2012-10-20T20:27:24+02:00 (12 years ago)
  • Removed some old classes.
  • Better connection support for array type connectors.
  • Don't call getClassNames every time for searching of Modelica classes.
1 edited


  • branches/OMEdit/OMEditGUI/ShapeAnnotation.h

    r13405 r13537  
    85 class ShapeAnnotation_OMC : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem, public GraphicItem, public FilledShape
     85class ShapeAnnotation : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem, public GraphicItem, public FilledShape
    8787  Q_OBJECT
    8888  Q_INTERFACES(QGraphicsItem)
    90   ShapeAnnotation_OMC(QGraphicsItem *pParent);
     90  ShapeAnnotation(QGraphicsItem *pParent);
    9191  QPainterPath addPathStroker(QPainterPath &path) const;
    9292  QRectF getBoundingRect() const;
    102 // Base class for all shapes annotations
    103 class ShapeAnnotation : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem
    104 {
    105   Q_OBJECT
    106   Q_INTERFACES(QGraphicsItem)
    107 private:
    108   QAction *mpShapePropertiesAction;
    109   QAction *mpTextPropertiesAction;
    110   QAction *mpShapePenStyleAction;
    111   QAction *mpShapeBrushStyleAction;
    113   QAction *mpNoArrowAction;
    114   QAction *mpHalfArrowAction;
    115   QAction *mpOpenArrowAction;
    116   QAction *mpFilledArrowAction;
    117   QAction *mpNoEndArrowAction;
    118   QAction *mpHalfEndArrowAction;
    119   QAction *mpOpenEndArrowAction;
    120   QAction *mpFilledEndArrowAction;
    122   QSettings mSettings;
    123 public:
    124   ShapeAnnotation(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
    125   ShapeAnnotation(GraphicsView *pGraphicsView, QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
    126   ~ShapeAnnotation();
    127   void initializeFields();
    128   void readSettings();
    129   void readPenStyleSettings();
    130   void readBrushStyleSettings();
    131   void createActions();
    132   void setSelectionBoxActive();
    133   void setSelectionBoxPassive();
    134   void setSelectionBoxHover();
    135   void changePenProperty();
    136   void changeBrushProperty();
    137   Transformation* getTransformation();
    138   void createResizerItems();
    139   void showResizerItems();
    140   void hideResizerItems();
    141   void setResizerItemsHover();
    142   void getResizerItemsPositions(qreal *x1, qreal *y1, qreal *x2, qreal *y2);
    143   void applyRotation(qreal angle);
    144   //void changeColour();
    145   virtual QString getShapeAnnotation();
    146   QRectF getBoundingRect() const;
    147   QPainterPath addPathStroker(QPainterPath &path) const;
    148   ShapeProperties *mpShapeProperties;
    149   GraphicsView *mpGraphicsView;
    150 signals:
    151   void updateShapeAnnotation();
    152 public slots:
    153   void deleteMe();
    154   void doSelect();
    155   void doUnSelect();
    156   void moveUp();
    157   void moveDown();
    158   void moveLeft();
    159   void moveRight();
    160   void rotateClockwise();
    161   void rotateAntiClockwise();
    162   void resetRotation();
    163   void flipHorizontal();
    164   void flipVertical();
    165   //void copyComponent();
    166   //void pasteComponent();
    167   QColor getLineColor();
    168   Qt::PenStyle getLinePattern();
    169   double getLineThickness();
    170   double getRectCornerRadius();
    171   bool getLineSmooth();
    172   QColor getFillColor();
    173   Qt::BrushStyle getFillPattern();
    174   void noArrowLine();
    175   void halfArrowLine();
    176   void openArrowLine();
    177   void filledArrowLine();
    178   void noEndArrowLine();
    179   void halfEndArrowLine();
    180   void openEndArrowLine();
    181   void filledEndArrowLine();
    183   void openShapeProperties();
    184   void openTextProperties();
    185   //void openPenStyleProperties();
    186   //void openBrushStyleProperties();
    187   void prepareResizeShape(ResizerItem *pResizerItem);
    188   void resizeShape(int index, QPointF newPosition);
    189   void finishResizeShape();
    190   void updateShapePosition();
    191 protected:
    192   bool mVisible;
    193   QPointF mOrigin;
    194   qreal mRotation;
    195   QColor mLineColor;
    196   QColor mFillColor;
    197   QMap<QString, Qt::PenStyle> mLinePatternsMap;
    198   Qt::PenStyle mLinePattern;
    199   QMap<QString, Qt::BrushStyle> mFillPatternsMap;
    200   Qt::BrushStyle mFillPattern;
    201   qreal mThickness;
    202   QMap<QString, Qt::BrushStyle> mBorderPatternsMap;
    203   Qt::BrushStyle mBorderPattern;
    204   QVector<QPointF> mPoints;
    205   QList<QPointF> mExtent;
    206   qreal mCornerRadius;
    207   bool mSmooth;
    208   enum ArrowType {None, Open, Filled, Half};
    209   QMap<QString, ArrowType> mArrowsMap;
    210   int mStartArrow;
    211   int mEndArrow;
    212   qreal mArrowSize;
    213   Transformation *mpTransformation;
    214   QGraphicsRectItem *mpResizerRectangle;
    215   ResizerItem *mpBottomLeftResizerItem;
    216   ResizerItem *mpTopLeftResizerItem;
    217   ResizerItem *mpTopRightResizerItem;
    218   ResizerItem *mpBottomRightResizerItem;
    219   ResizerItem *mpSelectedResizerItem;
    220   QPointF mTransformationStartPosition;
    221   QPointF mPivotPoint;
    222   qreal mXFactor;
    223   qreal mYFactor;
    225   QList<RectangleCornerItem*> mRectangleCornerItemsList;
    226   bool mIsCustomShape;
    227   bool mIsFinishedCreatingShape;
    228   bool mIsRectangleCorneItemClicked;
    229   bool mIsItemClicked;
    230   QPointF mClickPos;
    232   virtual void hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
    233   virtual void hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event);
    234   virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
    235   virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event);
    236   virtual QVariant itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value);
    237   virtual void contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event);
    238 };
    240 class ShapeProperties : public QDialog
    241 {
    242   Q_OBJECT
    243 private:
    244   // Heading controls
    245   Label *mpHeadingLabel;
    246   QFrame *mpHorizontalLine;
    247   // Pen style controls
    248   QGroupBox *mpPenStyleGroup;
    249   Label *mpPenColorLabel;
    250   Label *mpPenColorViewerLabel;
    251   QPushButton *mpPenColorPickButton;
    252   QColor mPenColor;
    253   Qt::PenStyle mPenPattern;
    254   double mPenThickness;
    255   double mRectCornerRadius;
    256   bool mPenSmooth;
    257   Label *mpSmoothLabel;
    258   QCheckBox *mpPenNoColorCheckBox;
    259   Label *mpPenPatternLabel;
    260   QComboBox *mpPenPatternsComboBox;
    261   Label *mpPenThicknessLabel;
    262   QDoubleSpinBox *mpPenThicknessSpinBox;
    263   Label *mpCornerRadiusLabel;
    264   QDoubleSpinBox *mpCornerRadiusSpinBox;
    265   QCheckBox *mpSmoothCheckBox;
    266   // Brush style controls
    267   QGroupBox *mpBrushStyleGroup;
    268   Label *mpBrushColorLabel;
    269   Label *mpBrushColorViewerLabel;
    270   QPushButton *mpBrushColorPickButton;
    271   QColor mBrushColor;
    272   Qt::BrushStyle mBrushPattern;
    273   QCheckBox *mpBrushNoColorCheckBox;
    274   Label *mpBrushPatternLabel;
    275   QComboBox *mpBrushPatternsComboBox;
    276   QPushButton *mpCancelButton;
    277   QPushButton *mpOkButton;
    278   QDialogButtonBox *mpButtonBox;
    279 signals:
    280   void colourChanged();
    281 public:
    282   ShapeProperties(ShapeAnnotation *pShape, MainWindow *pParent);
    283   void setShapeType();
    284   void setUpDialog();
    285   void setUpLineDialog();
    286   void setInitPenColor(QColor color);
    287   void setInitPenPattern(Qt::PenStyle pattern);
    288   void setInitPenThickness(double thickness);
    289   void setInitCornerRadius(double radius);
    290   void setInitPenSmooth(bool smooth);
    291   QColor getPenColor();
    292   void setPenPattern();
    293   QString getPenPatternString();
    294   Qt::PenStyle getPenPattern();
    295   void setPenThickness();
    296   double getPenThickness();
    297   void setCornerRadius();
    298   double getCornerRadius();
    299   void setPenSmooth();
    300   bool getPenSmooth();
    301   void setInitBrushColor(QColor color);
    302   void setInitBrushPattern(Qt::BrushStyle pattern);
    303   QColor getBrushColor();
    304   void setBrushPattern();
    305   QString getBrushPatternString();
    306   Qt::BrushStyle getBrushPattern();
    307   QVBoxLayout* createHorizontalLine();
    308   QVBoxLayout* createPenControls();
    309   QVBoxLayout* createBrushControls();
    311   MainWindow *mpMainWindow;
    312   ShapeAnnotation *mpShape;
    313   enum ShapeType {Line, Polygon, Rectangle, Ellipse, Text, Bitmap};
    314   int mShapeType;
    315 public slots:
    316   void pickPenColor();
    317   void penNoColorChecked(int state);
    318   void pickBrushColor();
    320   void brushNoColorChecked(int state);
    321   void applyChanges();
    323 };
    325102#endif // SHAPEANNOTATION_H
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.