1 | package Cardiovascular
2 | package Model
3 | extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
4 |
5 | package Smith2004
6 | extends Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage;
7 |
8 | package Parts
9 | extends Modelica.Icons.UtilitiesPackage;
10 | type HydraulicLambda = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicLambda", final unit = "1/m3", displayUnit = "1/ml", nominal = 1e-5, min = 0);
11 | end Parts;
12 | end Smith2004;
13 | end Model;
14 |
15 | package Icons
16 | model Runnable_Shallow annotation(experiment(StopTime = 5, __Dymola_NumberOfIntervals = 5000)); end Runnable_Shallow;
17 | end Icons;
18 | end Cardiovascular;
19 |
20 | package Physiolibrary "Modelica library for Physiology (version 2.3.2-beta)"
21 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
22 |
23 | package Hydraulic "Domain with Pressure and Volumetric Flow"
24 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
25 |
26 | package Components
27 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
28 |
29 | model Conductor "Hydraulic resistor, where conductance=1/resistance"
30 | extends Hydraulic.Interfaces.OnePort;
31 | extends Icons.HydraulicResistor;
32 | parameter Boolean useConductanceInput = false "=true, if external conductance value is used" annotation(Evaluate = true, HideResult = true);
33 | parameter Types.HydraulicConductance Conductance = 0 "Hydraulic conductance if useConductanceInput=false";
34 | Types.RealIO.HydraulicConductanceInput cond(start = Conductance) = c if useConductanceInput;
35 | protected
36 | Types.HydraulicConductance c;
37 | equation
38 | if not useConductanceInput then
39 | c = Conductance;
40 | end if;
41 | q_in.q = c * (q_in.pressure - q_out.pressure);
42 | end Conductor;
43 |
44 | model Resistor
45 | extends Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Conductor(final Conductance = 1 / Resistance);
46 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.HydraulicResistance Resistance "Hydraulic conductance if useConductanceInput=false";
47 | end Resistor;
48 |
49 | model ElasticVessel "Elastic container for blood vessels, bladder, lumens"
50 | extends Icons.ElasticBalloon;
51 | extends SteadyStates.Interfaces.SteadyState(state_start = volume_start);
52 | Interfaces.HydraulicPort_a q_in;
53 | parameter Types.Volume volume_start = 1e-11 "Volume start value";
54 | Types.Volume excessVolume "Additional volume, that generate pressure";
55 | parameter Boolean useV0Input = false "=true, if zero-pressure-volume input is used" annotation(Evaluate = true, HideResult = true);
56 | parameter Types.Volume ZeroPressureVolume = 1e-11 "Maximal volume, that does not generate pressure if useV0Input=false";
57 | parameter Types.Volume CollapsingPressureVolume = 1e-12 "Maximal volume, which generate negative collapsing pressure";
58 | Types.RealIO.VolumeInput zeroPressureVolume(start = ZeroPressureVolume) = zpv if useV0Input;
59 | parameter Boolean useComplianceInput = false "=true, if compliance input is used" annotation(Evaluate = true, HideResult = true);
60 | parameter Types.HydraulicCompliance Compliance = 1 "Compliance if useComplianceInput=false";
61 | Types.RealIO.HydraulicComplianceInput compliance(start = Compliance) = c if useComplianceInput;
62 | parameter Boolean useExternalPressureInput = false "=true, if external pressure input is used" annotation(Evaluate = true, HideResult = true);
63 | parameter Types.Pressure ExternalPressure = 0 "External pressure. Set zero if internal pressure is relative to external. Valid only if useExternalPressureInput=false.";
64 | parameter Types.Pressure MinimalCollapsingPressure = -101325;
65 | Types.RealIO.PressureInput externalPressure(start = ExternalPressure) = ep if useExternalPressureInput;
66 | Types.RealIO.VolumeOutput volume;
67 | protected
68 | Types.Volume zpv;
69 | Types.HydraulicCompliance c;
70 | Types.Pressure ep;
71 | parameter Types.Pressure a = MinimalCollapsingPressure / log(Modelica.Constants.eps);
72 | equation
73 | if not useV0Input then
74 | zpv = ZeroPressureVolume;
75 | end if;
76 | if not useComplianceInput then
77 | c = Compliance;
78 | end if;
79 | if not useExternalPressureInput then
80 | ep = ExternalPressure;
81 | end if;
82 | excessVolume = max(0, volume - zpv);
83 | q_in.pressure = smooth(0, if noEvent(volume > CollapsingPressureVolume) then excessVolume / c + ep else a * log(max(Modelica.Constants.eps, volume / CollapsingPressureVolume)) + ep);
84 | state = volume;
85 | change = q_in.q;
86 | end ElasticVessel;
87 |
88 | model ElasticVesselElastance
89 | extends Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.ElasticVessel(final Compliance = 1 / Elastance);
90 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.HydraulicElastance Elastance = 1 "Elastance if useComplianceInput=false";
91 | end ElasticVesselElastance;
92 |
93 | model Inertia "Inertia of the volumetric flow"
94 | extends SteadyStates.Interfaces.SteadyState(state_start = volumeFlow_start);
95 | extends Interfaces.OnePort;
96 | extends Icons.Inertance;
97 | parameter Types.VolumeFlowRate volumeFlow_start = 0.3 "Volumetric flow start value";
98 | parameter Types.HydraulicInertance I "Inertance";
99 | equation
100 | state = q_in.q;
101 | change = (q_in.pressure - q_out.pressure) / I;
102 | end Inertia;
103 |
104 | model IdealValve
105 | extends Interfaces.OnePort;
106 | Boolean open(start = true) "Switching state";
107 | Real passableVariable(start = 0, final unit = "1") "Auxiliary variable for actual position on the ideal diode characteristic";
108 | parameter Types.HydraulicConductance _Gon(final min = 0, displayUnit = "l/(mmHg.min)") = 1.2501026264094e-02 "Forward state-on conductance (open valve conductance)";
109 | parameter Types.HydraulicConductance _Goff(final min = 0, displayUnit = "l/(mmHg.min)") = 1.2501026264094e-12 "Backward state-off conductance (closed valve conductance)";
110 | parameter Types.Pressure Pknee(final min = 0) = 0 "Forward threshold pressure";
111 | parameter Boolean useLimitationInputs = false "=true, if Gon and Goff are from inputs" annotation(Evaluate = true, HideResult = true);
112 | Types.RealIO.HydraulicConductanceInput Gon(start = _Gon) = gon if useLimitationInputs "open valve conductance = infinity for ideal case";
113 | Types.RealIO.HydraulicConductanceInput Goff(start = _Goff) = goff if useLimitationInputs "closed valve conductance = zero for ideal case";
114 | protected
115 | Types.HydraulicConductance gon;
116 | Types.HydraulicConductance goff;
117 | constant Types.Pressure unitPressure = 1;
118 | constant Types.VolumeFlowRate unitFlow = 1;
119 | equation
120 | if not useLimitationInputs then
121 | gon = _Gon;
122 | goff = _Goff;
123 | end if;
124 | open = passableVariable > Modelica.Constants.eps;
125 | dp = passableVariable * unitFlow * (if open then 1 / gon else 1) + Pknee;
126 | volumeFlowRate = passableVariable * unitPressure * (if open then 1 else goff) + goff * Pknee;
127 | end IdealValve;
128 |
129 | model IdealValveResistance
130 | extends Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.IdealValve(final _Gon = 1 / _Ron);
131 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.HydraulicResistance _Ron = 79.993432449 "forward state resistance";
132 | end IdealValveResistance;
133 | end Components;
134 |
135 | package Sensors
136 | extends Modelica.Icons.SensorsPackage;
137 |
138 | model PressureMeasure "Hydraulic pressure at port"
139 | extends Icons.PressureMeasure;
140 | Interfaces.HydraulicPort_a q_in;
141 | Types.RealIO.PressureOutput pressure "Pressure";
142 | equation
143 | pressure = q_in.pressure;
144 | q_in.q = 0;
145 | end PressureMeasure;
146 | end Sensors;
147 |
148 | package Interfaces
149 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
150 |
151 | connector HydraulicPort "Hydraulical connector with pressure and volumetric flow"
152 | Types.Pressure pressure "Pressure";
153 | flow Types.VolumeFlowRate q "Volume flow";
154 | end HydraulicPort;
155 |
156 | connector HydraulicPort_a "Hydraulical inflow connector"
157 | extends HydraulicPort;
158 | end HydraulicPort_a;
159 |
160 | connector HydraulicPort_b "Hydraulical outflow connector"
161 | extends HydraulicPort;
162 | end HydraulicPort_b;
163 |
164 | partial model OnePort "Hydraulical OnePort"
165 | HydraulicPort_a q_in "Volume inflow";
166 | HydraulicPort_b q_out "Volume outflow";
167 | Types.VolumeFlowRate volumeFlowRate "Volumetric flow";
168 | Types.Pressure dp "Pressure gradient";
169 | equation
170 | q_in.q + q_out.q = 0;
171 | volumeFlowRate = q_in.q;
172 | dp = q_in.pressure - q_out.pressure;
173 | end OnePort;
174 | end Interfaces;
175 | end Hydraulic;
176 |
177 | package SteadyStates "Dynamic Simulation / Steady State"
178 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
179 |
180 | package Interfaces
181 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
182 |
183 | partial model SteadyState "Abstract class for any dynamic state calculation (for any derivation), which is driven by SimulationType option."
184 | parameter Types.SimulationType Simulation = Types.SimulationType.NormalInit "Dynamic with Initialization or Steady State" annotation(Evaluate = true, HideResult = true);
185 | parameter Real state_start "State start or init value" annotation(HideResult = true);
186 | Real state(start = state_start, stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer) "This state must be connected in inherited class definition" annotation(HideResult = true);
187 | Real change "Dynamic change of state value per minute" annotation(HideResult = true);
188 | initial equation
189 | if Simulation == Types.SimulationType.NormalInit then
190 | state = state_start;
191 | end if;
192 | equation
193 | der(state) = change;
194 | end SteadyState;
195 | end Interfaces;
196 | end SteadyStates;
197 |
198 | package Icons "Icons for physiological models"
199 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
200 |
201 | class ElasticBalloon end ElasticBalloon;
202 |
203 | partial class HydraulicResistor end HydraulicResistor;
204 |
205 | class PressureMeasure end PressureMeasure;
206 |
207 | class Inertance end Inertance;
208 | end Icons;
209 |
210 | package Types "Physiological units with nominals"
211 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
212 |
213 | package Constants
214 | extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage;
215 |
216 | block FrequencyConst "Constant signal of type Frequency"
217 | parameter Types.Frequency k "Constant Frequency output value";
218 | RealIO.FrequencyOutput y "Frequency constant";
219 | equation
220 | y = k;
221 | end FrequencyConst;
222 |
223 | block PressureConst "Constant signal of type Pressure"
224 | parameter Types.Pressure k "Constant Pressure output value";
225 | RealIO.PressureOutput y "Pressure constant";
226 | equation
227 | y = k;
228 | end PressureConst;
229 | end Constants;
230 |
231 | package RealIO
232 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
233 | connector PressureInput = input Pressure "input Pressure as connector";
234 | connector PressureOutput = output Pressure "output Pressure as connector";
235 | connector VolumeInput = input Volume "input Volume as connector";
236 | connector VolumeOutput = output Volume "output Volume as connector";
237 | connector FrequencyInput = input Frequency "input Frequency as connector";
238 | connector FrequencyOutput = output Frequency "output Frequency as connector";
239 | connector HydraulicConductanceInput = input HydraulicConductance "input HydraulicConductance as connector";
240 | connector HydraulicComplianceInput = input HydraulicCompliance "input HydraulicCompliance as connector";
241 | end RealIO;
242 |
243 | type Time = Modelica.SIunits.Time(displayUnit = "min", nominal = 60);
244 | type Frequency = Modelica.SIunits.Frequency(displayUnit = "1/min");
245 | type Mass = Modelica.SIunits.Mass(displayUnit = "g", nominal = 1e-3, min = 0);
246 | type Pressure = Modelica.SIunits.Pressure(displayUnit = "mmHg", nominal = 133.322387415);
247 | type Volume = Modelica.SIunits.Volume(displayUnit = "ml", nominal = 1e-6, min = 0);
248 | type VolumeFlowRate = Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate(displayUnit = "ml/min", nominal = 1e-6 / 60);
249 | type HydraulicConductance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicConductance", final unit = "m3/(Pa.s)", displayUnit = "ml/(mmHg.min)", nominal = 1e-6 / (133.322387415 * 60), min = 0);
250 | type HydraulicResistance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicConductance", final unit = "(Pa.s)/m3", displayUnit = "(mmHg.min)/ml", nominal = 1e+6 * 133.322387415 * 60, min = 0);
251 | type HydraulicCompliance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicCompliance", final unit = "m3/Pa", displayUnit = "ml/mmHg", nominal = 1e-6 / 133.322387415);
252 | type HydraulicElastance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicElastance", final unit = "Pa/m3", displayUnit = "mmHg/ml", nominal = 133.322387415 / 1e-6);
253 | type HydraulicInertance = Real(final quantity = "HydraulicInertance", final unit = "Pa.s2/m3", displayUnit = "mmHg.min2/ml", nominal = 133.322387415 * 60 ^ 2 / 1e-6);
254 | type SimulationType = enumeration(NoInit "Use start values only as a guess of state values", NormalInit "Initialization by start values", InitSteadyState "Initialization in Steady State (initial derivations are zeros)", SteadyState "Steady State = Derivations are zeros during simulation") "Initialization or Steady state options (to determine model type before simulating)" annotation(Evaluate = true);
255 | end Types;
256 | annotation(version = "2.3.2-beta", versionBuild = 1, versionDate = "2015-09-15", dateModified = "2015-09-15 12:49:00Z");
257 | end Physiolibrary;
258 |
259 | package FMITest
260 | model HemodynamicsSmith_shallow
261 | extends Cardiovascular.Icons.Runnable_Shallow;
262 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.ElasticVesselElastance aorta(ZeroPressureVolume = 0, volume_start = 0.0001241, Elastance = 92165766.41999);
263 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.ElasticVesselElastance venaCava(ZeroPressureVolume = 0, volume_start = 0.0002952, Elastance(displayUnit = "Pa/m3") = 786602.0857485);
264 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.IdealValveResistance aorticValve(Pknee = 0, _Ron(displayUnit = "(mmHg.s)/ml") = 2399802.97347);
265 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Resistor Rsys(Resistance(displayUnit = "(mmHg.s)/ml") = 145054757.50752);
266 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.IdealValveResistance tricuspidValve(Pknee = 0, _Ron(displayUnit = "(mmHg.s)/ml") = 3159740.5817355);
267 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Inertia Lav(I(displayUnit = "mmHg.s2/ml") = 16250.665802014, volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "m3/s") = -1.4e-8);
268 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Inertia Lpv(I(displayUnit = "mmHg.s2/ml") = 19822.372560862, volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "m3/s") = -1.9e-9);
269 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.IdealValveResistance pulmonaryValve(Pknee = 0, _Ron(displayUnit = "(mmHg.s)/ml") = 733273.1307825);
270 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.ElasticVesselElastance pulmonaryArteries(ZeroPressureVolume = 0, useExternalPressureInput = true, volume_start = 3.904e-05, Elastance(displayUnit = "Pa/m3") = 49195960.956135);
271 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Resistor Rpul(Resistance(displayUnit = "(mmHg.s)/ml") = 20691634.526808);
272 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.ElasticVesselElastance pulmonaryVeins(ZeroPressureVolume = 0, useExternalPressureInput = true, volume_start = 0.0008269, Elastance(displayUnit = "Pa/m3") = 973253.4281295);
273 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.IdealValveResistance mitralValve(Pknee = 0, _Ron(displayUnit = "(mmHg.s)/ml") = 2106493.721157);
274 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Inertia Ltc(I(displayUnit = "mmHg.s2/ml") = 10678.18997523, volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "m3/s") = 0.0001372);
275 | .Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Components.Inertia Lmt(I(displayUnit = "mmHg.s2/ml") = 10261.557514558, volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "m3/s") = 0.0001141);
276 | Physiolibrary.Types.Constants.FrequencyConst HR(k = 1.3333333333333);
277 | Physiolibrary.Types.Constants.PressureConst IntraThoracicPressure(k = -533.28954966);
278 | VentricularInteraction_flat ventricularInteraction_flat(lambdas(displayUnit = "1/m3") = 435000, lambdarv(displayUnit = "1/m3") = 23000, Essept(displayUnit = "mmHg/ml") = 6499999676.0309, V0peri = 0.0002, Pi0sept = 148.00118226939, Pi0rv = 28.757638965416, Pi0lv = 16.038683206025, Pi0peri = 66.701190423724, Esrv = 77993596.637775, Eslv = 383941811.27772, lambdalv = 33000, lambdaperi = 30000);
279 | equation
280 | connect(aorta.q_in, Rsys.q_in);
281 | connect(Rsys.q_out, venaCava.q_in);
282 | connect(pulmonaryValve.q_out, pulmonaryArteries.q_in);
283 | connect(pulmonaryArteries.q_in, Rpul.q_in);
284 | connect(Rpul.q_out, pulmonaryVeins.q_in);
285 | connect(aorticValve.q_out, aorta.q_in);
286 | connect(venaCava.q_in, Ltc.q_in);
287 | connect(pulmonaryVeins.q_in, Lmt.q_in);
288 | connect(Lav.q_out, aorticValve.q_in);
289 | connect(Ltc.q_out, tricuspidValve.q_in);
290 | connect(Lpv.q_out, pulmonaryValve.q_in);
291 | connect(mitralValve.q_in, Lmt.q_out);
292 | connect(tricuspidValve.q_out, ventricularInteraction_flat.rvflow);
293 | connect(Lpv.q_in, ventricularInteraction_flat.rvflow);
294 | connect(ventricularInteraction_flat.lvflow, Lav.q_in);
295 | connect(mitralValve.q_out, Lav.q_in);
296 | connect(HR.y, ventricularInteraction_flat.HR);
297 | connect(IntraThoracicPressure.y, ventricularInteraction_flat.Pth);
298 | connect(pulmonaryArteries.externalPressure, IntraThoracicPressure.y);
299 | connect(pulmonaryVeins.externalPressure, IntraThoracicPressure.y);
300 | annotation(experiment(StopTime = 5));
301 | end HemodynamicsSmith_shallow;
302 |
303 | model VentricularInteraction_flat
304 | .Physiolibrary.Types.Volume Vsept(start = 0.000002);
305 | .Physiolibrary.Types.Volume Vperi;
306 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V0sept = 0.000002;
307 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V0peri;
308 | .Physiolibrary.Types.Pressure Psept;
309 | .Physiolibrary.Types.Pressure Pperi;
310 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.Pressure Pi0sept;
311 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.Pressure Pi0rv;
312 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.Pressure Pi0lv;
313 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.Pressure Pi0peri "peak isovolumic pressure";
314 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.HydraulicElastance Essept;
315 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.HydraulicElastance Esrv;
316 | parameter .Physiolibrary.Types.HydraulicElastance Eslv "elastance of systole";
317 | parameter Real A = 1;
318 | parameter Real B = 80;
319 | parameter Real CC = 60 / B / 2;
320 | .Physiolibrary.Types.Time tm;
321 | discrete .Physiolibrary.Types.Time HP "heart period";
322 | discrete .Physiolibrary.Types.Time t0 "time of beginning of the cardiac cycle";
323 | discrete .Physiolibrary.Types.Time ts "duration of systole";
324 | parameter Cardiovascular.Model.Smith2004.Parts.HydraulicLambda lambdas;
325 | parameter Cardiovascular.Model.Smith2004.Parts.HydraulicLambda lambdarv;
326 | parameter Cardiovascular.Model.Smith2004.Parts.HydraulicLambda lambdalv;
327 | parameter Cardiovascular.Model.Smith2004.Parts.HydraulicLambda lambdaperi;
328 | Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Interfaces.HydraulicPort_a rvflow;
329 | Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Interfaces.HydraulicPort_a lvflow;
330 | .Physiolibrary.Types.RealIO.FrequencyInput HR;
331 | .Physiolibrary.Types.RealIO.PressureInput Pth;
332 | Physiolibrary.Types.RealIO.VolumeOutput Vlv(start = 0.0001042);
333 | Physiolibrary.Types.RealIO.VolumeOutput Vrv(start = 0.0001042);
334 | equation
335 | tm = time - pre(t0);
336 | when {initial(), tm >= pre(HP)} then
337 | HP = 1 / HR;
338 | t0 = time;
339 | ts = 0.16 + 0.3 * HP;
340 | end when;
341 | Psept = lvflow.pressure - rvflow.pressure;
342 | Psept = (Vsept - V0sept) * A * exp(-B * (tm - CC) ^ 2) * Essept + (1 - A * exp(-B * (tm - CC) ^ 2)) * Pi0sept * (exp(lambdas * Vsept) - 1);
343 | rvflow.pressure - Pperi = (Vrv + Vsept) * A * exp(-B * (tm - CC) ^ 2) * Esrv + (1 - A * exp(-B * (tm - CC) ^ 2)) * Pi0rv * (exp(lambdarv * (Vrv + Vsept)) - 1);
344 | der(Vrv) = rvflow.q;
345 | lvflow.pressure - Pperi = (Vlv - Vsept) * A * exp(-B * (tm - CC) ^ 2) * Eslv + (1 - A * exp(-B * (tm - CC) ^ 2)) * Pi0lv * (exp(lambdalv * (Vlv - Vsept)) - 1);
346 | der(Vlv) = lvflow.q;
347 | Vperi = Vrv + Vlv;
348 | Pperi = Pth + Pi0peri * (exp(lambdaperi * (Vperi - V0peri)) - 1);
349 | end VentricularInteraction_flat;
350 |
351 | model Smith_patSpec
352 | extends HemodynamicsSmith_shallow(venaCava(volume_start = V_vc0), Ltc(volumeFlow_start = Q_tc0), pulmonaryArteries(volume_start = V_pa0), pulmonaryVeins(volume_start = V_pu0), Lpv(volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "ml/min") = Q_pv0), Lmt(volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "ml/min") = Q_mt0), Lav(volumeFlow_start(displayUnit = "ml/min") = Q_av0), aorta(volume_start = V_ao0), ventricularInteraction_flat(Vlv(start = V_lv0), Vrv(start = V_rv0)));
353 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Mass BW = 72.3 "Body weight";
354 | parameter Modelica.SIunits.Length Hgt = 178 "Body height";
355 | parameter Boolean isMan = true;
356 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume TotBV = if isMan then (0.3669 * (Hgt / 100) ^ 3 + 0.03219 * BW + 0.6041) * 1000 else (0.3561 * (Hgt / 100) ^ 3 + 0.03308 * BW + 0.1833) * 1000 "total blood volume ( Nadler et al. Surgery 51:224,1962)";
357 | constant Real ml2m3 = 1 / 1000 / 1000;
358 | constant Real min2s = 1 / 60;
359 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume CircBV = 0.30 * TotBV * ml2m3;
360 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V_lv0 = 94.6812 / 1500 * CircBV;
361 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V_rv0 = 90.7302 / 1500 * CircBV;
362 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V_pa0 = 43.0123 / 1500 * CircBV;
363 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V_pu0 = 808.458 / 1500 * CircBV;
364 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V_ao0 = 133.338 / 1500 * CircBV;
365 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.Volume V_vc0 = 329.780 / 1500 * CircBV;
366 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.VolumeFlowRate Q_mt0 = 245.581 * min2s * ml2m3;
367 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.VolumeFlowRate Q_av0 = -1e-3 * min2s * ml2m3;
368 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.VolumeFlowRate Q_tc0 = 190.066 * min2s * ml2m3;
369 | parameter Physiolibrary.Types.VolumeFlowRate Q_pv0 = -1e-3 * min2s * ml2m3;
370 | Physiolibrary.Hydraulic.Sensors.PressureMeasure pressureMeasure;
371 | Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput pressure;
372 | equation
373 | connect(pressureMeasure.q_in, aorta.q_in);
374 | connect(pressureMeasure.pressure, pressure);
375 | end Smith_patSpec;
376 | end FMITest;
377 |
378 | package ModelicaServices "ModelicaServices (OpenModelica implementation) - Models and functions used in the Modelica Standard Library requiring a tool specific implementation"
379 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
380 |
381 | package Machine
382 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
383 | final constant Real eps = 1.e-15 "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
384 | final constant Real small = 1.e-60 "Smallest number such that small and -small are representable on the machine";
385 | final constant Real inf = 1.e+60 "Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine";
386 | final constant Integer Integer_inf = OpenModelica.Internal.Architecture.integerMax() "Biggest Integer number such that Integer_inf and -Integer_inf are representable on the machine";
387 | end Machine;
388 | annotation(Protection(access = Access.hide), version = "3.2.2", versionBuild = 0, versionDate = "2016-01-15", dateModified = "2016-01-15 08:44:41Z");
389 | end ModelicaServices;
390 |
391 | package Modelica "Modelica Standard Library - Version 3.2.2"
392 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
393 |
394 | package Blocks "Library of basic input/output control blocks (continuous, discrete, logical, table blocks)"
395 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
396 |
397 | package Interfaces "Library of connectors and partial models for input/output blocks"
398 | extends Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage;
399 | connector RealOutput = output Real "'output Real' as connector";
400 | end Interfaces;
401 | end Blocks;
402 |
403 | package Math "Library of mathematical functions (e.g., sin, cos) and of functions operating on vectors and matrices"
404 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
405 |
406 | package Icons "Icons for Math"
407 | extends Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage;
408 |
409 | partial function AxisCenter "Basic icon for mathematical function with y-axis in the center" end AxisCenter;
410 | end Icons;
411 |
412 | function asin "Inverse sine (-1 <= u <= 1)"
413 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
414 | input Real u;
415 | output .Modelica.SIunits.Angle y;
416 | external "builtin" y = asin(u);
417 | end asin;
418 |
419 | function exp "Exponential, base e"
420 | extends Modelica.Math.Icons.AxisCenter;
421 | input Real u;
422 | output Real y;
423 | external "builtin" y = exp(u);
424 | end exp;
425 | end Math;
426 |
427 | package Constants "Library of mathematical constants and constants of nature (e.g., pi, eps, R, sigma)"
428 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
429 | final constant Real pi = 2 * Math.asin(1.0);
430 | final constant Real eps = ModelicaServices.Machine.eps "Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0";
431 | final constant .Modelica.SIunits.Velocity c = 299792458 "Speed of light in vacuum";
432 | final constant Real mue_0(final unit = "N/A2") = 4 * pi * 1.e-7 "Magnetic constant";
433 | end Constants;
434 |
435 | package Icons "Library of icons"
436 | extends Icons.Package;
437 |
438 | partial package ExamplesPackage "Icon for packages containing runnable examples"
439 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
440 | end ExamplesPackage;
441 |
442 | partial package Package "Icon for standard packages" end Package;
443 |
444 | partial package InterfacesPackage "Icon for packages containing interfaces"
445 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
446 | end InterfacesPackage;
447 |
448 | partial package SourcesPackage "Icon for packages containing sources"
449 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
450 | end SourcesPackage;
451 |
452 | partial package SensorsPackage "Icon for packages containing sensors"
453 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
454 | end SensorsPackage;
455 |
456 | partial package UtilitiesPackage "Icon for utility packages"
457 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
458 | end UtilitiesPackage;
459 |
460 | partial package IconsPackage "Icon for packages containing icons"
461 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
462 | end IconsPackage;
463 | end Icons;
464 |
465 | package SIunits "Library of type and unit definitions based on SI units according to ISO 31-1992"
466 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
467 |
468 | package Conversions "Conversion functions to/from non SI units and type definitions of non SI units"
469 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
470 |
471 | package NonSIunits "Type definitions of non SI units"
472 | extends Modelica.Icons.Package;
473 | type Temperature_degC = Real(final quantity = "ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit = "degC") "Absolute temperature in degree Celsius (for relative temperature use SIunits.TemperatureDifference)" annotation(absoluteValue = true);
474 | end NonSIunits;
475 | end Conversions;
476 |
477 | type Angle = Real(final quantity = "Angle", final unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg");
478 | type Length = Real(final quantity = "Length", final unit = "m");
479 | type Volume = Real(final quantity = "Volume", final unit = "m3");
480 | type Time = Real(final quantity = "Time", final unit = "s");
481 | type Velocity = Real(final quantity = "Velocity", final unit = "m/s");
482 | type Acceleration = Real(final quantity = "Acceleration", final unit = "m/s2");
483 | type Frequency = Real(final quantity = "Frequency", final unit = "Hz");
484 | type Mass = Real(quantity = "Mass", final unit = "kg", min = 0);
485 | type Pressure = Real(final quantity = "Pressure", final unit = "Pa", displayUnit = "bar");
486 | type VolumeFlowRate = Real(final quantity = "VolumeFlowRate", final unit = "m3/s");
487 | type FaradayConstant = Real(final quantity = "FaradayConstant", final unit = "C/mol");
488 | end SIunits;
489 | annotation(version = "3.2.2", versionBuild = 3, versionDate = "2016-04-03", dateModified = "2016-04-03 08:44:41Z");
490 | end Modelica;
491 |
492 | model Smith_patSpec_total
493 | extends FMITest.Smith_patSpec;
494 | end Smith_patSpec_total;