result(re = re, im = im) "Complex number";
651 algorithm
652 annotation(Inline = true);
653 end fromReal;
654 end 'constructor';
656 encapsulated operator function '0' "Zero-element of addition (= Complex(0))"
657 output .Complex result "Complex(0)";
658 algorithm
659 result := .Complex(0);
660 annotation(Inline = true);
661 end '0';
663 encapsulated operator '-' "Unary and binary minus"
664 function negate "Unary minus (multiply complex number by -1)"
665 input .Complex c1 "Complex number";
666 output .Complex c2 "= -c1";
667 algorithm
668 c2 := .Complex(-c1.re, -c1.im);
669 annotation(Inline = true);
670 end negate;
672 function subtract "Subtract two complex numbers"
673 input .Complex c1 "Complex number 1";
674 input .Complex c2 "Complex number 2";
675 output .Complex c3 "= c1 - c2";
676 algorithm
677 c3 := .Complex(c1.re - c2.re, c1.im - c2.im);
678 annotation(Inline = true);
679 end subtract;
680 end '-';
682 encapsulated operator '*' "Multiplication"
683 function multiply "Multiply two complex numbers"
684 input .Complex c1 "Complex number 1";
685 input .Complex c2 "Complex number 2";
686 output .Complex c3 "= c1*c2";
687 algorithm
688 c3 := .Complex(c1.re * c2.re - c1.im * c2.im, c1.re * c2.im + c1.im * c2.re);
689 annotation(Inline = true);
690 end multiply;
692 function scalarProduct "Scalar product c1*c2 of two complex vectors"
693 input .Complex[:] c1 "Vector of Complex numbers 1";
694 input .Complex[size(c1, 1)] c2 "Vector of Complex numbers 2";
695 output .Complex c3 "= c1*c2";
696 algorithm
697 c3 := .Complex(0);
698 for i in 1:size(c1, 1) loop
699 c3 := c3 + c1[i] * c2[i];
700 end for;
701 annotation(Inline = true);
702 end scalarProduct;
703 end '*';
705 encapsulated operator function '+' "Add two complex numbers"
706 input .Complex c1 "Complex number 1";
707 input .Complex c2 "Complex number 2";
708 output .Complex c3 "= c1 + c2";
709 algorithm
710 c3 := .Complex(c1.re + c2.re, c1.im + c2.im);
711 annotation(Inline = true);
712 end '+';
714 encapsulated operator function '/' "Divide two complex numbers"
715 input .Complex c1 "Complex number 1";
716 input .Complex c2 "Complex number 2";
717 output .Complex c3 "= c1/c2";
718 algorithm
719 c3 := .Complex(((+c1.re * c2.re) + c1.im * c2.im) / (c2.re * c2.re + c2.im * c2.im), ((-c1.re * c2.im) + c1.im * c2.re) / (c2.re * c2.re + c2.im * c2.im));
720 annotation(Inline = true);
721 end '/';
723 encapsulated operator function '^' "Complex power of complex number"
724 input .Complex c1 "Complex number";
725 input .Complex c2 "Complex exponent";
726 output .Complex c3 "= c1^c2";
727 protected
728 Real lnz = 0.5 * log(c1.re * c1.re + c1.im * c1.im);
729 Real phi = atan2(c1.im, c1.re);
730 Real re = lnz * c2.re - phi * c2.im;
731 Real im = lnz * c2.im + phi * c2.re;
732 algorithm
733 c3 := .Complex(exp(re) * cos(im), exp(re) * sin(im));
734 annotation(Inline = true);
735 end '^';
737 encapsulated operator function '==' "Test whether two complex numbers are identical"
738 input .Complex c1 "Complex number 1";
739 input .Complex c2 "Complex number 2";
740 output Boolean result "c1 == c2";
741 algorithm
742 result := c1.re == c2.re and c1.im == c2.im;
743 annotation(Inline = true);
744 end '==';
746 encapsulated operator function 'String' "Transform Complex number into a String representation"
747 input .Complex c "Complex number to be transformed in a String representation";
748 input String name = "j" "Name of variable representing sqrt(-1) in the string";
749 input Integer significantDigits = 6 "Number of significant digits that are shown";
750 output String s = "";
751 algorithm
752 s := String(c.re, significantDigits = significantDigits);
753 if c.im <> 0 then
754 if c.im > 0 then
755 s := s + " + ";
756 else
757 s := s + " - ";
758 end if;
759 s := s + String(abs(c.im), significantDigits = significantDigits) + "*" + name;
760 else
761 end if;
762 annotation(Inline = true);
763 end 'String';
764 annotation(Protection(access = Access.hide), version = "3.2.1", versionBuild = 2, versionDate = "2013-08-14", dateModified = "2013-08-14 08:44:41Z");
765end Complex;
767model iPSL_B_total
768 extends sortEqns.iPSL_B;
769 annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0, StopTime = 10, Tolerance = 1e-06, Interval = 0.0002));
770end iPSL_B_total;